Drugs For Hypertension MIMS
Drugs For Hypertension MIMS
Drugs For Hypertension MIMS
Capomed Management of HTN Adult HTN Initial: 12.5 mg bid at bedtime, Should be taken Nausea, headache, dizziness; taste Hypersensitivity to ACE inhibitor.
Heart failure, following MI increasing gradually at intervals of 2-4 wk on an empty disturbances, scalded mouth syndrome; skin Aortic stenosis or outflow tract
Diabetic nephropathy according to response. If given w/ stomach: reactions (eg, Bullous pemphigoid, obstruction & renovascular disease.
diuretic or to elderly patient 6.25 mg Take 1-2 hr after hyperhidrosis, cutaneous hypersensitivity Pregnancy (especially during 2nd &
bid. Maintenance: 25-50 mg bid. Max: 50 meals. vasculitis), cough, pneumonitis & cholestatic 3rd trimester) & lactation.
mg tid. Heart failure Initial: 6.25 mg or jaundice.
12.5 mg tid under medical supervision.
Maintenance: 25 mg bid-tid. Max: 50 mg
tid. Following MI Initial (3 days after MI):
6.25 mg once daily, increased over
several wk to 150 mg daily in divided
doses if tolerated. Diabetic
nephropathyType 1 diabetics 75-100 mg
daily in divided doses. Patients w/ severe
renal impairment (CrCl <30
mL/min) Initial: 12.5 mg bid.
Ritemed Management of HTN HTN Initially 25 mg bid or tid. May be Should be taken CV, nervous system, GI, hematologic, History of angioedema associated Proteinuria, dual blockade of
(P10/25mg tab) Heart failure, following MI increased to 100 mg bid or tid up to 150 on an empty musculoskeletal, metabolic/nutritional, resp, w/ previous ACE inhibitor therapy the renin-angiotensin-
Diabetic nephropathy mg bid or tid. Max daily dose: 450 mg in stomach: Take 1 hepatic, skin & appendages, Hereditary/idiopathic angioneurotic aldosterone system,
divided doses. Patients w/ severe HTN, hr before meals urogenital/reproductive & special senses edema hyperkalemia, DM. Heart
when temporary discontinuation of adverse effects. Angioedema, malaise, fatigue, Pregnancy & lactation. failure & excessive BP
current antihypertensive therapy is not asthenia, fever. lowering in patients w/
practical or desirable, or when prompt ischemic CV or
titration to more normotensive BP cerebrovascular disease.
levels is indicated Initially 25 mg bid or Left ventricular valvular &
tid. Heart failure Initially 25 mg tid. Max outflow tract obstruction,
daily dose: 450 mg in divided cardiogenic shock &
doses. Patients w/ normal or low BP, hemodynamically significant
vigorously treated w/ diuretics & may obstruction, aortic stenosis.
be hyponatremic &/or Discontinue use when
hypovolemic Initially 6.25 or 12.5 mg jaundice or marked
tid. Left ventricular dysfunction after elevations of hepatic
MIInitially 12.5 mg tid after a single dose enzymes develop.
of 6.25 mg, increased to 25 mg tid. Persistent nonproductive
Maintenance dose: 50 mg tid. Diabetic cough, aggravate
nephropathy 75-100 mg/day in divided hypotension caused during
doses. Patients w/ severe renal procedures. May impair
impairment 12.5 mg bid. Elderly w/ ability to drive or operate
reduced renal function & other organ machinery.
dysfunctions Initially 6.25 mg bid.
Hartylox HTN Initially 12.5 mg bid, increase gradually at intervals of 2-4 wk. Should be taken Rash, pruritus, flushing, angioedema, loss of Impaired renal function,
P8.43/25mg tab Maintenance: 25-50 mg bid. Max: 50 mg tid. on an empty taste perception, stomatitis, GI irritation & collagen vascular
P13.50/50mg tab Heart failure Initially 6.25-12.5 mg tid & gradually increase up to 50 mg stomach: Take 1 abdominal pain; leukopenia, cough. disorders eg SLE or
bid. hr before or 2 hr Hyperkalemia, CV effects. Hematologic scleroderma. Monitor
MIMay initiate as early as 3 days following MI. Initially 6.25 mg, may be after meals reactions eg anemia, thrombocytopenia, regularly for proteinuria.
increased to 37.5-75 mg daily in divided doses. Max: 150 mg/day. pancytopenia & neutropenia. Regular WBC counts.
Diabetic nephropathy 75-100 mg/day. Pregnancy.
