Annual School Plan 周年計劃書
Annual School Plan 周年計劃書
Annual School Plan 周年計劃書
To instil Buddhist values and create a caring and supportive community
for learning.
To provide students with extensive development opportunities that help
them excel and make them citizens of integrity and capable leaders of
二零一四至二零 一五年重點關注事項
1. 增強學生學習的信心
2. 促使學生懂得尊重自己、學校及社會,使他們成為良好公
3-year School Development Plan
2012 - 2015
Major Concerns Implementation Plan 重點關注事項施行計劃 2014-2015
Major concern 1 :
Methods of People Resources
Success Criteria
Strategies and time scale 策略/工作 Evaluation responsible Required
評估方法 負責教師 所需資源
1 Enhancing teaching and learning effectiveness in classroom Teachers of each Evaluation All
加強課堂教與學效能 subject should design and group Teachers
“Students should learn before teachers teach” - teachers should and use at least one sharing 所有老
devise ways or provide opportunities for students to do pre-lesson pre-lesson task per before the 師
tasks. month. ( If a teacher first term.
“學生須先學定教或先學後教” 教師須就其課堂及教學預先設 teaches 3 subjects, 在第一學期
計,提供機會讓學生進行課前預習 she/he should carry 前,科組各
Pre-lesson tasks should be connected and related to the lesson and out one pre-lesson 自分享經驗
can provoke learning. Students are able to display learning task for each Through
outcomes and demonstrate what they have prepared and done at respective subject) evaluation,
home before they attend a class the following day. This is to 每位科任老師需最 subjects can
enhance their learning capacity in and beyond the classroom and 少每月安排有效之 make use of
increase their motivation and participation. 課前預習。(如一位 good
課前預習需要與課堂扣連及能提供機會讓學生有目的地學 老師任教三科則需 practices and
習。學生需要能在課堂內展示他們預先在家所準備或完成之 安排三次課前預習 experience
的課業。是次計劃旨在加強同學課前及課後的學習容量及藉 的活動) gained in the
first term in
以提升他們的學習動機及課堂參與度。 Scrutinize lesson
the second
Circulars and talks to parents and students to highlight the plans or schemes of
work submitted by term.
importance of the pre-lesson practice.
subjects/teachers 透過中期檢
審視老師呈交之課 討,科組能
前預習教案或教材 將狻獲取之
Increased students’ 經驗及成功
participation and 例子引進入
motivation through 下學期推行
on-going teachers’ Questionnaire
observations, 問卷調查
students’ assignments
and assessments
Major concern 2: To develop in our students respect for themselves, our school and society to make them socially competent
Methods of People Resources
Strategies/Tasks Time Scale Success Criteria
Evaluation responsible Required
策略/工作 時間表 成功準則
評估方法 負責教師 所需資源
1. Kwai Tsing Districts Youth Services Oct., 2014 – The services provided are Participate in Ms. KW Fung,
葵青區青少年服務計劃 Feb., 2015 well-received. an inter-school Ms. Tina Leung
2014 年 10 月- 提供的服務獲讚賞。 competition.
2015 年 2 月 參加校際比賽
2. S.4 students will participate in the delivery of daily Mar., 2015 Students would actively Students’ Ms. KW Fung, Financial
necessities to the elderly. 2015 年 3 月 participate in the activity. Feedback Ms. Tina Leung support
中四學生參與愛心送暖大行動 學生能踴躍參與 學生回饋。 Ms. LY Lee, 財務資助
Ms. TM Wong
3. S.5 Social etiquette workshop: Jun., 2015 Students would find the Students’ Guidance Financial
中五級社交禮儀工作坊 2015 年 6 月 activity interesting and Feedback Committee support
practical. 學生回饋。 輔導組 財務資助
4. S.1 Sexual Harassment Workshop Jun., 2015 Students would know how to Students’ Ms. F Shum and
中一性騷擾工作坊 2015 年 6 月 avoid sexual harassment. Feedback S.1 Class Teachers
學生學懂如何防止性騷擾。 學生回饋。
5. Dialogue in the Dark (Drama) - S.5 students Oct., 2014 Participants will understand Students’ Guidance Financial
黑暗中對話(話劇) -中五學生 2014 年 10 月 more deeply the difficulties Feedback Committee support
