1) The document introduces the slipline field theory, which can analyze plane plastic flow of rigid-perfectly plastic materials. Sliplines represent planes of maximum shear stress.
2) The theory makes basic assumptions like isotropic and homogeneous material behavior, rigid-perfectly plastic deformation, and plane strain conditions.
3) Key concepts are then presented, including the governing equations, stresses on an element bounded by sliplines, Hencky's equilibrium equations along sliplines, and Geiringer's velocity equations along sliplines.
1) The document introduces the slipline field theory, which can analyze plane plastic flow of rigid-perfectly plastic materials. Sliplines represent planes of maximum shear stress.
2) The theory makes basic assumptions like isotropic and homogeneous material behavior, rigid-perfectly plastic deformation, and plane strain conditions.
3) Key concepts are then presented, including the governing equations, stresses on an element bounded by sliplines, Hencky's equilibrium equations along sliplines, and Geiringer's velocity equations along sliplines.
1) The document introduces the slipline field theory, which can analyze plane plastic flow of rigid-perfectly plastic materials. Sliplines represent planes of maximum shear stress.
2) The theory makes basic assumptions like isotropic and homogeneous material behavior, rigid-perfectly plastic deformation, and plane strain conditions.
3) Key concepts are then presented, including the governing equations, stresses on an element bounded by sliplines, Hencky's equilibrium equations along sliplines, and Geiringer's velocity equations along sliplines.
1) The document introduces the slipline field theory, which can analyze plane plastic flow of rigid-perfectly plastic materials. Sliplines represent planes of maximum shear stress.
2) The theory makes basic assumptions like isotropic and homogeneous material behavior, rigid-perfectly plastic deformation, and plane strain conditions.
3) Key concepts are then presented, including the governing equations, stresses on an element bounded by sliplines, Hencky's equilibrium equations along sliplines, and Geiringer's velocity equations along sliplines.
Jayadeep U. B. Dept. of Mechanical Engg., NIT Calicut. Introduction Many problems in metal forming cannot be analyzed using a homogeneous deformation assumption or the slab method. A class of such problems, i.e., the ones which can be approximated to plane plastic flow of rigid perfectly plastic materials, can be analyzed using the methods of slipline field theory. Sliplines represent planes of maximum shear stress, and hence inclined at 45o with principal stress directions. Though more complicated in theory and application, this method is capable of (approximately) predicting the point-to-point variation of stresses within the deformation zone. Based on this stress variation, the workload requirements can be estimated. Modifications are possible to account for strain hardening. 2 ME6302 Metal Forming Basic Assumptions The material is isotropic and homogeneous. The material is rigid perfectly plastic. In other words, elastic strains and strain hardening are ignored, and hence valid for problems with large plastic deformation. Effects of temperature and strain rate are ignored. Body forces and inertia forces are ignored quasi-static deformation only is considered. Plane strain condition plastic flow is restricted to 2D. The shear stresses at the interfaces are constant usually frictionless ( = 0) or sticking friction ( = k).
3 ME6302 Metal Forming
A Simple Example A slipline field for frictionless plane strain indentation.
