Walia 2019
Walia 2019
Walia 2019
Swati Walia, Arti Rana, Ashok Singh, Mohit Sharma, S.G. Eswara Reddy &
Rakesh Kumar
To cite this article: Swati Walia, Arti Rana, Ashok Singh, Mohit Sharma, S.G. Eswara Reddy
& Rakesh Kumar (2019) Influence of Harvesting Time on Essential Oil Content, Chemical
Composition and Pesticidal Activity of Artemisia�maritima Growing Wild in the Cold Desert
Region of Western Himalayas, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 22:2, 396-407, DOI:
Article views: 16
Swati Walia 1,2, Arti Rana 2, Ashok Singh 4, Mohit Sharma 1,3
S.G. Eswara Reddy 1,2* and Rakesh Kumar 1,2*
Natural Product Chemistry and Process Development Division
High Altitude Biology Division, CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology,
(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), Post Box No. 6, Palampur 176 061 (H.P.), India
Received 02 November 2018; accepted in revised form 16 April 2019
Abstract: Essential oil (EO) of Artemisia maritima plants growing naturally in the cold desert region
has been extracted by hydro distillation at different growth stages during 2015-16. The constituents of the EO
have been characterized by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry. Nineteen compounds were
identified. EO content and composition vary throughout the vegetation period of the plant. The best time for
higher EO content (0.45±0.15 %) is August, while for higher 1,8-cineole (59.24±1.63 %) is during October. EO of
A. maritima was characterized by high content of 1,8-cineole, bornyl acetate, terpinen-4-ol, camphor, sabinene
and germacrene D which varied from 90.54±7.76 to 92.41±6.50 % of the total oil content. The EO of A. maritima
was evaluated for their acaricidal activity against two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) (Acarina:
Tetranychidae). EO reported excellent fumigant activity against T. urticae with LC50 value of 323.86, 27.05, 15.48
and 12.15 mgL-1 after 1, 2, 3 and 4 h of treatment, respectively as compared to positive control i.e. Propargite 57
% EC (755.72 mgL-1). In repellent activity, 10000 mgL-1 showed significantly higher repellency (95.83±1.67 %) to
adult T. urticae and was at par with positive control i.e. Azadirachtin 0.15 % EC (96.67±3.33 %) and 8000 mgL-1
(91.67±2.20 %) as compared to other concentrations studied.
Key words: Artemisia maritima, harvesting time, 1,8-cineole, Tetranychus urticae, fumigant.
Figure 1. Monthly mean weather data (temperature, rainfall , and relative humidity)
during the harvesting season at Lahaul &Spiti, India. RH, Relative humidity
(0.50 %) essential oil content in A. maritima with or camphor (44.3-44.4 %) as major constituents
late harvesting during the month of November. 32
. Sah et al. 9 identified chrysanthenone (25.7 %)
as the main compound in A. maritima EO. These
Essential oil composition data illustrate the existence of different
Fifteen components were determined and iden- chemotypes that may be due to differences in lo-
tified by GC and GC-MS, representing about 77.43 cation, soil type, altitude, and physiological stage
to 88.12 % of the essential oil of A. maritima of development. The variation in certain com-
(Table 1). Comparison of the analytical data of pounds in a plant is due to genetic makeup, the
the oils revealed marked differences in qualita- age of the plant and the environment.
