Experiment No. 3: Sieve Analysis of Coarse and Fine Aggregate Discussion

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Experiment No.

3: Sieve Analysis of Coarse and Fine Aggregate


The sieve analysis is used to determine the particle size distribution or gradation
of an aggregate. A suitable gradation of aggregate in a concrete mix is desirable in
order to secure workability of a concrete mix and economy in the use of cement. For
asphalt concrete, suitable gradation will not only affect significantly the strength and
other important properties.

The sieve analysis of aggregate is performed by “sifting” the aggregate through a

series of sieves nested in order, with smallest opening at the bottom. These sieves
have square openings and are usually constructed of wire mesh. In the testing of
concrete aggregates, there is generally employed a series of sieves in which any sieve
in the series has twice the clear opening of the size in the series. The U.S. Standard
Sieve Series and the clear opening of the sieve are given below.

U.S. Standard Sieve Size Clear Opening (in.)

No. 100 0.0059

No. 50 0.0117

No. 30 0.0232

No. 16 0.0469

No. 8 0.0937

No. 4 0.187

3/8” 0.375

½”(half size) 0.500

¾” 0.750

1 in. (half Size) 1.000

1 ½ in. 1.500

Sometimes closer sizing than is given by the standard series is desired, in which
case “half” size or “odd” sizes are employed; the ½ in. and 1 in. show are half sizes.

Coarse aggregate is usually considered to be larger and fine aggregates smaller

than #4 sieve. Thus all sieves need not be used physically in the nest but are still
considered in the analysis. For example, sieve larger than 3/8 in. is not used for the
sand and sieve smaller than No. 8 are seldom used for gravel.
CE133-Construction Materials and Testing-EXP3
Frando, Gaylord-Instructor
The fineness modulus is an index number, which is roughly proportional to the
average size of the particles in a given aggregate. It is computed by adding the
cumulative percentages coarser than each of certain sieve and dividing by 100. (Note:
Even though some material may be retained on the pan, it is not considered a sieve
and does not enter into computation for fineness modulus. In addition, if sieves other
than those standard sieves listed above are used, they are not used directly in the
computations and any material retained on such sieves should be considered as being
retained on the next smaller sieve of the series used in the computation, e.g. any
material retained on a 1 in. sieve would be added to the ¾ in. sieve for purposes of
fineness modulus computation. However, the amount and percentage of the 1 in.
material would appear in the tabular listing in the sieve analysis).

The following illustrate the calculation of the fineness modulus:

Sieve No. Weight Retained Cumulative Weight Retained % Cumulative Retained

4 30 30 9.7

8 40 70 22.6

10 30 100 __“

16 30 130 42.0

30 35 165 53.3

50 45 210 67.8

80 40 250 __“

100 50 300 96.8

Pan 10 310 100

Fineness Modulus of Sand = 9.7 +22.6 + 42.0 + 53.3 + 67.8 + 96.8 = 2.92

An interpretation of the fineness modulus might be that it represents the (weighted)

average of the group which the material is retained, No. 100 being the first, No. 50
second, etc. Thus for the sand with FM of 3.00, sieve No. 30 (the third sieve) would be
the average sieve size upon which the aggregate is retained.
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Objective: To determine the particle size distribution of fine and coarse aggregate by

Referenced Documents: ASTM (136-96. C720. E 11. D 75)

AASTHO ( T 27-91, T 11-65)

Balance, accurate to 0.1


Set of sieve with pan and cover

Mechanical sieve shaker (optional) Brush

Oven Procedure:

1. Obtain a representative sample by quartering or by the use of sample splitter. The

sample to be tested should be the approximate weight desired when dry. For this
experiment about 500 grams of fine aggregate and about 10 – 12 kilograms of
coarse aggregate.
2. Dry the samples to constant temperature in the oven at a temperature 110 +/- 5oC
(230 +/- 410F).
3. Assemble the sieves in order of descending size of opening from top to bottom and
place sample on top of the sieve and cover it with the lid.
a. For coarse aggregate: 1”, ¾”, ½”, 3/8”, #4, #8, pan

