Annual School Plan 2019-20
Annual School Plan 2019-20
Annual School Plan 2019-20
1. Mission Statement 1
The vision and mission of the School are to provide students with the normal grammar
school curriculum as well as a better chance to develop their potential in sports or arts. The
School puts equal emphasis on academic achievement and the development of students’
talent in sports and visual arts. By the time students leave the School, they will have
acquired proficient language skills, have an analytical mind, the ability to think for
themselves and a sound knowledge in academic subjects as well as in sports or visual arts.
Our School Motto: Sports, Humanities, Arts & Wisdom which emphasizes a healthy life style,
a kind heart, an aesthetic awareness to appreciate life and an independent mind.
This Plan seeks to maintain our mission of academics, sports and visual arts and to grow and
improve delivery of a quality education in line with the implementation of the NSSC and the
changing needs of Hong Kong’s community of learners.
Mission Statement 1
Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020
MC 2. Enrich exposure to new life experiences with gratitude, initiative and courage
To strengthen passion to serve
To nurture desire to lead
To inspire courage to dream
一、 恆於積極態度,志於精益求精
二、 勇於突破求進,樂於施善感恩
三、 善於體藝創意,敢於迎接挑戰
Overall Themes
1. Professional Exchange
To create professional exchange opportunities with local counterparts which has
experiences and good reputation in the areas that our school would like to improve or
2. Curriculum Review
To review our present curriculum to respond to EDB’s suggestions for major
adjustment on the senior secondary curriculum
To review our school-based PE/VA curriculum structure in order to meet changing
trends and future needs of developing students’ talents
To review on the time allocation to different KLAs in junior forms to allow
multi-disciplinary approach of curriculum and avoid curriculum content overlapping
To review the provision of elective subjects in senior form
To deal with the mismatch timetabled teaching lessons and morning routines / after
school activities
4. Teaching pedagogy
To promote new teaching strategies to teachers
5. Professional Exposure
To encourage teachers participating in external professional activities / services in
order to enrich exposures in areas related to teaching and learning
3. Resilience program
Other Strategies
Deploying teachers to various kinds of duties to enrich their exposures and experience in
different work areas
Dual Form Teacher and Form Coordinator System encourage collaboration among teachers
Lesson Observation Policy to promote peer learning and cross-subject exchange culture
Provision of convenience to encourage teachers to take up the role of public exam marker
Hosting of visits from external educational institutions to encourage exchange of
professional experience
Organising of the induction program for new teachers to facilitate quick adaptation to the
working practice and environment of school
Organsing of staff recreational events and resilience programs to promote team spirit
Apart from routine works, the following new initiatives will be carried out during the school year:
Program Brief: Using data analysis tools for improving Teaching and Learning
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To make good use of Introduce a new module “Value-Added Analysis” to Suggestions made to the use of the LUN, CKW, CCW
available data analysis all teachers for analysis data for improving teaching and
tools to improve T&L learning through analysis
Time scale: After each formal assessment
Teachers mastered the skills of using
Organise a workshop for enhancing teachers’ skills
collected data to do relevant research
in data analysis
and analyses to further facilitate
Time scale: First term students’ learning
To raise students’ interest Provide F.4 & F.5 students with exciting book excerpts during Suitable texts were collected All members
in reading Reading Period Co-ordinated 10 teacher’s WKH, CY,
Recommend books to F.1-3 students according to their interest book sharing sessions Header
Co-ordinate 10 teachers’ book sharing sessions for F.1-3 Students enjoyed the book
students during Reading Period sharing sessions / provided
Program Brief: Exploring more reading-related activities outside the school campus for Reading Ambassadors
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To allow students to have Co-organize a “Book Walking Tour” based on some books with 10 students participated in WKH, CHT
a deeper understanding of an organization the activity
a few books Once a year Students enjoyed the activity
To expose students to a Escort the outstanding Reading Ambassadors to Hong Kong 10 Reading Ambassadors WKH, CHT
wide range of books Book Fair and sponsor them to buy a book of their choice were awarded
To award the outstanding Once in July Students enjoyed the activity
Reading Ambassadors
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation
To further establish the In the First Term, the STEM Room will be utilized by Application for QEF filed in Sep 2019 YWS
STEM Room both D&T and English Panel. In the Second Term, more All D&T lessons took place in the STEM
equipment will be moved in and it will be mainly used Room in the Second Term
for D&T lessons. Application for QEF to further upgrade
the room will be filed in Sep 2019
To expose students to To enhance their interests, students will be encouraged Around 50 students involved in various YWS
STEM through to take part in various STEM competitions throughout competitions
afterschool STEM the year
To promote the STEM Cooperate with ICT Panel, organize a STEM@體藝 100 students participated in different YWS, LLY
initiative WEEK, STEM activities during STEM week
2 Mar to 6 Mar 2020 10 groups of students were able to
create a device to measure the speed of
STEM Week Land Yacht Speed testing measurement
land yacht
To broaden the horizon To organize a STEM Oversea Study Tour during the The tour is successfully held. YWS
of the students regarding Easter Holidays in Apr 2020
the application of STEM
related technology and
enhance their
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation
motivation in related
To expose students to Booth for land yacht on CODING FAIR 2020 at Hong 1,000 students from other schools LLY*, LTC,
STEM through the sailing Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre participated the land yacht activities WSL, YWS,
sports and sailing coding activities TPS
Recruit helpers from primary school
Explore coding x sailing
Other science based activities for sailing
Time Line : Jun 2020
To expose students to Integrating STEM@體藝 into the formal curriculum More than 75% of students has jointly TPS*, LLY.
STEM through a (F.2) participated in the project, produced LTC
cross-discipline model their own model rocket cars and
The I.S. teachers would teach about the theories
rocket car completed their own worksheets.
behind the rocket car.
The D&T teachers would teach about the ways of
making the rocket car.
The ICT teacher would teach about the device(s) for
measuring the speed of the rocket car.
