AG 604 Set C

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Roll No. ....................................

Question Booklet Number

O. M. R. Serial No.

B. Sc. (Ag.) (Sixth Semester) EXAMINATION, July, 2022

(Old Course)


Questions Booklet
Paper Code Series

AG 6 0 4 C
Time : 1:30 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 100

Instructions to the Examinee : ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, funsZ’k %

1. Do not open the booklet unless you are 1. iz’u&iqfLrdk dks rc rd u [kksyas tc rd vkils dgk
asked to do so. u tk,A
2. The booklet contains 60 questions. 2. iz’u&iqfLrdk esa 60 iz’u gSaA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha
Examinee is required to answer any 50 50 iz’uksa dks dsoy nh xbZ OMR vkUlj&’khV ij gh
questions in the OMR Answer-Sheet
gy djuk gS iz’u&iqfLrdk ij ughaA ;fn Nk= }kjk
provided and not in the question booklet. If
more than 50 questions are attempted by 50 ls vf/kd iz’uksa dks gy fd;k tkrk gS rks izkjfEHkd
student, then the first attempted 50 gy fd;s gq, 50 mŸkjksa dks gh ewY;kadu gsrq lfEefyr
questions will be considered for evaluation. fd;k tk,xkA lHkh iz’uksa ds vad leku gSaA
All questions carry equal marks.

3. Examine the Booklet and the OMR Answer- 3. iz’uksa ds mŸkj vafdr djus ls iwoZ iz’u&iqfLrdk rFkk
Sheet very carefully before you proceed. OMR vkUlj&’khV dks lko/kkuhiwod Z ns[k ysAa nks”kiw.kZ
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(Remaining instructions on the last page) ¼’ks”k funs’Z k vfUre i`”B ij½
(Only for Rough Work)

(Remaining instructions on the last page) ¼’ks”k funs’Z k vfUre i`”B ij½
1. vkbZ- vkbZ- ih- vkj- dgk¡ fLFkr gS \ 1. IIPR is located at :

(A) dkuiqj (A) Kanpur

(B) jkeiqj (B) Rampur

(C) y[kuÅ (C) Lucknow

(D) ubZ fnYyh (D) New Delhi

2. e`nk ueh dks fdlds }kjk ekik tkrk gS \ 2. Soil moisture is measured by :

(A) ok”ihdj.kekih (A) Evaporimeter

(B) VsfUl;ksehVj (B) Tensiometer

(C) ,ycsMksehVj (C) Albedometer

(D) cSjksehVj (D) Barometer

3. vkbZ- lh- ,- vkj- ds igys egkfuns’kd dkSu 3. First Director General of ICAR is :

Fks \
(A) ch- fo’oukFk (A) B. Vishwanath

(B) ch- ih- iky (B) B. P. Pal

(C) tksxsUnz flag (C) Jogendra Singh

(D) fo|klkxj (D) Vidyasagar

4. lkisf{kd vknzZrk fdlds }kjk ekih tkrh gS \ 4. Relative humidity is measured by :

(A) cSjksehVj (A) Barometer

(B) FkeksZehVj (B) Thermometer

(C) lkbØksehVj (C) Psychrometer

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

AG–604 (3) Set-C

5. e`nk d.k ds lkisf{kd vuqikr dks dgrs gSa % 5. Relative proportion of soil particles is
called :

(A) e`nk jpuk (A) Soil texture

(B) e`nk dk jax (B) Soil colour

(C) e`nk lajpuk (C) Soil structure

(D) e`nk dk ih&,p- (D) Soil pH

6. lrr~ d`f”k ds ykHk gSa % 6. Advantages of sustainable agriculture

are :

(A) feêh ds LokLF; esa lq/kkj djuk (A) To improve soil health

(B) izkd`frd lalk/kuksa dk laj{k.k (B) Conserving natural resources

(C) [ksrh dh ykxr de djuk (C) Low cost of cultivation

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

7. vkdfLed d`f”k esa ikfjfLFkfrdh gksrh gS % 7. In sustainable agriculture, ecology is :