encountered owing to 學生回饋。 輔導組 財務資助
6. S.1 – S.3 education talk Oct., 2014 Participants will treasure the Students’ Guidance
中一至中三級‘好面膳’ 教育講座 2014 年 10 月 face to face communication. Feedback Committee
學生更珍惜面對面的溝通。 學生回饋。 輔導組
7. Life Education Talk for S.4 and S.5 classes Oct., 2014 Students will find the talk Students’ Guidance
中四、中五級生死教育講座 2014 年 10 月 inspiring and reflective. Feedback Committee
學生覺得這活動發人深省。 學生回饋。 輔導組
8. Micro-movie Talk which allows the students to Oct., 2014 Attentiveness of participants. Teachers’ Religious
reflect on meaning of dating. 2014 年 10 月 學生認真聆聽 observation Committee
微電影佛學講座:本組邀請校外弘法組織「弘 老師觀察 宗教組
段約 30 分鐘關於愛情的電影,以當中的道理來
9. Students would learn different forms of Nov., 2014 Students would be able to Students’ Religious Financial
meditation to establish their positive values. Jan., 2015 relieve their pressure through Feedback Committee support
透過設立禪修課程,讓學生借此反思人生,從 Mar., 2015 meditation. 學生回饋。 宗教組 財務資助
而增強信心去面對逆境,建立正面價值觀。 Jul., 2015 學生能透過禪修舒緩壓力。
(a) 梅村僧團中學生正念禪修營 2014 年 11 月
(b) 法性講堂正念禪修活動 2015 年 1 月
(c) 法鼓山香港分會中學生正念禪修活動 2015 年 3 月
(d) 慈山寺正念禪修夏令營 2015 年 6 月
10. 宗教歷奇活動「B 世代」:邀請校外弘法組織 Jul., 2015 Students would have a better Students’ Religious
「青一釋」來校舉辦活動,向參加者灌輸「佛 understanding of their Feedback Committee
法正能量」,推動他們重新出發,提升其自信 strength and ability and also 學生回饋。 宗教組
心,並更明瞭自己的能力與專長,也明白到人 the importance of
與人的互相扶持與合作,是達致成功、圓滿的 cooperation with the others.
重要因素。 此活動能提升參加者自信
11. Light a lamp and send your wish activity – our Feb., 2015 Not less than 180 Count the Religious
students would send their wishes to those in participants. number of Committee
needs in our society. 不少於 180 人 participants. 宗教組
點燈祝願活動:讓學生為自己誠心發願外,更 統計參加者人
可借此帶出「祝福別人、關心社會」的意義。 數
12. Launch a students’ services programme which 10/2014 – Many S.4 and S.5 students Teachers’ MCE committee
allows our S.4 and S.5 students to serve the school 7/2015 will enrol as student helpers observation. 德育及公民教育
as a starting point for caring our community and and they are eager to serve 老師觀察。 組
country. 2014 年 10 月至 the school.
推行中四、中五學生服務計劃-【認識國家, 2015 年 7 月 很多中四及中五學生加入此
從關心社區及學校開始】 服務計劃,並且熱心服務。
13. Through the morning assemblies, teachers and Sep. 2014 – May Attentiveness of participants. Teachers’ MCE Committee
students from MCE Committee and Religious 2015 學生認真聆聽 observation & Religious
Committee will share their views on current 2014 年 9 月至 老師觀察 Committee
policies and universal values. Hopefully students 2015 年 5 月 德育及公民教育
will pay attention to what’s happening in their 組及宗教組
community, country and the world. And students
will study a problem from multiple perspectives
and prepare themselves as world citizens.
14. S.2, S.3, S.4 and S.5 MCE lessons and S.1 Buddhist Sep. 2014 – May Students would actively Teachers’ MCE Committee
Studies lessons would promote our students’ 2015 participate in class activities observation & Religious
awareness of respecting himself, the family and 2014 年 9 月至 and eager to express their 老師觀察 Committee
the society. 2015 年 5 月 views. 德育及公民教育
中二至中五的德育課和中一的佛化德育課培養 學生能積極參與課堂活動, 組及宗教組
學生尊重自己、家庭及社會。 及作出積極的回饋
15. Board display on moral and civic education with Sep. 2014 – May Students would express their Students’ MCE Committee
the following topics: war and poverty; fair trade; 2015 view on the topics posted. Feedback 德育及公民教育
shortage of food; sustainable development of the 2014 年 9 月至 學生能踴躍參與及作積極回 學生回饋。 組
society. These will help to prepare our students as 2015 年 5 月 饋
world citizen and have global perspectives.
