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Objectives & Standards

Changing The goal of this presentation is to: Standards Met:

TLS4a: Facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of

- Analyze the adult learning theory
classroom and school-based data to identify
and apply it to teaching practice opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction,
assessment, school organization, and school culture
- Assist educators in applying
TLS4f: Promotes instructional strategies that address
differentiation to curriculum to issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and
increase student engagement ensures that individual student learning needs

Taylor Griepsma - Assist educators in developing

remain the central focus of instruction

TLS5b: Collaborates with colleagues in the design,

March 2023 lesson plans/units to increase
student achievement
implementation, scoring, and interpretation of
student data to improve educational practice and
student learning


Primary & Upper:

K-2 & 3-6
Get with your designated grade
levels & scan the QR code. For
each type of curriculum, Why is it important for teachers to adapt and differentiate the curriculum?
discuss the pros & cons, then
add to the Padlet board for ● Specific student needs - each class is unique!
whole group discussion. ● Teacher engagement
● Student engagement
● Overall quality and outcomes
Differentiation Differentiation Examples

Why is it important?
Reason 1: Reaches all student needs

Reason 2: Allows teacher to be creative with

teaching styles

Reason 3: Purposeful and meaningful way to

increase student engagement and

Student Engagement Teacher Created Rubrics

Why is it important?
Reason 1: Increases student achievement
created rubrics
Reason 2: Builds a foundation and love for and directions
learning help guide
Reason 3: Helps develop creativity and unique
works learning and
provide clear
and distinct
Teacher Created Choice Boards Student Work (based on teacher created rubrics)

Choice Board
Choice boards are excellent ways to
differentiate for student learning. It allows
students to make independent decisions
regarding their learning. It provides unique
ways for them to showcase their work, increase
their engagement, and facilitate learning in a
positive way. Choice boards are easy to
develop, create, and enhance teaching.

Options & Ideas:

1. Social Studies
Analyze & a. Incorporate a pictorial

2. Math
a. Math chants Now YOU Try!
3. ELA
With your grade level, select a a. One pagers, FlipGrid, Video
SUBJECT that you would like to Creations Identify and focus on a specific lesson or skill you would
analyze & adapt. How would you 4. Science like to differentiate and teach. Take this time to develop
a rubric or playlist that would guide student learning.
incorporate differentiation? a. Hands on, constructing and
Unit Plan
Now YOU Try!
With your grade level, select a unit of your
choice that you would like to adapt and
implement into your teaching schedule.

Culminating Activity
(Sharing is Caring)

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