Memo INSET - 2023 FINAL

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

January 13, 2023

No. _____________, s. 2023



To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Chief Education Supervisor, CID
OIC-Office of the Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD
Public Schools District Supervisors
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned

1. In reference to DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2022 titled School Calendar and
Activities for the School Year 2022-2023 which prescribes a five-day mid-year
break to be spent for the conduct of the Midyear Performance Review and
Evaluation (MPRE) and the School-Based INSET on February 6-10, 2023, the
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro announces the conduct of School-Based
INSET be spent as follows:

Date Activity / Topic

Evaluation of the School’s Progress in the Implementation of
February 6 and Educational Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs)
7, 2023 Review of the Performance of School Teaching and Non-
Teaching Personnel to Address Needs and Concerns
Conduct of Continuing Professional Learning and
February 8, 9, Development and Preparations of Teaching-Learning
and 10, 2023 Instructional Materials (IMs)

2. On the evaluation of school progress in the implementation of PPAs, the

schools are advised to revisit their respective School-Based Management (SBM)
Level of Practice and School Improvement Plan (SIP) status to come up with
assessment and pursue adjustments or appropriate course of actions.

3. On the review of the performance of school personnel, the schools are

advised to have a Midyear Performance Review and Evaluation (MPRE) activity
to assess the achievement of objectives of the Individual Performance

Sta. Isabel, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, 5200

Telephone No.: (043) 2887810 / Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) designed and agreed upon prior to the
start of the performance cycle. In a conference between the rater and the ratee,
the status of performance of the latter shall be discussed by the first who will
also provide feedback. Appropriate development and intervention plans as well
as the continuation of coaching and mentoring arrangements between the rater
and the rate are also expected to be undertaken.

4. On the conduct of continuing professional learning and development, the

schools are advised to utilize the School Plan for Professional Development
targeted PPAs that pursue DepEd Order No. 50, s. 2020 titled DepEd
Professional Development (PD) Priorities for Teachers and School Leaders for SY
2020-2023, and arise from needs-based assessments and research-based

The target priorities for professional learning and development for

teachers include the following:

a. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)

i. Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Strand 1. Knowledge of content within and across curriculum

Strand 4. Teaching strategies that enhance and promote learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy
Special Topic on Financial Literacy Education
Strand 5. Teaching strategies to develop and promote creative and
critical thinking, as well as higher order thinking skills
Strand 6. Advocacy and proficiency in the use of Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English to facilitate and improve teaching
and learning as well as to foster pride in language,
heritage, and culture

ii. Domain 2. Learning Environment

Strand 1. Safe and secure learning environments to enhance

learning through the consistent implementation of
policies, guidelines and procedures
Special Topic on Child Protection Policy and Anti-Bullying
Strand 6. Management and leadership strategies for effective and
constructive behavior management non-violent discipline
policies/procedures to ensure learning focused
environments for learners

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Department of Education

iii. Domain 3. Diversity of Learners

Strand 1. Differentiated strategies and developmentally appropriate

opportunities to address learners’ differences in gender,
needs, strengths, interests, and experiences
Special Topic: Socio-Emotional Learning
Strand 3. Designing, adapting, and implementing teaching
strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities,
giftedness, and talents
Strand 4. Teaching strategies that are responsive to the special
educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances
Special Topics: (a) Children-at-risks and children in conflict
with the law; (b) Reproductive health and early pregnancy; (c)
Increasing adversity quotient; and, (d) Mental health in the school
Strand 5. Culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the
needs of learners from indigenous groups

iv. Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning

Strand 1. Planning, management, and implementation of

developmentally sequenced teaching and learning process
for varied learning needs and contexts
Strand 2. Setting achievable and appropriate learning outcomes
that are aligned with learning competencies
Strand 5. Selection, organization and development of appropriate
teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to
address learning goals

v. Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting

Strand 1. Design, selection, organization and use of effective

diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment
consistent with curriculum requirements
Strand 2. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and
achievement as well as effective analysis and use of
learner attainment data

vi. Domain 6. Community Linkages and Professional

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Department of Education

Strand 1. Maintaining learning environments that are responsive to

community contexts
Strand 2. Building and strengthening relationships with parents
and guardians as well as the wider school community
Strand 3. Reviewing of personal practices that apply existing codes,
laws and regulations to the teaching profession, and the
responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers
Strand 4. Complying with and implementing school policies and
procedures consistently to foster harmonious
relationships with learners, parents, and other

vii. Domain 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

Strand 2. Upholding the dignity of teaching as a profession

Specific Topic: DepEd Core Behavioral Competencies
Strand 3. Engagement with professional networks
Special Topic: Communities of Practice
Strand 5. Professional development goals based on the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers

