Assignment Brief 2022-23 BCIM

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Name of Centre: Learner achievement (please circle) NB: All learner

achievement is provisional until confirmed at the AVA Awards


Level Achieved: L3
Uxbridge College
Achievement P M D
Resubmission? Y N

Title of Access to HE Diploma:

Unit title: Business Communication and Unit code: CBB253

Information Management
Learner: Ali Mahmoudi Tutor/Assessor:
Description of Assignment:
You should respond to these tasks using the scenario of Company ZXY or an organisation with which
you are familiar – this could be your workplace, a club or voluntary organisation you are involved in or
a family business. If you use your own experience, make sure that you have read through all the tasks
beforehand and will be able to respond to them fully.
Task 1 – COMMUNICATIONS REPORT (AC1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2)
Write a report on the communications methods used in the organisation. Use the guidance on report
format at the end of this brief to structure your report.
In the findings section, you should set out your findings from an audit of the different methods of
internal and external communication used by the organisation. This should be set out in a chart format:

Communication Who it is used to Advantages of Disadvantages of

method communicate with method method

In the discussion section, you should summarise the outcomes of your audit and comment on the
effectiveness of communication methods within the organisation and with external stakeholders. You
should explain how any barriers to communication may cause problems, particularly with regard to
employee/stakeholder engagement, equality and diversity and could affect organisational performance
(no more than 750 words, excluding the Recommendation section +/- 10%).
In the Recommendations section, you should suggest solutions to overcome the communication
barriers. To support your recommendations, you should include examples from your research of how
other organisations have tackled these barriers (no more than 500 words +/- 10%).
Guidance on report format/layout
 Title of the report
 Executive Summary – a summary that helps the reader quickly grasp the reports purpose, conclusions
and key recommendations
 Introduction/Terms of reference – what have you been asked to report on, the context and a brief
profile of the organisation, the limitations if any of the report and any assumptions made

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 Methodology – methods of data collection, sources of primary data (group work, questionnaires,
surveys) secondary sources used, reasons for selecting the methodology. If using the scenario then you
will not be undertaking any primary data collection.
 Findings– factual information and data set out in presented in a clear and simple format
 Discussion – explanations, analysis, evaluation (where required) and evidence to support your
conclusions and recommendations
 Conclusion – a summary and interpretation of the findings and explaining the outcomes from your
discussion. Link back to the terms of reference for the report and how you have met these. Do not
introduce any new material.
 Recommendations – specific suggestions for actions to address the issues or resolve the problems
identified. Set out recommendations in a clear and simple format in order of importance or priority. Then
describe how the recommendations should be implemented and any implications (e.g. costs, benefits,
resources needed) – NO MORE THAN 500 WORDS
 References – a list of sources cited in the text of the report using the Harvard style format
 Appendices (if appropriate) – additional information related to the report (and linked from the report) but
not essential to the main findings or discussion. Appendices are not included in the word count but
should not be used to present information you rely on for assessment purposes.

Task 2 – DATA PROTECTION STATEMENT (AC3.1, 3.2, 3.3)

You have been asked to review how the organisation obtains, stores and uses information (data) from
within the organisation and from external sources. In 750 words (+/- 10%), compile a Statement
a) Sets out what types of information/data is collected, stored and used by the organisation
b) Explains how the data is collected and recorded and the different ways in which the information is
used by the organisation
c) Explains what safeguards are currently in place to protect data and in particular personal data.
d) Evaluate how effective these safeguards are.
e) Identifies the current legislation the organisation should be complying with in relation to data protection


Following on from your report for Task 2 you have been asked to provide a briefing for senior
managers on the current legislation you identified in Task 2d above and what an organisation’s
obligations are to comply with the law.

Prepare the presentation for the briefing using no more than 12 slides with explanations in the form
of notes for each slide. Managers particularly want to know what the consequences might be if there
was a breach of the law.

Ensure you reference the sources of your information for the presentation.

Guidance for the Briefing

This is a document that clearly sets out the business practice being undertaken in a formal way, and
the document could form the basis of a policy or a Privacy Statement used by an organisation to show
how it is meeting its obligations under the data protection legislation. It is not a report but still needs to
be well structured with clear headings and a logical sequence.