Timeline: First term
Program Brief: “Elective Dropout Class Enrichment” for F.5 and F.6 students
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To coordinate enrichment Targeted group: students who have dropped Good and smooth running of the WKH, HHC
classes in the timetable elective subject(s) enrichment classes
for F.5-6 students who Strategies: Students will be able to make good
have free lessons due to
half of their free periods (i.e. 4 out of 8 lessons) use of the time arranged and their
dropping out of elective
will be occupied for the enrichment classes in academic performance can be further
Learning Hub uplifted
To help students use their
1st term: conduct enrichment classes for F.6
free lesson appropriately
and wisely
2nd term: conduct enrichment classes for F.5
Only Chinese, English and LS classes will be
Program Brief: Separate English oral interview by English teachers for F.1 admission
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ▓ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
Enhance the effectiveness For F.1 Admission Practical Test and First Interview Feedback from P and VPs after second NCL, ICC
of Evidence-based on 29/2/2020, oral English interview will be interview
Practice and utilization of conducted separately by English teachers, with 2
data to support F.1 English teachers per group in order to assess the
Admission language ability of the applicants more accurately
Timetabling Committee
Program Brief: Conduct a study on the preparation of a possible revised school timetable associated with the school-based curriculum review
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To find out concerns To conduct the concerned study using the aSc A sample timetable is worked out in CKL, CKH & all other
associated with the software at around May 2020 the study members
preparation of a possible
revised school timetable
associated with the
school-based curriculum
Apart from routine works, the following new initiatives will be carried out during the school year:
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To enhance students’ Through experience sharing on yearly basis Positive feedback from mentors MLY, TKK, LLY, CPY,
educational, social and and mentees (PTA), KIN (PTA)
personal growth
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To expose students to Sharing in the morning assemblies, 3 times in the The sharing was conducted LSH, WWS, YSY*
role models so as to junior assembly and 3 times in the senior assembly according to schedule
learn through the (10/11 Mar WWS, 17/18 Mar YSY, 24/25 Mar LSH)
success of mentors
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To collect information of Collecting information from alumni through different Increase in the number of alumni LLY, MLY
the alumni means such as on-line form or counter at Open Day, who are willing to provide their
etc. information
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
Students learn more Information about certain outstanding alumni will be The display was updated annually MLY, TKK
about the outstanding displayed along the covered walkway
Apart from routine works, the following new initiatives will be carried out during the school year:
Counselling Committee
Discipline Committee
Program Brief: Social Discovery for F.2 in the School Activity Day
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To enhance students’ In the past few years, F.2 students were arranged to The activities were conducted as YYK
social awareness have military conservation in Mt. Davis in the Hong planned
Kong Island. However, the activity is easily
To develop students’ Positive feedbacks from teachers and
affected by bad weather. F.2 School Activity Day
knowledge of our social students
was even cancelled last year.
More organizations of different types are to be
To increase students’
contacted to provide a whole-day activity for
learning in non-academic
different F.2 classes
Different kinds of activities are to be explored
To provide more
opportunity for students
to serve the society
To enhance the leadership 34 student leaders of the major roles at JCTIC, At least 90% of the students invited WMH, CYH
qualities of student including: join the program
Head prefects (3);
leaders in areas including The program was conducted as
their proactive-ness, Chairpersons of clubs & societies (16); planned
self-confidence, readiness
SU chairperson and vice-chairpersons (3); and
to face challenges,
communication skills, House captains and vice house captains (12)
spirit of service, etc. Program structure:
To help them gain Training Workshops
exposure in settings Adventure-based Training Day Camp
outside school, such as an
adventure-based training Overseas Service Trip
camp and overseas service F.1 Students Orientation Day – Orienteering Game
trip, and by nomination
for territory-wide
leadership training
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To set up a platform to The program is to be conducted in Dec 2019 Positive feedback from both sides of ICH, WMH
facilitate exchange Invite Zhaoqing Duanzhou Middle School (肇慶端州 students and teachers
between Hong Kong and 中學) to visit our school in Dec:
Mainland schools
attend the school Open Day
To expand the school
network hold a contract signing ceremony
To strengthen cultural join the 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner
interflow, and to achieve
mutual advancement
Program Brief: 6-year program of “The Invincible ME” Stage one for F.1 – The Responsible ME
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To support a fundamental The program will start from F.1 this year Positive response and participation MSY and members
transformation of Ti-ians The theme will be “The Responsible ME” from all F.1 students
through action, reflection
and learning It is a must for student to start with responsibility as
a step towards respecting oneself
The training will be partly incorporated into the F.1
Lunch Accommodation Program and extend
towards the second term
Apart from routine works, the following new initiatives will be carried out during the school year:
Resources Committee
Program Brief: Reconstruction of the display of students’ achievement outside the hall and covered playground
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria& Evaluation Responsible Staff
To provide more spaces for Relocate and reconstruct the student Designed and constructed the display area FYL, SKY, WKM,
displaying students’ achievement display from the hall entrance to on the wall of the covered playground Debbie, Janice
achievements for every year the covered playground Positive feedback from teachers and
Provide a more systematic and sustainable students
design for the display
Time scale: 1st term
Program Brief: Formulate the specification of the upgrade of the wired and wireless school network
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To formulate the specification of the Study and evaluate the current network Renewal of the wired and wireless LIE* + TWH
wired and wireless school network so situation (collecting feedback from users) network contract
as to provide a stable and high-speed Negotiate with the vendors to construct
network to facilitate the effectiveness feasible specification within the assigned
of teaching and learning school budget
Program Brief: Explore the feasibility of the implementation of e-payment and school app
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To explore the possible ways of the Construct the expectations of the Submission of a detailed proposal LLY* + CPS
usage of e-payment and school app to e-payment and school app system on the implementation of
enhance the effectiveness of handling Meet with potential suppliers e-payment and school app system
parents’ payment to school and the to the school
Trial-run/Testing of the e-payment and
communications between parents and school app system
the school
Program Brief: Induction to the new Account Clerk & Office Clerk
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Success Criteria &
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Responsible Staff
To improve the functions of Reshuffle the duties of General Office and the Resources Centre All works are carried out Willy*, Debbie,
the General Office according to plan and LCW
Explain school information to new staff, e.g. School
To better allocate the duties Administrative Structure, Handbooks, etc.
