University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For The Degree of

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Thesis submitted to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of






Approved by: Chairm an: __________________ (H.N. S ATTIGI)

Members:1. _________________ (R.K. P ATIL) 2. _________________ (C.P. M ALLAPUR) 3. _________________ (R.V. PATIL)


Chapter No.


Page No.













Table No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Pollinator fauna of radish Foraging activity of A. florea on radish Foraging activity of A. dorsata on radish Foraging activity of A. cerana on radish Foraging activity of other pollinators on radish Comparative foraging behaviour of different pollinator species Influence of attractants on visitation of A. florea Influence of attractants on visitation of A. cerana Influence of attractants on visitation of A. dorsata Influence of attractants on visitation of other pollinators on radish Influence of bee pollination on quantitative parameters of radish Influence of bee pollination on qualitative parameters of radish seed


Page No.


Figure No.
1. 2. Pollinator fauna of radish


Between Pages

Foraging activity of bees and other pollinators at different times of observation Foraging activity of different honey bees Influence of bee pollination on quantitative parameters of radish seed Influence of bee pollination on qualitative parameters of radish seed

3. 4.


Plate No.

General view of radish seed production experimental plot with cages Close view of bee box placed on one border of cage with both side entrance Apis florea on radish flower Apis dorsata on radish flower Eumenis sp. on radish flower Danaus chrysippus on radish flower Chrysomya sp. on radish flower

Between Pages


3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is one of the important vegetable crops grown in India. India is next only to China in area and production of vegetables. India contributes about 13 per cent to the world vegetable production (Smita, 2005). Radish is a quick growing and short duration vegetable crop. It belongs to family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), originated in Europe and Asia (Thompson and Kelly, 1957). In Karnataka, radish is grown in an area of 6035 ha with the production of 11 tones/ha (Anon, 2001) Hundred gram leaves of radish contain 89 per cent water, 3.9 per cent protein, 0.6 per cent fat, 4.1 per cent carbohydrate, 31 mg calcium, 6 mg phosphorus, 8 mg iron, 8 I.U vitA, 21 mg Vit-B, 21 mg Vit-C, 1.4 mg nicotinic acid and 2.7 mg riboflavin (Singh et al., 2004). The tender tuberous roots of radish used raw as salad and cooked as vegetable. Seeds are used for obtaining non-drying fatty oil, which is suitable for soap making, illuminating and also for edible purposes. Radish has got several medicinal properties. It increases appetite, prevent constipation, beneficial for the patients suffering from piles, liver trouble, enlarged spleen, jaundice, gall bladder and urinary disorders. Radish plants had an average of ten branches, each with 155.2 18.3 flowers, 14.1 1.3mm in diameter. It bears white to lilac flowers. Flowers opened in the morning and remained open for two to three days. The flowers are rich in pollen and nectar. All the essential floral parts are enclosed in long tubular corolla (Uma Partap and Verma, 1994) The leaves of radish are rosette covered with stiff bristles. The fleshy root of radish is modified root (fusiform) developed from both the primary root and the hypocotyls. The skin colour of radish is white, pink, red, black and various other shades. The flesh of radish is always white in all varieties. Radish is grown by sowing seeds. The seed production of radish is done by two methods. (1) seed to seed and (2) root to seed method (Singh, 2001). Radish is a good source of Vit-A, Vit-C and the minerals like calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. Pink skinned radish is generally richer in Ascorbic acid than white skinned (Prasad and Kumar, 2003). The seed set, numbers of seeds per siliqua and test weight were significantly higher in open pollinated radish plants compared to wind and self-pollinated plants (Verma and Phogat, 1994). Radish is a cross-pollinated vegetable crop due to sporophytic system of selfincompatibility. It shows considerable inbreeding depression upon selfing. It is entomophilous, pollinated by wild honey bees, wild-flower flies, bumble bees, some Hymenopterans, Dipterans, Coleopterans, Lepidopterans etc. Any material to increase the honeybees visits to specific crop would be of great practical value to harness the benefits of cross-pollination. Commercial and local bee attractants viz., Bee line, Bee here, Bee scent, Bee scent plus, fruit boost and Bee-Q are being used to boost the yield of pear, peach, blue berries, watermelon and apple in the United States, Spain and Canada. However, in India, the studies on the use of bee attractants are meager. And no attempts have been made for exploring the possible use of bee attractants to boost the production of radish seeds in India and role of different species of honeybees in quantitative and qualitative improvement of radish crop is very much limited. Hence, the present investigation was undertaken with the following objectives. 1. To study the pollinator fauna of radish 2. To know the foraging activity of bees and other pollinators in radish ecosystem 3. Effectiveness of different bee attractants in attracting the bees 4. Effect of bee pollination on quantitative and qualitative parameters of radish seed.


The review of literature pertaining to pollinator fauna of radish, foraging activity of bees in radish ecosystem, effectiveness of different bee attractants in attracting the bees and effect of bee pollination on qualitative and quantitative parameters of radish seed are presented here under. Since, literature on various aspects of radish is scanty, hence the literature on related crops is also being reviewed and presented.



Radechenko (1964) reported that honey bees were the dominant pollinators of winter rape. They comprised of 88.00 to 97.40 per cent from the beginning of bloom to the end of blooming. The other pollinators were Andrenidae, Halictidae and Bombicidae. Kapil et al. (1971) reported that Apis florea (Fabraceous) was found to be principal visitor of mustard flowers. The other species associated with this crop were Andrena ilerada (Cameron), Apis dorsata (F.) and Halictine bees. Muhammad et al., (1973) reported that honey bees comprised 77 to 94 per cent of pollinators of radish. Among the honey bees, A. dorsata was the highest (41%) followed by Apis cerana (F.) (32 %) and lowest with A. florea (F.) (21%). Langdridge and Goodman (1975) observed that oil seed rape (Brassica compestris) was visited by many insect species, of which honey bees were major visitors ( 32.9 %) followed by hover fly ( 30.7 %), blowflies ( 22.9 %), native bees ( 4.9 %) and others ( 8.8 %) at Victoria. Mesquida (1978) observed that honey bees were the most frequent visitors ( 83 %) on Kale (Brassica oleracea L. ) and other pollinators were bumble bees (5.4%) mainly Bambus terrestris (Linnaeus), B. lapidarius (L.) and other wild bees ( 7.2 %) Kakar (1980) reported that the highest population of A. cerana (42.1%) on Cauliflower bloom followed by Eristalis sp. (20.9%), Ceratina sp. (15.1%), Halictus sp. (5.3 %), Lasioglossum sp. (4.7 %) and other insects (10.9 %) Hussein and Abdel- Aal (1982) reported the solitary bees (Amegilla spp., Halictus spp., Nomia spp., Nomiodes spp., Megachile spp and Prosopis spp.) comprised 85 per cent of flower visitor on radish and only 15 per cent were honey bees in Egypt. Bhalla et al. (1983) recorded 7 species of insect pollinators viz., A. indica, Andrena reticulata (F.), Lasioglossum sp., Eristalis polymacharus and E. tenax (L.) on mustard bloom. Among these, Dipteran were found most abundant visitors (47.08%) followed by honey bees (33.75 %), other insects (9.93 %) and wild bees (9.11 %) Sihag (1986) reported that nine species of Hymenopterans (Andrena ileradai Cameron, A. leaena, A. florea, A. dorsata, Apis mellifera L., Halictus sp., Melisodes spp., Xylocopa fenestrata F. and Pithtus smargdulaI) were abundant visitors of radish for both pollen and nectar collection and six Lepidopterans (Euploea core, catopsilia crocale Cramer, Papilio sp., Delias sp., Pontia sp. and Dannus sp.) and two Dipterans (Eristalis sp., Sarcophaga sp.) were the visitors of radish flowers only for nector collection. Goyal et al. (1989) reported that Diptera was the most dominant group visiting carrot followed by Hymenoptera. In Diptera the family Syrphidae was predominant and in the Hymenoptera, Apidae was most abundant. A. florea (10.74%) was the most common, followed by A. mellifera and A. cerana indica. Panda et al. (1989) reported that mustard (var.M- 27) was visited by seven species of insects. Of which, 4 species were members of Apidae (A. dorsata, A. florea, A. cerana indica and Trigona sp.,) two species of Anthoporidae (Xylocopa sp. and Ceretina hieroglyphica L.) and one species of Andrenidae (Andrena ilerada). Apoidea were most prominent flower visitors of radish constituting 73.82 per cent of total insect visitors. Among Apoidea, Indian bee, A. cerana was most predominant (47.94%)

visitor followed by rock bee, A. dorsata (31.17%) and little bee, A. florea (20.89%) (Verma and Poghat, 1994). Sinha et al. (1994) reported that mustard flowers were visited by many insect pollinators. Of these, honey bees like A. dorsata, A. cerana indica and A. florea together constituted 49 per cent and Dipterans 49.5 per cent and other pollinators such as solitary bees and Lepidopterans were less than one per cent. Priti and Sihag (1998) reported that the blossoms of carrot, Daucus carota L. were visited by twenty insect species during its flowering period. Hymenopterans and Dipterans constituted 57.66 and 33.31 per cent of total population respectively. The abundance of A. florea was maximum followed by flies and other species of honey bees. Bhatia et al. (1999) reported 12 species of insects on radish flowers. Of which Hymenopterans (5 species) were the most abundant group followed by Dipterans (4 spp.,) and Lepidopterans (2 species) Thakur et al. (2000) reported that the most frequent visitor of turnip was Eristalis tenax, followed by Episyrphus balteatus Degeer and A. cerana. E. tenax also spent less time per flower and was rated as the most efficient pollinator of the crop. Chaudhary (2001) reported the predominance of Apoidea visiting flower of rapeseed and mustard constituting 98.5 per cent of total visitors. Among Apoidea, the social honey bees constituted 59.5 per cent. The little bee, A. florea was the most abundant (42.8%) followed by rock bee, A. dorsata (16.6%). Solitary bees constituted 39 per cent of total visitors. Priti et al. (2001) reported that the pollinators of radish included A. florea, A. mellifera (most dominant due to proximity of the area to an apiary). A dorsata, Halictus sp. Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve, Gasterophilus sps. Sarcophaga sp.




Kapil et al. (1971) observed that A. dorsata, A. florea, and A. cerana indica began foraging at 0700 to 1000 hr on rape seed and mustard. Peak foraging activity was recorded between 1230 to 1400 hr and ceased by 1700 hr. Kakar (1981) observed the commencement of foraging activity of honey bees on Cauliflower at 0800 hr and was highest between 1200 and 1400 hr of the day. A. dorsata foraged most rapidly visiting on an average 9.95 flowers per minute, followed by 8.05 and 7.60 by A. mellifera and A. cerana indica, respectively. Landridge and Goodman (1982) showed that bees worked readily on rape seed flower. A single bee worked on as many as 90 flowers in 47 inflorescence in 7 min 12 sec. The average time spent by single bee on one inflorescence was 8.8 sec. In 126 counts, bees visited a mean of 2.0 flowers per head with a range of 1 to 5. Thakur et al. (1982) studied the foraging activity of A. mellifera and A. cerana indica on mustard at Kangra valley. A. cerana indica colonies, considerable activity was built up at 0900 hr when compared to A. mellifera which continued till 1000 hr. A decline in foraging activity was noticed soon after 1030 hr in both the honey bee species. However, there was a marginal increase between 1500 to 1530 hr, followed by gradual decline. It was observed that total foraging work was at its peak at 1200 hr. There were smaller peaks at 1400 and 1500 hr. Sinha and Chakrabarti (1985) reported that honey bees were the major pollinators of cauliflower. Maximum activity of pollinators occurred during 1200 to 1400 hr. A. dorsata and A. cerana indica remained for longer period (1200 to 1600 hr) on the crop than A. florea, even with the temperature between 21.12 to 24.70 C. Mishra et al, (1988) reported that the peak foraging activity of A. mellifera, Eristalis sp. and other Dipterans were observed between 1200 to 1300 hr, where as A. cerana indica and syrphids were observed between 1300 to 1400 hr on mustard flower at Solan, India.

