Neck (1) Of: Platysma
Neck (1) Of: Platysma
Neck (1) Of: Platysma
Platysma :-
• It is unusual muscle because it found superficial
to the deep cervical fascia .
• ORIGIN :- fascia over the upper parts of
pectoralis major and deltoid .
• Insertion :- lower border of the mandible .
• Regarded as one of the muscle of fascial
expression because it supplied by cervical branch
of the facial nerve ( CN 7).
• Platysma muscle is less developed in the humman
but well developed in the animal .
• #B : Carotid sheath :-
• contain :-
1. Common and Internal carotid arteries .
2. Internal jugular vein .
3. Vagus nerve .
4. Ansacervicalis nerve .
5. Deep cervical lymph nodes .
• Carotid sheet protect these structure to avoid
injury during the surgery .
• #C : pretracheal fascia :-
• lies deep to the infrahyoid strap muscles
(sternothyroid, sternohyoid and omohyoid) so
that its upward attachment is limited by the
respective attachments of those muscles, namely,
the body of the hyoid bone and the oblique line
of the thyroid cartilage.
• enclose the thyroid gland and blaster the gland to
the trachia , pharynx, larynx; esophagus .
• that is why pateint with thyroid gland
enlargement ( goitre ) when you ask to sollow
somthing the gland move because it firmly attach
to the the trachia, esophagus , larynx , pharynx by
this pre trachial fascia { like blaster} .
• Also this fascia attach to the percardium of the
heart in the thorax .
• #D : prevertebral fascia :-
• In front of the prevertebral muscle [cover them]
and behind the pharynx and esophagus.
• Continue in the upper limb wih the brachial
plexus as the axillary sheet.
• The third part of the subclavian artery lies deep
to the fascia , but the fascia It does not invest the
subclavian or axillary vein;
• The fasica is pierced by the four cutaneous
branches of the cervical plexus (great auricular,
lesser occipital, transverse cervical and
supraclavicular nerves).
• important land mark in the neck region devided
the neck into triangles to describe it easy because
the neck contain overcrowded structure .
1. Sternal head from manubrium of sternum below
the jugular notch .
2. calvicular head from the medial third of
the clavicle .
• Insertion :-
• The fiber of SCM that arise medially insert
laterally and vice versa .
• The clavicular fibres are directed mainly to the
mastoid process, while the sternal fibres run more
obliquely chiefly to the superior nuchal line , and
this produce twisting in the muscle .
• Relation :-
• The muscle is crossed superficially by the great
auricular nerve, the external jugular vein and
the transverse cervical nerves, in that order
from above downwards
• Deep to the upper half of the muscle lies the
cervical plexus; deep to its lower part lies
the carotid sheath and its contents, overlying
scalenus anterior .
• Innervation :-
• Innervated by the spinal part of the accessory
nerve { cranial nerve 11}.
• Accessory nerve has cranial part go with
vagus and spinal part innervate the SCM
and the trapezius .
• Branches from the cervical plexus (C2, 3) carrying
proprioceptive fibres enter the muscle directly or
by joining the accessory nerve.
• is from branches of the occipital and superior
thyroid arteries .
1. Turning the face to the contra lateral side
{ most important action } ( by contraction
of the two heads )
2. Tilt the head to the ipsilateral side ( by
contraction of one head )
3. Flex the head ( but the main flexors is
prevetebral muscles ) .
4. Elevate the sternum { accessory muscle for
respiration }, that is why they are prominent
and hypertrophied in patient with bronchial
asthma and COPD .
• We have narrow space between the SCM and the
mandible and we find in it the parotid gland .
1. Omohyoid muscle :- .
• Has superior and inferior belly .
• Superior belly arise from to the lateral side
of the hyoid bone .
• The inferior belly arise from the scapula medial
to the scapular notch .
• both bellies meet in the central tendon behined
the SCM over the carotid sheath. Where it lies
over the internal jugular vein, the muscle fibres
are replaced by a flat tendon, a useful guide at
operation to the underlying vein .
2. Sternohyoid :-
• ORIGIN : jugular notch .
• Insertion : medial part of the body of the
hyoid bone .
• These two muscles ( Sternohyoid and Omohyoid )
are found bilaterally ( Omohyoid is laterally & the
sternohyoid is medially ) and there is very very
narrow space between them .
• Also these muscle is superficial to the two
other strap muscle
3. Sternothyroid :-
• Origin : sternum .
• Insertion : oblique line of the thyroid cartilage
not thyroid gland .
• This muscle has no space between it and the the
thyroid gland above act as blaster so enlarged
gland can't obstruct the larynx , BUT has space
below and extend to the thorax .
• There fore the enlarged gland can reach to
thorax by this space and embrylogicaly it pass
through this space .
4. Thyrohyoid :-
• Arise from the thyroid cartilage and inserted in
the hyoid cartilage .
• Don't attached to the hyoid bone but attached
to catilage that is attached to the bone , inspite it
regarded as infrahyoid strap muscle .
• The last two muscle are deep to the first two
muscle and all of them cover the thyroid gland .
Ansa cervicalis :-
• is made of two roots :-
• Sup.erior one from the C1 and travell with
hypoglossal nerve to join the inferior roots C2 ,C3
• The superior root gives branch to superior
belly of Omohyoid
• The main trunk gives branches to : inferior belly of
Omohyoid , Sternohyoid & Sternothyroid .
