2009 Blanqueaiento Acido Acetico
2009 Blanqueaiento Acido Acetico
2009 Blanqueaiento Acido Acetico
Bioresource Technology
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biortech
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Miscanthus x giganteus bark samples subjected to fractionation by the Acetosolv process under optimal
Received 21 March 2009 conditions were bleached using hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid in aqueous media under alkaline con-
Received in revised form 22 April 2009 ditions. The influence of the main operational variables in the bleaching of Acetosolv pulps of M. x gigan-
Accepted 26 April 2009
teus (i.e. hydrogen peroxide concentration, 3–7%; temperature, 55–75 °C; pH 9–11), obtained after
Available online 23 May 2009
treatments, have been assessed on pulp yield, kappa number, viscosity and brightness of bleached pulps.
For this purpose, a rotatable and orthogonal second-order factorial design of experiments was used, in
order to identify the optimum operating conditions. The obtained empirical mathematical models dem-
Miscanthus x giganteus
onstrate that, in general, the bleaching was efficient, achieving pulps with kappa numbers below 10. The
Bleaching chemical composition and physicochemical properties of the bleached pulps fulfilled the requirements
Modelling for forthcoming bleaching stages. Moreover, an alkaline extraction stage to eliminate saponifiable groups
Chelating agents of Acetosolv pulps was studied, as well as the necessity of use chelating agents in the stage with hydrogen
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4732 J.J. Villaverde et al. / Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 4731–4735
2.2. Characterization of the raw material and cellulose pulps Z jmax Z jmin
DZ j ¼
For all experiments, kappa number (KN), intrinsic viscosity (VIS) This way the different normalised variables are restricted between
and ISO brightness (BR) were measured according to TAPPI stan- the values 1 (which corresponds to the lowest treatment value)
dards (T 236, T 230 and T 525, respectively). Pulp yields (PY) were and + 1(corresponding to the highest value).
determined gravimetrically after oven drying until they reached a The following experimental results were analysed as dependent
constant weight. Saponifiable groups (as NaOH equivalent) were variables: PY, KN, VIS and BR of the resulting pulps; and submitted
determined by KOH–ethanol saponification (Abad et al., 2002; to multivariate regression against the independent variables using
Dapía et al., 2002). polynomial fit functions such as:
Table 1
Results of the E-stage.
Accumulated yield (%) Kappa number Viscosity (cm3/g) ISO brightness (%)
Unbleached pulp 59.9 17.3 964 33.2
Influence of temperature on E-stage 4% NaOH – 60 °C 49.6 19.6 1114 37.3
Pab-stage 47.8 14.8 1010 41.8
4% NaOH – 70 °C 51.6 18.6 1134 36.3
Pab-stage 48.8 14.4 922 46.6
4% NaOH – 80 °C 51.1 17.6 1047 37.5
Pab-stage 50 13.3 895 45.7
Influence of alkali concentration on E-stage 4% NaOH – 70 °C 51.6 18.6 1134 36.3
Pab-stage 48.8 14.4 922 46.6
5% NaOH – 70 °C 52.4 16.1 1009 41.4
Pab-stage 49.7 13.1 1028 49.4
6% NaOH – 70 °C 49.9 15.7 1063 42.3
Pab-stage 47.3 11.4 944 50.7
diminution of KN just after this stage (Table 1). However, it is clear In order to study the effects of experimental variables in perox-
from the values of VIS, and confirmed by FTIR spectra, that the yacetate bleaching, consistency and time were fixed at 10% and
main chemical effect was the removal of saponifiable groups. There 60 min, respectively, and a rotatable and orthogonal second-order
were no significant differences in the behaviour of the system at factorial design of experiments was carried out to assess the influ-
different temperatures, except an increase in BR at 70 °C, which ence of the next three variables, in the ranges mentioned: hydro-
was not improved by raising the temperature to 80 °C. Therefore, gen peroxide concentration (3–7%), temperature (55–75 °C) and
the chosen temperature was 70 °C, in preference to the other two pH (9–11). Table 2 shows the structure of the experimental design
studied, and used in the consequent experiments. together with the results obtained in each case for PY, KN, VIS and
Once this temperature was adopted, a new series of experi- BR.
ments (Table 1) was conducted to determine the best concentra- The fitting of the experimental results by means of least square
tion of sodium hydroxide. The experimental conditions were the multiple regression is shown in Table 3. The different parameters
same as those mentioned above, except the temperature was fixed of the model, their significance levels, and several statistical values
at 70 °C. We studied the variation of alkali concentration at values indicate the goodness of fit of the mathematical models.
of 4%, 5% and 6%. The results reflect a growing delignification with Results show an acceptable fit between the experimental data
the increase of alkali concentration, obtaining the largest differ- and the polynomial models except for PY. For this variable, the
ences in kappa number (21%) going from 4% to 6% of alkali. On small variations found (94.0–99.0%) make the experimental error
the other hand, no significant changes in VIS and BR of pulps ob- relatively important, which reduces the significance of the effects
tained from 5% to 6% of alkali were observed, so 6% was chosen of the variables and is reflected in the statistical analysis, because
to obtain the highest delignification. none of them were significant at the 90% or 95% confidence level.
