Word G.ID. Conj Meaning: Look Through

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Likewise Exp igualmente
tab N pestaña (documento)
deck N la información de una presentación
presentation N cuando se presenta
data N data
item N cosa
matter N tema
issue N problema
mishappening N problema externo
shortcoming N problema por falta de preparación
stopper N problema
the neck of the bottle Exp stopper
look up RPhV buscar en el diccionario/ admirar a
look into RPhV investigar
look through RPhV ver que se haga algo
look for RPhV buscar
look down RPhV menospreciar
look about RPhV echar un vistazo
look deep down RCV hacer un viaje de introspección
take up IPhV took/ taken
aceptar más de lo que podemos hacer
take into asimilar algo
take out sacar
take down bajar/ hacerle una muy mala jugada a
take by sacar lo mejor de algo
I'm going to take you down to
China Town
set up IPhV set/ set agendar
pull down RPhV/N opciones (que se despliegan)

hacer ejercicio/ trabajar para hacer una

work out RPHV
mejora o encontrar una solución

figure out RPhV encontrar esa solución

come up IPhV cuando se nos ocurre algo
bring up IPhV sacarlo al tema/ decir
follow up RPhV dar seguimiento
follow-up N seguimiento
have got Exp tener
improve RV mejorar
enhance RV mejorar
work on N/A trabajo en (un proyecto/ actividad)
work in N/A trabajo en (área/ departamento)
bless you Exp salud
gesundheit Exp salud
start up RPhV encender maquinaria



After working out the site matter for 4 months we figured it out

guezend jait

when + ing - al
preposition + ing
My name's XXXXXX Formal / naface to face

Nice to meet you Formal / naface to face

Nice meeting you Formal / naface to face
My pleasure Formal face to face
Likewise Formal/ naface to face
in XXXXX area/ with XXXXXX's team face to face
I work in Systems area with Ricardo Embriz's team face to face
I'm in infrastructure in David Bucio´s team face to face

I work in/ for/ with/ at Bimbo -trabajo en Bimbo face to face

What about you? face to face

This is Ricardo Embriz, he's my boss face to face

This is Sergio, he's my associate face to face
This is Sergio, he's part of my team face to face

and this is face to face

This is + your name telephoning/ teleconferencing

How're you doing? haueriu duing

How're things? hauerthings
How're things going ? hauerthingzgoing
How's everything? hauzebrithin

Yeah,very well + What about yourself? formal/ casual/ greeting/ general

yeah, very good + What about yourself formal/ casual/ greeting/ general
not bad + what about yourself? formal/ casual/ greeting/ general

What's up? casual/ greeting/ general

Not much, what about yourself? casual/ greeting/ general

What are you up to? casual/ greeting/ general

real answer casual/ greeting/ general

How was your week? formal/ casual/ greeting/ general

It was good formal/ casual/ greeting/ general
real answer formal/ casual/ greeting/ general

How was your weekend? formal/ casual/ greeting/ general

It was good formal/ casual/ greeting/ general
real answer formal/ casual/ greeting/ general

What did you do this week? formal/ casual/ general

My boss takes coffee in the morning

My computer runs slowly

I follow up my projects
CPP generates an error when creating a contract
Payment & Supplier Control
We must revise new technology Formal
We've got to check out new technology Natural
She's got the PIN
We are in the follow-up session
We improve implementations' timelines
I work on enhancing metrics

What's your favorite thing in your job?

My leave
To be let to do what I like

I go to church
I rest
I do house chores
I watch movie
and sometimes take care of incidents

I wake up at 6, I work out, I take a shower and work

I wake up at 6 I start up the computers for my daughters and attend morning meetings

Do you watch horror movies?

I don't/ No

Do you like to sing while doing house chores?

No. I really don't

Do you have a black car'

Yes / I do
Do you eat garnachas?
Yes, my favorite is gorditas and tacos al suadero

Did you generate August CAS ? associates/ general

Did you answer my holiday request email?

I haven't
I didn't see it, just let me know when you sen it associates/ general

What are your week's pendings?

What are your week's issue?

Do you have the new proposal for the IDF in sector 3?

Do you have sector 3 IDF latest proposal?
standard (steanderd) letter
ar,er,ir,or, ur er (lerer)first (ferst) work (werk) word werd
urgent (eryent)
an en Mexican (Mexiken)
on en region (riyen)

tion shen Transportation (trensporteishen)
center (cener) printer (priner)
nt n interview (inerviu)

project - pr0yect/ company -

c0mp'ny/ other -0ther/ process
o/u 0 (O en A) -pr0ses

invite -invaitid / decide - disaidid /

act -actid / divide - divaidid
committed -c0mitid/ accepted
t/ d + ed id -akseptid

compromised - c0mpr0maist /
k,x,s,z,sh.ch,ge,p,f t change - cheinYt/ brushed -brosht

played - pleid / rained - reind/

The rest d endured -indiurd/ buried - berid

un ñ manual - meañuol / annual - eñuol/

manufacture -meañufakcher
configurated c0nfi guiu reitid
silent "e"
la vocal suena como en inglés (long
vowel+ consonant + e. vowels)
plane plein
plan plan
theme thiiim
them them
dime daim
dim dim
roke rouk
rock rok
Luke Liuk
luck lok

