Pope Paul Vi College: Annual School Plan
Pope Paul Vi College: Annual School Plan
Pope Paul Vi College: Annual School Plan
1. Major Concern: To enable students to persevere in face of challenges and adversities through various learning experiences
Method of Resources
Strategies / Task Time Scale Success Criteria People Responsible
Evaluation Required
1. Reading, writing or/ and spoken Throughout Students’ Teachers’ and Panel Chairpersons of the
tasks focusing on how people the year understanding students’ feedback English Department, History
overcome difficulties and towards others’ Department, Religious and
adversities in real life will be challenges in life is Moral Education Department,
implemented in the curriculum or displayed in the Music Department, Putonghua
across the curriculum. works submitted or Department and the Reading
presented. Promotion Committee
2. Camping, outing, field trips October 2013 Good quality of Feedback from Panel Chairpersons of the
involving demanding tasks will March 2014 tasks are submitted students and Religious and Moral
be organized to let students April 2014 by students and observation by Education Department &
experience what they are positive attitudes of teachers Counselling Team,
expected to do and how they students are English Department,
should complete the tasks demonstrated. Geography Department
3. Web-based courses will be November At least one level of Progressive reports Panel Chairpersons in the Support from
offered to the high-achievers to 2013- August works will be to be viewed online Science Key Learning Area, the EDB
facilitate their needs at their own 2014 completed by by teacher-in-charge Panel Chairperson of the
pace. students and in Gifted Education Mathematics Departments and
certificates will be Task Group the Academic Committee
issued to these
Method of Resources
Strategies / Task Time Scale Success Criteria People Responsible
Evaluation Required
4. After-school tutorials and Throughout The majority of the Students’ reflections All Department Heads
training sessions will be the year target students agree and teachers’
scheduled to give extra support to that the help offered feedback
both the more able and the less supports their
able students to help them face learning needs.
their learning need and
5. Inter-school competitions, Throughout The majority of the Students’ and Panel Chairpersons of the Support from
projects and Award Scheme will the year students teachers’ feedback English Department, Chinese the NGOs and
be organized to give students participating in the Department, Music government
more opportunities to face more events agree that the Department, ICT Department, grant
challenging and demanding tasks learning experiences IS Department, P.E.
involved. help them gain more Department
confidence in
learning when facing
adversities in life.
6. Gifted students will be further January-May The majority of the Students’ feedback Panel Chairpersons of the Support from
supported with challenging tasks 2014 targeted students and tutors’ English Department, Chinese the service
and activities organized in agree that the observation Department and Mathematics providers and
workshops and courses. courses and Department government
workshops offer grant
opportunities to
further enhance their
Method of Resources
Strategies / Task Time Scale Success Criteria People Responsible
Evaluation Required
7. A leadership training programme September 80% of the Questionnaire Committee Head of Discipline
including an adventure-based 2013 to participants agree Committee,
camp and workshops will be November that the leadership Counselling Team,
organized for all the student 2013 training program can Extra-curricular Activities
leaders to develop their help them Section
leadership skills, understand more
problem-solving strategies and strategies to cope
positive attitudes. with challenges in
8. All S.3 students are divided into September 60% of the Questionnaire Extra-curricular Activities The Boys’ and
groups to plan and implement 2013 to May participants agree Section Girls’ Clubs
social service projects called 2014 that the learning Association of
‘Eyes on the Community’ with experiences enhance Hong Kong
the professional help of social their
workers. problem-solving
strategies and help
them cultivate
positive attitudes
towards challenges
in life.
Method of Resources
Strategies / Task Time Scale Success Criteria People Responsible
Evaluation Required
9. Student Health Captains are October 2013 60% of the students Questionnaire and Healthy School Promotion
trained to organize a range of to May 2014 agree that the students’ record Workgroup
learning activities to promote learning experiences
healthy life and positive values. help them enhance
A whole school approach Award their health
Scheme is implemented. knowledge and the
awareness towards
healthy life and 60%
of the students get an
10. A team of Life Skills October 2013 60% of the students Questionnaire Vice-principal II Women’s
Ambassadors will be trained to to August 2014 agree that the Foundation
organize a range of learning learning experiences
activities to promote positive help them enhance
values in a programme called their awareness
‘Life Skills Ambassador towards positive
Programme’. A joint-school psychology, life
training camp, a mentorship planning, financial
program, positive psychology management and
workshops, life planning good interpersonal
workshops, financial relationship.
management workshops and
company visits will be included
in the programmes.
