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;wfuV 2 ikfjfLFkfrd ra=

1- ,d ikfjfLFkfrd ra= ftlesa leqnk; vkSj xSj&thfor okrkoj.k ,d lkFk dke djrs gSa\
¼,½ ikfjfLFkfrdh ¼ch½ ikfjfLFkfrdh ra=
¼lh½ ,Vdksy‚th ¼ Mh½ fluhdksy‚th
An ecological system in which the community and the non- living environment
function together is called ?
(a) Ecology (b) Ecosystem
(c) Autecology ( d) Synecology
2- euq"; }kjk fdlh Hkh cM+s gLr{ksi ds fcuk dkSu lk ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= Lo;a
lapkfyr gksrk gS\
¼,½ çk—frd ¼ch½ LFkyh;
¼lh½ ,DokfVd ¼Mh½ leqæh
Which ecosystem operate by themselves without any major interference by the
(a) Natural (b) Terrestrial
(c) Aquatic (d) Marine
3- ikS/kksa tSls thfor tho bZdks flLVe esa ekStwn i'kq vkSj lw{e tho tks ?kVd
¼,½ vtSfod ¼ch½ tSfod
¼lh½ ikfjfLFkfrd ra= ¼Mh½ LFkyh;
The living organism like plant Animals and micro organism that are present in eco
system form which component?
(a) Abiotic (b) Biotic
(c) Ecosystem (d) Terrestrial
4- ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= esa mudh Hkwfedk ds vk/kkj ij tSfod ?kVdksa dks foHkkftr
fd;k tk ldrk gS
¼,½ rhu ¼ch½ pkj
¼lh½ nks ¼Mh½ ikap
On the basis of their role in the ecosystem the biotic components can be divided into
(a) Three (b) Four
(c) Two (d) Five

5- ikfjfLFkfrd ra= esa xSj&thfor dkjd ;k HkkSfrd okrkoj.k dkSu lk ?kVd cukrk
¼,½ Aboitic ¼ch½ tSfod
¼lh½ ,DokfVd ¼Mh½ çk—frd
The non- living factor or physical environment in the ecosystem form which
(a) Aboitic (b) Biotic
(c) Aquatic (d) Natural
6- ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= fdrus ?kVdksa ls cuk gS
¼,½ rhu ¼ch½ pkj
¼lh½ ikap ¼Mh½ nks
Ecosystem is made up of how many components
(a) Three (b) Four
(c) Five (d) Two
7- xzhu IykaV~l ds :i esa tkuk tkrk gS
¼,½ gsVªksVª‚Q ¼ch½ v‚VksVªksQ
¼lh½ gfcZoklZ ¼Mh½ Omnivores
Green Plants are known as
(a) Hetrotroph (b) Autotrophs
(c) Herbivores (d) Omnivores
8- uke ,d çkFkfed miHkksäk \
¼,½ fcYyh ¼ch½ eNyh
¼lh½ Q‚Dl ¼Mh½ [kjxks'k
Name one primary consumer?
(a) Cat (b) Fish
(c) Foxes (d) Rabbit
9- ,d DokVjusjh miHkksäk uke\
¼,½ 'ksj ¼ch½ fgj.k
¼lh½ fcfYy;ksa ¼Mh½ eos'kh
Name one Quaternary consumer?
(a) Lion (b) Deer
(c) Cats (d) cattle

10- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk u rks cuk;k x;k gS vkSj u gh u"V gks x;k gS] ysfdu
bls ,d :i ls nwljs :i esa LFkkukarfjr fd;k tk ldrk gS\
¼,½ lw;Z ¼ch½ ghV
¼lh½ ikoj ¼Mh½ ÅtkZ
Which of the following is neither created nor destroyed but may be transferred
from one form to another form?
(a) Sun (b) Heat
(c) Power (d) Energy
11- i`Foh dh lrg ls ÅtkZ dk fdruk çfr'kr vo'kksf"kr gksrk gS\
¼,½ 42 ¼ch½ 32
¼lh½ 23 ¼Mh½ 45
How many percentage of energy is absorbed by earth surface?
(a) 42 (b) 32
(c) 23 (d) 45
12- ÅtkZ dk çeq[k lzksr D;k gS\
¼,½ lw;Z ¼ch½ i`Foh
¼lh½ LVkj ¼Mh½ egklkxj
What is the Major source of energy?
(a) Sun (b) Earth
(c) Star (d) Ocean
13- dkSu lk xSl ikS/kksa dks viuk [kkuk rS;kj djus esa enn djrk gS\
¼,½ ,p 2o ¼ch½ lhvks 2
¼lh½ lks 4 ¼Mh½ lg
Which gas helps plants in preparing their own food?
(a) H2o (b) Co2
(c) So4 (d) Co
14- dkSu lh çfØ;k gesa f[kykus ds laca/k vkSj tho ds chp ckrphr dks le>us esa
enn djrh gS\
¼,½ [kk| J`a[kyk ¼ch½ [kk| osc
¼lh½ çdk'k la'ys"k.k ¼Mh½ fuekZrk
Which process help us to understand the feeding relationship and the interaction
between organism?
(a) Food chain (b) Food web

