Lagrange Multipliers On Manifolds: 1 Statements of Theorem
Lagrange Multipliers On Manifolds: 1 Statements of Theorem
Lagrange Multipliers On Manifolds: 1 Statements of Theorem
2013-03-21 19:30:54
We discuss in this article the theoretical aspects of the Lagrange multiplier
To enhance understanding, proofs and intuitive explanations of the Lagrange
multipler method will be given from several different viewpoints, both elementary and advanced.
Statements of theorem
The version of Lagrange multipliers typically used in calculus is the special case
N = Rn in Theorem 1. In this case, the conclusion of the theorem can also be
written in terms of gradients instead of differential forms:
Theorem 2. Suppose gi are linearly independent at each point of M . If
p M is a local minimum or maximum point of f restricted to M , then there
exist Lagrange multipliers 1 , . . . , k R, depending on p, such that
f (p) = 1 g1 (p) + + k gk (p) .
This formulation and the first one are equivalent since the 1-form df can be
identified with the gradient f , via the formula f (p) v = df (p; v) = dfp (v).
The proof of the Lagrange multiplier theorem is surprisingly short and elegant,
when properly phrased in the language of abstract manifolds and differential
However, for the benefit of the readers not versed in these topics, we provide,
in addition to the abstract proof, a concrete translation of the arguments in the
more familiar setting N = Rn .
Proof. Since dgi are linearly independent at each point of M = i=1 gi1 ({0}),
M is an embedded submanifold of N , of dimension m = n k. Let : U M ,
with U open in Rm , be a coordinate chart for M such that (0) = p. Then f
has a local minimum or maximum at 0, and therefore 0 = d( f ) = df at 0.
i = 1, . . . , k .
df =
dgk +
dyk+1 + +
dyn ,
i = 1, . . . , k, j = 1, . . . , m .
Intuitive interpretations
Each equation gi = 0 defines a hypersurface Mi in Rn , a manifold of dimension n 1. If we consider the tangent hyperplane at p of these hypersurfaces,
Tp Mi , the gradient gi (p) gives the normal vector to these hyperplanes.
The manifold M is the intersection of the hypersurfaces Mi . Presumably, the
tangent space Tp M is the intersection of the Tp Mi , and the subspace perpendicular to Tp M would be spanned by the normals gi (p). Now, the direction
derivatives at p of f with respect to each vector in Tp M , as we have proved,
vanish. So the direction of f (p), the direction of the greatest change in f at
p, should be perpendicular to Tp M . Hence f (p) can be written as a linear
combination of the gi (p).
Note, however, that this geometric picture, and the manipulations with the
gradients f (p) and gi (p), do not carry over to abstract manifolds. The
notions of gradients and normals to surfaces depend on the inner product structure of Rn , which is not present in an abstract manifold (without a Riemannian
On the other hand, this explains the mysterious appearance of annihilators
in the last paragraph of the abstract proof. Annihilators and dual space theory
serve as the proper tools to formalize the manipulations we made with the
matrix equations 0 = D f (p) D (0) and 0 = D g(p) D (0), without resorting
to Euclidean coordinates, which, of course, are not even defined on an abstract
With infinitesimals
as a weighted sum of the changes dgi . The weights are, of course, the Lagrange
multipliers i .
The linear algebra performed in the abstract proof can be regarded as the
precise, rigorous translation of the preceding argument.
As rates of substitution
Observe that the formula for Lagrange multipliers is formally very similar to
the standard formula for expressing a differential form in terms of a basis:
df (p) =
dy1 + +
dyk .
In fact, if dgi (p) are linearly independent, then they do form a basis for
(Tp M )0 , that can be extended to a basis for (Tp N ) . By the uniqueness of the
basis representation, we must have
i =
Stationary points
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