2002 Corazza - Nunes Euphytica
2002 Corazza - Nunes Euphytica
2002 Corazza - Nunes Euphytica
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M.J. Corazza-Nunes1,∗ , M.A. Machado2 , W.M.C. Nunes3 , M. Cristofani2 & M.L.P.N. Targon2
1 Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, CEP 87020-900 Maringá-PR, Brazil; 2 Centro de
Citricultura Sylvio Moreira/IAC – Cordeirópolis-SP, Brazil. 3 Departamento de Agronomia, Universidade Estadual
de Maringá, Maringá-PR, Brazil; (∗ author for correspondence, e-mail: [email protected])
The genetic variability of 38 grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) and three pummelos (C. maxima (Burm.) Merr..)
accessions was evaluated using RAPD, and single sequence repeat (SSR) analyses. Approximately 49% of the 198
RAPD were polymorphic, and 4.6 alleles per SSR loci were identified. PIC values changed from 0.093 to 0.450. A
UPGMA phenetic tree was constructed and two main grapefruit groups were identified. The grapefruit accessions
‘do Cabo’ and ‘Siamesa-Filipinas’ clustered very close to the pummelos in Group A. The Group B consisted of
three sub-groups, which comprised all of the other grapefruit accessions. The majority of grapefruit accessions
showed a narrow genetic base suggesting that the observed morphological polymorphism within the group must be
associated with somatic mutations, which were not detected by these molecular markers.
Moreover, it is the primary source of the germplasm Thompson (1980). The leaves were ground to a fine
used for the diversification and selection processes that powder in liquid nitrogen and resuspended in CTAB
have produced the majority of pigmented grapefruit extraction buffer (1% CTAB, 100 mM Tris HCl pH
varieties (Gmitter Jr., 1993). Since grapefruits are the 7.5, 10 mM EDTA, 0.7 M NaCl, 2% Sarcosyl and
only citrus taxon which have known origin (Scora et 140 mM 2-mercaptoethanol). The supernatant was ex-
al., 1982; Kumamoto et al., 1987; Yamamoto et al., tracted with chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (24:1), and
1993 ), the phenotypic diversity within the group may precipitated in absolute ethanol and the pellet resus-
be associated with somatic mutation, and/or hybridiz- pended in TE containing 10 g/ml RNAse. PCR was
ation with compatible species. conducted in a total volume of 13 µl (1.3 µl of 10x
Genetic variability of citrus and several other spe- 100 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.3, 500 mM KCl, 2.0 mM
cies has been accessed using DNA markers based on MgCl2 , and 0.01% gelatin), 0.2 mM of each dNTP,
PCR, such as random amplified polymorphic DNA 15 ng of primer kits Operon of 10-mer primers: AV3,
(RAPD), and single sequence repeats (SSR). Although AV5, AV8, AV13, AV15, AV16, AV17, AV20, B7,
the genetic diversity of several Citrus species have B17, C2, C5, C6, C7, C11, C14, C15, C18, C20,
been well evaluated, specially mandarins (Machado M5, U5), 7 ng of DNA and 1.5 units of DNA Taq
et al., 1996; Coletta Filho et al., 1998), it lacks polymerase (Gibco). Amplifications were performed
studies on species which origin is associated to so- in a thermocycler (MJ Research) programmed for 36
matic mutations, such as sweet oranges and grapefruit. cycles of 1 min at 92 ◦ C, followed by 1 min at 36 ◦ C, 2
The present study used RAPD and SSR markers to min at 72 ◦ C, and a final extension at 72 ◦ C for 10 min.
evaluate genetic polymorphism and similarity among Aliquots of the final amplified products were analyzed
accessions of grapefruits and pummelos in a core in 1.4% agarose gels containing 0.5 g/ml of ethidium
collection. bromide.
The primers used to amplify the microsatellite loci
regions were developed and synthesized from genomic
Material and methods DNA extracted from the sweet orange ‘Pera’ as de-
scribed by Cristofani et al. (1998). Out of 20 tested
Plant Material primers, 5 (P73, P94, P620, P1223, P1826) were se-
lected for grapefruit analysis. Sample amplification
All commercially cultivated varieties of grapefruits
was conducted in a total volume of 25 µl (2.5 µl of
and three important varieties of pummelos are rep-
the 10X buffer, 100 ng of genomic DNA, 0.2 mM
resented in this study (Table 1). The core collections
of each dNTP, 16 pM of 3’ and 5’ terminal primers
include three plants of each accession, all of them graf-
and 1.5 units of DNA Taq polymerase (Gibco)). The
ted on Cleopatra mandarin (C. reshni). A plant from
amplifications were conduced according to Kijas et
three was usually evaluated. Only from the accessions
al. (1997) (94 ◦ C /5 min, 32 cycles/94 ◦ C /1 min,
‘Marsh Seedless’, and ‘Redblush’ the three replicates
55 ◦ C /30 sec, 72 ◦ C /1 min, and a final extension
were evaluated to confirm the complete clonal identity
at 72 ◦ C / 4 min. The PCR products were denatured
among plants. The core collections belongs to active
at 95 ◦ C for 3 min and resolved in 30 cm × 30 cm
citrus germplasm collection of the Citriculture Center
denaturing gel containing 8% polyacrylamide (40:2
Sylvio Moreira/IAC, Cordeirópolis, São Paulo, Brazil.
