The Polar Curve of A Foliations On CP (2) - Rogerio M
The Polar Curve of A Foliations On CP (2) - Rogerio M
The Polar Curve of A Foliations On CP (2) - Rogerio M
Departamento de Matemática
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 C.P. 702
30123-970 - Belo Horizonte - MG
[email protected]
1. Basic definitions
A foliation of degree d ≥ 0 on the complex projective plane P2 = P2C is a
non trivial morphism of vector bundles Φ : H ⊗(1−d) → T P2 , where H stands
for the hyperplane bundle. Two such maps define the same foliation if one
is multiple of the other by a non zero complex number. We denote by F
the foliation and the bundle T F := H ⊗(1−d) is called the tangent bundle
of F. The singular set of F, denoted by Sing(F), is formed by the points
of P2 over which Φ fails to be injective. Equivalently, if ΘP2 = O(T P2 )
is the tangent sheaf of P2 and H = O(H) is the sheaf of sections of H,
defining F is equivalent to giving a morphism of locally free analytic sheaves
H⊗(1−d) → ΘP2 , two such morphisms defining the same foliation if and only
they are multiple from each other by a non zero complex number. Thus, the
space of foliations of degree d, denoted by Fol(d), can be identified with the
[Tp , Tp ] ⊂ Tp ∀ p ∈ M,
(8) D : Lr+1 ⊂ Lr ⊂ · · · ⊂ L2 ⊂ Pn ,
that that P F F
l and P l have the same equation. We keep the notation ω and
Let us now fix affine coordinates (x, y) ∈ P2 . Suppose that l = (0, 0) is the
center of the polar curve P Fl , which has F (x, y) = yP (x, y) − xQ(x, y) = 0
as equation. Remark that P F l is invariant by F if and only if the tangent
lines to P Fl and to F coincide wherever both are defined. It follows from
the very definition of P l that this is equivalent to the fact that the tangent
lines to P F
l pass through l = (0, 0). This is true if and only if
than or equal to the degree of the former, we conclude that both polynomials
have the same degree and, thus, there exists a non-zero constant α such that
αF (x, y) = xFx (x, y) + yFy (x, y).
But this happens if and only if F (x, y) is homogeneous, in which case α is
the degree of F (x, y). Let us now look at the expression
F (x, y) = yP (x, y) − xQ(x, y).
We decompose P (x, y) = P0 (x, y) + P1 (x, y) in the following way: P0 (x, y)
involves all monomials which vanish when we produce F (x, y) and P1 (x, y)
comprises the ones which do not vanish. We do the same for Q(x, y), getting
Q(x, y) = Q0 (x, y) + Q1 (x, y). On the one hand, we have
F (x, y) = yP1 (x, y) − xQ1 (x, y)
and, since F (x, y) is homogeneous, all monomials in P1 (x, y) and in Q1 (x, y)
have the same degree, so that the foliation induced by the vector field
∂ ∂
P1 (x, y) + Q1 (x, y)
∂x ∂y
is homogeneous. On the other hand, we have
yP0 (x, y) − xQ0 (x, y) ≡ 0,
so that there exists a polynomial Φ(x, y) such that P0 (x, y) = xΦ(x, y) and
Q0 (x, y) = yΦ(x, y). Therefore we conclude that
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
P (x, y) +Q(x, y) = P1 (x, y) +Q1 (x, y) +Φ(x, y) x +y ,
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y
meaning that F is a radial modification of a homogeneous foliation.
These equations give promptly that the center l is a regular point for P F
whenever it lies outside Sing(F).
Fix now p ∈ Sing(F). We may suppose that p = (0, 0), and thus
P (0, 0) = Q(0, 0) = 0. Let k = mp (F) be the algebraic multiplicity of F
at p, that is, the smallest of the orders of P and Q. We write
P (x, y) = Pk (x, y) + P̃ (x, y) and Q(x, y) = Qk (x, y) + Q̃(x, y),
where Pk and Qk comprise all monomials of degree k, while P̃ and Q̃ as-
semble those of higher degree. We thus have
F (x, y) = −y0 Pk (x, y) + x0 Qk (x, y) + S(x, y),
where all monomials in S(x, y) have degree k + 1 or greater. We con-
clude that, for generic l = (x0 , y0 ), the algebraic multiplicity of P F
l at p
is k = mp (F). Summarizing this discussion:
Proposition 4. For generic l ∈ P2 it holds Sing(P F
l ) ⊂ Sing(F). Further-
more if p ∈ Sing(P l ), then
mp (P F
l ) = mp (F) ,
where mp denotes the algebraic multiplicity.