Rana et al. (1993) conducted studies on foraging activity of A. mellifera and A. cerana indica at the hive entrance during rape seed bloom. The results revealed that the returned foragers were significantly maximum in A. cerana indica (22.22 0.82) compared to A. mellifera (17.59 0.82) at hive entrance. In both species, highest peak foragers wee recorded at 1200 hr and there was no much difference in the number of foragers at 0900 and 1500 hr. Chand et al, (1994) recorded that the foraging activity of A. cerana indica increased at 1000 hr and reached peak at 1100 hr on mustard bloom. Similarly, the activity of A. dorsata was increased from 1400 hr and reached the peak at 1600 hr. The number of visits per minute by A. cerana was positively correlated with maximum relative humidity and minimum temperature. Uma and Verma (1994) made observations on A. cerana foraging on radish flowers from 0640 to 1839 hr with peak foraging between 1100 and 1400 hr. Workers spent on an average of 4.5,5.3 and 12.8 sec. per flower, visited 8.0,9.0 and 5.0 flowers per minute and collected 11,10 and 7 mg of pollen at 0900, 1200 and 1500 hr, respectively. Verma and Phogat (1994) reported that the foraging activity of A. cerana, A. dorsata, A. florea and other insects were found on radish from morning to evening with peak foraging activity of A. cerana , A. dorsata , A. florea and others were observed between 0800 to 1000 hr, respectively. There after the activity declined as the hours of the day progressed. Rush et al, (1995) reported that pollen removal by pollinators in wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.) was extremely high with a minimum of 84 per cent of pollen produced was removed in one hour. Pollen removal increased with increasing number of visits by honey bees and small native bees, but increased numbers of syrphid fly visits had no effect Sattigi et al. (1996) noticed the foraging activity of A. cerana throughout the day but it was at its peak between 0800 to 1100 hr in winter and 0600 to 1100 hr and 1600 to 1800 hr in summer and 0800 to 1400 hr in monsoon. The foraging activity was low during other timing of the day in different seasons. Rana et al. (1997) reported that the foraging activity of A. cerana and A. mellifera were significantly higher on rape seed bloom at 1200 hr compared to 0900 hr. However, both the species were found on the crop in equal proportion from 1200 to 1500 hr. The mean numbers of A. cerana foragers were significantly higher than the A. mellifera foragers. Peak abundance and activity of all the insect pollinators were observed during mid flowering period and at 1200 to 1400 hr. Population of A. florea was maximum and remained active for a long duration on the biomass of carrot (Priti and Sihag, 1998). Sharma and Singh (1999) reported that the A. florea, was most dominant visitor of carrot blossom compared to A. dorsata. A. florea, has taken maximum time for foraging compared to A. dorsata Sihag et al. (1999) studied the foraging pattern of A. dorsata, A. mellifera and A. florea on eight cultivars of oil seed crop and reported that in oil seeds, the honey bee visitation frequency was low in the morning and reached peak between 1100 to 1300 hr and again declined in the evening. Chandel et al. (2000) reported that A. cerana was observed to start its foraging activity at 0625 hr and A. mellifera at 0720 hr on toria. A. cerana ceased its foraging at 1730 hr and A. mellifera at 1740 hr. Thus, the average duration of foraging was 1118 hr and 1012 hr in A. cerana and A. mellifera, respectively. The highest number of incoming foragers of A. mellifera (90.7) and A. cerana (274.3) was recorded at 1000 to 1030 hr at a temperature of 250 C. Sharma and Singh (2001) noticed the foraging time of A. florea and A. dorsata in carrot ecosystem. A. florea spent more time (37.09 sec/flower) and visited less number of flowers (2.20/min) as compared to A. dorsata that visited more number of flowers (4.31/min) and spent less time (9.20 sec/flower).

Shivaramu and Chithiraichelvan (2002) recorded A. florea, Trigona sp., A. cerana, A. mellifera and wasp on radish flower with peak activity between 1300 hr to 1600 hr at chettalli Pandey and Tripathi (2003) reported that A. cerana indica showed the highest frequency of visits followed by A. dorsata, A. mellifera and A. florea in mustard. Regarding the time spent of A. dorsata worker took the least time followed by A. mellifera, A. cerana indica and A. florea.



Woodrow et al. (1965) screened the natural and synthetic materials as attractants and repellents of A. mellifera by observing response of bees to their vapours. Out of 195 formulations tested, four were rated as weak to moderate attractants and 19 were moderate to very strong repellents (materials viz., alcohols and one fatty acid having more carbon atoms). Williams et al. (1981) reported that nasonov pheromone of honey bee comprised of seven components, among these, the presence of 'foot print pheromone' enhanced the attractiveness of synthetic nasonov pheromone. They opined that this could prove useful in attracting the honey bees to the crops, needing pollination. Marglith et al.(1984) revealed that Bee line was totally ineffective in attracting bees to maternal parent of Dallia under summer conditions in coastal plain of Israel. Bee scent and Bee scent plus when applied on blooming pear, plum and apple increased the number of foraging honey bees (Apis mellifera) and fruit set in treated plots as reported by Mayer et al. (1989a). Looper and Rossette (1991) conducted the field trials on two adjacent fields of Citrullus lanatus L. in Arizona, USA, in which honey bees were introduced at a stocking density of two colonies/acre. Bee-scent was sprayed over alternate strips of 18 row in one field and the other field without spray. Though, bee visitation was high on the day of application but did not reflected in yield Allsopp and Cherry (1991) studied the attraction of A. mellifera to volatile compounds and they concluded that anetholes and commercial traces of Japanese beetle lure (10:22:11, 2 phenyl ethyl propionate:eugenol:geraniol) exposed in trace in Japanese beetle traps attracted A. mellifera but other floral lures and fatty acids did not attract the bees. Two application of Bee-scent (a liquid formulation containing 9.00 per cent pheromone and 40.00 per cent other natural attractants) on watermelon cultivars in Florida, increased total fruit yield in one farm with the treatment up to 3000 fruits/acre compared to 1500 fruits/acre without treatment and there was apparent increase in early yield in three farms. The soluble solid contents of fruit were not affected by the treatment. The number of seeds per fruit was higher with treatment on three frames (Elmstorm and Maynard, 1991). Henning et al. (1992) studied behavioural responses of A. mellifera to primary alfalfa floral volatiles in a screened flight chamber. They found that linalool was the only compound attractive to honey bees at the optimised concentration. Two other compounds, 3-octanone and methyl salicylate were repellents. The remaining two compounds cis-3-hexenyl acetone and ocimine were neither attractive nor repellent. Ortiz-Sanchoz (1993) reported that the efficacy of Bee-here (Nasonov pheromone other honey bee attractant and control release formulation aids) as honey bee attractant to marrow crop (Cucurbita pepo L.) grown in greenhouse conditions in Almeria, Spain. Honey bee counts were made on plants sprayed with recommended dose of attractant (3.00 ml/lit), plants sprayed with half the dose, plants sprayed with water and untreated plants. The bees did not exhibit preference for any experimental treatment indicating that this product being ineffective as a honey bee attractant to marrow flowers Schultheis et al. (1994) evaluated two commercial bee attractants like Bee-scent and Bee-line on cucumber and watermelon. They found that these attractants did increase the

yield and also bee visitation. Similarly, Ambrose et al. (1995) evaluated Bee-line as honey bee feeding stimulant on watermelon and Bee-scent as worker bee attractant on both cucumber and watermelon. They found that these attractants neither increased the bee activity on vine crop when compared to untreated control nor they increase the value of subsequent harvest. According to Higo et al. (1995) a combination of increased recruitment of foragers and greater time spent by foragers with increased flower visitation contributed to the enhanced pollination of blooming crops treated with Fruit boost. Evans et al. (1995), reported that lure (contain liver and sodium sulfide) had no significant effect in improving carrot seed weight. Singh and Sinha (1996) reported that Bee-Q failed to attract additional honey bees to the treated plots compared to the untreated plots on sunflower in Haryana. Zvendenok (1996) treating the onion with secondary attractants viz., citral, geranoil, limonene and carrot seed extract can significantly improve pollination in which citral 0.10 0.30 per cent having the greatest effect. Nakamura (1997) reported that bee line and bee scent could be used to attract bees to areas small enough to be sprayed with effective of them. However, attempts by Tsirakoglou et al. (1997) to direct honey bee to kiwi flowers by spraying bee-here showed no difference in bee visit between sprayed and control treatments. Viraktamath and Patil (1999) studied the influence of bee-Q and bee-here on bee visitation and yield parameters of sesamum at Dharwad. Bee visitation increased significantly th st nd on the sprayed crop up to 5 day after 1 and 2 sprays Lingappa et al. (1999) reported that an increases of 21.80 and 31.80 per cent in the number of fruits formed and total yield, respectively when Bee-Q was sprayed twice on watermelon. Tew and Ferree (1999) studied over 4 years (1991-1994) in Ohio, USA and determined that Bee scent is a effective synthetic foraging attractant for bees. Treated apple trees showed a significantly larger number of bees compared to the control trees in 1991, 1993 and 1994. Application of Bee-Q @ 12.50 and 15.00 g/l resulted in higher yield (19.56 and 19.45 t/ha respectively), maximum good fruits, minimum malformed fruits and higher size and weight in watermelon (Sattigi et al., 2001a). Spraying of Bee-Q (12.5 g/l) and bee-here (4 ml/l) th on sesamum increased bee visitation on sprayed crop up to 5 day, resulted in significantly higher yield at Dharwad (Patil, 1999 and Patil et al., 2000). Application of Bee-Q (12.50 g/l) on niger increased the number of seeds/ capsule (ranged from 24.41 to 29.26) and oil content (38.10%) as compared to control (Sattigi et al., 2001b). Kalmath and Sattigi (2002) reported that spraying of Cacambe (10 %) and jaggery (10%) attracted maximum number of A. dorsata up to 15 days after first and second spray Bee-Q (1.25%) and sugar solution were the next best attractants. Application of Fruit boost and Bee-Q attracted more bees to sunflower than unsprayed crop (Viraktamath and Patil, 2002). A wide range of pollinators including A. mellefera visited umbles sprayed with rose water and spent more time for foraging than they did in unsprayed umbels . (Alshaff, 2002) Viraktamath and Anagoudar (2002) reported that two applications of Bee-Q (12.5 g/l), Bee-here (4 ml/l) and sugar solution (10 %) on staminate flowers of Cucumis sativa L. noticed more number of bees (4.01 to 4.97 bees/flower.5 min.) up to 5 days after first and second sprays compared to unsprayed crop (3.25 to 3.59 bees). Similarly, higher visitation was recorded on pistillate flowers on the sprayed crop.

Naik et al., (2003) reported that sugar syrup containing extract of dried fruits of Fagara budrunga plant were more attractive to A. cerana than sugar syrup. According to Manjunath (2003) spraying of fruit boost and Bee-Q significantly enhanced visitation by A. dorsata, A.cerana, A. mellifera and other pollinators.However, attractants lost their efficacy after 5 days of spraying in sunflower. Malerbo Souza et al. (2004) reported that Bee here, eugenol, geranol, citral, and lemon grass extracts diluted in water were effective in attracting bees to sweet orange orchards. Nidagundi (2004) reported that spraying Cacambe @ 10 per cent , Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent and jaggery solution @ 10 percent enhanced bee visitation to the flowers of bitter gourd.



Kermer (1945) reported that radish crop within 3.2 km from honey bee colonies yielded about 448 to 673 kg per hectare whereas, crop which was 3.2 km away from bee colonies yielded 224 to 336 kg per hectare. Olsson (1952) recorded flower set of 64.7 per cent of cauliflower with 2.46 seeds per pod and 1.75 gram per pod with bees excluded plots whereas bees included plots these values were increased to 95.3, 4.08 and 2.69, respectively. Froster et al. (1973) observed that caging Brassica oleracea during flowering to exclude honey bees and bumble bees had the lower seed yield, half the weight of seeds per plant and reduced number of flowers per plant by fifth. Landridge and Goodman (1975) observed that the open pollinated plot of oil seed rape produced 50 per cent more seeds and 46 per cent more seed weight per plant than plots from which these insects had been excluded. The weight of 1000 seeds was significantly greater in the enclosed plots than in the opened ones. Lerin (1982) reported that the number of pods and seeds per pod on the main shoot of rape was greatly increased by insect pollination. Insect pollination reduced variability in yield components on a whole plant basis and increases homogeneity of maturity. Verma and Joshi (1983) reported that the comparison of honey bee pollination with other insects pollination on mustard bloom, the honey bee pollination increased the pod set by 74.30 per cent and number of seeds by 4.07 per pod. The weight of single seed increased by 0.19 mg. Bisht et al. (1983) reported that the rape plants visited by insect pollinators yielded 472 pods per plant and 14 seeds per pod. Whereas, plants caged to exclude insects yielded 37 pods per plant and 3 seeds per pod. Sihag (1986) noticed that the pod length, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, weight of the seeds per plant and seed yield per hectare were significantly higher in open pollinated plots of Brassica compesris var.toria, Brassica var.prakash, Brassica rapa, Brassica oleracea var.botrytis and eruca sativa (6.92 0.85 cm, 9.71 73.39, 15.01 3.96, 354.75 80.31 g and 1219 394 kg respectively) compared to caged plots (2.16 0.35 cm, 26 5.88, 3.03 0.27, 2.42 1.03 g and 10 1 kg respectively ) at Hissar. Khan and Chaudhary (1988) reported that sarson plants pollinated by A. cerana had higher seed weight per plant (67.2 to 90.02 g) followed by other insect pollinators (41.72 to 56.35 g) and lowest was record in self pollination (20.46 to 34.34). Goyal et al. (1989) opined that intensive bee pollination in carrot increased the yield from 59.95 to 64.42 per cent in inter-varietal trials and 70.33 to 73.62 per cent in intra-varietal trial over the control. The number of seeds per flower (2.36) per cent seed set (90.47) and per cent seed germination (77.79) in bee pollinated onion crop was significantly higher than the net caged and muslin cloth caged flowers. Seed yield was 83.81, 29.71 and 2.23 times higher

under bee pollinated, open pollinated and net caged umbels; respectively than under cloth bagging (Kumar et al., 1989). Prasad et al. (1989) reported that the plots without any pollinator had the lowest siliqua per cent (48.3%), which obtained the maximum siliqua length (92.65 mm) as compared to other treatments. The plots access to all the pollinators showed the maximum siliqua per plant (75.8%), which is closely followed by plots caged with honey bees (72.3%). The open pollinated plots had the maximum number of seeds per siliqua (10.58) with highest test weight. Singh and Chamotre (1992) reported that average number of pods per plant, seeds per siliqua and seed yield per plant was maximum in open pollinated plants of radish (375.55, 6.15and 26.20 g respectively) compared to hand pollinated (222.60, 4.96 and 15.65 respectively) and naturally selfed (90.50, 3.99 and 5.77 g respectively) 1000 seeds weight were maximum in hand pollinated (20.64 g) compared to naturally selfed (20.44g) and open pollinated plants (15.75 g) Verma and Poghat (1994) revealed that seed set, number of seeds per pod and 100 seed weight were maximum in open pollinated radish, intermediate in wind-pollinated plots and minimum in self-pollinated plots. Uma and Verma (1994) reported that pod set per plant (44.9%), number of seeds per pod (42.3%), 1000 seeds weight (44.5 g) and germination rate (72.7%) were significantly high in bee pollinated radish plants over open-pollination. There was no pod set in control plot. Chand and Singh (1995) reported that the mustard plots caged without any pollinator had lowest seed yield (966 kg / ha). Whereas, the free access to all the pollinator showed the maximum yield (1620 kg / ha) followed by plots caged with honey bees (1160 kg / ha) Priti et al. (2001) reported that fruit set was 81 per cent and 56.55 per cent, siliqua length 13.2 and 6.8 cm, number of seeds per pod was 8.6 and 4.8 and seed weight 1.5 and 0.9 grams in bee pollinated and self pollinated radish, respectively. Kapila et al. (2002) reported that open pollinated plants of radish and greater number of grains per siliqua, seed yield per plant, 100 seed weight, seed set. And root length than the caged plants, indicating the positive effects of insect pollination on seed production and quality. Abel et al. (2003) observed that in Brassica rapa accession PI 392025 and Brassica napus accession PI 469944, produced significantly more seeds when pollinated by Osmia lanigera sub sp. Lignaria than Osmia cornifrons Radoszkowski.