acrylamide/bisacrylamide), 4.6 M urea and 1X TBE
The core collection include plant introduced as seeds
buffer (45 mM Tris-Boric, 1 mM EDTA (pH 8,4)).
(called new budline or new clones, in the Table 1 they
Electrophoresis was conducted at a constant 100 V or
are highlighted in italic), and as budwoods (called old
about 50 mA, for 8–10 h, after which the gels were
budline or old clones) from different part of the world.
stained with silver nitrate (Beidler et al., 1982). The
Both old and new clone of each accessions were evalu-
size of the alleles in the loci was determined using a
ated, since new clones may present genetic variations
100 bp DNA standard (Gibco). Polymorphic inform-
originated whether by seedling somatic mutations of
ation content (PIC) of SSR patterns were estimated
seedlings or by selection of zigotic hybrids.
according to Liu (1998).
Alleles RAPD (present or absent) and alleles SSR
DNA extraction and analysis
(homozigote or heterozigote) were included in a data
The total DNA was extracted from young leaves matrix (accession × marker), and used for multivari-
according to the modified method of Murray & ate analysis with the NTSYS-PC software version 1.7
Table 1. Grapefruits and pummelos accessions in the core collections, and the more informative RAPD and SSR markers
associated to them
In italic the accessions of new clones or nucellar clone originated from seeds.
1 = primer number and molecular weight of the amplified fragment.
2 = molecular weight of the amplified microsatelite.
(Rohlf, 1992). Simple matching coefficients and un- bp. The more informative RAPD are included in
weighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages the Table 1. Profiles that showed bands with lower
(UPGMA) were used to build the consensus tree after or higher molecular weights and those that presen-
bootstrap test repeated hundred times . ted ambiguous interpretations were not included in
the analysis. Approximately 49% of the 198 amp-
lified fragments revealed polymorphism among the
Results and discussion accessions, with the average number of polymorphic
markers per primer being 4.6. This value was higher
Twenty-one primers were selected for the RAPD ana- than 2.2 found by Machado et al. (1996), and 1.95
lyses based upon the resolution of the amplified seg- found by Coletta Filho et al. (1998) among mandarin
ments and the number of polymorphism created. The (C. reticulata Blanco) accessions.
number of amplified fragments per primer varied from High polymorphism was observed in accessions
4 to 15, with their sizes ranging from 400 to 3,000 such as ‘Royal’, ‘Triumph’, ‘Imperial’, ‘Leonardy’,
‘Cannores’, ‘do Cabo’, ‘Pernambuco’, ‘Côco Vari- ation of non-specific fragments is more evident with
ação’, ‘Arananyan’, ‘de Maurítius’, ‘Pamplemousse’, SSR based on dinucleotides than those of tri and
‘Siamesa’, ‘Siamesa-Filipinas’ and ‘Dalandan’, as tetranucleotides.
well as in the three pummelos. Accession-specific Tables 1 and 2 show that the majority of acces-
marker was also found in ‘Siamesa-Filipinas’ (OPB17- sions were heterozygous, with alleles of two different
1,640, corresponding to a fragment of 1,640bp amp- sizes, such as in loci 94 and 1826. The grapefruits
lified with primer B-17), ‘do Cabo’ (OPC6-1,285), ‘Pernambuco’, ‘Arananyan’ and ‘Dalandan’, and the
and ‘Pernambuco’ (OPB7-447). Some primers al- pummelos ‘Lau-Tau’ and ‘Singapura’ were homo-
lowed common patterns in few accessions, e.g. zygous for locus 94, while ‘Siamesa-Filipinas’ and
‘de Maurítius’ and ‘Pamplemousse’ (OPAV13-816, ‘Dalandan’ were homozygous for locus 1826. Poly-
OPC5-698, and OPM5-1,290). Reproducible band in- morphism of allele size were also detected in the
tensity among accessions was also observed, what grapefruit accessions ‘de Maurítius’, ‘Pamplemousse’,
can point out different number of copies of the target ‘Siamesa-Filipinas’ and ‘Siamesa’ for loci 94 and
fragment amplified by PCR (Wilkie et al., 1993). 1826. In the grapefruit accessions ‘do Cabo’, ‘Pernam-
RAPD markers are well known by their ability to buco’ and for the pummelos ‘Lau-Tau’, ‘Singapura’
induce misinterpretation caused by PCR conditions and ‘Siamesa’ allele size polymorphism was also ob-
(Rafalski et al., 1991; Wilkie et al., 1993; Halldén et served for locus 1826.