b. For fine aggregate: 3/8”, #4, #8, #30, #50, #100, pan

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4. Agitate the sieve by hand or by mechanical shaker for five to 10 minutes or for a
sufficient period.
5. Limit the quantity of material on a given sieve so that all particles have opportunity
to reach sieve openings a number of times during the sieve operations. For the
sieve with openings smaller than No. 4 (4.75 mm), the weight retained on any
sieve at the completion of sieving operations shall not exceed 6 kg/m2of sieving
surface. For the sieve with openings No. 4 (4.75 mm) and larger, the weight in
kg/m2of the sieving surface shall not exceed the product of 2.5 x (sieving opening
in mm). In no case shall the weight be so great as to cause permanent deformation
of the sieve cloth.
6. Continue sieving for the sufficient period in such a manner that, after completion,
not more than 0.5 percent by weight of the total sample passes any sieve during
one (1) minute of continuous hand sieving.
7. Weigh the materials that are retained on each sieve, including the weight
retained in the pan, and record in the data sheet. The total weight of the
materials after sieving should check closely with the original sample placed on the
sieve, if the sum of these weight is not within 1 percent (0.3 for ASTM
requirement) of the original sample, the procedure should be repeated.
8. Compute the cumulative percent retained on, and the percent passing each sieve. 9.
Plot the gradation curves for the coarse and the fine aggregates from the experiment
on the graph provided. Plot the specified gradations curves for coarse and fin
aggregates (to be specified to the laboratory instructor). Plot the combine grading
curve using the 40% aggregate and 60% fine aggregate.
10. Compute the Fineness Modulus for find and coarse aggregate.
CE133-Construction Materials and Testing-EXP3
Frando, Gaylord-Instructor


Name: _____________________________ Group No.:_____ COARSE


Initial Weight: ______________

Sieve Diameter Mass of soil Percent Cumulative Percent
No. (mm) retained on retained on Percent Finer or
each sieve (g) each sieve retained on passing
(%) each sieve (%)
CE133-Construction Materials and Testing-EXP3
Frando, Gaylord-Instructor


Name: _______________________________
Date: _______
Group No.: ___________________________
Section: ____


Initial Weight: __________________

Sieve Diameter Mass of soil Percent Cumulative Percent
No. (mm) retained on retained on Percent Finer or
each sieve (g) each sieve retained on passing
(%) each sieve (%) (%)
CE133-Construction Materials and Testing-EXP3
Frando, Gaylord-Instructor
CE133-Construction Materials and Testing-EXP3
Frando, Gaylord-Instructor

Mechanical analysis is the determination of the size range of particles

present in a soil, expressed as a percentage of the total dry weight. There
are two methods generally used to find the particle-size distribution of soil:
(1) sieve analysis - for particle sizes larger than 0.075 mm in diameter, and
(2) hydrometer analysis - for particle sizes smaller than 0.075 mm in

Sieve Analysis

Sieve analysis consists of shaking the soil sample through a set of sieves that
have progressively smaller openings. Table 1 lists the U.S. standard sieve
numbers and the sizes of openings.

Table 1. U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes.

4 r Opening
6 (mm)
8 4.750
10 3.350
16 2.360
20 2.000
30 1.180
40 0.850
50 0.600
60 0.425
80 0.300
100 0.250
140 0.180
170 0.150
200 0.106
270 0.088
First the soil is oven dried and then all lumps are broken into small particle
before they are passed through the sieves. Figure 1 shows a set of sieves in
a sieve shaker used for conducting the test in the laboratory. After the
completion of the shaking period the mass of soil retained on each sieve is
determined. When cohesive soils are analyzed, it may be difficult to break

CE133-Construction Materials and Testing-EXP3
Frando, Gaylord-Instructor
lumps into individual particles. In that case, the soil may be mixed with
water to make a slurry and then washed through the sieves. Portions
retained on each sieve are collected separately and oven dried before the
mass retained on each sieve is measured.

The results of sieve analysis are generally expressed in terms of the

percentage of the total weight of soil that passed through different sieves.
Table 2 shows an example of the calculations required in a sieve analysis.

