Amp 164 Outdoor Piping, Tanks and Structures (Version 20Xx)

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Programme Description
This document provides guidance for developing a plant specific ageing management
programme (AMP) for managing the ageing of outdoor piping, tanks and steel structures in
PWR, BWR and CANDU/PHWR nuclear power plants. The programme includes an assessment
of the forms of degradation to which a component is susceptible and implementation of
inspection techniques capable of detecting those forms of degradation. It addresses auxiliary
condensate storage tank, demineralised water tank, diesel tank, raw water tank, condensate
filtered venting system tank and their associated piping and fire water, feed water, steam water
and instrumentation piping, different hook up piping [based on post Fukushima
recommendations] and pipe and cable bridge, ducting, transmission tower, stacks; which are few
examples of outdoor piping, tanks and structures. The programme relies on recommendations of
handbook on ageing management for nuclear power plants [1].

Support is a vital components of all these outdoor piping, tanks and structures. Finding of
support deficiencies during regularly scheduled inspections triggers an increase of the inspection
scope in order to ensure that the full extent of deficiencies is identified. Degradation that
potentially compromises support function or load capacity is identified for evaluation. The
programme includes acceptance criteria and corrective actions. Supports requiring corrective
actions are re-examined during the next inspection period.
The primary ISI method specified in this AMP is visual sample examination of these outdoor
piping, tanks and structures and their supports. The sample size of inspection varies depending
on the importance with respect to safety. This approach is consistent with the recommendations
in the different member states national codes and standards, as for example [2] as well as with
the regulatory in-service inspection guidance documents [3].

It is to be noted that, personnel performing the inspections of these outdoor piping, tanks and
structures and theirs supports are qualified and certified in accordance with the different member
states codes and standards, as for example [4].

Evaluation and Technical Basis

1. Scope of the ageing management programme based on understanding ageing:

This programme is applicable to all the outdoor piping, tanks and structures and theirs supports
of PWR, BWR and CANDU/PHWR nuclear power plants.
Portions of supports/bolts that are inaccessible by being encased in concrete, buried underground
or encapsulated by other structure are exempt from examination. In absence of any specific
guidance in plant licensing documents, IWF-1230 [5] can be used to identify exempted supports.
The scope of the programme includes piping, tanks, steel structure and their support members,
bolting, welding, constant and variable load spring hangers, guides, stops, and vibration isolation
elements. For bolts, recommendations emphasize proper selection of bolting material, lubricants,
and installation torque or tension to prevent or minimize loss of bolting preload and cracking of
high-strength bolting. Other ageing effects associated with bolting are managed through the use
of AMP 115.
The following degradation mechanisms are considered in this AMP, although not every
mechanism applies to each item in the scope of this AMP:
 wear
 fouling
 loss of preload
 general corrosion
 stress corrosion cracking
 FAC (Flow Accelerated Corrosion)

This programme does not manage corrosion control for closed treated water system. The ageing
effect due to corrosion in recirculating piping is addressed in AMP 117. Other ageing
management programmes that are relevant and integral to this programme include AMP 157,
AMP 135.

2. Preventive actions to minimize and control ageing degradation:

This programme includes preventive and mitigative actions for addressing degradation.
Preventive actions utilized by this programme vary with the material of the piping, tanks and
structures and the environment to which it is exposed. For example, the selection of bolting
materials/gaskets, installation torque or tension and the use of lubricants and sealants should be
such that to naturally prevent or mitigate degradation and failure of structural bolting [6].
Coatings/paintings are provided on piping, tanks, steel structures and their supporting members
to arrest corrosion based on environmental conditions. These coatings are in accordance with the
consensus standard recognized by the national authorities. Justification is needed when coatings
are not provided.