(c) photosynthesis (d) Producer
15- decomposers ds :i esa Hkh tkuk tkrk gS\
¼,½ v‚VksVªksQ ¼ch½ gsVªksVª‚Q
¼lh½ lçksVªksQ ¼Mh½ fuekZrk
The decomposers are also known as?
(a) Autotrophs (b) Hetrotrophs
(c) Saprotrophs (d) Producer
16- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk DyksjksfQy dh deh gS vkSj vius Hkkstu dks
la'ysf"kr djus esa vleFkZ gSa\
¼,½ ikS/ks ¼ch½ i'kq
¼lh½ ,DokfVd ¼Mh½ leqæh
Which of the following lack chlorophyll and are unable to synthesized their own
(a) Plants (b) Animals
(c) Aquatic (d) Marine
17- fdlh Hkh ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= esa ,d thfor tho dbZ dkjdksa vkSj cyksa ls
çHkkfor gksrk gS\
¼,½ bdks QSDVj ¼ch½ ,fj;y QSDVj
¼lh½ DykbesfVd QSDVj ¼Mh½ ck;ksVhd QSDVj
In any ecosystem a living organism is influenced by a number of factor and forces?
(a) Eco Factor (b) Arial Factor
(c) Climatic Factor (d) Biotic Factor
18- feêh ds xBu ds lkFk dkSu lk dkjd lkSnk djrk gS] ;g HkkSfrd vkSj jklk;fud
xq.k vkSj lacaf/kr igyqvksa dk fooj.k gSA
¼,½ bdks QSDVj ¼ch½ ,fj;y QSDVj
¼lh½ ,MSfQd ¼Mh½ ck;ksVhd QSDVj
Which factor deal with formation of soil, it’s physical and chemical properties and
details of related aspects.
(a) Eco Factor (b) Arial Factor
(c) Edaphic (d) Biotic Factor
19- çdk'k la'ys"k.k vDlja tkuk tkrk gS
¼,½ 'kq) mRikndrk ¼ch½ çkFkfed mRikndrk
¼lh½ ek/;fed mRikndrk ¼Mh½ ldy mRikndrk

Photosynthesis is often known as
(a) Net Productivity (b) Primary productivity
(c) Secondary productivity (d) Gross productivity
20- tkuojksa vkSj ikS/kksa ds 'kjhj dks lw{e thoksa esa {kh.k djus ds e`r tSfod
inkFkZ ls dkSu lh [kk| J`a[kyk gLrkarj.k ÅtkZ\
,½ f'kdkjh ¼ch½ ijthoh
¼lh½ lSçksfQfVd
Which food chain transfer energy from dead organic matter of decaying animal and
plant bodies to micro – organism ?
(a) Predator b) Parasitic
(c) Saprophytic
21- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk ikfjfLFkfrd ra= esa vf/kdka'k thoksa esa Hkkstu
ds ,d ls vf/kd fodYi çnku djrk gSA
,½ [kk| osc ¼ch½ [kk| J`a[kyk
¼lh½ çdk'k la'ys"k.k ¼Mh½ ÅtkZ
Which one of the following provides more than one alternatives of food to the most
of the organisms in an ecosystem.
(a) Food web (b) Food chain
(c) Photosynthesis (d) Energy
22- ^^pkyZ~l ,YVu^^ }kjk dkSu lk fijkfeM mUur fd;k x;k Fkk\
,½ la[;kvksa dk fijkfeM ¼ch½ ck;ksekl dk fijkfeM
¼lh½ ÅtkZ fijkfeM ¼Mh½ ikfjfLFkfrd fijkfeM
Which pyramid was advanced by “ Charles Elton” ?
(a) Pyramid of Numbers (b) Pyramid of Biomass
(c) Energy pyramid (d) Ecological pyramid
23- çR;sd VªkfQd Lrj ij ck;ksekl dh ek=k Hkh ,d fijkfeM cuk ldrh gS ftls tkuk
tkrk gS\
,½ la[;kvksa dk fijkfeM ¼ch½ ck;ksekl dk fijkfeM
¼lh½ ÅtkZ fijkfeM ¼Mh½ ikfjfLFkfrd fijkfeM
The amount of biomass at each trophic level may also form a pyramid which is
known as ?
(a) Pyramid of Numbers (b) Pyramid of Biomass
(c) Energy pyramid (d) Ecological pyramid