(A) LFkk;h (A) Stable

(B) Hkaxqj (B) Fragile

(C) nksuksa (A) vkSj (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) mi;qZDr eas ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

8. dkcZfud [ksrh ds :i gSa % 8. Forms of organic farming are :

(A) tSfod [ksrh (A) Biological farming

(B) izd`fr dh [ksrh (B) Nature farming

(C) iekZdYpj (C) Permaculture

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

AG–604 (4) Set-C

9. vk/kqfud d`f”k dh leL;k;sa gSa % 9. Problems of modern agriculture are :

(A) tSofofo/krk esa deh (A) Reduction in biodiversity

(B) feêh dh moZjrk esa deh (B) Depletion of soil fertility

(C) ou dk vukPNknu (C) Denudation of forest

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

10. cht cqokbZ djuk gS % 10. Sowing of seed is a :

(A) izkFkfed Hkwifj”dj.k (A) Primary tillage

(B) f}rh;d Hkwifj”dj.k (B) Secondary tillage

(C) vfrfjDr Hkwifj”dj.k (C) Extra tillage

(D) [ksrh ds ckn dh d`f”k fØ;k (D) After cultivation

11. U;wure tqrkbZ dk pje :i gS % 11. Extreme form of minimum tillage is :

(A) ‘kwU; Hkwifj”dj.k (A) Zero tillage

(B) lajf{kr Hkwifj”dj.k (B) Conservative tillage

(C) nksuksa (A) vkSj (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) mi;qZDr eas ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

12. U;wure Hkwifj”dj.k dh vo/kkj.kk ‘kq: gqbZ % 12. The concept of minimum tillage started

in :

(A) Hkkjr esa (A) India

(B) tkiku esa (B) Japan

(C) ;w- ,l- ,- esa (C) U. S. A.

(D) :l esa (D) Russia

AG–604 (5) Set-C

13. [kM+h Qly eas dh tkus okyh Hkwifj”dj.k fØ;k 13. The tillage operation that is carried out in

the standing crops is called :

dgykrh gS %

(A) izkFkfed Hkwifj”dj.k (A) Primary tillage

(B) f}rh;d Hkwifj”dj.k (B) Secondary tillage

(C) [ksrh ds ckn dh fØ;k,¡ (C) After cultivation

(D) mi;qZDr eas ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

14. fpduh e`nk ds d.kksa dk vkdkj gksrk gS % 14. Size of clayey soil particles is :

(A) 0.02—0.002 mm (A) 0.02—0.002 mm

(B) < 0.002 mm (B) < 0.002 mm

(C) 0.00002 mm (C) 0.00002 mm

(D) 0.003 mm (D) 0.003 mm

15. vfojy Hkwfe ij flapkbZ dh dkSu&lh fof/k 15. Which irrigation method is applied in

undulated land ?
iz;ksx dh tkrh gS \

(A) Vid flapkbZ (A) Drip irrigation

(B) fNM+dko flapkbZ (B) Sprinkler irrigation

(C) dw¡M+ fof/k (C) Furrow method

(D) ck<+ fof/k (D) Flooding method

AG–604 (6) Set-C

16. Hkkjr dh dqy fuEuhd`r Hkwfe gS % 16. Total degraded land of India is :

(A) 187 fefy;u gs- (A) 187 m ha.

(B) 195 fefy;u gs- (B) 195 m ha.

(C) 200 fefy;u gs- (C) 200 m ha.

(D) 150 fefy;u gs- (D) 150 m ha.