Ramipro HTN Initially 1.25 mg once daily, maintenance dose: 2.5-10 May be taken Hypotension, dizziness, fatigue, headache, GI Aortic stenosis or outflow tract Peripheral vascular disease
P26/10mg tab mg. CHFInitially 1.25 mg once daily. Max: 10 mg/day, take ≥2.5 mg in with or without & taste disturbances, persistent dry cough & obstruction. or generalized
1-2 divided doses. food. other resp tract symptoms, skin rashes, Pregnancy. atherosclerosis, history of
P15/2.5mg tab MI 2.5 mg bid. After 2 days, increase to 5 mg bid. Maintenance dose: angioedema, hypersensitivity reactions, renal idiopathic or hereditary
2.5-5 mg bid. impairment, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia & angioedema, renal
P17.50/5mg tab Prophylaxis of CV events Initially 2.5 mg once daily. If tolerated, blood disorders. Chest pain, palpitations, impairment. Elderly.
increase to 5 mg once daily after 1 wk. Maintenance dose: 10 mg once tachycardia, stomatitis, abdominal pain,
daily. pancreatitis, hepatocellular injury or cholestatic
jaundice, alopecia, muscle cramps,
paresthesia, mood & sleep disturbances,
Pharex Treatment of HTN & heart Initially 5 mg daily preferably given May be taken Hypotension, dizziness, fatigue, headache, Aortic stenosis or outflow tract Assess renal function;
Pharex Enalapril failure. at bedtime. Patient w/ renal with or without nausea & other GI disturbances. Pronounced obstruction. regular WBC counts in
Maleate tab 10 Prophylaxis in asymptomatic left impairment or those receiving food. hypotension. MI & stroke. Tachycardia, Renovascular disease. patient w/ collagen
mg ventricular dysfunction to delay diuretic 20 mg daily, if possible the palpitations, chest pain. Renal effects. Severe resistant HTN. vascular disease eg SLE
[ 100's the onset of symptomatic heart diuretic should be w/drawn 2 or 3 Proteinuria. Hyperkalemia & hyponatremia. Dry Peripheral vascular disease or & scleroderma.
failure & to reduce the incidence days prior to enalapril cough & other upper resp tract symptoms & generalized atherosclerosis Patient receiving
(P10/tab) ] of coronary ischemic effect therapy. Elderly Initially 2.5 mg. angioedema. Skin rashes, photosensitivity, immunosuppressive
Pharex Enalapril including MI. Maintenance: 10-20 mg once daily alopecia & other hypersensitivity reactions. therapy; those prone to
Maleate tab 20 up to 40 mg daily in HTN which Neutropenia, agranulocytosis, salt or water depletion.
mg may be given in divided doses if thrombocytopenia & anemias Pregnancy
[ 100's control is inadequate w/ single
dose. Management of heart
(P13/tab) ] failureInitially 2.5 mg daily.
Pharex Enalapril Maintenance: 20 mg daily as a
Maleate tab 5 mg single dose or in 2 divided doses.
[ 100's Treatment should be initiated w/
(P800/box) ] low dose.
Losartan Adult : PO May be taken Upper resp infection, nasal congestion, Concomitant use w/ aliskiren in Volume-depleted patients
HTN 50 mg once daily, may increase to 100 mg/day as single dose or with or without sinusitis, headache, dizziness, back pain, leg patients w/ diabetes and renal including patients on
in 2 divided doses if needed. food. pain, muscle cramps, asthenia or fatigue, impairment (GFR <60 mL/min). high-dose diuretics.
neutropenia, chest pain, cough, bronchitis, UTI, Severe hepatic impairment. Patients w/ bilateral renal
Patients w/ intravascular volume depletion: Initial: 25 mg once daily. diarrhoea, gastritis, anaemia, hypoglycaemia, Pregnancy artery stenosis, aortic or
diabetic vascular disease, cataracts, cellulitis, mitral stenosis.
Heart failure Initial: 12.5 mg once daily, may be doubled at wkly hyperkalaemia, myalgia, arthralgia, Renal and mild to
intervals. Maintenance: 50 mg once daily. Max: 150 mg once daily. hypotension, muscular weakness, moderate hepatic
hypoaesthesia, infection, knee pain. Rarely, impairment.
Diabetic nephropathy in Type 2 DM Initial: 50 mg once daily, may pruritus, rash, urticaria, angioedema, elevated Lactation
increase to 100 mg once daily depending on BP response liver enzyme values, rhabdomyolysis
Ritemed Monotherapy or in HTN Adult Initial & maintenance dose: May be taken CV, endocrine, GI, hematologic, liver/biliary; Pregnancy Correct intravascular vol-
combination w/ other 50 mg once daily, may be increased to with or without metabolic, musculoskeletal, nervous depletion eg, those treated
antihypertensive agents for 100 mg once daily. food. system/psychiatric, resp, skin, special senses & w/ high-dose diuretics prior
the treatment of HTN Patients w/ intravascular vol- urogenital adverse effects. Asthenia, chest to therapy.
depletion eg, those treated w/ high- pain, edema, facial edema, fatigue, fever, Monitor serum K levels in
dose diuretics, history of liver infection, flu-like disease, orthostatic effects, diabetic patients w/
disease & moderate to severe renal syncope, trauma nephropathy.
disease 25 mg once daily. Total daily Electrolyte/fluid imbalance.
dose: 25-100 mg once or bid. Reversible changes in renal
Hypertensive patients w/ left function, severe CHF, uni-
ventricular hypertrophy Initially 50 mg or bilateral renal artery
once daily, add hydrochlorothiazide stenosis; history of liver
(HCTZ) 12.5 mg daily &/or increased impairment. Concurrent use
Prevention of CV morbidity & disturbance; vertigo; bradycardia, tachycardia; intolerance. Pregnancy (2nd & 3rd aldosterone system, severe
mortality80 mg once daily. hypotension, orthostatic hypotension; dyspnea; trimesters) & lactation. CHF or underlying disease
abdominal pain, diarrhea, dry mouth, (including renal artery
dyspepsia, flatulence, stomach discomfort, stenosis), primary
vomiting; abnormal hepatic function/liver aldosteronism, aortic &
disorder; angioedema, eczema, erythema, mitral valve stenosis,
pruritus, hyperhidrosis, urticaria, drug & toxic obstructive hypertrophic
skin eruption, rash; arthralgia, back pain, cardiomyopathy.