Table 2. Result of Sieve Analysis(Total Mass of Dry Soil Sample = 450 g)

Perc 5 62.00
Sieve Number s
Diameter (mm) retai 3
Mass of soil each
retained on each 5Percent passing
sieve (%)

(g) 2 13

10 2.000 0 100.00
16 1.180 9.90 97.80
30 0.600 24.66 92.32
40 0.425 17.60 88.41
60 0.250 23.90 83.10
100 0.150 35.10 75.30
200 0.075 59.85 62.00
Pan -- 278.99 0

Particle-Size Distribution Curve

The results of mechanical analysis (sieve and hydrometer analyses) are generally
presented by semi-logarithmic plots known as particle-size distribution curves. The
particle diameters are plotted in log scale, and the corresponding percent finer in
arithmetic scale. As an example, the particle-size distribution curves for two soils are
CE133-Construction Materials and Testing-EXP3
Frando, Gaylord-Instructor
shown in Figure 2. The particle-size distribution curve for soil A is the combination of
the sieve analysis results presented in Table 2 and the results of the hydrometer
analysis for the finer fraction. When the results of sieve analysis and hydrometer
analysis are combined, a discontinuity generally occurs in the range where they
overlap. This is because soil particles are generally irregular in shape. Sieve analysis
gives the intermediate dimension of a particle; hydrometer analysis gives the
diameter of a sphere that would settle at the same rate as the soil particle.

The percentages of gravel, sand, silt, and clay-size particles present in a soil
can be obtained from the particle-size distribution curve. According to the
Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) “Soil A” in Figure 2 has:

∙ Gravel (size limit - greater than 4.75 mm) = 0%

∙ Sand (size limits - 4.75 to 0.075 mm) = percent finer than 4.75 mm
diameter to percent finer than 0.075 mm diameter = 100 - 62 = 38% ∙
Silt and clay (size limit - less than 0.075 mm) = 62%

Further Explanation:

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Percentage retained on any sieve:

Equation (1);

Cumulative percentage retained on any sieve:

Equation (2);

Percentage finer than an sieve size:

Equation (3);

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Effective Size, Uniformity Coefficient, and Coefficient of Gradation

The particle-size distribution curves can be used for comparing different

soils. Also, three basic soil parameters can be determined from these curves,
and they can be used to classify granular soils. Them parameters are:

∙ Effectivesize
∙ Uniformity coefficient
∙ Coefficient of gradation

The diameter in the particle-size distribution curve corresponding to 10%

finer is defined as the effective size, or D10. The uniformity coefficient is
given by the relation:

where Cu is the uniformity coefficient and D60 is the diameter

corresponding to 60% finer in the particle-size distribution

The coefficient of gradation may he expressed as:

where Cc is the coefficient of gradation and D30 diameter corresponding to

30% finer.

For the particle-size distribution curve of “Soil B” shown in Figure 2, the

values of D10 D30 and D60 are 0.096 mm, 0.16 mm and 0.24 mm,
respectively. The uniformity coefficient and coefficient of gradation are:

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Tip in Scaling:
(1) Locate the 60%finer (y-axis) project it to touch the curve, then go downward to

get D60=0.24mm

(2) Locate the 30%finer (y-axis) project it to touch the curve, then go downward to

get D30=0.16mm

(3) Locate the 10%finer (y-axis) project it to touch the curve, then go downward to

get D10=0.096mm

Another Illustration to Locate D60, D30 and D10:

The particle-size distribution curve shows not only the range of particle sizes
present in a soil but also the type of distribution of various size particles. This is
demonstrated in Figure 3. Curve I represents a type of soil in which most of the soil
grains are the same size. This is called “poorly graded” soil. Curve II represents a
soil in which the particles are distributed over a wide range, termed “well-graded”. A
well graded soil will have a uniformity coefficient greater than about 4 for gravels and
6 for sands, and a coefficient of gradation between 1 and 3 (for gravels and sands). A
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soil might have a combination of two or more uniformly graded fractions. Curve III
represents such a soil. This type of soil is termed “gap-graded”.
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Example 2 : Sieve Analysis

From the results of a sieve analysis, shown below, determine: (a) the percent finer
than each sieve and plot a grain-size distribution curve, (b) D10, D30, D60 from the
grain-size distribution curve, (c) the uniformity coefficient, Cu, and (d) the coefficient
of gradation, Cc.
200 0.075
Sieve Diame
Number ter
Mass of soil
4 4.750 retained on each
sieve (g)
10 2.000 28

