Commercial Scale Production of Carrageenan From Red Algae

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Seaweed Res. Utiln.

, 25 ( 1 & 2 ) : 37 - 46, 2003

Commercial scale production of carrageenan

from red algae
Regional Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Marine Fisheries - 623520, India


Carrageenan is one of the commercially important water soluble polysaccharides

extracted from certain red algae and it is widely utilised in foods, dairy products and
pharmaceuticals. In India, there is no carrageenan manufacturing unit and
knowledge on the processing technologies of this phytochemical is very limited.
Various methods available for the extraction of different types of carrageenan are
reviewed in this paper.

Introduction and 1983; Mollion, 1983; Cheney,

1987; Chiovitti, 1988; Murano,
Carrageenan is a sulphated 1997; Mollet, 1998; Seema Pasricha
polymer obtained from some red seaweeds, 1998). The type of yield of
belonging to the families Gigartinaceae, carrageenan obtained from Indian red
Solieriaceae and Hypneaceae. It ddfers algae are given in Table-1. Seasonal
from agar mainly in its higher sulphated variation in the carrageenan content
fraction and higher ash content. As our were also recorded by few workers
knowledge on the carrageenan yielding (Krishnamurthy and Rama Rao 1968;
plants is very limited, information Fuller and Mathieson, 1972; Breden and
available on different aspects of this Bird, 1994; Reani, 1998).
sulphated polysaccharide is summarised Chondrus crispus, Gigartina stellata,
here. Iridaea spp, Eucheuma spp and Kappaphycus
Crrr~rrgeenophytes spp are the chief raw materials used for
In recent years much attentionhas carrageenan extraction. The production
been paid to the carrageenan contents of of carrageenan was started in 1930's in the
various species of Chondrus, Gigartina, United States. In China, the production of
Eticheuma, ~ a p h y c u sHypnea,
, Laurencia, carrageenan was started in 1970's using
Solieria, Agardhiella and Sarconema (Chen Eucheuma gelatinae and Hypnea as raw, 1973; Parekh, 1979 and 1988 a, material. The major carrageenan
b; Rama Rao, 1982; Mc Candles et a1.,1982 producing countries are U.S.A., Denmark,

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