Method of Resources
Strategies / Task Time Scale Success Criteria People Responsible
Evaluation Required
11. Outdoor activities and sports Throughout 60% of the students Students’ record Physical Education
activities will be organized to the year get an award in Department
promote good habits in doing SportACT Award
exercises. Scheme.
12. Fifty students in S.1 and S.2 will October 2013 80% of the Questionnaire Vice-principal II The University
be invited to join a research to May 2014 participants agree of Hong Kong
project called ‘Play for that the learning
Smart—An Adolescent Health experiences help
Developmental Programme’. them develop good
Eighteen sessions will be habits in doing
arranged to participants to have exercises and
regular physical exercises every cultivate in them
Tuesday after school to promote perseverance.
healthy life and perseverance.
2. Major Concern: To equip students with effective learning skills so that they become proactive learners
Method of Resources
Strategies / Task Time Scale Success Criteria People Responsible
Evaluation Required
1. Extended tasks will be Throughout the More than a half of Teachers’ feedback Panel Chairpersons of the
provided before or after the year students will Students’ results in English Department,
lessons to encourage attempt the assessment tasks Chinese Department,
students to take more extended tasks Mathematics Department,
initiative towards learning provided and good Economics Department, BAFS
and apply their skills learnt quality of work or Department, Biology
in various types of higher grades will Department, Chemistry
assessments. be demonstrated or Department
attained in their
assessment tasks
2. Six workshops of different September 2013 & The majority of the Feedback from The Academic Committee Support from the
nature on study skills February 2014 students students and teachers service provider
catering for the needs of participating in the and government
the Junior Formers will be workshops agree grant
arranged to further support that skills learnt
students with effective will benefit their
learning skills across the learning.
Method of Resources
Strategies / Task Time Scale Success Criteria People Responsible
Evaluation Required
3. Cross-curricular Throughout the Most of the skills Feedback from The Academic Committee
Project-based Learning will year learnt will be teachers and students
be implemented in the shown in students’
Junior Forms to end-products.
continuously support
students with more study
skills and thus a smooth
transition will be achieved
in the Senior Forms.
4. More pre-learning Throughout the The majority of the Feedback from The Academic Committee
activities, while-learning year students agree that teachers and students
activities and post-learning study skills
activities will be developed will
implemented to ensure that benefit their
students’ study skills will learning
be further developed.
3. Major Concern: To facilitate teachers’ professional sharing and training in order to address students’ educational needs
Method of People Resources
Strategies / Task Time Scale Success Criteria
Evaluation Responsible Required
4. Both high-achievers and low-achievers Throughout the Learning attitudes of students Teachers’ Panel
will be provided with further support year are improved and students’ observation and Chairperson of
with the teams of teachers developing internal and external students’ the English
materials catering for different assessments are upgraded. performance of the Department
learners’ needs. target groups
5. Cross-curricular teacher professional Throughout the Sharing sessions arranged Teachers’ feedback The Academic
sharing sessions will be organized to year help teachers gain more good Committee
share good practices to help students ideas to support students’
develop study skills. learning and their teaching.
6. A joint-school staff development October 2013 70% of the participants agree Questionnaire The Staff
programme with the theme of NSS that the programme can Development
review and planning will be arranged. stimulate their reflections on Committee
curriculum & assessment
planning, teaching process,
revision strategies & enable
them to make improvements.
7. A seminar on ‘Assessment for learning’ March to April 70% of the participants agree Questionnaire The Staff
will be held. 2014 that the seminar help them Development
reflect on their existing Committee
8. School-based experience sharing Throughout the 70% of the participants agree Questionnaire The Staff
sessions focusing on handling students’ year that the sharing sessions can Development
needs and classroom management better equip them to give
skills will be organized. appropriate advice to
students when needed.