17. cM+s isM+ksa ds lkFk d`f”k ;ksX; Qlyksa dh [ksrh 17. Cultivation of arable crops with large
trees is called :
dks dgrs gSa %
(A) flYohdYpj (A) Silviculture

(B) ,xzk&s gkWVhZdYpj (B) Agri-horticulture

(C) flYoh&ik’pj (C) Silvi-pasture

(D) d`f”k ;ksX; [ksrh (D) Arable cropping

18. rkykc esa cgrs ikuh ds laxzg dks dgrs gSa % 18. Collection of runoff water in ponds is
called :

(A) tyk’k; izca/ku (A) Watershed management

(B) ty lesV (B) Water harvesting

(C) nksuksa (A) vkSj (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) mi;qZDr eas ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

19. d`f”k iz.kkyh izfrfuf/kRo djrh gS % 19. Farming system represents :

(A) d`f”k m|eksa dk ,dhdj.k (A) Integration of farm enterprises

(B) d`f”k lalk/kuksa dk ,dhdj.k (B) Integration of farm resources

(C) Qly ;kstuk (C) Cropping scheme

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

AG–604 (7) Set-C

20. [ksrh ds izdkj dks izHkkfor djus okys 20. Factors affecting type of farming :

dkjd gSa %
(A) mRikn laca/k (A) Product relationship

(B) tksf[ke vkSj vfuf’prrk (B) Risk and uncertainty

(C) QkeZ lkbt (C) Farm size

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

21. [kjirokj fu;af=r djus dh lkaLd`frd fof/k 21. Cultural method of weed control is :

gS %
(A) ikS/kksa dh T;kfefr (A) Plants geometry

(B) cqokbZ dk le; (B) Time of sowing

(C) Qly dk p;u (C) Selection of crop

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

22. e/kqeD[kh ikyu dks dgk tkrk gS % 22. Rearing of honeybee is known as :

(A) filhdYpj (A) Pisciculture

(B) lsjhdYpj (B) Sericulture

(C) ,ihdYpj (C) Apiculture

(D) d`f”k (D) Agriculture

23. ,d QkeZ ftl ij fdlh ,d mRikn ;k ,d 23. A farm on which the income from a
single product or one enterprise is more
m|e ls gksus okyh vk; dqy vk; ds 50% ls
than or equal to 50% of total farm income
vf/kd ;k mlds cjkcj gksrh gS] dgykrk gS %
is called :

(A) fofo/k QkeZ (A) Diversified farm

(B) fo’ks”k QkeZ (B) Specialised farm

(C) foLr`r QkeZ (C) Extensive farm

(D) O;olk;hd`r QkeZ (D) Commercialised farm

AG–604 (8) Set-C

24. i’kqikyu ds lkFk Qlyksa dks mxkuk 24. Growing of crop with rearing of cattle is
an example of :
mnkgj.k gS %
(A) fefJr Qly dk (A) Mixed cropping

(B) jsafpax dk (B) Ranching

(C) fefJr [ksrh dk (C) Mixed farming

(D) vUr%Qly dk (D) Intercropping

25. iw¡thoknh [ksrh dk eq[; mn~ns’; gS %+ 25. Main objective of capitalistic farming is :

(A) vf/kdre ykHk izkIr djuk (A) To maximise profit

(B) e`nk moZjrk esa lq/kkj djuk (B) To improve soil fertility

(C) okrkoj.k esa lq/kkj djuk (C) To improve environment

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

26. jktdh; [ksrh esa [ksrh dk izca/ku fdlds }kjk 26. In state farming, farm is managed
by :
fd;k tkrk gS \
(A) jkT; d`f”k fo’ofo|ky; (A) State Agricultural Universities

(B) jkT; ljdkj (B) State Government

(C) dsUnz ljdkj (C) Central Government

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

27. fuEufyf[kr esa ls d`f”k iz.kkyh dk dkSu&lk 27. Which of the following is not a

component of farming system ?

