MCQ Test-Question

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1.Oschner clasp test

a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Ulnar nerve
c) Median nerve
d) Radial nerve

2.Lower branchial plexus lesion leads to

a) Adduction of arm
b) Extension of arm
c) Pronation of arm
d) Horner syndrome

3.Protractor of scapula is
a) Serratus anterior muscle
b) Deltoid muscle
c) Rhomboides major muscle
d) Pectoralis major muscle

4.Clavipectoral fascia is derived from which ligaments

a) Coracoclavicular
c) Costoclavicular
b) Corocoacromial
d) Costocoracoid

5.Subcutaneous muscle is
a) Mylohyoid
b) Sternocleidomastoid
c) Palmaris longus
d) Palmaris brevis

6.The nerve affected in Supracondylar fracture of humerus is

a) Axillary nerve
b) Ulnar nerve
c) Median nerve
d) Radial nerve
7. Which musele is paralyzed when radial nerve is injured just below the spiral
a) Lateral head of triceps
b) Long head of triceps
c) Medial head of triceps
d) Extensor carpi Radialis Longus

8. Winging of Scapula is due to paralysis of

a) Rhomboid major
b) Serratus anterior
c) Trapezius
d) Latissimus dorsi

9.Following anterior dislocation of the shoulder, patient develops weakness of

flexion at elbow & lack of sensation over lateral aspect forearm, nerve injured is
(A) Radial nerve
(B) Axillary nerve
(C) Ulnar nerve
(D) 'Musculocutaneous nerve

10. All are contents of axilla EXCEPT

(A)Axillary vessels
(B) Root of brachial plexus
(C) Axillary tail of breast
(D) Axillary sheath

11. Wrist drop is seen when radial nerve is injured

(A) Above spiral groove
(B)Below elbow joint
(C) Between spiral groove and elbow joint
(D) After spiral groove

12. The interossei are supplied by

a) Superficial palmar branch of radial artery
b) Superficial palmar arch
c) Deep palmar branch of ulnar artery
d) Deep palmar arch
13. Medial boundary of anatomical snuff box is formed by
a) Extensor pollicis longus
c) flexor carpi ulnaris
b) Extensor pollicis brevis
d) Abductor pollicis longus

14. Which one of the following is a content of Quadrangular space?

a) Anterior circumflex artery
c) Radial nerve
b) Posterior circumflex artery
d) Unar nerve

15. The movements of pronation & supination take place in the

a) Radio ulnar joints
c) Shoulder joint
b) Radiocarpal joints
d) Elbow joint

16. Thoracoacromial artery is a branch of

a) 1" part of axillary artery
b) 1" part of Subclavian artery
c) 3rd part of axillary artery
d) 2d part of axillary artery

17. Nerve to Serratus anterior arises from

a) C3 to C5 roots
b) C5 to C8 roots
c) C5 to C7 roots
d) C6 to C8 roots

18. Palmaris longus is inserted to

a) Pisiform bone
b) 2" metacarpal bone
c) Palmar aponeurosis
d) Hamate bone
1.Lurching gait is due to paralysis of which of the following?
a) Gluteus Medius
b) Hamstring
c) Adductor Magnus
d) Quadriceps femoris

2.Hunterian perforators are seen in

a) Upper thigh
b) Calf
c) Lower thigh
d) Mid-thigh

3.Which muscle is essential to lift the heel off the ground in walking
a) Peroneus longus
b) Gastrocnemius
c) Tibialis anterior
d) Flexor hallucis brevis

4. Talcocalcanean joint belongs to

a) Saddle synovial joint
b) Plane synovial joint
d) Hinge synovial joint
c) Ball and socket

