Characterization and Standardization of Sand For Geotechnical Laboratory Testing in Pakistan

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Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 26 No.

ISSN:1813-1786 (Print) 2313-7770 (Online)

Characterization and Standardization of Sand for

Geotechnical Laboratory Testing in Pakistan
A.D. Kaleem1, N. Ahmad2, R.A. Khalid3, A. Danish4, M. Safdar5, F. Butt6, S. Sharib7
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, National University of Modern
Languages, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Earthquake Engineering Center, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology,
Peshawar, Pakistan
[email protected]

Abstract- Different countries have characterized current research comprise of pit sand and river
their indigenous sand resources and have proposed sand.
some standard sands for research purposes. Many countries in the world have standardized
Knowing their index and engineering properties, their local sources of sand for geotechnical
any further research conducted on such soils engineering related research [2-4]. Ottawa sand is
enriches the databank for researchers. Current considered as standard sand in USA and Canada,
study is focused on standardization of sand for Toyoura sand is Japanese standard sand, while
geotechnical engineering laboratory research in Quartzanium is used as standard laboratory testing
Pakistan. Sand samples were collected from five sand in India. In Pakistan, Lawrencepur sand is
different locations of Punjab and Khyber being used for most of the concrete related research
Pakhtunkhwa provinces of Pakistan, based on [5], but no significant work has been carried out for
annual sand production data. Material standardization of some sand for geotechnical
characterization was done using standards as laboratory research. In this research, efforts have
approved by American Society for Testing and been made to characterize and standardize
Materials (ASTM). The tests carried out were geotechnical laboratory testing sand in Pakistan.
color, specific gravity, grain size distribution,
minimum and maximum dry density, direct shear, II. RESEARCH METHODLOGY
mineral composition, shape of grains (metallurgy
microscope) and hydraulic conductivity. For Based on annual mineral production reports
standardization, properties of indigenous sands of Mines and Mineral Department, Government of
were compared with internationally used Ottawa F- Punjab, and keeping in view location of laboratory
65 & F-50 sands. From test results, Khushab sand facilities, sand samples were collected from five
has been recommended as standard sand for different locations within Punjab and Khyber
geotechnical laboratory testing in Pakistan. Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. According to latest
mineral wise production data in (M. Tons) for the
Keywords- Sand, Characterization, Standardization, month of July 2018 to June 2019 (on the basis of
Laboratory Testing, Geotechnical Engineering. royalty collection) Mianwali and Khusab were
biggest sources of producing silica sand i.e.
I. INTRODUCTION 354,061 and 79,750 M. Tons [6], respectively.
Hence these two sources and three nearest sources
Sand is a granular material composed of of sand Lawerencepur-Attock, Golra-Attock and
finely divided rock and mineral particles. It is Ghazi-Haripur were identified for sampling
defined by size being finer than gravel and coarser purpose. Researchers have worked on prediction
than silt. Unified Soil Classification System [7] and management [8] of sand production to
(USCS) defines sand as particles with a diameter of utilize the natural recourses efficiently.
between 0.074 mm to 4.75 mm [1]. Manually collected bulk samples were stored in
Sand can either be collected from natural sources bags, and sample I.D was marked on each bag for
or produced by crushing of rocks. Natural sources identification purpose. Meanwhile, latitude and
of sand include pit and river sands. Pit sands are longitude of sampling locations were also recorded.
usually coarser in size compared to river sands. Sample descriptions details have been provided in
Due to increased demand, sand is also being Table 1.
produced by crushing of rocks, also known as Collected sand samples were brought in best
manufactured sand. Sand samples collected for available laboratories in the vicinity and were