3. Detection of ageing effects:

The programme includes an assessment of the forms of degradation to which an outdoor piping,
tanks, steel structures and theirs supports component is susceptible and implementation of
inspection techniques capable of detecting those forms of degradation to ensure that the
integrity/functionality of these systems is maintained and the is no loss of the structures and
structural components intended functions. The examination methods, frequency, and scope of
examination specified ensure that ageing effects are detected before they compromise the design-
basis requirements.
Examinations are implemented consistent with pertinent governing requirements or guidance
documents for the plant. The sample size of examination/inspection may be determined based on
the member states regulations or codes and standards. In absence of any specific guidance in the
member states regulations or codes and standards or plant licensing documents, Table IWF-
2500-1 [2] is used to determine the sample size, extent, frequency, and examination methods.
Examination methods include volumetric (UT) examination methods for detecting flaws in
bolting, physical measurements for detecting changes in dimension, and different visual (VT-3,
VT-1) examinations for detection of general surface conditions. Wall thickness is determined by
a non-destructive examination technique such as ultrasonic testing (UT). Changes in material
properties may be monitored through destructive testing such as hardness test, tensile strength
For piping, inspection locations are selected based on risk, considering both susceptibility to
degradation and consequences of failure. Characteristics such as coating type, coating condition,
external environment, pipe contents, and pipe function, are considered.
For tanks, examinations may be conducted from the external surface of the tank using visual
techniques or from the internal surface of the tank using volumetric techniques. This area
includes at least some of both the top and bottom of the tank. UT measurements are distributed
uniformly over the surface of the tank. Double wall tanks may be examined by monitoring the
annular space for leakage. Outdoor tanks should have a dike or retention pond capable of
preventing runoff in the event of a tank overflow and should have provisions for sampling
collected liquids and routing them to the liquid radwaste treatment system [7].
For steel structure, when deciding on inservice inspection intervals and their scope, the
requirements concerning the use and reliability of a steel structure will be taken into account.In
the inservice inspection programme, the following will be presented; items subject to inspection
and the scopes of the inspections, inspection intervals, inspection instructions, applicable
regulations, guides and standards, inspecting personnel and its competence requirements,
preparation of the items of inspection for inspection, inspection reports [8]

The parameters monitored or inspected also include corrosion; deformation; misalignment of

supports; missing, detached, or loosened support items; improper clearances of guides and stops;
and improper hot or cold settings of spring supports and constant load supports. Accessible areas
of sliding surfaces are monitored for debris, dirt, or indications of excessive loss of material due
to wear that could prevent or restrict sliding as intended in the design basis of the support. Loss
of material is monitored by visual inspection of the exterior surface of the piping or tank and, in
some instances, by measuring the wall thickness of the piping or tank.
Structural bolts are monitored for corrosion and loss of integrity of bolted connections due to
self-loosening and material conditions that can affect structural integrity. High-strength structural
bolting (actual measured yield strength greater than or equal to 150 ksi or 1,034 MPa)
susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is monitored for SCC.
Elastomeric vibration isolation elements are monitored for cracking, loss of material, and
hardening through VT-3 examination method. The VT-3 visual examination of elastomeric
vibration isolation elements are supplemented by feel to detect hardening if the vibration
isolation function is suspect.
The VT-3 visual examination is also conducted for the safety class 1, 2, and 3 piping and MC
supports to reveal loss of material due to corrosion and wear, verification of clearances, settings,
physical displacements, loose or missing parts, debris or dirt in accessible areas of the sliding
surfaces, or loss of integrity at bolted connections.
If the VT-3 visual examinations detect surface flaws which exceed acceptance criteria,
supplementary surface VT-1 or volumetric UT examinations to determine the character of the
flaw are required.
Adverse indications observed during inspections are entered into the plant corrective action
programme. Examples of adverse indications resulting from inspections include leaks, material
thickness less than minimum, coated piping or tank with accompanying coating degradation, and
general or local degradation of coatings so as to expose the base material. Adverse indications
that fail to meet the acceptance criteria described acceptance criteria will result in the repair or
replacement of the affected component.

4. Monitoring and trending of ageing effects:

Timely and reliable detection of ageing degradations provided by implementation of inspection
and testing schedules, reliable examination methods and inspection personnel qualified
according to applicable standards, as for example [3].
All the components of piping, tanks and steel structures are examined periodically, as required
by the different member states codes and standards. In absence or to supplement the specific
requirements in the plant licensing documents, inspection schedule prescribed in Table IWF-
2400-2 of [2] are used. Sequence of component support examinations for piping, tanks and
structures established during the first inspection interval, is repeated during each successive
inspection interval, to the extent practically feasible.
Changes of conditions of all the inspected components from prior examination are recorded.
Component supports whose examinations do not reveal unacceptable degradations are accepted
for continued service. Component supports whose examinations reveal unacceptable conditions
and are accepted for continued service by corrective measures or repair/ replacement activity are
reexamined during the next inspection period. When the reexamined component support no
longer requires additional corrective measures during the next inspection period, the inspection
schedule may revert to its regularly scheduled inspection.
Performance indicators are defined to enhance the assessment and improve the implemented
programs. For example, statistical indicators such as comparisons between corrective and
preventive maintenance efforts, number of repetitive faults etc. can be used.

