Hos A
Hos A
Hos A
Roll No.
x`g foKku
(Home Science)
Hindi and English Medium
(Only for Fresh/School Candidates)
Time - 2 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 M.M. – 60
d`i;k tk¡p dj ysa bl iz”u&i= esa eqfnzr i`’B 12 rFkk iz”u 18 gSA
Please make sure that the printed pages in this question paper are 12 in
number and it contains 18 questions.
iz”u&i= esa nkfgus gkFk dh vksj fn;s x;sa dksM uEcj rFkk lsV dks Nk=
mÙkj&iqfLrdk ds eq[;&i`’B ij fy[ksaA
The Code No. and Set on the right side of the question paper should be
written by the candidate on the front page of the answer-book.
d`i;k iz”u dk mÙkj fy[kuk “kq: djus ls igys] iz”u dk Øekad vo”;
Before beginning to answer a question, its Serial Number must be
(Set: A) P.T.O
(Set: A)
lkekU; funsZ”k %
General Instructions :
1- funsZ”kkuqlkj lHkh Á”uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A
(Answer all the questions as per instruction)
2- izR;sd iz”u ds vad mlds lkeus n”kkZ, x, gSA
Marks of each question is indicated against it.
(Set: A) P.T.O
(Set: A)
3- vkids mÙkj vdakuqlkj gksus pkfg,A
Your answer should be according to marks.
uksV% iz”u ua0 1 esa ckjg ¼I-XII½ oLrqfu’V iz”u fn, x, gSA izR;sd Á”u ds
fy, lgh fodYi pqfu,A
[kaM & v
Section – A
oLrqfu’B Á”u
(Objective Type Question)
(Set: A) P.T.O
(Set: A)
(Set: A) P.T.O
(Set: A)
(v) eksVkis ds dkj.k jDr okfgdkvksa esa ,d= gks tkrk gS& 1
¼d½ ty
¼[k½ dkcksZgkbMªsVl
¼x½ dksyLs Vªksy
¼?k½ mijksDr es ls dksbZ ugha
Substance deposited in blood vessels due to obesity
(A) Water
(B) Carbohydrates
(C) Cholesterol
(D) None of above
(Set: A) P.T.O
(Set: A)
(Set: A) P.T.O
(Set: A)
(Set: A) P.T.O
(Set: A)
(Set: A) P.T.O
(Set: A)
(xii) gekjs ns”k esa lokZf/kd e`R;wnj dkSu lh voLFkk esa gS& 1
¼d½ f”k”kqvksa esa
¼[k½ fd”kksjkoLFkk
¼x½ ;qokoLFkk
¼?k½ mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
Highest death rate in our country is in which stage of life
(A) Infants
(B) Adolescence
(C) Adult stage
(D) None of above
[kaM & c
Section – B
vfr y?kq mÙkjh; Á”u
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
4- Hkkstu fdu dkj.kks ls [kjkc gks tkrk gS\ dksbZ nks dkj.k fy[kksA 2
Give any two reasons of food spoilage.
(Set: A) P.T.O
(Set: A)
[kaM & l
Section - C
Yk?kq mÙkjh; Á”u
(Short Answer Type Questions)
(Set: A) P.T.O
(Set: A)
14- fyuu dk D;k vFkZ gS\ ,d cSM”khV dk pquko djrs le; vki fdu ckrksa
dk /;ku j[kksxs\ 3
What is the meaning of Linen? Write the points that should be
kept in mind while choosing a bed sheet.
15- cPpksa dks Vhds yxokuk D;ksa t:jh gS\ D.P.T. dk Vhdk fdu jksxkas ls
cpko djrk gS\ 3
What is the importance of child vaccination? Name the diseases that
can be prevented by D.P.T. vaccine.
[kaM & n
Section – D
foLr`r mÙkjh; Á”u
(Long Answer Type Questions)
(Set: A) P.T.O
(Set: A)