131-Biology 3

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Ikzfrn”kZ iz”ui=

tho foKku ¼lS}kfUrd½
BIOLOGY (Theory)
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad% 70
Time: 3 Hours [Max Marks: 70]

(i) bl iz'ui= esa 26 iz'u gSaA lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
(ii) iz'uksa gsrq fu/kkZfjr vad muds lEeq[k gSaA
(iii) izR;sd iz'u dks /;kuiwoZd if<+;s rFkk leqfpr mRrj nhft,A
(iv) iz'u la[;k 1 esa 8 cgqfodYih;iz'u gSa] tcfd nks iz'u vfHkdFku vkSj dkj.k
okys gSaA vr% iz'u la[;k 1 esa 10 iz'u gSa lgh fodYi viuh mRrj iqfLrdk esa
(v) iz'u la[;k 1 dk izR;sd [k.M ,d vad dk gSA iz'u la[;k 2 ls 5 rd 1 vad
ds iz'u gSaA iz'u la[;k 6 ls 15 rd nks vad ds iz'u gSaA iz'ula[;k 16 ls 23
rd rhu vad ds iz'u gSaA iz'ula[;k 24 ls 26 rd pkj vad ds iz'u gSaA
(vi) bl iz'ui= esa lexz dksbZ fodYi ugha gS rFkkfi dfri; iz'uksa esa vkarfjd
fodYi iznku fd;k x;k gSA ,sls iz'uksa esa dsoy ,d fodYi dk gh mRrj
(i) There are all 26 questions in this question paper. All questions
are compulsory
(ii) Marks attached to the questions are mentioned against them.
(iii) Read each question carefully and answer to the point.
(iv) Question no,1 is multiple choice question, in which 8 questions
are MCQ and 2 questions are Assertion and reason based.
Write correct option in your answer book.
(v) Each part of one marks each. Question no.1 carries one mark.
Question no. 2 to 5 are of one marks each.Question no. 6 to 15
are of two marks each. Question no.16 to 23 are of three marks
each. Question no. 24 to 26 are of four marks each.
(vi) There is no overall choice in this question paper, however an
internal choice has been provided in few questions. Attempt
only one of the given choices in such questions.
1¼d½ ekuo esa ,d eghus dh lxHkZrk ds ckn Hkzw.k esa fufeZr gksrk gSA
1 (a)In human beings after one month of pregnancy the embryo
formed .
(i)ân;(Heart) (ii)ikn(Limb)
(iii) vaxqfy;kW(Fingers)a (iv)cjkSfu;kW(a Eyelids)
¼[k½,d fu%larku naifr dks GIFT uked rduhd ds ek/;e ls f”k”kq tUe ds fy,
lgk;rk dh tk ldrh gSA bl rduhfd dk iw.kZ :i gS&
(b)A childless couple can be assisted to have a child through a
technique called GIFT, the full form of this technique is-
(i) ;qXed oh;Z jksi.k fMEHkokgh LFkkukUrj.k(Gamete Inseminated
Fallopian Transfer)
(ii) ;qXed var% fMEHkokfguh LFkkukUrj.k(Gamete Intra Fallopian
(iii) ;qXed vkUrfjd fu"kspu vkSj LFkkukUrj.k (Gamete Internal
Fertilization And Transfer)
(iv) tuu dksf”kdk vkarfjd fMEcokgh LFkkukUrj.kA(Germ cell Internal
Fallopian Transfer
¼x½ fuEufyf[kr esa ls fo"kk.kq tfur jksx gSA
(c)Which of the following is a viral disease.
(i)gStk (Cholera) (ii)eysfj;k (Malaria)
(iii)iksfy;ks(Polio) (iv);s lHkh (All of these)
¼?k½ Hkkjr esa ck;ksxSl rduhd dks fdlds iz;kl ls fodflr fd;k x;k A
(d) The technology of biogas production was developed in India
mainly due to the effort of-
(i) Hkkjrh; d`f"k vuqla/kku ifj"kn~ vkSj [kknh ,oa xzkeks|ksx vk;ksx(ICRI and
(ii) Hkkjrh; d`f"k vuqla/kku laLFkku vkSj [kknh ,oa xzkeks|ksx vk;ksx(IARI &
(iii) iwlk d`f"k (Pusa agriculture)
(iv) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA (None of these)
¼³½ iqu;kZsxt DNA¼Mh-,u-,-½ rduhd dks [kkstk x;Ka
(e)Who was discovered recombinant DNA technology?
(i)tsEl Mh okVlu(James D Watson)
(ii)okYVj lVu vkSj ,osjh(Walter Sutton and Avery)
(iii)LVsuys dksgsu vkSj gjoVZ cks;j(Stanley Kohen and Herbert Boyer)
(iv)gjxksfoUn [kqjkuk(Har Govind Khurana)