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 26 No. 3-2021
ISSN:1813-1786 (Print) 2313-7770 (Online)

tested as per specifications proposed by American size distribution (ASTM-6913), Description and
Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). The Identification (ASTM-D2488 − 09a), Specific
laboratories used were, Soil Mechanics and Gravity (ASTM D 854-14), Minimum dry density,
Foundation Engineering Laboratory, Civil ρd min (ASTM-D-4254-00) and Maximum dry
Engineering Department, UET Taxila; Material density, ρd max. (ASTM-D-4253-00), Minimum
Testing Laboratory, Askari Cement Factory, Wah Void Ratio emin. (ASTM-4253-00) and Maximum
Cantt; Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, Void Ratio emax. (ASTM-4254-00), Chemical
COMSATS University, Wah Cantt, and Civil Composition XRF Model: Cubix PW-2400, Angle
Engineering Laboratory, Directorate Civil Works of Internal Friction – (ASTM D3080) and
Wah Cantt. Permeability Hydraulic Conductivity –ASTM
Specifications used for different tests include Grain D2434 (Constant Head).

Table 1: Samples Locations

Sr. No. Location Sample ID Latitude Longitude
1 Lawerencepur-Attock- A-LAP.1 33°49'42.00"N 72°28'21.00"E
2 Lawerencepur-Attock- B-LAP.2 33°49'55.00"N 72°28'20.00"E
3 Golra-Attock-Punjab C1-GAP.1 33°48'9.00"N 72°28'31.00"E
4 Golra-Attock-Punjab C2-GAP.2 33°48'10.00"N 72°28'31.00"E
5 Khusab-Punjab D-KP 32°17'42.00"N 72°24'11.00"E
6 Ghazi-Haripur-KPK E-GHK 33°58'14.00"N 72°38'25.00"E
7 Mianwali-Punjab F-MP 32°41'15.00"N 71°26'47.00"E

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Microscope present at Mechanical Engineering

Department UET-Taxila. All sand samples were
3.1 Particle Size Distribution Using Sieve Analysis compared with Ottawa sand and it was found that
Sand comprises of particles of various shapes and shape of sand samples collected from all sources is
sizes. Sieve Analysis Test is used to separate similar to shape of Ottawa Sand i.e. sub angular as
particles into size ranges and to find quantitatively shown in Table.3. Similar findings were made by
the mass of particles in each range. As per Unified researchers using their local sands [9-10].
Soil Classification System (USCS), all sand
samples were poorly graded (SP) with less than 3.3 Specific Gravity
1.6% of fines. Grain size distribution curves for Specific Gravity of sand is closely linked with
different samples tested are given in Figure 1. mineralogy of sand. It is unitless quantity defined
Values for effective grain size D , coefficient of as ratio of density of a substance to that of water at
uniformity Cu, coefficient of curvature Cc, and 4o C. In case of soils, it is used to determine many
classification of sand as per Unified Soil complicated properties, e.g., void ratio, degree of
Classification System (USCS) for all the sands saturation, critical hydraulic gradient, zero aid void,
tested have been compared with standard values for etc. Specific gravities of sand samples studied in
Ottawa Sand. From comparison, it has been this research ranged between 2.65 to 2.68, while
observed that sand sample F-MP collected from specific gravity of Ottawa Sand was 2.65. Specific
Mianwali-Punjab has grain size distribution gravity values obtained during this study are shown
characteristics closest to that of Ottawa Sand. Grain in Figure 2.
Size Distribution Characteristics of sand samples
are given in Table 2. 3.4 Minimum and Maximum Dry Density
In order to find minimum and maximum dry
3.2 Description and Identification densities of sand, mould having volume of 2830
Color is an important property for identifying soils cm3 was used. Samples were oven dried for a
of same geologic origin. As per ASTM-D2488-09a period of 24 hours before testing. For finding
specifications, color of soil should be observed in maximum dry density, vertical vibratory table was
wet state. used and sample was vibrated for period of 8
Samples collected from all sources showed grey minutes at a frequency of 60 Hz. Values for
color as shown in Table 3. Odor of samples was minimum dry density ranged between 1311.95
unusual and inorganic. While shape of sand kg/m3 to 1491 kg/m3 , while those for maximum dry
particles was found to be sub angular. Shape of density varied between 1691.54 kg/m3 to 1877.11
sand particles was determined using Metallurgical kg/m3 for different sand types used in the research.