The present investigations were carried out in farmers field at Marewada village near by University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. Marewada is located 10 km from Dharwad, just interior to Bijapur Dharwad road. Dharwad is located 15 26 North latitude, 75 07 East longitude and at an altitude of 731.80 meters above the mean sea level (MSL). This lies in the northern transitional zone, which receives an average annual rainfall of 751 mm distributed well over the season. The average temperature and relative humidity ranges from 11 to 37 C and 40 to 85 per cent, respectively.



The study was made on crop raised during rabi-summer season of 2004-05. The experimental plot was kept free from any spray during flowering period. Five spots of 1 m2 area were selected randomly for observation. Observations were made for different groups of pollinators visiting the radish field during peak flowering at 0600, 1000, 1200, 1400 and 1600 hr of the day for five minutes in each of the five spots. So also, unidentified pollinators were collected by using standard insect collecting hand net. The collected pollinators were pinned, labeled and later identified with the help of specialists. The collected data were later averaged time wise and group wise to infer the pollinator fauna as well as the dominance of particular group. The weather data like temperature, humidity and rainfall were also recorded to correlate with the presence of pollinators.






The study was made on crop raised during rabi-summer season of 2004-05 in the unsprayed plots of the crop raised for studying pollinator fauna. The observations were made at two hourly intervals from 0600 to 1800 h. Ten spots of 1 m2 area were selected randomly and number of different species of bees visiting were counted for five minutes. Such observations were taken from 5 per cent flowering at 4 days interval for 5 times. Further, the data were averaged time wise and species wise to assess most favourable period of the day for bee species to visit the radish flower and most dominant species in a day and at particular time of the day.



The experiment was laid out in Randomised Block Design (RBD) with seven treatments replicated thrice. The variety used was Pusa Chekti. The treatment details are as follows; T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 Crop sprayed with Cacambe @ 10% Crop sprayed with Bee-Q @ 1.25 % Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice @ 10% Crop sprayed with Sugar solution @ 10% Crop sprayed with Jaggery solution @ 10% Crop sprayed with Molasses @ 10% Crop without any spray

Plot size Spacing Treatments Replications Design

: : : : :

4.2 X 3 m 30 X 10 cm 7 3 Randomized Block Design (RBD)

Crop was raised by following recommended package of practices in RBD having 4.2 x 3m plot size, which was replicated thrice. The crop was sown with spacing of 30 x 10 cm between rows and between plants, respectively. Later, all the attractants were sprayed at 5 per cent flowering of the crop. The attractants were sprayed twice at an interval of 15 days starting from 5 per cent flowering of the crop. In each plot, one square meter area was randomly selected and number of different species of pollinators visiting these flowers per five minute were recorded at 0800, 1000, 1200, 1400 and 1600 hr. Such observations were made a day before the spray and 1, 3 and 5 days after each spray. Mean of all the observations were pooled for different bee pollinators separately. The data were subjected to suitable statistical analysis for inference after (+1) transformation.



The experiment was laid out in RBD with nine treatments and replicated thrice. The variety used was Pusa chekti. The treatment details as below T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 Crop caged with bees Crop caged without bees Crop sprayed with Cacambe @ 10% Crop sprayed with Bee-Q @ 1.25 % Crop sprayed with Sugar solution @ 10% Crop sprayed with Jaggery solution @ 10% Crop sprayed with Molasses @ 10% Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice @ 10% Crop without any spray

This study was carried out in rabi summer 2004-05 and experiment was laid out as mentioned in 3.3 with addition of two treatments (T1 and T2), T1 and T2 were caged before the start of flowering during night to eliminate natural pollinators (Plate ). Later all the treatments (T3-T8) were imposed at 5 per cent flowering of the crop. Spraying of attractants was done two times at fifteen days intervals starting from 5 per cent flowering of the crop. Bee hive with back and front entrance was kept open in one boundary of cage to facilitate the bees to move in and out of the cage (Plate ). The cage was removed after completion of flowering. In order to study the effect of bee pollination in enhancing the productivity and quality of radish seeds, the following quantitative and qualitative parameters were recorded from each treatment.

3.4.1 Quantitative parameters Number of seeds per siliqua The number of seeds present in the siliqua were counted and expressed as seeds per siliqua. Observation was made on 10 randomly selected plant per treatment. Number of siliqua per plant The observations made by selecting ten plants at random from each treatment. And number of siliqua in each plant was recorded and expressed as mean number of siliqua per plant Thousand seed weight (Test weight) The observation was made by weighing 1000 dried seeds drawn randomly from each treatment using a electronic balance. The data were subjected to statistical analysis Percent filled and unfilled seeds The observation is made by collecting ten randomly selected pods were separated from plots. The total numbers of filled and unfilled seeds in each siliqua were counted. The ratio of filled seed to the number of unfilled seeds per siliqua was calculated and expressed in per cent. Seed yield per plant After maturity, the pods of ten plants in each treatment were removed. The seeds were separated by thrashing the siliqua and weight was recorded by using electronic balance which expressed in grams per plant. The seed yield obtained from the plots was later converted into qtls per ha basis. All the data were subjected to statistical analysis after suitable transformations (+1 for numbers and A sine for per cent)


Qualitative parameter Germination percentage Hundred seeds obtained from the different treatments were taken and were placed on germination paper in germination chamber at 27.60 oC and 80 per cent relative humidity. The germination count was made 6 days after incubation. The seedlings were classified into normal, abnormal, dead and diseased seedlings. The germination percentage was expressed based on the number of seedlings obtained in the test out of total seed yield. The data were subjected to statistical analysis after A sine transformation to draw the inference Seedling vigour For evaluating the vigour of seedling, all the seedlings were considered from each treatment and length of shoot and root were measured. The data was averaged per treatment after totaling. The data was subjected to statistical analysis

Plate 1: General

view of radish seed production experimental plot with cages

Plate 2: Close

view of bee box placed on one border of cage with both side entrance


The results of the present investigation carried out on pollinator fauna of radish, foraging activity of bees, effectiveness of different bee attractants and their effect on quantitative and qualitative parameters of radish seeds are presented here under.



List of pollinators that visited radish flowers is presented in Table 1.

As many as 16 species of pollinators were recorded during present study, of these 7 belonged to Hymenoptera, 4 to Diptera, 4 to Lepidoptera and 1 to Coleoptera. Among the total of 461.01 (Table 5) pollinators recorded, A. florea was most dominant constituting 42.20 per cent followed by A. cerana (27.60%), A. dorsata (14.62%) and others (15.57%).



4.2.1 Foraging activity of A. florea on radish

The foraging activity of A. florea on radish was observed from 0600 to 1800 hr from 5 per cent flowering i.e., at 4 days after flowering to 20 days after flowering. On 4th day after flowering, foraging activity commenced from 0800 hr with 3.55 bees/sq. m/5 min (Table 2). The activity of bees was not seen at 0600 hr. It attained a peak (5.23/bees/sq. m/5 min) at 1200 hr however it remained more or less uniform up to 1400 hr and there after it decreased. The lowest foraging activity was noticed at 1800 hr with 2.80/bees/sq. m/5 min. On 8 day after flowering, the activity of bees was noticed from 0800 hr with 4.62/bees/sq. m/5 min. However, there was no bees activity observed at 0600 hr. The peak activity of bees with 8.20 bees/sq. m/5 min was observed at 1000 hr and it remained more or less uniform up to 1400 hr and there after it decreased gradually to reach the lowest activity at th 1800 hr which recorded 4.67 bees/sq. m/5 min. Similar trend was observed on 12 day after th th flowering and 16 day after flowering. However, on 20 day after flowering the peak activity of bees with 7.13 bees/sq. m/5 min was observed at 1000 hr and remained more or less uniform even upto 1400h. Later the activity gradually decreased and reached minimum of 4.48 to 4.79 bees/sq. m/5 min between 1600 to 1800 hr and there was no activity observed at 0600 hr. The highest activity was recorded (6.83 to 8.62 bees/sq. m/5 min) between 1000 to 1400 h, there after the activity was almost decreased. The comparative foraging activity of little bee during different days from 5 per cent flowering indicated that the total number of little bees that visited the radish during the flowering period were 194.55 bees/sq. m/5 min from five observation. On 4th day after flowering, (5% flowering), little bees visited the radish with an average of 3.68 bees/sq. m/5 min and it increased gradually and attained peak on 16th day after flowering with an average of 7.79 bees/sq. m/5 min, there after, it reduced to an average of 4.83 bees/sq. m/5 min on th 20 day after flowering. Similarly, when the bee foraging activity was compared between different hours of the day, the little bee started visiting the radish at 0800h with an average 5.72 bees/sq. m/5 min. It suddenly increased and peak activity was observed at 1000 hr with an average of 8.62 bees/sq. m/5 min. The activity of bees was almost same up to 1400 hr and than decreased. The lowest activity was observed at 1800h with an average of 4.67 bees/sq. m/5 min (Table 2).

4.2.2 Foraging Activity of A. dorsata on radish

The foraging activity on 4 day after flower (5% flowering) started at 0600 hr with 0.40 bees/sq. m/5 min and maximum activity was attained at 1400 hr (2.08 bees/sq. m/5 min) than the activity decreased suddenly at 1600 and 1800 hr with 1.84 and 1.37 bees/sq. m/5 min, respectively (Table 3).

Table 1. Pollinator fauna of radish

SL. No.


Systematic position

Relative abundance of pollinator (% contribution)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Apis florea F. A. cerana F. A. dorsata F. Halictus sp. Nomia sp. Eumenis sp. Bombus terrestris L. Musca domestica L. Eristalis sp. Helophilaus qaudrivittatus (Widermann) Chrysomya sp. Coccinella septumpunctata Pieris brassicae L. Maruca testulalis Geyer Danaus chrysiphus L. Lampides boeticus L.

Apidae : Hymenoptera Apidae : Hymenoptera Apidae : Hymenoptera Halictidae : Hymenoptera Halictidae : Hymenoptera Vespidae : Hymenoptera Bombicidae : Hymenoptera Muscidae : Diptera Syrphidae : Diptera Syrphidae : Diptera Callliphoridae : Diptera Coccinellidae : Coleoptera Pieridae : Lepidoptera Pyraustidae : Lepidoptera Danidae : Lepidoptera Lycaenidae : Lepidoptera

42.20 27.60 14.62


Plate 3: Apis florea on radish flower

Plate 4: Apis dorsata on radish flower

On 8th day after flowering, foraging activity started at 0600 hr with 0.70 bees/sq. m/5 min and gradually increased to 2.17 bees/sq. m/5 min at 1200 hr and reached maximum at 1400 hr (2.42 bees/sq. m/5 min). Later, it gradually decreased and reached minimum activity of 1.44 bees/sq. m/5 min at 1800 hr. Similar trend was observed on 12th day after flowering. The rock bee activity commenced at 0600 hr with 0.80 bees/sq. m/5 min and maximum activity was recorded (2.47 to 3.08 bees/sq. m/5 min) between 1000 to 1400 hr. On 16th day after flowering, foraging activity started at 0600 hr with 0.20 bees/sq. m/5 min and less activity of 2.10 bees/sq. m/5 m was found at 0800 hr. The activity gradually increased and reached to 3.94 bees/sq. m/5 min at 1400 hr. Later, it suddenly decreased and recorded minimum activity of 1.70 bees/sq. m/5 min at 1800 hr.