tive and quantitative composition. The major con- Among different harvesting time, harvesting in
stituents of the essential oil were 1,8-cineole, the month of October recorded a significantly
bornyl acetate, terpinen-4-ol, camphor, sabinene, higher percentage of 1,8-cineole which was 28.47
germacrene D, etc. The essential oil of A. mar- % higher than August month which recorded low-
itima possessed the highest amount of 1,8-cin- est (Figure 2). 1,8-cineole was reported maximum
eole during all the harvesting stages. These re- in October followed by July>June>
sults are in accordance with the reports of Jaitak September>August. Each compound had a unique
et al. 31 and Sharma et al. 5 on A. maritima. The profile for accumulation as a function of tempera-
altitudinal impact was exhibited by an investiga- ture and precipitation 33. As October month re-
tion of Jaitak et al. 31 where plants collected from corded lowest temperature and rainfall (Figure 1),
different regions of western Himalaya revealed so it can be assumed that maximum accumula-
distinctive percentage of 1,8-cineole with 23.8 % tion of 1,8-cineole occurred at low mean tempera-
from Pooh area (2500 m), 37.3 % from Rhongtong tures (between 10-18°C), and at low precipita-
pass (3500 m) and 44.2 % from Lahaul & Spiti tion level. Significantly higher percentage of Cam-
(4500 m) district of HP. Generally, the composi- phene and bicyclogermacrene were also reported
tion of A. maritima essential oil varied between in the month of October and lowest in June. Bornyl
investigations published in the literature. Some acetate and Terpinen-4-ol was found significantly
older publications reported α-thujone (63.3 %) 7 higher in the month of June, which was 67.95 %
Table 1. Effect of different harvesting times on essential oil content and
composition (v/w %) of A. maritima (pooled data of 2015 and 2016)
Germacrene D
Bornyl acetate
Sabinyl acetate
Santolina triene
Litt. RI 908 953 976 991 1031 1033 1098 1143 1165 1177 1262 1285 1291 1480 1494
Exp. RI 902 950 973 990 1024 1033 1098 1146 1161 1180 1256 1283 1286 1479 1493
June 0.37c 0.69c 0.87de 2.68a 1.57cde 1.68bcd 41.28bc 4.31a 1.78d 0.99cde 14.20a 2.03a 13.47a 0.58cde 1.14abc 0.33cd 88.12ab
July 0.41b 4.88a 0.99d 2.14bc 2.72bc 2.53ab 43.09b 0.84bcd 3.87b 1.11cd 11.39b 1.04bc 8.10d 2.05a 0.95bcd 0.38c 86.39abc
August 0.45a 0.44d 2.16ab 2.52b 2.18bcd 2.82a 38.87de 0.86bc 5.52a 1.28bc 9.71bcd 1.19b 13.01abc 1.23bc 1.44a 0.65b 84.25abd
September 0.33d 3.87ab 1.34c 0.81e 5.81a 1.33ce 39.02cd 1.23b 3.43bc 3.66a 11.16bc 1.19b 13.15ab 1.47ab 0.39 0.07e 88.14a
October 0.25e 0.00e 2.44a 1.29d 3.12b 2.05bc 49.94a 0.52bcde 1.75de 2.68ab 9.69bcde 0.90cd 8.02de 0.63cd 1.36 1.11a 77.43e
SEm ± 0.004 0.49 0.18 0.20 0.53 0.31 0.75 0.28 0.38 0.49 0.89 0.17 1.40 0.26 0.16 0.09 2.26
Swati Walia et al., / TEOP 22 (2) 2019 396 - 407
LSD (<0.05) 0.013 1.46 0.54 0.59 1.58 0.92 2.23 0.84 1.13 1.46 2.63 0.52 4.16 0.77 0.46 0.25 6.73
RI, retention indices; SEm±, Standard Error Mean; LSD, Least Significant Difference
Swati Walia et al., / TEOP 22 (2) 2019 396 - 407 402
Figure 2. GC chromatograms of essential oil of
Artemisia maritima harvested in the month of October
and 46.54 % higher, respectively, as compared to Valeriana officinalis, major compounds viz.
October which recorded the lowest value. A sig- valerenal, valerenic acid, and α-humulene con-
nificantly higher value of Camphor and germa- tents increased with the age of plants. Since 1,8-
crene D was reported in the month of August, cineole is the major and most important constitu-
which further decreases with delaying time and ent of A. maritima essential oil, so to get its maxi-
reported 215.42 % and 269.23 % higher as com- mum percentage plant should be harvested in
pared to October and September, respectively. October.
Sabinene, linalool and chrysanthenyl acetate were
reported significantly higher in June which de- Acaricidal activity of EO of A. maritima
creases with delaying harvesting time or say ma- Fumigant toxicity of EO of A. maritima against
turity, while the opposite was seen in case of T. urticae
Borneol and β-myrcene which significantly in- The fumigant toxicity of EO of A. maritima
creased in September with the lowest value in against adults of T. urticae for dose-response bio-
the month of June. Other compounds of essential assay to calculate the LC50 and LT50 to kill 50 %
oil did not show any consistent trend over the har- of the test insect relative to control values at dif-
vesting time. Previous studies have shown that ferent hours after treatment was presented in
changes in the oil composition as a result of growth Table 2 and Table 3. Results showed that, all the
development are dependent on the species and concentrations of EO showed toxicity to T.
