Annual School Plan 2019-20

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This plan will be tabled for IMC endorsement in December 2019

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

1. Mission Statement 1

2. 3-year Development Plan (2018-2021) 2

3. School Administrative Structure 3

4. Major Concerns for the School Year 4

5. Staff Development Plan 7

6. Working Plan of Administrative Groups 9

7. Working Plan of Subject Panels 49

8. Support for Students with Special Educational needs 74

9. Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service 76

10. Supports for Non-Chinese Speaking Students 82

11. Programs for Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Students to Learn Chinese

History & Culture 84

12. School-based After-school Learning and Support Programs 87

13. Plan on Sister School Exchanges 88

14. Plan on Using the Capacity Enhancement Grant 89

15. Plan on Using the Diversity Learning Grant 90

16. Plan on Using the Composite I.T. Grant 94

17. Plan on Using the Promotion of Reading Grant 96

18. Plan on Using the School Executive Officer Grant 97

19. Plan on Using the Life-wide Learning Grant 98

20. School Budget 108

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


The vision and mission of the School are to provide students with the normal grammar
school curriculum as well as a better chance to develop their potential in sports or arts. The
School puts equal emphasis on academic achievement and the development of students’
talent in sports and visual arts. By the time students leave the School, they will have
acquired proficient language skills, have an analytical mind, the ability to think for
themselves and a sound knowledge in academic subjects as well as in sports or visual arts.

Our School Motto: Sports, Humanities, Arts & Wisdom which emphasizes a healthy life style,
a kind heart, an aesthetic awareness to appreciate life and an independent mind.

This Plan seeks to maintain our mission of academics, sports and visual arts and to grow and
improve delivery of a quality education in line with the implementation of the NSSC and the
changing needs of Hong Kong’s community of learners.

Mission Statement 1
Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

2. 3-YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2018-2021)

Major Time scale

Concern Targets School Level Strategies 2018- 2019- 2020-
Area 2019 2020 2021
MC 1 To improve: 1. Developing students’ learning habits and time management
skills.   
Academic  learning habits
 learning attitude 2. Enhancing the effectiveness of Evidence-based Practice and
 learning atmosphere utilization of data to support teaching and learning.   

3. Extending academic and language learning outside the

 
4. Recognizing outstanding performance and achievement of
academic high flyers.  

5. Upgrading facilities/resources and regulating concerned

administrative procedures/rules to establish a self-study  

3-Year Development Plan 2

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Major Time scale

Concern Targets School Level Strategies 2018- 2019- 2020-
Area 2019 2020 2021
MC 2 To cultivate in students the: 1. Opening up avenues for students to show their respect and
 passion to serve gratefulness to parents, teachers, the school and the wider ✓ ✓ ✓
 desire to lead community.
 courage to dream 2. Providing opportunities for students to serve the community and
the school. ✓ ✓
3. Creating platforms and opportunities for students to share their
personal views and acquire life experiences. ✓ ✓ ✓
4. Exploiting external resources to provide leadership training for
students and student leaders. ✓ ✓ ✓
5. Offering students chances to experience independent living,
hardships and different cultures to develop skills to handle ✓ ✓
difficulties and unfamiliar situations.
6. Strengthening career-planning support for senior form students.
✓ ✓ ✓

3-Year Development Plan 3

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Major Time scale

Concern Targets School Level Strategies 2018- 2019- 2020-
Area 2019 2020 2021
MC 3  To be committed to our 1. Broadening students' exposure to various new areas of sports and
passions ✓ ✓ ✓
School arts.
 To build up courage for
Mission innovation 2. Exploring more channels to promote the school. ✓ ✓ ✓
 To showcase and promote 3. Helping students achieve a balanced school-life through actively
our school ✓ ✓ ✓
reviewing and fine-tuning school policies.
4. Upgrading our sports / arts facilities. ✓ ✓

3-Year Development Plan 4

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


School Administrative Structure 5

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


MC 1. Develop attitude to mount intellectual altitude

 To build up good learning habits
 To cultivate a positive learning attitude
 To foster an encouraging learning atmosphere

MC 2. Enrich exposure to new life experiences with gratitude, initiative and courage
 To strengthen passion to serve
 To nurture desire to lead
 To inspire courage to dream

MC 3. Inspire innovation and drive for aesthetic and physical challenge

 To be committed to our passions
 To be courageous in innovation
 To showcase and promote our school

一、 恆於積極態度,志於精益求精
 學而成習、持之以恆
 正向積極、盡力盡責
 好學不倦、追求卓越

二、 勇於突破求進,樂於施善感恩
 心繫社群、樂善好施
 啟發潛能、立己達人
 實踐抱負、起動追夢

三、 善於體藝創意,敢於迎接挑戰
 活用資源、力臻至善
 勇於創新、拓展體藝
 再展新猷、盡顯特色

Major Concerns for the School Year 6

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Overall Themes
1. Professional Exchange
 To create professional exchange opportunities with local counterparts which has
experiences and good reputation in the areas that our school would like to improve or

2. Curriculum Review
 To review our present curriculum to respond to EDB’s suggestions for major
adjustment on the senior secondary curriculum
 To review our school-based PE/VA curriculum structure in order to meet changing
trends and future needs of developing students’ talents
 To review on the time allocation to different KLAs in junior forms to allow
multi-disciplinary approach of curriculum and avoid curriculum content overlapping
 To review the provision of elective subjects in senior form
 To deal with the mismatch timetabled teaching lessons and morning routines / after
school activities

3. Crisis management under current social atmosphere

 To share with teachers effective ways to better manage their emotion and to maintain
effective communication with parents and students

4. Teaching pedagogy
 To promote new teaching strategies to teachers

5. Professional Exposure
 To encourage teachers participating in external professional activities / services in
order to enrich exposures in areas related to teaching and learning

6. Teachers’ Well-being & Team Spirit Building

 To arouse teachers’ health concern and suggest practical ways to improve it

 To raise teachers’ concern on the importance of keeping a balance between work

efficiency and personal health

 To cultivate team spirit among teachers by organizing group activities to increase
mutual trust, respect and understanding.

Staff Development Days

Day 1: 20 December 2019 (Friday)

Theme: 1. Curriculum review
 To report the survey results collected from students, parents and alumni

Staff Development Plan 7

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

 To collect teachers’ feedback on the final draft of the curriculum framework

2. Effective communication and stress management under current social

3. 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner

Day 2: 20 March 2020 (Friday)

Theme: 1. Reaching Out – Learn from Our Counterparts (PART 1)
 Teachers are divided into groups according to their specialisation. Each
group will be arranged to visit a school which has good reputation / solid
experience in delivering educational programs in one of the following
 Academic enhancement
 English T&L
 Self-directed learning
 Student growth and moral education
 STEM/STEAM education
 Data analysis management
 Environmental friendly measures in schools

Day 3: 5 June 2020 (Friday)

Theme: 1. Reaching Out – Learn from Our Counterparts (PART 2)
 Each group shares what they have learned from the visit to the other
teachers and suggest how we may practically implement what we have
learned from the visiting school
2. Creativity teaching strategies in diversified classroom

3. Resilience program

Other Strategies

 Deploying teachers to various kinds of duties to enrich their exposures and experience in
different work areas
 Dual Form Teacher and Form Coordinator System encourage collaboration among teachers
 Lesson Observation Policy to promote peer learning and cross-subject exchange culture
 Provision of convenience to encourage teachers to take up the role of public exam marker
 Hosting of visits from external educational institutions to encourage exchange of
professional experience
 Organising of the induction program for new teachers to facilitate quick adaptation to the
working practice and environment of school
 Organsing of staff recreational events and resilience programs to promote team spirit

Staff Development Plan 8

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Academic Affairs Section 10

Communication & Development Section 22

Student Development Section 28

Administration & Resources Section 38

Section Working Plan 9

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Apart from routine works, the following new initiatives will be carried out during the school year:

Panel Heads Committee

Program Brief: Cross-subject and inter-school collaboration

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive □ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To improve teaching  Two subjects as partners collaborate to improve  All subjects collaborate internally at  CY, NCL, TYF
effectiveness teaching effectiveness in terms of depth of content least once
or LAC  5-10 subjects partner with other
 Two subjects as partners collaborate to run a schools
 To contact and partner with a school to learn their
 Whole year

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 10

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Improving classroom discipline and learning attitude

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive □ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To enhance teaching and  Panel heads work with members to specify ways to  Students’ learning attitude improves in  TYF, LUN
learning improve classroom discipline and students’ learning the subject every month
attitude  Students’ API/QPI improve gradually
 Panel heads evaluate the effectiveness of the
measures in panel meetings.
 Whole year

Working plan compiled by: Tsao Yu Fang (Head)

Curriculum Development Committee

Program Brief: School-based curriculum review

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive □ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To conduct school-based  Collect opinions from stakeholders about the  Surveys conducted  CKL
curriculum review present curriculum  A new curriculum framework worked  Committee
 Based on opinions collected, devise a new out members
curriculum framework  Subject curricula revised accordingly  Panel Heads &
 Based on the curriculum framework, conduct & members
revise present subject curriculum

Working plan compiled by: Chow Kwok Lim (Head)

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 11

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Examinations & SBA Committee

Program Brief: Coordination of Uniform Test System

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To help coordinate the  Gather assessment data from panels at or before  Information gathered on time  LKH
uniform tests given by 9/9
different subjects  Coordinate the test dates and frequency of different  Timetable prepared on time  LKH
 Announce test dates to students and parents in Sept  Timetable released on time  All teachers
& Oct
 Help rearrange the test dates if necessary  Test dates changed according to need  All teachers

Working plan compiled by: Leung Kim Hung (Head)

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 12

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Performance Analysis & Streaming Committee

Program Brief: Using data analysis tools for improving Teaching and Learning
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To make good use of  Introduce a new module “Value-Added Analysis” to  Suggestions made to the use of the LUN, CKW, CCW
available data analysis all teachers for analysis data for improving teaching and
tools to improve T&L learning through analysis
Time scale: After each formal assessment
 Teachers mastered the skills of using
 Organise a workshop for enhancing teachers’ skills
collected data to do relevant research
in data analysis
and analyses to further facilitate
Time scale: First term students’ learning

Program Brief: Modification of the Early Intervention Approach on assignment performance

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To make new  Modify the current approach so as to monitor the  Improvements can be made on LUN, ICH, LYH
arrangements on assignment performance closely students’ assignment submission
monitoring students’ Time scale: Start at the commencement of the year  Students can develop good learning
assignment performance

Working plan compiled by: Wong Yuk Lun (Head)

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 13

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Learning Resources Committee

Program Brief: Organizing reading workshops

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To allow students to learn  Invite speakers to introduce books and teach students  Organized 3 reading workshops  WKH, ACY, WWC,
practical skills from books some practical skills through the workshops HHS, Header
 15 students or more participated
 Three times a year in each workshop

Program Brief: Recommending suitable reading texts to students

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To shape students’ moral  Provide F.4 & F.5 students with meaningful stories/texts during  Suitable texts were collected  All members
values Reading Period  F.4 and F.5 students found the
 To set questions for students’ reflection texts meaningful

 To raise students’ interest  Provide F.4 & F.5 students with exciting book excerpts during  Suitable texts were collected  All members
in reading Reading Period  Co-ordinated 10 teacher’s  WKH, CY,
 Recommend books to F.1-3 students according to their interest book sharing sessions Header
 Co-ordinate 10 teachers’ book sharing sessions for F.1-3  Students enjoyed the book
students during Reading Period sharing sessions / provided

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 14

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Relocating the Learning Hub

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To upgrade the learning  Relocate the Learning Hub to the existing D&T Room & Fitness  The Library was relocated  CY, WKH, CHT,
resources and better Centre, and re-design the layout of the library Header
facilitate the self-learning

Program Brief: Exploring more reading-related activities outside the school campus for Reading Ambassadors
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To allow students to have  Co-organize a “Book Walking Tour” based on some books with  10 students participated in  WKH, CHT
a deeper understanding of an organization the activity
a few books  Once a year  Students enjoyed the activity
 To expose students to a  Escort the outstanding Reading Ambassadors to Hong Kong  10 Reading Ambassadors  WKH, CHT
wide range of books Book Fair and sponsor them to buy a book of their choice were awarded
 To award the outstanding  Once in July  Students enjoyed the activity
Reading Ambassadors