al., 1996). Usually the misinterpretation of the band There were 27 homozygous and 14 heterozyg-
phenotypes can affect the analysis of the genetic di- ous alleles for locus 620, and the grapefruit acces-
versity, in that, accessions can appear to be more sions ‘Royal’, ‘Triumph’, ‘Imperial’, ‘Cannores’, ‘Le-
variable than they really are. In this study, repetitions onardy’ ‘Maurítius’ and ‘Pamplemousse’ showed the
with clones showed the same RAPD profiles with all same genotype, with two alleles of the same length.
primers and PCR conditions. On the other hand, SSR Identical genotypes were found for the grapefruits
loci are more informative and can be evaluated using ‘Pernambuco’ and ‘Coco Variação’, and for the
primers developed for a species and related genera. grapefruits ‘do Cabo’ and ‘Dalandan’. The grapefruit
From the twenty primers used in this studies, all of ‘Siamesa-Filipinas’ and the pummelos ‘Lau-Tau’ and
them originally of sweet orange ‘Pera’ (C. sinensis L. ‘Singapura’ also had identical genotypes. Of the
Osb.), only five revealed polymorphism among the ac- microsatellite loci analyzed locus 73 had 4 hetero-
cessions. The number of alleles were observed in each zygous genotypes (‘Siamesa- Filipinas’, and the 3
locus changed from 4 (loci 73, 94, 620, and 1223) pummelos), while locus1223 had 5 heterozygous gen-
to 7 (locus 1826), according with Kija et al., 1995), otypes (‘Arananyan’, ‘Mauritius’, ‘Pamplemousse’,
whereas the values of PIC changed from 0,09 to 0,45 ‘Siamesa’ and ‘Lau-Tau’).
(Table 2). The average number of alleles per locus was The data obtained from RAPD (presence or ab-
4.6, which was lower than in other species as 8.4 in sence of the band) and SSR (presence or absence of
grape (Thomas & Scott, 1993), 9 in rice (Yang et al., the allele in the locus) were combined and phenetically
1994), 17.7 in barley (Saghai Maroof et al., 1994), and analyzed to determine the genetic similarity among the
18.6 in soybean (Rongwen et al., 1995). accessions of the core collection. The simple matching
According to Primmer et al. (1996), the success coefficients of genetic similarity (GS) were calculated
of amplification of SSR loci among related species using the 198 RAPD and the 820 SSR combinations
decreases as the phylogenetic distance increases. Con- for the 41 genotypes studied. Stiles et al. (1993) study-
served sequences of primers were detected in com- ing genetic similarity of papaya concluded that the
mercial and wild rice (Wu & Tanksley, 1993), grape simple matching coefficient (including common neg-
(Thomas & Scott, 1993), among genera of the Curcu- ative data) was more appropriate for the calculation
bitaceae family (Katzir et al., 1996), and among of the genetic distance between varieties that have a
conifer species (Echt et al., 1999). Close phylogen- narrow genetic base.
etic relationships were found between grapefruit and Figure 1 shows a UPGMA dendrogram produced
the its male parent, sweet orange (Scora et al., 1982; from the simple matching coefficient of similarity.
Yamamoto et al., 1993). However, the SSR primers The 41 accession fell into two main groups (A and
of sweet orange used in this study frequently pro- B). Group A contains the grapefruit accessions ‘do
duced low polymorphism and non-specific fragments. Cabo’ and ‘Siamesa-Filipinas’, which clustered with
Rongwen et al. (1995) pointed out that the amplific- the three pummelos (GS = 0.84). It therefore seems
Table 2. Microsatellite loci in grapefruits (Citrus paradisi) and pummelos (C. maxima)
F1 -CCATTGCTTACGAAGTTG (AG) 20 364-395 4 37 4 0.176
F-GATTGAATCTTCTGTAGCTC (TC) 22 430-537 4 5 36 0.214
F-GACTGGATTAGAGTTCTCTG (AG)20 410-442 4 27 14 0.450
F-ATCTGTGTAAGGACTGAA (AG) 21 303-399 4 36 5 0.214
F-GGACACTGTGACGGCTAA (AG) 24 388-467 7 2 39 0.093
1 – F = Forward; 2 – R = Reverse.