Keeping the above notation, we say that p ∈ Sing(F) is a non-degenerate
singularity if det Dv(0, 0) 6= 0. According to the above proposition, if p is a
non-degenerate singularity for F, then p is a regular point for P F
l . Recalling
that foliations having only non-degenerate singularities are generic in the
space of foliation of degree d, we have
Corollary 1. For generic F ∈ Fol(d), the polar curve P F
l centered at a
generic point l ∈ P2 is non-singular.
4. Radial singularities
Let us denote by Sing1,dic (F) ⊂ Sing(F) the set of dicritical singulari-
ties of algebraic multiplicity 1. We remark that Sing1,dic (F) contains the
set of radial singularities, consisting of those which become non singular af-
ter a single blow-up. Let us suppose that p = (0, 0) ∈ Sing1,dic (F). The
polynomial vector field inducing F has the form
∂ ∂
v = (x + P̃ (x, y)) + (y + Q̃(x, y)) ,
∂x ∂y
where P̃ and Q̃ refer to the terms of degree 2 or greater (P̃ = Q̃ in the case
of radial singularities).
In this case, the polar curve P F
l centered at l = (x0 , y0 ) is defined by the
F (x, y) = (y − y0 )(x + P̃ (x, y)) − (x − x0 )(y + Q̃(x, y)) = 0.
We have
Fx (x, y) = (y − y0 )(1 + P̃x (x, y)) − (x − x0 )Q̃x (x, y) − (y + Q̃(x, y))
F (x, y) = (x + P̃ (x, y)) + (y − y )P̃ (x, y) − (x − x )(1 + Q̃ (x, y))
y 0 y 0 y
so that Fx (0, 0) = −y0 and Fy (0, 0) = x0 . This implies that the tangent
line to P F
l at p = (0, 0) passes through l = (x0 , y0 ). Thus, Sing1,dic (F) is
contained in the set of tangencies between P F l and the pencil of lines with
base l. The number of these tangencies, with multiplicities counted, is the
degree of P̌lF , the projective dual of P F
l (see [12]). Noticing that l is in this
set of tangencies but may be chosen outside Sing(F), we have the following:
Proposition 5. Let F be a foliation on P2 . Then
(10) #Sing1,dic (F) ≤ deg(P̌lF )−1 = d(d+1)− (m ep −1)−1,
e p +µ
p∈Sing(PlF )
where me p and µep refer to the algebraic multiplicity and the Milnor number
of P l at p. In particular, this gives un upper bound for the number of radial
singularities of F.
We remark that the upper bound in (10) is written in terms of algebraic
multiplicities and Milnor numbers of the polar curve P F l and it works for
any center l ∈ P2 outside Sing(F) and not specifically in the generic case.
Nevertheless, by taking P F l as the generic polar curve, we can establish a
bound in terms of data of the foliation F. We proceed as follows. Let
us denote by mp and µp the algebraic multiplicity and the Milnor number
of F at p ∈ Sing(F). We know that, in this case, m e p = mp . In what
concerns Milnor numbers, it is easy to see from equations (9) that, for generic
l ∈ P2 , the vector field Fx (x, y)∂/∂x+Fy (x, y)∂/∂y has algebraic multiplicity
mp − 1 at p = (0, 0) ∈ Sing(F). Thus µ ep ≥ (mp − 1)2 for every p ∈ Sing(F)
(see [3]), and we get that the term m ep +µep − 1 in the sum in (10) is greater
than or equal to mp + (mp − 1)2 − 1 = mp (mp − 1). Substituting in (10), we
(11) #Sing1,dic (F) ≤ d(d + 1) − mp (mp − 1) − 1.
p∈Sing(F )
where Λ is any linear form such that Φ, Ψ and Λ are linearly independent.
If (u, v, w) = F (X, Y, Z) denotes this linear change of coordinates, then F
is induced in the new coordinates by a 1-form of the kind
ω̃ = F ∗ ω = Ã(u, v)du + B̃(u, v)dv + C̃(u, v)dw,
where Ã, B̃, C̃ are homogeneous polynomial of degree d + 1, in the variables
u and v only. Euler condition gives −wC̃(u, v) = uÃ(u, v) + v B̃(u, v), which
implies that C̃(u, v) = 0. This is absurd, since, when d = deg(F) ≥ 1, Ã, B̃
and C̃ are linearly independent, as already proved in the text.
d(d − 1) 1 X
= − mp (P F F
l )(mp (P l ) − 1) ,
2 2
The difficulty for answering this question is the fact that, in general, the
desingularization data of the generic polar is not read in the desingulariza-
tion data of the foliation. N. Corral has extensively worked on this subject,
comparing, for a singularity p of a foliation F on P2 which is a generalized
curve (see [3] for the definition), the desingularization of F, which is equiv-
alent to the desingularization of the set of its separatrices at p, with the
desingularization of the generic polar curve (see [5], [7] and [6]).
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