Working plan compiled by: Chan Ying (Head)

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 15

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Gifted Education Committee

Program Brief: STEM@體藝:

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation
 To further establish the  In the First Term, the STEM Room will be utilized by  Application for QEF filed in Sep 2019 YWS
STEM Room both D&T and English Panel. In the Second Term, more  All D&T lessons took place in the STEM
equipment will be moved in and it will be mainly used Room in the Second Term
for D&T lessons. Application for QEF to further upgrade
the room will be filed in Sep 2019

 To expose students to  To enhance their interests, students will be encouraged  Around 50 students involved in various YWS
STEM through to take part in various STEM competitions throughout competitions
afterschool STEM the year

 To promote the STEM  Cooperate with ICT Panel, organize a STEM@體藝  100 students participated in different YWS, LLY
initiative WEEK, STEM activities during STEM week
 2 Mar to 6 Mar 2020  10 groups of students were able to
create a device to measure the speed of
 STEM Week Land Yacht Speed testing measurement
land yacht

 To broaden the horizon  To organize a STEM Oversea Study Tour during the  The tour is successfully held. YWS
of the students regarding Easter Holidays in Apr 2020
the application of STEM
related technology and
enhance their

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 16

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation
motivation in related
 To expose students to  Booth for land yacht on CODING FAIR 2020 at Hong  1,000 students from other schools LLY*, LTC,
STEM through the sailing Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre participated the land yacht activities WSL, YWS,
sports and sailing coding activities TPS
 Recruit helpers from primary school
 Explore coding x sailing
 Other science based activities for sailing
 Time Line : Jun 2020

 To expose students to  Integrating STEM@體藝 into the formal curriculum  More than 75% of students has jointly TPS*, LLY.
STEM through a (F.2) participated in the project, produced LTC
cross-discipline model their own model rocket cars and
 The I.S. teachers would teach about the theories
rocket car completed their own worksheets.
behind the rocket car.
 The D&T teachers would teach about the ways of
making the rocket car.
 The ICT teacher would teach about the device(s) for
measuring the speed of the rocket car.
 Timeline: First term

Working plan compiled by: Tsung Pui Sum (Head)

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 17

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Academic Support Committee

Program Brief: “After-school Homework Detention Class”

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To support and give  Students having relatively serious assignment  Detention class can be operated  LYZ*, LTC, HHK
assistance to students submission problems (required to meet VP) will be effectively
who have relatively arranged to attend the detention class and  API’s performance of students can be
serious problems in complete all uncollected assignments improved
assignment submission
 To have a positive effect
on students’ overall
assignment performance

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 18

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: “Elective Dropout Class Enrichment” for F.5 and F.6 students
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To coordinate enrichment  Targeted group: students who have dropped  Good and smooth running of the WKH, HHC
classes in the timetable elective subject(s) enrichment classes
for F.5-6 students who Strategies:  Students will be able to make good
have free lessons due to
 half of their free periods (i.e. 4 out of 8 lessons) use of the time arranged and their
dropping out of elective
will be occupied for the enrichment classes in academic performance can be further
Learning Hub uplifted
 To help students use their
 1st term: conduct enrichment classes for F.6
free lesson appropriately
and wisely
 2nd term: conduct enrichment classes for F.5
 Only Chinese, English and LS classes will be

Working plan compiled by: Ho Hon Kin (Head)

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 19

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Student Admission Committee

Program Brief: Separate English oral interview by English teachers for F.1 admission
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ▓ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 Enhance the effectiveness  For F.1 Admission Practical Test and First Interview  Feedback from P and VPs after second NCL, ICC
of Evidence-based on 29/2/2020, oral English interview will be interview
Practice and utilization of conducted separately by English teachers, with 2
data to support F.1 English teachers per group in order to assess the
Admission language ability of the applicants more accurately

Working plan compiled by: Ng Chi Lam (Head)

Timetabling Committee

Program Brief: Conduct a study on the preparation of a possible revised school timetable associated with the school-based curriculum review
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To find out concerns  To conduct the concerned study using the aSc  A sample timetable is worked out in CKL, CKH & all other
associated with the software at around May 2020 the study members
preparation of a possible
revised school timetable
associated with the
school-based curriculum

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 20

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Further develop the succession plan

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To further develop the  To propose a new committee head to replace the  The new committee head starts CKL
succession plan for the original head who will retire after the academic year his/her service & succession tasks
committee 2021 carried out
 To carry out succession tasks  The new member(s) is/are recruited
 To recruit one to two new members for the
Working plan compiled by: Chow Kwok Lim (Head)

Section Working Plan – Academic Affairs 21

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Apart from routine works, the following new initiatives will be carried out during the school year:

School Home Collaboration Committee

Program Brief: Elder Academy

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To enhance students’ empathy  Cooperate with Student Exposure Committee  Over 20 parents, students and elderly WMH*, CKH
to run the Elder Academy attended the activities
 To consolidate the relationship
between child and parents  Two activities will be held on 16 & 17 Jan 2020

Program Brief: Mentorship Scheme

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To broaden students’ horizon  Cooperate with Alumni Affair Committee to  Each mentor organized at least two KIN*, CPY
run the program activities for his/her mentee
 To enhance students social skill
 Invite alumni to be the mentors of the current  Mentees recorded the information
students and titbits of the activities in the
Scheme Handbook for self-reflection

Working plan compiled by: Wong Man Kin (Head)

Section Working Plan – Communication & Development 22

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Alumni Affairs Committee

Program Brief: Mentorship Program

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive

Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To enhance students’  Through experience sharing on yearly basis  Positive feedback from mentors MLY, TKK, LLY, CPY,
educational, social and and mentees (PTA), KIN (PTA)
personal growth

Program Brief: Good Morning Alumni

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive

Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To expose students to  Sharing in the morning assemblies, 3 times in the  The sharing was conducted LSH, WWS, YSY*
role models so as to junior assembly and 3 times in the senior assembly according to schedule
learn through the  (10/11 Mar WWS, 17/18 Mar YSY, 24/25 Mar LSH)
success of mentors

Section Working Plan – Communication & Development 23

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Alumni Profiles Collection

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive

Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To collect information of  Collecting information from alumni through different  Increase in the number of alumni LLY, MLY
the alumni means such as on-line form or counter at Open Day, who are willing to provide their
etc. information

Program Brief: Outstanding Alumni Display Board

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive

Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 Students learn more  Information about certain outstanding alumni will be  The display was updated annually MLY, TKK
about the outstanding displayed along the covered walkway

Working plan compiled by: Man Lai Ying (Head)

Section Working Plan – Communication & Development 24

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

External Communication Committee

Program Brief: Collect information about school history

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To collect information  Classified materials are to be uploaded to the Team  Classified materials related to school CWY, BH & Willy
about school history and Drive from time to time history are stored in the Team Drive of
classify into different ECC
categories  All members have easy access to the

Working plan compiled by: Chu Wai Yee (Head)

Image Promotion Committee

Program Brief: Olympic Qualifying Event & Ti-Ian

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To promote positive  Reporting news of Ti-Ians getting good results in  Successfully report the news in school WKW, CNF
school image through the Olympic qualifying events through school website website and Facebook
outstanding results of and Facebook  Positive feedback from teachers and
Ti-Ians in Olympic students on the news report
qualifying events

Section Working Plan – Communication & Development 25

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Balance Reflects the Performance of the School

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To strengthen the  Actively invite subject panels and committees to  Activities/students’ performance in WKW, TCW
promotion of activities/ submit information on activities/students’ relation to Humanities and Wisdom
students’ performance in performance in relation to Humanities and Wisdom are/is reported in school website and
Humanities and Wisdom, Facebook every month
which better reflects our
students’ overall

Working plan compiled by: Wong Ka Wing (Head)

Section Working Plan – Communication & Development 26

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

School and Staff Development Committee

Program Brief: Reaching Out - Learn from Our Counterparts
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Success Criteria & Responsible
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale
Evaluation Staff
 To learn from other  Staff Development Day 2 (20/3)  The visits are  LCW*, CKL,
schools which has  Teachers are divided into a few groups according to their specialisation. E.g. conducted according CWL, YWS,
experiences and Science, English Lang., Moral Education, STEM, etc. STEM education to plan and schedule WMH,
good reputation in  There are CCM, CH,
 Each group will be arranged to visit a school which has good reputation / solid
the areas that our initiatives carried Willy
experience in delivering educational programs in one of the following areas:
school would like to out in our school
improve or develop  Academic enhancement with ideas
 English T&L originated from
 To build relationship
 Self-directed learning the visits
and consolidate
collaboration with  Student growth and moral education
our counterparts  STEM/STREAM education
 Data analysis management
 To broaden teachers’  Environmental friendly measures in schools
horizon  Well before the visits, each group conducts pre-visit discussion to prepare a
“wish list” on what the group would like to get or learn from the visit. E.g.
Lesson visit, teacher sharing, meeting with students, visiting facilities, etc.
 Staff Development Day 3 (5/6)
 Each group presents what they have learned from the visit to the other teachers
 Each group shall suggest how we may practically implement what we have
learned from the visiting school

Working plan compiled by: Leung Chi Wing (Head)

Section Working Plan – Communication & Development 27

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Apart from routine works, the following new initiatives will be carried out during the school year:

Careers and Life Planning Committee

Program Brief: Job Tasting Program

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To help students explore  Careers Workshop (for F.4 Students)  Students would come up with a better LKL
various career options and  Job Tasting Program (for F.4 Students) understanding of themselves and
gain job experiences different kinds of job nature
 Careers Visit
 Positive results in questionnaire
 CV Writing and Job Application Skills Workshop (for survey
F.4 students)

Section Working Plan – Student Development 28

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Careers Workshop (for F.3 Students)

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To provide students with  Careers Workshops (for F.3 Students)  Students would come up with a  BH
platforms to develop rational decision on F.4 subject choice
decision-making and
problem-solving skills

Working plan compiled by: Tong Cheong Wing (Head)

Section Working Plan – Student Development 29

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Counselling Committee

Program Brief: Sex Education Biweekly

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 Cultivate positive and  Hold the Biweekly program in which different kinds  The activities were conducted as CLK, IPL, WSK,
healthy value of students of activities are prepared, such as talk, workshop, scheduled
exhibition, life education lesson, design  Positive questionnaire survey results
competition, publication and game booth.
 Invite the professional organization to provide

Working plan compiled by: Chui Lai Kuen (Head)

Section Working Plan – Student Development 30

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Discipline Committee

Program Brief: Build up a stronger prefect team

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To improve support for  Prefect team will be divided into 12 groups and each  Improved functionality of the prefect  All DC teachers
prefect team team is to be closely followed by one DC teacher to team
enhance more personal training and individual
 To enhance sense of  Positive feedback from prefects and
caring and support (functional and emotional)
belonging of the prefect teachers
team  Prefect team could work
 To provide more independently at the end of 2nd term
opportunities for the
personal development of

Program Brief: Preventive / educational measures to improve discipline in school

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To develop students’  Deliver more short speeches during assemblies  Positive feedback from students and  All DC teachers
judgement and encourage concerning common misbehaviour in school teachers

Working plan compiled by: Choi Koon Hung (Head)

Section Working Plan – Student Development 31

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

OLE & SLP Committee

Program Brief: Self-organized activity by F.4 in the School Activity Day

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To enhance students’  F.4 students will be allowed to plan their own  The activities were conducted as  YSH, CKW
leadership activity day on class basis under teachers’ guidance planed
if half day social service can not be arranged with
 To develop students’  Positive feedbacks from teachers and
potential in organizing students
activities  After the career visit in the morning, F.5 students
will be allowed to plan a half-day activity either on
 To increase students’
class or form basis
 To make students more
responsible for their own
 To provide more
opportunity for students
to serve the society

Section Working Plan – Student Development 32

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Social Discovery for F.2 in the School Activity Day
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To enhance students’  In the past few years, F.2 students were arranged to  The activities were conducted as YYK
social awareness have military conservation in Mt. Davis in the Hong planned
Kong Island. However, the activity is easily
 To develop students’  Positive feedbacks from teachers and
affected by bad weather. F.2 School Activity Day
knowledge of our social students
was even cancelled last year.
 More organizations of different types are to be
 To increase students’
contacted to provide a whole-day activity for
learning in non-academic
different F.2 classes
 Different kinds of activities are to be explored
 To provide more
opportunity for students
to serve the society