of the General Office and Discuss with the staff the assigned duties in details and make
the Resources Centre necessary adjustments if needed
To improve the segregation Offer help and assistance and provide necessary information to
of accounting duties with new staff upon request
the aim to better the school
finance management Hold periodic informal meeting with the new staff in order to
understand the difficulties they are facing and offer help if
To help the new staff for necessary
their quick adaptation to the
culture, working practice Channel new staff’s reflections to school management or
and environment of JCTIC concerned committees
Time scale: Throughout the year
Program Brief: Merging of the management of the school Janitors and Dorm Janitor
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Success Criteria &
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Responsible Staff
To better coordinate Explain clearly the objectives and the implementation plan to all The improved system is Debbie*, LCW
Janitors to provide general concerned Janitors at the beginning of the school year to avoid implemented according
affairs support to both the misunderstanding to plan and schedule
school and the Dormitory Mix the school duties and Dorm duties and share them among all
Monitor closely the daily running of the school and the Dormitory
and adjust the work schedule and duty allocation whenever
Collect feedback from Janitors about the new arrangement in
order to understand the effectiveness of the new system
Channel Janitors’ reflections to school management or concerned
Time scale: Sep 2019 to Jun 2020
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To maintain a student Maintain an updated record file Positive feedback from management. LLY, Willy,LIE
record file Allow borrowing record from teacher (Second stage)
Finance Committee
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To enhance financial Parallel run – old and new system Smooth transition and operation of All members
management efficiency the new system
and effectiveness through
an on-line electronic
Chemistry 52
Chinese Language 53
Chinese History 54
Economics 57
English Language 58
Geography 60
History 61
Integrated Science 63
Liberal Studies 64
Mathematics 66
Music 66
Physics 67
Physical Education 69
Putonghua 72
Visual Arts 73
Program Brief: To help reinforce students’ self-disciplinary ability
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To help reinforce All F.3‐F.6 Chemistry Teachers will instruct Breakage Records and SBA Records (mark penalty) LKH*, ACY, CKL
students’ students to handle some glassware and will be kept and monitored by subject teachers.
self-disciplinary apparatus correctly and carefully when The number of broken items will be less than 5
ability performing experiment (including ALL SBA). per year in each form (F.3- F.6)
Time scale: All Year No student in each form will be punished by the
subject teachers due to their misbehaviors in the
laboratory lessons (DPI record)
Program Brief: To organize visits to local universities or educational organizations about modern development or STEM in Chemistry and to
nominate students (with outstanding performance in Chemistry) to participate in HKASME Science Assessment Test
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To allow students to All F.3‐F.5 Chemistry Teachers will nominate About 20 - 30 students in each form participated LKH*, ACY, CKL
explore more about OR encourage students to attend assigned in the assigned activities
Chemistry outside activities or participate in HKASME Science The performance of students participated in
classroom Assessment test HKASME Science Assessment test was satisfactory
Time scale: Oct – Mar (Triple lessons in the and all the students concerned attained “Credit”
afternoon or after school) level
項目簡介: 繼續優化中三級思見班
項目簡介: 文學分享環節
項目簡介: 優化體藝徵文比賽
項目簡介: 華服知多少(三)
計劃編製者:文麗英 (科主任)
計劃簡述: 與世界歷史科作聯科考察
Program Brief: F.1 STEM related electronic project – Electronic Roulette wheel application
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Success Criteria &
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Responsible Staff
To motivate and inspire Teach F.1 students to use different electronic components to make 90% of students can LTC, LWY
students with practical electronic roulette wheel design and make the
electronic project to solve Instruct the students to apply Electronic Roulette wheel to design a product to solve a daily
daily problems life problem
product to solve a daily life problem
Students in groups need to brainstorm the ideas, design and make 5 good products could be
found for the whole form
the product
Students need to demonstrate and explain how to use the product
English Language
Program Brief: Collaboration with other STEM-related subjects in junior form ICT curriculum
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Success Criteria &
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Responsible Staff
To enhance the Explore a project or an assignment which requires collaboration Positive feedback from All Junior Form ICT
effectiveness and between ICT and STEM-related subjects year-end annual survey teachers
commitment of students’ Explore and purchase suitable and sufficient devices and and Student feedback
learning through forms
accessories for students (sharing mode)
STEM-related subjects
collaboration Make use of the STEM Room to conduct some STEM-related
Time frame: Year round
Working plan compiled by: Chan Wai Leung & LIE Chi Wai (Heads)
Integrated Science
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To further consolidate in Extend F.1 Practical Examination to F.2 (preparation: over 75% of students passed the TPS*, all I.S.
students Science process first term, examination: May-Jun) Practical Examination teachers
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To further consolidate in Extend F.2 Scientific (STEM) Project (either over 75% of students passed the TPS*, all I.S.
students Science process cross-discipline or joint-organization collaboration) Project Assignment teachers
skills and unifying to F.1 (preparation: first term, project: Mar-Apr).
Scientific concepts
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To further consolidate in Extend F.1 Science Reading Scheme (collaboration over 75% of students submitted TPS*, all I.S.
students LAC reading with LRC) to F.2 (preparation: first term, the Reading Report teachers
skills implementation: Mar-Apr).