?kVd ugha gS \

(A) Qly mRiknu (A) Crop production

(B) d`f”kokfudh (B) Agroforestry

(C) d`f”k m|ksx (C) Agricultural industry

(D) eqxhZ ikyu (D) Poultry

AG–604 (9) Set-C

28. izn’kZu QkeZ ,oa vuqla/kku QkeZ mnkgj.k 28. Demonstration farm and research farm

are examples of :
gSa %

(A) fo’ks”k [ksrh ds (A) Specialised farming

(B) dkWiksZjVs [ksrh ds (B) Corporate farming

(C) jktdh; [ksrh ds (C) State farming

(D) iw¡thoknh [ksrh ds (D) Capitalistic farming

29. cgqQly lwpdkad dk mi;ksx fdlds fy, 29. Multiple cropping index is used for :

fd;k tkrk gS \

(A) Qly iz.kkyh dk ewY;kadu (A) Evaluation of cropping system

(B) d`f”k iz.kkyh dk ewY;kadu (B) Evaluation of farming system

(C) fVdkÅ d`f”k dk ewY;kadu (C) Evaluation of sustainable agriculture

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

30. fuEufyf[kr esa ls iquLFkkZiu Qly gS % 30. Which of the following crops is called

restore crop ?

(A) nkus okyh (A) Cereals

(B) eksVs vukt okyh (B) Millets

(C) nyguh (C) Pulses

(D) ‘kdZjk Qly (D) Sugar Crops

AG–604 ( 10 ) Set-C
31. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdls cnyk ugha tk 31. Which of the following cannot be
changed ?
ldrk \
(A) e`nk jpuk (A) Soil texture

(B) e`nk lajpuk (B) Soil structure

(C) e`nk jax (C) Soil colour

(D) e`nk dk ih&,p- (D) Soil pH

32. Hkwifj”dj.k dk firk gS % 32. Father of tillage is :

(A) tsFkjks Vqy (A) Jethro Tull

(B) vkFkZj ;ax (B) Arthur Young

(C) yhfcx (C) Liebig

(D) ts- ,l- d¡oj (D) J. S. Kanwar

33. lL; ;kstuk cukrs le; fdrus izfr’kr 33. How much area (%) should be reserved
for making channel, road etc. at the time
{ks=Qy ukfy;ksa] lM+dkas vkfn dks cukus ds
of drawing of cropping scheme ?
fy, lajf{kr j[krs gSa \
(A) 20% (A) 20%
(B) 30% (B) 30%
(C) 40% (C) 40%
(D) 10% (D) 10%

34. doj ØkWi dk mnkgj.k gS % 34. Example of cover crop is :

(A) xsgw¡ (A) Wheat

(B) mnZ (B) Urd

(C) eDdk (C) Maize

(D) /kku (D) Rice

AG–604 ( 11 ) Set-C
35. xkscj dh [kkn esa ukbVªkstu dk izfr’kr gksrk 35. Percentage of nitrogen in F. Y. M. is :

gS %
(A) 0.3% (A) 0.3%

(B) 0.5% (B) 0.5%

(C) 0.4% (C) 0.4%

(D) 0.2% (D) 0.2%

36. fuEufyf[kr eas ls dkSu&lk dkcZfud moZjd 36. Which of the following is an organic
fertilizer ?
gS \
(A) ;wfj;k (A) Urea

(B) flaxy lqijQkWLQsV (B) Single superphosphate

(C) jkWd QkWLQsV (C) Rock phosphate

(D) dEiksLV (D) Compost

37. Hkkjr eas gfjr ØkfUr ds firk gaS % 37. Father of Green Revolution in India is :

(A) ,u- bZ- cksjykWx (A) N. E. Borlaug

(B) ,e- ,l- LokehukFku (B) M. S. Swaminathan

(C) Mk- iatkc flag (C) Dr. Punjab Singh

(D) Mk- gjxksfoUn [kqjkuk (D) Dr. Hargovind Khorana

38. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkcZfud [kkn ugha gS % 38. Which of the following is not an organic
manure ?