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Date set: Date for draft submission Date for final
(if applicable): submission:
Extension date Signed by Tutor/Assessor to Date
(if agreed): agree extension: submitted:

Internal Moderation: Yes / No Signed by internal moderator:


Learner declaration:
 The explanations and evaluations in this work have been developed and written by me.
 I have not submitted material copied from the Internet, text books or other sources in place of my own thinking
and writing.
 When I have referred to the work of others I have done so to discuss, comment on or argue their ideas.
 I have kept quotation and paraphrasing to an absolute minimum and only to support points I have made.
 I understand that referencing the names of authors whose ideas I have used without including my own
interpretation of those ideas, does not meet the assessment criteria and cannot attract the Pass, Merit or
Distinction grades.
 I have not copied the work of my peers.
Learner comments: (please use this space to comment on any aspect of the assignment when handing in your work)

Signature: Ali Mahmoudi Date: 14/12/2022

TO THE LEARNER: Please attach this assignment brief to any written work you are handing in for
assessment, or submit the brief as instructed.

Level 3 Unit title: Business Communication and Information Management

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
This is what you must be able to demonstrate that you
This is what you will learn on the unit.
can do in your assignment in order to achieve the unit.
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand the different ways information is 1.1. Identify the range of communication methods within
communicated within an organisation and with an organisation and with external stakeholders and
stakeholders externally explain why and where these are used
1.2. Evaluate the different methods of communication
2. Understand the barriers that an organisation has for 2.1. Explain the barriers that may exist within an
effective communication internally and externally organisation to (a) internal and (b) external
2.2. Identify solutions to improve internal and external
3. Understand the different ways in which data 3.1. Explain how different types of data, including
including personal data, is obtained, recorded, and personal data, is obtained and recorded by an
processed by an organisation organisation
3.2. Explain the different ways in which data is used by
the organisation
3.3. Evaluate the safeguards that may exist in an

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organisation to protect data, in particular personal
4. Understand the legislative requirements 4.1. Explain the current legislation that covers data
for data protection and how an protection
organisation can be compliant 4.2. Explain the key requirements an organisation has to
meet to be compliant with the legislation
Level 3 units only:
Learners achieve a Pass if they meet all Level 3 Assessment Criteria for a unit. You will achieve a Merit or Distinction
by meeting the following Grade Descriptors. Your tutor will give you feedback for all three grades.
Merit Distinction
GD1: The student, students’ work or performance: The student, students’ work or performance:
Understanding demonstrates a very good grasp of the demonstrates an excellent grasp of the relevant
of the subject relevant knowledge base knowledge base
The student, students’ work or performance:
GD2: makes use of relevant ideas and facts with The student, students’ work or performance:
Application of very good levels of accuracy, insight and makes use of relevant ideas and facts with
Knowledge analysis excellent levels of accuracy, insight and analysis

The student, students’ work or performance: The student, students’ work or performance:
taken as a whole, demonstrates very good taken as a whole, demonstrates excellent
GD7: Quality
response to the demands of the response to the demands of the brief/assignment
Grade Guidance: Learners must carefully read the guidance below which is linked to the components above
GD1: Understanding of the subject
 For task 1, you will show a perceptive understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the
communication methods, going beyond what is set out in the scenario.
 In identifying the barriers to communication, you will be able to use some theoretical input to
underpin your response and give some specific examples from organisations to illustrate the types
of barriers that exist.
 For task 3, you will be able to use some knowledge of legislation to underpin your response or give
some specific examples from statutory requirements or guidance.
GD2: Application of knowledge
 Across the tasks, where you use information from your own research into business communication
and information management this will be linked to the organisation under discussion (the scenario
organisation or your own experience) and involve some analysis of how this information is relevant
to the task and organisation.
 The information that you use to support your points will generally be accurate, up-to-date and
relevant. For example, your briefing presentation for task 3 will show you have grasped the
important key information and legal compliance you need to pass onto managers at a senior level
and it is underpinned with referencing and sourced material, giving confidence to the audience that
your content is accurate and valid, and is relevant to the organisation.
GD7: Quality
 You will need to show that you can present your research outcomes and your knowledge in a
structured and logical way, using a number of presentation methods for this.
 You will use some relevant examples and you will have generally followed the guidance on report
format and for the statement and presented sets of information and analysis in a generally clear
and concise manner.
 Relevant information is applied to the tasks in a thorough and generally detailed way and you will

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have included generally good levels of referencing and theoretical models (where applicable).
 You will have used the correct citation and referencing in the Harvard style.
GD1: Understanding of the subject
 For task 1, you will show the research you have undertaken into the subject by providing a
comprehensive analysis for each communication method you identified.
 Across all tasks, you will cover a range of examples (e.g. communication methods in task 1, types
of information collected by the organisation in task 2) demonstrating that you have a thorough
understanding of how businesses communicate and manage information across different parts of
the business and externally.
 For task 3, you will be able to show a high level of knowledge of, and accurate interpretation of, the
legislation to underpin your response and give detailed specific examples from statutory
requirements or guidance.