5. Mitigating ageing effects:

Inspections, testing and preventive maintenance are performed as per the approved procedure.
The results of these activities are evaluated to determine the need for mitigating actions. The
mitigating actions may include removal of surface indications, carrying out repairs or
overhauling components or part replacements, design or layout changes such as to improve the
geometry, stress levels, protective coatings, connector types etc.

6. Acceptance criteria:
Acceptance criteria include design standards, operating limits, procedural requirements, current
licensing basis, industry codes or standards. The programme provides specific examination
acceptance criteria for the inspection of the outdoor piping, tanks and structures and theirs
supports to ensure that the need for corrective actions will be identified before loss of their
intended functions. As a minimum, for visual examination the following conditions, as specified
in IWF-3400 [2] are unacceptable:
(a) Deformations or structural degradations of gaskets, fasteners, springs, clamps, or other
support items;
(b) Missing, detached, or loosened support items, including bolts and nuts;
(c) Arc strikes, weld spatter, paint, scoring, roughness, or general corrosion on close tolerance
machined or sliding surfaces;
(d) Improper hot or cold positions of spring supports and constant load supports;
(e) Misalignment of supports;
(f) Improper clearances of guides and stops.
Other unacceptable conditions include:
(a) Loss of material due to corrosion or wear;
(b) Debris, dirt, or excessive wear that could prevent or restrict sliding of the sliding surfaces as
intended in the design basis of the support;
(c) Cracked or sheared bolts, including high-strength bolts, and anchors;
(d) Loss of material, cracking, and hardening of elastomeric vibration isolation elements that
could reduce the vibration isolation function.
The above conditions may be accepted provided the technical basis for their acceptance is

7. Corrective actions:
Corrective actions (repair or replacement) are consistent with the pertinent governing
requirements or guidance documents for the plant.
Evaluations are performed for any inspection results that do not satisfy established criteria.
Corrective actions involving either repair, nondestructive evaluation, or testing are initiated in
accordance with the corrective action process if the evaluation results indicate there is a need for
a repair or replacement before the piping, tanks or structures returned to service. In addition, the
corrective actions include assessment for mitigating the root cause of the degradation.

8. Operating experience feedback and feedback of research and development results:

This AMP addresses the industry-wide generic experience. Relevant plant-specific operating
experience is considered in the development of the plant AMP to ensure the AMP is adequate for
the plant. The plant implements a feedback process to periodically evaluate plant and industry-
wide operating experience and research and development (R&D) results, and as necessary, either
modifies the plant AMP or takes additional actions (e.g. develop a new plant-specific AMP) to
ensure the continued effectiveness of the ageing management.
Appropriate sources of external operating experience are e.g. Owner’s Groups, WANO, IAEA
and NRC generic communications.
To date, IWF sampling inspections as per [2] have been effective in managing ageing effects for
outdoor piping, tanks and structures and theirs supports. There is reasonable assurance that the
Subsection IWF inspection programme will be effective in managing the ageing of the in-scope
component supports through the period of extended operation.
The programme includes provisions for continuing review of plant-specific and industry-wide
operating experience, and research and development results, such that impact on the programme
is evaluated and any necessary actions or modifications to the programme are performed.
At the time when this AMP was produced, no relevant R&D was identified.

9. Quality Management:
Site quality assurance procedures, review and approval processes, and administrative controls are
implemented in accordance with the different national regulatory requirements to reduce the
likelihood of failures due to degradation (e.g., 10 CFR 50, Appendix B [9].


[1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Handbook on Ageing Management

for Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA NE Series No. NP-T-3.24.

Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components of Light-Water Cooled Power
Plants, Division 1, Rules for Inspection and Testing of Components of Light-Water-Cooled
Plants, 2019.
Learned (GALL) Report, NUREG 1801, Rev. 2, USNRC, 2010.

[4] CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARD BOARD, Qualification and Certification of

Nondestructive Testing Personnel, Can/CGSB-48.9712, CAN/CGSB, Canada.


IWF requirements for class 1, 2, 3, and MC components supports of light water cooled
plants, article IWF-1000 and IWF-2000.
[6] ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Good Bolting Practices, A Reference
Manual for Nuclear Power Plant Maintenance Personnel, Volume 1: Large Bolt Manual;
Volume 2: Small Bolts and Threaded Fasteners, NP-5067, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA,1990.
[7] USNRC, REGULATORY GUIDE 1.143, Rev. 2, Design guidance for radioactive waste
management systems, structures, and components installed in light-water-cooled nuclear
power plants.
[8] The Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK), YVL 4.2
Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants, Office of the Federal
Register, National Archives and Records Administration, USNRC, Latest Edition.

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