muscle spasms or pain in extremity, myalgia, Hyperkalemia; periodic
tendon pain (tendonitis-like symptoms); renal monitoring of serum K &
impairment including acute renal failure; chest creatinine levels in patients
pain, influenza-like illness, asthenia; decreased w/ renal impairment. Biliary
Hb, increased hepatic enzymes, blood uric obstructive disorders or
acid, creatinine & creatine phosphokinase. hepatic insufficiency; DM &
coexistent CAD, ischemic
cardiomyopathy or CV
disease. May affect ability to
drive or operate machinery.
Pregnancy (1st trimester).
Childn <18 yr.
Olmesartan Oral sprue-like enteropathy (Symptoms: Severe, Biliary obstruction. Pregnancy. Patients w/ aortic or mitral
Hypertension chronic diarrhoea w/ substantial wt loss). valve stenosis, renal artery
Adult: Initial: 10-20 mg once daily may then be increased up to max 40 mg Dizziness, headache, abdominal pain, Drug interactions: Increased risk of stenosis; at risk for
once daily if needed. dyspepsia, diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, nausea, hyperkalaemia w/ ACE inhibitors, K- hypotension (e.g. patients
bronchitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, arthritis, back sparing diuretics, K salts or K w/ volume or salt depletion);
pain, skeletal pain, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, supplements and drugs that may history of angioedema; at
angioedema, peripheral oedema, haematuria, increase serum K (e.g. ciclosporin, risk for hyperkalaemia (e.g.
UTI, hyperkalaemia, hypertriglyceridemia, eplerenone). May potentiate BP patients w/ DM). Severe
hyperuricaemia, hyperglycaemia, elevated liver lowering effects w/ other renal and hepatic
enzymes. antihypertensives. May decrease impairment. Lactation.
glomerular filtration w/ NSAIDs which
Overdosage: Symptoms: Hypotension and can cause acute renal failure. May
tachycardia. Management: Symptomatic and increase serum concentrations and
supportive treatment. toxicity of lithium.
Ritemed HTN Adult 10 mg once daily. May be increased Dizziness, bronchitis, cough, pharyngitis, Hypersensitivity. Biliary obstruction. Vol- or salt-depleted
RiteMED to 20 mg once daily as optimal dose. May rhinitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, Pregnancy. patients. Increased risk of
Olmesartan FC be increased to a max of 40 mg daily (or gastroenteritis, nausea, arthritis, back pain, severe hypotension & renal
tab 20 mg hydrochlorothiazide therapy may be skeletal pain, hematuria, UTI, chest pain, insufficiency. Patients w/
[ 30's (P35/film- added) if requiring further BP reduction. fatigue, flu-like symptoms, peripheral edema, severe CHF or underlying
coated tab) ] pain; thrombocytopenia, hyperkalemia, renal disease including renal
headache, pruritus, exanthema, rash, allergic artery stenosis, diabetes;
reactions, muscle cramp, myalgia, asthenic suffering from aortic, mitral
conditions, abnormal renal functions & valve stenosis or obstructive
increased hepatic enzymes. hypertropic cardiomyopathy,
primary aldosteronism,
ischemic heart or
cerebrovascular disease.
Concomitant use w/ lithium
& K supplements. Monitor
serum K & creatinine levels
periodically. Renal & hepatic
impairment. Pregnancy &
lactation. Childn. Elderly.
Creasrt HTN Adult 10 mg once daily. May be increased Dizziness; bronchitis, cough, pharyngitis, Hypersensitivity. Biliary obstruction. Vol &/or Na depletion,
Content: to 20 mg once daily as optimal dose. May rhinitis; abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, Pregnancy. severe CHF or underlying
Olmesartan be increased to a max of 40 mg daily (or gastroenteritis, nausea; arthritis, back pain, renal disease (including
medoxomil hydrochlorothiazide therapy may be skeletal pain; hematuria, UTI; chest pain, Drug Interactions: renal artery stenosis),
added) if requiring further BP reduction. fatigue, influenza-like symptoms, peripheral K supplements, K-sparing diuretics, severe renal & hepatic
Cresart film- edema, pain; increased creatine salt substitutes containing K, drugs impairment, recent kidney
coated tab 20 mg phosphokinase, hypertriglyceridemia, that may increase serum K levels (eg, transplantation, end-stage
[ 30's hyperuricemia; liver enzyme elevations. heparin); other antihypertensive drugs, renal disease, aortic or
(P750/box) ] NSAIDs, AIIA, lithium. mitral valve stenosis,
obstructive hypertrophic
Cresart film- cardiomyopathy, primary
coated tab 40 mg aldosteronism. Increased
[ 30's risk of hyperkalemia &
(P1,200/box) ] renovascular HTN.
