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Apuntes 1Q

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Questions with BE and CAN Questions with Do / Does / Did Present Simple and Past Sim

Question Word Question Word Auxiliary Subject

Are You hungry? Do you
Is there a bank near here? Did you
Can I sit here? Where Does you sister
What Was that noise? When Did you
Where Were you born? What Did they
Present Simple and Past Simple

live with your parents?
have a holiday last year?
start studying English?
talk about?
Present Simple
I / You / We / They He / She / it

+ I usually work at home My brother works in the city centre

- My parents don't live near here It doesn't often rain here
? Do you speak French? Does he like pop music?
Pos-Neg Yes, I do. / No, I don´t Yes, he does. No he doesn't

work works add -s

study studies consonant + y -> ies
finish finishes add -es after ch, s, sh, x
go / do goes / does add -es
have has change to -s

Adverbs and expressions of frequency

Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb

Adverbs of frequency go after be
Remember to use a + verb with never
Expressions of frequency (every day, once a week, etc) usually go at the end of a setence.
Present Continuous: be + verb + -ing

You He
Affirmative I'm working re working s working
We She
Negative I'm not working aren't working isn't working
They It
Are you working?
Is he working?
Past Simple: Regular and Irregular verbs

Regular Irregular
+ We stayed at a hotel last summer + I went to Turkey twice last year
- He didn't stay with friends - She didn't go to France
? Did you stay for the weekend? ? Did you go to Madrid?
Affi - Nega Yes, I did Affi - Nega No, we didn't
Wh ? Where did you stay? Wh ? Why did you go?

Spelling rules for regular verbs

Infinitive Past Spelling
Work worked add -ed
Stay stayed add -ed
Like liked add d if verb finisihies in e
Study studied y --> ied after a consonant
Stop stopped if verb finishes in consonant-vowel-consonant, double the final consonant
nant, double the final consonant
Past Contnuos: was / were + verb + -ing

+ I / He / She / It was working + You / We / They

- I / He / She / It was working - You / We / They
? Was he working? ? Yes, he was. / No he wasen't.
Afirm Were they working? Afirm Yes they were. / No they weren't.
Nega Nega
Time sequencers

we use time sequencers to say when or in what order things happen

we use when as time sequencer and also to join two actions

Then Entonces The most common way of linking consecutive actions

After that Despues de eso
When Cuando We use when as time sequencer and also to join two actions

Because Porque We use because to express a reason

So Así que We use so to express a result

But Pero We use but and although to show a contrast

Although Aunque Although can go at the beginning or in the middle of the setence
be going to (plans and predictions

I you / we / they he / she /it

+ You He
I'm going to We re going to She s going to give talk
They It

- You He
I'm not going to we aren't going to She isn't going to give talk
they It

? Affir / Nega
Are you going to give a talk? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
Is he going to give a talk? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.

We use be going to + infinite to talk about future plans or intentions

Defining relative clauses with WHO-WICH-WHERE

Use who PERSON

Use wich THING
Use where PLACE
Present Perfect

Full form Contraction Negative Past Participle

I have I've I haven't
You have You've You haven't
He/She/it has he/she/it's he/she/it hasn't finished the washing-up
We have We've We haven't
They have They've They haven't

Have you finished the exercise? Yes, I have / No I haven't

Has he done the homework? Yes, he has / No he hasn't

Yet ? and - sentences Have you finished your homework yet? No, not yet.
Just + sentences My sister' just started a new job
Already + sentences No, I've already seen it three times To say that something happened before now or ea
mething happened before now or earlier than expected. We put already before the main verb
Something, Anything, nothing

+ somebody / someone Alguien

- anybody / anyone Alguien/nadie/cualquiera
? anybody / anyone Nadie
x nobody / no one Nadie

+ Somethings Algo
- Anything nada
? Anything nada
x Nothing nada

+ somewhere en alguna parte

- anywhere en cualquier lugar
? anywhere en cualquier lugar
x nowhere en ninguna parte

Place Time
Countries-Cities Months
Rooms: the kitchen Seasons: The winter
Buildings: a shop, a museum Years
closed spaces: a park, a garden, a car Times of day: morning, afternoon
Transport: a bike, a bus, a train Dates: 1st March
Surface: the floor, a table, a shelf, the balcony Days: Tuesday, new year's day, Valentine's day
Places: school, home, work,the airport, the station Times: 6 o'clock, night, the weekend
Festival Periods: Christmas, Easter
entine's day
Things you wear