4 ME6302 Metal Forming
Governing Equations For a plane plastic flow of rigid perfectly plastic material in the x-y plane, the state of stress at any point is pure shear superposed with a hydrostatic stress: z = ( 1 + 2 ) 2 = ( x + y ) 2 = p Yielding is unaffected by hydrostatic stress. Maximum shear stress must be equal to the shear yield strength k: ( x y ) xy 2 + 4 2 = 4 k 2 ; k = Y 2 for Tresca criterion k = Y 3 for von Mises criterion. In the absence of body forces, we have the equilibrium equations for a quasi-static problem as: x xy xy y + =0 & + =0 x y x y 5 ME6302 Metal Forming Governing Equations contd. The incompressibility condition is expressed in terms of the components of velocity as: vx + v y = 0 x y Since the principal axes of stress and strain rate must coincide for plastic flow of isotropic, rigid perfectly plastic materials: 2xy 2 xy = x y x y Expressing the strain rates in terms of velocity gradients, we get: vx v y vx v y ( x y ) y + x = 2 xy x y
6 ME6302 Metal Forming
Governing Equations contd. Hence we have a set of five equations in five unknowns: three stress components and two velocity components. If the boundary conditions involve only the stress components, it is possible to solve for the three stress components using equilibrium equations and the yield criterion. Then the velocity components can be determined using the other two equations. Such problems are called statically determinate. In most of the practical problems, some boundary conditions are kinematical in nature. Such statically indeterminate problems require simultaneous solution of stress and velocity equations. 7 ME6302 Metal Forming Characteristics or the line line Sliplines p line Through each point, we may consider a pair of orthogonal lines along which the shear stress is p
maximum (k). line
These curves are called sliplines or p shear lines. We distinguish and lines, such p that the algebraically largest principal stress bisects the first quadrant of - coordinate system. These lines can be shown to be the characteristics of hyperbolic equations for stress as well as velocity. 8 ME6302 Metal Forming Stresses on an Element Stresses on an element bounded by sliplines Pole of Mohrs circle, ( y , xy )
9 ME6302 Metal Forming Henckys Equilibrium Equations From the Mohrs circle, we have: x = p k sin 2 ; y = p + k sin 2 ; xy = k cos 2 Substituting in the equilibrium equations: p + 2k cos 2 + sin 2 =0 x x y p + 2k sin 2 cos 2 =0 y x y These equations are hyperbolic differential equations , and the sliplines are their characteristics. Hence, the spatial derivatives of stress can be discontinuous across the sliplines.
10 ME6302 Metal Forming
Henckys Equilibrium Equations contd. Let x and y axes be tangential to and lines at the considered point (origin): p p + 2k = 0; 2k =0 x x y y Thus the tangential derivative of p + 2k vanishes along an line and that of p 2k vanishes along a line. This result is independent of the actual orientation of sliplines. Hence we have: p + 2k = constant along an line p 2k = constant along a line These are called Henckys equations, which are the equilibrium equations expressed along the sliplines. Henckys equations give the variation in hydrostatic pressure along the sliplines with change in their orientation. 11 ME6302 Metal Forming Geiringers Velocity Equations By taking the velocities along and lines as u and v, the rectangular components can be expressed in terms of u and v: vx = u cos v sin ; v y = u sin + v cos When we take x and y axes tangential to the sliplines: x = y = p vx v y = =0 xy = k x =0 y =0 Substituting for the rectangular components into the above derivatives, and then setting = 0 , we get: u v v = 0; +u =0 x x y y Since the above equations are along the tangents to sliplines, we get Geiringers equations: du v d = 0 along an line dv + u d = 0 along a line 12 ME6302 Metal Forming Some Remarks on Slipline Fields Hydrostatic pressure and tangential velocity remain constant along a straight slip line (no change in orientation). When both families of sliplines are straight, the stress is uniform in that region, but the velocity is not necessarily uniform. Since the material is incompressible, normal components of velocity must be continuous across any curve, but the tangential components may be discontinuous. A line of discontinuity must be regarded as the limit of a narrow region in which rate of shearing is very large. Hence, the line of discontinuity coincides with a slipline with maximum shear stress. The jump in tangential velocity must be constant along a slipline. 13 ME6302 Metal Forming References Chakrabarty, J., Theory of plasticity, Butterworth- Heinemann. Hosford, W.F. and Caddell, R.M., Metal Forming, Cambridge University Press. Dieter, G.E., Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw Hill. Hoffman, O. and Sachs, G., Introduction to the Theory of Plasticity for Engineers, McGraw-Hill Book Company. Hill, R., The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, Oxford University Press. Johnson,W. and Mellor, P.B., Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers, van Nostrand Company Ltd.
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