5.A patient presents with defective adduction of hip joint and pain in both hip
and knee joint. Which nerve is involved
a) Obturator nerve
c) Saphenous nerve
b) Femoral nerve
d) Sciatic nerve
6. A man is struck with lathi on the lateral aspect of head of fibula. Which of the
following feature can occur as a result of nerve injury.
a) Loss of sensation over sole
b) Loss of extension of great toe
c) Plantar flexion is not possible
d) Inability to invert foot
7. When a patient gets up from sitting position which of the following events
takes place in his Knee Joint
a) Medial rotation of femur on a fixed tibia
b) Lateral rotation of femur on a fixed tibia
c) Medial rotation of tibia on a fixed femur
d) Lateral rotation of tibia on a fixed femur

8. A 7 years old girl has injury to the nerve which passes superior to pirformis
and winds around greater sciatic notch. The most likely muscle affected is
(A) Gluteus medius
(B)Obturator internus
(C)Gluteus maximus
(D) Quadratus femoris

9.Which of the following causes inversion of foot?

a) Plantaris
c) Peroneus longus
b) Soleus
d) Tibialis posterior

10. Bone with no muscle attachment

a) Talus
b) Navicular
c) Calceneum
d) Cuboid

11. Common peroneal nerve divides at the level of

a) Head of fibula
b) Neck of fibula
c) Tibial Tuberosity
d) Styloid process of fibula

12. Sural nerve arises from the

a) Tibial nerve
c) Saphenous nerve
b) Femoral nerve
d) Common peroneal nerve
13. The following structures pass through subsartorial canal except
a) Posterior division of obturator nerve
b) Saphenous nerve
c) Nerve to vastus intermedius
d) Femoral artery

14. Foot drop is a condition caused by injury to

a Medical planter nerve
c) Common peroneal nerve
b) Femoral nerve
d)Tibial nerve

15. Muscle having dual nerve supply is

a) Adductor brevis
b) Adductor magnus
c) Gracilis
d) Adductor longus

1. Penile urethra is derived from

a) Genital bud
b) Genital ridge
c) Urogenital sinus:
d) Genital septum

2.Proximal part of umbilical artery gives rise to

a) Median umbilical ligament
b) Lateral umbilical ligament
c) Superior vesical artery
d) Inferior vesical artery

3.Duct of Bellini is present in

a) Gall bladder
b) Kidney
c) Lymph node
d) Anal canal

4. Appendicular artery is a branch of

a) Ileocolic artery
b) Right colic artery
c) Marginal artery
d) Inferior mesenteric artery

5.Left suprarenal vein drains into:

a) Left internal iliac vein
b) Left renal vein
c) Left external iliac vein
d) Inferior vena cava

6.Structure immediately posterior to pancreatic head?

a) Bile duct
b) Splenic artery
c) Celiac trunk
d) Inferior mesenteric vein
7. Cochleate uterus is
a) Acute retroflexion
b) Acute anteflexion
c) Large arteries
d) Large cervix

8. Ligamentum teres in liver is a remnant of

a) Ductus venosus
b) Umbilical artery
c) Right umbilical vein
d) Left umbilical vein

9. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium is seen in

a) Urinary tract
b) Uterine tube
c) Intestinal tract
d) Respiratory tract

10. Juxta-glomerular apparatus has

a) Peg cells
b) Muller cells
c) Lacis cells
d) Clara cells

11. Normal angle of anteflexion of uterus

a) 90°
b) 140°
c) 120°
d) 100°

12. If the two buds of pancreas do not fuse, the anomaly is

(A) Ectopic pancreas
(B) Pancreatic divisum
(C)Annular Pancreas
(D) Accessory Pancreas
13. All are mesodermal in origin except
(A) Dilators of iris
(B) Extra ocular muscle
(C)Ciliary body
(D) Choroid

14. Superficial perineal space contains all EXCEPT

(A) Root of penis
(B) Membranous urethra
(C) Urethral artery
(D) Bartholin gland

15. Urethral crest is situated in

(A) Prostatic urethra
(B) Membranous urethra
(C) Penile urethra
(D) Bulbar urethra