School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes 2013/14 Appendix 1
School-based Grant - Programme Plan
A. The estimated number of benefitting students (count by heads) under this Programme is 306 (including A. 98 CSSA recipients, B. 193 SFAS
full-grant recipients and C. 15 under school’s discretionary quota)
Success no. of Name of
Method(s) of evaluation Period/Date participating Estimated
* criteria partner/service
Name / Type of activity Objectives of the activity (e.g. test, questionnaire, activity to be eligible expenditure
(e.g. learning provider
etc) held students# ($)
effectiveness) (if applicable)
Language Training - To boost students’ - Participants - Tutor’s written 12/8/2013- 1 9 5 5,750 Ms. Wong Chi
English Summer confidence in become more feedback 23/8/2013 Ming
Enhancement Course (S.1) learning English confident in
- To consolidate English
students’ foundation
in English and - Their learning
prepare them better attitudes are
for academic good and able
subjects taught in to follow the
English tutor’s
- Students’ - Students’
attendance rate attendance
is over 80% record
Success no. of Name of
Method(s) of evaluation Period/Date participating Estimated
* criteria partner/service
Name / Type of activity Objectives of the activity (e.g. test, questionnaire, activity to be eligible expenditure
(e.g. learning provider
etc) held students# ($)
effectiveness) (if applicable)
Adventure Activities - To enhance 75% of the - Questionnaire 4/10/2013 16 38 0 17,640 Jockey Club
S.1 Adventure-based Camp students’ self participants find the 5/10/2013 Cheung Chau
confidence & program useful - Advisor’s Don Bosco
cultivate their sense observation Youth Centre
of responsibility
- To strengthen
students’ problem
solving skills
- To foster mutual
support among
Learning Skills Training – - To equip students 80% of the - Teachers’ 16/9/2013 16 38 0 9,800 Edvenue
Reading Strategies (S.1): with different kinds participants find the observation 17/9/2013 Limited
of reading strategies workshops useful
- Questionnaire
- To prepare students
better for academic
subjects and to help
them become
Success no. of Name of
Method(s) of evaluation Period/Date participating Estimated
* criteria partner/service
Name / Type of activity Objectives of the activity (e.g. test, questionnaire, activity to be eligible expenditure
(e.g. learning provider
etc) held students# ($)
effectiveness) (if applicable)
Learning Skills Training – - To enrich the S.1 Students can learn - Questionnaire October 2 4 0 4,410 MathsLab
Mathematics Olympiad abler students with more skills and 2013 to Education
Course (S.1) more subject knowledge from April 2014 Centre
knowledge and the course other
problem solving than the normal
techniques in lessons in school
Learning Skills Training – - To develop students’ 80% of the - Teachers’ 10/2/2014 15 24 0 7,800 Edvenue
Creative Thinking (S.2): creative thinking participants find the observation 17/2/2014 Limited
skills workshops useful
- Questionnaire
Learning Skills Training – - To equip students 80% of the - Teachers’ 21/2/2014 12 29 0 8,200 Edvenue
Critical Thinking (S.3) with critical participants find the observation 25/2/2014 Limited
thinking skills workshops useful
- Questionnaire
- To enhance
capabilities in
learning Liberal
Self-confidence Development - To boost students’ 80% of the - Teachers’ 30/9/2013 21 36 0 11,400 Edvenue
Careers Planning (S.4) confidence in participants find the observation 3/10/2013 Limited
Careers Planning workshops useful
- Questionnaire
Success no. of Name of
Method(s) of evaluation Period/Date participating Estimated
* criteria partner/service
Name / Type of activity Objectives of the activity (e.g. test, questionnaire, activity to be eligible expenditure
(e.g. learning provider
etc) held students# ($)
effectiveness) (if applicable)
Self-confidence Development - To equip students 80% of the - Teachers’ 6/1/2014 21 30 0 10,200 Edvenue
