Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

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Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

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Centre number 995

Student name Abdulrahman Al Taimaney

Student ID number 41096097

CIPD number 41096097

Unit code Unit 4, Task 4

Assessment Submission (1st Attempt)

Word count

Assessment submission date

Assessment Submission (2nd Attempt)

Word count

Assessment submission date

Assessment Submission (3rd Attempt)

Word count

Assessment submission date

Declaration By Learner (student to complete):

Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

I can confirm that this assessment is all my own work and where I have used materials from other
sources, they have been properly acknowledged.

Student Name Abdulrahman Al Taimaney

Student Signature Abdulrahman Al Taimaney

Date 30/01/2022

Declaration By Assessor (marker to complete):

I confirm that:

 The learner’s work was conducted under the conditions laid out by the assessment brief.
 I am satisfied that to the best of my knowledge, the work produced is solely that of the

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature


IQA Name

IQA Signature



Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Candidate declaration:

 I confirm that the work/evidence presented for assessment is my own unaided work. It is not copied
from any other person’s work (published or unpublished).

 I confirm that I have read the plagiarism policy and understand that if plagiarism is detected I will
receive a written warning, and this can be escalated to formal disciplinary action.

 I confirm that my assignment meets the word count stated on the assignment
Brief (where a word count is stated on the brief there is a +/ - 10% allowance, where a word count range
is stated the word count needs to be within that range. The following aspects are excluded from the
word count; the declaration page, marking feedback sheet, title/cover page, index/contents page, list
of references/bibliography and appendices.)

 I understand there are only two opportunities to submit an assignment per module sitting.

 I agree to this work being subjected to scrutiny by textual analysis software.

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 I understand that until such time as the assessment grade has been ratified through internal and
external quality assurance processes it is not final.

By submitting my assignment, I confirm that I agree to the above statements in the candidate
Must be completed by candidate (all fields are compulsory):

Candidate Abdulrahman Al Taimaney Word Count: Task 5: 924/1000

Name: State number of
words used

Date due for 06/02/2022 Date signed and

assessment: submitted:

Unit code(s): 3CO04
Membership No:

Tutor delivering Kevin Haslam Performance management

Unit title(s):
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Learner Assessment Report – Level 3

Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Centre name: Acacia Learning

Qualification title: Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Unit title(s): Essentials of people practice Unit code(s): 3CO04

Please write clearly in block capitals.

Assessor Name KEVIN HASLAM

Assessor electronic signature

Internal quality assurer name

Internal quality assurer

electronic signature

Assignment start date

Assignment end date

Assignment submission date

Assignment re-submission date for

centre marking (only one re-submission
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklist

Use the following as checklists to make sure that you have included the
required evidence to meet each task.
Task 1 – Standards operation guide Evidenced Evidence reference
Assessment criteria Y/N Page number and location
1.1 Assess each stage of the employee
lifecycle and your current role within it.

1.2 Explain the stages and different methods

within the recruitment process and when
it’s appropriate to use them.
1.3 Explain different ways in which you can
prepare information for specified roles.

1.4 Assess different material and methods

used to attract talented individuals for a
range of roles.

Task 2 – Interview preparation pack Evidenced Evidence reference

Y/N Page number and location
Assessment criteria
2.1 Contrast different selection methods and
when it is appropriate to use them.

2.4 Discuss the selection records that need

to be retained and write letters of
appointment and non-appointment for an
identified role.

Task 3 – Simulated interview with peers Evidenced Evidence reference

Assessment criteria Y/N Page number and location
2.2 Develop selection criteria and shortlist
candidate applications for interview for an
identified role.
2.3 Participate effectively in a selection
interview and the decision-making
process for an identified role.

2.4 Discuss the selection records that need

to be retained and write letters of
appointment and non-appointment for an
identified role.

Task 4 – Narrative-legislation and Evidenced Evidence reference

Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

organisational practices Y/N Page number and location

Assessment criteria
3.1 Explain the importance of work-life
balance within the employment
relationship and how it can be
influenced by legislation.
3.2 Explain the concept of wellbeing in
the workplace and why it is important.