Plate 5: Eumenis sp. on radish flower

Plate 6: Danaus chrysippus on radish flower

Plate 7: Chrysomya sp. on radish flower

Table 2. Foraging activity of A. florea on radish

Time of observation (hours) 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Total Average DAF Days after flowering

Number of bees/sq mt/5 min 4 DAF 0.00 3.55 4.81 5.23 5.12 4.28 2.80 25.79 3.68 8 DAF 0.00 4.62 8.20 6.56 6.28 5.16 4.67 35.49 5.07 12 DAF 0.00 6.80 10.43 8.43 7.84 6.45 4.98 44.93 6.41 16 DAF 0.00 7.43 12.55 10.64 9.68 8.16 6.06 54.52 7.79 20 DAF 0.00 6.20 7.13 5.98 5.24 4.48 4.79 33.82 4.83 Total 0.00 28.60 43.12 36.84 34.16 28.53 23.30 194.55 Average 0.00 5.72 8.62 7.36 6.83 5.70 4.67 -

Table 3. Foraging activity of A. dorsata on radish

Time of observation (hours) 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Total Average DAF Days after flowering

Number of bees/sq mt/5 min 4 DAF 0.40 1.18 1.96 1.98 2.08 1.84 1.37 10.81 1.54 8 DAF 0.70 1.84 2.27 2.17 2.42 1.68 1.44 12.52 1.78 12 DAF 0.80 1.95 2.47 2.86 3.08 1.98 1.67 14.81 2.11 16 DAF 0.20 2.10 3.45 3.10 3.94 2.64 1.70 17.13 2.44 20 DAF 0.30 1.98 2.16 2.52 2.30 1.46 1.43 12.15 1.73 Total 2.40 9.05 12.63 12.88 13.82 9.60 7.61 67.42 Average 0.48 1.81 2.52 2.57 2.76 1.92 1.52 -

Table 4. Foraging activity of A. cerana on radish

Time of observation (hours) 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Total Average DAF Days after flowering

Number of bees/sq mt/5 min 4 DAF 0.00 1.95 2.75 5.18 4.10 2.48 1.25 17.71 2.53 8 DAF 0.80 3.08 3.18 6.42 5.80 2.80 1.64 23.72 3.38 12 DAF 1.20 3.80 5.16 7.95 7.10 4.18 2.15 31.54 4.50 16 DAF 0.40 4.10 5.80 8.32 7.80 5.95 3.82 36.19 5.17 20 DAF 0.20 3.24 3.40 3.35 3.40 2.68 1.80 18.07 2.58 Total 2.60 16.17 20.29 31.22 28.20 18.09 10.66 127.23 Average 0.52 3.23 4.05 6.24 5.64 3.61 2.13 -

Table 5. Foraging activity of other pollinators on radish

Time of observation (hours) 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Total Average DAF Days after flowering

Other pollinators/sq mt/5 min 4 DAF 1.58 2.28 1.65 1.48 1.14 1.74 1.81 11.68 1.67 8 DAF 2.16 2.44 2.84 1.64 0.84 2.14 2.20 14.26 2.03 12 DAF 2.76 2.88 2.53 1.42 1.38 2.34 2.42 15.73 2.25 16 DAF 2.28 2.58 2.56 1.80 1.61 2.48 2.63 15.94 2.78 20 DAF 2.38 1.98 2.18 1.72 1.70 2.10 2.14 14.20 2.02 Total 11.16 12.16 11.76 8.06 6.67 10.80 11.20 71.81 Average 2.23 2.43 2.35 1.61 1.33 2.16 2.24 -

Table 6. Comparative foraging behaviour of different pollinator species

Time of observation (hours) 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Total Average

Number of different pollinators species/sq mt/5 min A. florea 0.00 28.60 43.12 36.84 34.16 28.53 23.30 194.55 27.80 A. dorsata 2.40 9.05 12.31 12.88 13.57 9.60 7.61 67.42 9.63 A. cerana 2.60 16.17 20.29 31.22 28.20 18.09 10.66 127.23 18.17 Others 11.16 12.16 11.76 8.06 6.67 10.80 11.20 71.81 12.26 Total 16.16 65.98 87.48 89.00 82.60 67.02 52.77 461.01 65.86 Average 4.04 16.50 21.87 22.25 20.65 16.76 13.19 -

Table 7. Influence of attractants on visitation of A. florea Bee visits/sq mt/5 min Sl. No Treatments 1 DBS 1 Crop sprayed with Cacambe (10%) Crop sprayed with Bee-Q (1.25%) Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice (10%) Crop sprayed with Sugar solution (10%) Crop sprayed with Jaggery (10%) Crop sprayed with Molasses (10%) Crop with out any spray 3.90a 1st spray (5% flowering) 1 DAS 14.78a 3 DAS 26.58a 5DAS 17.16a 2nd spray flowering 15 days after 1st spray) 1 DBSS 8.30a 1 DASS 27.95a 3 DASS 20.85a (50% 5DASS 18.98a

































6 7

3.85a 3.66a

6.57d 4.88e

8.27e 5.62f

6.38c 5.76c

6.01b 5.30b

10.80d 7.75e

13.70c 9.40d

8.15d 7.37d

DBS Day before spray : DAS Day after spray Means followed by same letter in the column do not differ significantly by DMRT (P = 0.05)

On 20th day after flowering, activity started at 0600 hr with 0.30 bees/sq. m/5 min and peak activity was noticed at 1200 hr (2.52 bees/sq. m/5 min) and there after it gradually decreased and least activity was observed at 1800 hr (1.43 bees/sq. m/5 min). Further, on an average total of 67.42/rock bees/sq. m/5 min visited the radish during a period of 5 days in the present study. The comparative study indicated that the average th foraging activity of rock bees in a day was 1.54 bees/sq. m/5 min on 4 day after flowering and peak activity was attained on 16 days after flowering (2.44 bees/sq. m/5 min) and decreased to 1.73 bees/sq. m/5 min on 20th days after flowering i.e., at the end of flowering. When foraging activity of rock bee was compared between different hours of the day, the activity began with an average of 0.48 bees/sq. m/5 min at 0600 hr and increased gradually reaching its peak at 1400 hr with 2.76 bees/sq. m/5 min and decreased to 1.52 bees/sq. m/5 min at 1800 hr (Table 3).

4.2.3 Foraging activity of Indian bee, A. cerana on radish

The foraging activity on 4 day after flowering started at 0800 hr with 1.95 bees /sq. m/5 min, which indicated that there was no activity at 0600 hr. Later, it gradually increased and reached the peak at 1200 hr (5.18 bees/sq. m/5 min). Further, the activity decreased suddenly to 2.48 and 1.25 bees/sq. m/5 min at 1600 and 1800 h, respectively. On 8 day after flowering, the bee activity started earlier at 0600 hr with 0.80 bees/sq. m/5 min. It gradually increased and reached the peak at 1200 hr (6.42 bees/sq. m/5 min) and more or less uniform activity was observed at 1400 hr. Further, it suddenly decreased (2.80 and 1.64 bees/sq. m/5 min) at 1600 and 1800 h, respectively. On 12 day after flowering, the foraging activity started at 0600 hr with 1.20 bees/sq. m/5 min. It suddenly increased to 5.16 bees/sq. m/5 min at 1000 hr and attained a peak between 1200 to 1400 hr (7.10 to 7.95 bees/sq. m/5 min). Thereafter, activity decreased and lowest activity was observed at 1800 hr (2.15 bees/sq. m/5 min). On 16 day after flowering, foraging activity was observed throughout the day, which ranged from minimum of 0.40 and maximum of 8.32 bees/sq. m/5 min at 0600 and 1200 h, respectively. Thereafter, activity decreased to 7.80 to 3.82 bees/sq. m/5 min at 1400 to 1800 h, respectively. On 20th day after flowering, once again activity was observed throughout the day with peak activity at 1000 hr of the day (3.40 bees/sq.m /5 min) and more or less same activity was observed up to 1400 hr and then decreased gradually. The foraging activity gradually increased from 4th day after flowering and activity was peak on 12th and 16th day after flowering and then declined on 20th day after flowering. The foraging activity at different hours of the day indicated that the activity commenced at 0600 hr with an average of 0.52 bees/sq. m/5 min. The maximum activity was found between 1000 to 1200 hr which ranged with an average of 4.05 to 6.24 bees/sq. m/5 min. Foraging activity at 1400 hr was almost similar with 5.64 bees/sq. m/5 min and thereafter decreased to 2.13 bees/sq. m/5 min at 1800 hr (Table 4).
th th th th

4.2.4 Foraging activity of other pollinators on radish

On the 4th day after flowering, foraging activity of other pollinators (other than honey bees) was observed throughout the day with the peak activity at 0800 hr (2.28 pollinators /sq. m/ 5 min) and thereafter it started decreasing and reached the lowest of 1.14 pollinators /sq. m/ 5 min at 1400 hr. Once again the activity was regained slightly with 1.74 and 1.81 pollinators /sq. m/5 min at 1600 and 1800 h, respectively. On 8th day after flowering, foraging activity of other pollinators observed from 0600 to 1800 hr. The peak activity was observed at 1000 hr (2.84 pollinators /sq. m/5 min) and thereafter decreased gradually and least pollinators were observed at 1400 hr (0.84 pollinators /sq. m/5 min) and than activity was regained at 1600 and 1800 hr (2.14 to 2.20 pollinators /sq. m/5 min).

On 12th day after flowering, other pollinators started visiting the radish at 0600 hr with 2.76 pollinators /sq. m/5 min, the activity was attained peak at 0800 hr (2.88 pollinators /sq. m/5 min) and it gradually decreased to 1.38 pollinators /sq. m/5 min at 1400 h, but at 1600 to 1800 hr again activity was regained which ranged from 2.34 to 2.42pollinators /sq. m/5 min. Similar trend in the activity of pollinators was observed on 16th day after flowering with a peak th at 0800 (2.58 pollinators /sq. m/5 min). However, on 20 day after flowering, the activity of other pollinators started at 0600 hr with 2.38 pollinators /sq. m/5 min which was the peak activity and at 1200 hr once again the activity gradually increased and formed second peak at 1800 hr (2.14 pollinators /sq. m/5 min). On an average, the total number of other pollinator was 71.81 pollinators/sq. m /5 min for observation period of 5 days. The foraging activity at different hours of the day commenced at 0600 hr with an average of 2.23 pollinators/sq. m/5 min. The maximum activity was found between 0800 to 1000 hr which ranged with an average of 2.35 to 2.43 pollinators/sq. m/5 min. Thereafter, it decreased to reach a minimum activity at 1400 hr (1.33 pollinators /sq. m/5 min), but once again the activity gradually regained with 2.16 and 2.24 pollinators /sq. m/5 min at 1600 to 1800 h, respectively. On an average, 1.67 pollinators /sq. m/5 min were observed during 4th day after flowering and pollinators activity increased th th gradually and attained maximum on 12 and 16 day after flowering with 2.25 and 2.78 pollinators /sq. m/5 min respectively and activity decreased to 2.02 pollinators /sq. m/5 min on 20th day after flowering (Table 5).

4.2.5 Comparative foraging Activity of different bees species

The comparative foraging activity of different honey bees species indicated that among the 4 groups, A. florea was more predominant as bees visited with an average of 27.80 bees /sq. m/5 min followed by A. cerana (18.17 bees /sq. m/5 min) and other pollinators (12.26 bees/sq. m/5 min). Least was A. dorsata with 9.63 bees/sq. m/5 min, no A. mellifera and T. iridipennis were observed visiting the radish during the study period. Among different honey bees species the foraging activity of A. florea was maximum between 1000 to 1400 hr (34.16 to 43.12 bees /sq. m/5 min). Whereas, A. cerana activity started at 0600 hr but the peak activity was noticed at 1200 hr (31.22 bees/sq. m/5 min). Further, foraging activity of A. dorsata was more between 1000 hr to 1400 hr (12.31 to 13.57 bees/sq. m/5 min). Similarly, the foraging activity of other pollinators was maximum between 0600 to 1000 hr and 1600 to 1800 hr which ranged from 10.80 to 12.16 pollinators/sq. m/5 min. It was less between 1200 to 1400 hr with 6.67 to 8.06 pollinators/sq. m/5 min. On an average, the overall foraging activity of bees was maximum between 1000 to 1400 hr (Table 6).



4.3.1 Influence of attractants on visitation of A. florea

Observations were recorded on A. florea visitation to radish sprayed with different bee attractants at 5 per cent flowering and 15 days after 1st spray are presented here under (Table 7). First spray A day before the first spray, the number of bees visiting the radish flowers ranged from 3.66 to 4.40 bees/sq. m/5 min and did not differ significantly among treatments. A day after first spray, cacambe @ 10 per cent attracted more number of bees (14.78 bees/sq. m/5 min) and was significantly superior over rest of the treatments and sprayed with 10 per cent jaggery solution recorded 11.57 bees/sq. m/5 min which was the next best treatment and was on par with Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent. This was followed by 10 per cent sugar solution, sugar cane juice (10%) and molasses (10%) which recorded the bees which ranged from 6.57 to 7.82 bees/sq. m/5 min. However, least number of bees were observed in untreated control (4.88 bees/sq. m/5 min).

On 3rd day after first spray, 10 per cent cacambe recorded maximum number of bees (26.58 bees/sq. m/5 min) followed by jaggery @ 10 per cent (20.63 bees/sq. m /5 min). Further, Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent was next best (17.56 bees/sq. m/5 min) treatment in attracting bees. This was followed by 10 per cent sugar solution which recorded. 11.63bees/sq. m/5 min and 10 per cent sugarcane juice (10.41 bees/sq. m/5 min). Whereas, molasses @ 10 per cent recorded 8.27 bees/sq. m/5 min which found superior over untreated control which recorded 5.62 bees/sq. m/5 min. On 5th day after first spray, once again cacambe (10%) recorded significantly higher number of bees (17.16 bees/sq. m/5 min).. The next best treatments were Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent, jaggery solution (10%) and sugar solution (10%) which recorded 15.90, 12.84 and 11.13 bees/sq. m/5 m, respectively. This was followed by sugarcane juice (10%) and molasses (10%) which recorded 7.76 and 6.38 bees/sq. m/5 min, respectively and these two treatments found superior over untreated control which recorded 5.76 bees/sq. m/5 min. Second spray One day before second spray, cacambe (10%) was superior over untreated control, sugar solution (10%) and Molasses (10%) which were on par with jaggery (10%). Bee-Q (1.25%) and sugar cane juice (10%) which recorded bees visitation ranging from 5.30 to 8.30 bees/sq. m/5 min. A day after second spray, treatment with cacambe @ 10 per cent (27.95 bees/sq. m/5 min) proved significantly superior over rest of the treatments. The next best treatment was 10 per cent jaggery (21.21 bees/sq. m/5 min) and was on par with Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (18.99 bees/sq. m/5 min) and sugar solution (10%) (18.43 bees/sq. m /5 min). However, 10 per cent sugarcane juice and molasses were less effective which recorded 17.25 and 10.80 bees/sq. m/5 min, respectively and least number of bees were found in untreated control (7.75 bees/sq. m/5 min). On 3 day after second spray, once again 10 per cent cacambe (20.85 bees/sq. m/5 min) and jaggery @ 10 per cent (19.75 bees/sq. m/5 min) recorded higher number of bees and these were on par with Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent and sugar solution (10%) which recorded 18.70 and 17.57 bees/sq. m/5 min, respectively and were equally effective. These were followed by sugarcane juice (10%) and 10 per cent molasses (15.35 and 13.70 bees/sq. m/5 min, respectively) and least was in untreated control with 9.40bees/sq. m/5 min. On 5th day after second spray, 10 per cent cacambe recorded 18.98 bees/sq. m /5 min was significantly superior over other treatments. The next best treatments were jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) which recorded 15.07 and 15.01 bees/sq. m /5 min, respectively followed by sugar solution (10%) and sugarcane juice (10%). The least bees were found in molasses (10%) which was on par with untreated control (7.37 bees/sq. m/5 min).


