Ge Aa MM
Ge Aa MM
Ge Aa MM
Approval Sheet
Revision Level Effectivity Date Details of Origination/ Revision Author/ Subject Matter Expert
PSU Vision An internationally recognized university that provides relevant and innovative education and research for lifelong learning and
sustainable development.
PSU Mission Palawan State University is committed to upgrade people’s quality of life by providing education opportunities through excellent
instruction, research and innovation, extension, production services, and transnational collaborations.
PSU Shared Values E –excellence
Q- quality
U- unity in diversity
A- advocacy for sustainable development
L- leadership by example
I- innovation
T- transparency
Y-youth empowerment
Institutional Outcomes The Palawan State University graduates are expected to be agents of change, creative and critical thinkers, effective
communicators, research-oriented learners, and value laden individuals.
College Goals and Program “Provides academic excellence among undergraduate students seeking rigorous learning experiences, address local, national, and
Objectives international needs through activities that foster collaboration and mutually beneficial relationships with diverse stakeholders; and
improve the community’s quality of life”.
1. Foster the values of leadership, integrity, accountability and responsibility while serving their fellowmen, community and
2. Prepare the students for careers in crime prevention, law enforcement, scientific crime detection and correctional
3. Encourage research and inquiry in nature, causes, treatment of punishment of criminal behavior and how criminal justice
agencies regard to crime, criminals and victims.
4. Encourage research and inquiry along the field of criminology and criminal justice.
5. Inspiring and instilling in the students the value of service to humanity.
GE-Art Appreciation
Course Code/ Number GE-AA
Course Description
The course is an interdisciplinary study of the arts, their analysis, evaluation and critique towards appreciation. It covers the visual,
performing, literary and emergent arts from various civilizations of the world as they relate particularly with the development of art
in the Philippine context. The course includes the philosophical, scientific and technological, mathematical, psychological,
anthropological, sociological and historical understanding of the arts as products of aesthetic sensibilities and creative imaginations
of people, their dynamic interaction with the individuals and society, and their relation to the concepts of beauty or its
deconstruction as an underlying cultural foundation for artistic processes.
Course Format There will be class discussions, individual and group activities, case analysis, individual sharing , debate, quizzes, oral and written
major exam and individual or by pair project or output at the end of the semester.
Course Content/ Teaching and
Time Course Intended Learning Outcomes Resource
Subject Matter/ Learning Assessment Tasks Textbooks/ References
Frame Outcomes Materials
Topic Activities
A. Art and Panofsky, Erwin (1955).
1. Distinguish the humanities and Humanities: “The History of Art as a
the sciences as fields of learning. Western Humanistic Discipline” in
Lecture /
2. Survey the place of the and Filipino Multimedia Meaning in the Visual Arts.
humanities in the history of Concepts Australia: Penguin Books,
Explain Western civilization. 1. Art as a Projector 1955. pp. 1-25.
Presentation Essay with the use of
Philippine art 3. Relate the Western concept of Humanistic Covar, Prospero (1992).
6.0 and it’s humanities with the Filipino notion Discipline E-Book Kaalamang Bayang
Hours situatedness of pagkatao. 2. The Dalumat ng Pagkataong
discussion Group presentation
in the global 4. Examine the history of art as a Humanities in Documentar Pilipino”, in
“Who am I?” with the use of rubrics
context. humanistic discipline. Western y Videos http://www.journals.upd.ed
In the first
5. Compare and contrast the Civilization and Movies
meeting project Quiz
concepts of art according to 3. The viewFile/4950/4459
will be discuss
Western thought and Filipino Humanities and De Leon, Felipe (2011).
thought. the Filipino “Defining the Filipino
6. Discover the Filipino identity Pagkatao Through the Arts: From
Doc Ref. No.: Revision Level: Effectivity Date: Page Number:
to four levels: perceptual of Art group according and Movies World,” in UE Today, Vol.
elements, representations, Appreciation to their art 12, No. 2., pp. 7-8 & 14.
emotional suggestions and 3. Art Analysis: “What is art for? Alain de
intellectual meaning. Perceptual Botton’s Animated Guide,”
5. Make an artwork that shows Elements, (2015). In
the four levels of analysis. Emotional
6. Apply the concept of art as Suggestion, atch?v=ZVlQOyt FCRI
reality to the artworks based on Intellectual “What is the Treachery of
Renaissance style, cubism, Meaning Images,” (2041) in
destilj, and ready-made art. 4. Art and the
Perception of atch? v=atHQpANmHCE
Miller, Ellen (2004),
“Introduction to Aesthetics”
1. Define aesthetics as a branch
of philosophy concerned with art.