20 0.850 42
40 0.425
60 0.250 221
100 0.150
Pan -- 24

The following table can be prepared for obtaining the percent finer:
Mass of soil on each sieve (%) retained on each finer (%)
retained on each Equation (1) sieve (%) Equation Equation(3)
sieve (g) Cumulative (2)
Sieve Number Percent retained Percent Percent
4 28 4.54 4.54 95.46 10 42 6.81 11.35 88.65 20 48 7.78 19.13 80.87 40 128 20.75
39.88 60.12 60 221 35.82 75.70 24.30 100 86 19.93 89.63 10.37
200 40 6.48 96.11 3.89 Pan 24 3.89 100.00 0 617

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The plot of the grain-size distribution is shown below:

The particle diameters defining 10%, 30%, and 60% finer from the grain-size distribution
curve are estimated as: D10 = 0.14 mm , D30 = 0.27 mm, and D60 = 0.42 mm.


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In geotechnical engineering, hydrometer analysis is primarily used to know the grain

size distribution of a fine grained soil. In this post I will share with you the following

▪ What is a hydrometer?
▪ Why hydrometer analysis is done?
▪ What is the theory behind hydrometer analysis of soil?
▪ How to perform hydrometer analysis of soil?

Fig-1 Hydrometer
A hydrometer is an instrument which is used to measure the relative density of a liquid.
Hydrometer is made of glass and primarily consists of two parts;

▪ A cylindrical stem with graduation marks

▪ A bulb at bottom weighted with mercury

The lower the density of the liquid the more the hydrometer will sink. Consider water and
petrol for example. The density of petrol is lower than that of water, therefore the depth of
immersion of a hydrometer will more in case of petrol than water.


In case of fine grained soil, sieve analysis test does not give reliable test result. This
because a fine grained soil consist of different sizes of particles starting from 0.075 mm
to 0.0002 mm. and it is not practicable to design sieve having so smaller screen size.
Also there is a chance of lost of sample during sieving. Therefore hydrometer analysis is
done for grain size analysis of fine grained soils.

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Hydrometer analysis is based on Stokes law. According to this law, the velocity at
which grains settles out of suspension, all other factors being equal, is dependent upon
the shape, weight and size of the grain.

In case of soil, it is assumed that the soil particles are spherical and have the same
specific gravity. Therefore we can say that in a soil water suspension the coarser
particles will settle more quicjly than the finer ones.
If V is the terminal velocity of sinking of a spherical particle, it is given
by; V = 1/18 [(Gs-Gw)/n)]*D2


V = Terminal velocity of soil particle (cm/s)

D = Diameter of soil particle (cm)

Gs = Specific gravity of soil particle

Gw = specific gravity of water
n = viscosity of water (g-s/cm2)



▪ Hydrometer
▪ Dispersion cup with mechanical stirrer with complete accessories ▪
Two glass jar of 1 litre capacity
▪ Deflocculating agent (sodium Hexa metaphosphate solution prepared by dissolving
33g of sodium Hexa metaphosphate and 7g of sodium carbonate in distilled water
to make one litre solution)
▪ Stop watch
▪ Thermometer
▪ Scale


1. Take about 50g in case of clayey soil and 100g in case of sandy soil and weigh it
correctly to 0.1g.
2. In case the soil contains considerable amount of organic matter or calcium
compounds, pre-treatment of the soil with Hydrogen Peroxide or Hydrochloric
acid may be necessary. In case of soils containing less than 20 percent of the
above substances pre-treatment shall be avoided.
3. To the soil thus treated, add 100 cc of sodium hexametaphosphate solution and
warm it gently for 10 minutes and transfer the contents to the cup of the mechanical
mixer using a jet of distilled water to wash all the traces of the soil.
4. Stir the soil suspension for about 15 minutes.
5. Transfer the suspension to the Hydrometer jar and make up the volume exactly to
1000 cc by adding distilled water.
6. Take another Hydrometer jar with 1000cc distilled water to store the hydrometer in
between consecutive readings of the soil suspension to be recorded. Note the
specific gravity readings and the temperature T0C of the water occasionally.
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7. Mix the soil suspension roughly, by placing the palm of the right hand over the open
end and holding the bottom of the har with the left hand turning the jar upside down
and back. When the jar is upside down be sure no soil is tuck to the base of the
graduated jar.
8. Immediately after shaking, place the Hydrometer jar on the table and start the
stopwatch. Insert the Hydrometer into the suspension carefully and take
Hydrometer readings at the total elapsed times of ¼, ½, 1 and 2 minutes.
9. After 2 minutes reading, remove the Hydrometer and transfer it to the distilled water
jar and repeat step no-8. Normally a pair of the same readings should be obtained
before proceeding further.
10. Take the subsequent hydrometer readings at elapsed timings of 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49,
60 minutes and every one hour thereafter. Each time a reading is taken remove the
hydrometer from the suspension and keep it in the jar containing distilled water.
Care should be taken when the Hydrometer recorded to see that the Hydrometer is
at rest without any movement. As time elapses, because of the fall of the solid
particles the density of the fluid suspension decreases reading, which should be
checked as a guard against possible error in readings of the Hydrometer.
11. Continue recording operation of the Hydrometer readings until the hydrometer reads
1000 approximately.