Influence of attractants on visitation of A. cerana First spray A day before spray, there was no significant difference in bee visitation among various treatments which ranged from 1.74 to 2.10 bees/sq. m/5 min (Table 8). On one day after 1 spray, treatment with cacambe @ 10 per cent (9.32 bees /sq. m/5 min) was significantly superior in attracting more bees and was on par with jaggery @ 10 per cent (7.75 bees/sq. m/5 min). Further, Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent was next best treatment which recorded 6.41 bees/sq. m/5 min. This was followed by 10 per cent sugar solution (4.88 bees/sq. m/5 min). The remaining treatments attracted the bees ranging from 2.53 to 3.31 bees/sq. m/5 min which were significantly inferior to above treatments but attracted more number of bees than control (1.17 bees/sq. m/5 min). On 3rd day after first spray, the treatment sprayed with cacambe @ 10 per cent (17.23 bees/sq. m/5 min) was significantly superior in attracting more bees which was on par with jaggery @ 10 per cent (15.58 bees/sq. m/5 min) and Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent and sugar solution (10%) were the next best treatment that recorded 14.25 and 12.98 bees /sq. m/5 min,

Table 8. Influence of attractants on visitation of A. cerana Bee visits/sq mt/5 min Sl. No Treatments 1 DBS 1 Crop sprayed with Cacambe (10%) Crop sprayed with Bee-Q (1.25%) Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice (10%) Crop sprayed with Sugar solution (10%) Crop sprayed with Jaggery (10%) Crop sprayed with Molasses (10%) Crop with out any spray 2.10a 1st spray (5% flowering) 1 DAS 9.32a 3 DAS 17.23a 5DAS 13.41a 2nd spray flowering 15 days after 1st spray) 1 DBSS 6.31a 1 DASS 16.52a 3 DASS 14.69a (50% 5DASS 9.44a

































6 7

1.74a 1.99a

2.53d 1.17e

8.59d 5.21e

7.59c 5.35d

5.52a 5.54a

8.71e 6.61e

8.76cd 6.88d

5.50b 3.45c

DBS Day before spray : DAS Day after spray Means followed by same letter in the column do not differ significantly by DMRT (P = 0.05)

respectively which was followed by sugarcane juice (10%) (9.62 bees/sq. m/5 min) and molasses @ 10 per cent (8.59 bees/sq. m/5 min) and were superior over untreated control (5.21 bees/sq. m/5 min). On 5th day after first spray, treatment cacambe (10%), jaggery (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) were significantly superior in attracting more number of bees that ranged from 12.18 to 13.41 bees/sq. m/5 min. This was followed by 10 per cent sugar solution (9.77 bees/sq. m/5 min). Whereas, molasses @ 10 per cent (7.59 bees/sq. m/5 min) was found on par with sugar cane juice (10%) and least number of bees recorded in untreated control (5..35 bees/sq. m/5 min). Second spray One day before second spray, all the treatments recorded on par results. The bee visitation ranged from 5.51 to 6.31 bees/sq. m/5 min. One day after second spray, treatment cacambe @ 10 per cent (16.52 bees/sq. m/5 min) attracted higher number of bees, which was on par with jaggery @ 10 per cent (15.26 bees/sq. m/5 min), Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (12.98 bees/sq. m/5 min) were the next best treatments. This was followed by sugar solution (10%) sugarcane juice (10%) and molasses (10%) which attracted bees ranging from 8.71 to 11.69 bees/sq. m/5 min. On 3 day after second spray, cacambe @ 10 per cent (14.69 bees/sq. m/5 min) and jaggery @ 10 per cent (15.19 bees/sq. m/5 min) were significantly superior and were on par with Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (13.28 bees/sq. m/5 min) followed by 10 per cent sugar solution which attracted 10.95 bees/sq. m/5 min. However, sugarcane juice (10%) and molasses (10%) which attracted 9.81 and 8.76 bees/sq. m/5 min, respectively were on par with each other and were superior over untreated control (6.88 bees/sq. m/5 min). On 5th day after second spray cacambe (10%) jaggery (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) attracted maximum number of bees ranging from 8.51 to 9.44 bees/sq. m/5 min, found significantly superior over the other treatments and were on par with each other. The next best treatment were sugar solution (10%) and sugar cane juice (10%). However, molasses (10%) (5.50 bees/sq. m/5 min) also found successful in attracting more bees over control (3.45 bees/sq. m/5 min) (Table 8).


Influence of attractants on visitation of A. dorsata First spray A day before spraying of attractants, number of bees varied from 0.82 to 1.90 bees/sq. m/5 min (Table 9). Treatment with cacambe @ 10 per cent (5.21 bees/sq. m/5 min) was significantly superior in attracting more bees and was followed by jaggery solution (10%) on first day after first spray. Further, Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (3.19 bees/sq. m/5 min) was the next best treatment which was followed by sugar solution @ 10 per cent (2.39 bees/sq. m /5 min). The remaining treatments attracted the bees ranging from 1.53 to 1.93 bees/sq. m/5 min, which were found inferior to above treatments but significantly superior in attracting more number of bees than control (0.78 bees/sq. m/5 min). On 3rd day after first spray, the treatment cacambe @ 10 per cent (10.82 bees /sq. m/5 min) was significantly superior in attracting more bees which was on par with jaggery @ 10 per cent (8.28 bees/sq. m/5 min). Bee-Q (1.25%) was next best treatment which recorded 5.64 bees/sq. m/5 min. This was followed by sugar solution (10%) which was superior over sugarcane juice @ 10 per cent (2.90 bees/sq. m/5 min). Whereas molasses 10 per cent (2.18 bees/sq. m/5 min). Further untreated control (0.96 bees /sq. m/5 min) failed to attract more bees. On 5th day after first spray, cacambe @ 10 per cent (4.88 bees/sq. m/5 min) and jaggery @ 10 per cent (5.03 bees/sq. m/5 min) were equally effective and were superior over Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (3.82 bees/sq. m/5 min) and sugar solution @ 10 per cent (3.30 bees/sq. m/5 min) was next best treatment and followed by 10 per cent sugarcane juice which

Table 9. Influence of attractants on visitation of A. dorsata Bee visits/sq mt/5 min Sl. No Treatments 1 DBS 1 Crop sprayed with Cacambe (10%) Crop sprayed with Bee-Q (1.25%) Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice (10%) Crop sprayed with Sugar solution (10%) Crop sprayed with Jaggery (10%) Crop sprayed with Molasses (10%) Crop with out any spray 1.00ab 1st spray (5% flowering) 1 DAS 5.21a 3 DAS 10.82a 5DAS 4.88a 2nd spray flowering 15 days after 1st spray) 1 DBSS 1.84a 1 DASS 13.46a 3 DASS 8.57a (50% 5DASS 5.22a

































6 7

1.11a 0.92ab

1.53f 0.78g

2.18d 0.96e

1.69c 1.00d

1.83a 1.75a

2.21d 1.14e

1.94de 1.56e

1.64cd 1.10d

DBS Day before spray : DAS Day after spray Means followed by same letter in the column do not differ significantly by DMRT (P = 0.05)

was on par with molasses (10%) which recorded 1.83 and 1.69 bees/sq. m /5 min respectively. Second spray On one day before second spray, there was no significant difference among treatments. Where, the bees visitation ranged between 1.75 to 1.91 bees/sq. m/5 min. On one day after second spray, cacambe @ 10 per cent (13.46 bees/sq. m/5 min) was significantly superior in attracting more bees. Jaggery solution @ 10 per cent (9.56 bees/sq. m/5 min) and Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (9.34 bees/sq. m/5 min) were next best treatments and were equally effective in attracting bees. These were followed by sugar solution (10%), sugarcane juice (10%) and molasses (10%) which attracted bees ranging from 2.21 to 5.34 bees/sq. m/5 min and were inferior to above treatment but superior over untreated control. On 3rd day after second spray, treatment cacambe @ 10 per cent (8.57 bees/sq. m/5 min) attracted higher number of bees and was followed by jaggery (10%). Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (4.28 bees/sq. m/5 min) was next best treatment followed by sugar solution @ 10 per cent (4.28 bees/sq. m/5 min) which is superior over sugarcane juice (10%). The sugarcane juice was on par with molasses @ 10 per cent (1.94 bees/sq. m /5 min) and was found superior over untreated control. On 5 day after second spray, cacambe (10%) was found superior (5.22 bees/sq. m/5) and next best treatment were jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) which attracted significantly higher number of bees that ranged from 3.34 to 3.87 bees/sq. m/5 min. Sugar solution (10%) was next best treatment which recorded 1.91 bees/sq. m/5 min and was on par with sugar cane juice (10%) and molasses (10%) and superior to untreated control (1.10 bees/sq. m/5 min).


Influence of attractants on visitation of other pollinators

st First spray A day before the 1 spray, other pollinators activity varied from 1.17 to 1.38 pollinators /sq. m/5 min which did not differ significantly among the treatments (Table 10). Higher number of other pollinators (6.13 pollinators/ sq. m/5 min) were observed in the plot sprayed with cacambe (10%) a day after first spray. The jaggery (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) were next best treatment which were equally effective and attracted 4.32 and 4.26 pollinators /sq. m/5 min, respectively, followed by sugar solution (10%). This sugar solution was on par with sugar cane juice (10%) and molasses (10%) that was inferior to above treatments with less number of bees (1.67 pollinators /sq. m/5 min) and superior over untreated control (1.20 bees/sq. m/5). On 3rd day after first spray, cacambe (10%) remained effective in attracting more pollinators (13.05 pollinators /sq. m/5 min) which was significantly superior over other treatments but on par with jaggery @ 10 per cent (10.80 pollinators /sq. m/5 min) followed by Bee-Q 1.25 per cent (10.06 pollinators/sq. m/5 min). The sugar solution (10%), sugarcane juice (10%) and molasses (10%) which were inferior to above treatments and attracted pollinators ranging from 4.67 to 6.95 pollinators /sq. m/5 min and superior over untreated control (2.64 pollinators /sq. m/5 min). On 5 day after first spray, more number of pollinators were attracted in the treatments with cacambe @ 10 per cent (10.99 pollinators /sq. m/5 min), jaggery @ 10 per cent (9.80 pollinators /sq. m/5 min) and Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (9.38 pollinators /sq. m/5 min) which were equally effective and significantly superior over other treatments. The treatments with sugar solution (10%) was next best treatment followed by sugarcane juice (10%) and molasses (10%) that attracted pollinators ranging from 5.42 to 4.96 pollinators /sq. m/5 min, respectively and superior over untreated control.
th Second spray On day before second spray, other pollinators visitation ranged from 3.37 to 4.26 pollinators /sq. m/5 min. However, there was no significant difference among different treatments. One day after second spray, cacambe (10%) attracted highest number of pollinators (11.21 pollinators /sq. m/5 min) and was significantly superior over other treatments but was on par with jaggery solution (10%). The next best treatment was Bee-Q (1.25%) which attracted 8.49 pollinators /sq. m/5 min. Followed by these were sugar solution (10%), sugar cane juice (10%) and molasses (10%) which were inferior to above treatments and attracted pollinators ranged from 3.40 to 5.49 pollinators /sq. m /5 min and were superior over untreated control. On 3rd day after second spray, cacambe @ 10 per cent (9.52 pollinators /sq. m /5 min) attracted significantly higher number of bees and was on par with jaggery (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%). Further, sugar solution (10%), sugarcane juice (10%) and molasses (10%) attracted pollinators ranging from 3.78 to 5.55 pollinators /sq. m/5 min and least number of pollinators (3.08 pollinators /sq. m/5 min) was attracted by untreated control. On 5th day after second spray, cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%) were on par with Bee-Q (1.25%) which were equally effective and significantly superior over other treatments that attracted bees ranging from 4.32 to 5.35 pollinators /sq. m/5 min. Sugar solution @ 10 per cent (3.18 pollinators/sq. m/5 min) was next best treatment and was on par with sugarcane juice (10%). However, molasses @ 10 per cent (2.40 pollinators /sq. m/5 min) was found on par with untreated control.



The results of both quantitative and qualitative parameters of radish seed obtained through bee pollination are being presented in the following headings.