the nature of compounds. Some compounds are urticae after treatment. LC50 values of EO at 1,
increased with the age of plants while some de- 2, 3 and 4 h after treatment was 323.86, 27.05,
creases. Chauhan et al. 34 found that thymol re- 15.48 and 12.15 mgL-1, respectively. Similarly, LT
corded its maximum amount in Origanum vulgare 50 to kill 50 % of test mite at 100, 50, 40, 20 and
at the late vegetative stage, while for γ-terpinene, 10 mgL-1 was 1.35, 1.58, 1.61, 2.71 and 3.94 h,
the maximum % was recorded at the reproduc- respectively as compared to positive control i.e.
tive stages (flower initiating, full blooming, and fruit Propargite 57 % EC (755.72 mgL-1). The toxicity
set). Letchamo et al. 35 also reported that in of A. maritima oil against T. urticae varies with
Swati Walia et al., / TEOP 22 (2) 2019 396 - 407 403
Table 2. LC50 values for the fumigant toxicity of essential
oil of A. maritima against T. urticae (HAT)
Means followed by the same letters within a column do not differ significantly by DMRT
p<0.0001) higher repellency (95.83±1.67 %) to amounts throughout the period under study. The
adult T. urticae and was at par with positive con- plant can be harvested in the month of July to
trol i.e. Azadirachtin 0.15 % EC (96.67±3.33 %) August for getting higher essential oil, however,
and A. maritima oil at 8000 mgL-1 (91.67±2.20 for higher 1,8 cineole the plant is to be harvested
%) followed by 4000 mgL-1 (61.67±3.0 %) and in the month of October. Monoterpene 1,8-cin-
2000 mgL-1 (47.50±5.0 %). Similarly, the other eole, bornyl acetate, terpinen-4-ol, camphor,
positive control (Neem oil 0.50 %) which is used sabinene, and sesquiterpene germacrene D are
for the control of T. urticae in greenhouse and found to be alternatively the main components of
field conditions is inferior to higher concentration the oil: monoterpene before and after the flower-
of A. maritima oil. Most of the EO and its com- ing and sesquiterpene before flowering. The EO
pounds presently used as repellents. The monot- of A. maritima showed excellent fumigant and
erpenes (eg., limonene, cineole, eugenol, citronel- repellent activity to T. urticae as compared to
lal, etc.) present in the EOs are may be mainly positive controls i.e. Propargite, Azadirachtin/
responsible for repellent activity of T. urticae. In neem oil. Production of any botanical formulation
the present study, EO of A. maritima showed requires continuous availability of plant material
excellent repellent activity to T. urticae. Present on a commercial scale. The population of A. mar-
results are in agreement with the reports of other itima is abundantly available in barren land but
researchers who reported repellent activity to T. the local people are not making its effective use
urticae. The EO from Protium bahianum Daly due to lack of knowledge of processing techniques
, Piper aduncum L. 38, Callistemon sieberi, E. and processing equipment. The standardization of
bicostata, E. ovata, E. sideroxylm, E. manni- process technology for the extraction of essential
fera, E. dives, E. elata, E. condonocarpa, oil from plant parts and crude extracts of A. mar-
Kunzea ericoides, Melaleuca armillaris and M. itima should be further evaluated against target
fulgens 19, M. pulegium 18 , Elettaria carda- insect pests in the field. Based on field bio-effi-
momum L 45, Lavandula x intermedia Emeric cacy data and feasibility, the botanical formula-
ex Loisel, Hyssopus officinalis 46, S. aromaticum tion may be recommended for the commercial
and M. Spicata 41 showed promising repellent application in the greenhouse/field conditions for
activity to T. urticae. the target pests.
Conclusion Acknowledgments
In general, it can be concluded that harvesting The authors are grateful to the Director, CSIR-
time improves the essential oil content and oil com- IHBT, Palampur for necessary facilities during
position of A. maritima as components of the es- the course of study. We also thank Mr. Shiv Kumar,
sential oil show fluctuations in their relative Senior Technical Officer for providing technical
Swati Walia et al., / TEOP 22 (2) 2019 396 - 407 405
support during the work. Authors are also grate- nology, GOI, New Delhi, and Council of Scien-
ful to Dr. Bikram Singh, Chief Scientist (Retd.), tific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is also ac-
NPC&PD division for help in identification of knowledged. IHBT communication number for
essential oil compounds. Financial grant received this article is 4228.
from SERB, Department of Science and Tech-
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