Residual Indices of Holomorphic Maps Relative To Singular Curves of Fixed Points On Surfaces
Residual Indices of Holomorphic Maps Relative To Singular Curves of Fixed Points On Surfaces
Residual Indices of Holomorphic Maps Relative To Singular Curves of Fixed Points On Surfaces
This index is independent of the local coordinates chosen, and the Abate’s
index formula is
Theorem 1 (Abate). Let C be a one dimensional compact submanifold of a
two dimensional complex manifold M and let f : M → M be holomorphic
such that f|C = id|C . Assume b(f ) = 1 or that M is the total space of a line
bundle E over C. Assume moreover that f is non-degenerate on C. Then
ιp (f, C) = b(f ) (C · C).
Remark 1. We will omit to write explicitly the local chart φ in the formulae:
for instance we write simply f = Id + lµ G instead of (2). We denote by
H the gradient of H ∈ Op in the given local chart and by < H, G > the
scalar product of two germs H, G of holomorphic self-map of C2 .
Given H ∈ Op , expanding H ◦ f − H we find that
H ◦f −H
≡< H , G > mod I(Cp ).
Definition 1. The map f satisfying (2) is said to be non-degenerate at p on
the locally irreducible curve C if
l◦f −l
≡ 0 mod I(Cp ),
i.e. if < l , G >≡ 0 on the germ Cp .
Remark 2. For k ∈ O∗p we have
(kl) ◦ f − kl l◦f −l
≡ k 1−µ mod I(Cp ).
(kl) lµ
Thus the definition of non-degeneracy of f on C at p is independent of the
defining function l.
Remark 3. Assume that p is a smooth point for C. As in the first section, we
can choose an adapted local chart with coordinates (x, y) around p, so that f
satisfies (1) and y is a defining function for C. Since y◦f −y = (b(x)−1)y+
y n+1 h(x, y), our definition of non-degeneracy coincides with Abate’s one
whenever b(p) = 1. In the case b(p) = 1, the map f is degenerate according
to Definition 1 but it could be non-degenerate according to Abate’s definition.
However, if C has a singularity at some q ∈ C and f is non-degenerate on
C at q then—as a consequence of Lemma 2—it turns out that f is non-
degenerate on C at every point p ∈ C and in particular b(p) = 1 at any
smooth point of C. Therefore, if C is singular, f is non-degenerate on C
according to Definition 1 if and only if it is non-degenerate at one—and
hence any—smooth point according to Abate’s definition.
Definition 2. We say that H ∈ Op is transverse to (f, Cp ) if
H ◦f −H
≡ 0 mod I(Cp ),
i.e. < H , G >≡ 0 on Cp .
Therefore f is degenerate on Cp at p if and only if a defining function of Cp
—and hence any— is transverse to (f, Cp ).
Residual indices of holomorphic maps relative 485
Note that, if Cp is smooth at p, then the regular curves transverse (in the
usual sense) to Cp at p are actually transverse to (f, Cp ).
Since Cp is irreducible, it admits a local uniformization (see [5]). Namely,
there exists a homeomorphism ϕ : ∆ → Cp (where ∆ = {ζ ∈ C : |ζ| < 1})
such that ϕ(0) = p, ϕ is holomorphic on ∆ − {0} and ϕ (ζ) = 0 for all
ζ ∈ ∆ − {0} (ϕ (0) = 0 if and only if Cp is smooth at p). We denote by
Γ ∈ H1 (Cp − {p}, Z) the class of ϕ(∂∆), where ∂∆ is given by θ → ρeiθ
for θ ∈ [0, 2π] and a fixed 0 < ρ < 1.
1 l◦f −l lj ◦ f − lj
dτ = dτ +
2πi Γ1 l · (τ ◦ f − τ ) 2πi Γ1 lj · (τ ◦ f − τ )
1 l1 ◦ f − l1
2πi Γ1 l1 · (τ ◦ f − τ )
By definition the last term is Ind(f, Cα , p). As for the other terms, note first
that det(lj , l1 ) ≡ 0 on C1 for j = 1, and therefore lj is transverse to (f, C1 )
for j = 1 by Proposition 1. Thus < lj , G >≡ 0 on C1 . Arguing as in the
k◦f −k
proof of Lemma 1 for the calculation of the integral Γ k(τ ◦f −τ ) dτ , we find
1 lj ◦ f − lj 1 dlj
dτ = = (C1 · Cj )p .
2πi Γ1 lj · (τ ◦ f − τ ) 2πi Γ1 lj
where C̃α is the strict transform of Cα , and (Dj · C̃α )qα = 0 or 1 according
whether Dj intersects C̃α at the point qα ∈ π −1 (p) or not. By (6) the sum
p∈C Ind(f, C, p) equals p̃∈C̃ Ind(f , C̃, p̃)+ mj (Dj ·C̃). By Theorem
1 and the projection formula we get the result.
Acknowledgements. The authors warmly thank Marco Abate for introducing them into this
subject, and the referee for many useful comments improving the aspect of the paper.
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