Figure 1. Phenogram of 38 grapefruit and 3 pummelo accessions, derived using the UPGMA grouping method based on simple matching
similarity coefficients obtained from RAPD and microsatellite analyses.
that although these two accessions were cultivated pulp, seeded and seedless fruits) such as ‘Marsh Seed-
grapefruits, they probably belong to the pummelo less’, ‘Duncan’, ‘Thompson Pink’, ‘Foster’ and ‘Red
group. The morphological characteristics of these ac- Blush’ showed complete genetic similarity. These
cessions (leaves with oval blades and serrated edges, results suggest that these accessions represent vari-
large diameter fruits with thick rinds and oval to ations of a single clone with different names or that
pear-shape fruits) support this hypothesis. The genetic they are in fact different varieties that were derived
similarity between group A and group B was 0.76, from somatic mutations that were not detected by the
an index which indicates the narrow genetic relation- molecular markers used.
ship between these grapefruits and the pummelos, the Low polymorphism has also been documented
putative maternal parents of the grapefruits. by Novelli et al. (1999), who analyzed 31 varieties
Group B includes 36 accessions, subdivided into of sweet oranges (C. sinensis) with the same SSR
three sub-groups. The accessions ‘Royal’, ‘Triumph’, primers. Studies conducted by Luro et al. (1995)
‘Leonardy’, ‘Imperial’, ‘Leonardy – Flórida’, ‘Can- showed that SSR probes could not distinguish between
nores’ and ‘Pernambuco’ formed the B1 subgroup varieties of this specie. However, a somatic variant
with a GS of 0.89. The subgroup composed of ‘Royal’, was detected by Orford et al., (1995) in hypervari-
‘Triumph’, ‘Imperial’, ‘Leonardy’ and ‘Cannores’ had able regions of an individual of sweet orange of a
a genetic similarity of approximately 100%. Accord- ‘Navel’ variety. These results support previous re-
ing to Hodgson (1967), these varieties were probably search (Cameron & Frost, 1968; Vardi, 1988) and
derived from natural hybrids with sweet oranges rep- suggest that the differences found in varieties of a few
resenting a natural group of grapefruits that have round Citrus species (e.g. C. paradisi and C sinensis) are
yellow-orange color fruits with lots of seeds and a caused mainly by somatic mutation, which explains
sweet flavor, which contrasts with the typical smell the narrow genetic base of this group.
and bitter taste of grapefruits. Selected somatic mutations that occur in buds or
The B2 subgroup has 23 accessions and is correl- branches were the only methods used to develop new
ated with the B1 subgroup with a GS of 0.88. The grapefruit varieties. These fruits showed distinct mor-
majority of the accessions of this subgroup had dif- phological characteristics such as the absence of seeds
ferent morphological characteristics, such as fruits and an increase in lycopene and carotene pigments
with pale yellow pulp and many seeds (‘Duncan’, in the peel, rind and/or pulp of the fruits (Gmitter
‘McCarthy’, ‘Marsh Seedy’, ‘Retiro’ and ‘Híbrido Jr., 1993). Cameron & Frost (1968) reported evid-
47449’), or with only a few seeds (‘Marsh Seedless’, ence that the pink-pulped varieties ‘Thompson’ and
‘Davis’, and ‘Hart’s’), as well as pigmented fruits with ‘Foster’ originated from periclinal chimeras that oc-
many seeds (‘Foster’, ‘Red Mexican’, and ‘Híbrido curred in mutant branches of the pale yellow fruited
47389’), or almost seedless fruits (‘Red Blush-Rubi’, ‘Marsh’ and ‘Walters’ varieties. Somatic mutations
‘Thompson Pink’ and ‘Shambar’). The GS of these that occurred in these varieties resulted in fruits with
clustered accessions was 0.98–1.00. The most dis- red-pigmented pulps, such as the grapefruits ‘Red-
tant accession within this subgroup was the grapefruit blush’, ‘Ruby Red’ and ‘Star Ruby’. However, the
‘Dalandan’, with a GS of 0.90. development of pink pigmentation was not observed
The B3 subgroup containing the grapefruits in the ‘Thompson’ accession held in this studied core
‘Maurítius’ and ‘Pamplemousse’ with a GS of 0.98 collections, indicating that the presence of pigments
correlated with the other B subgroups at a GS of 0.82. can also be influenced by environment factors, as was
Three grapefruit accessions were separated within the suggested by Hodgson (1967). Nucellar clones of the
B group, ‘Coco Variação’ (has a pale yellow pulp and ‘Thompson’ variety were cultivated in different ex-
a thicker and harder peel than the other varieties, GS of perimental stations in California where they produced
087) ‘Arananyan’ (with deep red pigmented pulp and fruits similar to the ‘Marsh’ variety. However, this did
rind, GS 0.84), and ‘Siamesa’. not occur with nucellar plants of the ‘Foster’ variety
RAPD amplification and SSR loci analyses re- that showed red-pigmented fruits and were identical
vealed low genetic polymorphism in the grapefruit to those from the ‘Redblush’ variety (Cameron &
accessions studied. The PIC values (Table 1) also con- Frost, 1968). It seems that, in the ‘Thompson’ vari-
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