Seaweed Extract As A Biostimulant For Legume Crop, Green Gram

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Journal of Ecobiotechnology 2011, 3(8): 16-19

ISSN: 2077-0464
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Seaweed extract as a biostimulant for legume crop, green gram

R. Kavipriya, P. K. Dhanalakshmi, S. Jayashree, N. Thangaraju*

Algal Research Laboratory, Center for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai - 600 025, India

The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of seaweed extracts obtained from the marine green algae, Ulva lactuca
Linnaeus, Caulerpa scalpelliformis (R.Brown ex Turner) C. Agardh, brown algae Sargassum plagiophyllum C. Agardh,
Turbinaria conoides (J. Agardh) Kutzing, Padina tetrastromatica Hauck, Dictyota dichotama (Hudson) J. V. Lamouroux on the
stimulate germination, growth parameters of the Vigna radiata. The present study reveals the seeds germination, fresh
weight and dry weight of shoots and roots. These results suggested that seaweed extracts stronger induce seed germination
and growth parameters.
Keywords: Seaweed Extracts, Biostimulant, Green Gram, Seed Germination

bean (El-Sheekh and El-Saled, 2000). In experimental studies it was
Seaweeds are one of the most important marine resources of
shown that growth of seedlings was stimulated by the seaweed
the world. Seaweed extracts have been marketed for several years
extracts of green algae (Ulva lactuca, Caulerpa scalpelliformis) and
as fertilizer additives and beneficial results from their use have been
brown algae (Sargassum plagiophyllum, Turbinaria conoides, Padina
reported (Booth, 1965). The possibilities of using seaweed in modern
tetrastromatica, Dictyota dichotama). In the present study, We aimed
agriculture have been investigated by many (Thivy, 1961; Aitken and
to the applicability of six different seaweed extracts was tested
Sen, 1965; Boney, 1965). Different forms of sea weed preparation
regarding stimulation of seed germination and growth parameters of
such as LSF (Liquid Seaweed Fertilizer), SLF (Seaweed Liquid
the Vigna radiata (Green gram).
Fertilizer) LF (Liquid Fertilizer), and either whole or finally chopped
powered algal manure have been used and all of them have been MATERIALS AND METHODS
reported to produce beneficial effects on cereals, pulses, and Collection of Seaweeds
flowering plant. Seaweed manure has the advantage of being free
The seaweeds Ulva lactuca, Caulerpa scalpelliformis,
from weeds and pathogenic fungi. Liquid extracts of brown algae are
Sargassum plagiophyllum, Turbinaria conoides, Padina
being sold as biostimulants or biofertilizers in various brand names.
tetrastromatica, Dictyota dichotama were collected from Mandapam
Promising increased crop yield, nutrient uptake, resistance to frost
coast, Tamil Nadu during November 2010. The seaweeds were
and stress, improved seed germination of reduced incidents of fungal
handpicked and washed thoroughly with seawater to remove the
and insect attack have been resulted by application of seaweed
unwanted impurities, adhering sand particles and epiphytes. They
extracts. Seaweeds are known to contain appreciable quantities of
were transported to the laboratory in polythene bags. Samples were
plant growth regulators (Mooney and Van Staden, 1985), cytokinin
washed thoroughly using tap water to remove salt the surface salt
(Smith and Van staden, 1984), IAA (Abe et al., 1972), gibberellins
and then blotted to remove excess water.
and gibberellins-like substances (Bentley, 1960; Sekar et al., 1995).
Seaweed extract as organic biostimulant is fast becoming Preparation of Seaweed Extract
accepted practice in horticulture due to its beneficial effects (Verkleij,
1992). SLF treatment increased the number of branches and Seaweeds were shade dried for four days, followed by oven dry
concentration of photosynthetic pigments (S. Sridhar and R. for 12h at 60°C. Then the materials were hand crushed and made as
Rengasamy, 2010). Crop cultivation using organic fertilizers has coarse powder was added with distilled in a ratio of 1: 20 (w/v) and
contributed for deposition of residues, improving physical and autoclaved at 121°C, 15lbs/sq.inch for 30 minutes. The hot extracts
chemical properties of soil that is important for biological were filtered through a double-layered cheese cloth and allowed to
development (Galbiattia et al., 2007). Seaweed extracts reported to cool at room temperature (Rama Rao, 1990). The filtrate was
improve seed germination in several species such as Table beet centrifuged at 10,000rpm for 15 minutes. The resulting supernatant
(Wilczek and Ng, 1982), Lettuce (Moller and Smith, 1998) and Faba was taken as 100 % seaweed liquid extracts. Seaweed liquid
extracts were prepared with different doses viz., 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%,
0.4%, and 0.5%.
Received: June 11, 2011; Revised August 21, 2011; Accepted August 21, 2011.
*Corresponding Author
Seed Treatment