Liberal Studies
Program Brief: Collaboration with English Panel in organizing a one-minute response competition
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To promote Jointly organize an One-minute Response The competition was organised as CYH, NCL
cross-curricular Competition for senior forms with English panel in planned
collaboration in creating the second term
social awareness among
Working plan compiled by: Ng Chi Lam (Head)
Program Brief: Using data analysis tools for improving Teaching and Learning
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To make good use of The panel will make use of the new module Discussions and suggestions were made to LUN, CKW and all
available data analysis “Value-Added Analysis” for analysis the use of the data for improving teaching Math teachers
tools to improve T&L and learning in the panel meeting
Time scale: After each formal assessment
Students could visualize their learning
progress in a timely manner so as to enhance
their motivation
Program Brief: Performance in the Hong Kong Percussion Competition for Chinese drum class
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To broaden students’ Invite students to join the Chinese drum class Students found the activity interesting LSH
horizon and raise their and gained valuable experience during
Regular rehearsals
interest in singing and rehearsals and competitions
drums Promote in morning assemblies
Positive feedback from students
Physical Education
Program Brief: Moving and renovating existing Sports Science & Fitness Centre
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To relocate the existing Explore and research for suitable and effective A brand new and advanced fitness HHK, LKL, CFL,
Sports Science & Fitness training aids for teaching and learning purpose, e.g. centre for students was built as planned WWS, CSH, NLK
Centre from G/F to the to select new fitness equipment and up-to-date The new centre became one of the
present Learning Hub physiological test and measurement facilities to cope driving forces to motivate students
with the need of DSE-PE curriculum
To provide more facilities doing sports and exercise and to
and equipment for Arrange and allocate existing equipment enhance the learning and teaching
training and learning effectiveness especially the DSE-PE
Design and drive the project of renovation with the
purpose curriculum
assistance of consultant
To be completed by December 2020
Program Brief: Cultivate sportsmanship through “School Teams Policy” in F.3 P.E. major students and F.4 P.E. elective students
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To broaden students’ exposure Extend “Mandatory One Sport Team Allocated all targeted F.1 to F.3 P.E. HHK, TPC, FYL, CNF
to structured sports and Engagement Policy” from F.1 &2 to F.3 and F.4 major students and F.4 DSE-PE elective LKL, WWS, CFL
cultivate sportsmanship (DSE-PE elective group) in 2019-2020 to students in different sports teams and
increase number of student’s man-times in achieved a balance development of all
To help students gain enjoyment
sports participation teams
and satisfaction through
participating in sports teams Require all F.4 P.E. elective students to join All targeted students get involved in
one sports team that is relevant to the sports sports teams training in their selected
To provide support and
items they select in DSE-PE sports items
strengthen the training
availability for DSE-PE elective Align and enforce the “School Teams Policy” All team advisors carried out the tasks
students Uphold and maintain good discipline of sports and aligned with the Policy agreed
To cultivate the sense of team members e.g. to have good
“responsibility” and “respect” attendance record etc.
計劃簡述: 加強跨學科學習
Program Brief: STEM Workshop (Cross-subject and committee collaboration with I.S. & SHC) – Yeast & Bread Making
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To provide a platform to the Co-operate with Integrated Science (subject) Students learned the knowledge about CPY
students to enhance their and School Home Collaboration Committee STEM through yeast and bread making
knowledge on STEM (committee) to hold a workshop after school The workshop was held as planned
To effect cross-subject and Help students in exploring the knowledge on
committee collaborations and STEM through yeast and bread making
expose students’ horizons on STEM
Visual Arts
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To adopt design thinking strategies that Adopting design thinking strategies in Design Thinking Strategies adopted All VA teachers
focus on students as active and engaged Junior Form Curriculum in Junior Form Curriculum as
learners planned
Time frame: All year
B. New Initiative:
Program Brief: One-page profile for all SEN students in the junior forms
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To help SEN students and Invite each SEN student in the junior form to SEN students are motivated to perform ICC (SEN
their form teachers complete an one-page profile and submit it to better in different aspects of school life Coordinator)
understand their strengths, his/her form teacher in the first term Feedback from SEN students, their
weaknesses, interests and Encourage form teachers to give positive feedback parents and their teachers
needs so that teachers can and encouragement to their SEN students
better support them
‘JUPAS Day’ for F.6 Students A workshop day in which F.6 students look Teacher’s observation Teacher/AT salary component to
(27/9/2019) at alternative pathways and JUPAS online provide career planning service to
counseling. The program, run by the students
Careers & Life Planning Committee, to be
supported by Form Teachers.
Career Education One Friday assemblies (about 80 min in Survey by questionnaire will $6,000 (LWL grant)
Programs/Workshops total) for F.4 classes on career education be conducted
(for F.4 Students) program/workshop.
‘Mock Release of HKDSE Results’ A workshop session for F.6 students, with Survey by questionnaire will $36,000 (LWL grant)
for F.6 Students prior arrangements made with Subject be conducted
(27/2/2020) Teachers, to predict students’ performance
in HKDSE. Based on the predicted scores,
students are advised to develop their own
strategies in response to the release of
HKDSE results.
F.3 Parents’ Night (DSE A special program for F.3 students and their Teacher’s observation Teacher/AT salary component to
Curriculum & Streaming)
parents on F.4 subject selection. provide career planning service to
Individual Counseling on F.4 To provide career planning and career Teacher’s observation Teacher/AT salary component to
Subject (for F.3 Students) counseling service to students by F.3 Form provide career planning service to
Career Video Show A video show for F.1 and F.2 students on Teacher’s observation Nil.
(for F.1 & F.2 Students) exploration of the job world.
(April-May 2020)
Mock Interview for F.6 Students A mock interview for F.6 students featuring Teacher’s observation Nil.
(May 2020) detailed instruction and interactive practice
in interview skills.
CLP Sharing Session (School Life A sharing session on senior form school life Teacher’s observation Nil.
of Senior Form Students)
for F.3 students.