¼p½ ijthuh thok.kq dk mi;ksx O;kikfjd Lrj ij mRiknu esa fd;k tkrk gSA
( f )Transgenic bacteria are used in production on commercial
(i)Fkk;jkWfDlu (Thyroxine)
(iii)ekuo balqfyu (Human Insulin)

¼N½ ikfjfLFkfrd ra= esa euq"; dk iks"k.k Lrj gksrk gSA

(g) The trophic level of human in an ecosystem is-
(i) izFke iks"k.k Lrj(First trophic level)
(ii) f}rh; iks"k.k Lrj(Second trophic level)
(iii)r`rh; iks"k.k Lrj(Third trophic level)
(iv)prqFkZ iks"k.k LrjA(Forth trophic level)

¼t½ Hkkjr dk izFke jk"Vªh; m|ku gSA

(h) First National park of India is-
(i)dkWcsZV jk"Vªh; m|ku(Corbett National Park)
(ii)dkthjaxk jk"Vªh; m|ku(Kaziranga National Park)
(iii)nq/kok jk"Vªh; m|ku(Dudhwa National Park)
(iv)buesa ls dksbZ ugha (None of these)
iz'u la[;k > o ´ ds fy, nks dFku fn;s x;s gSa] ftuesa ,d dks vfHkdFku (A) rFkk
nwljs dks dkj.k (R) }kjk vafdr fd;k x;k gS buiz'uksa ds lgh mRrj a, b, c, o d esa
ls pqudj nhft;sA
For question no.1¼>½¼´½two statements are given- one labelled as
assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select
thecorrect answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c)
and (d) as given below.
(a)vfHkdFku(A)vkSj dkj.k(R) nkuksa lgh gSa] rFkk dkj.k (R)vfHkdFku (A) dh lgh
O;k[;k djrk gSA
Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true andreason (R) is the
correct explanation of the Assertion(A).
(b)vfHkdFku(A)vkSj dkj.k(R)nkuksa lgh gSa] rFkk dkj.k (R)vfHkdFku (A)dh lgh
O;k[;k ugha djrk gSA
Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true, but reason (R) is not
the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
(c)vfHkdFku(A)lgh gS] ijUrq dkj.k(R)xyr gSA
Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d)vfHkdFku (A)xyr gS] ijUrq dkj.k(R)lgh gSA
Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
¼>½(A)gheksQhfy;k fØl &Økl oa”kkuqØe dks n”kkZrk gSA
Haemophilia shows cris-cross inheritance.
(R)gheksQhfy;k dks mRiUu djus okyk thu vizHkkoh gS] vkSj fyaax xq.klw=(X)ij ik;k
tkrk gSA
The gene that cause haemophilia is recessive and lies in the sex
chromosome (X).
¼´½(A)yxHkx99.9%U;wfDy;ksVkbM {kkjksa dk Øe lHkh yksxksa esa fcydqy leku gksrk gSA
Almost 99.9% nucleotide bases are exactly same in all people.
(R)ekuo thukse esa 3164.7fcfy;u U;wfDy;ksVkbM {kkj gksrs gSaA
The human genome consists 3164.7 billion nucleotide bases.
2.lVksZyh dksf”kdkvksa dk D;k dk;Z gS\+
What is the function of sertoli cell?
3.thu dh fØ;k”khy bdkbZ dks D;k dgrs gSa\
What is the functional unit of gene?
4.fofuorZu lay{k.k fdlls lEcfU/kr gS\
What is the withdrawl syndrome?
5.vkf.od dSaph fdls dgrs gSa\
Which is called molecular scissor?
6.f}fu’kspu dks le>kb,A
Explain double fertilization.
7.fuEu “kCnksa dks lgh fodklh; Øe esa O;ofLFkr dhft,A
CykLVwyk] eks:yk] fu’kspu] ;qXed tuu] xSLVªqyk] ;qXeut