16. Renal angle lies between

(A) 11th rib and lateral border of quadratus lumborum
(B) 12th rib and lateral border of quadratus lumborum
(C) 11th rib and lateral border of erector spinae
(D) 12th rib and lateral border of erector spinae
17. A posteriorly perforating ulcer in pyloric antrum of the stomach is likely to
produce initial localized peritonitis or abscess formation is
(A) Greater sac
(B) Morrison's pouch
(C)Omental bursa
(D) Right subphrenic space

18. True about appendix

(A) It does not have mesentery
(B) Supplied by appendicular branch of ileocolic artery
(C) It develops form foregut
(D) It has taenia coli
19. True about upper half of anal canal is
(A) Is insensitive to pain
(B) Drained by superficial inguinal lymph node
(C) Lined by squamous epithelium
(D) Supplied by superior mesenteric artery

20. Downward displacement of enlarged spleen is prevented by

A. Lienorenal ligament
B. Upper pole of right kidney
C. Phrenicolic ligament
D. Sigmoid colon
1.All are characteristic of bronchopulmonary segment EXCEPT
a) It is surgically resectable
b) It is named according to the segmental bronchus supplying
c) It is drained by independent intrasegmental branch of pulmonary vein
d) It is the largest subdivision of a lobe

2. All are true about phrenic nerve EXCEPT

a) It is a mixed nerve
b) It arises from dorsal rami Cs. 4,5
c) It is formed at the lateral border of scalenus anterior
d) Accessory phrenic nerve is commonly a branch from nerve to subclavius

3. An inhaled foreign body is likely to lodge in the right lung due to all of the
following features EXCEPT
a) Right inferior lobar bronchus is in continuation with the principal bronchus.
b) Tracheal bifurcation directs the foreign body to the right lung
c) Right principal bronchus is more vertical than the left bronchus
d) Right lung is shorter and wider than left lung

4. Fossa ovalis is a remnant of

a) Septum primum
c) Ductus arteriosus
b) Septum secundum
d) Ductus venous

5.If the circumflex artery gives off the posterior interventricular artery, then it is
(A) Right dominance
B) Left dominance
(C) Balanced dominance
(D) Undetermined

6. The thoracic duct receives tributaries form all the following EXCEpT
(A) Bilateral ascending lumber trunk
(B) Bilateral descending thoracic trunk
(C) Left upper inter costal duct
D) Right broncho mediastinal trunk
7. Left sided superior vena cava drains into
(A) Right atrium
(B) Left atrium
(C) Coronary sinus
(D) Pericardial space

8.Diaphragm develops from all EXCEPT

(A) Septum transversum
(B) Pleuroperitoneal membrane
(C) Cervical myotomes
(D) Dorsal mesocardium

9. Coronary sinus develops from

(A) Truncus arteriosus
(B) Conus
(C) Sinus venous
(D) AV canal

10. How many pairs of posterior intercostal arteries arise from descending
thoracic aorta?
a) Nine
c) Twelve
b) Eleven
d) Ten

11. . Posterior relation of hilum of lungs:

a) Vagus nerve
b) Phrenic nerve
c) Pulmonary ligament
d) Pericardiacophrenic arteries

12.Trachea is lined by
a) Ciliated columnar epithelium
b) Stratified squamous epithelium
c) Simple columnar epithelium
d) Pseudo stratified ciliated columnar epithelium
13. First stage of lung development is
a) Pseudo glandular
b) Tubular
c) Alveolar
d) Canalicular

14.The remnant of Septum secundum is

a) Fossa Ovalis
c) Valve of coronary sinus
b) Annulus Ovalis
d) Valve of inferior vena cava

15. All of the following events occur at sternal angle EXCEPT

a) Third costal cartilage articulates
c) Vena azygos terminates
b) Trachea bifurcates
d) Arch of aorta begins

