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BIOTNFOLET 3 (1) : 66'70, 2006

T. Srinivasu and G. B. Kulkami*
400 032'
Department of Botany, tnstitute of Science, Fort,Mumbai-
*Department of Botany, J.E S. College, Jalna'


lands in
growing 1uxuriantly in trouno-nut and jowar fields as well as in non-crop
iaririni"ro, region (ilanarasntra) especially in Aurangaba! and its environs'
on C'
The effect of igrocfremicals (Fernoxone, Glycel, Atrataf and Goal)
present work. The seed germination decreased
metdicaginea wai studied in the
with an increase in concentration of agro-chemicals. The lethaldoses
10,000 ppm, respectively for Goal' Femoxone
for seeds were 100, 10,000 and
etratai diri not kill weed seeds beyond 50,000 ppm. All these
agrocn6micals reduced hypomtyl and radicle length
of the seedlings with an
produced in various treatments were
N-Ct""t" in concentration. tne seedlings
showing some morphological abnormalities'
Key Words : Fernoxone, Glycel, Atrataf, Goal, crotalaria, see{jl

germination and early seedling growth of weed,

The weed, Crotalaria medicaginea var'
luxurianwas found to be growing commonly in C. medicaginea vat. luxurians'
the fields of jowar and ground-nut in The seeds were collected randomly from
Marathwada region of Maharashtra. This annual the naturally growing plants at different sites in
weed is natuialized in different areas of and aroundAurangabad rom time to time after
Aurangabad and its surroundings' lt is kharif season. The husk of seeds was removed
commonly called a's 'Talka, Diwali, Jenjaru or by hands. A set of fifty seeds were soaked in
Guali' in Marathi. This weed belongs to distiiled water for 24 hours after'mechanical
Fabaceae; it lacks root nodules and depletes scarif ication as control. Vario u s concentrations
nutrients from soil. Grazers do not eat this weed' of aqueous agro-chemicals were used for
Due to these reasons, the control of C' treatment of seeds for same period' After
medicaginea var. luxuriands is very important treatment, seeds were washed thoroughly and
aspect. Pre-emergence control of weed has were allowed to germinate under laboratory
OeLn tepotted to be very effeetive as the conditions in 15 cm Petri plates lined up with
germinating seeds and seedlings are more double layers of wet filter papers' Four
iusceptible to agro.chemical action (Mitchell replications were carried out for each agro-
and Brown, 1947). chemical treatment. Observations were
The present paper deals with the effect recorded daily (7 days) till the process of
germination cameto stop in each agro-chemical
of Fernoxone, Glycel, Goaland Atrataf on seed
Vol. 3 (1),2006 67
treatment. The length of radicle and hypocotyls Glycel also inhibited seed germination
of treated as well as control seedings were g rad u al ly in C rotala ri a med i cag i nea v ar I uxu ria ns
measured separately using seven days old and 10000 ppm was lethal. Earlier, Klingman and
seedings. Mean lengths of hypomtyl and radicle Murry (1976) on Poa pratensis, Moshier ef a/.
were taken from twenty seedings of four (1 976) on three varieties of Poa pratensis, Egley
replicates. The pH values at various doses of and Williams (1978) on Lolium multiflonum and
agro-chemicals were also noted. Trffoli um pntense; Eltun ef. a/. ( 1 985) on Meiago
sativa;Morash and Freedman (1989) on several
The percentage germination of seeds and
weeds, Wehtje et. al. (1992) on Phyllanthus
seedings lengith of the weed in control and at
urinaria, Shahid et. al. (1995) on Avena fatua
different concentrations of agro-chemicals is reported that Glycel suppressed seed
given in the table 1. The results obtained germination in respective weeds.
indicates that the seed germination was zero at
200 ppm of Goal; 1 0000 ppm of Fernozone and Goal was the most efficient among all
10000 ppm of Glycel. Hence, these doses were agro-chemicals to kill the seeds of Crotalaria
considered as lethal for Crotalaria medicaginea medicaginea in the present study. Previously
seeds. Atrataf did not stop seed germination. Rao ef. a/. (1985) on Seaamumindicum;Shahid
The efiect of Fermoxone (i. e. sodium salt of 2, et. al. (1992) on Asystasia intnusa and
4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) on seed Paspalium conjugatum: Wehtje et. al. (1992)
germination was studied carlier by Dnyansagar and Gopal (1993) on Chenopodium album and
and Khosla (1968) on Achyranthes Kumar et. al. (1995) on maize seeds reported
aspen,Cassia tora and Rue llia tuberosai Bakale inhibition of seed germination by Goal. Atrataf
and Dnyansagar (1971); on Altemanthera was found to be the least efficient among all
polygonoides, Cressa cretica and Xanthium ago-chemicals to control seed germination in
strumarium; Shukla (1972); on Psoralea C. medicagLnea because it did not inhibit it
corolffolia; Dagar et. al. (1977); on Pefthenium beyond 5000 ppm. Therefore, the lethal dose
hysterophonus; Kolhe (1979); on Solanum could not be determined in this case. Earlier,
surattense, Tephroia haemiltonil and Celosia Kozlowski and Kuntz (1963) also noticed no
argentea and Deshmukh (1981) on Cassk effect of atrazine on seeds of Pinus resinosa
occidentalis, Corchones olitorus and Legasca and P strobu.
mollis reported that these agro-chemicals From the foregeoing discussion, it was
inhibited seed germination in respective weeds.
clear that all agro-chemicals suppressed the
Kasera et. al. (1988) studied the seed growth of radicles and hypocotyls of seedings
germination and seedings growth inhibition in
gradually and the reduction in the groMh was
Barreria articulais, Chenopodium album, C.
inversely proportionate to dose. The stunted
murale, Cypens rotundus, Gisekia growth of seedings in this study was in
phamacioides and Plantago ovata by three
conformity with inhibition of cell division and
formulations of 2, 4-D, Srinivasu and Bakale
elongationfo lowi ng ag ro-chemi cal treatments