Working plan compiled by: Fu Siu Hong (Head)

Section Working Plan – Student Development 33

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Student Exposure Committee

Program Brief: Leadership Training Program - Overseas Volunteer Service Trip

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff

 To enhance the leadership  34 student leaders of the major roles at JCTIC,  At least 90% of the students invited WMH, CYH
qualities of student including: join the program
 Head prefects (3);
leaders in areas including  The program was conducted as
their proactive-ness,  Chairpersons of clubs & societies (16); planned
self-confidence, readiness
 SU chairperson and vice-chairpersons (3); and
to face challenges,
communication skills,  House captains and vice house captains (12)
spirit of service, etc.  Program structure:
 To help them gain  Training Workshops
exposure in settings  Adventure-based Training Day Camp
outside school, such as an
adventure-based training  Overseas Service Trip
camp and overseas service  F.1 Students Orientation Day – Orienteering Game
trip, and by nomination
for territory-wide
leadership training

Section Working Plan – Student Development 34

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Elder Academy

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 The establishment of  Implement 12 different activities for the elderly in  Positive feedback from students,  YSH, WSK(OSC),
elder academy serves three years, including interest classes, fitness classes teachers and the elderly WMH, LKL, LHL
multiple objectives: and IT skills.
 To promote harmony  3 events will be launched in the first year including
between the elders and physical fitness lectures and training classes, Lunar
the young. Students New Year craft classes and mobile phone emoji
should enhance design classes
communication with the
elders through
participating in the
activities of the elder
 To strengthen civic
education. Students
should offer volunteer
services to the elders at
school campuses. This
may in turn promote civic
education and foster
community spirit among
the students

Section Working Plan – Student Development 35

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Sister School Scheme

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To set up a platform to  The program is to be conducted in Dec 2019  Positive feedback from both sides of ICH, WMH
facilitate exchange  Invite Zhaoqing Duanzhou Middle School (肇慶端州 students and teachers
between Hong Kong and 中學) to visit our school in Dec:
Mainland schools
 attend the school Open Day
 To expand the school
network  hold a contract signing ceremony
 To strengthen cultural  join the 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner
interflow, and to achieve
mutual advancement

Working plan compiled by: Woo Mei Hung (Head)

Section Working Plan – Student Development 36

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Student Growth Committee

Program Brief: 6-year program of “The Invincible ME” Stage one for F.1 – The Responsible ME
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To support a fundamental  The program will start from F.1 this year  Positive response and participation MSY and members
transformation of Ti-ians  The theme will be “The Responsible ME” from all F.1 students
through action, reflection
and learning  It is a must for student to start with responsibility as
a step towards respecting oneself
 The training will be partly incorporated into the F.1
Lunch Accommodation Program and extend
towards the second term

Working plan compiled by: Yeung Pui Shan (Head)

Section Working Plan – Student Development 37

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Apart from routine works, the following new initiatives will be carried out during the school year:

Resources Committee

Program Brief: To setup a souvenir stock system

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To setup a system to  To record the number and type of souvenirs in  Reviewed the current stock of souvenirs  CFL, SKY, WSL,
manage the stock of our school Heidi, Janice
 Provided clear guidelines for teachers to
souvenirs  To setup specific guidelines for teachers to apply for giving out souvenirs
apply for giving out souvenirs
 Time scale: 1 year

Section Working Plan – Administration & Resources 38

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Reconstruction of the display of students’ achievement outside the hall and covered playground
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria& Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To provide more spaces for  Relocate and reconstruct the student  Designed and constructed the display area  FYL, SKY, WKM,
displaying students’ achievement display from the hall entrance to on the wall of the covered playground Debbie, Janice
achievements for every year the covered playground  Positive feedback from teachers and
 Provide a more systematic and sustainable students
design for the display
 Time scale: 1st term

Program Brief: Improvement of printing system

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria& Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To provide mobile printing service for  Purchase hardware to support  Setup the printing system which support  CFL, CH, WSL,
teacher and students mobile printing (e.g. card readers) mobile printing Kenneth
 Construct rules and guidelines for  Enable printing in computer rooms
students to use the service
 Provide chrome book printing
service in the computer room
during ICT lessons
 Time scale: 1 year

Working plan compiled by: Cheung Fook Lai (Head)

Section Working Plan – Administration & Resources 39

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Estate Management Committee

Program Brief: Campus Renovation Project

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To provide support to the  Design, tendering and project management support  Renovation and relocation tasks  LTC*+CWL + Jone
3 working groups of the to the Library relocation project executed smoothly as planned.
Campus Renovation  Design, tendering and project management support  CH*+CWL + Jone
Project to the construction work of the Integrated Fitness
Centre relocation project
 E&M and renovation support to the setting up of  LTC*+CWL + Jone
the STEM Room

Working plan compiled by: Chan Wai Leung (Head)

Section Working Plan – Administration & Resources 40

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Information Administration Committee

Program Brief: Formulate the specification of the upgrade of the wired and wireless school network
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To formulate the specification of the  Study and evaluate the current network  Renewal of the wired and wireless  LIE* + TWH
wired and wireless school network so situation (collecting feedback from users) network contract
as to provide a stable and high-speed  Negotiate with the vendors to construct
network to facilitate the effectiveness feasible specification within the assigned
of teaching and learning school budget

Program Brief: Explore the feasibility of the implementation of e-payment and school app
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To explore the possible ways of the  Construct the expectations of the  Submission of a detailed proposal  LLY* + CPS
usage of e-payment and school app to e-payment and school app system on the implementation of
enhance the effectiveness of handling  Meet with potential suppliers e-payment and school app system
parents’ payment to school and the to the school
 Trial-run/Testing of the e-payment and
communications between parents and school app system
the school

Working plan compiled by: Lie Chi Wai (Head)

Section Working Plan – Administration & Resources 41

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Supporting Staff Committee

Program Brief: Induction to the new Account Clerk & Office Clerk
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Success Criteria &
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Responsible Staff
 To improve the functions of  Reshuffle the duties of General Office and the Resources Centre  All works are carried out  Willy*, Debbie,
the General Office according to plan and LCW
 Explain school information to new staff, e.g. School
 To better allocate the duties Administrative Structure, Handbooks, etc.
of the General Office and  Discuss with the staff the assigned duties in details and make
the Resources Centre necessary adjustments if needed
 To improve the segregation  Offer help and assistance and provide necessary information to
of accounting duties with new staff upon request
the aim to better the school
finance management  Hold periodic informal meeting with the new staff in order to
understand the difficulties they are facing and offer help if
 To help the new staff for necessary
their quick adaptation to the
culture, working practice  Channel new staff’s reflections to school management or
and environment of JCTIC concerned committees
 Time scale: Throughout the year

Section Working Plan – Administration & Resources 42

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Merging of the management of the school Janitors and Dorm Janitor
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Success Criteria &
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Responsible Staff
 To better coordinate  Explain clearly the objectives and the implementation plan to all  The improved system is  Debbie*, LCW
Janitors to provide general concerned Janitors at the beginning of the school year to avoid implemented according
affairs support to both the misunderstanding to plan and schedule
school and the Dormitory  Mix the school duties and Dorm duties and share them among all
 Monitor closely the daily running of the school and the Dormitory
and adjust the work schedule and duty allocation whenever
 Collect feedback from Janitors about the new arrangement in
order to understand the effectiveness of the new system
 Channel Janitors’ reflections to school management or concerned
 Time scale: Sep 2019 to Jun 2020

Working plan compiled by: Leung Chi Wing (Head)

Section Working Plan – Administration & Resources 43

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Student Registration and Records Committee

Program Brief: Enhance the student record - include search function

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To facilitate staff and  Include student prize record  Positive feedback from teachers LIE, LLY, Dolf, Cloudy
teachers to search  Testing in first Term
student information in a
more convenient way

Program Brief: Student Record File

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To maintain a student  Maintain an updated record file  Positive feedback from management.  LLY, Willy,LIE
record file  Allow borrowing record from teacher (Second stage)

Working plan compiled by: Leung Li Yick (Head)

Section Working Plan – Administration & Resources 44

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Finance Committee

Program Brief: Formal launching of the electronic financial system

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others

Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation  Responsible Staff
 To enhance financial  Parallel run – old and new system  Smooth transition and operation of  All members
management efficiency the new system
and effectiveness through
an on-line electronic

Working plan compiled by: Poon Sinn Ching (Head)

Section Working Plan – Administration & Resources 45

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Major School Events Committee

Program Brief: Time Capsule Ceremony for 30th Anniversary

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To cerebrate 30th  Recruit some student ambassadors for reception  Positive feedback from the visitors and WMY, WYL, TKK
Anniversary of school guests
 Prepare the time capsule ceremony

Program Brief: Internal prizes and awards coordination

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To coordinate the internal  coordinate the prizes for different parties according  Positive feedback from students and  WMY, TKK, WWC
prizes and ensure the to the guidelines teachers
accuracy  Bulk purchase of the prizes and trophies
 Present the prizes in the ceremonies

Working plan compiled by: Wong Ming Yuet (Head)

Section Working Plan – Administration & Resources 46

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Crisis Management Committee

Program Brief: Monitoring of the Records of Accidents or Special Incidents

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To arouse the awareness  Set out guidelines and design standard form  Records of Accidents or Special  YWS
of various subjects and Incidents were checked
 Issue circular to staff and teachers
departments in keeping
records of accidents or  Remind in staff meeting
special incidents  April 2020

Working plan compiled by: Yip Wing Shun (Head)

Section Working Plan – Administration & Resources 47

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Staff Welfare Committee

Program Brief: Snack time

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To provide a platform for the staff to relax  Provide occasional snacks and/or  The staff enjoyed the time ACY, CLK, TPC
and chat with each other sweet-soup time during school days to  Relaxing informal social gatherings
the staff
 To provide channels for communications were held
among staff
 To enhance an even better and
harmonious atmosphere among staff

Program Brief: Bulk-buying

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive ■ Others
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To benefit the staff to have discount when  Organize bulk-buying activities  The staff enjoyed the benefits through CPY, ACY
purchasing the goods through throughout the bulk-buying
bulk-buying  Whole school year  The staff communicated with each
 To provide channels for communications other during the process of
among staff bulk-buying

Working plan compiled by: Chu Po Yee (Head)

Section Working Plan – Administration & Resources 48

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2018-2019


Biology 50

Business, Accounting and Financial Studies 51

Chemistry 52

Chinese Language 53

Chinese History 54

Design & Technology 55

Economics 57

English Language 58

Geography 60

History 61

Information and Communication Technologies 62

Integrated Science 63

Liberal Studies 64

Mathematics 66

Music 66

Physics 67

Physical Education 69

Putonghua 72

Technology & Living 72

Visual Arts 73

Working Plan of Subject Panels 49

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Program Brief: To cope with students with greater learning diversity

Related Major Concern: █ Develop Learning Attitude █ Enrich Exposure █ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 Catering of learning  Prepare graded exercises  Professional judgment and student  YYK, CKH
diversity as more biology  Additional material for the most capable students feedback
students are recruited in
senior form  Whole year
 Encourage students to
participate more
interschool competition

Working plan compiled by: Choi Koon Hung (Head)

Working Plan of Subject Panels 50

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Business, Accounting and Financial Studies

Program Brief: Cross-subject collaboration with Economics: Visit to HKEX

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude  Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To let students understand  2 visits will be organised for F.6 BAFS students  The visits were organized as planed PSC
the history and the  The visits are co-organised with Economics  Students gained a better
operation of the Hong understanding of the history and
Kong Stock Exchange  Time frame: First term
operation of the Hong Kong Stock
which is one of the largest Exchange
financial market operators
in the world and the
global leader in
connecting China and the

Working plan compiled by: Poon Sinn Ching (Head)

Working Plan of Subject Panels 51

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: To help reinforce students’ self-disciplinary ability

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To help reinforce  All F.3‐F.6 Chemistry Teachers will instruct  Breakage Records and SBA Records (mark penalty)  LKH*, ACY, CKL
students’ students to handle some glassware and will be kept and monitored by subject teachers.
self-disciplinary apparatus correctly and carefully when  The number of broken items will be less than 5
ability performing experiment (including ALL SBA). per year in each form (F.3- F.6)
 Time scale: All Year  No student in each form will be punished by the
 subject teachers due to their misbehaviors in the
laboratory lessons (DPI record)