Concomitant use of lithium.
Irbesartan Oral Diarrhoea, fatigue, dyspepsia or heartburn, Concomitant use w/ aliskiren in Patients w/ unilateral or
Hypertension dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, nausea, patients w/ diabetes and renal bilateral renal artery
Adult: 150 mg once daily, may increase to 300 mg once daily if needed. vomiting, musculoskeletal pain, impairment (GFR <60 mL/min). stenosis, depletion of
Patient w/ intravascular volume depletion: Initially, 75 mg once daily. thrombocytopaenia, hyperkalaemia, elevated Pregnancy intravascular volume, aortic
Elderly: >75 yr Initially, 75 mg once daily. serum creatinine or mitral stenosis, or
obstructive hypertrophic
Oral Overdosage Symptoms: Hypotension, cardiomyopathy. Renal
Diabetic nephropathy in Type 2 diabetes mellitus tachycardia, bradycardia. Management: impairment. Lactation
Adult: Initially, 150 mg once daily, may increase to 300 mg once daily if Symptomatic and supportive treatment.
needed. Induction of emesis and/or gastric lavage.
Activated charcoal may also be helpful
Irvex Management of HTN HTN Adult 150 mg once daily, may be Dizziness & headache; orthostatic hypotension; Hypersensitivity. Pregnancy Lactation. Elderly
Irvex tab 150 mg including treatment of renal increased to 300 mg once daily. GI disturbances, fatigue, muscle & joint pains,
[ 100's (P18/tab) disease in hypertensive Childn 6-12 yr 75 mg once daily, may congestion, hyperkalemia, back pain, vertigo,
diabetic patients be increased to 150 mg once daily. migraine, cough, acute pancreatitis & increase
Irvex tab 300 mg Renal disease in hypertensive type II in liver enzymes. Hypersensitivity reactions eg
[ 100's diabetics Initially 150 mg once daily. rash, urticaria, pruritus & angioedema
(P2,800/box) Maintenance: 300 mg once daily
Virbez HTN Initially 150 mg once daily, increased if necessary to 300 mg once Dizziness, dose-related orthostatic Tab: Hypersensitivity. FC tab: Patients Tab: Patients whose renal
Virbez FC tab daily. hypotension; impaired renal function; w/ renal artery stenosis, abnormally function may depen on the
300 mg hyperkalemia, myalgia low pressure, serious muscle damage activivty of RAAS (eg,
[ 30's (P26/film- Renal disease in hypertensive type II DM patients Initially 150 mg leading to kidney failure, giant hives, patients w/ severe CHF).
once daily decreased blood vol, hyperkalemia, Potential risk of oliguria &
coated tab) ] muscle pain & tenderness w/ progressive azotemia &
Virbez tab 150 increased creatine kinase. Pregnancy (rarely) acute renal failure.
mg Pregnancy & lactation. FC
[ 30's (P18/tab) tab: Patients w/ vol-
depletion & those receiving
high-dose diuretic therapy.
Monitor serum K conc
especially in elderly. Avoid
concomitant use w/ K-
sparing diuretics. Renal &
hepatic impairment.
Valsartan Oral Dizziness, hypotension, hyperkalaemia, Concomitant use w/ aliskiren in Patients w/ renal artery
Hypertension neutropenia, viral infection, back pain, patients w/ diabetes and renal stenosis, heart failure, aortic
Adult: Initially, 80 mg once daily, may be increased to 160 mg arthralgia, fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, impairment (GFR <60 mL/min). or mitral stenosis, severe Na
once daily if needed. Max: 320 mg once daily. cough, blurred vision. Increase in BUN and Severe hepatic impairment. and/or volume depletion.
serum creatinine. Pregnancy. Renal and mild to moderate
hepatic impairment.
Oral Lactation.
Post-myocardial infarction
Adult: Start as early as 12 hr after MI in stable patients at an
initial dose of 20 mg bid, doubled at intervals over a few wk up to
160 mg bid if tolerated.
Elderly: No dosage adjustment needed.
Heart failure
Adult: Initially, 40 mg bid, may be increased to 160 mg bid if
Elderly: No dosage adjustment needed.
Valazyd HTN Initially 80 mg once daily, may be increased to 160 mg Headache, dizziness, flu symptoms, tiredness, Hypersensitivity. Severe hepatic Monitor for hypotension.
Valazyd film-coated tab once daily. Max: 320 mg once daily. abdominal pain, low BP, diarrhea, joint & back impairment, biliary cirrhosis & Patients w/ renal or hepatic
160 mg Heart failure Initially 40 mg bid, may be increased to 160 mg pain, high blood K levels, cough, decreased cholestasis. Pregnancy (2nd & 3rd impairment. Childn w/ CrCl
[ 100's (P36/film-coated bid. kidney function & rash trimester) <30 mL/min & those
tab) ] Post-MI patient Start as early as 12 hr after the infarction in undergoing dialysis.