N. Thangaraju The green gram seeds were surface sterilized with 0.1% HgCl2,
washed thoroughly 3-5 times in sterilized distilled water and then the
Algal Research Laboratory, Center for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of sowing seeds were soaked in particular doses of seaweed extracts
Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai - 600 025, India
for 12 hrs. The seeds were placed on top of the filter paper wetted
Tel: +91-99403 96478 with 5 ml of each different concentrations of seaweed extracts in the
Email: [email protected] petri dishes were kept under day fluorescent light with 3000-lux
Journal of Ecobiotechnology 2011, 3(8): 16-19 17

intensities for 5 days. The culture room temperature was maintained RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
at 27°C. In control, seeds with distilled water on the paper in the petri
The analyses of seaweed extracts obtained from, Ulva lactuca,
dishes under the same conditions. After five days old seedlings
Caulerpa scalpelliformis, the brown algae, Sargassum plagiophyllum,
taken for the observations, Growth parameters including % of seed
Turbinaria conoides, Padina tetrastromatica, and Dictyota dichotama
germination, root length, shoot length, total height, number of lateral
on the Vigna radiata seeds were analyzed and are presented in table
roots, fresh weight, and dry weight was measured. The plant weight
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Aitkin and Senn recorded lower concentration
was also estimated using electronic balance. Seedlings kept at
seaweed extract showed increased seed germination on ornamental
60±5°C for 48 hours and weighted for determination of their dry
plants, Tobacco, Pea and cotton. Dhargalkar and Untawale reported
that SLF treatment enhanced the rate of seed germination in green
Statistical Analysis Chilies and Turnip and found that lower concentration of SLF
increase the germination percentage than the higher concentration.
Data were analyzed statistically for standard deviation, using
MS Excel. All measurements were performed with triplicates. The
results were tabulated.

Table: 1 Seaweed extract of Sargassum plagiophyllum (Phaeophyceae) on germination and Growth of Vigna radiata seedlings
Seaweed extract
control 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5%
% of Germination 70 60 70 80 90 80
Root length(cm) 4±1.224 5.6±1.816 4.8±1.303 5.6±0.547 8.2±1.303 6.2±2.167
Shoot length(cm) 6.2±1.923 9±1.581 9.6±2.701 9.8±0.894 12.8±1.483 10.6±1.341
Total height(cm) 10.6±2.073 14.4±1.673 16.6±1.673 17.2±2.280 19.8±1.923 16±2.449
No. of lateral roots 9.2±3.563 17±4.242 19±7.745 15±5.099 15.6±4.393 12.6±3.646
Fresh weight (gm) 0.210±0.030 0.303±0.013 0.356±0.531 0.351±0.066 0.363±0.028 0.322±0.042
Dry weight (gm) 0.034±0.011 0.034±0.003 0.031±0.003 0.034±0.007 0.035±0.005 0.034±0.008

Table: 2 Seaweed extract of Turbinaria conoides (Phaeophyceae) on germination and Growth of Vigna radiata seedlings

Seaweed extract control 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5%

% of Germination 70 80 80 90 80 80
Root length(cm) 4±1.224 6±1.224 6±1.224 8.8±0.836 6.2±1.303 5.8±0.836
Shoot length(cm) 6.2±1.923 11±0.707 10.2±1.483 16.4±1.816 9±1.414 11.6±2.073
Total height(cm) 10.6±2.073 16.2±1.303 15.8±0.836 21±1.870 14.8±1.483 16.2±0.836
No. of lateral roots 9.2±3.563 14.4±3.507 12.8±4.324 9.8±2.774 13±2.915 17.2±2.774
Fresh weight (gm) 0.210±0.030 0.349±0.046 0.375±0.046 0.407±0.022 0.293±0.040 0.339±0.026
Dry weight (gm) 0.034±0.011 0.036±0.004 0.035±0.006 0.042±0.003 0.028±0.010 0.036±0.007