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 26 No. 3-2021
ISSN:1813-1786 (Print) 2313-7770 (Online)

On comparison with Ottawa sand, minimum and Void ratio is an important soil property and its
maximum dry densities for samples D-KP collected variation has been studied by researchers in the
from Khusab and C2-GAP-2 collected from Golra- past [11-12]. Minimum and maximum void ratios
Attck were found to be closed to the respective for sand samples tested ranged between 0.42 to
values obtained for Ottawa Sand. Detail is shown 0.58 and 0.78 to 1.03, respectively. Void ratio
in Figure 3. values for all samples have been compared with
Ottawa F-50 as shown in Table 4. It was observed
3.5 Minimum and Maximum Void Ratio that sand sample C2-GAP-2 collected from Golra-
Void ratio is important property for determining Attock had shown nearest void ratio values
behavior of soil. It is defined as volume of voids compared to that of Ottawa-Sand.
present in sand to total volume of solids.

#4 Coarse #10 Medium #40 Fine #200 SILT/CLAY

90 A-LAP-1

% Passing

50 C2-GAP-2

10 F-MP

10 1 0.1 0.01
Particle Diameter (mm)
Fig. 1. Grain size distribution curves of sand samples

Table. 2: Grain Size Distribution Characteristics of Different Sand Samples

Sr. No. Sample I.D Standard D (mm) Cu Cc USCS

1 Ottawa-F-50 ASTM-6913 0.25 1.83 0.95 SP

2 Otawa-F-65 ASTM-6913 0.20 1.61 0.96 SP
3 A-LAP.1 ASTM-6913 0.62 2.33 1.19 SP
4 B-LAP.2 ASTM-6913 0.585 3.13 0.90 SP
5 C1-GAP.1 ASTM-6913 0.75 3.35 1.01 SP
6 C2-GAP.2 ASTM-6913 0.52 2.15 1.02 SP
7 D-KP ASTM-6913 0.50 2.49 1.21 SP
8 E-GHK ASTM-6913 0.34 1.93 1.06 SP
9 F-MP ASTM-6913 0.27 1.88 1.01 SP

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 26 No. 3-2021
ISSN:1813-1786 (Print) 2313-7770 (Online)

Table. 3: Description and Identification of Different Sand Samples

Sr. Location Sample I.D Color Odor Shape
No. Dry/wet (Metallurgy microscope)
1 USA/CANADA Ottowa-F-50 - - Sub angular
2 USA/CANADA Ottowa-F-65
3 Lawerencepur-Attock- A-LAP.1 Grey Unusual Sub angular
4 Lawerencepur-Attock- B-LAP.2 Grey Unusual Sub angular
5 Golra-Attock-Punjab C1-GAP.1 Grey Unusual Sub angular
6 Golra-Attock-Punjab C2-GAP.2 Grey Unusual Sub angular
7 Khusab-Punjab D-KP Grey Unusual Sub angular
8 Ghazi-Haripur-KPK E-GHK Grey Unusual Sub angular
9 Mianwali-Punjab F-MP Grey Unusual Sub angular

Specific Gravity
Specific Gravity

2.67 2.68 2.68
2.66 2.67 2.67
2.65 2.66 2.66
2.64 2.65 2.65

Fig. 2. Specific gravity values of different sand samples

Minimum & Maximum Dry Density

2000 1863.93 1877.11
1759 1779.53 1772.36 1718.14
1800 1694.41 1691.54
1600 1446 1471.71 1488.95 1491.00 1469.55 1433.46 1370.48 1311.95


Minimum Dry Density Maximum Dry Density

Fig.3: Minimum and maximum dry density values for different sand samples

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 26 No. 3-2021
ISSN:1813-1786 (Print) 2313-7770 (Online)