24- dkSu lk fijkfeM csl ls 'kh"kZ rd çR;sd m".kdfVca/kh; Lrj esa ck;ksekl dh
deh dks bafxr djrk gSA
,½ la[;kvksa dk fijkfeM ¼ch½ ck;ksekl dk fijkfeM
¼lh½ ÅtkZ fijkfeM ¼Mh½ ikfjfLFkfrd fijkfeM
Which pyramid indicates the decrease of biomass in each trophical level from base
to apex.?
(a) Pyramid of Numbers (b) Pyramid of Biomass
(c) Energy pyramid (d) Ecological pyramid
25- i`Foh ds ikuh ifjlapj.k ra= dk o.kZu djus okyh ?kVukvksa dh J`a[kyk dks ,d
pØ }kjk n'kkZ;k tk ldrk gS\
,½ gkbMªksyksftd ¼ch½ gkbMªksLQh;j
¼lh½ ok;qeaMy ¼Mh½ fyFkksLQh;j
The chain of events describing the earth’s water circulatory system can be
represented by a cycle known as?
a) Hydrologic (b) Hydrosphere
(c) Atmosphere (d) Lithosphere
26- gekjh ijek.kq ok;q esa v‚Dlhtu dk çfr'kr fdruk gksrk gS\
,½ 32% ¼ch½ 21%
¼lh½ 31% ¼Mh½ 51%
Our atomospheric air contain about what percent of oxygen?
a) 32% (b) 21%
(c) 31% (d) 51%
27- ,d lrr çk—frd çfØ;k tks ok;qeaMy] Hkwfe] leqæ] thfor ikS/kksa vkSj
tkuojksa ds chp ikuh ds vknku&çnku esa enn djrh gSA
,½ v‚Dlhtu pØ ¼ch½ dkcZu pØ
¼lh½ ty pØ ¼Mh½ ukbVªkstu pØ
A continuous natural process which helps in exchange of water between the
atmosphere, the land, the sea, living plants and animals.
a) Oxygen cycle (b) Carbon cycle
(c) Water cycle (d) Nitrogen cycle
28- tSoeaMy esa thou çfØ;kvksa ds j[kj[kko ds fy, dkSu lh xSl ,d vko';d ?kVd
,½ dkcZu ¼ch½ v‚Dlhtu

¼lh½ ukbVªkstu ¼Mh½ gkbMªkstu
Which gas is an essential constituent for maintenance of Life processes in the
a) Carbon (b) Oxygen
(c) Nitrogen (d) Hydrogen
29- ikuh pØ ds ek/;e ls fyFkksLQh;j vkSj thfor thoksa ds chp [kfutksa ds
vknku&çnku dh çfØ;k D;k gSA
,½ ty pØ ¼ch½ lS)kafrd pØ
¼lh½ ukbVªkstu pØ ¼Mh½ v‚Dlhtu pØ
What is the process of interchange of minerals in between the lithosphere and the
living organisms through water cycle.
a) Water cycle (b) Sedimentary cycle
(c) Nitrogen cycle (d) Oxygen cycle
s30- lalk/ku tks dqN çfØ;kvksa ds ek/;e ls ckj&ckj mi;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gS] ds :i
esa tkuk tkrk gSA
,½ tSfod lalk/ku ¼ch½ ,fc;ksfVd lalk/ku
¼lh½ çokg lalk/ku ¼Mh½ pØ lalk/ku
The resource which can be used again and again passing through some processes
are known as.
a) Biotic resources (b) Abiotic resources
(c) Flow resources (d) Cycle resources
31- tSoeaMy esa tho vkSj mlds i;kZoj.k ds chp eSØks vkSj lw{e iks"kd rRoksa
ds ifjlapj.k dk fof'k"V ekxZ dgk tkrk gSA
,½ ck;ksxksdsfedy pØ ¼ch½ jklk;fud pØ
¼lh½ Q‚LQksjl pØ ¼Mh½ lYQj pØ
The characteristic pathway of macro and micronutrients circulation between the
organism and its environment in the biosphere is called.
a) Biogeochemical cycle (b) Chemical cycle
(c) Phosphorus cycle (d) Sulphur cycle
32- cM+s {ks= esa dCts okys thoksa dk ,d çeq[k ikfjfLFkfrd leqnk; ifjHkkf"kr
fd;k x;k gSA
,½ ck;kse ¼ch½ ikfjfLFkfrdh
¼lh½ feBkbZ ¼Mh½ ikfjfLFkfrd ra=

A major ecological community of organisms occupying in a large area is defined as.
a) Biome (b) Ecology
(c) Dessert (d) Ecosystem
33- ,d ryNV pØ dk uke nsaA
,½ ty pØ ¼ch½ gkbMªkstu pØ
¼lh½ lYQj pØ ¼Mh½ ukbVªkstu pØ
Name a sedimentary cycle.
a) Water cycle (b) Hydrogen cycle
(c) Sulphur cycle (d) Nitrogen Cycle
34- ekuo tkfr }kjk fodflr ,d ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= dk uke nsaA
,½ ,fc;ksfVd ¼ch½ ekuo foKku ç.kkyh
¼lh½ tSfod ¼Mh½ ikfjfLFkfrdh
Name one ecosystem which is developed by humankind.
a) Abiotic (b) Anthroposystem
(c) Biotic (d) Ecology
35- ljy mRiknksa esa tfVy ifjlj dks rksM+us okys thoksa dks tkuk tkrk gSA
,½ f'kdkjh ¼ch½ ijthoh
¼lh½ Reducer ¼Mh½ Saprophytic
The organisms which breakdown the complex compound into simple products are
known as.
a) Predator (b) Parasitic
(c) Reducer (d) Saprophytic
36- buesa ls dkSu lk fp= ;k e‚My gS tks fn[kkrk gS fd v‚VksVªksQ ls ÅtkZ dk
çokg i;kZoj.k esa thoksa dh ,d J`a[kyk rd gSA
,½ [kk| osc ¼ch½ ijthoh
¼lh½ [kk| J`a[kyk ¼Mh½ lSçksfQfVd
Which of the following is a picture or model that shows that the flow of energy from
Autotrophs to a series of organisms in an environment.
a) Food web (b) Parasitic
(c) Food chain (d) Saprophytic
37- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk vU; ikfjfLFkfrd ra= dh rqyuk esa nqfu;k esa dbZ
txgksa ij dCtk dj jgk gS vkSj feêh iks"kd rRoksa vkSj dkcZfud inkFkksaZ esa
le`) gS tks dbZ isM+ksa dk leFkZu djrh gS\