Table: 3 Seaweed extract of Padina tetrastromatica (Phaeophyceae) on germination and Growth of Vigna radiata seedlings
Seaweed extract control 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5%
% of Germination 70 100 80 90 60 60
Root length(cm) 4±1.224 6.2±1.923 4.2±0.447 5.2±1.303 4.2±0.836 5±1.581
Shoot length(cm) 6.2±1.923 9.6±2.017 8.2±2.280 8.8±2.049 11±2.385 7.8±1.581
Total height(cm) 10.6±2.073 20±5.385 14.2±4.658 13.8±5.263 14.6±5.224 12.2±2.049
No. of lateral roots 9.2±3.563 20.6±5.128 14.2±4.658 13±5.263 14.6±5.224 12.2±2.049
Fresh weight(gm) 0.210±0.030 0.401±0.052 0.318±0.051 0.318±0.051 0.326±0.039 0.293±0.054
Dry weight(gm) 0.034±0.011 0.063±0.011 0.032±0.009 0.043±0.012 0.034±0.009 0.033±0.007

Table: 4 Seaweed extract of Dictyota dichotama (Phaeophyceae) on germination and Growth of Vigna radiata seedlings
Seaweed extract control 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5%
% of Germination 70 70 80 50 90 70
Root length(cm) 4±1.224 5.4±1.673 4.4±1.140 5.2±1.303 7.6±1.341 5.6±1.140
Shoot length(cm) 6.2±1.923 9.8±1.095 10.6±3.361 9.4±2.073 12.2±3.114 9.2±1.303
Total height(cm) 10.6±2.073 13.6±3.435 10.6±4.615 13.8±2.949 18.2±5.263 13.4±3.209
No. of lateral roots 9.2±3.563 16.2±5.630 10.8±3.898 11.6±4.878 18.6±3.209 12.6±3.130
Fresh weight (gm) 0.210±0.030 0.331±0.017 0.329±0.060 0.297±0.089 0.392±0.032 0.300±0.057
Dry weight (gm) 0.034±0.011 0.035±0.006 0.037±0.009 0.042±0.007 0.046±0.004 0.037±0.008
18 R. Kavipriya et al.

Table: 5 Seaweed extract of Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyceae) on germination and Growth of Vigna radiata seedlings
Seaweed extract control 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5%
% of Germination 70 70 90 80 80 60
Root length(cm) 4±1.224 5.4±2.302 7.4±1.140 6.8±1.923 4.4±0.894 4.8±1.095
Shoot length(cm) 6.2±1.923 10.2±1.923 11.2±2.387 7.8±1.923 7.6±1.140 7.4±1.516
Total height(cm) 10.6±2.073 15.4±2.302 18.8±1.483 14.6±1.816 11.6±1.516 11.8±0.836
No. of lateral roots 9.2±3.563 17.2±4.868 17.2±6.058 12.4±5.770 11.8±2.683 8.8±3.346
Fresh weight (gm) 0.210±0.030 0.292±0.022 0.385±0.034 0.285±0.038 0.285±0.027 0.296±0.062
Dry weight (gm) 0.034±0.011 0.039±0.005 0.042±0.002 0.031±0.005 0.035±0.007 0.032±0.001

Table: 6 Seaweed extract of Caulerpa scalpelliformis (Chlorophyceae) on germination and Growth of Vigna radiata seedlings

Seaweed extract control 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5%

% of Germination 70 70 80 70 100 90
Root length(cm) 4±1.224 4.2±1.095 4.8±1.303 4.4±0.547 8.2±0.083 5.2±0.836
Shoot length(cm) 6.2±1.923 11.2±1.095 9.8±2.489 9.2±1.923 11.4±1.816 9.2±1.483
Total height(cm) 10.6±2.073 15.2±3.346 14.4±3.049 13.2±1.788 17.4±1.516 14.2±2.387
No. of lateral roots 9.2±3.563 14.4±3.310 17.6±5.029 10.6±1.516 18.2±5.630 12.4±2.880
Fresh weight (gm) 0.210±0.030 0.313±0.070 0.302±0.043 0.293±0.025 0.389±0.035 0.316±0.049
Dry weight (gm) 0.034±0.011 0.028±0.010 0.033±0.004 0.029±0.005 0.041±0.003 0.041±0.012

The lowest germination percentage (50%) was found at 0.3%

extract of brown seaweed, Dictyota dichotama (Table: 4). The
highest germination (100%) of the green gram was recorded with The authors are gratefully thanking to Prof. Dr. R. Rengasamy,
0.4% Caulerpa scalpelliformis (Table: 6) and 0.1% Padina Director, Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of
tetrastromatica extract tested (Table: 3). Maximum root length Madras, for his valuable suggestions during this work and the entire
(8.8±0.836cm) of the Vigna radiata observed at 0.3% concentration well wishers for the encouragement given during the period of
of Turbinaria conoides treatment (Table: 2). The lowest root length investigation.
(4.2±0.447cm) was observed at seaweed extract level (0.2%) of
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