Word G.ID. Conj Meaning: Look Through
Word G.ID. Conj Meaning: Look Through
Word G.ID. Conj Meaning: Look Through
Likewise Exp igualmente
tab N pestaña (documento)
deck N la información de una presentación
presentation N cuando se presenta
data N data
item N cosa
matter N tema
issue N problema
mishappening N problema externo
shortcoming N problema por falta de preparación
stopper N problema
the neck of the bottle Exp stopper
look up RPhV buscar en el diccionario/ admirar a
look into RPhV investigar
look through RPhV ver que se haga algo
look for RPhV buscar
look down RPhV menospreciar
look about RPhV echar un vistazo
look deep down RCV hacer un viaje de introspección
take up IPhV took/ taken
aceptar más de lo que podemos hacer
take into asimilar algo
take out sacar
take down bajar/ hacerle una muy mala jugada a
take by sacar lo mejor de algo
I'm going to take you down to
China Town
set up IPhV set/ set agendar
pull down RPhV/N opciones (que se despliegan)
After working out the site matter for 4 months we figured it out
guezend jait
when + ing - al
preposition + ing
My name's XXXXXX Formal / naface to face
I follow up my projects
CPP generates an error when creating a contract
Payment & Supplier Control
We must revise new technology Formal
We've got to check out new technology Natural
She's got the PIN
We are in the follow-up session
We improve implementations' timelines
I work on enhancing metrics
I go to church
I rest
I do house chores
I watch movie
and sometimes take care of incidents
tion shen Transportation (trensporteishen)
center (cener) printer (priner)
nt n interview (inerviu)
compromised - c0mpr0maist /
k,x,s,z,sh.ch,ge,p,f t change - cheinYt/ brushed -brosht
fun fon
phone foun
30th therieth
20th tuenieth
21st teniferst
22nd tuenisekend
23rd tuenitherd
24th tueniforth
25th tuenififth
26th tuenisixth
authomatic oromaric
building bilding
X finishes with vowel and Y starts with vowel sore eyes
X finishes with consonant and Y starts with vowel green earings
X finishes with vowel and Y starts with consonant blue car
X finishes with a consonant and Y starts with the same consonant contact team leaders
liquid consonants = vowels (r,s,w,y)
phrasal together
compound together
adverbial prepositi together
preposition (alone) separated ( 2 seconds)
When emphasizing
With punctuation signs
before prepositions
so separated Conn
so together adv
prodokt distribiurer
need to nira
how to haura
regulations reguiuleishens
stabilized stabalaist
responsible risponsabol
catalogue caralog
minutes minets
longer =
fringe frinll
fridge fridll
oo -u sooner suner
look luk
cool cuol
pool puol
vocabulary vocabiuleri
very /fery
Prep Preposition
Conn Connector (transition words) a word or set of words that join two
Exp Idiomatic Expression
Nasal ...ng.
look up
Please speak up
drop the i
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