Program Brief: To organize visits to local universities or educational organizations about modern development or STEM in Chemistry and to
nominate students (with outstanding performance in Chemistry) to participate in HKASME Science Assessment Test

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To allow students to  All F.3‐F.5 Chemistry Teachers will nominate  About 20 - 30 students in each form participated LKH*, ACY, CKL
explore more about OR encourage students to attend assigned in the assigned activities
Chemistry outside activities or participate in HKASME Science  The performance of students participated in
classroom Assessment test HKASME Science Assessment test was satisfactory
 Time scale: Oct – Mar (Triple lessons in the and all the students concerned attained “Credit”
afternoon or after school) level

Working plan compiled by: Leung Kim Hung (Head)

Working Plan of Subject Panels 52

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


項目簡介: 繼續優化中三級思見班

相關關注事項: ■ 促進學習態度 □ 增廣見識、實踐抱負 □ 推動創新、拓展體藝

目標 策略/時間 成功準則 及 檢討 負責人
 拓闊拔尖班受惠層面  讓學員感到光榮  參加者表現積極  副科主任及相關
 課程節數較少,開設班數較多
 課程滲入文學元素

項目簡介: 文學分享環節

相關關注事項: ■ 促進學習態度 □ 增廣見識、實踐抱負 □ 推動創新、拓展體藝

目標 策略/時間 成功準則 及 檢討 負責人
 增進中三級學生對中國  師兄姐現身說法  學生表現積極  科主任、文學科任
文學科的認識 老師及中三級中
 文學對師兄姐的幫助

項目簡介: 優化體藝徵文比賽

相關關注事項: ■ 促進學習態度 □ 增廣見識、實踐抱負 □ 推動創新、拓展體藝

目標 策略/時間 成功準則 及 檢討 負責人
 提升同學寫作興趣  先分級比賽,再設初中及高中組總冠軍  學生回應正面  科主任、級聯絡人

Working Plan of Subject Panels 53

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

項目簡介: 華服知多少(三)

相關關注事項: □ 促進學習態度 ■ 增廣見識、實踐抱負 ■ 推動創新、拓展體藝

目標 策略/時間 成功準則 及 檢討 負責人
 深化同學對中國文化—  展板  學生回應正面  黃文堅、唐昌永、
華服的認識  競猜 徐麗娟、胡蕙莊、

計劃編製者:文麗英 (科主任)


計劃簡述: 同儕觀課 (重點:基本法教育及班規建立)

相關關注事項: ■ 促進學習態度 ■ 增廣見識、實踐抱負 ■ 推動創新、拓展體藝

目的 策略/時間 成功準則 及 檢討 負責人
 加強老師互相學習的文  同儕觀課以基本法教育及班規建立作為同  一半或以上中史科老師能達到所定之要求  黃家榮老師
化,提升教學效能 事互相學習重點

Working Plan of Subject Panels 54

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

計劃簡述: 與世界歷史科作聯科考察

相關關注事項: ■ 促進學習態度 ■ 增廣見識、實踐抱負 ■ 推動創新、拓展體藝

目的 策略/時間 成功準則 及 檢討 負責人
 加強跨科合作  與世界歷史科共同策劃及帶領學生前往孫  不少於一半的參與學生對活動有正面評價  黃家榮老師

計劃編製者: 黃家榮 (科主任)

Design & Technology

Program Brief: F.1 STEM related electronic project – Electronic Roulette wheel application
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Success Criteria &
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Responsible Staff
 To motivate and inspire  Teach F.1 students to use different electronic components to make  90% of students can LTC, LWY
students with practical electronic roulette wheel design and make the
electronic project to solve  Instruct the students to apply Electronic Roulette wheel to design a product to solve a daily
daily problems life problem
product to solve a daily life problem
 Students in groups need to brainstorm the ideas, design and make  5 good products could be
found for the whole form
the product
 Students need to demonstrate and explain how to use the product

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Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Rocket Car design activities for F.2 students

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Success Criteria &
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Responsible Staff
 To inspire F.2 students in  Teach F.2 students about the principle and design of a rocket car  90% of students passed LTC
STEM by designing and the running test
 Students in groups need to design and make a rocket car which can
making a rocket car to
run fast in a straight line  10 good models could
take part in a competition be chosen for the
 Performed a running test after making the car models
whole form

Working plan compiled by: Lee Tim Cheung (Head)

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Program Brief: Cross-subject collaboration with BAFS – Visit to HKEX

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To let students understand better about  2 visits will be organized for F.6  Positive feedbacks from students FSH, CCW, NCL
the financial industry in Hong Kong as students in the first term if  Strong incentive of students to ask
HKEX is an important local enterprise possible questions was shown during the
providing a reliable trading platform for course of visiting HKEX
different kinds of securities.

Program Brief: Running a business during the school open day

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To expose students to  Ask students to make up their own proposals  Students was stimulated to think FSH, NCL, CCW
business aspect with their  Choose the best one/two proposal about their planning and
Economics decision-makings
 Let students carry out the business proposal by
 To cultivate students’  Students learned the difficulties of
students themselves, for example, they have to
entrepreneurial skills running a business
solve the problems of how to raise money, what to
sell, how to promote their products and so on

Working plan compiled by: Fu Siu Hong (Head)

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Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

English Language

Program Brief: Inter-school speaking practice

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To improve students’  Teachers bring F.5 and F.6 students to  60% of F.6 and 10% of F.5 students joined the program  CY, LPC and all
speaking skill the partner school/s F.5-6 English
 Students were willing to speak more actively in lessons
 Students interact with their through T’s observation
counterparts in groups  Students were more interactive in the Mock Speaking
 2-3 times Exam

Program Brief: One-minute impromptu speech about social issues

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To enhance students’  F.5 students learn social issues in LS lessons  70% of students could answer the  HHS, TYF, CY, and
immediate oral question without too much hesitation all LS teachers
 F.5 students learn individual response skills in English
responses lessons  Top students could all answer the
 F.5 students practice responding to questions regarding question confidently with substantial
social issues in LS lessons
 Top F.5 students join the competition in English Centre
 Feb and/or Apr

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Program Brief: Joining competitions

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To expose students to  Enrol students on various competitions, e.g. Speech  Participants prepared or trained for the LPC, CY, TYF
various English Contest, Writing Contest, Video Production competitions seriously
environment competitions, etc.  Participants handed in their works on
 Students are prepared or trained for the competitions time
 Whole year  Participants showed interest in joining
similar competitions next year

Program Brief: Improving classroom discipline and learning attitude

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To enhance teaching  Teachers work out strategies to maintain classroom  Students’ learning attitude improves in All English
and learning discipline and shape positive learning attitude the subject every month teachers
 Teachers share and evaluate the effectiveness of the  Students’ API/QPI improve gradually
measures in panel meetings
 Whole year

Working plan compiled by: Tsao Yu Fang (Head)

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Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Program Brief: New F.2 curriculum – Phase two

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude - Developing students’ learning habits and time management skills
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To design 6-8 sessions of  Issue – based activities with authentic materials  Active response of students in lessons YPS, LHL
activity - based lessons on  Enquiry approach with current news  At least 70 percent of passing rates
the new topic “Food
problem”  Daily life examples about “Food problem”  100 percent of assignment submission
 Vocabulary drills on geography jargons

Program Brief: Cross-curricular field trip to Mainland China

Related Major Concern: ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive - Strengthening career-planning support for senior students
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To demonstrate to  Once in the academic year as arranged  Active participation of all F.4 YPS
students the corporate Geography students
social responsibility (CSR)  Positive feedbacks from students
of a transnational through field trip report and class
corporation in Mainland presentation

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Program Brief: Overseas Geography field trip

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude - Extending academic and language learning outside the classroom
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To allow students to apply  Organise an environment and cultural tour to Jeju,  Positive feedback from participants LHL
what they have learnt to Korea during the Easter holidays through field trip report and class
the dynamic natural and  Once in the academic year as arranged presentation
human environment

Working plan compiled by: Yeung Pui Shan (Head)


Program Brief: Maintain classroom discipline and student learning effectiveness

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To enhance the learning  Ask students to write extra notes on their notebooks  Students make use of the extra notes  CWY, BH & CPY
effectiveness of the for junior forms to enhance their studies
students  Ask students to make summary of their notes before  Students use the summary as quick
each test for senior forms reference before tests and exams

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Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Joint outing with Chinese History students

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To promote cross-subject  Visit to Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum with the Chinese  Positive feedbacks from History and  CWY
activity History students Chinese History students

Working plan compiled by: Chu Wai Yee (Head)

Information & Communication Technology

Program Brief: Collaboration with other STEM-related subjects in junior form ICT curriculum
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Success Criteria &
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Responsible Staff
 To enhance the  Explore a project or an assignment which requires collaboration  Positive feedback from All Junior Form ICT
effectiveness and between ICT and STEM-related subjects year-end annual survey teachers
commitment of students’  Explore and purchase suitable and sufficient devices and and Student feedback
learning through forms
accessories for students (sharing mode)
STEM-related subjects
collaboration  Make use of the STEM Room to conduct some STEM-related
 Time frame: Year round

Working plan compiled by: Chan Wai Leung & LIE Chi Wai (Heads)

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Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Integrated Science

Program Brief: Extending practical examination

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To further consolidate in  Extend F.1 Practical Examination to F.2 (preparation:  over 75% of students passed the  TPS*, all I.S.
students Science process first term, examination: May-Jun) Practical Examination teachers

Program Brief: Extending Scientific (STEM) Project

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To further consolidate in  Extend F.2 Scientific (STEM) Project (either  over 75% of students passed the  TPS*, all I.S.
students Science process cross-discipline or joint-organization collaboration) Project Assignment teachers
skills and unifying to F.1 (preparation: first term, project: Mar-Apr).
Scientific concepts

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Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Program Brief: Extending Science Reading Scheme

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To further consolidate in  Extend F.1 Science Reading Scheme (collaboration  over 75% of students submitted TPS*, all I.S.
students LAC reading with LRC) to F.2 (preparation: first term, the Reading Report teachers
skills implementation: Mar-Apr).

Working plan compiled by: Tsung Pui Sum (Head)

Liberal Studies

Program Brief: Implementation of Basic Law education in F.1-3 curriculum

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To let students understand  Revise the scheme of work and have at least 15  The lessons were conducted according NCL, CYH
better about the Basic hours of teaching related to Basic Law in F.1-3 to the scheme of work

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Program Brief: Organize excursion for one senior form

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude  Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To provide first hand  Organize an issue-enquiry excursion for one or two  The excursion and the classes were CYH, NCL
experiences to students in classes at a time in the afternoon session during organised as planned
understanding social school days

Program Brief: Collaboration with English Panel in organizing a one-minute response competition
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure  Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To promote  Jointly organize an One-minute Response  The competition was organised as CYH, NCL
cross-curricular Competition for senior forms with English panel in planned
collaboration in creating the second term
social awareness among
Working plan compiled by: Ng Chi Lam (Head)

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Program Brief: Using data analysis tools for improving Teaching and Learning
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To make good use of  The panel will make use of the new module  Discussions and suggestions were made to LUN, CKW and all
available data analysis “Value-Added Analysis” for analysis the use of the data for improving teaching Math teachers
tools to improve T&L and learning in the panel meeting
 Time scale: After each formal assessment
 Students could visualize their learning
progress in a timely manner so as to enhance
their motivation

Working plan compiled by: Wong Yuk Lun (Head)


Program Brief: A 20-min scene in the ‘Sing Out’ musical in Cantonese

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure  Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To broaden students’  Invite students to join the ‘Sing Out’ musical  Students found the activity interesting LSH
horizon and raise their education program and gained valuable experience in
interest in music performing production
 Regular rehearsals
 Promote in Friday assembly

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Program Brief: Performance in the Hong Kong Percussion Competition for Chinese drum class
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure  Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To broaden students’  Invite students to join the Chinese drum class  Students found the activity interesting  LSH
horizon and raise their and gained valuable experience during
 Regular rehearsals
interest in singing and rehearsals and competitions
drums  Promote in morning assemblies
 Positive feedback from students

Working plan compiled by: Li Shuk Han (Head)