fun fon
phone foun

Would you do…. wudiudu

recruitment ricrutment
automobile oromobiol
industry indostri
production prodokshen
women wimen

sales centers sels ceners

produce produs / prodyus

30th therieth
20th tuenieth
21st teniferst
22nd tuenisekend
23rd tuenitherd
24th tueniforth
25th tuenififth
26th tuenisixth

tion / ssion shen

unfortunately tu - ch onforchenetly feature ficher

authomatic oromaric

building bilding

X finishes with vowel and Y starts with vowel sore eyes
X finishes with consonant and Y starts with vowel green earings
X finishes with vowel and Y starts with consonant blue car
X finishes with a consonant and Y starts with the same consonant contact team leaders
liquid consonants = vowels (r,s,w,y)

verb + object pronouns call

I me mi colmi gimmi helpmi
you -you ia/cha colya givya helpia
he -him im colim givim helpim
she -her er coler giver helper
it - it et colet givet helpet
we- us os colos givos helpos
they - them em colem givem helpem

phrasal together
compound together
adverbial prepositi together
preposition (alone) separated ( 2 seconds)

When emphasizing
With punctuation signs

before prepositions

so separated Conn
so together adv
prodokt distribiurer
need to nira
how to haura

al/el/il/le - ol April eiprol

regulations reguiuleishens
stabilized stabalaist
responsible risponsabol
catalogue caralog

minutes minets
longer =
fringe frinll
fridge fridll
oo -u sooner suner
look luk
cool cuol
pool puol

vowel + double consonant sounds like in Spanish

pinnacle pinacol
matter marer
splatter splarer
excellence exelens
hitting hiring
Tuesday tiusdei
Thursday thersdei

vocabulary vocabiuleri

very /fery

viewability viuabiliri viua biliri

viability vaiabiliri
tu -ch
infrastructure infrastrokcher
ar/er/ir/or/ur er
eam leaders
N Noun
thing/ animal/ person

a verb that conjugated in simple past

RV Regular Verb or/ and past participle we only ad d/
IV Irregular Verb Not a regular verb

RPhV Regular Phrasal Verb verb + preposition (s) meaning changes

IPhV Irregular Phrasal Verb verb + preposition (s) meaning changes

RCV Regular Compound Verb knock-off phrasal

ICV Irregular Compound Verb knock-off phrasal
Adj Adjective
Adv Adverb qualifier of action (ly)/ quantifier of

Prep Preposition
Conn Connector (transition words) a word or set of words that join two
Exp Idiomatic Expression

Nasal ...ng.

produce, individual, schedule,

du/ ge. graduate, education/ change, strange,
French sound range
Argentinian sion/ su
sound vision/ infusion - usual/ visual
mosquito "s" in 3rd person & plural / vowel + (excepting: p,f,k,t = s)
sound s +vowel, X + vowel
Erendira better, letter,later
V v fery / very
B b
Paris/ standard/ first/ birthday/ work/
Er sound ar/ er/ ir/ or / ur world/ urgent/ future
law/authorization/ office/ product/
@ au/aw/o/u project

th think, thanks, thought, through (s)

th then, they, them, those
cat, the CEO, my duaghter, the engineer, Martha, Rob, they, we/
deck, data, item, matter,

work -worked/ worked analyse-analysed/analyzed

have- had/ had take-took/taken get-got/ gotten

send- sent/ sent speak-spoke/ spoken

look up


hand in/ hand out

take into account
well-done, high-standard, efficient, result-oriented, strategic,
disruptive, updated

interested in/ lean on/

mad at

thing/ long/ ring

dll skidlluol/ 'ndividlluol

houses, tries/ present, result,resolve, president/ example, exit

Can you repeat that please?
Could you repeat that please?
Come again
I beg your pardon
What's that?

Can you please give me an example?

Could you please give me an example?

When can I use it?

Is there another way of saying it?

What did you say after/ before XXXXX?

How is XXXXX pronounced?

How is it pronounced?

How do you say XXXXXXX?

What does XXXXXX mean?

What does it mean?

Please write it down

Please spell that word

Please spell it

Please speak slowly

Please speak up

Please speak clear

drop the i
Lo podrías repetir por favor? Classroom kuriu keniu

Mande/ cómo/ disculpa/ perdón? Natural koma guen

Mande/ cómo/ disculpa/ perdón? Formal aibeguierpard'n
Mande/ cómo/ disculpa/ perdón? Casual watzat

Me podrías dar un ejemplo? keniu pliz gimian egzampol

Cuándo puedo usar esto? Wen kenaiuzet

Hay otra manera de decirlo? Izderanoder weiov seyinguet

Qué dijiste antes/ después de XXXXXX? watdidiusei

Cómo se pronuncia XXXXXX?

Cómo se pronuncia? jauzet pronaunst

Cómo se dice XXXXXXXX?

Qué significa? watdozet miiin

Qué significa?

Escríbelo por favor / por favor podrías escribirlo Pliz rairetdaun

Por favor deletrea esta palabra Pliz speldatwerd

Por favor deletrálo

Por favor habla más despacio Plispix louli

Por favor podrías hablar más alto Plispikop

Por favor podrías hablar claramente Plispik klier

dropdiai iriz

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