Clothes Footwear Accessories

blouse Blusa boots botas belt
cardigan cárdigan flip-flops chanclas cap
coat abrigo sandals sandalias hat
dress vestido shoes zapatos gloves
jacket chaqueta trainers deportivas scarf
jeans jeans tie
leggings polainas
pyjamas pijama
shirt camisa
shorts pantalones cortos
skirt falda
socks calcetines
suit traje
sweater suéter
tights mallas
top parte superior
tracksuit chándal
trousers pantalones
t-shirt camiseta
underwear ropa interior


Curly Rizado Adjective

Long straight hair Pelo largo y liso Friendly
big blue eyes ojos azules grandes Talkative
blonde hair pelo rubio Generous
beard and moustache barba y bigote Kind
tall and thin alto y delgado Lazy
medium height and slim altura media y delgado Funny
quite short and bit overwight bastante corto y poco sobrepeso Clever


Clean the floor Limpiar el suelo

ironing planchado
shopping compras
vacumuming / hoovering aspiradora / aspiradora
washing lavado (platos)
washing-up lavado de ropa
dust the furniture desempolvar los muebles
lay the table poner la mesa
make lunch hacer el almuerzo
make the bed hacer la cama
pick up dirty clothes recoger ropa sucia
put away yor clothes guarda tu ropa
take out the rubbish sacar la basura
tidy your room ordenar su habitación


basket canasta
changing room vestuario
self-service / checkout autoservicio / pago
customer cliente
receipt recibo
shelves estantes
shop assistant dependienta
sopping bag bolsa de la compra
the sales las ventas
till caja
trolley carro
ccessories Jewellery
cinturón bracelet brazalete
gorra earrings pendientes
sombrero necklace collar
guantes ring anillo

Unfriendly Amistoso Hostil
Quiet Hablador Callado
mean Generoso
unkind Amable poco amable
hard-working Perezoso trabajador
serious Gracioso Serio
stupid Inteligente estúpido
extrovert Tímido extrovertido
be was /were been ser / estar
become became become llegar a ser
begin bagan begun empezar
break broke broken romper
bring brought brought traer / llevar
build built built contruir
buy bought bought comprar
can could - poder
catch caught caught coger
come came come venir
cost cost cost costar
do / does did done hacer
drink drank drunk beber
drive drove driven conducir
eat ate eaten comer
fall fell fallen caer
feel felt felt sentir
find found found encontrar
fly flew flown volar
forget forgot forgotten olvidar
get got got obtener
give gave given dar
go / goes went gone ir
have had had haber / tener
hear heard heard oir
know knew known saber / conocer
leave left left dejar
lose lost lost perder
make made made hacer
meet met met encontrar
pay paid paid pagar
put put put poner
read read read leer
run ran run correr
say said said decir
see saw seen ver
send sent sent enviar
sing sang sung cantar
sit sat sat sentarse
sleep slept slept dormir
speak spoke spoken hablar
spend spent spent gastar
stand stood stood estar en pie
swim swam swum nadar
take took taken coger
teach taught taught enseñar
tell told told decir
think thought thought pensar
understand understood undestood enterder
wake woke woken despertarse
wear wore worn llevar puesto
win won won ganar
write wrote written escribir
Uso Past Simple
Acciones terminadas en un tiempo definido en el pasado
2a columa irregulars o ED
Afirmativo: subj + verb pasado "Casi todos irregulares"
Negative: Subj + didn't + verb pasado
Interrogative: Did + subj + verb infini "normal"
Uso Present Perfect
Acciones pasadas que siguen siendo relevantes en el presente sin tiempo definido
3a columna irregulars (participio) o ED
Afirmative: subj + have/has + participio
Negative: Subj + have/has + not + participio
Interrogative: Have/has + subj + participio

Uso Present Simple

Acciones que se desarrollan en el presente en general o describir acciones habituales o permanentes
Agregar S 3a persona
Don't/Doesn't=negative - Do/does=questions
Uso Present Continuous
Acciones que estan sucediendo cuando hablamos, que estan continuando o se desarrolan en futuro proximo
ING terminacion
uturo proximo

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