The Use of The Washburn Method in Determining The Contact Angles of Lactose Powder
The Use of The Washburn Method in Determining The Contact Angles of Lactose Powder
The Use of The Washburn Method in Determining The Contact Angles of Lactose Powder
IJP 03040
Key words: Powder contact angle; Lactose; Liquid intrusion method; Liquid intrusion equipment;
Washburn technique
This paper studies the contact angles of lactose powder determined by the Washburn method based on liquid intrusion into the
powder bed. The liquids used were water, methanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, 1-octanol and n-hexane. Liquid intrusion was studied
with saturated solutions. Liquid flow to the powder column was controlled with a technique allowing constant liquid flow with zero
hydrodynamic pressure. Packing of the lactose powder into glass tubes was done manually by tapping in a vertical motion. The
packing of the powder columns was studied with different packing times (3, 6 and 12 min) and different size fractions (> 212 pm,
106-212 pm and < 106 Frn) of lactose. Packing time was not found to be critical with optimal shaped lactose particles and the
shortest packing time, 3 min, was adequate. Liquid intrusion rate diminished with diminishing particle size. The intrusion rates of
the liquids varied significantly. The slope values of intrusion distance squared vs intrusion time were 0.798 (n-hexane), 0.414
(methanol), 0.179 (water), 0.123 (l-propanol), 0.099 (l-butanol) and 0.036 (l-octanol). n-Hexane was found to be the best wetting
liquid. Estimating the n-hexane contact angle to be O”, the following values for the other liquids were obtained: water 61.7”,
methanol 38.7”, propanol 39.2”, butanol 33.4” and octanol 36.2”.
this requires compression of the powder to a Solutions saturated with lactose were prepared
tablet. These results cannot be used to character- and used in intrusion studies in order to avoid
ize the wettability of the powders as the compres- breaking of the powder column structure due to
sion process can dramatically alter the physica dissolution.
properties of the particles resulting in a different To minimize differences between the powder
type of surface (Buckton and Newton, 1986b; particle surfaces in different measurements, lac-
Kiesvaara and Yliruusi, 1991b). Because powders tose powder was stored in a standard humidity
are the usual raw materials in pharmaceutical atmosphere (20 i 2”C, 53 _t l%RH) for 24 h prior
technology it is important that the analysis result to liquid intrusion studies. The standard atmo-
has an emphasis on powder characteristics. sphere was formed in an exsiccator with saturated
Washburn (1921) introduced the basic theory sodium dichromate solution (Na,Cr,O, *2H,O,
for determining the contact angle of a liquid and J.T. Baker).
a solid from liquid intrusion data. After that
many different methods for assessing the wetta-
bility of a powder have been presented and dis-
cussed in literature (Lerk et al., 1976; Stamm et The morphological characterization of the ma-
al., 1984; Buckton et al. 1986, 1987; Buckton terial was made by scanning electron microscopy
1988, 1990; Buckton and Beezer, 1988; Kaya and (Jeol JSM-840A, Japanese Electron Optical Ltd,
Koishi, 1988). Despite the limitations of Wash- Tokyo, Japan). Crystal properties of lactose were
burn method (Carii and Simioni, 1979; Buckton studied by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD)
and Newton, 1985, 1986a; Yang and Zografi, (Siemens 500D, Siemens AG, Karlsruhe, Ger-
1986) it is used extensively in the assessment of many). The measuring parameters were: tute
wettability, being low-cost and the measuring sys- voltage 40 kV and CuKtv radiation (1.541 A).
tem easy to assemble. The powder column can be Measuring speed was l”/min. The particle size
placed either into a vertical or a horizontal posi- distribution was determined by the laser diffrac-
tion. In the vertical position liquid intrusion can tion method (Series 2600~ Droplet And Particle
occur either upwards or downwards (Studebaker Sizer, Malvern Instruments, Malvern, U.K.); the
and Snow, 1955; Hansford et al., 19801. specific surface area was measured by the nitro-
In this study we will describe the use of the gen gas adsorption method (BET, single point)
Washburn method in contact angle determina- (Flowsorb II 2300, Micromeritics Instrument Cor-
tions, and generally evaluate the suitability of the poration, Norcross, GA, U.S.A.). The surface
method in pharmaceutical powder technology. tensions of the liquids were determined with a
surface tension balance (Digital Tensiometer
Kriiss KlOT, Kriiss GmbH, Hamburg, Germany)
using the ring method. The kinematic viscosities
Materials and Methods
of the liquids were measured by capihary vis-
cosimetry (Ubbelohde Microviscosimeter, Schott
GerHte GmbH, Germany). The densities of the
The material used was lactose (Ph. Eur.). A liquids were determined by accurately weighing
fraction of 100-300 pm (Orion-Farmos Pharma- 25.0 ml of the liquid. The dispersion and polar
ceuticals) was used in packing and liquid intru- components of the liquids were calculated with
sion studies. Three sieve fractions; greater than the geometric-mean method (Wu, 1973; Ohm and
212 urn, 106-212 pm and smaller than 106 pm, Lippold, 1985) using a computer program de-
were used to study the liquid intrusion rate into scribed elsewhere (Kiesvaara and Yliruusi, 1991a).
the powder columns. The int~sion was deter- The contact angles of the liquids were measured
mined with six liquids. Of the liquids, methanol, on a solid paraffin surface with an experimentally
1-propanol, 1-butanol, 1-octanol and n-hexane assessed surface free energy of 24.3 mN/m
were p.a. grade. The water was triple distilled. (Nurminen et al., 1991).
40 Mean SE
The densities and dynamic viscosities at 24 f 0.2”C, and contact angles (0) (n = 10) on solid paraffin surface, the surface tensions (ye)
(20 f 0.2”C) and dispersion (yf) and polar fyi) components of the liquids saturated with lactose
Liquid Density Dynamic 0 (“I
k/cm3) viscosity TkN/m) ?kN/m) TkN/m)
Mean SE
(mN s rn?
Time (seconds)
Fig. 5. The slope of distance squared vs time of different size fractions of lactose; > 212 pm (a), 106-212 Km (b) and
< 106 pm Cc).
_ 160
*$ 160
- 140
N, 120
Time (seconds)
Fig. 6. Methanol intrusion into lactose (100-300 pm) powder bed; data of six parallel studies with linear least-squares fits.