(1988) observed the gradual decline of seed

(Srinivvasu and Kulkarni, 2001). Holm and
germination (12.1o/") of Parthenium Abeles (1968) on soybean; Bakale and
hysterophonus L, due to 2, 4-D treatment (2$
Srinivasu (1986) on Parthenium hysterophonus;
500 ppm). Shahid et. al. (1992) noticed Jain (1993) on Chenopodium album and Gopal
reduction of seed germination in Asystasia (1993) on Medicago sativa reported cell
instrusa and Paspalum conjugatumfollowing 2,
inhibition due to agrochemicals. lt was also
4-D treatment. Gopal (1993) and Jain (1993)
observed that no pH condition favoured in
reported gradual inhibition of seed germination
suppression of cellular growth of C.
in Medicago sative and Chenopodium album,
medicaginea and it was chemical properties and
respectively with 2, 4-D.
mode of action of agro-chemicals.
Table 1: Efhc{ of agro-clrenricals on Seed germination and hypocotyl and radicle bngilh in
seven days old seedings.

Name of the
Germination standad Hypocotyl Standad Radicle Standard
agro-chemical percentage error length error length erTor
(ppm) (+/-) (mm) (+F) (mm) (+/-)

Gontrol 65.25 3.44 44.35 1.35 5.62 0.20

100 34.25 4.75 6.95 0.30 2.65 0.16
s00 29.36 3.84 s.93 0.38 2.60 0.20
1000 28.00 3.86 4.30 4.42 1.95 0.20
2500 20.00 3.34 3.12 .4.27 1.37 0.10
s000 9.75 1.82 0.00 0.00 0.00
10000 0.00 0.00 :oo 0.00
100 47.30 3.46 14.00 0.65 3.15 0.39
500 M.25 4.15 13.35 0.70 2.96 0.43
1000 37.75 3.90 Q.6A 0.45 2.00 0.47
2500 36.75 3.66 9.90 0.51 1.15 0.10
5000 35.75 2.49 8.80 0.72 1.10 0.15
10000 23.54 3.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25 40.83 0.24 20.05 0.56 4.14 0.52
50 29.17 1.38 18.40 0.48 3.60 a.28
100 9.83 1.01 16.30 0.40 2.55 0.26
200 0.00 0.00 0.00

1000 36.00 1.22 2134 0.79 4.25 09.49
10000 27.80 1.28 18.45 0.52 3.10 0.16
20000 *25.60 1.57 17.00 0.46 2.70 0.42
30000 23.80 1.15 16.15 0.49 1.95 0.18
40000 22.60 1.75 12.60 0.43 1.65 At2
50000 19.00 1.14 11.25 0.26 1.20 0.08

Prior to lethal doses, some malformations tora and Ruellia tuberose; Chawan and Sen
such as swollen radicle and hypocotyl were (1970) in Asteracantha lonifolta; Bakale and
noticed in Creotalaria medicaginea var. Dnyansagar (1971) in Altemanthera
luxurians treated with 2, 4-D. Chatterji et. al. polygonoides, Cressa cretica and Xanthium
(1966) in Sesamum indicum;Dnyasagar and strumarium, Modiwala Dubey (1975) in
Khosla (1968) in Achyrantheis aspera, Cassia Alternanthhera nagosus, Desmodium diffisum
Vol.3 (1),2006 69
and Cerchonus olitorious; Dubey and Mali Biol. Sci.11:29.
(1975) in Digera altemifolia; Srinivasu and
Dubey, P. S. and Mali, L. P. (1975) Trop. Ecot.
Bakale (1988) in Parthenium hysterophonusand
16 : 39.
Gopal (1993) in Medicago sativa reported
Egley, G. H. and Williams, R. D. (1978) Weed
swollen seedings following 2, 4-D treatment.
Similarly, Glycel and Goalalso induced twisting
and bending of hypocotyls in the present case Eltum, R. Wakefield, R. C. and Sullivan. W. M.
jain (1993) noticed similar malformations in (1985) Agronamy JournalTT (1) : 5.
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chemicals inhibited seed germination and
of weedicides on weed Chenopodium
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inhibition of celldivision and growth .Goalwas
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The radicles were more susceptible to agro 55 : 937.
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