,½ ikfjfLFkfrd ra= ¼ch½ ,DokfVd ikfjfLFkfrd ra=
¼lh½ ty ikfjfLFkfrd ra= ¼Mh½ ou ikfjfLFkfrd ra=
Which of the following occupy many space in the globe than any other ecosystem
and the soil is rich in nutrients and organic matter which support many trees?
a) Ecosystem (b) Aquatic ecosystem
(c) Water ecosystem (d) Forest ecosystem
38- lw[kh gok] xeZ tyok;q] nSfud rkieku vkSj iks"kd rRoksa dh deh feêh esa
cM+h fHkUurk fdl ikfjfLFkfrd ra= ls lacaf/kr gS\
,½ jsfxLrku ikfjfLFkfrd ra= ¼ch½ ,DokfVd ikfjfLFkfrd ra=
¼lh½ ty ikfjfLFkfrd ra= ¼Mh½ ou ikfjfLFkfrd ra=
Dry air, hot climate, large variation in diurnal temperature and nutrients deficit soil
belongs to which ecosystem ?
a) Desert ecosystem (b) Aquatic ecosystem
(c) Water ecosystem (d) Forest ecosystem
39- i.kZikrh ou vkSj jsfxLrku ds chp laØe.k {ks= dgk tkrk gSA
,½ jsfxLrku ¼ch½ ou
¼lh½ ?kkl dk eSnku ¼Mh½ leqæh
The transition zone between deciduous forest and desert is called.
(a) Desert (b) Forest
(c) Grassland (d) Marine
40- tho ds fodkl] çtuu vkSj fodkl ds fy, lcls vuqdwy {ks=A
,½ xaHkhj U;wure ¼ch½ b"Vre
¼lh½ xaHkhj vf/kdre ¼Mh½ lfg".kqrk
The most favourable zone for the growth, reproduction and development of
a) Critical minimum (b) Optimum
(c) Critical maximum (d) Tolerance
41- tks {ks= xaHkhj U;wure vkSj xaHkhj vf/kdre {ks= ls uhps gS vkSj ;g {ks=
yacs le; rd thoksa ds vfLrRo ds fy, çfrdwy gS
,½ xaHkhj U;wure ¼ch½ xaHkhj vf/kdre
¼lh½ lfg".kqrk ¼Mh½ vlfg".kqrk

The zone which is below the critical minimum and the critical maximum zone and
this zone is unfavourable for the survival of the organisms for a longer period of
a) Critical minimum (b) Critical maximum
(c) Tolerance (d) Intolerance
42- i;kZoj.kh; <ky dh lhek ftlds uhps thoksa dk fodkl vkSj çtuu lekIr gks tkrk
gS vkSj tho xSj&dk;kZRed gks tkrk gSA
,½ xaHkhj U;wure ¼ch½ xaHkhj vf/kdre
¼lh½ lfg".kqrk ¼Mh½ vlfg".kqrk
Limit of environmental gradient below which the growth development and
reproduction of the organisms ceases and organism becomes non – functional.
a) Critical minimum (b) Critical maximum
(c) Tolerance (d) Intolerance
43- bls ÅtkZ ;k inkFkZ ds :i esa ifjHkkf"kr fd;k tk ldrk gS tks dk;Zjr thoksa]
vkcknh vkSj ikfjfLFkfrd ra= ds fy, vko';d gSA
,½ xSj&çk—frd lalk/ku ¼ch½ çk—frd lalk/ku
¼lh½ uohdj.kh; lalk/ku ¼Mh½ xSj&uohdj.kh; lalk/ku
It may be defined as a form of energy or matter which is essentialfor the functioning
organisms, population and ecosystem.
a) Non- Natural resources (b) Natural resources
(c) Renewable resources (d) Non- Renewable resource
44- os tho tks viuh dh ÅtkZ vko';drk ds fy, nwljksa ij fuHkZj djrs gSa] mUgsa
tkuk tkrk gSA
,½ v‚VksVªksQ ¼ch½ gsVªksVª‚Q
¼lh½ dkfuZok;j ¼Mh½ Omnivores
Those organisms which depend on others for their energy requirement are known
(a) Autotrophs (b) Hetrotrophs
(c) Carnivores (d) Omnivores
45- ok;q vf/kfu;e dks fdl o"kZ esa fuf"Ø; fd;k x;k FkkA
,½ 1886 ¼ch½ 1986
¼lh½ 1981 ¼Mh½ 1985
The Air Act was inacted in the year.