Program Brief: Strengthen the self-directed learning in Physics

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria& Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To arouse students learning  To enforce the lesson preparation  75% students submit the assignment with  All Physics
attitude by strengthening the assignment to all senior form students suitable discussions on daily experience teachers
self-directed learning ability of  The assignment will focus on explaining  Teachers provide feedback to individual
physics students and understanding the daily experience assignments
 Whole year

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Program Brief: Cross subject collaboration with Mathematics panel

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria& Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To strengthen students’  Design teaching and learning materials to  Students engaged in learning the CFL
mathematical skills in physics be taught in Form 3 Mathematics lessons cross-subject materials
 To facilitate students in relating  Include related cross-subject materials in  Successfulness designed related questions
mathematics concepts with the tests and/or exam for the final examination
units in Physics  Whole year

Working plan compiled by: Cheung Fook Lai (Head)

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Physical Education

Program Brief: Moving and renovating existing Sports Science & Fitness Centre
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure  Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To relocate the existing  Explore and research for suitable and effective  A brand new and advanced fitness HHK, LKL, CFL,
Sports Science & Fitness training aids for teaching and learning purpose, e.g. centre for students was built as planned WWS, CSH, NLK
Centre from G/F to the to select new fitness equipment and up-to-date  The new centre became one of the
present Learning Hub physiological test and measurement facilities to cope driving forces to motivate students
with the need of DSE-PE curriculum
 To provide more facilities doing sports and exercise and to
and equipment for  Arrange and allocate existing equipment enhance the learning and teaching
training and learning effectiveness especially the DSE-PE
 Design and drive the project of renovation with the
purpose curriculum
assistance of consultant
 To be completed by December 2020

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Program Brief: Cultivate sportsmanship through “School Teams Policy” in F.3 P.E. major students and F.4 P.E. elective students
Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude  Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To broaden students’ exposure  Extend “Mandatory One Sport Team  Allocated all targeted F.1 to F.3 P.E. HHK, TPC, FYL, CNF
to structured sports and Engagement Policy” from F.1 &2 to F.3 and F.4 major students and F.4 DSE-PE elective LKL, WWS, CFL
cultivate sportsmanship (DSE-PE elective group) in 2019-2020 to students in different sports teams and
increase number of student’s man-times in achieved a balance development of all
 To help students gain enjoyment
sports participation teams
and satisfaction through
participating in sports teams  Require all F.4 P.E. elective students to join  All targeted students get involved in
one sports team that is relevant to the sports sports teams training in their selected
 To provide support and
items they select in DSE-PE sports items
strengthen the training
availability for DSE-PE elective  Align and enforce the “School Teams Policy”  All team advisors carried out the tasks
students  Uphold and maintain good discipline of sports and aligned with the Policy agreed
 To cultivate the sense of team members e.g. to have good
“responsibility” and “respect” attendance record etc.

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Program Brief: Enrich students’ exposure by introducing new sport items

Related Major Concern: □ Develop Learning Attitude  Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To broaden students' exposure to  Introduce new areas of sports to students via external  Different new sports HHK, TPC, FYL,
various new areas of sports sports associations and other NSAs etc. activities were organised CNF, LKL and WWS
through using the LWLG and successfully aroused
 Encourage potential students to join the training of new
students’ learning
 To let students gain enjoyment sports items
and satisfaction through  Conduct new sports items in P.E. lessons
participating in sports

Program Brief: Support for Elite Athletes in their academic need

Related Major Concern:  Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure □ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To strengthen the support of  Coordinate elite athletes’ assignments before their official  Elite athletes’ course work HHK, TPC, FYL,
elite athletes who apply official leave for training or oversea competition and assignment were CNF, LKL and WWS
leave for training or competition  Bridge elite athletes, subject teachers and parents for coordinated before the
official leave
 To achieve the school Mission 1: enhancing athletes’ learning effectiveness during official
leave period  Communication among all
a) support students who put
stakeholders were carried
effort in their studies  Communicate regularly with elite athletes who take
relatively long official leave period regarding their
b) develop students’ good
academic progression
learning habits even during
the period of official leave  Strengthen the online support for elite athletes

Working plan compiled by: Ho Hon Kin (Head)

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Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


計劃簡述: 加強跨學科學習

相關關注事項: ■ 促進學習態度 □ 增廣見識、實踐抱負 □ 推動創新、拓展體藝

目的 策略/時間 成功準則及檢討方法 負責人
 拓闊本科的視野,增強與中文科的協作  在口語評估及筆試中滲入中國語文元素  檢閱考試及評估的水平  羅建明、韓幸彩老師

計劃編製者: 羅健明 (科主任)

Technology and Living

Program Brief: STEM Workshop (Cross-subject and committee collaboration with I.S. & SHC) – Yeast & Bread Making
Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude ■ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive
Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
 To provide a platform to the  Co-operate with Integrated Science (subject)  Students learned the knowledge about CPY
students to enhance their and School Home Collaboration Committee STEM through yeast and bread making
knowledge on STEM (committee) to hold a workshop after school  The workshop was held as planned
 To effect cross-subject and  Help students in exploring the knowledge on
committee collaborations and STEM through yeast and bread making
expose students’ horizons on STEM

Working plan compiled by: Chu Po Yee (Head)

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Visual Arts

Program Brief: Design Thinking Strategies in Junior Form Curriculum

Related Major Concern: ■ Develop Learning Attitude □ Enrich Exposure ■ Inspire Innovation & Drive

Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff

 To adopt design thinking strategies that  Adopting design thinking strategies in  Design Thinking Strategies adopted All VA teachers
focus on students as active and engaged Junior Form Curriculum in Junior Form Curriculum as
learners planned
 Time frame: All year

Working plan compiled by: Tse Siu Wah (Head)

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Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


A. Program Schedule:

Date Event / Program / Work Responsible Staff

Aug & Sep Contact all parents of SEN students to understand the specific needs of each student ICC
Sep Compile a list of SEN students for and give detailed information of SEN students to form teachers ICC
Sep, Jan & Jun Provide special examination arrangements for SEN students in HKDSE and internal examinations ICC
Oct to May Arrange students in need to meet EP ICC
Oct to May Provide speech therapy service students in need, especially students with ASD an hearing impairment ICC
Oct to May Provide individual coaching to ADHD students Form Teachers
Nov Update the information of SEN students in the SEMIS ICC
Nov Provide CLP counseling to F.6 SEN students Form Teachers
Nov Provide tutorial classes for students in need, especially students with specific learning difficulties ICC
Feb Meet the parents of some SEN students on Parents’ Day ICC & EP
Mar Provide CLP counseling to F.3 SEN students Form Teachers
Mar to May Provide a workshop/course to ADHD students ICC
Apr to May Provide tutorial classes for students with specific learning difficulties ICC
Jun Complete the individual reports of each SEN student in Tier 2 ICC
July to Aug Confirm the list of new SEN students through the SEMIS ICC

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Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

B. New Initiative:

Program Brief: One-page profile for all SEN students in the junior forms

Objectives Strategies / Time Scale Success Criteria & Evaluation Responsible Staff
To help SEN students and  Invite each SEN student in the junior form to  SEN students are motivated to perform ICC (SEN
their form teachers complete an one-page profile and submit it to better in different aspects of school life Coordinator)
understand their strengths, his/her form teacher in the first term  Feedback from SEN students, their
weaknesses, interests and  Encourage form teachers to give positive feedback parents and their teachers
needs so that teachers can and encouragement to their SEN students
better support them

Support for Students with Special Educational Needs 75

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


The JCTIC Career and Life Planning Program addresses the interrelationships between family, work, community and environment. It is an organized,
coordinated program from F1- F6 that is effective and appropriate to the needs of our students and families. Our vision is: To enable our students to
make well-informed, considered decisions and choices in all aspects of their lives and to develop behaviours and attitudes that contribute to the
well-being and respect of self and others, now and in the future.
In order to achieve this:
 The school will assist students to make the most appropriate plans for their career and life choices through analyzing multiple life roles and
responsibilities in family, work, and community settings and integrating those factors that impact on personal choice and career pathways.
 Students need to experience opportunities which are designed not only to raise their awareness of future choices but also heighten their
expectations and aspirations. They develop the skills for personal planning and making decisions in the context of curriculum, learning and
achievement which will prepare them for next stages in life.

Objectives Strategies Monitoring / Evaluation Allocation of Government Grants

Assessment of Extent of Career Careers & Life Planning Committee to Baseline data is tabulated Nil.
Counseling (2018-19 year) provide baseline data on the extent of for comparisons for F.3 – F.6
career counseling in 2018-19.
Statistics on the number of students
involved in career planning activities.
Provision of Career Planning & Provide Career Planning and Career Number of students who Teacher/AT salary component to
Counseling to Students Counseling Service to students via the seek career advice and provide career planning service to
Career and Life Planning Committee and support students
Form Teachers

Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service 76

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Objectives Strategies Monitoring / Evaluation Allocation of Government Grants

‘JUPAS Day’ for F.6 Students A workshop day in which F.6 students look Teacher’s observation Teacher/AT salary component to
(27/9/2019) at alternative pathways and JUPAS online provide career planning service to
counseling. The program, run by the students
Careers & Life Planning Committee, to be
supported by Form Teachers.

Career Education One Friday assemblies (about 80 min in Survey by questionnaire will $6,000 (LWL grant)
Programs/Workshops total) for F.4 classes on career education be conducted
(for F.4 Students) program/workshop.
‘Mock Release of HKDSE Results’ A workshop session for F.6 students, with Survey by questionnaire will $36,000 (LWL grant)
for F.6 Students prior arrangements made with Subject be conducted
(27/2/2020) Teachers, to predict students’ performance
in HKDSE. Based on the predicted scores,
students are advised to develop their own
strategies in response to the release of
HKDSE results.
F.3 Parents’ Night (DSE A special program for F.3 students and their Teacher’s observation Teacher/AT salary component to
Curriculum & Streaming)
parents on F.4 subject selection. provide career planning service to
Individual Counseling on F.4 To provide career planning and career Teacher’s observation Teacher/AT salary component to
Subject (for F.3 Students) counseling service to students by F.3 Form provide career planning service to

Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service 77

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Objectives Strategies Monitoring / Evaluation Allocation of Government Grants

(16/3/2020-29/5/2020) Teachers. students
‘Employment, Careers, and A workshop for F.5 students on the work Survey by questionnaire will $24,000 (LWL grant)
Pathways Workshop’
experience program be conducted
(21/3/2020 or28/3/2020)
Work Experience Program on Work experience visits for F.5 students in Teacher’s observation Nil. ; the program will be organized
Activity Day
which students visit work places such as by OSC Committee
shops, factories, offices.
‘Job Tasting Program’ Job Tasting Program for F.4 students in Teacher’s observation $30,000 (LWL grant)
(4/4/2020 or14/4/2020) which students try to work in real working
Career Education Two Friday assemblies (about 120 min. in Survey by questionnaire will $30,000 (CLPG grant)
Programs/Workshops total) for F.1 classes on career education be conducted
(for F.1 students) program/workshop.
(17/4/2020, 24/4/2020)
Career Education Two Friday assemblies (about 120 min. in Survey by questionnaire will $30,000 (CLPG grant)
Programs/Workshops total) for F.2 classes on career education be conducted
(for F.2 students) program/workshop.
(17/4/2020, 24/4/2020)
Career Education Two Friday assemblies (about 120 min. in Survey by questionnaire will $32,000 (CLPG grant)
Programs/Workshops (for F.3
total) for F.3 classes on career pathways and be conducted
elective choices for HKDSE subjects.
(17/4/2020, 24/4/2020)
‘Self-understanding Workshop’ A workshop for F.4 students on Survey by questionnaire will Nil.
(Career Counseling Services)

Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service 78

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Objectives Strategies Monitoring / Evaluation Allocation of Government Grants

(for F.4 students) self-understanding be conducted; the course
(24/4/2020) will be organized by Hong
Kong Sheng Kung Hui
Welfare Council Limited
F.5 Parents’ Night (on Careers) A counseling session on JUPAS for parents of Teacher’s observation Teacher/AT salary component to
(22/5/2020) F.5 students. provide career planning service to