GD2: Application of knowledge

 You will show excellent insight into the relevance of information from the scenario or your own
research to the tasks by being selective in how you use and incorporate information from the
scenario. Where you use examples from other organisations, you will highlight significant
similarities or differences between the organisation in the example and the organisation you are
reporting to (the scenario organisation or your own experience) that may have an impact on the
point that you are making.
 Your reports and briefings will show an awareness of the audience specified in each task, and you
will be able to present your knowledge and information in a way that is generally appropriate to their
needs. For example, in task 3, you will show you have assessed what important key information
you need to pass onto managers at a senior level. It will be underpinned with a range of
referencing and sourced material, giving high confidence to the audience that your content is
accurate and valid; and it will recognise the organisational need to be pragmatic when applying the
legal compliance requirements.

GD7: Quality
 To achieve a distinction grade you will need to show that you can present your research outcomes
and your knowledge in a highly structured, logical and fluent way, using a number of creative
presentation methods for this. Your work will be very easy to follow, with each section having
appropriate headings or sub-headings.
 You will use a range of relevant examples from different types of organisation and you will have
exactly followed the guidance on the report format and the Statement and presented sets of
information and analysis in a creative, clear and concise manner.
 Relevant information will be consistently applied to the tasks in a highly thorough and detailed way
and you will have included a consistent level of referencing, including to legislation and will have
used legal cases and theoretical models (where applicable), presenting and evaluating some
different perspectives on the subject.
 You will have consistently used the correct citation and referencing in the Harvard style.
 You will have adhered to the stated word limits on tasks 1 and 2 and produced no more than 12
slides for task 3.

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Part A: Feedback on credit level
Location of Tutor/Assessor comments on assessment criteria
AC achieved
evidence (your tutor may also indicate on the work itself where each AC is met)

1.1 Word

1.2 Word

2.1 Word

2.2 Word

3.1 Word

3.2 Word

3.3 Word

4.1 PowerPoint

4.2 PowerPoint
Level Tutor/Assessor’s
L3 Ross Broadbent Date:
achieved signature:

Resubmission (if applicable) If any of the assessment criteria for this assignment have not been met at Level 3, a
resubmission may be permitted. Resubmission must follow the QAA guidelines and be permitted only once.
Requirements for resubmission/new Task set:

Date Set: Date due: Date Submitted:

Feedback on resubmission:

Level achieved Tutor/Assessor’s Date:

after resubmission: signature:

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Part B: Feedback on grading (Applicable only if all assessment criteria achieved at Level 3)
Grade indicator
Tutor/Assessor comments against grade descriptors Please enter the final
grade on page 1 based on
this grade profile e.g.

of the subject

Application of

GD7: Quality

Tutor/Assessor’s reason for final grade decision (if applicable):

Areas for development (how will the learner be able to use and improve on what they have learnt on this
unit and the skills that they have used in their further studies?)

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Company background
Company ZXY is a social enterprise. The annual turnover is typically in the region of £2
million. As a social enterprise, any profits made by the company are reinvested for the
benefit of its service users. The services provided include: advice and guidance to those in
socially deprived areas, the provision of peer support, wellbeing activities and a counselling
service. It has around 1,000 service users on its books. It receives contracts from the NHS
and local authorities to run these services.

Organisational structure
ZXY has a Board of Trustees, who are also company directors. It has a CEO and 80 paid
staff and 50 volunteers. An organisational structure chart is included at the end of the case

It uses external consultancies for human resources and health safety. There is an external
Pensions provider and Payroll Company. Some managers at the company are also involved
in these areas.

Management of personal data

ZXY has a database of employees, a separate one for volunteers, and another for service

Employee personal data is also contained in a range of documents and on the database
such as employment contracts, right to reside and work checks, criminal records checks
(DBS), medical reports, work references, performance review records, disciplinary procedure
documentation and warnings, absence/attendance details.

Volunteer data is more limited but they still have to make a written application, be DBS
checked, provide references, and a record of attendance and other key data maintained
including next of kin details.

Service users’ personal data is obtained in addition the referral details from other agencies
that can also contain risk factors associated with the person and some information on mental
health and / or medical conditions. Counsellors keep electronic and paper based notes on
their sessions with their clients.

There is also a newsletter subscriber list which anyone can sign up to on the company’s
website. Anyone can apply online to access online training.

The company has amassed a large quantity of historical records of ex-employees, ex-
volunteers and service users. At present, there is no internal policy on how long to keep
different types of records.