Therefore, the data show that the best results (higher delignifi- Also, as a result of the small variations, the surface responses for
cation levels with a decrease of 35% for KN and an increase of this variable are essentially flat and parallel to the horizontal plane
51% for BR) were obtained working at 70 °C and with a 6% NaOH for any representation of IV–IV–PY.
concentration. With these values, the delignification proceeds with For all other IV, pH was always the most influential variable,
a significant brightness increase and a moderate attack on cellu- especially for KN, producing more delignified pulps as pH increases
lose. Hereafter, it will be used in all cases the next set of variables (Fig. 1 and Table 3). This effect becomes more important in the sec-
for the E-stage: consistency 10%, 60 min, 70 °C and 6% of sodium ond half of the studied interval (10 < pH < 11). Also, a synergic ef-
hydroxide. fect between pH and hydrogen peroxide is observed for pH and
Table 2
Experimental design structure and results of the peroxyacetate treatment of Acetosolv M. x giganteus pulps.
Table 3
Regression parameters for each variable, and goodness of fit and signification of
regression equations.
Table 4
Influence of initial pH and time on the main characteristics of pulps for values out of
the experimental design.
most convenient temperature, and this value was used in all sub-
sequent experiments.
Fig. 1. pH and hydrogen peroxide concentration effect on kappa number of pulps at In an attempt to look for possible KN drops outside the limits of
a constant temperature of 75 °C. the experimental design, a new set of experiments were performed
in which the pH was varied in steps of 0.5 units between 11 and 13.
Table 4 shows that the kappa number does not decrease signifi-
peroxide concentration levels above 11 and 7%, respectively, while cantly until pH 13. However, the viscosity dramatically decreased,
no relevant effect was found at lower pH and peroxide concentra- almost linearly with pH. No clear effects were observed for BR in
tions. Minimum values of KN (slightly above 10) are predicted this set of experiments, affording results in a limited range of
when IV are set at their highest values. Something similar happens 45.0–52.0%. In view of these results, pH 11.0 was selected for a well
with BR, being here the effects of different signs: pH and peroxide balanced bleaching without severe cellulose damage.
loads are the most influential factors, principally for the highest Furthermore, a kinetic monitoring of the system was carried out
levels, where predicted BR values are the highest and are close to in order to decide whether a more extended treatment could im-
50% (Fig. 2). Furthermore, the maximum BR (53.2%) is predicted prove the results. A substantial improvement in KN is obtained
when all IV are at their upper extreme. All these results show that by increasing the treatment time from 15 to 30 min (Table 4). KN
pH and peroxide load must be set at 11 and 7%, respectively, to ob- could be reduced even more, but changes are much lower than ob-
tain a well delignified pulp with a high brightness. served in the range 15–30 min VIS is slightly affected in this inter-
In relation to temperature, it was not significant in any case at a val, decreasing from 1025 to 966 cm3/g, which still is a very good
confidence level of 95%. The mathematical models can be used to value. Regarding BR, it rose almost linearly with time until 51.4%
predict the system behaviour in relation to temperature; doing after 90 min; however, after 30 min, the pulp presented a relatively
so at a fixed pH of 11 and a peroxide load at 7% drops KN by only high BR (46.3%), which represents an increase of 11.5% from the
one unit when temperature rises from 55 to 75 °C. Therefore, in or- initial value. In view of these results, 30 min was selected as the
der to get suitable energy efficiency, we have chosen 55 °C as the most appropriate time for subsequent experiments.
J.J. Villaverde et al. / Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 4731–4735 4735
Table 5
Results of the addition of DTPA (1%) and MgSO4 (1%) on the peroxyacetate (Pab) treatment of Acetosolv Miscanthus pulps (10% consistency, 7% peroxide, pH 11, 30 min and 55 °C).
DTPA added MgSO4 added Pulp yield (% o.d.b.) Kappa number Viscosity (cm3/g) Brightness (%ISO)
No No 99.4 11.1 982 37.5
No Yes 98.4 12.8 1085 35.7
Yes No 99.8 12.6 1089 37
Yes Yes 98.7 12.3 1112 34.9