2. mylohyoid muscle :-
• form the floor of the mouth
• Origin : Mylohyoid line in the mandible and the
two muscle interdigited with each other and
attach to the hyoid bone
3. Stylohyoid :-
4. Genihyoid :-
Note :-
1. Mylohyoid line ==>origin of mylohyoid muscle
2. Mylohyoid groove ==> for nerve to mylohyoid
3. Mandibular foramin==> for inferior alveolar nerve
4. Hyoid bone at level of C3
5. Angel of the mandible at C2
A : Posterior triangle :-
• Boundaries :
1. sternocleidomastoid medially
2. trapezius laterally
3. middle third of the clavicle forming the base
• the inferior belly of omohyoid devide the
posterior triangle into two triangles :-
1. Upper one → occipital triangle
2. Lower one → suprecalvicular triangle .
B : Anterior triangle :-
• Boundaries :
1. sternocleidomastoid laterally
2. Lower border of the mandible forming the base
3. imaginary line ( midline ) medially .
• Roof :-
• skin , superficial fascia , platysma, deep
cervical fascia
# Note :-
• Hyoid bone has no articulation with another bone
and supendded by muscle & ligament
1/ Submental triangle :
• Single triangle and crosses the midline .
# Boundaries:-
• Anterior bellies of digastric at the side and body
of hyoid bone below.
• # CONTENT :-
1. submental lymph node which drain the :-
• lower four incisor teeth, and central part of the
lower lip, and the tip of the tongue
Boundaries :-
• Lower border of the Mandible, anterior and
posterior bellies of digastric.
1. Sub mandibular salivary gland .
2. Sub mandibular lymph node .
3. Stylohyoid muscle .
4. submental and mylohyoid vessels; hypoglossal
and mylohyoid nerves
• Sub mandibular lymph node drain :-
3/ Carotid triangle :-
Borders :-
• Superior belly of omohypid
• Upper part of sternocledomastoid SCM.
• Posterior belly of digastric .
Contents :-
1. Most important bifurcation of common
carotid artery .
2. External and internal carotid arteries
3. All branches of external carotid artery except
posterior auricular artery that arise above
digastric muscle and run behind the ear
4. Internal and external laryngeal nerves, and
superior root of ansa cervicalis .
5. Hypoglossal nerve :-
• cranial nerve number 12 that arise from the skull
passing through the neck crossing the internal
then the external carotid arteries then the loop
of the lingual artery.
4/ Muscular triangle :-
• Lower half SCM lateraly & superior belly of
omohyoid lateraly and midline medially .
• Parts of larynx, trachea, pharynx, oesophagus,
thyroid and parathyroid glands; their vessels ,
nerves and lymph nodes and infra hayoid muscles
# Lateral surface :-
• make the submandibular fossa in the mandible
below the mylohyoid line .
# Medial surface :-
• lies against the mylohyoid, and behind it on the
hyoglossus muscle , lingual nerve, hypoglossal
nerve and its accompanying veins ( Vena comitans
of hypoglossal nerve ) & fascial artery
# Inferior surface :-
• Relate to the skin , superficial fascia, platysma
muscle, deep cervical fascia .
• This surface is crossed by the cervical and
marginal mandibula branches of the fasial nerve
and also by the fasial vein .
• So the inferior surface is related to two
nerves and one vein
• The above relation is very important to it during
surgery in the submandibular gland the most
dangerous injury is to the hypoglossal ( give
motor innervation to the tongue ) or the lingual
( give sensory innervation to the tongue ) because
they supply the tongue and after that to the
mandibular branch of the fasial nerve which sup-
ply the muscle that move the mouth { if it injure
pateint will presented with mouth deviation } and
the least dangerous is the cervical branch of the
fasial nerve which supply the platysma .
Note :
• Submandibular lymph nodes lie in contact with
the surface of the gland and within its substance,
hence the need to remove the gland as well as
nodes in the operation of radical neck dissection
Blood supply :-
• From the facial artery, with veins draining
into the facial vein.
Lymph drainage :-
• To the submandibular lymph nodes .
Nerve supply :-
• Secretomotor : fibres to the gland from cell bodies
in the submandibular ganglion .
• Vasoconstrictor : fibres come from the plexus
around the facial artery.
• submandibular ganglion hangs suspended from
the lingual nerve on the surface of hyoglossus.
• The preganglionic fibres pass from cell bodies in
the superior salivary nucleus in the pons by way
of the nervus intermedius, facial nerve, chorda
tympani and the lingual nerve .
• Postganglionic fibres pass to the submandibular
gland and also to the lingual nerve for
transmission to the sublingual gland.
Thyroid Gland :
Arteries : -
1. Superior thyroid artery branch of the external
carotid artery
2. Inferior thyroid artery branch of the subclavian
artery { thyrocervical trunk}.
3. Thyroidiae ima artery in 3% of people
branch either from the arch of the aorta or
brachiocephalic artery and cross anterior
to the trachea .
• May contribute to bleeding anterior to the trachea
during thyroidectomy { pulstile bleeding }.
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• Other source of bleeding anterior to the trachea :
1/ anterior jugular veins
2/ Inferior thyroid vein
• 1. Superior thyroid vein .
• 2. middle thyroid vein .
• Both drain to the internal jugular vein
• 3. Inferior thyroid veins drain to the
brachiocephalic vein and cross anterior
to the trachea.
Lymphatic Draining :-
• To the pretracheal, and prelaryngeal lymph node
{ both are central cervical lymph node}.
Nerve Supply :-
• Sympathetic (vasoconstrictor) nerves from the
superior, middle and inferior cervical ganglia
accompany the thyroid arteries.