Access to personal data

Managers, the external service providers and internal IT staff have access rights to the
database with varying degrees of access levels.

Counsellors have to have external clinical supervision. This means that they share details of
their cases with a supervisor who is not employed by the company.

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The external services (HR etc.) have access to and process personal data of employees and
to a more limited extent for volunteers e.g. payment of expenses.

Service users are referred via an online portal from social services, GPs, mental health
teams and other community and voluntary groups.

Use of personal data

ZXY uses personal data obtained and processed from employees, volunteers and service
users for a number of purposes:
 For employment contractual obligations
 To enable employees to be paid
 For pension contributions to be processed
 For HMRC purposes
 To be compliant with legislation such as the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act,
Employment Rights Act, Health & Safety legislation
 To collect equality information – gender, sexuality, age, disability – mainly for
statistical purposes
 To assess service user’s needs and identify any risk factors
 To manage volunteer rotas
 To enable services to be provided to service users
 To provide data to contractors – NHS and local authorities – about how many
services are used and how, achievement rates, attendance levels etc.
Communication channels
Formal communication and strategic decision-making is undertaken at the Board of Trustees
quarterly meetings and via sub committees dealing with Workforce and Health and Safety;
Finance and Audit; Quality Assurance & Performance. The CEO, Business Manager and
Operations Manager sit alongside Trustees at these meetings. Formal agenda and minutes
are produced from these meetings.

There is an Executive Group meeting on a monthly basis. This involves the CEO, Business
Manager and Operations Manager. This follows a formal agenda and minutes are produced
dealing with policy and implementation of strategies.

An Operational and Functional Group consisting of Operational and Functional Managers

and Leads meets monthly with an agenda and an Action schedule published afterwards.

The external HR Consultant or Health and Safety Adviser may be invited to participate in the
Executive Group meeting or Operational and Functional Group meeting when necessary.

Each Operational and Functional Lead will then cascade information and policy to their
Service or Functional Team Meetings with staff and volunteers and pick up any issues,
concerns or risks to feed back up the management and executive route.

There are annual performance and monthly supervision reviews to address individual staff
issues and concerns. Volunteers have more informal reviews on a quarterly basis.

Service user meetings are held monthly at the venues they attend and a few service user
reps attend a quarterly Service Users Forum with the Operational manager and Service

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leads. Service users raise concerns about the quality, frequency and content of services
delivered. Outcomes are dealt with at the Service level staff and volunteer team meetings or
at Service and Functional Group meetings.

Day to day communication internally and externally is normally by email. However,

employees will also contact other employees, volunteers or service users by phone or SMS
to inform them of changes in service delivery or changes to staff or volunteer rotas. Some
employees keep these contact lists on their personal mobile phones. This can be useful
because several managers have agreements to work from home for part of their working
hours with ZXY. These staff can access the company’s email account, and databases from
their laptops.

Service users are referred to ZXY via an online referral system where their personal data is
entered with any risk factors by local authorities, other voluntary agencies, GPs. There is a
Service Users data base with personal data, individual risk assessments, services accessed,
care plans etc. Most staff can access this using a password provided to them on

Communication challenges
Employees and volunteers have recently completed a survey compiled by ZXY and whilst
there were a lot of positive responses the following key issues were identified:
 Not all volunteers are IT literate and so miss out on electronic communications sent
out by the company and also the online learning offered
 Employees complain that there is an over-reliance on electronic communication and
limited opportunity to meet with other members of their team to discuss issues
 SMS and telephone calls received from managers often impinge on employees and
volunteers personal time whilst managers complain that they often can’t reach
individual employees or volunteers quickly enough to tell them of changes to rotas or
service delivery times as well as cancellation of service activities.
 A few employees and volunteers felt that communication methods did not take
account of their specific needs i.e. hearing difficulties, English not their first language,
eyesight issues, dyslexia
The CEO has also noted that:

 There are several trustee vacancies resulting in some sub committees not having
met for 6 months.
 The last three Operational and Functional meetings have had less than 50%
attendance of Leads.
 In some areas, team meetings have not been held regularly and tend to be on an ad
hoc basis with an informal agenda decided on the day of the meeting.
 The performance review schedule has slipped over the last year with several staff not
having had their annual review for the last 12 months and several supervision
meetings cancelled due to work pressures on managers.
 The service user meetings are dominated by a small group of service users resulting
in other service users not attending as their voice is not being heard.

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Responsible for managing staff and Marketing, Finance, Fundraising
volunteers in a range of services Based at HQ office
delivered at venues and in the


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