4.4.1 Influence of bee pollination on quantitative parameters of radish seed

Data on the effect of bee pollination on quantitative parameters viz., number of seeds/siliqua, 1000 seed weight, net plot yield and converted yield (q/ha) is presented in Table 11 and 12. Number of seeds per siliqua The open pollinated crop spray with cacambe (10%) was found significantly superior by recording highest number of seeds (7.40 seeds/siliqua) which resulted in 85.00 and 111.42 per cent increase over open pollination without any spray and crop caged without any bees, respectively (Table 11). It was on par with jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) (6.36 and 6.30 seeds/siliqua). The next best treatments were molasses (10%), sugarcane juice (10%), sugar solution (10%) and crop caged with bees. However, crop caged without bees and open pollinator without spray recorded least number of seeds/siliqua (3.50 and 4.00 seeds/siliqua). Number of siliqua per plant The open pollination plot sprayed with cacambe (10%) found significantly superior by recording higher number of siliqua per plant. which resulted in 27.69 and 55.51 per cent increase over open pollination without spray and crop caged without bees, respectively (Table 11). Further, it was on par with molasses 10 per cent (466.86), Bee-Q 1.25 per cent (460.06 siliqua), jaggery solution 10 per cent (446.86), sugar cane juice 10 per cent (452.14) and caged with bees (435.24 siliqua). Open pollination without spray was found on par with crop caged without bees (323.70 siliqua).

Table 10. Influence of attractants on visitation of other pollinators on radish Bee visits/sq mt/5 min Sl. No Treatments 1 DBS 1 Crop sprayed with Cacambe (10%) Crop sprayed with Bee-Q (1.25%) Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice (10%) Crop sprayed with Sugar solution (10%) Crop sprayed with Jaggery (10%) Crop sprayed with Molasses (10%) Crop with out any spray 1.17a 1st spray (5% flowering) 1 DAS 6.13a 3 DAS 13.05a 5DAS 10.99a 2nd spray flowering 15 days after 1st spray) 1 DBSS 4.26a 1 DASS 11.21a 3 DASS 9.52a (50% 5DASS 5.35a

































6 7

1.17a 1.38a

1.67d 1.20d

4.67d 2.64e

4.96c 2.80d

3.37b 3.60ab

3.40d 3.34e

3.78bc 3.08c

2.40c 1.81c

DBS Day before spray : DAS Day after spray Means followed by same letter in the column do not differ significantly by DMRT (P = 0.05)

Table 11. Influence of bee pollination on quantitative parameters of radish


No. of siliqua /plant 435.24ab 323.70c 500.16a

% increase over crop without spray 27.69

% increase over caged plot without bees 34.45 55.51

No. of seeds/ siliqua 6.00b 3.50c 7.40a

% increase over crop plot without spray 85.00

% increase over caged without bees 71.42 111.42

1000 seeds weight (g) 11.57b 9.42c 13.66a

% increase over crop plot without spray 44.24

% increase over caged without bees 22.82 45.01

Caged with bees Caged without bees Crop sprayed with Cacambe (10%) Crop sprayed with BeeQ(1.25%) Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice (10%) Crop sprayed with Sugar solution (10%) Crop sprayed with Jaggery (10%) Crop sprayed with Molasses (10%) Crop with out any spray




























446.86ab 466.86ab 391.68bc

14.08 19.19 -

38.04 44.22 21.00

6.36ab 6.13b 4.00c

59.00 53.25 -

81.71 75.14 14.28

13.58a 11.47b

43.40 21.19

44.16 21.76





Per cent filled seed

% increase over crop without spray 40.95 37.74 32.41 28.91 29.75 37.65 -

% increase over caged plot without bees 38.35 49.25 45.85 40.21 36.50 37.40 45.76 5.89

Per cent unfilled seed 22.73b 44.55a 16.64b 18.54b 21.69b 23.76b 23.26b 18.59b 40.86a

% decrease over crop without spray 59.72 54.62 46.92 41.85 43.07 54.50 -

% decrease over caged plot without bees 48.97 62.64 58.38 51.31 46.67 47.79 58.27 8.28

Caged with bees Caged without bees Crop sprayed with Cacambe (10%) Crop sprayed with Bee-Q(1.25%) Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice (10%) Crop sprayed with Sugar solution (10%) Crop sprayed with Jaggery (10%) Crop sprayed with Molasses (10%) Crop sprayed with out any spray

77.27a 55.85b 83.36a 81.46a 78.31a 76.24a 76.74a 81.41a 59.14b

Net yield per plot (kg/12 m2) 2.00d 1.20f 3.86a 2.91bc 2.09d 2.60c 3.24b 1.84de 1.60e % increase over crop without spray 141.25 81.87 30.62 62.50 102.5 15.00 % increase over caged plot without bees 66.60 221.66 142.50 74.16 116.66 170.00 53.34 33.33 % increase over crop without spray 130.67 82.33 37.53 67.74 99.52 22.63 % increase over caged plot without bees 57.60 187.00 126.88 71.14 108.70 148.20 52.60 24.43


Converted yield (q/ha)

Caged with bees Caged without bees Crop sprayed with Cacambe (10%) Crop sprayed with Bee-Q (1.25%) Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice (10%) Crop sprayed with Sugar solution (10%) Crop sprayed with Jaggery (10%) Crop sprayed with Molasses (10%) Crop sprayed with out any spray

16.06ef 10.19h 29.25a 23.12c 17.44e 21.27d 25.30b 15.55f 12.68g

Means followed by same letter in the column do not differ significantly by DMRT (P = 0.05) Thousand seed (Test) weight The open pollinated crop which received cacambe (10%) spray produced significantly superior test weight (13.66 g/1000 seed) with an increase of 44.24 and 45.01 per cent over open pollination without any spray and crop caged without bees, respectively, which was on par with sugar solution @ 10 per cent (12.45 g/1000 seeds) and Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (12.90 g/1000 seed) which recorded 31.46, 36.21 and 32.16, 36.94 per cent increase over open pollination without any spray and crop caged without bees, respectively. The plot caged with bees, sugar cane juice and molasses (10%) were next best treatments (11.57, 11.58 and 11.47 g/1000 seeds). These treatments were on par with each other and superior over crop caged without bees which recorded least test weight (9.42 g/1000 seeds). Per cent filled and unfilled seeds The plot sprayed with cacambe (10%) recoded significantly higher number of filled seeds/siliqua which recorded 83.36 per cent of filled seeds accounting 40.95 and 49.25 per cent increase over open pollinated without any spray and caged without bees, respectively (Table 11). The next best treatments were Bee-Q (1.25%), molasses (10%), sugarcane juice (10%), sugar solution (10%). Further these were followed by open pollination without any spray found superior recorded 59.14 per cent filled seeds over 55.85 per cent filled seeds by crop caged without bees. The open pollinated crop with cacambe (10%) recorded least number of un filled seeds (16.64%) which resulted maximum per cent decrease over open pollination without spray and caged without bees, respectively. This was on par with the remaining treatments. The treatments, crop caged without bees and open pollination without any spray recorded highest per cent of un filled seeds which 44.55 and 40.86 per cent, respectively. Net plot yield The open pollinated crop sprayed with cacambe (10%) recorded significantly higher 2 net plot (12.6 m ) yield of 3.86 kg/plot which accounted for increase to the tune of 141.25 and 221.66 per cent over open pollinated plot without spray and caged plot without bees, respectively (Table 11). The next best treatment was open pollinated crop sprayed with jaggery (10%) (3.24 kg/plot) which recorded 102.5 and 170.00 per cent increase over open pollination without any spray and crop caged without bee, respectively. This was on par with the treatment Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (2.91 kg/plot) followed by sugar solution @ 10 per cent (2.60 kg/plot) which in turn recorded 81.87, 62.50 and 142.50, 116.66 per cent increase over open pollination with any spray and plot caged without bees, respectively and was superior over others. However, molasses @ 10 per cent (1.84 kg/plot) and plot caged with bees (2.00 kg/plot) were on par with each other which were superior over plot caged without bees (1.20 kg/plot). Whereas, open pollination without any spray recorded 1.60 kg/plot. Yield/ha (Converted) The converted yield per hectare based on net plot yield followed exactly the same trend as in case of net plot yield.

4.4.2 Influence of bee pollination on qualitative parameters of radish seeds

The effect of bee pollination on qualitative parameters of radish seeds viz., germination percentage and seedling vigour are presented here under. Germination percentage Significantly higher per cent germination (97.13%) was recorded in open pollinated treatment sprayed with cacambe (10%) which accounted for 14.93 and 18.94 per cent increase over open pollinated without any spray and caged plot without bees, respectively (Table 12). However, cacambe (10%) was on par with open pollinated plot sprayed with BeeQ @ 1.25 per cent (95.62%), jaggery solution 10 per cent (94.55%), sugar cane juice 10 per cent accounted (92.16%) and crop caged with bees (94.09%) which were next best treatments and were on par with each other. However, these were followed by molasses

Table 12. Influence of bee pollination on qualitative parameters of radish seed

% increase % increase over over caged Germination (%) crop without plot without spray bees 94.09ab 81.66e 97.13a 95.62ab 92.16ab 88.34cd 94.55ab 91.21bc 84.51de 14.93 13.14 9.05 4.53 11.88 7.92 15.22 18.94 17.09 12.85 8.18 15.94 11.69 3.49 Shoot length (cm) 14.40d 10.83f 16.80a 15.30b 14.73c 13.43f 15.10b 14.00e 11.70g % increase % increase over caged over crop plot without without spray bees 43.50 30.70 25.80 14.78 29.05 19.65 32.96 55.12 41.27 36.01 29.00 39.42 29.27 8.03 Root length (cm) 11.73c 10.00e 16.00a 14.40b 10.73d 11.50c 12.20c 12.10c 10.60de % increase over crop without spray 50.94 35.84 1.22 8.49 15.09 14.15 % increase over caged plot without bees 17.30 60.00 44.00 7.30 15.00 22.00 21.00 6.00

Treatment Caged with bees Caged without bees Crop sprayed with Cacambe (10%) Crop sprayed with BeeQ(1.25%) Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice (10%) Crop sprayed with Sugar solution (10%) Crop sprayed with Jaggery (10%) Crop sprayed with Molasses (10%) Crop sprayed with out any spray

Means followed by same letter in the column do not differ significantly by DMRT (P = 0.05)

(10%) which was superior over open pollination without any spray which recorded per cent germination 91.21 per cent and was on par with caged without bees that recorded least germination per cent (81.66%). Seedling vigour The seedling vigour was measured in terms of shoot and root length (Table 12). Shoot length The spraying with cacambe (10%) to open pollinated crop was found significantly superior over other treatments as it recorded maximum shoot length of 16.80cm with an increase of 43.50 and 55.12 per cent over open pollinated without spray and caged plot without bees respectively. The next best treatments were Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (15.30 cm) and jaggery solution @ 10 per cent (15.10 cm) and were superior over sugar cane juice @ 10 per cent (14.73 cm) and caged with bees (14.40 cm) which were on par with each other and next best treatments. Whereas, remaining treatments except caged plot without bees recorded shoot length ranging from 11.70 to 14.00 cm. Plots caged without bees recorded the lowest shoot length (10.83 cm) Root length Cacambe (10%) sprayed to open pollinated crop was found significantly superior as it recorded maximum root length of 16.00 cm which resulted in 50.94 and 60.00 per cent increase over open pollination without any spray and caged plot without bees, respectively. However, this treatment was superior over open pollinated treatment with Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (14.40 cm). Next best treatments were jaggery solution @ 10 per cent (12.20 cm), molasses @ 10 per cent (12.00 cm) and sugar solution 10 per cent (11.50 cm). Further, sugarcane juice 10 per cent (10.73 cm) was on par with the open pollination without any spray. Finally the treatment caged without bees recorded less root length (10.00 cm).

Results of the investigation carried out to know the pollinator fauna of radish, foraging activity of bees and other pollinators, effectiveness of different bee attractants in attracting bees and its effect on yield parameters of radish are discussed in this chapter.



Investigations carried out on the pollinator fauna revealed that four groups of pollinators visited the radish belonging to different orders of class insecta during flowering period. Out of 461.01 pollinators observed belonging different insect orders, of which Hymenopterans (7 species) were the most abundant group (Fig. 1), followed by Dipterans (4 species), Lepidopterans (4 species) and Coleopteran (1 species). These findings are in close agreement with Bhatia et al. (1979) who reported 12 insect species on radish flowers, of which five belong to Hymenoptera, four species to Diptera and three species to Lepidoptera. Sihag (1986) also reported nine species of Hymenopterans, six species of Lepidopterans and three species of Dipterans as predominant visitors of radish flower. Similar results were also reported by Priti et al. (2001) on radish flowers.





5.2.1 Foraging activity of A. florea

The foraging activity of A. florea observed throughout the day during all the observation days except at 0600 hr. The foraging activity of A. florea commenced at 0800 hr on 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th days after flowering because they may be late riser and construct comb in bushy plants. The peak foraging activity of A. florea was observed at 1000 hr ranging from 4.81 to th th th th 12.55 bees/sq. m/ 5 min during 4 , 8 , 12 and 20 days after flowering. The overall foraging activity of A. florea was maximum at 1000 hr (8.62 bees/sq. m/ 5 m) which was observed as more or less uniform up to 1400 hr. This might be due to coincidence of peak anthesis of flowering and presence of A. florea colonies nearer to experimental field. The present findings are supported by Priti and Sihag (1998) who reported that peak foraging activity of A. florea was maximum between 1200 to 1400 hr on carrot. Verma and Phogat (1994) reported that the foraging activity of A. florea was found on radish from morning to evening. The peak foraging activity of A. florea was observed between 8000 to 1000 hr.

5.2.2 Foraging activity of A. dorsata

The foraging activity of A. dorsata was observed throughout the day during 4th, 8th, th 12 , 16 and 20 days after flowering. The foraging activity of A. dorsata commenced at 0600 hr with a very low activity i.e., at an average of 0.48 bees/sq. m/5 min. The peak foraging activity of A. dorsata was observed between 1200 to 1400 hr during flowering period around 1.98 to 3.94 bees/sq. m/5 min.
th th

In general, peak foraging activity of A. dorsata was observed between 1200 to 1400 hr, because rock bees are wild species, they can tolerate higher temperature as they construct the nests in the branches of trees, walls and other parts of building. The present results corroborate with the findings of Kapil et al. (1971) who observed that A. dorsata began foraging in morning hours on rape seed and mustard. Peak foraging activity was recorded between 1230 to 1400 hr and ceased by late evening. Sihag et al. (1999) reported that A. dorsata reached peak foraging activity between 1000 to 1300 hr on eight cultivars of oil seed crop.