16. Students’ forum: choose controversial issues for Oct., Dec., 2014 Students would express their Students’ MCE Committee
students to express their views. and Mar., May, view actively on the proposed Feedback 德育及公民教育
善德論壇:選取具爭議性議題,通過討論,越 2015 issues. 學生回饋。 組
辯越明 2014 年 10 月、 學生能踴躍參與及積極回應
12 月、2015 年
3 月及 5 月
17. Talks, drama are arranged to develop in our Dec., Oct., Nov., Attentiveness of participants. Teachers’ Board of
students respect for themselves, our school and Dec. 2014 & 學生認真聆聽 observation Discipline, MCE
society to make them socially competent. 通過戲 Mar., Jun., 2015 老師觀察 Committee
劇及講座,分享 逆境如何自強、尊重自己、尊 2014 年 9 月、 訓導處、德育及
重生命、對自己負責等理念與價值觀。 10 月、11 月、 公民教育組
12 月及 2015 年
3 月、6 月
18. S.2 students will be lead to watch an inspirational Oct., 2014 Students would share their Students’ Religious
movie. Students would reflect on their attitude 2014 年 10 月 view openly in the follow-up Feedback Committee, MCE
towards their own growth. MCE lesson. 學生回饋。 Committee
帶領中二同學欣賞勵志電影【爭氣】,希望透 學生能活動後的德育課中, 宗教組、德育及
過電影中各位主角的蛻變,讓同學反思成長過 踴躍分享自己的看法 公民教育組
Budget Summary 財政預算, 2014/2015
Grand Total: (A) + (B) 3,015,782.44 6,944,337.44 7,331,548.00 2,628,571.88
Buddhist Sin Tak College
Plan on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant, 2014/2015
Critical Target Benefits Implementati Resources Performance Assessment Person-in-
Implementation Plan
Areas Anticipated on Schedule Required Indicators Mechanism Charge
特定目標對象 預期效益 實施日程 所需資源 表現指標 評估機制 負責同工
Coping with A. To operate tutorial programmes: To assist teachers in From A1. Operation Students Teachers’ Mr. SW
students’ 開辦輔導班 caring for students October, expenses for improving observation of Pang
diverse and A1. Saturday Tutorial Class for students with special learning 2014 to Saturday Classes academicall student 彭成瑋老
having difficulties in using English as
special needs May, 2015 [$30,000] y, performance 師
the learning medium in S.1, S.2 and in
learning the core subjects for S.3 協助教師照顧學生 由 2014 年 A1.開辦星期六輔導 confidence 教師觀察學生
needs 專為中一至中二級同學而設的星期六 的特別學習需要 10 月至 班費用:港幣 of students 的學習表現
照顧學生多 輔導班,讓對使用英語作為學習語言 2015 年 5 $30,000 元; boosted Analysing
元及特別學 有困難的學生參加。專為中三級同學 月 A2. Peer Tutor 學生在學習 students’
習需要 而設的星期六輔導班則教導學生中、 Scheme and after 上顯示進 academic
英、數三科核心科目。 school 步,學生自 results
A2. Peer Tutor Scheme for all S6 subjects –
Mathematics 信心亦有所 (ranking)
tutorial groups (about 4 students per
group) are arranged with graduates Tutorial Classes 提高 分析學生的學
currently studying in the university as [$90,000] 習表現(全級
tutors to help students in the preparation A2 朋輩輔導計劃及 排名)
for the HKDSE. 課後數學科課 Questionnaire
中六級朋輩輔導計劃:由現正於大學 後精進班導師 survey
就讀的學長擔任輔導小組導師,任教 薪酬[港幣 問卷調查
每組約 4 位學生,協助學生準備應考
90,000 元]
(ii) After school Maths Tutorial Classes
in different forms – tutorial groups
(about 20 students per group) are
arranged with graduates currently
studying in the university as tutors to
help students catch up with their learning
每組約 20 位學生,協助學生追上預期
Coping with B. To continue to operate the Secondary Teachers’ workload July, 2015 B. Pay for 4 tutors S.1 students’ Teachers’ Mr. SW
students’ School Life Adaptation Programme for in summer will be 2015 年 7 ($24,000). confidence observation Pang
diverse and newly admitted S.1 students Tutors will partly reduced, S.1 月 聘請 4 位導師費用 boosted, 教師觀察 彭成瑋老
students rapidly
special take up the roles of class teachers and (約港幣二萬四千 Students Questionnaire 師
adapted to school
learning responsible for the daily routines and life 元) rapidly survey
needs teaching of learning skills. 減輕教師部份工作 adapted to 問卷調查
照顧學生多 繼續舉辦中學生活適應課程,協助新 量,中一學生可以 school life Parents’
元及特別學 入學的中一學生適應中學學習生活。 更快適應學習生 中一級學生 feedback
習需要 導師將負責班主任工作處理學生遲到/ 活。 自信提高, 家長回饋/意
請假事宜並教授學習技能。 更快適應學 見
C. To alleviate the teaching workload of LS - LS Teachers are From C. Salary of - AT taking Teacher Mr. WK
teachers, one Assistant Teacher (AT) relieved from part September, Assistant Teacher up teaching observation Leung
