Herman Darnel Ibrahim CIGRE
Herman Darnel Ibrahim CIGRE
Herman Darnel Ibrahim CIGRE
in Implementing Digitalization
in the Era of Industry 4.0
Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques
International Council On Large Electric Systems
▪ Founded in Paris in 1921 as a worldwide non-profit
▪ CIGRE addresses issues related to the development,
operation and management of electric power systems
as well as design, construction, maintenance and
disposal of equipment and plants.
▪ 59 National Committees, over 14000 members in more
than 90 countries
▪ Facilitate and develop the exchange of power system-
related engineering knowledge and information.
▪ Add value by sharing ideas and information,
synthesizing state-of-the-art and world practice
▪ Produce and deliver unbiased high-quality
technical information in support of society’s need.
09/10/2019 by HDI MKI HLN 2
What Is The Industry 4.0 Definition
and Reference?
▪ The term industry 4.0 refers to a further developmental stage
in the organization and management of the entire value chain
process involved in manufacturing industry. Another term for
this process is the ’fourth industrial revolution’ : On the basis
of cyber-physical production systems [CPPS], merging of real
and virtual worlds. [Deloitte: www2.deloitte.com]
▪ The term "Industry 4.0", shortened to I4.0 or simply I4,
originated in 2011 from a project in the high-tech strategy of
the German government, which promotes the
computerization of manufacturing. The term "Industry 4.0"
was publicly introduced in the same year at the Hannover
Fair. In October 2012 the Working Group on Industry 4.0
presented a set of Industry 4.0 implementation
recommendations to the German federal government.
What Is Industry 4.0 Term
In Power System?
▪ Application of Industry 4.0 is initially recommended for
manufacturing industry. The question is producing electricity
a manufacturing industry? Not really.
▪ But, using the terminology defined by German Working
Group on Industry 4.0, the implementation of industry 4.0 in
power system can be defined as computerization of the
process of electricity supply from upstream to downstream.
▪ And observing the recent development, and be more specific:
Industry 4.0 in power system refer to digitalization of
electricity production and consumption process.
How Digitalization Will Affect the
Power System?
▪ In my view the digitalization in power system will not make
significant change on how the electricity is produced,
transmitted, distributed and consumed.
▪ Digitalization will make changes and improvements in the
quality and efficiency of the production, transmission,
distribution and consumption of electricity.
The Opportunity of Application of
Digitalization in Power System
▪ System Planning can be improved by a kind of Smart System
Planning. This will result in a more accurate and high quality
of decision in power system expansion program .
▪ Computerization and Internet of Every Thing in EPC
[Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management].
A kind of Artificial Intelligent is being created to function like
“Smart Consultant”
▪ Digitalization in Power Generation will create efficiency
through asset management, logistic management and the
efficient operation of the power plants.
▪ Implementation of Smart Grid, will improve reliability and
quality of electricity supply and will result in more efficient
and economical electricity production and consumption.
The Challenges of Power Utility
in Implementing Digitalization
▪ Digitalization in Power System is pioneered by developed nations
in their power industries and power equipment products. The
utility in developing country should conduct a feasibility study
before its implementation.
▪ The implementation of digitalization will not be similar and
neither be common solution to all utilities. Its implementation in
a utility will require customization.
▪ Implementation of digitalization in Power System will deal with
large volume of data. Data accuracy and management will be key
factor for successful implementation of digitalization.
▪ Smart solutions can only be well designed and implemented by
smart people and smart organization. Utility should ensure they
have both before implementing digitalization.
To Close
Born in 1954. He is a Member of House of Regional Representative [Senator] and was Board
Member of DEN, the National Energy Council of Indonesia 2009-2014 and Former Director of
PLN the State Electricity Corporation [2003-2008]. Beside he serves as Freelance Consultant,
Chair of ICEES [Indonesian Counterpart for Energy and Environmental Solutions], a GLG
Group Council Member, a Lecturer at Faculty of Engineering of University Indonesia, and
Advisor in energy companies.
He also serves as Member of Board of Supervisors of Indonesian Renewable Energy Society [IRES], Vice Chair of
Expert Board of Indonesian Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Society [MASKEEI], Member of Expert Board
of Indonesian Power Society [MKI], Advisory Board Member of Indonesia Geothermal Association [INAGA], and
Indonesia Ocean Energy Association [INOCEAN]. He is also active in International Organization, as Chairman of
Indonesian National Committee of CIGRE [International Council of Large Electric Systems] since 2006, and as
Vice President IGA, International Geothermal Association [2013-2016].
Herman got his First Degree in Electrical Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology [ITB]; M.Sc.
Degree in Electrical Power System Analysis from the University of Manchester, UK; and Doctor Degree in
Technical Science from ITB Bandung with research topic the Energy Policy for Power System Development.
For 30 years until 2008, he worked with PLN, the State Electricity Corporation of Indonesia. He achieved senior
management position at the company as Director Transmission and Distribution [2003-2008], Director of PT.
Indonesia Power, a subsidiary of PLN [1998-2003].
He wrote several papers, public media articles and a book titled Energi Selamatkan Negeri [Energy to Safe the
Country]. In the past decade he contributed as the Speaker and Panelist at several national and international energy