Arrange the following words in correct evolutionary sequence –
Blastula, Morula, Fertilization, Gametogenesis, Gastrula, Zygote.
8.ekuo “kqØk.kq dk ukekafdr fp= cukb,A
Draw a labeled diagram of human sperm.
9.U;wfDy;ksVkbM rFkk U;wfDy;kslkb esa D;k varj gS\
What is the difference between nucleotide and nucleoside.
10.viw.kZ izHkkfork dks mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb,A
Explain Incomplete dominance with example.
11.PlasmodiumItkteksfM;e dh rhu tkfr;ksa ds uke fyf[k,A dkSu lh tkfr lcls
vf/kd ?kkrd gS\
Write the name of three species of plasmodium. Which species is
the most fatal?
vkids fopkj esa fd”kksjksa dks vYdksgy vkSj Mªx ds lsou ds fy, D;k izsfjr djrk gS\
blls dSls cpk tk ldrk gS\
What according to you encourages adolescents to engage with alocohol
and drugs? How can this be prevented?
12.ØkbZ izksVhUl D;k gS\ ml tho dk uke crkb;s] tks bls mRiUu djrk gSA
What are cry proteins? Name an organism that produce it.
13.thu fpfdRlk D;k gS\ ,fMukslhu Mh,feust dh deh dk mnkgj.k nsrs gq, le>kb,A
What is the gene therapy? Explain with example of Adenosine
deaminase deficiency.
14.Dyksfuax laokgd ij fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write comment on cloning vectors.
15.lgHkksftrk ls vki D;k le>rs gks\
What do you know about commensalism.
16. vijk D;k gS\ vijk ds eq[; dk;Z fyf[k,A
What is placenta? Write main functions of placenta.
17.es.My ds ijh{k.kkFkZ ladj.k dks fp= dh lgk;rk ls le>kb,A
Explain mendel’s Test cross with the help of diagram.
18.g’kZs o pst ds iz;ksx dk mYys[k dhft,A ftlesa mUgksaus fl+) fd;k Fkk fd DNA gh
vkuqoaf”kd inkFkZ gSA
Mention Harshey and Chase experiment in which they proved that
DNA is the only genetic material.
19.fyax lgyXu xq.k fdls dgrs gSa\ ;fn ,d o.kkZa/k iq:’k dk fookg bl jksx dh okgd
efgyk ls dj fn;k x;k] mudh Hkkoh lUrkuksa esa ;g jksx fdl izdkj mRiUu gksxk\
js[kkfp= }kjk le>kb,A
What does sex linked character mean? If a colourblind male
marries a carrier female, how this disease develop in their
progeny? Explain diagrammatically.
20. tSo moZjd fdl izdkj e`nk dh moZjrk dks c<krs gSa\
How can bio fertilizer increased fertility of soil.
vFkok OR
ikSih] dksdk ,oa HkkWax ls dkSu ls Mªx izkIr fd, tkrs gSa\
What drug can be obtained from poppy, coca and cannabis?
21.vkuqoaf”kdr% :ikUrfjr tho D;k gSa\ vkuqoaf”kdr% :ikUrfjr ikS/kksa ds dksbZ nks ykHk
What is the genetically modified organisms?Write any two uses of
genetically modified plants.
vFkok OR
iqu;kZsxt DNA izkS|ksfxdh ds izØeksa dk mYys[k dhft,A
Mention process of recombinant DNA technology.
22.,d ikfjfLFkfrd ra= esa ÅtkZ ds izokg dks le>kb,A
Explain energy flow in an ecosystem.
vFkok/ OR
fuEu ij fVIi.kh fyf[k,&
(i)lgksidkfjrk (ii)ijthfork
Write a short note on following-
(i) Mutualism (ii) parasitism