16. One of the content of anterior interventricular sulcus is

a) Small cardiac vein
c) Middle cardiac vein
b) Great cardiac vein
d) Coronary sinus

1. Central artery of retina is a branch of

a) External carotid artery
c) Basilar artery
b) Internal carotid artery
d) Ophthalmic artery

2. In dislocation of jaw, displacement of the articular disc beyond the articular

tube of the temporomandibular joint results from spasm of the following muscle
a) Buccinators
c) Masseter
b) Lateral pterygoid
d) Temporalis

3. Which of these is correct about the development of tonsil

a) It is a derivative of I" pharyngeal arch
b) Develops from 3' pharyngeal pouch
c) Develops from 2'' pharyngeal pouch
d) It is a derivative of neural crest cells

4. Which action of extra ocular muscle is spared in involvement of III CN.

a) Abduction
b) Elevation
c) Depression
d) Adduction

5. Parasympathetie secretomotor fibres to parotid gland is via

a) Stellate ganelion
b) Otic ganglion
c) Pterygo-palatine panglion
d) Coeliac ganglion

6. Tensor of vocal cord is

a) Posterior cricoarytenoid
b) Thyroarytenoid
c) Transverse artenoid
d) Cricothyroid
7. All are branches of external carotid EXCEPT
a) Superior thyroid artery
b) Anterior ethmoidal artery
c) Occipital artery
d) Posterior auricular artery

8.A 38 year old female patient had her abscess drained from right posterior
triangle of neck. Few days later she could not left her right arm above her head
due to
a) Damage to scalenus medius
b) Injury to supra scapular nerve
c) Cut of spinal accessory nerve
d) Spread of infection to shoulder joint

9.Midline cleft lip is due to failure of fusion of

a) Medial and lateral nasal process
b) Two medial nasal process
c) Two lateral nasal process
d) Two maxillary process

10.Corneal transparency is maintained by

a) Bowman's membrane
b) Endothelium
c) Keratocytes
d) Descemet's membraneand socket joint

11.All are derived from ectoderm EXCEPT

a) Hypophysis
b) Retina
c) Adrenal cortex
d) Spinal cord
12.Whitnall's ligament refer's to
a) Suspensory ligament of lens
b) Superior transverse ligament of eye
c) Superior oblique tendon
d) None of the above

13. Nerve used in sucking

a) Hypoglossal nerve
b) Facial nerve
c) Glossopharyngeal nerve
d) Pterygopalatine nerve

14. Ciliary ganglion located

a) Between optic nerve and lateral rectus
b) Between optic nerve and medial rectus
c) Base of orbit
d) Between superior rectus & medial rectus

15. The retina is an out growth of the

a) Mesencephalon
b) Diencephalon
c) Prosencephalon
d) Telencephalon

16. Infection of CNS spreads in the inner ear through?

a) Cochlear aqueduct
b) Endolymphatic sac
c) Vestibular aqueduct d) Saccule

17. Cricoid cartilage lies at which vertebral level

a) TI
b) C6
c) С3
d) T4
18.Epithelium of cornea
4) Stratified cuboidal epithelium
b) Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium
c) Stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium
a) Stratified columnar epithelium

19. Ear ossicles articulate with each other through which type of joint?
a) Synostosis
b) Synovial
c) Syndesmosis
d) Synchondrosis

20. Valve of Hasner is found at

a) Opening of nasolacrimal duct
c) Spheroidal sinus opening
b) Frontal sinus opening
d) Ethmoidal sinus opening

21. Anterior pituitary develops from

a) Neuroectoderm
b) Infundibula
c) Rathke's pouch
d) Neural crest cells

22.Inferior vena cava pierces the diaphragm at what vertebral level?

a) Т6
b) T8
c) T12
d) T10

23. Root value of phrenic nerve is

a) C2, C3, C4
b) C3, C4, C5
c) C5, TI, T2
d) C4, C5, TI
24. Vidian nerve passes through
a) Incisive foramen
b) Pterygoid canal
c) Hypoglossal canal
d) Jugular foramen