June 2020 (TBD)
‘Careers Counseling for Release of A counseling session on HKDSE results for Teacher’s observation Teacher/AT salary component to
HKDSE Results’ F.6 students. provide career planning service to
(8/7/2020) students
‘CV Writing and Job Application A workshop for F.4 students on CV writing, Survey by questionnaire will $24,000 (LWL grant)
支援活動 目的 對象 時期 習作 負責人 資源
支援活動 目的 對象 時期 習作 負責人 資源
便融入社會 中五 1 位
4. GCE 課程 協助相關非華語學生參 中五級 1 名非華語 全學年 習作,如:閱理、 中五:葉俊謙老師
( 普 通 教 育 高 級 程 加公開考試,並取得滿意 學生 作文等
度證書: 中文科) 成績
總預算: $856,000
負責 計劃名稱/
策略及效益 時期 對象 預算 成功準則及檢討 負責人
部門 及目標
中文科 長衫知多少— 由非華語生任司儀 30/9- 全校 場地佈置:$500 $2,700 觀眾回應正面 KIN
展覽及閉幕禮 鳴謝設計顧問 11/10/2019 顧問紀念座:$500
向設計者及模特兒 學生紀念品(20 份):1600
頒發紀念品 運費:$100
Programs for Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Students to Learn Chinese History & Culture 84
Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020
負責 計劃名稱/
策略及效益 時期 對象 預算 成功準則及檢討 負責人
部門 及目標
中史科 中一:中國歷史 透過模型設計活動 12/2019 中一全级 禮物 $1,000 全級不少於一半 WWC
模型設計活動 提升非華語學生學 開始 (包括中一 學生參加 LKM
習中史的興趣 非華語學 WKW
中史科 中二:中國歷史 透過四格漫畫活動 2/2020 中二全级 禮物 $1,000 全級不少於一半 SKY
四格漫畫活動 提升非華語學生學 開始 (包括中二 學生參加 LKM
習中史的興趣 初中非華 WKW
中史科 中三:富體藝特 透過中國歷史考察 4/2020 中三全级 資助中三非華語學 $4,000 非華語學生反應 WKW
色及基本法元素 活動提升非華語學 開始 (包括中三 生及帶隊老師團費 正面
的中國歷史考察 生學習中史的興趣 初中非華 (一天團)
活動 語學生)
中史科 中國歷史趣味教 購買簡單易明的歷 全年 初中非華 歷史教材 $10,000 非華語學生反應 WWC
材 史書、歷史電影、 語學生 正面 LKM
有趣教學軟件、雙 WKW
語教材等以幫助非 SKY
中文及 資助教師前往內 教授非華語學生 5/2020 現在/將 團費 $20,000 成功在内地觀課 WKW
中史科 或 會教授初 及與內地老師交
地,參與有助促 教學技巧交流
6/2020 中非華語 流,提升教授非
進初中非華語學 學生的中 華語學生的技巧
生學習中國歷史 國歷史及
Programs for Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Students to Learn Chinese History & Culture 85
Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020
負責 計劃名稱/
策略及效益 時期 對象 預算 成功準則及檢討 負責人
部門 及目標
及文化的教學交 中文科老
總預算: $91,100
Programs for Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Students to Learn Chinese History & Culture 86
Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020
Success Period/Date no. of
Nature of the Method(s) of evaluation fee /
Name of activity criteria activity to be grant
activity student
held beneficiari
es #
Aesthetic development Training course / Students’ aesthetic abilities Questionnaire Oct 2019 – 5 2,000
activity visit have improved (students and parents) Jun 2020
Physical development Training course Students’ sports skills have Questionnaire Oct 2019 – 5 2,000
activity improved (students and parents) Jun 2020
Study tour outside Study tour Students’ learning Questionnaire Dec 2019 -- 15 10,000
HKSAR experience and field of view (students and parents) Aug 2020
have been broadened and
their self-discipline and
self-confident have been
# Grant beneficiaries – referring to target students in receipt of CSSA/SFAA full grant and disadvantaged students identified by the school.
# The amount of the subsidy depends on the actual cost of the activity, the length of the activity and the balance of the fund
Total: $ 634,000
Duration/ Teacher
Domain Program Objective(s) Targets Deliverables Budget
Start Date i/c
Gifted Elite To foster a very Top 20 high flyers A half-day More than 85% of TPS, School-
Education Advancement positive learning in F.4, and top 20 program in the the selected YSY University joint
Scheme (EAS) atmosphere amongst high flyers in F.5 second term students joined the venture
higher achievers in scheme $4,000
F.4 & F.5 More than 80% of
To update the higher the students found
achievers the most that they obtained
recent criteria for more knowledge
university admission about the
including its
helping them
better plan their
careers & further
Duration/ Teacher
Domain Program Objective(s) Targets Deliverables Budget
Start Date i/c
Gifted Off-site To stretch the 40 students Varied Certificates, prizes, TPS handouts
Education pull-out gifted performances of awards, medals, etc.
F.4-F.6 worksheets
education students with varied
programs/ abilities and talents subject/ exercises
competitions To cope with the committee equipment
(e.g. selection
diverse learning entrance fee
programs/ needs of students subsidies
competitions with varied abilities
organized by and talents course fee
HKAGE, subsidies
tertiary To improve students'
academic $4,000
institutes, etc.)