(a) 1886 (b) 1986
(c) 1981 (d) 1985
46- i;kZoj.k laj{k.k vf/kfu;e fdl o"kZ esa laln }kjk vf/kfu;fer fd;k x;k FkkA
,½ 1986 ¼ch½ 1981
¼lh½ 1995 ¼Mh½ 1991
The Environmental protection act was enacted by the parliament in the year.
(a) 1986 (b) 1981
(c) 1995 (d) 1991
47- feêh esa ,d thok.kq ds lkFk ckrphr djrk gS
,½ ikuh ¼ch½ ok;q
¼lh½ blds pkjksa vksj feêh ds d.k ¼Mh½ mi;qZä lHkh
A single bacterium in the soil interacts with
(a) Water (b) Air
(c) Particles of soil around it (d) All the above
48- i`Foh dk og {ks=] tgka thou ekStwn gS] ds :i esa tkuk tkrk gS
,½ ok;qeaMy ¼ch½ thoeaMy
¼lh½ fyFkksLQh;j ¼Mh½ gkbMªksLQh;j
The region of earth, where life exists is known as
a) Atmosphere (b) Biosphere
(c) Lithosphere (d) Hydrosphere
49- ck;ksLQh;j ÅtkZ ls çkIr fd;k tkrk gS
,½ lw;Z ¼ch½ i`Foh ds baVhfj;j
¼lh½ nksuksa ¼,½ vkSj ¼ch½ ¼Mh½ dk;Z
In the biosphere energy is received from
a) The Sun (b) The interior of the earth
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Work
50- thoeaMy esa fuEufyf[kr 'kkfey gSa
,½ >hy ¼ch½ feêh
¼lh½ Bksl ryNV ¼Mh½ mi;qZä lHkh
The Biosphere consists of the following
a) Lakes (b) soils
(c) Solid sediments (d) All of the above

51- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl :i esa] vif'k"V mRiknksa dks thoeaMy esa NksM+k
tkrk gS\
,½ xSl ¼ch½ rjy
¼lh½ Bksl ¼Mh½ mijksä lHkh
In which of the following form(s), the waste products are discharged into the
a) Gaseous (b) Liquid
(c) Solid (d) All of the Above
52- ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= lcls NksVh bdkbZ gS
,½ vk;uksLQh;j ¼ch½ fyFkksLQh;j
¼lh½ ck;ksLQh;j ¼Mh½ eslksQs;j
Ecosystem is the smallest unit of
a) Ionosphere (b) Lithosphere
(c) Biosphere (d) Mesophere
53- ÅtkZ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ,d ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= esa
,½ tkjh fd;k x;k gS ¼ch½ vo'kksf"kr gS
¼lh½ çokg ¼Mh½ mi;qZä esa ls dksbZ ugha
Energy -------------------- in an Ecosystem
a) is released (b) is absorbed
(c) flows (d) None of the above
54- ikfjfLFkfrd ra= dk lsV dgk tkrk gS
,½ ck;kse ¼ch½ tyok;q
¼lh½ lcflLVe ¼Mh½ lajpuk
The set of Ecosystem is called a
a) Biome (b) Climate
(c) Subsystem (d) Structure
55- fuEufyf[kr LFkyh; ck;kse dk ,d mnkgj.k gS
,½ m".kdfVca/kh; o"kkZ ou ¼ch½ ufn;ka
¼lh½ /kkjk,a ¼Mh½ mi;qZä lHkh
The following is an example of Terrestrial Biome
a) Tropical rain forest (b)Rivers
(c) Streams (d) All of the above

56- LFkyh; ck;kse dk rsth ls vknku&çnku gksrk gS
,½ dkcZu Mkbv‚DlkbM ¼ch½ v‚Dlhtu
¼lh½ ikuh ¼Mh½ mi;qZä lHkh
Terrestrial biome has a rapid exchange of
a) carbon dioxide (b) Oxygen
(c) Water (d) All of the above
56- ok;qeaMy yxHkx 10] 000 fdeh dh ÅapkbZ rd QSyk gqvk gSA ;g fuEufyf[kr
pkj FkeZy ijrksa esa ckaVk x;k gS
,½ eslksQs;j ¼ch½ LVªsVksLQh;j
¼lh½ ok;qeaMy ¼Mh½ m".kdfVca/kh;
The atmosphere extends upto a height of about 10, 000km. It is divided into the
following four thermal layers
a) Mesophere (b) Stratosphere
(c) Thermosphere (d) Troposphere
57- /kjrh dh lrg ls 'kq: gksus okyh bu ijrksa dk lgh vuqØe gS%
,½ 2]4]1]3 ¼ch½ 4]2]1]3
¼lh½ 4]2]3]1 ¼Mh½ 2]4]3]1
The correct sequenceof these layers starting from the surface of the earth upward
is :
(a) 2,4,1,3 (b) 4,2,1,3
(c) 4,2,3,1 (d) 2,4,3,1
58- i;kZoj.k ds fuEufyf[kr oSpkfjd ?kVd fdl ekeys esa çHkkoh VªkaliksVZj gSa\
,½ ,VeksLQh;j vkSj gkbMªksLQh;j ¼ch½ ok;qeaMy vkSj fyFkksLQh;j
¼lh½ gkbMªksLQh;j vkSj fyFkksLQh;j ¼Mh½ fyFkksLQh;j vkSj thoeaMy
Which of the following conceptual components of the environment are effective
transporter of matter?
a) Atomosphere and hydrosphere (b) Atmosphere and lithosphere
(c) Hydrosphere and lithosphere (d)Lithosphere and biosphere
59- ck;ksLQh;j gS
,½ i`Foh ij vdkcZfud inkFkksaZ dk Bksl [kksy ¼ch½ i`Foh dh lrg ij dkcZfud ehVj
dk iryk [kksy ftlesa lHkh thfor phtsa
'kkfey gSa
¼lh½ xksykdkj tks lHkh {ks=ksa dh vf/kdre ek=k ¼Mh½ Åij ds lHkh
Biosphere is