50 45 40
Relative abundance of pollinator (%)

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Apis florea A. cerana A. dorsata Others

Fig. 1 : Pollinator fauna of radish

Fig. 1 : Pollinator fauna of radish

5.2.3 Foraging activity of A. cerana

The activity of A. cerana was seen throughout day as well as throughout the flowering period. The foraging activity commenced at 0600 hr with an average of 0.52 bees/sq. m /5 min. The peak foraging activity was found between 1000 to 1400 hr which ranged with an average of 4.05 to 6.24 bees/sq. m/5 min and the visitation reached the lowest level during 1600 and 1800 hr. These findings are in line with the report of Uma and Verma (1994) who observed peak foraging activity between 1100 to 1400 hr in case of A. cerana on radish. Chand et al. (1994) recorded the peak foraging activity of A. cerana at 1100 hr on mustard, as A. cerana visitation was positively correlated with maximum relative humidity and minimum temperature.

5.2.4 Foraging activity of other pollinators

Other pollinators were found foraging on radish flower throughout the day during different days after flowering. The peak foraging activity of other pollinators was observed at th th th th 0800 hr (1.98 to 2.88 pollinators /sq m/ 5 min) on 4 , 8 , 12 and 16 day after flowering. In general, average activity of other pollinators was maximum between 0600 to 1000 hr (2.23 to 2.35 pollinators/sq m/5 min) and then gradually declined. The second peak was observed between 1600 to 1800 hr, which may be because of other pollinators selectively prefer cool hours of the day. There are no reports to compare these results.

5.2.5 Comparative foraging activity of different bee and other pollinators on radish
The data on comparative foraging activity of different bee species and other pollinators is presented in Fig. 2 and 3. Among different bee species, A. florea was the predominant one on radish. This may be due to its preference for pollen and nectar and also close matching of its body size and flower structure. A. florea was more active at 1000 hr followed by A. dorsata at 1400 hr and A. cerana at 1200h. In general, the bees activity was maximum between 1000 to 1400 hr, which ranged on an average from 12.31 to 43.12 bees/sq m/5 min. This may be due to availability of pollen when peak anthesis of radish takes place. The maximum population of A. dorsata, A. cerana and A. florea was observed during mid morning hours compared to afternoon. This might be due to production of floral as well as extra floral nectar which became active from morning and reached maximum secretions during different hours of the day. But other pollinators visited in early morning between 0600 to 0800 hr and evening between 1600 to 1800 hr because they prefer cool hours of the day. The Present results are in close agreement with the report of Kapil et al. (1971) who reported that peak foraging activity of bees was maximum between 1230 to 1400 hr on rape seed and mustard.



5.3.1 Effect of attractant on visitation of A. florea

One day before the first spray (at 5% flowering) the bee activity did not differ significantly among various treatments. Cacambe @f 10 per cent (14.78 bees/sq m/5 min) proved best in attracting higher number of bees on first day after the spray. This was followed by jaggery solution @ 10 per cent (11.57 bees/sq m/5 min), Bee-Q @ 1.25 per cent (9.26 bees/sq m/5m). Whereas, other treatments were inferior to above treatments and superior rd over control. On 3 day after first spray, cacambe (10%) was found significantly superior over rest of treatments. This was followed by jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) which


No. of bees and otehr pollinators/sq. m/5 min




0 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Time of observation (hours)

Fig. 2 : Foraging activity of bees and other polinators at different times of observation

Fig. 2 : Foraging activity of bees and other polinators at different times of observation



No. of pollinators/sq m./5 min




0 A. florea A. dorsata Honey bees and other pollinators A. cerana

Fig. 3 : Foraging activity of different honey bees

Fig. 3 : Foraging activity of different honey bees

were equally effective in attracting bees. On 5th day after first spray, cacambe (10%) attracted maximum number of bees (17.16 bees/sq m/5 min) and was followed by Bee-Q (1.25%), jaggery solution (10%) and sugar solution (10%) whereas, remaining treatments failed to discriminate with control. One day before second spray, cacambe (10%), jaggery solution (10%), Bee-Q (1.25%), sugarcane juice (10%) and sugar solution (10%) attracted highest number of bees compared to other treatments. The other treatments did not differ significantly with each other but were inferior to above treatments. This slight variation is due to residual effect of 1st spray. One day after the second spray cacambe @ 10 per cent (27.95 bees/sq m/5 min) attracted maximum number of bees, followed by jaggery solution (10%) which was on par with Bee-Q (1.25%). Whereas, other treatments were found inferior to above treatments and superior over control. On 3rd day after second spray, cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%) found to be significantly superior in attracting more number of bees. These were on par with Bee-Q (1.25%), sugar solution (1.25%) and remaining treatments were inferior to above treatments but were superior over control. On 5th day after second spray, cacambe (10%), found significantly superior over jaggery solution (10%), Bee-Q (1.25%), sugar solution (10%) and sugarcane juice (10%). Whereas untreated control found inferior to above treatments and attracted least number of bees (7.37 bees/sq m/5 min). It is evident from the present study that cacambe (10%) has significantly more phagord stimulatory and olfacto-stimulatory effects in attracting more A. florea up to 3 after first spray st and on 1 day after second spray. The sudden increase in bee activity on first day after second spray was mainly due to combined effect of peak flowering and higher influence of attractants. The results obtained on cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%), are in line with results of Nidagundi (2004) who reported the effectiveness of these treatments in attracting higher number of bees in bitter gourd ecosystem. Results obtained on the efficacy of Bee-Q and sugar solution are in close agreements with many workers (Viraktamath and Patil, 1999; Lingappa et al., 1999; Patil, 1999; Murasing, 2000; Sattagi et al., 2001; Viraktamath and Anagouder, 2002 and Nidagundi, 2004).

5.3.2 Effect of attractants on visitation of A. cerana

A day before the first spray, bee visits were statistically on par with each other in different treatments. However, on first day after first spray, cacambe @ 10 per cent (9.32 bees/sq m/5 min) attracted maximum number of bees, which was on par with jaggery solution (10%) followed by Bee-Q (1.25%). Whereas, untreated control was found inferior to all the treatments. On 3 day after first spray, cacambe (10%) found to be on par with jaggery solution (10%). These were followed by bee-Q 1.25 per cent, sugar solution (10%) and Molasses (10%). Whereas, least number of bees were attracted by untreated control (5.21 bees/sq m/5 min). On 5 day after first spray, cacambe (10%), jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) were significantly superior over rest of the treatments and were on par with each other. Whereas, Sugarcane juice (10%) and sugar solution (10%) followed the above treatments and Molasses (10%) was superior over untreated control. A day before second spray all treatments found to be statistically on par with each other in attracting the bees. A day after second spray, cacambe @ 10 per cent (12.52 bees/sq m/5 min) attracted higher number of bees and found to be on par with jaggery solution(10%) followed by Bee-Q (1.25%) and sugar solution (10%).
th rd

On 3rd day after second spray cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%) were found to be effective with maximum number of bees 14.69 and 15.19 bees/sq m/5 min respectively th followed by sugar solution (10%). On 5 day after second spray, cacambe (10%), jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) were found to be equally effective and significantly superior over other treatments. Whereas, least number of bees were attracted by untreated control (3.45 bees/sq m/5 min). The present studies revealed that cacambe 10 per cent had significantly higher olfacto stimulatory effect even upto third day after spray, so it attracted more number of bees. Effect of cacambe, in attracting A. cerana was reported by Nidagundi (2004), stimulatory effectiveness of jaggery solution, molasses, Bee-Q and sugar solution on niger reported by Anonymous (2000) was also coincides with present results.

5.3.3 Effect of attractants on visitation of A. dorsata

One day before the first spray, bee visits were statistically found to be on par with each other with all treatments except sugarcane juice (10%). However, on first day after first spray of attractants, the treatment with cacambe (10%) attracted maximum number of bees (5.21 bees /sq m/5 min) followed by jaggery solution (10%), Bee-Q (1.25%) and sugar solution (10%). Whereas sugarcane juice (10%) and Molasses (10%) were found to be less effective. On 3 day after first spray, cacambe @ 10 per cent (10.82 bees/ sq m/5 min) attracted more number of bees which was on par with jaggery solution (10%) followed by Bee-Q (1.25%) and sugar solution (10%). However, other treatments remained less effective except sugarcane juice (10%) which attracted more number of bees than molasses 10 (%) and control. On 5 day after first spray, jaggery solution (10%) and cacambe (10%) were found to be successful in maintaining higher efficacy in attracting bees (5.03 and 4.88 bees /sq m/5 min respectively) The remaining treatments Bee-Q (1.25%), sugarcane solution (10%) and molasses (10%) were found less effective but superior over control. One day before second spray, all attractants failed to differ significantly in attracting more number of bees over control. A day after second spray, cacambe @ 10 per cent (13.46 bees/ sq m/5 min) attracted maximum number of bees followed by jaggery solution (10%), Bee-Q (1.25%), sugar solution (10%) and sugarcane juice (10%). The remaining treatment including Molasses (10%) were found effective over control. On 3rd day after second spray, cacambe (10%) found to be effective in attracting higher number of bees followed by jaggery solution (10%), Bee-Q (1.25%). Whereas, sugar solution (10%) and sugarcane juice (10%) were significantly superior over control. On 5th day after second spray, cacambe (10%), jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) were found to be significantly superior over rest of treatments. Whereas, remaining treatments were found to be ineffective in attracting higher number of bees over control. Cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%) were found to be more effective in attracting higher number bees on 1st, 3rd and 5th day after first spray and 3rd day after second spray. Whereas, on 1st day after second spray, only cacambe (10%) was found superior. This may be due to higher Olfacto-stimulatory effect of cacambe by which it was successful in attracting more number of bees at all days of observation but, due to lack of its residual effect it failed to attract more number of bees on day before second spray. Similar results on effectiveness of cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%) were also observed by Nidagundi (2004) on bitter gourd and with respect to Bee-Q and sugar solution by Viraktamath and Patil (1999), Patil et al. (2000), Kalmath and Sattagi (2002) and Nidagundi (2004) .
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5.3.4 Effect of attractants on visitation of other pollinators

A day before first spray (5% flowering), there was no significant difference in visitation by other pollinators among various treatments. However, one day after first spray, cacambe 10 per cent (6.13 pollinator/ sq m/5 min) was found to be significantly superior over other treatments, followed by jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%). Whereas, other

treatments were also found to be effective over control. On 3rd day after spray cacambe (10%) was on par with jaggery solution (10%) and were found more effective in attracting th higher number of other pollinators followed by Bee-Q (1.25%). On 5 day after first spray, cacambe (10%), jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) were found to be significantly superior in attracting higher number of other pollinators. Whereas, other treatment except untreated control were found to be equally effective but inferior to earlier treatment. A day before second spray, all the treatments were found to be statistically on par with each other except molasses (10%) which was found to be slightly inferior to other treatments. On the first day after second spray, cacambe @ 10 per cent attracted significantly higher number of other pollinators (11.21 pollinators/ sq. m/5 min) which was on par with jaggery solution (10%) followed by Bee-Q (1.25%). However, other treatments were found to be superior over untreated control and inferior to above treatments. On 3 day after second spray, cacambe (10%), jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) were found to be effective in attracting maximum number of other pollinators (7.48 to 9.52 pollinators/sq. m/5 min) followed by sugar solution (10%) and sugar cane juice (10%). Whereas, untreated control found to be inferior among all the treatments with 3.08 pollinators/ sq m/ 5 min. On the 5 day after second spray, cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%) were on par with each other and also with Bee-Q (1.25%). These treatments were found to be significantly superior in attracting more number of bees. However, other treatments were found inferior to the above treatments and superior over control. The untreated control recorded 2.86 pollinators /sq m/5 min. Use of Bee-Q do attract other pollinators according to the report by Manjunath (2003). The increase in the visitation of other pollinators with cacambe (10%), jaggery solution (10%) and other attractants sprayed on onion plot was reported by Kalmath (2002). The increased bee visitation has been reported on crops sprayed with attractants in watermelon (Elmstrom and Maynard, 1991; Lingappa et al.; 1999 and Sattigi et al., 2001a) apple, pear and plum (Mayer et al., 1989a) sesamum (Patil, 1999; Patil et al., 2000; Viraktamath and Anagoudar, 2002 and Manjunath, 2003).
th rd



5.4.1 Effect of bee pollination on quantitative parameters of radish seed Total number of seeds/siliqua The crop sprayed with cacambe (10%) produced higher number of seeds/siliqua (7.40 seeds/siliqua) which accounted for 85.00 and 111.42 per cent increase over crop without any spray and crop caged without bees, respectively (Fig. 4). This was found to be on par with Bee-Q (1.25%) and jaggery solution (10%). The next best treatments which produced more number of seeds/siliqua were molasses (10%), sugarcane juice (10%), sugar solution (10%) and crop caged with bees. However, crop caged without bees found to posses less number of seeds per siliqua compared to control (crop without spray). These results clearly indicate that, application of attractants has positive effect in increasing the number of seeds/siliqua which was due to increased visitation of bees to enhance the effective cross pollination resulting in better seed setting. These findings corroborated by the results of Verma and Poghat (1994) who revealed number of seeds per siliqua and 1000 seed weight were maximum in cross pollinated radish compared to self pollinated plots. Shihag (1986) reported that number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and weight of seeds per plant were higher in cross pollinated plots of mustard.