Valazyd film-coated tab clinically stable patient w/ an initial dose of 20 mg bid. Dose may Lactation
40 mg be doubled at intervals over the next few wk up to 160 mg bid if
[ 100's (P14/film-coated tolerated.
tab) ]
Valazyd film-coated tab
80 mg
[ 100's (P24/film-coated
tab) ]
Amlodipine Oral Somnolence, dizziness, headache, ankle Severe hypotension, shock (including Severe hypotension, shock
Prinzmetal's angina, Stable angina swelling, oedema, flushing, fatigue, cardiogenic shock), obstruction of the (including cardiogenic
Adult: Initially, 5 mg once daily increased to 10 mg once daily if palpitations, abdominal pain, nausea. Rarely, outflow tract of the left ventricle (e.g. shock), obstruction of the
necessary. confusion, rash, gingival hyperplasia, muscle aortic stenosis), haemodynamically outflow tract of the left
Elderly: Initially, 2.5 mg once daily. cramps, dyspnoea unstable heart failure after acute MI ventricle (e.g. aortic
Oral Overdosage: Drug Interactions: Plasma haemodynamically unstable
Hypertension Symptoms: Excessive peripheral vasodilation concentrations may be elevated w/ heart failure after acute MI
Adult: Initially, 5 mg once daily increased to 10 mg once daily if w/ marked hypotension and possibly a reflex CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g. azole
necessary. tachycardia. Management: Symptomatic and antifungals, ritonavir). Concomitant May impair ability to drive
Child: 6-17 yr Initially, 2.5 mg once daily, increased to 5 mg once supportive treatment. A vasoconstrictor may be therapy w/ simvastatin may increase and operate machinery
daily if necessary. beneficial in restoring vascular tone and BP. Ca risk of myopathy including
Elderly: Initially, 2.5 mg once daily. gluconate IV may be used to reverse the rhabdomyolysis. May increase Monitor BP and heart rate
effects of Ca channel blockade. Gastric lavage ciclosporin plasma levels and
may be useful in some cases conivaptan
Ritemed Adult Usual dose: 5 mg once daily. Flushing, fatigue, edema, palpitation, vertigo, Advanced aortic stenosis, severe liver Severe bradycardia, heart
Amlodipine Besilate tab HTN, stable & Prinzmetal's angina Initially 5 mg, may be headache, drowsiness, abdominal pain, nausea failure, history of shock. Systolic BP failure (particularly in
10 mg increased to 10 mg once daily. <90 mmHg. Pregnancy & lactation combination w/ β-blocker),
[ 100's (P10/tab) Chronic stable or vasospastic angina, coronary artery cardiogenic shock. May
disease 5-10 mg once daily. impair ability to drive or
RiteMED Amlodipine Elderly & patients w/ hepatic insufficiency 5 mg once daily. operate machinery. Patients
Besilate tab 5 mg Childn 6-17 yr 2.5-5 mg once daily w/ hepatic disease. Elderly
[ 100's (P725/pack)
Rhea HTN & angina Initially 5 mg once daily. Max: 10 mg. Headache, dizziness, somnolence; palpitations; Hypersensitivity to amlodipine & Increased risk of pulmonary
Amlodipine tab 10 mg flushing; abdominal pain, nausea; edema, dihydropyridines edema in patients w/ NYHA
[ 100's (P750/box) ] CAD 5-10 mg once daily. fatigue III & IV heart failure of non-
Rhea Amlodipine tab 5 ischemic etiology. Impaired
mg Childn 6-17 yr HTN 2.5-5 mg once daily hepatic function. Pregnancy
[ 100's (P540/box) ] & lactation
Vasalat Management of HTN & prophylaxis of angina Headache, edema, dizziness, flushing, Severe hypotension Hypersensitivity. Aortic
tab 10 mg palpitations; fatigue, nausea, abdominal stenosis; CHF. Monitor BP,
[ 100's (P2,100/pack) Adult Usual dose: 5-10 mg once daily. Elderly & patients w/ pain, somnolence; muscle cramps, ECG readings, heart rate;
[ 30's (P630/pack) ] hepatic function impairment Initially 2.5 mg. AnginaInitially 5 mg reduced frequency or
pruritus, rash
Vasalat tab 5 mg severity of anginal attacks;
[ 100's (P1,275/pack) ] decreased nitrate
[30's (P383/pack) ] consumption. Gingival
hyperplasia. Withdrawal
Content: amlodipine prior to surgery. Increased
besilate angina &/or MI rarely in
patients w/ severe
obstructive CAD.
Concomitant use w/ SL
nitroglycerin, long-acting
nitrates, β-blockers or other
anti-anginal agents. Hepatic
impairment. May prolong
labor duration. Pregnancy &
lactation. Childn. Elderly
Nifedipine Oral Dizziness, flushing, headache, hypotension, Cardiogenic shock, acute unstable Patients w/ hypotension,
Raynaud's syndrome peripheral oedema, tachycardia, palpitations, angina, use w/in 1 mth of MI. poor cardiac reserve, heart
Adult: Immediate-release: 5-20 mg tid. nausea, constipation, other GI disturbances, Treatment of angina attack in chronic failure, severe aortic
Elderly: Dose reduction may be necessary. increased micturition frequency, lethargy, eye stable angina or acute reduction of BP stenosis, DM, underlying
pain, visual disturbances, syncope, vertigo, in adults. Concomitant use w/ strong severe GI narrowing
Oral migraine, mood disturbances, rashes (including CYP3A4 inducers. (extended-release tab).