5. On the preparations of teaching-learning instructional materials, the

schools are advised to have INSET activity/ies that concern the implementation
of School Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan (SLRCP) particularly
contextualization and localization of IMs, and those which augment the
endeavors in addressing teaching-learning performance, competencies, and

6. A district-wide or district clustered-schools can be done in the conduct of

INSET, however, District Learning and Development (L&D) Teams are advised to
provide and attach needs-based assessment and consolidated survey reports as
well as reflective of the SPPD proposals.

Findings and results of the needs-based assessment are essential to come

up with common priority topics for the professional development of school
personnel. In the same way, the SPPD reflects the consolidated Individual Plan
for Professional Development (IPPD) and Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) of school

Clustering of school for the conduct of research has to consider the


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

a. Large/Big schools under Principal I to Principal IV are clustered with

schools under TICs/SICs;
b. Large schools must not cluster with another large school and/or
schools under Principal III or Principal IV positions; and
c. Clustering must be arranged, signed and checked by the Public
Schools District Supervisors.

Furthermore, the following indicators should also be considered:

a. Geographical proximity, e.g. adjacent/nearby schools;

b. Professional development (PD) needs commonality, i.e. schools with
same PD target priorities indicated in DepEd Order No. 50, s. 2020;
c. Budget allocation and requirements.

7. The School, District-wide, or District Clustered-Schools INSET proposal

must be submitted to the Schools Division Office (SDO) through the School
Governance and Operations (SGOD) – Human Resource Division Section (HRDS)
on or before January 20, 2023.

8. The School, District-wide, or District Clustered-Schools INSET proposal

must have the following documents:
a. Proposal Letter from the School Head (for School INSET) or Public
Schools District Supervisor (for District-wide or District-clustered
Schools INSET) addressed to the Schools Division Superintendent
(SDS) that is indicative of the objective; preview of topics based on
paragraphs 1-5 of this Memorandum; preview of schedule based on
paragraph 1 of this Memorandum; and, number of participants;
b. Needs-based assessment survey results or narrative report as basis
for the selection and prioritization of continuing professional
development activity sessions;
c. Program Matrix that considers paragraphs 1-5 of this Memorandum;
d. Budget Proposal that properly allocates fund in accordance to existing
DepEd policies and government accounting and auditing rules and

9. In relation to the conduct of School, District-wide, or District Clustered-

Schools INSET, the Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDS), through their
L&D Team or staff, are advised to forward their respective District
consolidated SPPDs (Templates 1, 2, and 3) in Portable Document File (PDF)
to the SGOD-HRD Section via email address [email protected] with
subject “<District>_Consolidated SPPD” on or before January 20, 2023.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
10. The Structured Learning Episodes (SLEs) or Session Guides (SGs) of the
INSET are to be reviewed and consolidated in the District level by the PSDS and
District L&D Team prior to the forwarding of the document in PDF format to
the SGOD-HRD Section via email address [email protected] with subject
“<District>_INSET SLE” on or before January 20, 2023.

11. All INSET proposals (cf. paragraph 8, 9, and 10) has to be submitted and
approved prior to the INSET activity schedule.

12. Public Schools District Supervisors are expected to monitor the progress
and provide technical assistance among schools within their respective assigned
districts on this matter. Likewise, all other SDO personnel (Offices of the
Schools Division Superintendent, Curriculum and Implementation Division, and
School Governance and Operations Division) are also advised to provide
technical assistance in the preparations, monitoring, and evaluation of the
conduct of INSET activities.

13. For queries and concern, kindly coordinate with the SGOD-HRDS officers,
Christian Voltaire M. Metin, Senior Education Program Specialist, and Emelyn
Grace C. Carit, Education Program Specialist through:
Email Address: [email protected]
Mobile Numbers: 0992-468-9121; 0928-975-7229

14. Immediate and wide dissemination of, as well as compliance to this

Memorandum are highly desired.

Schools Division Superintendent

As stated

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

Under the following subjects:

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