23.tSo fofo/krk D;k gS\ tSo fofo/krk laj{k.k dh fof/k;ka fyf[k,A

What is biodiversity? Give method of conservation of biodiversity.

24.iq’ih ikniksa esa y?kqchtk.kq tuu dk lfp= o.kZu dhft,A

Illustrate diagrammatically microsporogenesis in flowering plants.

vFkok / OR

fuEu ij fVIi.kh fyf[k,&

(i)ij[kuyh f”k”kq (ii)mYoos/ku
Discuss the following-
(i) Test tube baby (ii) amniocentesis.

25.tSo fodkl D;k gS\ tSo fodkl ds fy, rqyukRed “kjhj jpuk o vkdkfjdh rFkk
thok”e foKku ls D;k izek.k feyrs gS\a
What is biological evolution? Give evidence from morphology and
comparative anatomy and paleontology.
vFkok/ OR
vkuqoaf”kd dwV D;k gS\ vkuqoaf”kd dwV dh [kkst fdlus dh\ vkuqoaf”kd dwV dh eqq[;
fo”ks’krk,a fyf[k,A
What is genetic code? Who discovered genetic code?Write the
salient features of genetic code.

26.fdlh xkWao ds xzkeh.kksa us ;kstuk cukbZ fd d`f’k dk;ksZa ds fy, ÅtkZ dh izkfIr xk; ds
xkscj ls dh tk;A mUgksaus bl mn~ns”; ds fy, xkscj xSl la;= a dh “kq:vkr dhA uhps
fn;s x;s pkVZ dk v/;;u dhft, rFkk fuEu iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft,A
Villagers of a village started planning to make power supply for
agriculture purpose, from cow dung. They have started a biogas
plant for the purpose, study the flow chart given below and
answered following questions.

¼d½ ck;ksxSl eq[;:i ls cuh gksrh gSA

(a)Biogas composed of majorly
(i) ehFksu(Methane), CO2, O2 ,
(ii) CO2, H2S, H2O
(iii) CH4, CO2, H2S,
(iv) H2S, H, O2
¼[k½fn;s x;s ¶yks pkVZ es ‘a A’ iznf”kZr djrk gSA
(b)In the given flowchart ‘A’ denotes
(i) Okk;qoh; thok.kq(Aerobic bacteria)
(ii) esFksukstsfud thok.kq(Methanogenic bacteria)
(iii) lgthoh thok.kq(Symbiotic bacteria)
(iv) ;hLV vkSj izksVkstksvk(Yeast and protozoa)
¼x½ ¶yks pkVZ esa iznf”kZr B djrk gSA
(c) In the given flow chart ‘B’ denotes-
(i) dkCkksZgkbMsªV(Carbohydrates)
(ii) izksVhu cgqyd(protein polimer)
(iii) dkcZfud vEy(Organic acid)
(iv) clk(Fat)
¼?k½‘C’dk D;k dk;Z gS\
(d)What is the function of ‘C’ in the flow chart.
(i) tfVy dkcZfud ;kSfxdksa dk ok;qoh; ikpuAAerobic digestion of complex
organic compounds.
(ii)tfVy dkcZfud ;kSfxdksa dk vok;qoh; ikpuAAnaerobic digestion of
complex organic compounds.
(iii) dkcZfud ;kSfxdksa dk fd.MouA Fermentation of complex
organic compounds.
(iv) ,dydksa dk fd.ouAFermentation of monomers.

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