Hypertension erythema multiforme), liver function Avoid abrupt withdrawal as
Adult: Immediate-release: Initially, 5 mg tid. Maintenance: 10-20 mg abnormalities (including cholestasis), pruritus, it may casue rebound
tid. Extended-release: Initially, 10-40 mg bid or 20-90 mg once daily. gingival hyperplasia, myalgia, gynaecomastia, angina. Hepatic impairment.
Elderly: Dose reduction may be necessary. tremor, impotence, fever. Paradoxical increase Elderly. Pregnancy and
in ischaemic chest pain during initiation of lactation.
Oral treatment. GI obstruction in some tablets
Angina pectoris covered in indigestible membrane.
Adult: Immediate-release: Initially, 5 mg tid. Maintenance: 10-20 mg
tid. Extended-release: 10-40 mg bid or 30-90 mg once daily.
Elderly: Dose reduction may be necessary.
Angiozem Management of chronic stable angina, angina due to coronary Headache, ankle edema, hypotension, Patients w/ sick sinus syndrome or Prinzmetal's angina.
Angiozem tab 30 mg artery spasm; alone or in combination, for the treatment of dizziness, flushing, nausea, GI disturbances, 2nd- & 3rd-degree AV block except in Worsening of CHF in
[ 100's (P1,400/pack) ] HTN. mild & transient rash, erythema multiforme or the presence of a functioning patients w/ preexisting
exfoliative dermatitis, transient elevations in ventricular pacemaker. Hypotension impairment of ventricular
Angiozem tab 60 mg Angina pectoris 30 mg tid-qid. HTN 60 mg tid. liver enzyme values, hepatitis, CV or CNS (<90 mmHg systolic), acute MI, function; impaired renal or
[ 100's (P2,200/pack) ] effects. pulmonary congestion. Lactation. hepatic function.
Dilzem Angina pectoris Initially 120 mg/day in equally divided doses. Should be taken Edema, asthenia, flushing, sinus bradycardia, Hypersensitivity. Sick sinus syndrome, Concomitant use w/ β-
Dilzem OD tab 120 mg Optimum dose range: 180-360 mg/day in divided doses. on an empty 1st-degree AV block, headache, nausea, rash , 2nd- or 3rd-degree AV block, blockers or digitalis may
[ 60's (P5,323/pack) ] stomach: joint swelling, fatigue, dizziness; mycoclonus & hypotension, acute MI, X-ray result in additive effects on
HTN Initially 120-240 mg/day in divided doses. Usual dose Preferably taken extrapyramidal disorders. documented pulmonary congestion. cardiac conduction. Patients
Dilzem SA tab 90 mg range: 240-360 mg/day in divided doses. before meals & Pregnancy & lactation. w/ hepatic & renal
[ 60's (P4,826/pack) ] at bedtime. SA & impairment; CHF. Patients
Kidney transplantation Initially 120 mg/day in 2 equally SR tab: Swallow at risk for heart irregularities
Dilzem SR tab 180 mg divided doses. Optimum dose range: 180-360 mg/day in 3 whole, do not or those w/ long QT
[ 60's (P7,182/pack) ] equally divided doses. chew/crush manifestations should avoid
concurrent use w/
Dilzem tab 30 mg erythromycin. Discontinue
[ 200's (P7,308/pack) ] once dermatological events
progressed to serious skin
Dilzem tab 60 mg reaction.
[ 200's (P10,277/pack) ]
Metoprolol tartrate
Neibloc Adult Initially 100 mg daily. May increase at wkly intervals to max: Gl & sleep pattern disturbances, headache, Heart block >1st degree, AV block II & Avoid abrupt w/drawal.
Neobloc tab 100 mg 400 mg/day. Maintenance: 100-400 mg/day. dizziness & weakness. III, cardiogenic shock, overt cardiac Diabetes, anesth,
[ 100 × 1's (P06/pack) ] failure, sinus bradycardia, hyperthyroidism. 1st
[ 500 × 1's (P06/pack) ] bronchospastic disease. trimester of pregnancy.
Neobloc tab 50 mg
[ 100 × 1's (P04/pack) ]
[500 × 1's (P04/pack) ]
Pharex Metoprolol HTN Initially 100 mg daily, increased wkly up to 400 mg. To be Bradycardia, hypotension, heart failure or heart Bronchospasm or asthma. History of Heart failure. May mask
Pharex Metoprolol tab taken once-bid. Maintenance dose: 100-200 mg daily. block. Depression, dizziness, hallucination, obstructive airway disease. Metabolic symptoms of
100 mg Angina pectoris 50-100 mg bid-tid. confusion & sleep disturbances. Fatigue, acidosis, sinus bradycardia, or partial hyperthyroidism &
Cardiac arrhythmias 50 mg bid-tid, max: 300 mg daily in divided paresthesia, peripheral neuropathy, myopathy, heart block. hypoglycemia. Renal or
[ 100's (P05/tab) ] doses. muscle cramps. GI effects. Interference w/ hepatic dysfunction.