(A) dEiksLV (A) Compost

(B) oehZdEiksLV (B) Vermicompost

(C) Qly vo’ks”k (C) Crop residue

(D) ;wfj;k (D) Urea

AG–604 ( 12 ) Set-C
39. okf”kZd Øe ,oa Qlyksa dh LFkkfud O;oLFkk 39. Yearly sequence and spatial arrangement

of crops is known as :
dks tkuk tkrk gS %

(A) Qly i)fr (A) Cropping pattern

(B) Qly pØ (B) Crop rotation

(C) Qly iz.kkyh (C) Cropping system

(D) fefJr Qly (D) Mixed cropping

40. Hkwfe dk ?kw.kZu ik;k tkrk gS % 40. Rotation of land is found in :

(A) Qly pØ esa (A) Crop rotation

(B) cgqQly esa (B) Multiple cropping

(C) fjys ØkWfiax esa (C) Relay cropping

(D) LFkkukUrj.k d`f”k esa (D) Shifting cultivation

41. ,tksyk gS % 41. Azolla is a :

(A) ,d QuZ (A) Fern

(B) ,d tSomoZjd (B) Biofertilizer

(C) nksuksa (A) vkSj (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) mi;qZDr eas ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

AG–604 ( 13 ) Set-C
42. cht Vhdkdj.k fdlds }kjk fd;k tkrk gS \ 42. Seeds are inoculated by :

(A) ,tksyk (A) Azolla

(B) jkbtksfc;e (B) Rhizobium

(C) nksuksa (A) vkSj (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) mi;qZDr eas ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

43. ikS/ks ukbVªkstu dks fdl :i esa ysrs gSa \ 43. Plants take nitrogen in the form of :

(A) veksfu;e (A) NH 4

(B) ukbVªVs (B) NO3

(C) ukbVªkstu (C) N2

(D) nksuksa (A) vkSj (B) (D) Both (A) and (B)

44. eksuksØkWfiax eas Qly l?kurk ges’kk gksrh gS % 44. Cropping intensity of monocropping is
always :

(A) 200% (A) 200%

(B) 100% (B) 100%

(C) 300% (C) 300%

(D) 400% (D) 400%

45. flapkbZ ds ikuh ds lkFk moZjd ds iz;ksx dks 45. Use of fertilizer with irrigation water is

known as :
dgrs gSa %

(A) ¶;wehxs’ku (A) Fumigation

(B) vkblksy’s ku (B) Isolation

(C) QVhZx’s ku (C) Fertigation

(D) mi;qZDr eas ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

AG–604 ( 14 ) Set-C
46. e`nk ok;q eas dkcZu MkbvkWDlkbM dk izfr’kr 46. Percentage of CO2 in soil air is :

gksrk gS %

(A) 0.03% (A) 0.03%

(B) 0.003% (B) 0.003%

(C) 0.25% (C) 0.25%

(D) 0.50% (D) 0.50%

47. fuEufyf[kr esa ls tSo’kkduk’kh gS % 47. Which of the following is a

bioherbicide ?

(A) dksfyxks (A) Collego

(B) fM&okbu (B) De-vine

(C) nksuksa (A) vkSj (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) mi;qZDr eas ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

48. Qly iz.kkyh ftlesa Qlyksa dks mxkuk] 48. Cropping system which involves the

raising of crops, animals and/or trees is

tkuojksa dk ikyuk] ,oa@;k isM+ksa dks ,d lkFk
called :
mxk;k tkrk gS] dgykrh gS %

(A) fefJr [ksrh (A) Mixed farming

(B) var%Qly (B) Intercropping

(C) fefJr Qly (C) Mixed cropping

(D) mi;qZDr eas ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

AG–604 ( 15 ) Set-C
49. d`f”k iz.kkyh vuqla/kku gS % 49. Farming system research is :

(A) vuqla/kku vko’;drk vk/kkfjr (A) Research need based

(B) fdlku vko’;drk vk/kkfjr (B) Farmers need based

(C) laLFkk vko’;drk vk/kkfjr (C) Institute need based

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

50. ,dhd`r d`f”k iz.kkyh lq/kkj djrh gS % 50. Integrated farming system improves :

(A) d`f”k vk; esa (A) Farm income

(B) ikfjokfjd Jfed jkstxkj esa (B) Family labour employment

(C) ifjokj dh iks”k.k lqj{kk esa (C) Nutritional security of family

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

51. m- iz- eas rhuksa ekSle esa mxus okyh Qly 51. The crop grown in U. P. during all the

gS % seasons is :