will be employed and assist teachers in of the remedial 2014 to for one year duties of LS 老師觀察 梁永佳副
preparing teaching materials for Liberal teaching tasks August, including teachers and 校長
Studies. This Assistant Teacher will also - Teachers from the 2015 school’s assisting in
carry out duties assigned by the Board of Board of Studies 由 2014 年 contribution to preparing
Coping with Studies. may be relieved from 9 月至 2015 MPF ($208,000) teaching
students’ 聘請一位助理教師,以減輕通識組教 some clerical work. 年 8 月 聘請一位助理教 materials
diverse and 師的教學工作負擔,協助教師準備教 - 減輕通識組教師的 師薪酬包括學校 助理教師能
special 學材料。助理教師也會協助教務處所 教學工作。 之強積金供款 履行列出之
learning 編配的工作。 - 減輕教務處老師的 (約港幣二十萬 工作
needs 文書工作。 八千元)
照顧學生多 D. To employ coaches for school basketball - To alleviate the From D. Salaries of the Coaches can Teacher Ms. WC
元及特別學 team, badminton team, table tennis team coaching duties of September, coaches for one provide observation Lee and
and football team. PE teachers and to 2014 to year appropriate 老師觀察 Mr. KH
聘請體育校隊教練包括籃球、羽毛 provide a variety of August, $50,000. training to Man.
球、乒乓球及足球等。 sports activities for 2015 全年教練費約港 our students. 李惠貞老
our students. 由 2014 年 幣五萬元。 教練能提供 師及文嘉
-舒緩 PE 老師的教 9 月至 2015 合適訓練給 豪老師。
練工作。提供多樣 年 8 月 學生。
School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes 2014/15
School-based Grant - Programme Plan
Name of School: Buddhist Sin Tak College
Project Coordinator: Ms. FUNG Kin Wai Contact Telephone No.: 2428 8197
A. The estimated number of benefitting students under this Programme is (including A. CSSA recipients,
B. SFAS full-grant recipients and C. under school’s discretionary quota)
B. Information on Activities to be subsidised/complemented by the grant.
no. of participating Name of
Success Estimated
* Method(s) of evaluation Period/Date target students# partner/service
Name/type of activity Objectives of the activity criteria expenditure
(e.g. test, questionnaire, etc) activity to be held provider
(e.g. learning effectiveness) ($)
(if applicable)
Peer Mentor Scheme To enhance leadership skills of the Attendance Teachers’, students’ and Oct 2014 to 香港青少年服務處
S.5 peer mentors participants’ verbal feedback April 2015 13 6 2 $15000 Hong Kong Children
Youth Services
S.2 Class Day Camp To increase the cohesion of the class Attendance Teachers’ and students’ September 2014 香港青少年服務處
verbal feedback 8 32 4 $4000 Hong Kong Children
Youth Services
Outward Bound Training To enhance the confidence of Attendance Teachers’, students’ and March 2014 Outward Bound 香
participants instructors’ feedback 11 11 2 $20000
S.1 Peer mentor schemes To develop a social support network Attendance Teachers’ and students’ Sept 2014 to 香港青少年服務處
for S.1 students verbal feedback April 2015 13 6 2 $15000 Hong Kong Children
Youth Services
Social Etiquette Workshop To broaden students’ horizons Attendance Teachers’ and students’ July 2015 Le Manege 木馬會
14 40 5 $25000
verbal feedback
No. of
Total no. of activities: __5___ participation 59 95 15
Total no. of
participation 169
Policies of a healthy school campus
Health is life's fortune and a pre-requisite for everything. To a student, being healthy
physically and psychologically can boost learning efficiency.
2. A task force for a healthy school campus policies was set up.
Coverage of duties
To identify students' needs and pay close attention to social changes and issues in
order to define the focus of the school's work. Resources from both the school and
the community will also be considered for a comprehensive school-based plan.
To ensure all school staff are informed of and support the healthy school campus
To implement and monitor on a regular basis the healthy school campus policies and
健康是人生的財富、是生活的基本要素 擁有良好的身心狀態,可以提升
一. 目標:營造關愛健康和安全的校園,協助學生建立健康的生活習
二. 健康校園政策專責小組
1. 推行禁毒及防止濫藥教育: 遠離毒品,重在預防
2. 關注健康飲食習慣:鼓勵學生養成良好飲銀習慣、推廣素食
3. 推行健康生活:照顧學生差異,提供多元課外活動,照顧學生身心健
4. 性教育政策- 建立正確的性觀念及態度
5. 安全校園政策
6. 環保校園:善用資源,避免浪費,推動綠色生活