Paper - Arterial Supply of Head

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Test NO.

Blood supply of the head and neck

Part (A): Select the correct answer

1. At which level the common carotid artery bifurcates?
a. Upper border of thyroid cartilage
b. Lower border of cricoid cartilage
c. Upper border of hyoid bone
d. Upper border of cricoid cartilage
2. The muscle that divides the subclavian artery into the three parts is?
a. Scalenus anterior
b. Scalenus medius
c. Scalenus posterior
d. Semispinalis capitis
3. Which one of the following arteries arises from the subclavian artery?
a. Superior thyroid artery
b. Inferior thyroid artery
c. Supra orbital
d. Facial artery
e. Occipital artery
4. Regarding the blood supply of the face, which of the following artery is derived from
internal carotid artery?
a. Superficial temporal
b. Maxillary
c. Facial
d. Supraorbital
5. Which one of the following arteries at the level of the hyoid bone?
a. Lingual
b. Facial
c. Superior thyroid
d. Inferior thyroid
6. Which of the following arteries passes at the upper border of the posterior belly of digastric
a. Superficial temporal
b. Occipital
c. Posterior auricular
d. Facial
7. External jugular vein is formed by union of two veins?
a. Retro mandibular and internal jugular veins
b. Retro mandibular and facial veins
c. Retro mandibular and posterior auricular veins
d. Retro mandibular and lingual veins

8. Which lymph nodes group receive the lymph drainage from the tip of the tongue?
a. Submental lymph nodes
b. Submandibular
c. Post auricular
d. Occipital
9. External jugular vein drains the blood (mainly) into ____ vein
a. Internal jugular
b. Subclavian
c. Brachiocephalic
d. Superior vena cava
10. Deep cervical lymph nodes run along which vessel?
a. Internal carotid artery
b. Internal jugular vein
c. Anterior jugular vein
d. External jugular vein
e. External carotid artery

Part (B): Structured questions

1. Mention three arteries arise from the anterior aspect of the external carotid artery
2. Mention three arteries arises from the thyro-cervical trunk

3. Subclavian artery is three parts, mention one artery arises from each part

4. Mention three veins drain into internal jugular vein


5. Describe the lymph drainage of the head and neck (superficial and deep groups)


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