Career Video Show A video show for F.1 and F.2 students on Teacher’s observation Nil.
(for F.1 & F.2 Students) exploration of the job world.
(April-May 2020)
Mock Interview for F.6 Students A mock interview for F.6 students featuring Teacher’s observation Nil.
(May 2020) detailed instruction and interactive practice
in interview skills.
CLP Sharing Session (School Life A sharing session on senior form school life Teacher’s observation Nil.
of Senior Form Students)
for F.3 students.
June 2020 (TBD)
‘Careers Counseling for Release of A counseling session on HKDSE results for Teacher’s observation Teacher/AT salary component to
HKDSE Results’ F.6 students. provide career planning service to
(8/7/2020) students

‘CV Writing and Job Application A workshop for F.4 students on CV writing, Survey by questionnaire will $24,000 (LWL grant)

Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service 79

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Objectives Strategies Monitoring / Evaluation Allocation of Government Grants

Skills Workshop’ developing a portfolio and job finding skills. be conducted
(for F.4 Students)
July 2020 (TBD)
‘Interview Skills and Career One-day workshop for F.5 students featuring Survey by questionnaire will $24,000 (LWL grant)
Counseling Workshop’
detailed instructions and interactive be conducted
(for F.5 Students)
practices on interview skills.
July 2020 (TBD)
Individual Counseling A counseling session for F.5 students on Survey by questionnaire will Nil.
(Career Counseling Services) understanding their career and life planning be conducted; the course
(for F.5 Students) development will be organized by
Careers Visit A visit for F.3-F.5 students on understanding Survey by questionnaire will Nil.
(Career Counseling Services) the job world. be conducted; the course
(for F.3-F.5 Students) will be organized by
(July 2020)
Pilot Scheme on Job-shadowing A job-shadowing scheme for F.4 and F.5 Survey by questionnaire will Nil.
(TBD) students on understanding the job world. be conducted
To strengthen the affiliation To invite selected alumni for video shooting Teacher’s observation External consultant cost:
between alumni and current to share their unique experiences. $25,000 (CLPG grant)
(Feb./Mar. ,2020)
To organize and/or coordinate ad To reserve budget for guest speakers/ Teacher’s observation External consultant cost:
hoc career activities instructors invitation, program fees for ad $50,000 (CLPG grant)

Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service 80

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Objectives Strategies Monitoring / Evaluation Allocation of Government Grants

(Year round) hoc career activities, seminars or workshops

Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service 81

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020



支援活動 目的 對象 時期 習作 負責人 資源

1. 小班教學及課後班 減少師生比例,全方位提  中一至中三每級 全學年 習作,如:閱理、 中一:韓幸彩老師 聘請老師:

升相關學生的中文能力 一班,每班 20 人 作文、剪報等 中二:葉俊軒老師 $850,000
 非華語學生 中三:黃文堅老師
 中文能力較薄弱 購買歷屆試
學生 題:
2. 協作教學班(說話 減少師生比例,提升學生  中三各班,每班 全學年 說話訓練 沈嘉儀老師、劉育善
教學) 說話能力 分為兩組,每組 老師
約 15-20 人
 非華語學生
 一般學生

3. 調適課程  讓中文程度較低之非  中文程度較低之 全學年 習作,如:閱理、 中二:葉俊軒老師

華語學生學習經調適 非華語學生 作文等 中三:葉俊軒老師
後之中文課程,把握基  須經評估及家長 中四:胡蕙莊老師
礎能力,為應考 GCSE 同意 中五:葉俊軒老師
及 GCE 鋪路  中二 1 位
 已應考 GCE 之學生,  中三 3 位
繼續接受口語訓練,以  中四 1 位

Support Program for Non-Chinese Speaking Students 82

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

支援活動 目的 對象 時期 習作 負責人 資源

便融入社會  中五 1 位
4. GCE 課程 協助相關非華語學生參 中五級 1 名非華語 全學年 習作,如:閱理、 中五:葉俊謙老師
( 普 通 教 育 高 級 程 加公開考試,並取得滿意 學生 作文等
度證書: 中文科) 成績

5. GCSE 課程 協助相關非華語學生參 中四級 1 名非華語 全學年 習作,如:閱理、 中四:胡蕙莊老師

( 普 通 中 等 教 育 證 加公開考試,並取得滿意 學生 作文等
書: 中文科) 成績
6. 文化活動  增進非華語學生對中 中一至中三級非華 待定 工作紙  劉育善老師 活動費用:
國文化的認識 語學生  葉俊軒老師 $5,000
 提升非華語學生學習

總預算: $856,000

Support Program for Non-Chinese Speaking Students 83

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020



負責 計劃名稱/
策略及效益 時期 對象 預算 成功準則及檢討 負責人
部門 及目標
中文科 長衫知多少— 由非華語生任司儀 30/9- 全校 場地佈置:$500 $2,700 觀眾回應正面 KIN
展覽及閉幕禮 鳴謝設計顧問 11/10/2019 顧問紀念座:$500
向設計者及模特兒 學生紀念品(20 份):1600
頒發紀念品 運費:$100

長衫知多少— 先參觀,後創作 10 月內 非華語抽 獎品 $400 學生態度認真投 ICH

寫作及演說比賽 離上課生 入 WWC
粉嶺龍躍頭 參觀及工作紙 本年度 初中非華 外判單位及旅遊車 $6,000 學生態度認真 LYZ
語學生(携 ICH
志蓮淨苑 參觀及工作紙 本年度 初中非華 外判單位及旅遊車 $6,000 學生態度認真 LYZ
語學生(携 ICH
中史科 AR 互動平台 透過 AR 互動平台 1/2020 初中非華 平台 $40,000 非華語學生反應 WKW
及 中 英 對 照 AR 開始 語學生 正面
card 提升非華語學

Programs for Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Students to Learn Chinese History & Culture 84
Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

負責 計劃名稱/
策略及效益 時期 對象 預算 成功準則及檢討 負責人
部門 及目標
中史科 中一:中國歷史 透過模型設計活動 12/2019 中一全级 禮物 $1,000 全級不少於一半 WWC
模型設計活動 提升非華語學生學 開始 (包括中一 學生參加 LKM
習中史的興趣 非華語學 WKW
中史科 中二:中國歷史 透過四格漫畫活動 2/2020 中二全级 禮物 $1,000 全級不少於一半 SKY
四格漫畫活動 提升非華語學生學 開始 (包括中二 學生參加 LKM
習中史的興趣 初中非華 WKW
中史科 中三:富體藝特 透過中國歷史考察 4/2020 中三全级 資助中三非華語學 $4,000 非華語學生反應 WKW
色及基本法元素 活動提升非華語學 開始 (包括中三 生及帶隊老師團費 正面
的中國歷史考察 生學習中史的興趣 初中非華 (一天團)
活動 語學生)
中史科 中國歷史趣味教 購買簡單易明的歷 全年 初中非華 歷史教材 $10,000 非華語學生反應 WWC
材 史書、歷史電影、 語學生 正面 LKM
有趣教學軟件、雙 WKW
語教材等以幫助非 SKY
中文及 資助教師前往內 教授非華語學生 5/2020 現在/將 團費 $20,000 成功在内地觀課 WKW
中史科 或 會教授初 及與內地老師交
地,參與有助促 教學技巧交流
6/2020 中非華語 流,提升教授非
進初中非華語學 學生的中 華語學生的技巧
生學習中國歷史 國歷史及

Programs for Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Students to Learn Chinese History & Culture 85
Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

負責 計劃名稱/
策略及效益 時期 對象 預算 成功準則及檢討 負責人
部門 及目標
及文化的教學交 中文科老

總預算: $91,100

Programs for Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Students to Learn Chinese History & Culture 86
Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


A. Introduction
The focus of the program is to provide more assistance and opportunities to the disadvantaged students to improve their learning effectiveness,
broaden their learning experiences outside classroom and raise their understanding of the community and sense of belonging.

B. Information on activities to be subsidized/complemented by the grant

Success Period/Date no. of
Nature of the Method(s) of evaluation fee /
Name of activity criteria activity to be grant
activity student
held beneficiari
es #
Aesthetic development Training course / Students’ aesthetic abilities Questionnaire Oct 2019 – 5 2,000
activity visit have improved (students and parents) Jun 2020

Physical development Training course Students’ sports skills have Questionnaire Oct 2019 – 5 2,000
activity improved (students and parents) Jun 2020

Study tour outside Study tour Students’ learning Questionnaire Dec 2019 -- 15 10,000
HKSAR experience and field of view (students and parents) Aug 2020
have been broadened and
their self-discipline and
self-confident have been
# Grant beneficiaries – referring to target students in receipt of CSSA/SFAA full grant and disadvantaged students identified by the school.
# The amount of the subsidy depends on the actual cost of the activity, the length of the activity and the balance of the fund

School-based After-school Learning and Support Programs 87

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Item Name and Content of the

Intended Objective(s) Monitoring/Evaluation Estimated Expenditure
No. Exchange Activity
1. Celebration for Ti-I 30th
 Teachers and students from  Promote cultural exchanges  Evaluation questionnaires for  Welcome snacks and drinks for
Duan Zhou Middle School are between students in the students and teachers of our guests: $2,000
invited to our school Open Day two places school
on 15 Dec for cultural exchange  Foster the relationship
 Two schools will sign the between the two schools
contract for Sister School
Exchange Program

2. Duan Zhou Middle School

Academic and Cultural Visit Trip
 Around 30 students and 3  Develop students’  Evaluation questionnaires for  Students’ trip fee: $3,000 x 30
teachers from our school will understanding of domestic students and teachers of both = $90,000 (including catering
join 4-Day-3-Night Visit Trip after learning culture on the schools and transportation)
the second term exam mainland  Students’ sharing during  Teachers’ trip fee: $3,000 x 3
 Students will have academic  Foster the relationship morning assembly = $9,000 (including catering and
exchange with their mainland between the two schools transportation)
counterparts and gain cultural
 Total expense: $99,000
experience on the mainland

Plan on Sister School Exchanges 88

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Major Area(s) of Implementation Implementation Resources Performance Assessment Person-in-
Item Task Area Benefits Anticipated
Concern Plan Schedule Required Indicators Mechanism charge
1 Enhancing  Create more space  Together with  Teachers’ From Sep 2019 Part of the  Formal class  Feedback LCW
for teachers to other share of teaching and teaching of Eng. from staff
teacher’s onward for one Remuneration
enhance their grants from EDB non-teaching Lang., Chi. Lang.,  Observation
teaching teaching quality such as MNESG, workload will be school year package for one Math, C. His.,
qualities  Provide teaching DLG, CLPG & reduced year: Geog., L.S., & P.T.H.
support for subject SSCSG, to employ  Teachers may Salaries + MPF were conducted
panels (Chi. Lang., an Associate spare more time = $634,000  After school
Eng. Lang., Maths., Teacher (AT) and in planning and remedial programs
Geog., L.S. & PTH). 6 teachers to preparing for were carried out
 Promote the moral share teachers’ their teaching  Supports in
and national teaching load  Provision of after organizing school
education and assist school academic functions were
 Enhance students’ teachers in and OLE provided
language handling programs for
proficiency administration students
work and other  Provide pastoral
school affairs care to students

Total: $ 634,000

Plan on Using the Capacity Enhancement Grant 89

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Duration/ Teacher
Domain Program Objective(s) Targets Deliverables Budget
Start Date i/c
Gifted Elite  To foster a very Top 20 high flyers A half-day  More than 85% of TPS, School-
Education Advancement positive learning in F.4, and top 20 program in the the selected YSY University joint
Scheme (EAS) atmosphere amongst high flyers in F.5 second term students joined the venture
higher achievers in scheme $4,000
F.4 & F.5  More than 80% of
 To update the higher the students found
achievers the most that they obtained
recent criteria for more knowledge
university admission about the
including its
helping them
better plan their
careers & further