(A) mnZ (A) Urd

(B) Tokj (B) Sorghum

(C) ew¡x (C) Moong

(D) eDdk (D) Maize

AG–604 ( 16 ) Set-C
52. dEisfu;u Qly dk mnkgj.k gS % 52. An example of companion cropping is :

(A) xUuk + vkyw (A) Sugarcane + Potato

(B) vkyw + ljlksa (B) Potato + Mustard

(C) vkyw + ewyh (C) Potato + Radish

(D) xsgw¡ + ljlksa (D) Wheat + Mustard

53. vkyw ds lkFk ljlksa dh vUr%Qly dh 53. Intercropping of mustard with potato is

recommended in :
flQkfj’k dh tkrh gS %

(A) izfrLFkkiu Ük`a[kyk esa (A) Replacement series

(B) ;ksxkRed Ük`a[kyk eas (B) Additive series

(C) izfrLFkkiu&lg&;ksT; Ük`a[kyk eas (C) Replacement-cum-additive series

(D) mi;qZDr eas ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

54. o”kkZ dh rhozrk vkerkSj ij vf/kd gksrh 54. Rainfall intensity is generally higher

on :
gS %

(A) mŸkjh xksyk)Z ij (A) Northern hemisphere

(B) nf{ xksyk)Z ij (B) Southern hemisphere

(C) Hkwe/; js[kk ds ikl (C) Near equator

(D) mi;qZDr eas ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

AG–604 ( 17 ) Set-C
55. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu QkWLQksjl dh 55. Which one of the following increases

phosphate solubility ?
?kqyu’khyrk dks c<+krk gS \

(A) DyksLVªhfM;e (A) Clostridium

(B) L;wMkseksukl (B) Pseudomonas

(C) ,tksVkscSDVj (C) Azotobactor

(D) ukbVªkslkseksukl (D) Nitrosomonas

56. yhlk (LEISA) lEcfU/kr gS % 56. LEISA is related to :

(A) dkcZfud [ksrh ls (A) Organic farming

(B) vdkcZfud [ksrh ls (B) Inorganic farming

(C) izkd`frd [ksrh ls (C) Natural farming

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

57. rjkbZ e`nk esa fdldh deh gksrh gS \ 57. Tarai soils are deficient in :

(A) N ¼ukbVªkstu½ (A) N

(B) P ¼QkWLQksjl½ (B) P

(C) S ¼lYQj½ (C) S

(D) Zn ¼ftad½ (D) Zn

AG–604 ( 18 ) Set-C
58. vPNh xq.koŸkk okyh dkcZfud [kkn esa 58. In a good quality manure C : N ratio

should not be more than :

dkcZu % ukbVªkstu vuqikr fdrus ls vf/kd

ugha gksuk pkfg;s \

(A) 10 (A) 10

(B) 20 (B) 20

(C) 30 (C) 30

(D) 40 (D) 40

59. e`nk esa fdl rRo dh lkUnzrk lcls vf/kd 59. Concentration of which element is

highest in soil ?
gksrh gS \

(A) vkWDlhtu (A) O2

(B) vk;ju (B) Fe

(C) ,Y;wehfu;e (C) Al

(D) flfydkWu (D) Si

60. e`nk dk LFkk;h xq.k gS % 60. Permanent property of soil is :