3.3 Assess how employee engagement

impacts the way people feel at work.

3.4 Summarise the main points of

discrimination legislation.
3.5 Explain what diversity and
inclusion mean and why they are
3.6 Explain the difference between fair
and unfair dismissal.

Task 5– Performance management and Evidenced Evidence reference

reward. Y/N Page number and location
Assessment criteria
4.1 Explain the purpose and components of Y p.18
performance management.

4.2 Explain factors that need to be Y p.19

considered when managing
4.3 Explain the role of appraisal in Y p.20
performance management.
5.1 Explain the key components of an Y p.21
effective total reward system.

5.2 Explain the relationship between reward Y p.22

and performance.
5.3 Explain the reasons for treating Y p.23
employees fairly in relation to pay.

Task 6 – Supporting skills and knowledge Evidenced Evidence reference

development in the workplace. Y/N Page number and location
Assessment criteria
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

6.1 Describe different types of learning

needs and reasons why they arise for
individuals and organisations.

6.2 Summarise different face-to-face and

blended learning and development
approaches including:
• facilitation
• consulting
• training
• coaching
• mentoring.

6.3 Explain how individual requirements and

preferences must be accommodated in
the design and delivery of learning and

6.4 Discuss how different methods of

evaluation and impact of learning and
development activities is of benefit to
individuals and organisations.

Feedback Sheet – 3CO04

Task 1 – Assessment criteria

1.1 Assess each stage of the employee lifecycle and your current role within it.

Explain the stages and different methods within the recruitment process and
when it’s appropriate to use them.

Explain different ways in which you can prepare information for specified
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Assess different material and methods used to attract talented individuals for
a range of roles.

Total for this task


Task 2 – Assessment Criteria

2.1 Contrast different selection methods and when it is appropriate to use them.

Total for this task


Task 2 & 3 – Assessment Criteria

Discuss the selection records that need to be retained and write letters of
appointment and non-appointment for an identified role.

Total for this task


Task 3 – Assessment criteria

Develop selection criteria and shortlist candidate applications for interview for
an identified role.

Participate effectively in a selection interview and the decision-making

process for an identified role.

Total for this task

Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Task 4 – Assessment criteria

Explain the importance of work-life balance within the employment

relationship and how it can be influenced by legislation.

3.2 Explain the concept of wellbeing in the workplace and why it is important.

3.3 Assess how employee engagement impacts the way people feel at work.

3.4 Summarise the main points of discrimination legislation.

3.5 Explain what diversity and inclusion mean and why they are important.

3.6 Explain the difference between fair and unfair dismissal.

Total for this task


Task 5 – Assessment criteria

4.1 Explain the purpose and components of performance management.

4.2 Explain factors that need to be considered when managing performance.

4.3 Explain the role of appraisal in performance management.

Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

5.1 Explain the key components of an effective total reward system.

5.2 Explain the relationship between reward and performance.

5.3 Explain the reasons for treating employees fairly in relation to pay.

Total for this task


Task 6 – Assessment criteria

Describe different types of learning needs and reasons why they arise for
individuals and organisations.

Describe different types of learning needs and reasons why they arise for
individuals and organisations:
• facilitation
6.2 • consulting
• training
• coaching
• mentoring

Explain how individual requirements and preferences must be accommodated

in the design and delivery of learning and development.

Discuss how different methods of evaluation and impact of learning and

development activities is of benefit to individuals and organisations.
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Total for this task


Unit Grade (your grade is provisional until moderated and confirmed by the CIPD)

Assessor Feedback



Development Points

Assessor Signature Date

Internal Quality Assessor (complete if sampled)

Confirmed Grade


IQA Signature Date

Task 5 – performance management

AC 4.1
Slide 1
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Performance management is an ongoing process of communication between a supervisor

and an employee that occurs throughout the year, in support of accomplishing the strategic
objectives of the organization. CARLA TARDI, 2021.
Goals of performance management:

Develop clear role definitions, expectations and goals, Increase employee engagement,
Develop managerial leadership and coaching skills, Boost productivity through improved
performance, and develop a performance reward program that incentivizes accomplishment.