C. Aesthetics: Quiz lere/Introduction%20to%20
2. Enumerate the various terms Lecture /
The Study of Multimedia Aesthetics.htm
used in Aesthetics. Discussion
Art and Beauty Class Recitation with Jocano, Landa F (2001).
3. Classify the arts based on the Ppt.
Describe 1. The Field of the use of rubric Projector “Aesthetic Dimension,” in
perception by the senses. Presentation
heightened Aesthetics Filipino Worldview, Quezon
4. Discover the Filipino aesthetic
6.0 perceptions 2. Aesthetics Individual E-Book City: PUNLAD Research
hours and aesthetic Terms Artwork with the use House, 2001. pp.135-144.
5. Demonstrate the Filipino sense
sensibilities 3. Hierarchy of of rubric Documentar Lloren, Gregg S (2011).
of beauty in some indigenous,
for the arts. Beauty y Videos “Horror Vacui and the
ethnic, folk and pop arts.
4. The Filipino Class and Movies Pinoy Inclination for Filling
6. Compare the Filipino sense of
Aesthetic Debate with the use of Up Every Inch of Space” in
art and beauty to that of Western
Worldview rubric
and Japanese.
“Pop Art Jeepney in the
7. Formulate an aesthetic art
Lovely Philippines,” in
Doc Ref. No.: Revision Level: Effectivity Date: Page Number:
compositions of some media used 1. The Darwinian y Videos Shanken, Edward (2009).
in the visual arts. Theory of Beauty and Movies “Art in the Information Age:
4. Apply some concepts in and Art Technology and
physics to the elements of art, 2. Elements and Conceptual Art,” in
design and composition. Media of Visual https://artexetra.files.wordp
5. Formulate a scientific and Art
technological approach to Art 3. Design and artinfoage.pdf
Appreciation. Principles of .
6. Examine the emergent art Composition “Self-portraits and social
forms in the age of computer and 4. Application of media: The rise of the
information technology. Technology to ‘selfie’,” in
the Production of
Art magazine-22511650
5. The Art of “The Darwinian Theory of
Selfie and Beauty by Dennis Dutton”
Groupie in
6.0 Describe H. Art and Lecture/Discussi Class Recitation with Multimedia Panofsky, Erwin (1955).
hours heightened 1. Relate the study of art to the Mathematics: on the use of rubric “The History of the Theory
Doc Ref. No.: Revision Level: Effectivity Date: Page Number:
Demonstrate various styles of art. 3. Styles of Visual Arts and your
cultural 5. Show the history of Western art Postmodern Art own general List the o%20hegel%20end%20art.
values for the by means of a timeline. 4. Philippine Art noted artists and
arts of 6. Create a timeline for Philippine Styles and artworks of period. “History of Ideas: Art,” in
various art history. Movements Identify the significant
societies. 7.Formulate a historical approach 5. Theory of the historical events in the atch?v=z7ECzduUWx0.
to Art Appreciation. End of Art Philippines that
happened during the “Xiao Time: Mga
period. Interpretasyon sa Parisian
knowledge of Life ni Juan Luna,” (2015).
Philippine history with Part 1, in
the use of rubrics
Final individual art Part 2, in
project: visual,
performance, or atch?v=7_8M4qYmPgU.
literary with the use of
Benjamin, Walter (1935). “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” in
Covar, Prospero (1992). Kaalamang Bayang Dalumat ng Pagkataong Pilipino”, in
Course References
File/ 4950/4459
Danto, Arthur (1964). “The Artworld” in Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 61, Issue 19. American Philosophical Association Eastern Division 61st
Annual Meeting, pp. 571-584.
Doc Ref. No.: Revision Level: Effectivity Date: Page Number:
“Vitruvian Man,” (2016) in
“Xiao Time “Fernando Amorsolo: Ang Grand Old Man ng Philippine Art”
“Xiao Time: Mga Interpretasyon sa Parisian Life ni Juan Luna,” (2015). Part 1, in, Part 2,
Course Policies The class will adopt the University regulations on students’ conduct and on the process of securing official absences.
1. Class attendance will be checked before the start of the discussion. Late will not sign anymore the attendance.
2. Plagiarism and cheating is strictly PROHIBITED. Any violation/s with this rule is tantamount to failing this course.
3. The use of cellular phone during class is not allowed.
4. Unexcused absences will be charged against the student. Students without valid reason and excuse letter sign by guidance counselor is not
allowed to take missed quizzes/activities
5. Cleanliness and orderliness must always be observed inside the classroom.
6. Late submission of projects has an equivalent deduction depending on class agreement.
Consultation Period MW 10:00 to 12:00 & TTH 9:00 to 12:00 , Faculty Office