(A) e`nk lajpuk (A) Soil structure

(B) e`nk jpuk (B) Soil texture

(C) e`nk dk ih&,p- (C) Soil pH

(D) e`nk dk jax (D) Soil colour

AG–604 ( 19 ) Set-C
4. Four alternative answers are mentioned for 4. iz’u&iqfLrdk esa izR;sd iz’u ds pkj lEHkkfor mŸkj
each question as—A, B, C & D in the booklet. A, B, C ,oa D gSaA ijh{kkFkhZ dks mu pkjksa fodYiksa esa ls
The candidate has to choose the most
correct/appropriate answer and mark the
,d lcls lgh vFkok lcls mi;qDr mŸkj Nk¡Vuk gSA
same in the OMR Answer-Sheet as per the mŸkj dks OMR vkUlj&’khV esa lEcfU/kr iz’u la[;k esa
direction : fuEu izdkj Hkjuk gS %
Example : mnkgj.k %
Question : iz’u %
Q. 1 iz’u 1
Q. 2 iz’u 2
Q. 3 iz’u 3
Illegible answers with cutting and viBuh; mŸkj ;k ,sls mŸkj ftUgsa dkVk ;k cnyk x;k
over-writing or half filled circle will be gS ;k xksys esa vk/kk Hkjdj fn;k x;k mUgsa fujLr dj
fn;k tk,xkA
5. Each question carries equal marks. Marks 5. izR;sd iz’u ds vad leku gSaA vkids ftrus mŸkj
will be awarded according to the number of lgh gksxa ]s mUgha ds vuqlkj vad iznku fd;s tk;saxAs
correct answers you have.
6. All answers are to be given on OMR Answer 6. lHkh mŸkj dsoy vks- ,e- vkj- mŸkj&i=d (OMR
sheet only. Answers given anywhere other Answer Sheet) ij gh fn;s tkus gSaA mŸkj&i=d esa
than the place specified in the answer sheet fu/kkZfjr LFkku ds vykok vU;= dgha ij fn;k x;k
will not be considered valid.
mŸkj ekU; ugha gksxkA
7. Before writing anything on the OMR Answer 7. vks- ,e- vkj- mŸkj&i=d (OMR Answer Sheet) ij
Sheet, all the instructions given in it should dqN Hkh fy[kus ls iwoZ mlesa fn;s x;s lHkh vuqns’kksa dks
be read carefully. lko/kkuhiwoZd i<+ fy;k tk;sA
8. After the completion of the examination 8. ijh{kk lekfIr ds mijkUr ijh{kkFkhZ d{k fujh{kd dks
candidates should leave the examination hall viuh OMR Answer Sheet miyC/k djkus ds ckn
only after providing their OMR Answer gh ijh{kk d{k ls izLFkku djsaA ijh{kkFkhZ vius lkFk
Sheet to the invigilator. Candidate can carry
their Question Booklet.
iz’u&iqfLrdk ys tk ldrs gSaA
9. There will be no negative marking. 9. fuxsfVo ekfd±x ugha gSA
10. Rough work, if any, should be done on the 10. dksbZ Hkh jQ dk;Z iz’u&iqfLrdk ds vUr esa jQ&dk;Z
blank pages provided for the purpose in the ds fy, fn, [kkyh ist ij gh fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
11. To bring and use of log-book, calculator, 11. ijh{kk&d{k esa ykWx&cqd] dSydqysVj] istj rFkk lsY;qyj
pager and cellular phone in examination hall Qksu ys tkuk rFkk mldk mi;ksx djuk oftZr gSA
is prohibited.
12. In case of any difference found in English 12. iz’u ds fgUnh ,oa vaxszth :ikUrj.k esa fHkUurk gksus dh
and Hindi version of the question, the n’kk esa iz’u dk vaxst
z h :ikUrj.k gh ekU; gksxkA
English version of the question will be held
Impt. : On opening the question booklet, first egRoiw.kZ % iz’uiqfLrdk [kksyus ij izFker% tk¡p dj ns[k ysa
check that all the pages of the question fd iz’u&iqfLrdk ds lHkh i`”B HkyhHkk¡fr Nis gq, gSaA
booklet are printed properly. If there is ny ;fn iz’uiqfLrdk esa dksbZ deh gks] rks d{kfujh{kd dks
discrepancy in the question Booklet, then
after showing it to the invigilator, get
fn[kkdj mlh fljht dh nwljh iz’u&iqfLrdk izkIr
another question Booklet of the same series. dj ysaA

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