Diagnosis, Imaging and Clinical Management of Aortic Coarctation
Diagnosis, Imaging and Clinical Management of Aortic Coarctation
Diagnosis, Imaging and Clinical Management of Aortic Coarctation
pressure difference or lead to a gradient over the transverse
aortic arch, respectively.21
Neonates with clinically significant CoA should be hospital-
ised for continuous administration of prostaglandin E1, to keep
the PDA open.22 Patients with subtle clinical and/or diagnostic
signs require close clinical and echocardiographic observation to
determine whether PDA-closure results in clinically significant
CoA.22 Diagnosis of milder cases of CoA is important because
hypertension and compensatory LV hypertrophy due to increased
LV afterload may occur later in life.6
Figure 2 Transthoracic echocardiography with continuous Doppler showing high-velocity flow through the narrowed transverse arch and site of
coarctation in the suprasternal notch view (A+B). Low-velocity, continuous flow was observed in the abdominal aorta (C+D).
Figure 3 A 28-year-old man with known aortic coarctation. The examination was performed for follow-up reasons. Colour volume renderings in the
left anterior oblique (A) and right posterior (B) views show the coarctation in the proximal descending aorta and the post-stenotic dilatation (arrows
in A and B). Orthogonal reformations of the source data in the left anterior oblique (C), transverse (D) and right posterior (E) orientations show the
aortic narrowing and kinking in more detail and reveal a small web in the inner aortic curvature (asterisks in C, D and E).
hypertension, aneurysm formation and mortality.30 31 Timing re-CoA and involves sacrificing the left subclavian artery (main
of early intervention should, however, be weighed against the arterial blood supply to the left arm).9 CoA-resection and patch
higher risk of restenosis and reintervention.32 33 augmentation of the hypoplastic segment of the aortic arch
are, therefore, preferred.
Surgical repair In adults, resection of the CoA-segment with graft interposi-
In neonates, infants and young children, surgical resection of tion can be considered.9 A bypass graft across the CoA-segment
the CoA-segment is the treatment of choice.32 Several surgical can also be considered in case of complex CoA, extensive collat-
techniques have been described. The surgical approach of choice erals or other significant cardiac abnormalities in need of repair.9
is based on age and aortic arch anatomy.9 34 Extended CoA resec- Prosthetic-patch aortoplasty should be avoided due to high risk of
tion with end-to-end anastomosis through a left thoracotomy is aortic aneurysms and rupture.9 Surgical mortality in CoA-inter-
the preferred technique in neonates and children with discrete vention is rare (<1%).35 Early postoperative morbidity includes
CoA.32 In infants with long-segment CoA, subclavian-flap paradoxical hypertension, injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve
aortoplasty through a median sternotomy can be performed.9 (or other adjacent nerves) and subclavian steal syndrome (with
However, subclavian-flap aortoplasty has a higher chance of subclavian patch angioplasty).9 Although very rare, spinal cord
Dijkema EJ, et al. Heart 2017;103:1148–1155. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2017-311173 1151
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Stent placement
Endovascular stent placement provides a solution to elastic
tissue-recoil after BA.9 In older children (>25 kg) and adults,
transcatheter treatment is the treatment of choice because of
good results and the less invasive nature of this technique.9
Endovascular stenting is preferred over BA alone, with lower
risk of restenosis and aneurysm formation.38 Stent implanta-
tion in young children remains controversial due to the need
for frequent redilation to accommodate the growing aorta,
lack of available redilatable stents, high incidence of intimal
proliferation and restenosis and risk of poststent aneurysms.37
Recently, the usage of growth stents and biodegradable stents
in children has been described,39 40 although long-term results
of these new techniques have not been reported yet.8
With endovascular stenting, a stent is dilated with inflation
Figure 4 (A) Sub-atretic coarctation of the aorta in a 5-month-old of a balloon until the stent is anchored in the aorta and the
girl with a gradient of 50 mm Hg across the sub-atretic segment. (B) stenosis is sufficiently relieved (figure 4). Rapid ventricular
The aortic arch after stent implantation with complete reduction of the pacing can be used to lower the stroke volume and facilitate
aortic gradient. proper stent placement.21 Stent placement provides a more
sustainable relief of the CoA-gradient, with more even distri-
bution of forces across the vessel wall.9 The introduction of
ischaemia with paraplegia (due to prolonged clamping of the covered stents—as an alternative to bare-metal stents—has
aorta) has been reported.9 further reduced the risk of aneurysm formation.30 Despite
these advantages, stent insertion is technically more compli-
Balloon angioplasty cated than BA and requires a bigger catheterisation sheath,
BA is generally performed after 3–6 months of age because of resulting in higher risks of complications at the insertion site.21
high risk of re-CoA in younger patients due to reactive PDA Rare complications of stent placement include stent migration
tissue and the highly elastic properties of the aorta.36 BA can and/or embolisation, occlusion of aortic side branches with
be used in the neonatal period as palliative strategy in high- covered stents and aortic dissection and rupture, associated
risk patients (ie, small or premature neonates) to stabilise their with cerebrovascular accidents in very rare cases.21 Long-term
condition prior to definitive correction.8 37 With BA, a catheter complications include restenosis, stent fracture and aneurysm
is brought up to the CoA-segment. The balloon size is chosen formation.30
based on a maximum of 300% of the minimal aortic diam-
eter.21 To prevent aortic recoil, a therapeutic tear of the aortic FOLLOW-UP
wall into the media is created by overdilation of the vessel. Despite excellent long-term survival after CoA-repair,
After dilation, the restored blood pressure across the CoA-seg- patients have a reduced life expectancy with increased risk
ment causes aortic wall remodelling, intended to create a of morbidity.33 41 Long-term complications occur despite
lasting result.8 21 Because of tearing of the aortic intima, BA adequate and timely repair, warranting life-long follow-up
predisposes for aortic dissection and rupture.21 Long-term (table 2). Annual blood pressure evaluation (four limbs) and
complications are recurrent stenosis and aneurysm formation.21 regular imaging of the heart and aorta are recommended.32 42
In the past, a high incidence of 20% for aneurysm formation
was reported for BA, but the risk is significantly reduced with
Re-stenosis and reintervention
technique-modifications, such as low-pressure, progressive or
Cardiovascular reinterventions are common (25%) among
stepwise BA and smaller balloon sizes.9 21 Re-CoA risks are rela-
patients with CoA.43 Indications for reintervention are re-CoA,
tively low for adults, but increase significantly with younger
aortic valve dysfunction and other cardiac malformations (ie,
age at intervention (>50% for patients <1 year of age).21
VSD).43 Recoarctation is seen in 4%–14% of the patients,
Box 1 Indication for treatment of native coarctation of Table 2 Long-term complications of CoA
the aorta (CoA) and re-CoA
Long-term complications
Figure 5 A 26-year-old man with known aortic coarctation imaged four times over a 10-year period shows mildly progressive dilatation of the
poststenotic part of the proximal descending aorta over time (arrows). The study in A was obtained in 2007; the study in B was obtained in 2010; the
study in C was obtained in 2013 and the most recent follow-up examination was performed in 2016 (D).