Strategic Thinking (S.5) with strategic participants find the observation 10/1/2014 Limited
thinking skills for workshops useful
JUPAS - Questionnaire
- To boost students’
confidence in
learning and JUPAS
Self-confidence Development - To equip students 80% of the - Teachers’ 3/10/2013 13 36 0 9,800 Edvenue
Interview Preparation (S.6) with interviewing participants find the observation 18/10/2013 Limited
skills workshops useful
- Questionnaire
- To boost students’
confidence in
attending interviews
Success no. of Name of
Method(s) of evaluation Period/Date participating Estimated
* criteria partner/service
Name / Type of activity Objectives of the activity (e.g. test, questionnaire, activity to be eligible expenditure
(e.g. learning provider
etc) held students# ($)
effectiveness) (if applicable)
Self-confidence Development - To enhance students’ 75% of the - Questionnaire December 7 8 0 8,250 Caritas
Cyberteen-Personal Growth self confidence & participants find the 2013 Junior Police
Group: BBQ Gathering & cultivate their sense program useful - Advisor’s Call
Adventure Based Camp of responsibility observation
- To strengthen
students’ problem
solving skills and
- To foster mutual
support among
group members and
Art / Cultural Activities - To develop students’ - Participants are - Instructor’s Late-Sept 4 11 7 26,250 Qin Music
Love and Service Band potential in playing able to play the assessment 2013 to Company
musical instruments musical Aug 2014
- To boost students’ individually
self-confidence and together
with all other
- To cultivate band members
co-operation with - Participants
others become more
confident and
develop team
Success no. of Name of
Method(s) of evaluation Period/Date participating Estimated
* criteria partner/service
Name / Type of activity Objectives of the activity (e.g. test, questionnaire, activity to be eligible expenditure
(e.g. learning provider
etc) held students# ($)
effectiveness) (if applicable)
Art / Cultural Activities - To develop students’ - Participants are - Instructor’s Mid-Oct 1 6 3 6,800 Green Hill
Zheng Class potential in playing able to play the assessment 2013 to Anglo-Chinese
Zheng Zheng May 2014 Arts
individually Performance
- To boost students’ and together Troupe
self-confidence with all other
- To cultivate
students’ - Participants
co-operation with become more
others confident and
develop team
Appendix 2
Plan on Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant (2013-2014)
Means by which teachers have been consulted: Subject Panel Meetings and Staff Meetings, plans proposed by Subject Panel Chairpersons
No. of operating classes: 27
Chinese Language
Curriculum - To search and To employ a full-time - The teaching data From 1-9-2013 Salary of the - Most teachers of - Performance Panel
development prepare teaching assistant to: bank of the to 31-8-2014 teaching the Chinese appraisal of the Chairperson
and coping teaching Department will be assistant – Language teaching assistant (Mrs. J. Wong )
- search and prepare
with diverse materials to enriched. $12,620 per Department and teachers of
teaching materials to - Assessment of the
learning needs enrich the data month agree that the TA the Chinese
enrich the data bank of - Teachers’ workload in performance of the
of students bank of the (including 5% help relieve their Language
the Department preparing teaching two non-Chinese
Department MPF) for 12 workload Department
materials will be speaking students in
- help handle clerical months
relieved - The reading and Chinese Language
- To organize work of the Department
speaking skills of
and conduct Total:
the two
tutorial classes - organize and conduct - The reading and $151,440
tutorial classes for the non-Chinese
to cope with speaking skills of the
two non-Chinese speaking
learner two non-Chinese
speaking students students are
diversity speaking students will
be enhanced.