The hydrometer shall be calibrated to determine its true depth in terms of the hydrometer
reading (see Fig-2) in the following steps:

Fig-2 Hydrometer calibration

1. Determine the volume of the hydrometer bulb, VR. This may be determined in
following way:

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By measuring the volume of water displaced. Fill a 1000-cc graduate with water to
approximately 700 cc. Observe and record the reading of the water level. Insert the
hydrometer and again observe and record the reading. The difference in these two
readings equals the volume of the bulb plus the part of the stem that is submerged. The
error due to inclusion of this latter quantity is so small that it may be neglected for
practical purposes.
2. Determine the area, A, of the graduate in which the hydrometer is to be used by
measuring the distance between two graduations. The area, A, is equal to the
volume included between the graduations divided by the measured distance.
3. Measure and record the distances from the lowest calibration mark on the stem of
the hydrometer to each of the other major calibration marks, R.
4. Measure and record the distance from the neck of the bulb to the lowest calibration
mark. The distance, H1, corresponding to a reading, R, equals the sum of the two
distances measured in steps (3) and (4).
5. Measure the distance from the neck to the tip of the bulb. Record this as h, the
height of the bulb. The distance, h/2, locates the center of volume of a symmetrical
bulb. If a nonsymmetrical bulb is used, the center of volume can be determined
with sufficient accuracy by projecting the shape of the bulb on a sheet of paper
and locating the center of gravity of this projected area.
6. Compute the true distances, HR, corresponding to each of the major calibration
marks, R, from the formula:

HR = H1 + ½ [h – (VR/A)]

7. Plot the curve expressing the relation between HR and R as shown in Figure 3. The
relation is essentially a straight line for hydrometers having a streamlined shape.

Fig-3 Typical hydrometer calibration chart

If the temperature during the experiment is constant, then the the following formula can
be used to calculate the diameter of the soil particles
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D2 = K HR/t

T = time in minutes
D = diameter of soil particle in mm
K = 30n/(G-gw)
The percentage finer N may be obtained from
N% = G*V/((G-1)*W) * (r – rw)*100
V = Volume of soil suspension (1000 cc)

W = weight of dry soil taken for the test

r = Hydrometer reading in distilled water

rw = Hydrometer readings in soil suspension

G = Specific gravity of soil particles

Since V = 1000 cc, the above equation may be conveniently represented as

follows: N% = K1 (Rh1 – 1000) * 100


K1 = G/(G-1) * (100/W)
Rh1 = Hydrometer reading = Rh + Cm – Cd ± Ct
Rh = actually observed hydrometer reading (upper meniscus)
Cm = the meniscus correction (i.e. 0.5)
Ct = Correction for temperature (positive if the test temperature is more than the
temperature at which the hydrometer is calibrated and vice versa) (see table-1)

Cd = Correction for dispersing agent. This is determined as mentioned below

The addition of a dispersing agent to the soil suspension results in an increase in density
of the liquid and necessitates a correction to the observed hydrometer reading. The
correction factor, Cd, is determined by adding to a 1000-ml graduate partially filled with
distilled or demineralized water the amount of dispersing agent to be used for the
particular test, adding additional distilled water to the 1000-ml mark, then inserting a
hydrometer and observing the reading. The correction factor, Cd is equal to the difference
between this reading and the hydrometer reading in pure distilled or demineralized water.

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