Information used in performance management:

Tracking turnover by performance level, tracking associations between performance, compensation,

and promotion, and Diagnosing workforce strengths and development needs, Measuring managerial

Components that can affect and influence performance management systems:

Training, top management commitment, Employee engagement, Reward management, and Enterprise
resource planning.

Culture and behaviour influence the effectiveness of a Performance management System adoption in
organisation. Dr. Assish Jugmohun

Job description in performance reviews:

Job descriptions should be an integral part of all performance reviews. Without them,
the review may not reflect an accurate appraisal of the employee's performance.
When job descriptions are incorporated, they can be used as a checklist to determine
whether the employee has fulfilled the requirements of the job.  Editor's Choice

Slid 2
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

• Acknowledge individual achievements: it is an impact on team performance consequently, it is

recommended that organizations also consider individual performance when evaluating teams.

• Provide positive feedback to team members: positive feedback can have an impact on team
performance. High-performing teams share nearly six times more positive feedback than
average teams. In comparison, low-performing teams share nearly twice as much negative
feedback than average teams.

• Highlight team member strengths: It is important to highlight team member strengths in order to
generate a sense of accomplishment within the team.

Slide 3
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

• 360 – appraisal: a 360 degree appraisal is a holistic employee review

process. It involves gathering the anonymous views and opinions of
colleagues, managers, and direct reports, which is used to give an employee
well-rounded and constructive feedback.
• Grading: is a systematic method that allows a manager to quickly see an
employee’s level for any given skill e.g. teamwork, communication, attention
to detail etc. They could be scored A – F or 1 – 5 or even from unacceptable
through to excellent. This method is also subjective and so could be seen as
unreliable if used alone.

Slide 4
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

• Total rewards: is the combination of benefits, compensation and rewards

that employees receive from their organizations. This can include wages and
bonuses as well as recognition, workplace flexibility and career opportunities.
Examples of financial rewards:

 Salary raises.
 Extra allowances.
 Bonuses.

Non-financial rewards:

 Paid parking or transit pass.

 Express thanks with public.
 Offer time off.
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Slide 5

• Maslow’s theory: Abraham H Maslow, says that humans have a hierarchy of

needs and they work their way up through these needs. As each need is
satisfied, they move on to the next.
•  Physiological needs - these are biological requirements for human survival,
e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, sleep.
• Safety needs - once an individual’s physiological needs are satisfied, the
needs for security and safety become salient. People want to experience
order, predictability and control in their lives. These needs can be fulfilled by
the family and society (e.g. police, schools, business and medical care).
• Love and belongingness needs - after physiological and safety needs have
been fulfilled, the third level of human needs is social and involves feelings of
belongingness. Belongingness, refers to a human emotional need for
interpersonal relationships, affiliating, connectedness, and being part of a
• . Esteem needs are the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy and include self-
worth, accomplishement and respect. Maslow classified esteem needs into
two categories: (i) esteem for oneself (dignity, achievement, mastery,
independence) and (ii) the desire for reputation or respect from others (e.g.,
status, prestige).
•  Self-actualization needs are the highest level in Maslow's hierarchy, and
refer to the realization of a person's potential, self-fulfillment, seeking
personal growth and peak experiences. Maslow (1943) describes this level as
the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that
one can be.
• Herzbirg’s theory: This theory of motivation is known as a two factor content
theory. It is based upon the deceptively simple idea that motivation can be
dichotomised into hygiene factors and motivation factors and is often referred
to as a ‘two need system’.
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

• Paying employees fairly: can helps attract and retain talent. It can also
prevent internal strife, low morale and turnover if employees discover they're
being paid differently for the same roles.
• Providing equal pay for all employees will also reduce the risks of
facing an equal pay claim and help avoid:
Expensive legal fees which could cost thousands of pounds.
Lost productivity as management gather evidence and deal with tribunal
Damaged employee relations and low staff morale.
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

performance management,
3. Editor's Choice, Top Reasons Why You Should Link Job Descriptions to
Performance Reviews, https://gethppy.com/hrtrends/top-reasons-why-you-
Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

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