Record of Evidence Other Than Direct Observation and Questioning

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QUESTIONING (e.g. work products, assignments, projects, case histories and personal statements)

Unit/Element(s): U57503 Lead your team

Element 1: Plan work

Element 2: Support work
Candidate: Date:
Evidence index:

The type and nature of the evidence PCs and range covered:
 Work Products A. Purpose
 Eyewitness Testimony B. Team members
C. Planning

Knowledge and understanding apparent from this evidence:

1. What are the different ways of communicating effectively with members of a team.
2. How to set objectives which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and Time-
3. How to plan for the achievement of team objectives and the importance of involving team
members in this process.
4. What is the importance of demonstrating to team members how personal work objectives
contribute to the achievement of team objectives.
5. How to get and make use of feedback from others on your leadership performance and style
of leadership.
6. How to select and successfully apply methods for motivating, supporting and encouraging
team members and recognising their achievements.
7. What are the types of difficulties and challenges that may arise and the ways in which these
can be identified and addressed.
8. Why it is important to encourage others to take the lead and the ways in which this can be
9. How to encourage and recognise creativity and innovation within a team.
10. Who are the individuals within your own team, their roles, responsibilities, competences and
11. What are your team’s purpose, objectives and plans.
12. What are the personal work objectives of your team members.
13. What are the types of support and advice that team members are likely to need and how to
respond to those needs
Other units/elements to which this evidence may contribute:

Assessor comments and feedback to candidate:

 Candidate to provide documents to demonstrate
o Work Products
o Eyewitness Testimony

Candidate’s Competence Status: Competent  Not Yet Competent 

Assessor name:

Assessor’s signature: _________ Date:

Candidates: signature: Date:

Internal Verifier signature and date:

External Verifier signature and date:

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