Approval Sheet: Republic of The Philippines Palawan State University Puerto Princesa City
Approval Sheet: Republic of The Philippines Palawan State University Puerto Princesa City
Approval Sheet: Republic of The Philippines Palawan State University Puerto Princesa City
Approval Sheet
Revision Effective Date Details of Origination/ Revision Author/ Subject Matter Expert
000 23 August 2021 Compliance with OBE and QMS Requirements Sany Boy Z. Banotan
001 23 August 2021 Compliance with CMO No. 75 s. 2017 Sany Boy Z. Banotan
PSU Vision An internationally recognized university that provides relevant and innovative education and research for lifelong and
sustainable development.
PSU Mission Palawan State University is committed to upgrade people’s quality of life proving education opportunities through excellent
instruction research and innovation, extension, production services and transnational collaborations.
PSU Shared Values Excellence in service, Quality assurance, Unity in diversity, Advocacy for sustainable development, Leadership by example,
Innovation, Transparency, Youth empowerment.
Institutional Outcomes The Palawan State University graduates are expected to be agents of change, creative and critical thinkers, effective
communicators, research-oriented learners, and value laden individuals.
College Goals and The Palawan State University is committed to upgrade the quality of life of the people by providing higher education
Program Objectives opportunities through excellent instruction, research, extension, production services and transnational collaboration and
Course Code/ Number GE-Elect 2
Course Description The course introduces and explores the concept of popular culture within the context of Philippine context. A multi-disciplinary
approach will be utilized to explore the evolution of pop culture in the country, providing the students with the necessary tools of
analysis to explore the various mediums in which it is embedded in. The course will discuss how pop culture is present in
everyday life: how it simultaneously influences and is being influenced by the feelings, performances, and identities of the
Filipino people. The end goal of this course is to ensure that the students will be equipped with the knowledge, understanding,
and appreciation of popular culture and utilize the same to improve their individual well-being and in turn, become more
proactive Filipino citizens.
Credit Units 3 UNITS
Course Prerequisites NONE
Link to Program
Outcomes Course Outcomes Program Outcomes
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a b c d e f g h
1. Demonstrate understanding of the significance of the I P P
postmodern films, literatures, popular music in their cultural,
social, political and economic context.
2. Manifest appreciation of the diverse forms of the Philippine art I I D
such as music, literature and new form of arts
3. Promote national consciousness through the lens of current I I D
Philippine popular arts and culture
4. Create localized advocacy in promoting Philippine popular P P P
arts and culture
Program Outcomes:
a. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, sociocultural, historical, psychological and political contexts.
b. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline].
c. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learner and their
d. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners.
e. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable educational practices.
f. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes.
g. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities.
h. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities.
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students are able to:
1. Define the concept of popular culture and popular culture in the Philippine context;
2. Discuss the dyadic relationship between popular culture and mass media;
3. Provide examples how the Philippine Pop Culture influences by the evolution of media;
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4. Explain the role of media in the propagation and evolution of Philippine values and norms;
5. Expound on the implication of media and information to the individual and Philippine Society;
6. Analyze the important role of Media Literacy in the understanding and appreciation of Philippine Pop culture
7. Integrate the knowledge and appreciation of the Philippine Popular Culture in a creative, media-related output.
Course Format Modular, research activities and online assignments.
Course Intended Learning Course Content/
Time Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Textbooks/
Outco Outcomes Subject Matter/
Frame Activities Tasks Materials References
mes Topic
Week 1 CO 1, 2 1. Identify the purpose of PSU Vision, Mission Individual Task: Performance Module 0 PSU Student
&3 the PSU Mission and and Shared Values Interview Task: Handbook
Vision, and its Shared Each student will Poster Slogan Copies of
Values. interview a minimum Making about how PSU Vision,
of 10 students from they see PSU Mission and
different year and Coron in five Shared
2. Carry out university courses. years. Values
shared values and link
the College goal and Student will recap
objectives to the course the University
and the program. Mission and Vision
through online
3. Develop critical recitation and sing
discernment and be PSU Hymn.
equipped with technical,
theoretical, and
aesthetic means to
communicate insights
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Week 2-3 CO 1 1. Define the term Introduction to Discussion: Written Task: Internet Fedorak, S. A.
(6 hours) CO 2 culture and popular Popular Culture Allowing students to Reflective writing Readings (2009). Pop
Sept. 6-16, culture; Concept of formulate conjectures. Internet Culture: The
2021 2. Explain the concepts Popular Culture Allowing students to Connection culture of
of popular culture in the Ideology reason out and Laptop everyday life.
context of socio-cultural Popular Culture communicate ideas Toronto: University
perspective; and versus Traditional of Toronto Press
3. Differentiate popular Folk Culture G. (2002). Mass
culture with the existing culture and
traditional/folk culture. cultural policy:
Week 4-5 CO 1 1. Explain the effects of The Process of Group Task: Performance Internet Fedorak, S. A.