Mathemat Mathematical To prepare for external F.4 and F.5 Oct to Dec 2019 80% of the students WMY $750 x 5
ics Olympiad competitions students (max.20) find that they obtain lessons
training for nominated by more knowledge = $3,750
senior form subject teachers about Olympic
students mathematics
Physical Elite athlete To organize tutorials for 30 students Oct 2019 to Attend tutorial lesson HHK $130 x 30 x 8
Education program elite athletes to May 2020 (1.5-2 hr per week, = $31,200
All levels
enhance their academic $130 per hr)
performance Elite athletes
Duration/ Teacher
Domain Program Objective(s) Targets Deliverables Budget
Start Date i/c
Physical Annual P.E. To let P.E. senior form 50 students 4 days 3 nights Attend: HHK Camp fee:
Education training camp elective students learn in Apr to May FYL $320 / 2 x 50
All F.5 elective Canoe training
practical skills through 2020 LKL = $8,000
PE students
examination and Windsurfing WWS
will be
certification and at the training Training
required to
same time their Hiking courses:
collaboration skills, $510 x50
team spirit and other Complete: = $25,500
key learning areas can P.E. Camp log book
also be enhanced Total budget
= $33,500
Visual Arts Artists-in-scho To broaden students’ Nomination Workshop Student’s artworks YSY Speaker fee for
ol program perspective in from visual arts throughout the LSY Artists-in-
Students’ reflection
different art / design panel with year TSW school program
domains specific criteria $27,000
To let students 60 students
communicate and
interact with artists
and designers
Visual Arts Workshop on To teach the 10 – 15 F.3 and Oct 2019 to The school Year Book LWY Lessons,
Using Adobe participants how to use F.5 selected May 2020 and other school tutorials and
Illustrator for the Adobe Illustrator to students publications practical
Publication produce graphic design sessions
Design artworks. Participants Salary: $50,000
will be provided with
the opportunities to
gain practical
Duration/ Teacher
Domain Program Objective(s) Targets Deliverables Budget
Start Date i/c
experiences by assisting
in the publication of the
school Year Book and
other school
Taekwond Regular To provide training to About 15 F.4 - F.6 Oct 2019 to Students’ attendance WKW 15 students x
o Training students to enhance students May 2020 and their $35 x 23
Program their talents and performance in lessons x 50% =
abilities competition $6,038
Rope Regular To provide training to About 5 F.4 - F.6 Sep 2019 to Students’ attendance CPY 5 students X
Skipping Training students to enhance students Jun 2020 and their $1,100 x 50% =
Program their talents and performance in $2,750
abilities competition
Total: $162,238
4. Maintenance Services:
Maintenance services are hired to maintain a reasonable uptime for all I.T. equipment and
6. Proposed Budget:
The deficit will be covered by EOEBG and contribution from the Dormitory for the provision
of Wi-Fi access in the Dormitory areas.
The major objective for Promotion of Reading: Creating a pleasant and enjoyable reading culture at school
1. Strengthen school administrative support
2. Streamline administrative procedures
3. Reduce the administrative work of teachers and Principals so as to create room for them to
focus more on education tasks and to take care of student development
4. Strengthen the financial control and accounting support of the school by means of
segregation of duties
By using the grant:
1. To employ a full-time graduate Executive Officer to handle administrative and clerical work
to fulfil the about objectives
2. To employ an Account Clerk to share the work with the Bursar in order to achieve the
segregation of accounting duties with the aim to improve the financial control of the school
Major Duties:
1. Executive Officer
Assist in handling of routine school administrative matters
Handle administrative duties related to Home-school Relations.
Assist the internal control mechanism for personal management
Assist in the lesson substitution arrangement
Assist in keeping of student records
Drafting minutes for staff meetings
2. Account Clerk
Assist in the running of the school accounting system
Assist in the executive functions of financial resource management such as handling
school trading operations and maintenance of records
Assist the internal control for financial management
Assist in the inventory control of school fixed assets
Provide support to the Finance Committee
Essential Learning
(Please put a in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
1.1 To organize life-wide learning activities in different KLAs / cross-KLA / curriculum areas to enhance learning effectiveness (e.g. field trips, arts appreciation, visits to
enterprises, thematic learning day)
BAFS Visit to HKEX - Cross-subject collaboration with The visit aims at understanding the history, the operation and First term F.5/F.6 students (30 Attendance and 2,000
Economics the future development prospect of the Hong Kong Stock BAFS students) post-visit
Exchange. evaluation
Biology Workplace Visits to Ocean Park To explore animals-related careers and develop respect to 29 June 2020 F.5 Biology Students Reflection, 10,050
animals. (45) questionnaire
Biology Field Trip To appreciate the nature and increase students' understanding October to November F.5 Biology students Field Trip Report 3,000
in biodiversity. 2019 (45)
Chinese History 考察及參加全國學生學憲法講憲法活動 學習基本法 October 2019 F.3- F.5 about 4 Questionnaire 2,100
Gifted 英國模型氦氣飛船導航比賽 To promote STEM@體藝 education through model aeroship Feb - Apr 2020 ~40 Worksheets, 5,000
Education competition. competition results
Essential Learning
(Please put a in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Gifted Rocket car competition To promote STEM@體藝 education through project learning First Term - April project learning: Model rocket cars, 16,000
Education and external competition. 2020 whole F.2 (~150); project assignment
Committee external worksheets,
competition: ~30 competition results
Gifted Three internal STEM@體藝 Competitions To promote STEM@體藝 education through internal STEM@體 year-round ~30 Competition 1,500
Education 藝 competitions. criteria,
Committee competition results
Geography Senior Geography Field Trip To prepare students for HKDSE FBQ questions. March or April 2020 F.4 25-30 students Field trip report, 12,000
post trip
post-trip written
Geography Senior Form Geography Field Trip To prepare students for HKDSE FBQ questions. March or April 2020 F.5 20 students Field trip report, 7,000
post-trip written
Geography Senior Form Field Trip To prepare students for HKDSE FBQ questions. October 2019 F.6 18 students Field trip report, 6,300
written assessment
Essential Learning
(Please put a in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Integrated Project Assignments To conduct out-reaching project assignments: travelling fees, April 2020 (tentative) F.1 students about Project assignment 15,000
Science service fees, materials, equipment, etc. 150 worksheets, on-site
Visual Arts exhibition visit To broaden students’ perspective in different art / design May 2020 F4 students about Attendance 3,300
domains 20
Visual Arts exhibition visit & design workshop (BODW) To boarded students' perspective in different art /design Dec 2019 F4 students about Attendance 1,200
domains 20
To organize diversified life-wide learning activities to cater for students’ interests and abilities for stretching students’ potential and nurturing in students positive values and
1.2 attitudes (e.g. activities on multiple intelligences; physical, aesthetic and culture activities; leadership training; service learning; clubs and societies; school team training;
uniformed groups; military camps)
Counselling F.1 Half Day Camp To help the F.1 new comers set up targets and make friends with 23/8/2019 F.1 150 students Attendance 2,500
Committee classmates.