Plan on Using the Diversity Learning Grant 90

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Duration/ Teacher
Domain Program Objective(s) Targets Deliverables Budget
Start Date i/c
Gifted Off-site  To stretch the  40 students Varied Certificates, prizes, TPS  handouts
Education pull-out gifted performances of awards, medals, etc.
 F.4-F.6  worksheets
education students with varied
programs/ abilities and talents  subject/  exercises
competitions  To cope with the committee  equipment
(e.g. selection
diverse learning  entrance fee
programs/ needs of students subsidies
competitions with varied abilities
organized by and talents  course fee
HKAGE, subsidies
tertiary  To improve students'
academic $4,000
institutes, etc.)
Mathemat Mathematical To prepare for external F.4 and F.5 Oct to Dec 2019 80% of the students WMY $750 x 5
ics Olympiad competitions students (max.20) find that they obtain lessons
training for nominated by more knowledge = $3,750
senior form subject teachers about Olympic
students mathematics
Physical Elite athlete To organize tutorials for  30 students Oct 2019 to Attend tutorial lesson HHK $130 x 30 x 8
Education program elite athletes to May 2020 (1.5-2 hr per week, = $31,200
 All levels
enhance their academic $130 per hr)
performance  Elite athletes

Plan on Using the Diversity Learning Grant 91

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Duration/ Teacher
Domain Program Objective(s) Targets Deliverables Budget
Start Date i/c
Physical Annual P.E. To let P.E. senior form  50 students 4 days 3 nights Attend: HHK Camp fee:
Education training camp elective students learn in Apr to May FYL $320 / 2 x 50
 All F.5 elective  Canoe training
practical skills through 2020 LKL = $8,000
PE students
examination and  Windsurfing WWS
will be
certification and at the training Training
required to
same time their  Hiking courses:
collaboration skills, $510 x50
team spirit and other Complete: = $25,500
key learning areas can  P.E. Camp log book
also be enhanced Total budget
= $33,500
Visual Arts Artists-in-scho  To broaden students’  Nomination Workshop  Student’s artworks YSY Speaker fee for
ol program perspective in from visual arts throughout the LSY Artists-in-
 Students’ reflection
different art / design panel with year TSW school program
domains specific criteria $27,000
 To let students  60 students
communicate and
interact with artists
and designers
Visual Arts Workshop on To teach the 10 – 15 F.3 and Oct 2019 to The school Year Book LWY Lessons,
Using Adobe participants how to use F.5 selected May 2020 and other school tutorials and
Illustrator for the Adobe Illustrator to students publications practical
Publication produce graphic design sessions
Design artworks. Participants Salary: $50,000
will be provided with
the opportunities to
gain practical

Plan on Using the Diversity Learning Grant 92

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Duration/ Teacher
Domain Program Objective(s) Targets Deliverables Budget
Start Date i/c
experiences by assisting
in the publication of the
school Year Book and
other school
Taekwond Regular To provide training to About 15 F.4 - F.6 Oct 2019 to Students’ attendance WKW 15 students x
o Training students to enhance students May 2020 and their $35 x 23
Program their talents and performance in lessons x 50% =
abilities competition $6,038
Rope Regular To provide training to About 5 F.4 - F.6 Sep 2019 to Students’ attendance CPY 5 students X
Skipping Training students to enhance students Jun 2020 and their $1,100 x 50% =
Program their talents and performance in $2,750
abilities competition

Total: $162,238

Plan on Using the Diversity Learning Grant 93

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2018-2019


1. Technical Support Service & I.T. Support Service:

Two TSS staffs and one I.T. Support Officer are recruited to provide technical support services
and other I.T. support to all teaching and non-teaching staffs, students and parents.

2. Internet & Wi-Fi Subscription Service:

One 1Gbps and one 200 Mbps fibre Internet connections have been established to connect
the whole school wired and wireless network to the Internet separately. A whole school
wireless network with 100 Access Points are operating in subscription service mode.
Network security services, including email filtering, firewall control and network monitoring,
are hired to protect the school network from hackers’ attacks.

3. I.T. Related Consumables:

Toners, ink, removable media, paper, projector bulbs, filters, mouse, keyboards, etc. are
purchased to provide IT related services to all students and teachers.

4. Maintenance Services:
Maintenance services are hired to maintain a reasonable uptime for all I.T. equipment and

5. Renewal of I.T. related equipment:

Annual replacement of computers, projectors, mobile devices etc. to maintain an up to

standard I.T. service level.

6. Proposed Budget:


Item Proposed Budget ($)

Technical Support Services & I.T. Support 752,838
Internet & Wi-Fi Subscription Services 185,880
I.T. Related Consumables 20,000
Maintenance Services 70,000
Renewal of I.T. related equipment 392,000
Total 1,420,718

Plan on Using the Composite I.T. Grant 94

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2018-2019

Income: 2019-2020 CITG provision

Item Proposed Budget ($)

CITG 463,258
CITG Recurrent Top Up for eLearning 84,940
ITSSG 307,200
Total 855,398

The deficit will be covered by EOEBG and contribution from the Dormitory for the provision
of Wi-Fi access in the Dormitory areas.

Plan on Using the Composite I.T. Grant 95

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


The major objective for Promotion of Reading: Creating a pleasant and enjoyable reading culture at school

Item Details Estimated Expenses ($)

1 Purchase of Printed Books and E-books
 Printed books and e-books
 regular printed books and e-books purchases 17,810
 purchase of books recommended by F.5 students (Legacy of Reading Program) 25,000
2 Reading Activities
 Reading workshops 6,000
 Book sharing activities by teachers 1,000
 Subsidizing student representatives’ transportation fee to participate in Reading Forum 1,000
 Souvenirs designed by the prize winners of reading activities 8,000
 HK Book Fair Visit 1,500
3 Reading Award Scheme 8,000
4 “Read to Breathe” Reading Program 4,000
Total 72,310

Plan on Using the Promotion of Reading Grant 96

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


1. Strengthen school administrative support
2. Streamline administrative procedures
3. Reduce the administrative work of teachers and Principals so as to create room for them to
focus more on education tasks and to take care of student development
4. Strengthen the financial control and accounting support of the school by means of
segregation of duties

By using the grant:
1. To employ a full-time graduate Executive Officer to handle administrative and clerical work
to fulfil the about objectives
2. To employ an Account Clerk to share the work with the Bursar in order to achieve the
segregation of accounting duties with the aim to improve the financial control of the school

Major Duties:
1. Executive Officer
 Assist in handling of routine school administrative matters
 Handle administrative duties related to Home-school Relations.
 Assist the internal control mechanism for personal management
 Assist in the lesson substitution arrangement
 Assist in keeping of student records
 Drafting minutes for staff meetings

2. Account Clerk
 Assist in the running of the school accounting system
 Assist in the executive functions of financial resource management such as handling
school trading operations and maintenance of records
 Assist the internal control for financial management
 Assist in the inventory control of school fixed assets
 Provide support to the Finance Committee

Plan on Using the School Executive Officer.Grant 97

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


Essential Learning
(Please put a  in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences

Category 1 To organize / participate in life-wide learning activities

1.1 To organize life-wide learning activities in different KLAs / cross-KLA / curriculum areas to enhance learning effectiveness (e.g. field trips, arts appreciation, visits to
enterprises, thematic learning day)
BAFS Visit to HKEX - Cross-subject collaboration with The visit aims at understanding the history, the operation and First term F.5/F.6 students (30 Attendance and 2,000 
Economics the future development prospect of the Hong Kong Stock BAFS students) post-visit
Exchange. evaluation
Biology Workplace Visits to Ocean Park To explore animals-related careers and develop respect to 29 June 2020 F.5 Biology Students Reflection, 10,050 
animals. (45) questionnaire
Biology Field Trip To appreciate the nature and increase students' understanding October to November F.5 Biology students Field Trip Report 3,000 
in biodiversity. 2019 (45)

Chinese History 考察及參加全國學生學憲法講憲法活動 學習基本法 October 2019 F.3- F.5 about 4 Questionnaire 2,100 

Gifted 英國模型氦氣飛船導航比賽 To promote STEM@體藝 education through model aeroship Feb - Apr 2020 ~40 Worksheets, 5,000 
Education competition. competition results

Plan on Using the Life-wide Learning Grant 98

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Essential Learning
(Please put a  in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Gifted Rocket car competition To promote STEM@體藝 education through project learning First Term - April project learning: Model rocket cars, 16,000 
Education and external competition. 2020 whole F.2 (~150); project assignment
Committee external worksheets,
competition: ~30 competition results

Gifted Three internal STEM@體藝 Competitions To promote STEM@體藝 education through internal STEM@體 year-round ~30 Competition 1,500 
Education 藝 competitions. criteria,
Committee competition results

Geography Senior Geography Field Trip To prepare students for HKDSE FBQ questions. March or April 2020 F.4 25-30 students Field trip report, 12,000 
post trip
post-trip written

Geography Senior Form Geography Field Trip To prepare students for HKDSE FBQ questions. March or April 2020 F.5 20 students Field trip report, 7,000 
post-trip written

Geography Senior Form Field Trip To prepare students for HKDSE FBQ questions. October 2019 F.6 18 students Field trip report, 6,300 
written assessment

Plan on Using the Life-wide Learning Grant 99

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Essential Learning
(Please put a  in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Integrated Project Assignments To conduct out-reaching project assignments: travelling fees, April 2020 (tentative) F.1 students about Project assignment 15,000 
Science service fees, materials, equipment, etc. 150 worksheets, on-site

Visual Arts exhibition visit To broaden students’ perspective in different art / design May 2020 F4 students about Attendance 3,300 
domains 20

Visual Arts exhibition visit & design workshop (BODW) To boarded students' perspective in different art /design Dec 2019 F4 students about Attendance 1,200 
domains 20
To organize diversified life-wide learning activities to cater for students’ interests and abilities for stretching students’ potential and nurturing in students positive values and
1.2 attitudes (e.g. activities on multiple intelligences; physical, aesthetic and culture activities; leadership training; service learning; clubs and societies; school team training;
uniformed groups; military camps)
Counselling F.1 Half Day Camp To help the F.1 new comers set up targets and make friends with 23/8/2019 F.1 150 students Attendance 2,500 
Committee classmates.
Counselling Boost Morale Camp To provide adventurous experience to students for their self- 19/2/2020-21/2/2020 F.3 160 students Questionnaires 132,520 
Committee growth.

Counselling Peer Counselling Scheme To train the Big Brothers and Big Sisters to cater for the needs of Sept,2019--July,2020 F.1-F.5 students, Questionnaire and 30,200 
Committee F.1 students. app. 25 BBBS and Discussion
150 F.1 students.

Plan on Using the Life-wide Learning Grant 100

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Essential Learning
(Please put a  in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences

CLP Committee Job Tasting Program To provide a job tasting program for F.4 students so that Apr, 2020 F.4 students about Questionnaire, 30,000 
students can try to work in real working places. Teacher’s
CLP Committee CV Writing and Job Application Skills Workshop Strengthening career-planning support for senior form students June/July, 2020 F.4 students about Questionnaire, 24,000 
for F.4 160 Teacher’s
CLP Committee Interview Skills and Career Counselling Workshop Strengthening career-planning support for senior form students June/July, 2020 F.5 students about Questionnaire, 24,000 
for F.5 160 Teacher’s
CLP Committee Employment, Careers and Pathways Workshop for Strengthening career-planning support for senior form students March, 2020 F.5 students about Questionnaire, 24,000 
F.5 160 Teacher’s
CLP Committee Mock Release of HKDSE Results for F.6 Strengthening career-planning support for senior form students 28 Feb., 2020 F.6 students about Questionnaire, 36,000 
160 Teacher’s

CLP Committee Career Education Program for F.4 Strengthening career-planning support for senior form students Feb, 2020 F.4 students about Questionnaire, 6,000 
140 Teacher’s

Communi-arties Art camp (2days 1 night) + Pre-camp program + 1. To observe and discover the relationship in our community. Nov 2019 F1-F4 about 40 Attendance, 34,500 
Post-camp program 2. To broaden students’ perspective in different art / design students observation,
domains, response to our community by using creative questionnaire
3. To learn and interact with local artists.
Communi-arties Christmas Open House To encourage students to have concern for our society through Sept - Dec 2019 F1-F4 students Attendance, 4,000 
social services. about 20 observation