a) The solid shell of the inorganic materials on the earth
(b) The thin shell of organic metter on the surface of the earth comprising of all the
living things
(c) The sphere which occupies the maximum volume of all the sphere
(d) All of the above
60- i;kZoj.k ds fuEufyf[kr oSpkfjd {ks= esa ls fdl esa de ls de HkaMkj.k {kerk
,½ ok;qeaMy ¼ch½ fyFkksLQh;j
¼lh½ gkbMªksLQh;j ¼Mh½ ck;ksLQj
Which of the following conceptual sphere of the environment is having the least
storage capacity for matter?
a) Atmosphere (b) Lithosphere
(c)Hydrosphere (d) Biospher
61- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk tyeaMy ij fodkl xfrfof/k;ksa ds çHkko dk ,d
mnkgj.k gS\
,½ ok;q çnw"k.k ¼ch½ e`nk çnw"k.k
¼lh½ e`nk {kj.k ¼Mh½ ty çnw"k.k
Which of the following is an example of impact of development activities on the
a) Air pollution (b) Soil pollution
(c) Soil erosion (d) Water pollution
62- i`Foh esa ekSle gksrk gS%
,½ m".kdfVca/kh; ¼ch½ eslksQs;j
¼lh½ vk;ueaMy ¼Mh½ ok;qeaMy
Weather occurs in the Earths:
a) Troposphere (b) Mesophere
(c) Ionosphere (d)Thermospher
63- 'kCn ikfjfLFkfrdh }kjk is'k fd;k x;k Fkk%
,½ gSdsy ¼ch½ vksMe
¼lh½ rulh ¼Mh½ jkenso feJk
The term ecology was introduced by:
a) Haeckel (b) Odum
(c) Tansely (d) Ramdeo Mishra

64- thfor vkSj xSj thfor thoksa vkSj i;kZoj.k ds chp ckrphr dk v/;;u dgk tkrk gS
,½ ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= ¼ch½ ikfjfLFkfrdh
¼lh½ QhVks & Hkwxksy ¼Mh½ Phytosociology
The study of interaction between living and non- living organisms and environment
is called
a) Ecosystem (b) Ecology
(c) Phyto – geography (d) Phytosociology
65- ,d ikfjfLFkfrd ra= esa 'kkfey gSa
,½ xzhu IykaV~l ,aM ,fuey ¼ch½ xzhu IykaV~l ,aM fMdaikstlZ
¼lh½ fuekZrk vkSj miHkksäk ¼Mh½ gjh ikS/kksa] tkuojksa ds fodkjd vkSj vck/k
An ecosystem consists of
a) Green plants and Animals
(b) Green plants and decomposers
(c) Producer and consumers
(d) Green plants, animals decomposers and abiotic environment
66- ekuo xfrfof/k;ksa }kjk la'kksf/kr i;kZoj.k dks dgk tkrk gS
,½ çk—frd i;kZoj.k ¼ch½ ekuooa'kh; i;kZoj.k
¼lh½ vk/kqfud i;kZoj.k ¼Mh½ 'kgjh i;kZoj.k
The environment which has been modified by human activities is called
a) Natural environment (b) Anthropogenic environment
(c) Modern environment (d) Urban environment
67- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk dFku lR; ugha gS\
,½ vdkcZfud iks"kd rRoksa dks ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= esa iquuZohuhdj.k fd;k tkrk gS
¼ch½ lh&lh c‚UM ds :i esa ikfjfLFkfrd ra= ds ek/;e ls ÅtkZ çokg
¼lh½ ÅtkZ dks ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= esa iquuZohuhdj.k fd;k tkrk gS
¼Mh½ 'olu çfØ;k ÅtkZ dks tkjh djrh gS
Which of the following statements is not true ?
a) Inorganic nutrients are recycled in an ecosystem
(b) Energy flow through the ecosystem in the form of C-C bonds
(c) Energgy is recycled in an ecosystem
(d) Respiration process releases energy
68- ,d ikfjfLFkfrd ra= esa Mªkbfoax cy gS

,½ ikS/ks ¼ch½ mRiknd
¼lh½ lkSj ÅtkZ ¼Mh½ ck;ksekl ÅtkZ
Driving force in an ecosystem is
a) Plants (b) Producers
(c) Solar energy (d) Biomass energy
69- ,d ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= ds HkkSfrd vkSj jklk;fud ?kVd curs gSa
,½ tSfod lajpuk ¼ch½ Abiotic lajpuk
¼lh½ buesa ls nksuksa ¼Mh½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
Physical and chemical components of an ecosystem constitute
a) Biotic structure (b) Abiotic structure
(c) Both of these (d) None of these
70- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk ikfjfLFkfrd ra= dk ,d vck/k ?kVd gS\
,½ cSDVhfj;k ¼ch½ ikS/ks
¼lh½ Humus ¼Mh½ dod
Which of the following is an abiotic components of the ecosystem ?
a) Bacteria (b) Plants
(c) Humus (d)Fungi
71- ikfjfLFkfrd ra= esa fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk laHkkfor fuekZrk gS\
,½ ikS/ks ¼ch½ i'kq
¼lh½ euq"; ¼Mh½ eNyh
Which of the following is a possible producer in an ecosystem ?
a) Plants (b) Animals
(c) Human beings (d) Fish
72- tho thoksa ij thfor thoksa vkSj mRlftZr thoksa ij Hkkstu djus okys tho Kkr
,½ Decomposers ¼ch½ miHkksäkvksa
¼lh½ fuekZrk ¼Mh½ dkfuZolZ
The organisms which feed on dead organisms and excreta of living organisms are
a) Decomposers (b) Consumers
(c) Producers (d) Carnivores
73- ,d m".kdfVca/kh; Lrj dk vFkZ gS%