caused by residual ductal tissue, scarring, unrelieved arch anastomosis.32 33 The exact pathophysiology of late-onset
hypoplasia and intimal hyperplasia after stenting.34 43 Repair hypertension after CoA-repair remains to be elucidated.
before 1 year of age carries a greater risk of re-CoA.32 Re-in- Reduced aortic compliance, abnormal baroreceptor function
terventions occur more frequently after stent placement or BA, and altered WSS dynamics may play a role.31 Hypertension is
but these reinterventions are often anticipated with growth also associated with an abnormal geometry of the aortic arch
of the child.30 Unplanned reintervention rates are similar for (‘Gothic arch’ configuration) when the arch is sharply angulated
surgical and transcatheter treatments.8 Indications for treat- in the sagittal plane.33 Mild residual morphological obstruc-
ment are similar as for native CoA.9 38 More than half of the tion and a disturbed renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system
patients with CoA suffer from a BAV, which is associated with appear to play no major role in late-onset hypertension.19
a high risk of aortic valve repair or replacement surgery during Post-treatment hypertension is a risk factor for premature
long-term follow-up.3 Indeed, half of all reinterventions in death and requires aggressive treatment.31 Follow-up should
patients with CoA are due to aortic valvulopathy, so assess- include 24 hours of blood pressure measurement and exercise
ment of aortic valve function should be part of follow-up.3 testing, as exercise-induced hypertension can predict future
systemic hypertension.31
Generalised vasculopathy and aneurysm formation
The prestenotic arch and conduit arteries of patients with Left ventricular function
CoA show abnormal vascular compliance due to reduced Patients with CoA may suffer from LV pressure overload,
smooth muscle tissue and increased collagen, leading to which can cause compensatory hypertrophy.3 Ventricular
increased intimal-media thickness.19 44 The prestenotic arch hypertrophy can lead to myocardial fibrosis, associated with
also demonstrates endothelial dysfunction, possibly related to LV systolic and diastolic dysfunctions.3 Histological studies
altered aortic flow dynamics.28 Associated increased WSS and have demonstrated predominantly subendocardial fibrosis
decreased OSI result in higher atherosclerotic susceptibility.45 of the LV, suggesting insufficient coronary flow (reserve)
Abnormal compliance and endothelial dysfunction can persist with compromised diastolic myocardial perfusion.3 Although
after CoA-repair and are associated with generalised arterial LV changes tend to normalise after CoA-repair, LV function
vasculopathy later in life.46 Vascular complications include remains subnormal in many patients.3 Older age at the time
aortic aneurysm, hypertension, aortic root dilation, aortic of repair is associated LV hypertrophy and increased LV
and mitral valve insufficiency, premature coronary artery mass.31 32 34 The ejection fraction and fractional shortening
disease and cerebrovascular disease (figure 5).32 42 Aortic may be preserved in the early stages of ventricular dysfunc-
aneurysm is defined as >150% dilation of the repair site in tion.47 However, abnormal myocardial deformation indices
relation to the aorta at the level of the diaphragm and occurs (strain, strain rate and torsion) are found even in patients with
with an incidence of 13%.43 Aneurysms are mostly seen after well-repaired CoA, preceding systolic dysfunction.3 44 Assess-
patch angioplasty and less often after BA or subclavian flap ment of LV function is, therefore, important in CoA follow-up
surgery.38 43 and should include myocardial velocity and deformation
Chronic hypertension remains present in 35%–68% of the Pregnancy
patients with CoA, even in the presence of an anatomically Women with CoA have an increased risk of cardiovascular
satisfactory repair.31 33 42 Furthermore, exercise-induced complications during pregnancy.48 Hypertensive complications
hypertension occurs in over one-third of the normotensive occur in 25% of pregnant patients with CoA.48 49 Both pre-ex-
patients.44 Prevalence of systemic hypertension is significantly isting- and pregnancy-induced hypertension occur more often
lower in patients treated in the neonatal period or infancy and in patients with CoA, associated with adverse foetal outcome
in patients who underwent CoA resection with end-to-end due to preterm delivery, low birthweight for gestational age
Dijkema EJ, et al. Heart 2017;103:1148–1155. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2017-311173 1153
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