Faml220 Document Mychoicediagram

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The passage discusses a model called the My Choice Diagram which outlines how betraying one's senses can lead one to see themselves and others negatively and feel worse over time.

The My Choice Diagram shows how choosing to honor or betray one's senses impacts how one sees themselves and others - honoring one's senses leads to seeing others as people while betraying one's senses leads to seeing others as objects.

Betraying one's senses, like not exercising or eating healthy as desired, can lead one to feel like a failure and judge themselves negatively as well as feel that others are judging them negatively.

From Peace to War: My Choice Diagram 1

From Peace to War: My Choice Diagram

Makayla Stucki
Sis. Carolyn Andrews
FAML 220: Parenting
July 1, 2020
From Peace to War: My Choice Diagram 2

My Choice Diagram

I want to give my sister a compliment. PERSON
I see her as a person. Heart at

Choice Honor

How I See Myself How I see the Others
I feel guilty, selfish, and angry with I see others as objects that I have to fulfill
tasks for (compliment them). They are Heart at war
myself for not giving the compliment. I
start to see myself as an object because something that takes up my time and energy.
my self-worth is weakened.

My Feelings My View of the World

My symptoms, I’d say, fit into the Typically, I don’t see the world in a
Worse- than category. I feel worse than I positive prospective after I feel this way.
did before and I feel like a worse person I feel as though I am a disappointment
than everyone else. I don’t give the and I am wasting my life if I can’t be
compliment because I am often afraid, so Christlike.
that makes me feel worse-than. I can see
myself using need-to-be-seen- as
justifications at times. For example if a
few people had already complemented
the person for the same thing that I was
going to, I wouldn’t compliment them
because I don’t want to be seen as
someone that does something only
because I was reminded by the group of
people or because I felt like I had to
From Peace to War: My Choice Diagram 3

How Do I End UP Seeing Others?

Using the example of eating healthy and exercising, if I betrayed my senses to do these

things, I would feel like others were better than me or even judging me. I wasn’t being working

out, so now I am judging my body image to others and am feeling like I am fat an ugly. I wasn’t

eating healthy, so now people think I eat unhealthily all of the time and have no self-control.

How Do I End Up Seeing Myself?

If I have a sense of doing something for myself and I don’t do it, I feel bad. For example,

if I was trying to eat healthy, but I decided to eat a cookie and a brownie, then I would feel bad

about myself. I would see myself as unhealthy, gross, without self-discipline, pathetic and

ultimately a failure.

What Kinds of Feelings Do I Have?

The feelings I would have relate closely to the previous section. I would feel like a

failure. I have tried changing my habits of eating and exercising, but they don’t ever last.

Physically, I would feel gross and less energized. Mentally, I would feel defeat, disappointment,

annoyance, and overall negative.

Do I feel Justified at the End of the Story?

No, I would not feel justified. I probably wouldn’t do anything at the time to change my

decision, but I would not consider it justified. I would feel that I could do much better, but I just

wasn’t taking the effort/ initiative to do so.

Does This Seem Like a Self-Betrayal?

From Peace to War: My Choice Diagram 4

I would say that it was like a self-betrayal. I didn’t do all that I could for myself because I

just didn’t want to or I was too lazy. I did nothing that would be of any benefit in the long run.

My sense was to work out and eat healthy, but I didn’t do what I thought was right for myself.

How can understanding the My Choice Diagram and Self-Betrayal relate back to parenting

and/or working with children?

While working with children, parents and caregivers do what they think to be right in the

moment, or they do the opposite because of reaction to a situation. If they did something that

they felt was right at the time and then see that it was wrong after the fact, parents/caregivers

would probably have some self-betrayal. Understanding the My Choice Diagram and Self-

Betrayal would help parents to see children as people rather than objects and reduce the amount

of justification for actions.

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