No. of siliqua /plant

500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Caged with bees Caged without bees Crop sprayed with Cacambe (10%) Crop sprayed with BeeQ(1.25%)

No. of seeds/ siliqua

1000 seeds weight (g)

Per cent increase/decrease over control (caged)

Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice (10%)

Crop sprayed with Sugar solution (10%)

Crop sprayed with Jaggery (10%)

Crop sprayed with Molasses (10%)

Crop with out any spray


Fig. 4 : Influence of bee pollination on quantitative parameters of radish seed

Fig. 4 : Influence of bee pollination on quantitative parameters of radish seed

Per cent filled seed


Per cent unfilled seed

Net yield per plot (kg/12 m2)

Converted yield (q/ha)


80 Per cent increase/decrease over control (caged)








0 Caged with bees Caged without bees Crop sprayed with Cacambe (10%) Crop sprayed with BeeQ(1.25%) Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice (10%) Treatments Crop sprayed with Sugar solution (10%) Crop sprayed with Jaggery (10%) Crop sprayed with Molasses (10%) Crop with out any spray

Fig. 4 : Contd..

Fig. 4 : Contd..

Singh and Chamotre (1992) reported that seeds per siliqua was maximum in open pollinated radish. Number of siliqua per plant The crop sprayed with cacambe (10%) recorded higher number of siliqua per plant (500.16 siliqua/plant). This accounted for 27.69 and 55.51 per cent increase over crop without any spray and crop caged without bees, respectively. This treatment was found to be on par with molasses (10%), Bee-Q (1.25%), sugarcane juice (10%), sugar solution and crop caged with bees. The least number of siliqua per plant found in crop without any spray and crop caged without bees. These results clearly indicates that, application of attractants increased the number of siliqua per plant which was due to increased visitation of pollinators. These findings were corroborated by results of Priti et al. (2001) who reported that fruit set, siliqua length and seeds per plot were more in bee pollinated radish crop compared to self pollinated radish crop. Prasad et al. (1989) reported maximum siliqua length in bee pollinated plots of radish. Thousand seed (Test) weight The crop sprayed with cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%) produced more number of seeds (13.66 and 13.58 g/1000 seeds) respectively. These treatments were on par with Bee-Q (1.25%) and sugar solution (10%) followed by sugar cane juice, crop caged with bees and molasses (10%) whereas, remaining treatments were inferior to above treatments. The present results are in line with the reports of Sattigi et al. (2001a) and Guruprasad (2001) on niger, Patil (1999) on seasamum and Murasing (2000) on mustard. Per cent filled and unfilled seeds The crop sprayed with cacambe (10%) proved to be significantly superior with 83.36 per cent seeds which resulted in increase of 40.95 and 49.25 per cent over crop without any spray and caged without bees, respectively (Fig. 4). The remaining treatments were statistically on par with each other. The crop without any spray was found to be inferior to above treatments and superior over crop caged without bees. The crop sprayed with cacambe (10%) produced significantly least number of unfilled seeds (16.64% seeds/siliqua) accounting 59.72 and 62.64 per cent decrease over open pollinated crop without spray and caged crop without bees, respectively (Fig. 4). This was followed by other treatments except crop without any spray and crop caged without bees. These two treatments accounted 40.86 to 44.55 per cent unfilled seeds/siliqua, respectively. The present findings are in line with the reports of Bisht et al. (1983) who reported that rape plants visited by insect pollinators yielded 14 seeds per pod. Whereas, plants caged to exclude insects yielded 3 seeds per pod. Prasad et al. (1989) reported that open pollinated radish plots had the maximum number of seeds per siliqua. Net plot yield Maximum net plot (4.2 x 3 m ) yield was obtained in the crop sprayed with cacambe (10%) which recorded 141.25 and 221.66 per cent increase over open pollination without spray and crop caged without bees, respectively. Further, crop sprayed with jaggery solution (10%) was found to be on par with Bee-Q (1.25%) which recorded next best yield 3.24 kg/plot, followed by remaining treatments except crop caged without bees. This treatment accounted least seed yield1.20 kg /plot. These results indicated that application of attractants could increase the yield due to increase in activity of the pollinators. Present findings are in agreement with Kalmath (2002) who reported increased yield with cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%) in onion. Sattigi et al. (2001b) and Guruprasad (2001) reported high seed yield in niger due to Bee-Q application. Viraktamath and Patil (1999) and Murasing (2000) reported increased seed yield in sesamum.

5.4.2 Effect of bee pollination on qualitative parameters of radish seed Germination percentage The seeds from open pollinated crop sprayed with cacambe (10%) showed significant superiority with higher percentage of germination accounting for 97.13 per cent. These resulted in an increase of 14.93 and 18.94 per cent over open pollinated crop without any spray and crop caged without bees, respectively (Fig. 5). This treatment was found to be on par with Bee-Q (1.25%), sugar solution (10%), sugarcane juice (10%) and crop caged with bees. The remaining treatments showed higher germination percentage when compared with crop caged without bees which showed lower germination percentage (81.66%). The increase in germination percentage was obviously attributed to the increased bee visitation on crop treated with different attractants both at 5 and 50 per cent flowering. These findings are in line with the results of Kalmath (2002) who observed highest germination per cent in onion seeds obtained from plot sprayed with cacambe (10%), jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%). Guruprasad (2001) on niger, Murasing and Virakthamath (2002) on mustard, Kumar et al. (1989) on onion and Mane (2003) on coriander. Seedling vigour Shoot length Shoot growth of germinating seeds obtained from plots sprayed with cacambe (10%) was found to be superior (16.80 cm) over other treatments. The next best treatments were Bee-Q (1.25%), sugar solution (10%), sugarcane juice (10%) and crop caged with bees which were superior over remaining treatment. The crop caged without bees found to be posses least shoot length (10.83 cm) which was inferior to above treatments. The present results confirms the findings of earlier reports on sesamum (Patil, 1999 and Patil et al., 2000) on mustard Murasing (2000) Guruprasad (2001) on niger and Kalmath (2002) on onion, Mane (2003) on coriander and Nidagundi (2004) on bitter gourd reported increased in shoot length due to spray of attractants. Root length Root length of germinating seeds obtained from plots sprayed with cacambe (10%) was maximum (16.00 cm) which recorded 50.94 and 60.00 per cent increase over open pollination without any spray and crop caged without bees, respectively. The remaining treatments were found to be superior over crop caged without bees which recorded very less root length (10.00 cm). The present results endorse by the findings of Sattigi et al. (2001b) and Guruprasad (2001) who reported that bee pollination influence the root length to an extent of 8.34 to 8.69 cm in niger. Patil (1999) and Patil et al. (2000) reported that root length was influenced by spraying of Bee-Q (12.5 and 15 g/l) in sesamum and in mustard by Murasing (2000), Mane (2003) on coriander, Nidagundi (2004) on bitter gourd. The bee pollination, not only increased the yield but also improved the quality of the crop. Such improvements have been also reported by some workers. Increase in seedling vigour of safflower due to be pollination was reported by Lingappa et al. (1999). Similarly, Elmstrom and Maynard (1991) recorded 97 per cent more weight in melon fruits, supplemented with 3 colonies/ac compared with 1.25 colonies/ac. Whereas, enhanced weight, diameter and TSS in water melon were reported by Lingappa et al., (1999) and Sattigi et al. (2001 a and b).

Germination (%)

Shoot length (cm)

Root length (cm)


80 Per cent increase/decrease over control (caged)








0 Caged with bees Caged without bees Crop sprayed with Cacambe (10%) Crop sprayed with BeeQ(1.25%) Crop sprayed with Sugarcane juice (10%) Treatments Crop sprayed with Sugar solution (10%) Crop sprayed with Jaggery (10%) Crop sprayed with Molasses (10%) Crop with out any spray

Fig. 5 : Influence of bee pollination on qualitative parameters of radish seed

Fig. 5 : Influence of bee pollination on qualitative parameters of radish seed


1. Effective methods to increase the seed production of the radish with the help of honey bees needs to develop. 2. There should be effective utilization of attractants to attract honey bees.

Results of the investigation carried out during 2005 at Marewada, about 18 km from University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, on pollinator fauna, foraging behaviour of bees and other pollinators, effectiveness of different bee attractants on bee visitation and effect of bee pollination on yield parameters of radish are summarized below. Totally, 16 species of insects were recorded as pollinators visiting the flowers of radish, of these 7 species belonged to Hymenoptera, 4 to Diptera, 4 to Lepidoptera and 1 to Coleoptera. Among the total pollinators, A. florea was the most predominant constituting 42.20 per cent of the total pollinators followed by A. cerana (27.60%), A. dorsata (14.62%) and other pollinators (15.57%). The pollinator fauna was maximum between 1000 to 1200 h in general comprising of all pollinators. Foraging activity of A. florea started at 0800 hr and ceased at 1800 hr of the day. The peak foraging activity was observed between 1000 to 1400 hr (5.72 to 8.62 bees /sq. m/5 min). Foraging activity of A. dorsata was observed between 0600 to 1800 hr, which reached the peak at 1400 hr (5.72 to 8.62 bees/sq m/ 5min), whereas A. cerana foraging was maximum between 1000 to 1400 hr (2.76 to 4.23 bees/sq m/5 min). Foraging activity of other pollinators was maximum between 0600 to 1000 hr (2.23 to 2.43 pollinators/sq m/5 min) and 1600 to 1800 hr (2.16 to 2.07 pollinators/sq m/5 min). The comparative foraging behaviour of pollinators revealed that out of 461.01 pollinators 16.16 pollinators/sq m/5 m started foraging activity at 0600 hr and reached maximum at 1200 hr of the day accounting 22.25 pollinators/sq m/5 m. Spraying of bee attractant, viz., cacambe (10%) attracted highest number of st rd st A. florea on 1 and 3 day after first spray and 1 day after second spray. Whereas, jaggery solution (10%), Bee-Q (1.25%), sugar solution (10%) and sugarcane juice (10%) were next best treatments in attracting more number of bees. Remaining treatments viz., molasses (10%) and crop without spray had lower level of responses by honey bees. Crop sprayed with cacambe (10%) attracted maximum number of A. cerana up to 3 day after second spray and was on par with jaggery solution (10%). The Bee-Q (1.25%), sugarcane solution (10%) and sugarcane juice (10%) were next best treatments in attracting more number of bees. Molasses (10%) and crop without spray failed in attracting more number of bees. On spraying cacambe (10%), jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) were proved to be effective in attracting more number of other pollinators upto 5th day after first and second spray. Further, sugar solution (10%) and sugarcane juice (10%) proved to be the next best attractants. Molasses (10%) and crop without spray failed to attract more number of bees. Spraying of cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%) were significantly superior in enhancing both quantitative and qualitative parameters of radish seed. The number of seeds/siliqua (7.40) was higher with the treatment cacambe (10%) as against 4.00 and 3.50 seeds/siliqua over crop without spray and caged plot without bees, respectively. which resulted in 85.00 and 111.42 per cent increase over crop without spray and crop caged without bees, respectively. The number of siliqua per plant also found to be maximum in crop sprayed with cacambe 10 per cent (500.16 siliqua/plant) over open pollination without spray and crop caged without bees which accounted 391.68 and 323.70 siliqua/plant, respectively. Highest number of filled seeds (83.36%) with cacambe (10%) was observed as against 59.14 and 55.85 per cent over crop without spray and crop caged without bees, respectively. Higher test weight 13.66 g/1000 seeds in cacambe (10%) was observed against 9.47 and 9.42 g over the crop without spray and caged plot without bees, respectively.

The crop sprayed with cacambe (10%) recorded yield of 3.86 kg/plot as against 1.60 and 1.20 kg/plot in crop without any spray and caged plot without bees, respectively which was 141.25 and 122.02 per cent increase over crop without spray and caged plot without bees, respectively. Germination percentage of seeds was highest in the treatment which received cacambe (10%) followed by jaggery solution (10%), Bee-Q (1.25%), caged with bees, sugar solution, sugarcane juice and molasses (10%). But crop caged without bees recorded lowest germination (81.66%). The shoot length was maximum in the treatments with cacambe (10%), jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%). Similar trend was observed with respect to root length.

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Studies conducted to evaluate the role of honey bees on seed production of radish was carried out at Marewada village nearer to University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during rabi season of 2004-05. Total of 16 insect species were recorded as pollinator fauna of radish amongst which Apis florea F. was the predominant pollinator constituting 42.20 per cent of the total followed by A. cerana F. (27.60%), A. dorsata F. (14.62%) and other pollinators (15.57%). Foraging activity of different honey bee species varied however, peak foraging activity of A. florea, A. cerana and A. dorsata were observed at 1000 hr to 1400 hr. Whereas, other pollinators were active at 0600 hr to 1000 hr and 1600 hr to 1800 hr of the day. Spraying of cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%) had enticed more number of pollinators and thereby enhancing the number of seeds per siliqua (7.40 seeds/siliqua Vs 4.00 and 3.00 seeds/siliqua in crop without any spray and caged plot without bees, respectively). Significantly highest test weight (13.66 g as against 9.47 and 9.42 g in crop without any spray and caged plot without bees, respectively) and yield (29.25 q/ha as against 12.68 and 10.19 q/ha in crop without any spray and caged plot without bees, respectively) were obtained in the treatment with cacambe (10%). Thus, increasing of 130.67 and 187.00 per cent over crop without any spray and caged plot without bees, respectively. Per cent germination and root length were significant in the treatment that received cacambe (10%), jaggery solution (10%) and Bee-Q (1.25%) sprays. Similar trend was obtained with respect to shoot length.

Dr. H. N. SATTIGI Major Advisor

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