Plan on Using the Life-wide Learning Grant 101

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Essential Learning
(Please put a  in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Dance Team Regular Training Program Training Sept - May F1-5 students about Attendance 10,625 
(Note 2) 25
Discipline Tour bus for Prefect camp For travelling between the school and the campsite Mar 2020 F.2-F.5 students Attendance 5,000 
Committee about 60
Discipline Training workshop for Prefects For training up prefects to perform duties effectively Around October 2019 F.2 - F.5 students Attendance 5,000 
Committee and February 2020 about 60
Discipline Prefect Training Camp For building up friendship, team spirit and leadership 27,28 March 2020 F.2 - F.5 students Attendance, 48,000 
Committee about 70 feedback from
Prefects and
English Society English Drama Appreciation To broaden students' horizon within the academic 30 Attendance 9,300 
year 2020
Girls' Football Christmas training camp 2019 For the preparation of the upcoming competitions 20-23 Dec 2019 F1-F6 about 16 Full attendance is 10,400 
Team students required
Korfball Club Regular training To develop students, interest in korfball activities Every Wednesday F.1 - F.5 students Attendance 8,000 
(Note 2) about 40

Learning Legacy of Reading - Eslite Bookstore Visit 1) To expose students to a wide range of books April 2020 All F.5 students - Books chosen by 3,000 
Resources 2) To help select books for the Learning Hub (about 150) students
Committee - Questionnaire
Math Society Mathematical Olympial Course To arouse students' participation and interest in mathematics, From Sept 2019 to F1 to 5 students Attendance and 15,125 
(Note 2) improve students' IQ, logical thinking, reasoning, analytical May 2020 about 20 join inter- school
ability and problem-solving ability. competitions
Music Music Scores for performance Regular training for strings ensemble, choir or other performing whole year F.1-F.5 Attendance 900 

Music Club Instructor's fee for School Choir Regular training and performance From September F.1-F.5 Attendance 33,000 
(Note 1) 2019 to September

Plan on Using the Life-wide Learning Grant 102

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Essential Learning
(Please put a  in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Music Club Instructor' fee for Chinese Drum Class Regular training and performance From October 2019 F.1 - F.5 students Attendance 21,350 
(Note 2) to October 2020 about 20

Physical School teams (Category A) coaching fee To conduct sport teams' training 1 Sep 2019 to 31 Aug F.1 to F.6 students Attendance, 581,800 
Education 2020 about 500 evaluation form etc.
(Note 1)
Rope Skipping Training camp 1) To improve their rope skipping skills during the camp 30/1-1/2/2020 F.1-F.5 students, Attendance will be 19,300 
2) For team-building about 40 taken per event in
3) To improve the collaboration skills of members the camp. A small
4) To get prepared for the upcoming competitions evaluation session
will be held after
each related
session of training.
A large evaluation
and reflection will
be held at the end
of the training
Rope Skipping Weekly training coach fees 1) Students can learn the basic rope skipping skills from the 16/9/2019-12/6/2020 F.1-5 students, 1) Attendance will 24,750 
(Note 2) weekly training. (Every Friday) about 50 be taken in each
2) Students can improve their rope skipping skills by the training.
guidance of the coach. 2) The coach will
check the progress
of each student.
3) The coach will
ask the students to
join different
competitions to see
their progress.
Sailing Club Laser 4.7 Sailing Team To develop Laser 4.7 sailing team All Saturday for F1 to F3 students Attendance, Race 44,200 
(Note 2) 19-20( Total 52 about 30 Result

Plan on Using the Life-wide Learning Grant 103

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Essential Learning
(Please put a  in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
training days)

Student Outward Bound Training Leadership training Feb F4-5 Attendance 24,000 
Student Adventure-based training day camp To help student leaders gain exposure in settings outside the 18 Jan 2020 Student leaders, Attendance, 10,000 
Exposure school and to nurture their leadership qualities through about 40 observation of
Committee adventure-based training activities. students' responses
and feedback in
Student Leadership training workshops (2 full-day To enhance the leadership qualities of student leaders in areas 28 Sep and 12 Oct Student leaders, Attendance, 14,000 
Exposure sessions) including pro-activeness, self-confidence and communication 2019 about 40 evaluation results
Committee skills, etc. from the service
Student 中二級「全人領袖」培訓日營 --- 通過特別設計的遊戲活動,讓同學明白每個人都可以 25 April 2020 F 2 Whole Form Questionnaire 20,000 
Exposure 成為領袖,那是「選擇」
、「學習」和「堅持」的課題。 about 155
Committee 讓學生於中學階段(特別在初中階段)開始建立清晰
Taekwondo Regular Training To train students for competitions October 2019 to May F.1-F.6 students Attendance 8,050 
(Note 2) 2020 about 20
Visual Arts Part-time tutors/lecturers To broaden students' horizons 2019-2020 F.1-6 Observation 55,200 
(Note 1)

1.3 To organize or participate in non-local exchange activities or competitions to broaden students’ horizons
Dance Team Inter-school Dance Competition Competition Feb 2020 F1-5 students about Result & 12,650 
25 Attendance
Dance Team Inter-school Dance Competition (transportation) Competition Feb-Mar F1-5 Attendance 1,000 

Plan on Using the Life-wide Learning Grant 104

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Essential Learning
(Please put a  in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Geography Cross-curricular Geography, Economics and Visual Factory visit, career talk and cultural exchange April 2020 F.4 50 students Feedback form and 11,000 
Arts field trip post-trip
Music Hong Kong Youth Association Chinese Drum Competition fee April, 2020 F.1-F.5 students Attendance 400 
Competition about 20
Music School Music Festival Membership fee For English Speech Festival, Chinese Speech Festival and Music June, 2020 Whole School Attendance of 400 
Festival School Music
Festival, Chinese
Music Festival and
English Music
Music Hong Kong Chinese Drum Festival Competition fee October, 2019 F.1-F.5 students Attendance 800 
about 20
Music School Music Festival (Choir) Competition application fee March, 2020 F.1 - 5 Attendance 700 

Music Club Mid-autumn Festival Performance (Chinese Drum) Transportation Fee 15 September, 2019 F.1-F.5 about 20 Attendance 3,350 

Music Club Transportation fee for competition Competition mid-October, F.1-F.5 students Attendance 7,500 
2019(Drum); March, about 20 (Drum); 30
2020 (Choir); (Choir)
Rock Band Musical performances Participate in multiple musical competitions and events Multiple (already F1-F6 students Monitoring will 5,600 
including 12/9, 19/10, about 25 occur through
2/11, 30/11, 19/1, number of events,
21/3, 3/7) number of
attendees, etc.

Student Public Speech Contest Train up students' confidence and speech skill Jan-April F1-5 Attendance 4,000 

Plan on Using the Life-wide Learning Grant 105

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

Essential Learning
(Please put a  in the
appropriate box(es),
Brief more than one option
Target Student Description of Estimated can be selected)
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date (level and no. the Monitoring I M P S C
of students) / Evaluation expenses $ I: Intellectual Development
Mechanism M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences
Voluntary Voluntary service, leadership development and 1) To enhance leadership qualities of student leaders Easter holiday 2020 (5 34 student leaders Observation and 75,600 
service multi-national cultural exchange program - 2) To nurture moral values - 6 days) of various student debriefing
(Note 3) Myanmar/Cambodia/Mainland China 3) To raise global and cultural awareness bodies
4) To provide needed assistance to people in need

Voluntary Voluntary service and cultural experience 1) To raise students' awareness of environmental protection Early July (post-exam 20 - 30 students Observation and 116,200 
service program - Japan through street cleaning and waste separation activity) (5 days) debriefing
(Note 3) 2) To exchange knowledge with local Japanese students by
engaging in Chi or Eng lessons
3) To expose students to traditional Japanese culture
Sports Athletics Team and Sailing Club Singapore sports To enhance students' athletics and water sports skills 17/7 to 26/7/2020 30 team members Observation and 126,115 
(Note 3) training and cultural exchange program - performance and social communication through the school visit, (10 days) debriefing
Singapore Singapore school exchange program, intensive training session,
cultural and Singapore sports facilities visits
Geography Environmental and cultural exploration - Korea 1) Geography field trip Easter holiday 2020 (5 30 F.3 - F.5 students Observation and 63,000 
(Note 3) 2) To explore the natural beauty, culture and history of Jeju days) debriefing
3) to study how local people adapt to the natural landscape
STEM STEM exchange program - Taiwan 1) To enhance student' understanding of science and technology 5/4 to 9/4 2020 (5 20 students Observation and 42,000 
(Note 3) 2) To arouse students' interest in STEM days) debriefing
Estimated Expenses for Category 1 1,873,485

Domain Item Purpose Estimated Expenses $

Category 2 To procure equipment, consumables and learning resources for promoting LWL
Music Purchase 4 pairs of stands for the wooden drums For replacement of the old stands to ensure that the 2,000

Plan on Using the Life-wide Learning Grant 106

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

drums are stable for rehearsals and performance.

Music Club Performance necessity e.g. ribbon, bandage, plastic box Competition and performance 200


Music Club Necessity and maintenance for violins Repairing purpose 1,500

Rock Band Equipment: microphone stands (7) $2,450, microphones Participate in multiple musical competitions and events 14,450

(9) $9,500; Supplies: miscellaneous cables, heads,

repairs, etc. $2,500

The Current Green screen kit & accessories $2,500; equipment Campus TV: to present the latest news, issues and events 5,800

(bulbs, cables, cloth, etc.) $1,000; softboxes (lighting) at Ti-I (a collaborative English and Liberal Studies

$800; Camera bag $1,500 effort)

Estimated Expenses for Category 2 23,950

Estimated Expenses for Categories 1 & 2 (Note 4) 1,897,435

Estimated Number of Student Beneficiaries

Total number of students in the school: 855

Estimated number of student beneficiaries: 855

Percentage of students benefitting from the Grant (%): 100

1) Full subsidy for students participating in Cat. A training and choir.
2) 50% subsidy for students participating in Cat. B. training.
3) 20% subsidy for students and full subsidy for teachers joining the overseas exchange program.
4) Amount of Life-wide Learning Grant approved for 2019-2020 amounted to $1,410,000, the shortfall is to be covered by EOEBG.

Plan on Using the Life-wide Learning Grant 107

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020


A. Government Fund

Forecasted Income for 2019-2020 $

Salary Grant for Teaching Staff under Establishment (a) 50,856,450.00

EOEBG Baseline Reference (b) 2,219,194.84
EOEBG School Specific Grants (c) 8,310,208.00
Special Grants (outside EOEBG) (d) 4,763,965.48

Total Forecasted Income for the Year (EOEBG): (b)+(c) 10,529,402.84

Total Forecasted Income for the year: (A) = (a)+(b)+(c)+(d) 66,149,818.32

Forecasted Expenditure for 2019-2020 $

Salaries for Teaching Staff under Establishment (e) 50,856,450.00

EOEBG Baseline Reference (f) 2,818,320.00
EOEBG School Specific Grants (g) 8,806,166.00
Special Grants (outside EOEBG) (h) 6,293,084.86

Total Forecasted Expenditure for the Year (EOEBG): (f)+(g) 11,624,486.00

Total Forecasted Expenditure for the year: (B) = (e)+(f)+(g)+(h) 68,774,020.86
Projected Deficit for the Year: (A)–(B) = (C) (2,624,202.54)

EOEBG Portion:
Projected Deficit for the Year: [(b)+(c)]-[(f)+(g)] (1,095,083.16)
Add: Accumulated Surplus as at 31/08/2019 765,602.90
Projected Accumulated Surplus at Year End: (D) (329,480.26)

Special Grants Portion (outside EOEBG):

Projected Deficit for the Year: (d)-(h) (1,529,119.38)
Add: Accumulated Surplus as at 31/08/2019 1,910,494.05
Projected Accumulated Surplus at Year End: (E) 381,374.67

Total Projected Accumulated Surplus at Year End: (D)+(E) 51,894.41

School Budget 108

Jockey Club Ti-I College Annual School Plan 2019-2020

B. School Fund

Forecasted Income for 2019-2020 $

Subscription from students 1,747,000.00
F.1 Admission fee Received 40,000.00
(i) 1,787,000.00
Less: Forecasted Expenditure for 2019-2020 (ii) 2,195,047.60

Projected Deficit for the Year: (i) – (ii) (408,047.60)

Add: Accumulated Surplus as at 31/08/2019 5,420,803.21

Projected Accumulated Surplus at Year End: 5,012,755.61

C. Endowment Fund

Forecasted Income for 2019-2020: $

Ti-I Education Foundation Limited 1,862,155.00

Less: Forecasted Expenditure for 2019-2020

 Visual Arts 505,250.00
 Physical Education 902,700.00
 School Development 454,205.00

Projected Surplus for the Year 0.00

School Budget 109

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