English Language
Curriculum To provide To employ a full-time - Teachers can be From Salary of the - Teachers’ workload - Performance Mrs. Helena
development assistance to teaching assistant to: relieved of some of September 2013 teaching is relieved and most appraisal of the Lam –
and coping teachers and their work load and to August 2014 assistant: of the English teaching assistant Deputy Panel
with diverse give remedial - assist teachers in can spare more time $13,104 per teachers find the Chairperson of
learning support to the preparing teaching in preparing their month teaching assistant - Feedback from the English
needs of weaker materials and clerical lessons (including 5% helpful students Department
students students work and taking care of the MPF) for 12
special learning needs months - The learning needs Ms Denise
- assist teachers in of students of the weaker Lovelace –
organizing and Total: students are taken Native English
conducting - The weaker students $157,248 care of. Speaking
English-learning will be given more Teacher
activities remedial support - Positive students’
response to the
- conduct remedial - The ELTS Centre will services provided
classes after school and be well managed and by and activities
during summer utilized organised in the
holidays ELTS Centrre
Implementation Benefits Implementation Resources Success Method(s) of People
Task Area Area(s) of
Plan Anticipated Schedule Required Criteria Evaluation responsible
Curriculum To provide To employ a full -time - Teachers can be - From 16th Salary of the - Most of the - Feedback from Mrs. R. Chan –
development assistance to teaching assistant to : relieved of some September teaching Mathematics teachers and Panel
and coping teachers and - assist teachers in preparing of their workload 2013 to 31st assistant - teachers find the students Chairperson of
with diverse give remedial teaching materials for the and can spare August 2014 T.A. helpful the Mathematics
$ 12,620 per - Performance
learning support to the subject more time in Department
month - The learning needs appraisal of the
needs of weaker - assist teachers in organizing preparing their
(including of the weaker T.A.
students students and conducting lessons and
5% MPF) for students are taken
subject-related activities taking care of the
12 months care of
- supervise the weaker students special learning
to finish their homework needs of students Total:
- help students solve their $145,129
- The weaker
problems in learning
students will be
Mathematics after lessons
given more
remedial support
Physical Education
Skills - To relieve To employ professional - Teachers’ From Training fees for - Most of the - Feedback from PE Ms Y.P. Ho –
enhancement teachers’ instructors to train the workload in September the instructors: students in teachers and Panel
programme workload in following school teams: after-school 2013 to various school students Chairperson of
for the after-school training of the July 2014 - Basket Team: sports teams find the PE
School Sports training of the - Basketball Team various sports $21,000 the training - Observation of Department
Teams various sports (twice a week) teams can be - Volleyball programmes students’
teams - Volleyball Team relieved so that Team: helpful in performance
(twice a week) they can $21,000 improving their
- To improve - Handball Team concentrate more - Handball Team: sports skills
students’ skills (once a week) on their normal $15,750
in various - Athletics Training teaching duties - Athletics - The Ball Teams
sports and (8 sessions, each Training: show improved
develop their session lasts 1.5 hours) - Students’ $2,500 performance in
sportsmanship sportsmanship inter-schools
and skills in Total: $60,250 competitions
* Each training session of various sports
the will be enhanced
Teams lasts 2 hours
Pastoral Assistant
Task Area Major Area(s) Implementation Benefits Implementation Resources Success Method(s) of People
of Concern Plan Anticipated Schedule Required Criteria Evaluation Responsible
Providing - To help To employ one full-time - The spiritual From October Salary of the -Positive feedback -Feedback from the Teachers in
pastoral care students Pastoral Assistant to work needs and growth 2013 to full-time from teachers and teachers concerned charge of
for students develop in collaboration with the of students are August 2014 Pastoral students regarding religious
positive values teachers in charge of taken care of Assistant- the work of and - Feedback from activities and
through religious activities to: $13,440 per service provided students joining the Panel
understanding - The religious month by the Pastoral activities organized Chairperson of
more about the - provide pastoral care for atmosphere of the (including 5% Assistant by the Pastoral the Religious
Catholic faith students School will be MPF) for 11 Assistant & Moral
- promote religious further enhanced. months -Positive students’ Education
- To reduce activities and response to the Department
teachers’ evangelization in the -Teachers in charge Total: $147,840 activities
workload so school of religious organized by the
that they can activities will be Pastoral
- - organize Assistant
spare more benefited from
- faith-formation
time to enhance reduced -The workload of
their teaching programmes for the workload, which
Catholic students the teachers in
effectiveness enables them to charge of
enhance the religious activities
effectiveness of is lightened,
learning and giving them
teaching in other greater capacity
areas for enhancing the
effectiveness of
learning and
Total Expenses: $661,907 (the deficit will be topped up by the surplus of the Expanded OEBG)
The CEG Plan has been endorsed by the Incorporated Management Committee.