Counselling Boost Morale Camp To provide adventurous experience to students for their self- 19/2/2020-21/2/2020 F.3 160 students Questionnaires 132,520
Committee growth.
Counselling Peer Counselling Scheme To train the Big Brothers and Big Sisters to cater for the needs of Sept,2019--July,2020 F.1-F.5 students, Questionnaire and 30,200
Committee F.1 students. app. 25 BBBS and Discussion
150 F.1 students.
Essential Learning
(Please put a in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
CLP Committee Job Tasting Program To provide a job tasting program for F.4 students so that Apr, 2020 F.4 students about Questionnaire, 30,000
students can try to work in real working places. Teacher’s
CLP Committee CV Writing and Job Application Skills Workshop Strengthening career-planning support for senior form students June/July, 2020 F.4 students about Questionnaire, 24,000
for F.4 160 Teacher’s
CLP Committee Interview Skills and Career Counselling Workshop Strengthening career-planning support for senior form students June/July, 2020 F.5 students about Questionnaire, 24,000
for F.5 160 Teacher’s
CLP Committee Employment, Careers and Pathways Workshop for Strengthening career-planning support for senior form students March, 2020 F.5 students about Questionnaire, 24,000
F.5 160 Teacher’s
CLP Committee Mock Release of HKDSE Results for F.6 Strengthening career-planning support for senior form students 28 Feb., 2020 F.6 students about Questionnaire, 36,000
160 Teacher’s
CLP Committee Career Education Program for F.4 Strengthening career-planning support for senior form students Feb, 2020 F.4 students about Questionnaire, 6,000
140 Teacher’s
Communi-arties Art camp (2days 1 night) + Pre-camp program + 1. To observe and discover the relationship in our community. Nov 2019 F1-F4 about 40 Attendance, 34,500
Post-camp program 2. To broaden students’ perspective in different art / design students observation,
domains, response to our community by using creative questionnaire
3. To learn and interact with local artists.
Communi-arties Christmas Open House To encourage students to have concern for our society through Sept - Dec 2019 F1-F4 students Attendance, 4,000
social services. about 20 observation
Essential Learning
(Please put a in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Dance Team Regular Training Program Training Sept - May F1-5 students about Attendance 10,625
(Note 2) 25
Discipline Tour bus for Prefect camp For travelling between the school and the campsite Mar 2020 F.2-F.5 students Attendance 5,000
Committee about 60
Discipline Training workshop for Prefects For training up prefects to perform duties effectively Around October 2019 F.2 - F.5 students Attendance 5,000
Committee and February 2020 about 60
Discipline Prefect Training Camp For building up friendship, team spirit and leadership 27,28 March 2020 F.2 - F.5 students Attendance, 48,000
Committee about 70 feedback from
Prefects and
English Society English Drama Appreciation To broaden students' horizon within the academic 30 Attendance 9,300
year 2020
Girls' Football Christmas training camp 2019 For the preparation of the upcoming competitions 20-23 Dec 2019 F1-F6 about 16 Full attendance is 10,400
Team students required
Korfball Club Regular training To develop students, interest in korfball activities Every Wednesday F.1 - F.5 students Attendance 8,000
(Note 2) about 40
Learning Legacy of Reading - Eslite Bookstore Visit 1) To expose students to a wide range of books April 2020 All F.5 students - Books chosen by 3,000
Resources 2) To help select books for the Learning Hub (about 150) students
Committee - Questionnaire
Math Society Mathematical Olympial Course To arouse students' participation and interest in mathematics, From Sept 2019 to F1 to 5 students Attendance and 15,125
(Note 2) improve students' IQ, logical thinking, reasoning, analytical May 2020 about 20 join inter- school
ability and problem-solving ability. competitions
Music Music Scores for performance Regular training for strings ensemble, choir or other performing whole year F.1-F.5 Attendance 900
Music Club Instructor's fee for School Choir Regular training and performance From September F.1-F.5 Attendance 33,000
(Note 1) 2019 to September
Essential Learning
(Please put a in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Music Club Instructor' fee for Chinese Drum Class Regular training and performance From October 2019 F.1 - F.5 students Attendance 21,350
(Note 2) to October 2020 about 20
Physical School teams (Category A) coaching fee To conduct sport teams' training 1 Sep 2019 to 31 Aug F.1 to F.6 students Attendance, 581,800
Education 2020 about 500 evaluation form etc.
(Note 1)
Rope Skipping Training camp 1) To improve their rope skipping skills during the camp 30/1-1/2/2020 F.1-F.5 students, Attendance will be 19,300
2) For team-building about 40 taken per event in
3) To improve the collaboration skills of members the camp. A small
4) To get prepared for the upcoming competitions evaluation session
will be held after
each related
session of training.
A large evaluation
and reflection will
be held at the end
of the training
Rope Skipping Weekly training coach fees 1) Students can learn the basic rope skipping skills from the 16/9/2019-12/6/2020 F.1-5 students, 1) Attendance will 24,750
(Note 2) weekly training. (Every Friday) about 50 be taken in each
2) Students can improve their rope skipping skills by the training.
guidance of the coach. 2) The coach will
check the progress
of each student.
3) The coach will
ask the students to
join different
competitions to see
their progress.