Pharex Metoprolol tab 50 MI 50 mg 6 hrly for 2 days (for patients who have received full IV carbohydrate & lipid metabolism. Skin Patients under long-term
mg dose), 100 mg bid (for patients who did not receive by IV inj). reactions, ocular symptoms & hematologic treatment should be
Maintenance dose: 100 mg. Hyperthyroidism Adjunct dose of reactions. gradually discontinued over
[ 100's (P03/tab) ] 50 mg qid. 1-2 wk.
Migraine prophylaxis 100-200 mg daily in divided doses.
Ritemed HTN Initially 100 mg daily, dose may be increased at wkly GI & sleep disturbances, exertional tiredness & AV block, refractory heart failure, Hyperthyroidism or
Metoprolol tab 100 mg intervals to max of 400 mg daily. lassitude, headache, dizziness. severe & sinus bradycardia, thyrotoxicosis, DM, asthma
cardiogenic shock, acute or pulmonary conditions,
[ 100's (P450/pack) ] Angina pectoris Initially 25-50 mg bid, usual dose range of bronchospasm, MAOIs. severe hepatic disease.
RiteMED Metoprolol tab 100-400 mg daily in 2 divided doses. Pregnancy.
50 mg
[ 100's (P275/pack) ]
Metroprolol sucinate
Nebil Treatment of essential HTN & stable, mild & moderate CHF in Headache, dizziness, paresthesia, dyspnea, Hypersensitivity. Severe hepatic Concomitant use of anesth.
tab 2.5 mg addition to standard therapies in elderly patients ≥70 yr, alone or constipation, nausea, diarrhea, tiredness, insufficiency. Acute heart failure, Patients w/ compensated
[ 14's (P126/box) ] in combination w/ other antihypertensive drugs. edema; bradycardia. cardiogenic shock or episodes of heart congestive heart failure,
failure decompensation requiring IV peripheral vascular disease,
Nebil tab 5 mg inotropic therapy. Sick sinus syndrome history of psoriasis & those
Adult 5 mg once daily. Max dose: 10 mg once daily.
[ 14's (P252/box) ] including SA block; 2nd & 3rd degree on dialysis. May mask
heart block (w/o pacemaker); history symptoms of hypoglycemia
Elderly & renal insufficiency Initially 2.5 mg once daily, may be
of bronchospasm & bronchial asthma; in diabetic patients. Abrupt
increased to 5 mg.
untreated pheochromocytoma; w/drawal may lead to
metabolic acidosis; bradycardia (heart transitory worsening of heart
Hepatic insufficiency2.5 mg once daily.
rate <60 bpm); hypotension (systolic failure. Pregnancy &
BP <90 mmHg); severe peripheral lactation. Elderly >75 yr.
circulatory disturbances. Rare
hereditary problems of galactose
intolerance, Lapp-lactase deficiency or
glucose-galactose malabsorption
Nebilet HTN
Nebilet tab 5 mg Adult 5 mg once daily. In combination w/ other
[ 30's (P516/box) ] antihypertensive agents 5 mg plus hydrochlorothiazide 12.5
25 mg.
Elderly >65 yr Start at 2.5 mg daily. May be increased to 5 mg
Hydrochlorothiazide Adult : PO HTN Initial: 12.5 mg/day, may increase to 25-50 mg Should be taken Hypersensitivity to sulfonamide-derived drugs,
once daily, either alone or w/ other with food. anuria, severe renal impairment.
antihypertensives. Oedema 25-100 mg/day in 1-2 divided doses.
Diuzid Edema Usual dose: 25-100 mg daily, up to 200 mg daily (for Should be taken Dry mouth, thirst, weakness, lethargy, Pregnancy & lactation. Patients w/ Patients w/ renal
Diuzid tab 12.5 mg severe cases). Reduced to 25-50 mg daily or intermittently. with food. drowsiness, restlessness, muscle pain & severe renal impairment or anuria, impairment, existing fluid &
[ 100's (P05/tab) ] cramps, seizures, oliguria, hypotension & GI Addison's disease, preexisting electrolyte disturbances.
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Up to 100 mg daily. disturbances. Anorexia, gastric irritation, hypercalcemia. Elderly. May precipitate
Diuzid tab 25 mg HTN Usual dose: 25-50 mg daily. nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, attacks of gout, cause
[ 100's (P06/tab) ] Childn 1-2 mg/kg body wt daily in 2 divided doses. siaredenitis, headache, dizziness, hyperglycemia & aggravate
Infants <6 mth Up to 3 mg/kg daily. photosensitivity reactions, postural or unmask DM.
hypotension, paraesthesia, impotence & yellow
vision. Skin rashes, fever, pulmonary edema,
pneumonitis, anaphylaxis & toxic epidermal
Chlorthalidone Oral Should be taken Significant: Hypersensitivity, hypokalaemia, Hypersensitivity to chlortalidone and
Hypertension with food. hyperlipidaemia, hyperuricaemia, other sulfonamide derivatives. Anuria,
Adult: Initially, 12.5 or 25 mg daily given alone or w/ other hyponatraemia, hypomagnesaemia, symptomatic hyperuricaemia (i.e.
antihypertensive; may increase to 50 mg daily if necessary. hypochloremic alkalosis, hyperglycaemia, history of gout or uric acid calculi);
Child: Initially, 0.5-1 mg/kg 48 hrly. Max: 1.7 mg/kg 48 hrly. gout, photosensitivity. refractory hypokalaemia,
Elderly: Initially, 6.25-12.5 mg once daily or on alternate days. hyponatraemia, and hypercalcaemia;
Max: 25 mg daily. Rarely, hypercalcaemia. adrenal insufficiency (e.g. Addison’s
Nervous: Dizziness, vertigo. disease), HTN during pregnancy.