,½ m".kdfVca/kh; {ks= esa {ks= ¼ch½ [kk| J`a[kyk
esa ,d tho Hkkx
¼lh½ ,d ikfjfLFkfrd ra= esa ,d tho dh fLFkfr ¼Mh½ ck;kse esa ,d tho dh
A trophic level refers to:
a) Area in the tropics
(b) An organisms portion in a food chain
(c) An organisms position in an ecosystem
(d) An organisms positions in a biome
74- [kk| J`a[kyk esa tkuojksa dk xBu gksrk gS%
,½ igyk Vª‚fQd Lrj ¼ch½ nwljk Vª‚fQd Lrj
¼lh½ baVjehfM,V Vª‚fQd Lrj ¼Mh½ ije VªkfQd Lrj
In a food chain animals constitute the :
a) First trophic level (b) Second trophic level
(c) Intermidiate trophic level (d) Ultimate trophic level
75- [kk| J`a[kyk ftlesa lw{ethoksa us e`r fuekZrk dks rksM+ fn;k gS%
,½ miHkksäk [kk| J`a[kyk ¼ch½ f'kdkjh [kk| J`a[kyk
¼lh½ ijthoh [kk| J`a[kyk ¼Mh½ MsVªkbVl [kk| J`a[kyk
The food chain in which microorganisms breakdown dead producer is called:
a) Consumer food chain (b) Predator food chain
(c) Parasitic food chain (d) Detritus food chain
76- [kk| J`a[kyk flrkjksa ds lkFk
,½ fuekZrk ¼ch½ gchZolZ
¼lh½ dkfuZok;j ¼Mh½ Omnivores
Food chain starts with
a) Producers (b) Herbivores
(c) Carnivores (d) Omnivores
77- ,d [kk| J`a[kyk esa] euq"; gSa
,½ ek/;fed miHkksäk ¼ch½ çkFkfed miHkksäk
¼lh½ mRiknd ¼Mh½ çkFkfed vkSj ek/;fed nksuksa
In a food chain, humans are
a) Secondary consumers (b) Primary consumers
(c) Producers (d) Primary and secondary both

78- ,d [kk| osc ds gksrs gSa
,½ baVjy‚fdax QwM psu ¼ch½ fuekZrk] miHkksäk vkSj fo?kVudrkZ
¼lh½ [kk| J`a[kyk dk ,d fgLlk ¼Mh½ leku miHkksäkvksa dk ,d lsV
A food web consists of
a) Interlocking food chains (b) Producer, consumers and decomposers
(c) A portion of a food chain (d) A set of similar consumers
79- [kk| tky gSa
,½ ,d çdkj dk Hkkstu ¼ch½ [kk| J`a[kykvksa ls lacaf/kr ugha
¼lh½ [kk| J`a[kykvksa ds varj&tqM+s O;oLFkk ¼Mh½ [kk| J`a[kykvksa dh
jSf[kd O;oLFkk
Food webs are
a) one kind of food
(b) Not related to food chains at all
(c) Inter- connected arrangements of food chains
(d) Linear arrangements of food chains
80- la[;kvksa dk fijkfeM fn;k tkrk gS
,½ gSdsy ¼ch½ vksMe
¼lh½ ,YVu ¼Mh½ VSaLys
Pyramid of numbers is given by
a) Haeckel (b) Odum
(c) Elton (d) Tansley
81- dkSu lk ikfjfLFkfrdh; fijkfeM ges'kk lh/kk gS\
,½ la[;kvksa dk fijkfeM ¼ch½ ck;ksekl dk fijkfeM
¼lh½s ÅtkZ dk fijkfeM ¼Mh½ nksuksa , vkSj ch
Which ecological pyramid is always upright ?
a) Pyramid of numbers (b) Pyramid of biomass
(c) Pyramid of enrgy (d) Both A and B
82- ,d ikfjfLFkfrdh; fijkfeM dks lanfHkZr djrk gS
,½ ÅtkZ dk fijkfeM ¼ch½ la[;k dk fijkfeM
¼lh½ ck;ksekl ds fijkfeM ¼Mh½ lHkh
An ecological pyramid refers to the
a) Pyramid of energy (b) Pyramid of number