Table. 4: Minimum and Maximum Void Ratios for Different Sand Samples
Sr. No. Sample I.D Location e e e e
max min max min
(% (%
difference) difference)
1 Ottawa-F-50 USA/Canada 0.78 0.48 - -
2 Ottawa-F-65 USA/Canada 0.83 0.51 - -
3 A-LAP.1 Lawerencepur 0.82 0.50 1.22 2.00
4 B-LAP.2 Lawerencepur 0.80 0.44 3.75 15.92
5 C1-GAP.1 Golra-Attock 0.78 0.42 6.41 21.43
6 C2-GAP.2 Golra-Attock 0.82 0.51 1.22 0.00
7 D-KP Khusab-Jhelum 0.85 0.54 2.35 5.56
8 E-GHK Ghazi-KPK 0.95 0.58 12.63 12.07
9 F-MP Mianwali-Indus 1.03 0.57 19.42 10.53

3.6 Chemical Composition Using X-Ray Angle of internal friction of sand samples was
Fluorescence (XRF) determined by using direct shear test. Remolded
Chemical composition of sand was determined by sand samples at bulk density values as given in
using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer model Table 6 were used while preparing specimen.
no. Cubix PW-2400 available at Askari Cement Angle of internal friction of local sand samples
Factory Wah Cantt. Chemical composition of sand ranged between 320 to 340 compared to 31.80 as
is found to be an important property for controlling reported for Ottawa Sand sample [12-16]. Detail of
concrete strength [13] and is strongly affected by Angle of internal friction values has been given in
source of sand [14-15]. It was found that sand Table 6.
sample collected from Khusab had highest silicon
dioxide percentage of 72.05% while Ottawa sand 3.8 Permeability Test–Constant Head
comprises of more than 99% of silicon dioxide. Hydraulic conductivity of sand describes the ease
Detailed chemical composition values are showed with which fluid, usually water can flow through
in Table 5. interconnected pores of soil sample [17]. In this
study, hydraulic conductivity of sands was found
3.7 Angle of Internal Friction out by using Constant Head Permeability Test,
Angle of internal friction of sand is very important whose values are shown in Figure 4. Hydraulic
engineering property used to determine shear conductivity of sand samples was found at
strength under different normal stress minimum dry density and maximum dry density in
combinations. order to obtain range of permeability values.

Table. 5: Chemical Composition of Sand Samples

Sr. Sample I.D SiO Al O Fe O CaO MgO KO Na O SO
2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3
No. % %
% % % % % %

1 Ottawa-F-50 99 - - - - - - -
2 Ottawa-F-65 99 - - - - - - -
3 A-LAP.1 66.71 14.73 5.65 4.99 2.17 1.79 2.43 0.03
4 B-LAP.2 65.98 14.25 4.45 4.76 2.05 2.07 2.24 0.03
5 C1-GAP.1 65.61 14.78 5.25 5.12 2.24 1.92 2.53 0.03
6 C2-GAP.2 64.83 14.12 5.92 5.17 2.12 1.66 2.36 0.03
7 D-KP 72.05 7.71 4.36 7.04 1.24 1.38 1.34 0.03
8 E-GHK 66.79 14.58 5.08 4.79 2.26 1.66 2.60 0.03
9 F-MP 68.58 12.76 4.93 5.04 2.19 1.80 2.23 0.03

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 26 No. 3-2021
ISSN:1813-1786 (Print) 2313-7770 (Online)

Table.6: Angle of Internal Friction Values for Different Sand Samples

Sr. No. Location Sample Standard Moisture Bulk Ф Percentage
I.D Content Density (Degrees) difference
(%) (kg/m3)
1 USA/CANADA Ottawa-F- ASTM- - - 31.8 -
50 3080
2 USA/CANADA Ottawa-F- ASTM- - - -
65 3080
3 Lawerencepur- A-LAP.1 ASTM- 1 1620 34 6.47
Attock-Punjab 3080
4 Lawerencepur- B-LAP.2 ASTM- 1 1630 34 6.47
Attock-Punjab 3080
5 Golra-Attock- C1- ASTM- 1.1 1650 34 6.47
Punjab GAP.1 3080
6 Golra-Attock- C2- ASTM- 1.1 1600 32 0.63
Punjab GAP.2 3080
7 Khusab-Punjab D-KP ASTM- 0.9 1530 33 3.64
8 Ghazi-Haripur-KPK E-GHK ASTM- 1.2 1570 32 0.63
9 Mianwali-Punjab F-MP ASTM- 1 1570 32 0.63

