Inverse and Implicit Function Theorem
Inverse and Implicit Function Theorem
Inverse and Implicit Function Theorem
f |U � → f (U � )
is a diffeomorphism. Furthermore
d0 ( f −1 ) = (d0 f )−1 .
Proof. We will construct an inverse for f using the contraction mapping theorem.
It is enough to prove the result in the case that x = 0 and f (0) = 0 and D0 f = I d.
(For the last condition replace f by (D0 f )−1 ◦ f.. Set g(x ) = f (x ) − x (so g is
the “nonlinear” part of f .) The equation f (x ) = y can be rewritten as
x + g(x ) = y
y − g(x ) = x .
�h y (x ) − h y (x � )� ≤ �x − x � �.
Furthermore if x ∈ Br (0) and y ∈ Br/2 (0) we have
where we use the differentiability of f to go from the second to third lines and
and inequality 1 to go from the third to the fourth.
Notice that if f is continuously differentiable then so is φ.
An important corollary of the inverse function theorem is the implicit function
theorem. The implicit function theorem can be stated in various, each useful in
some situation. We will use repeatedly the Open Mapping Theorem which say
that a surjective bounded linear map between Banach spaces is an open mapping
in particular an bounded linear map which is an algebraic isomorphism is an iso
Theorem 5.2. Let f : U ⊂ V → W be a smooth map with f (0) = 0. Suppose
that for some x in U we have that Dx f is surjective and ker(Dx f ) admits a closed
complement C. Then there are neighborhoods U1 of 0 ∈ ker(Dx f ), U2 of 0 ∈ W
and diffeomorphisms φ : U1 × U2 → U and ψ : U2 → W so that the following
diagram commutes:
U −→ W
↑φ ↑ψ
U1 × U2 −→ U2
Proof. Write a typical element of U as a pair (k, c) with k ∈ ker (Dx f ) and
c ∈ C . The fact that C is closed means in implies that C is a C a Banach space
in its own right. Then the map K × C → V given by (k, c) �→ k + c is an
isomorphism by the Open Mapping Theorem. The Open Mapping Theorem also
implies that d0,0 f |C : C → W is an isomorphism. Let L : W → C denote its
inverse. Consider the map
We have that � �
Id K ∗
d(0,0) F =
0 IdC
and again by the Open Mapping Theorem the differential of F at (0, 0) is an
isomorphism. The inverse function theorem implies F has an inverse, φ, in a
neighborhood of (0, 0). Setting ψ = d0,0 f |C we have
L f (φ (k, c)) = c
on such a neighborhood.
We call a point x where Dx f is not a surjective a critical point. A point in the
range of f which is not the image of a critical point is called a regular value.
Definition 5.3. A subset Y of a manifold X is called submanifold if for all y ∈ Y
there is a neighborhood U of Y and a chart φ : V → B so that φ(Y ∩ U ) is an
open subset of a closed linear subspace admitting a complement.
Having made these definition we have a corollary of the implicit function the