(c) Pyramid of biomass (d) All
83- ,d ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= esa ifjorZu ugha gks ldrk gS D;ksafd
,½ ;g gksfe;ksLVsfll dh fLFkfr esa gS ¼ch½ ;g ikS/kksa vkSj tkuojksa
¼lh½ ;g lkSj ÅtkZ fujarj gks tkrk gS ¼Mh½ blesa fo?kVudrkZ ekStwn
An ecosystem may not undergo changes because
a) It is in the state of homeostasis (b) It has plants and animals both
(c) It gets solar energy continuosly (d) The decomposers are present in it
84- ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= esa ÅtkZ çokg }kjk fn;k tkrk gS%
,½ gSdsy ¼ch½ vksMe
¼lh½ VSaLys ¼Mh½ jkenso feJk
Energy flow in ecosystem is given by :
a) Haeckel (b) Odum
(c) Tansely (d) Ramdeo Mishra
85- ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= esa ÅtkZ çokg ges'kk gksrk gS%
,½ ;wfuMk;jsD'kuy ¼ch½ pØh;
¼lh½ myVk ¼Mh½ cgq fn'kkRed
Energy flow in an ecosystem is always :
a) Unidirectional (b) Cyclic
(c) Reversible (d) Multi – directional
86- taxy ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= esa çkFkfed mRiknd gSa%
,½ isM+ vkSj ikS/kksa ¼ch½ gchZolZ
¼lh½ dkfuZok;j ¼Mh½ cSDVhfj;k vkSj vU; lw{e tho
The primary producer in a forest ecosystem are:
a) Trees and plants (b) Herbivores
(c) Carnivores (d) Bacteria and other micro- organisms
87- fuEufyf[kr esa ls jsfxLrku ,d BaMk desret ugha gS%
,½ xksch jsfxLrku ¼ch½ Patagonian jsfxLrku
¼lh½ Atacama jsfxLrku ¼Mh½ Mojave jsfxLrku
The desert among the following which is not a cold desret is :
a) Gobi desert (b) Patagonian desert
(c) Atacama desert (d) Mojave desert

88- >hyksa esa xgjk {ks= tgka çdk'k dk ços'k ux.; gS mls dgk tkrk gS%
,½ ;wQksfVd {ks= ¼ch½ fyVyksj tksu
¼lh½ fyesfVd tksu ¼Mh½ cSafFkd {ks=
The darker zone in the lakes where light penetration is negligible is called the :
a) Euphotic zone (b) Littoral zone
(c) Limnetic zone (d) Benthic zone
89- egk}hih; 'ksYQ ij >wB cksyus okys leqæ dk {ks= bl çdkj gS%
,½ ckFk;y tksu ¼ch½ usfjfVd tksu
¼lh½ ,fcly tksu ¼Mh½ fyVyksj tksu
The zone of a sea lying over the continental shelf is known as the :
a) Bathyal zone (b) Neritic zone
(c) Abyssal zone (d) Littoral zone
90- buesa ls dkSu lk rktk ikuh ck;kse ugha gS\
,½ yksfVd ¼ch½ ysafVd
¼lh½ fLiaXl ¼Mh½ xgjs leqæ
Which one of the following is not a fresh water biome?
a) Lotic (b) Lentic
(c) Spings (d) Deep sea
91- yxkrkj VªkfQd Lrjksa esa dsafær gksus ds fy, çnw"kdksa dh ço`fÙk dks bl
çdkj tkuk tkrk gS%
,½ ck;ksekfXufQds'ku ¼ch½ ck;ksfjFke
¼lh½ ck;ksesfM,'ku ¼Mh½ ck;ksikbjslh
Tendency of pollutants to become concentrated in successive trophic levels is
known as:
a) Biomagnification (b) Biorhythm
(c) Bioremediation (d)Biopiracy
92- ouLifr;ksa esa o`f) vkSj ouLifr;ksa esa deh esa o`f) ds dkj.k gkfudkjd gksxk
,½ jksx ¼ch½ lhvks
¼lh½ vks 2 ¼Mh½ jsfM;ks/kehZ çnw"k.k
Increase in fauna and decrease in flora would be harmful due to increase in :
a) Diseases (b) CO
(c) O2 (d) Radioactive pollution

93- gekjs ikS/ks ukbVªkstu dk lcls cM+k tyk'k; gS
,½ egklkxj ¼ch½ ok;qeaMy
¼lh½ thoeaMy ¼Mh½ thok'e bZa/ku
The largest reservoir of nitrogen in our plants is
a) Ocean (b) Atmosphere
(c) Biosphere (d) Fossil fuels
94- ifj.kke esa vksojxzkftax%
,½ e`nk {kj.k ¼ch½ mi;ksxh çtkfr;ksa dk çfr/kkj.k
¼lh½ mRiknd feêh ¼Mh½ lHkh
Overgrazing results in :
a) Soil erosion (b) Retention of useful species
(c) Productive soils (d) All
95- nqfu;k esa] Hkkjr dh vFkZO;oLFkk gS%
,½ lcls cM+k ¼ch½ rhljk lcls cM+k
¼lh½ nwljk lcls cM+k ¼Mh½ pkSFkk lcls cM+k
In the world, the economy of the India is :
a) Largest (b) Third largest
(c) Second largest d) Fourth largest
96- lsok mRiknu esa] Hkkjr gS%
,½ 10 ¼ch½ 12
¼lh½ 15 ¼Mh½ 4
In services output, India is :
a) 10 (b) 12
(c) 15 (d) 4


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