Sailing Club Laser 4.7 Sailing Team To develop Laser 4.7 sailing team All Saturday for F1 to F3 students Attendance, Race 44,200
(Note 2) 19-20( Total 52 about 30 Result
Essential Learning
(Please put a in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
training days)
Student Outward Bound Training Leadership training Feb F4-5 Attendance 24,000
Student Adventure-based training day camp To help student leaders gain exposure in settings outside the 18 Jan 2020 Student leaders, Attendance, 10,000
Exposure school and to nurture their leadership qualities through about 40 observation of
Committee adventure-based training activities. students' responses
and feedback in
Student Leadership training workshops (2 full-day To enhance the leadership qualities of student leaders in areas 28 Sep and 12 Oct Student leaders, Attendance, 14,000
Exposure sessions) including pro-activeness, self-confidence and communication 2019 about 40 evaluation results
Committee skills, etc. from the service
Student 中二級「全人領袖」培訓日營 --- 通過特別設計的遊戲活動,讓同學明白每個人都可以 25 April 2020 F 2 Whole Form Questionnaire 20,000
Exposure 成為領袖,那是「選擇」
、「學習」和「堅持」的課題。 about 155
Committee 讓學生於中學階段(特別在初中階段)開始建立清晰
Taekwondo Regular Training To train students for competitions October 2019 to May F.1-F.6 students Attendance 8,050
(Note 2) 2020 about 20
Visual Arts Part-time tutors/lecturers To broaden students' horizons 2019-2020 F.1-6 Observation 55,200
(Note 1)
1.3 To organize or participate in non-local exchange activities or competitions to broaden students’ horizons
Dance Team Inter-school Dance Competition Competition Feb 2020 F1-5 students about Result & 12,650
25 Attendance
Dance Team Inter-school Dance Competition (transportation) Competition Feb-Mar F1-5 Attendance 1,000
Essential Learning
(Please put a in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Geography Cross-curricular Geography, Economics and Visual Factory visit, career talk and cultural exchange April 2020 F.4 50 students Feedback form and 11,000
Arts field trip post-trip
Music Hong Kong Youth Association Chinese Drum Competition fee April, 2020 F.1-F.5 students Attendance 400
Competition about 20
Music School Music Festival Membership fee For English Speech Festival, Chinese Speech Festival and Music June, 2020 Whole School Attendance of 400
Festival School Music
Festival, Chinese
Music Festival and
English Music
Music Hong Kong Chinese Drum Festival Competition fee October, 2019 F.1-F.5 students Attendance 800
about 20
Music School Music Festival (Choir) Competition application fee March, 2020 F.1 - 5 Attendance 700
Music Club Mid-autumn Festival Performance (Chinese Drum) Transportation Fee 15 September, 2019 F.1-F.5 about 20 Attendance 3,350
Music Club Transportation fee for competition Competition mid-October, F.1-F.5 students Attendance 7,500
2019(Drum); March, about 20 (Drum); 30
2020 (Choir); (Choir)
Rock Band Musical performances Participate in multiple musical competitions and events Multiple (already F1-F6 students Monitoring will 5,600
including 12/9, 19/10, about 25 occur through
2/11, 30/11, 19/1, number of events,
21/3, 3/7) number of
attendees, etc.
Student Public Speech Contest Train up students' confidence and speech skill Jan-April F1-5 Attendance 4,000
Essential Learning
(Please put a in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Voluntary Voluntary service, leadership development and 1) To enhance leadership qualities of student leaders Easter holiday 2020 (5 34 student leaders Observation and 75,600
service multi-national cultural exchange program - 2) To nurture moral values - 6 days) of various student debriefing
(Note 3) Myanmar/Cambodia/Mainland China 3) To raise global and cultural awareness bodies
4) To provide needed assistance to people in need
Voluntary Voluntary service and cultural experience 1) To raise students' awareness of environmental protection Early July (post-exam 20 - 30 students Observation and 116,200
service program - Japan through street cleaning and waste separation activity) (5 days) debriefing
(Note 3) 2) To exchange knowledge with local Japanese students by
engaging in Chi or Eng lessons
3) To expose students to traditional Japanese culture
Sports Athletics Team and Sailing Club Singapore sports To enhance students' athletics and water sports skills 17/7 to 26/7/2020 30 team members Observation and 126,115
(Note 3) training and cultural exchange program - performance and social communication through the school visit, (10 days) debriefing
Singapore Singapore school exchange program, intensive training session,
cultural and Singapore sports facilities visits
Geography Environmental and cultural exploration - Korea 1) Geography field trip Easter holiday 2020 (5 30 F.3 - F.5 students Observation and 63,000
(Note 3) 2) To explore the natural beauty, culture and history of Jeju days) debriefing
3) to study how local people adapt to the natural landscape
STEM STEM exchange program - Taiwan 1) To enhance student' understanding of science and technology 5/4 to 9/4 2020 (5 20 students Observation and 42,000
(Note 3) 2) To arouse students' interest in STEM days) debriefing
Estimated Expenses for Category 1 1,873,485
Category 2 To procure equipment, consumables and learning resources for promoting LWL
Music Purchase 4 pairs of stands for the wooden drums For replacement of the old stands to ensure that the 2,000
Music Club Performance necessity e.g. ribbon, bandage, plastic box Competition and performance 200
Music Club Necessity and maintenance for violins Repairing purpose 1,500
Rock Band Equipment: microphone stands (7) $2,450, microphones Participate in multiple musical competitions and events 14,450
The Current Green screen kit & accessories $2,500; equipment Campus TV: to present the latest news, issues and events 5,800
(bulbs, cables, cloth, etc.) $1,000; softboxes (lighting) at Ti-I (a collaborative English and Liberal Studies
1) Full subsidy for students participating in Cat. A training and choir.
2) 50% subsidy for students participating in Cat. B. training.
3) 20% subsidy for students and full subsidy for teachers joining the overseas exchange program.
4) Amount of Life-wide Learning Grant approved for 2019-2020 amounted to $1,410,000, the shortfall is to be covered by EOEBG.
EOEBG Portion:
Projected Deficit for the Year: [(b)+(c)]-[(f)+(g)] (1,095,083.16)
Add: Accumulated Surplus as at 31/08/2019 765,602.90
Projected Accumulated Surplus at Year End: (D) (329,480.26)
B. School Fund
C. Endowment Fund