25. Failure of closure of posterior neuropore causes?

b) Spina bifida
a) Anencephaly
d) Omphalocele
c) Gastroschisis

26.Example of primary lymphoid organ is

(A) Spleen
(B) Lymph node
(C) Tonsil
(D) Thymus

27.Which muscle is intortor of eye

(A) Superior rectus
(B) Medial rectus
(C) Inferior rectus
(D) Inferior oblique

28.All the following nerves supply the auricle and external meatus except
(A) Trigeminal nerve
(B) Facial nerve
(C) Auditory nerve
(D) Vagus nerve

29. Which of the following structure passes through sinus of Morgagni

(A) Levator palatini muscle
(B) Tensor palatini
(C) Musculus uvulae
(D) Stylopharyngeus
30. Skin over the angle of mandible is supplied by
(A) Posterior auricular nerve
(B) Greater auricular nerve
(C) Auriculo temporal nerve
(D) Facial nerve

31. Structure not enclosed by carotid sheath

(A) Internal jugular vein
(B) Internal carotid artery
(C)Vagus nerve
'(D) Cervical sympathetic chain

32. To give inferior alveolar nerve block, the nerve is approached lateral to
pterygo mandibular rape between the buccinator and
(A) Medical pterygoid
(B) Middle constrictor
(C) Superior constrictor
(D) Temporalis

1. Nucleus ambiguus is located in

a) Hypothalamus
b) Basal Ganglia
c) Reticular formation d) Cerebellum

2.Chief artery of lateral surface of cerebral hemisphere

a) Anterior cerebral artery
c) Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
b) Posterior cerebral artery
d) Middle cerebral artery

3.The nucleus of basal ganglia is

a) Caudate
b) Dentate
c) Peri-aqueductal gray matter
d) Ambiguus

4. Interpeduncular fossa contains

a) Olfactory nerve
b) Trochlear nerve
c) Oculomotor nerve
d) Ophthalmic nerve

5. Facial colliculus is seen in

a) Midbrain
b) Pons
c) Medulla
d) Spinal cord

6Which cranial nerve arises in the dorsal aspect of the brain?

a) Trochicar
b) Optic
c) Oculomotor
d) Trigeminal
7. Suture present between parietal & occipital bones is
a) Lambdoid suture
b) Sagittal suture
c) Metopic suture
d) Coronal suture

8.Lateral ventricle is connected to third ventricle by (A)Foramen of Luschka

(B) Foramen of Munro
(C) Foramen of Mangendie
(D) Median foramen

9. Pain insensitive structure in brain is

(A) Falx cerebri
B) Dural sheath around vascular sinuses
(C) Middle meeaningeal artery
(D) Choroid plexus

10. Artery supplying occipital cortex is

(A) Posterior communicating artery
(B) Anterior cerebral artery
(C) Posterior cerebral artery
(D) Middle cerebral artery

11. Example for commissural fibres is

(A) Corpus callosum
(B) Corona radiata
(C) Cingulum
(D) Internal capsule

12. Olive is seen in which part of brain.

a) Medulla
c) Pors
b) Cerebellum
d) Midbrain
13. Posterior communication artery is branch of
a) Internal carotid artery
c) Posterior cerebral artery
b) External carotid artery
d) Middle cerebral artery

14.Two internal cerebral vein fuse to form

a) Anterior cerebral vein
c) Great cerebral vein
b) Middle cerebral vein
d) Inferior cerebral vein

15.Posterior funiculus of spinal cord contains the following tract

a) Corticospinal tract
c) Spinothalamic tract
b) Fasciculus gracilis
d) Rubrospinal tract

16.Facial colliculus is produced by one of the following nuclei

a) Abducens nucleus
c) Facial nucleus
b) Vagal nucleus
d) Dorsal cochlear nucleus

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