Oral CV: Postural hypotension. Severe hepatic or renal (CrCl <30
Diabetes insipidus GI: Mild GI disturbance, loss of appetite. mL/min) impairment. Concomitant
Adult: Initially, 100 mg bid. Maintenance: 50 mg daily. Genitourinary: Erectile dysfunction. lithium therapy.
Child: Initially, 0.5-1 mg/kg 48 hrly. Max: 1.7 mg/kg 48 hrly. Dermatologic: Rash, urticaria.
Others: Weakness.
Oedema, Oedema associated with heart failure
Adult: Initially, 25-50 mg daily given alone or w/ digitalis, ACE
inhibitor, or both; may increase to 100-200 mg daily in severe
cases. Maintenance: 25-50 mg daily or on alternate days.
Child: Initially, 0.5-1 mg/kg 48 hrly. Max: 1.7 mg/kg 48 hrly.
Indapamide Adult : PO
once daily, may be titrated according to clinical response. Max: skin nodule, dermatitis; dry mouth, nausea,
Amlodipine 10 mg and benazepril 40 mg once daily. abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea,
Elderly: Start w/ 2.5 mg amlodipine component once daily. dyspepsia, oesophagitis, neutropenia;
ACEi + Thiazide Diuretic
Captopril + Oral Should be taken Skin rashes, dysgeusia, cough, hypochloraemic Hypersensitiviry, anuria and severe Neonates and children,
Hydrochlorothiazide Hypertension, Chronic heart failure on an empty alkalosis, rarely haemolytic anaemia, renal impairment, allergy to elderly patients, renal
Adult: Per tablet contains captopril 25 mg and stomach. Take 1 thrombocytopenia, jaundice, pancreatitis, sulphonamide-related drugs, collagen disease, liver disease, DM,
hydrochlorothiazide 15 mg: Initially, 1 tablet once daily. Daily hr before meals. noncardiogenic pulmonary oedema, - vascular disease, renal artery gout, hyperlipidaemia, ECG
dose should not exceed: 150 mg (captopril) and 50 mg hypomagnesaemia leading to fatigue, stenosis. Pregnancy (2nd and 3rd evidence of LVH. Lactation.
(hydrochlorothiazide). weakness and paralysis. Hyperuricaemia, trimesters).
impotence in diabetics, significant reduction in
tear production and glucose tolerance and
increase in plasma Ca concentrations.
Potentially Fatal: Hyperkalaemia in patients
having renal impairment, rarely idiosyncratic
hypersensitivity reactions like Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, SLE and acute pancreatitis. Severe
ARB + Thiazide Diuretic
Pharex Treatment of HTN Initially 1 tab once daily, may be increased Facial edema, fever, orthostatic effects, Hypersensitivity to losartan K &/or Impaired hepatic function or
Losartan K 50 mg, in patients who do to 2 tab once daily if BP remains syncope; anemia; gout; CV, digestive, hydrochlorothiazide or other progressive liver disease.
hydrochlorothiazide not respond to uncontrolled after 3 wk. musculoskeletal, nervous system/psychiatric, sulfonamide-derived drugs. Pregnancy (2nd & 3rd
12.5 mg monotherapy. resp, skin & urogenital disorders; blurred vision, trimesters) & lactation.
burning/stinging in the eye, conjunctivitis, taste Childn. Elderly.
Pharex Losartan perversion, tinnitus, decrease in visual acuity.
Potassium +
Hydrochlorothiazide FC
[ 100's (P1,400/box) ]
Amlodipine + Losartan Amlodine tab HTN, stable & Prinzmetal's angina Initially, 5 Dizziness, flushing, headache, hypotension, Hypersensitivity. Cardiogenic shock, Patients w/ hypotension,
mg once daily. Increase to 10 mg once daily if necessary. peripheral edema, tachycardia, palpitations; recent MI, acute unstable angina & poor cardiac reserve, heart
Amlodine Plus 5 mg/50 nausea, GI disturbances, increased micturition chronic stable angina attack. failure, vol depletion; severe
mg (content: Amlodine Plus FC tab Stable & Prinzmetal's angina Initially 1 frequency, lethargy, eye pain, mental Pregnancy. aortic stenosis; hepatic &
Amlodipine besilate 5 FC tab daily. Increase to 2 FC tab daily if necessary. depression. Paradoxical increase in ischemic renal impairment; renal
mg, losartan K 50 mg). chest pain at the start of treatment. Rashes, artery stenosis. Sudden
Amlodine Plus 5 fever, abnormalities in liver function w/drawal may exacerbate
mg/100 mg (content: (cholestasis), gingival hyperplasia, myalgia, angina. Discontinue if
Amlodipine besilate 5 tremor, impotence. ischemic pain following
mg, losartan K 100 mg) administration occurs.
Monitor serum K conc.
Avoid concomitant use w/ K-
sparing diuretics. Lactation.