Permeability of Sand
0.08 0.072
0.05 0.042
K (cm/sec)

0.038 0.036
0.04 0.032
0.031 0.029
0.03 0.025
0.022 0.021 0.02 0.021
0.02 0.016 0.016


Loose Sand Dense Sand

Fig. 4: Coefficient of permeability values in loose and dense states

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 26 No. 3-2021
ISSN:1813-1786 (Print) 2313-7770 (Online)

Table-7: Characterization of Local Sources of Sand

Sr. Description Lawrencpur Lawrencpu Golra Golra Khusa Ghazi Mianwal
No A-LAP-1 r C1- C2- b E-GHK i
1 Grain size D50 = D50 = D50 = D50 = D50 = D50 = D50 =
distribution 0.62mm 0.59mm SP 0.75m 0.52m 0.50m 0.34mm 0.27mm
characteristic SP m SP m SP m SP SP SP
2 Color Shape Grey, Sub Grey, Sub Grey, Grey, Grey, Grey, Sub Grey,
angular angular Sub Sub Sub angular Sub
angular angular angular angular
3 GS 2.67 2.68 2.66 2.68 2.65 2.67 2.66
4 ρd min. 1471.71 1488.95 1491.0 1469.5 1433.46 1370.48.4 1311.95
3 0 5 6
(Kg/m )
5 ρd max. 1779.53 1863.93 1877.1 1772.3 1718.14 1694.41 1691.54
3 1 6
(Kg/m )
6 emin. 0.50 0.44 0.42 0.51 0.54 0.58 0.57
7 emax. 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.82 0.85 0.95 1.03
8 XRF-SiO2 66.71 % 65.98 % 65.61% 64.83 72.50 66.79 % 68.58%
% %
9 Ф (Degrees) 34

10 K (cm/sec) 0.036 to 0.021 to 0.031 0.029 0.020 to 0.016 to 0.011-

0.072 0.042 to to 0.041 0.032 0.021
0.061 0.058

Table-8: Comparison of Proposed Standard Sand Properties with Ottawa Sand

Sr. Description Khusab-Sand Ottawa Sand F-65/F-50
1 Grain Size Distribution D (mm) = 0.50, SP D (mm) = 0.25, SP
50 50
2 Description and Grey, Subangular Shape Sub angular Shape
3 Specific Gravity 2.65 2.65
3 3
4 Minimum Dry Density
1433.46 kg/m 1446 kg/m
3 3
5 Maximum Dry Density
1718.14 kg/m 1759 kg/m
6 Minimum Void Ratio 0.54 0.48
7 Maximum Void Ratio 0.85 0.78
8 Chemical Composition SiO = 72.50 % SiO > 99 %
2 2
o o
9 Angle of Internal
33 31.8
10 Hydraulic Conductivity 0.020 to 0.041 K- 0.025 to 0.038 K-cm/sec

IV. CONCLUSIONS AND moist state, while shape of sand particles was found
RECOMMENDATIONS to be sub angular. Specific gravity values ranged
between 2.66 to 2.68. Minimum and maximum dry
4.1 Characterization of Local Sources of Sand densities of sand samples varied between 1311.95
3 3 3
Sand samples collected from five different places Kg/m to 1491.00 Kg/m and 1691.54 Kg/m to
of Punjab and KPK have been characterized. All 1877.11 Kg/m , respectively. Minimum void ratio
sand samples were poorly graded (SP) as per USCS values ranged between 0.42 to 0.58, while
classification. Color of sand samples was grey in maximum void ratio values ranged between 0.78 to

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 26 No. 3-2021
ISSN:1813-1786 (Print) 2313-7770 (Online)

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