(6 hours) CO 2 Westernization in the Westernization in Students are required to Task: Readings (2009). Pop
Sept. 20- Philippines the Philippines report the assigned topic Individual Internet Culture: The
30, 2021 2. Discuss the Geographical to them. Grouping will Performance in Connection culture of
Government cultural Discoveries and be strictly monitored reporting. Laptop everyday life.
policies and diplomacy Explorations from time to time. Toronto: University
a. Ferdinand Use rubric in of Toronto Press
Magellan reporting G. (2002). Mass
b. Miguel Lopez culture and
de Legazpi cultural policy: The
The Effects of Philippine
Westernization in experience. Budhi,
the Philippines 5 (36.1). Retrieved
Government and September 19,
Cultural Policies 2020, from
Doc Ref. No.: PSU-SYL-EAT-GR 1 Revision Level:01 Effective Date: Page Number: of 14
being critical of the Culture and social change and globalization to Connection culture of
Westerndominated Social Change globalization and the culture and Laptop everyday life.
definition of Globalization and culture. community. Toronto: University
modernization; Culture Creating a poster of Toronto Press
2. Identify the changes slogan G. (2002). Mass
that culture undergoes Each student is culture and
during the period of required to create cultural policy: The
globalization; poster slogan Philippine
3. Critically examine the related to the culture experience. Budhi,
Westernizing influence and society in the 5 (36.1). Retrieved
of globalization on local globalizing world. September 19,
non-Western cultures; Practice reading 2020, from
and articles https://journals.
4. Discuss the positive Each student is
ways by which encourage to read ndex.php/budhi/
globalization is able to an article related to article/view/594
widen the cultural the topic. /591
horizons of people Allowing students to
around the world. express their ideas
Week 10 C.O 4 1. Integrate the Popular Culture and Individual Reading and Written Task: Internet Fedorak, S. A.
(3 hours) relationship between the Media 1 Watching: Reflection paper Readings (2009). Pop
Oct. 28, popular culture and Establish link Allowing students based on the Internet Culture: The
2021 media. between media to read an assigned Connection culture of
2. Identify and and popular academic journal reading. How the Laptop everyday life.
differentiate between the culture Allowing students evolution of Toronto: University
different types of Media History and to watch videos Media shifted the of Toronto Press
evolution of about Mass Media power of people G. (2002). Mass
Media in crafting mass culture and
Doc Ref. No.: PSU-SYL-EAT-GR 1 Revision Level:01 Effective Date: Page Number: of 14
Doc Ref. No.: PSU-SYL-EAT-GR 1 Revision Level:01 Effective Date: Page Number: of 14
(6 hours) concepts of Semiotic through Theoretical theoretical lens in about the role Collateral Culture: The
Nov. 18-29, 2. Integrate Semiotics Lens 1 Philippine Pop of semiotics readings culture of
2021 within the construct of Semiotics and Culture in Philippine Internet everyday life.
Philippine Pop Culture. understanding its Individual Reading and Pop Culture connection Toronto: University
3. Define and role in the Watching: Laptop of Toronto Press
comprehend the Philippine Popular Allowing students to G. (2002). Mass
concepts of Uses and Culture watch online videos culture and
Gratifications Theory https://signsalad.c Allowing students to Performance cultural policy: The
4. Integrate Semiotics om/our- read an academic Task: Philippine
within the construct of thoughts/what-is- journal Presentation experience. Budhi,
Philippine Pop Culture semiotics/ of Tiktok 5 (36.1). Retrieved
5. Showcase the dance Semiotics and dance September 19,
moves from the popular Popular/Trending through video 2020, from
application (Tiktok). Philippine to be posted https://journals.
Commercials in private
Uses of facebook ndex.php/budhi/
Gratifications page article/view/594
Theory of intended only /591
understanding its for this
role in the course.
Philippine Popular
Uses and
Gratifications and
the popularity of
TikTok in the
Week 15 CO 1 1. Analyze how the The Concept of Lecture-Discussion Written Task: Internet Fedorak, S. A.
Doc Ref. No.: PSU-SYL-EAT-GR 1 Revision Level:01 Effective Date: Page Number: of 14
(3 hours) CO 2 concept of Virality was Virality within the Discuss the concept Reflection on Readings (2009). Pop
Dec. 2-6, able to integrate in Parameters of of virality within the how the Internet Culture: The
2021 Philippine Pop Culture. Philippine Popular parameters of concept of Connection culture of
2. Utilize theoretical Culture Philippine Pop virality really Laptop everyday life.
anchoring of Semiotics. Background and Culture integrate to Toronto: University
3. Uses of and History of the Individual Reading and our pop of Toronto Press
Gratifications Theory, Case study Watching: culture. G. (2002). Mass
Culture, Industry, and An in-depth Allowing students to culture and
Agenda Setting Theory analysis on how watch online videos cultural policy: The
the case study Allowing students to Philippine
became a part of read an academic experience. Budhi,
the Philippine Pop journal 5 (36.1). Retrieved
Culture September 19,
Theoretical 2020, from
Anchoring https://journals.
a. Semiotics
b. Uses and ndex.php/budhi/
Gratifications article/view/594
Theory /591
Week 16 CO 1 1. Analyze how the case Philippine Pop Group Task: Written Task: Internet Fedorak, S. A.
(3 hours) CO 2 study (Hallu/Korean Culture and Students will write a Reflection on Readings (2009). Pop
Dec 9-13, Wave) was able to Assimilation: A Case Case Study related why Internet Culture: The
2021 integrate in the Study on the to the topic. Hallyu/Korea Connection culture of
Philippine Pop Culture; Hallyu/Korean Wave n Wave is Laptop everyday life.
and and Philippine Group Sharing: now part of Toronto: University
2. Utilize theoretical Culture Industry Students will share our pop of Toronto Press
anchoring of Semiotics, Definition of their ideas about the culture. G. (2002). Mass
Uses and Gratifications Hallyu/Korean Hallyu/Korean Wave culture and
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6. Learners are not allowed to come into classes in the presence of Alcohol or Drugs;
7. Learners must be far away from background destruction during online classes;
8. Students must bring their own personal FLASHDRIVE for backup purposes during the writing of research study;
9. Must not copy and paste information from any reading materials to prevent plagiarism; and
10. Inform their professor whenever they want to drop the course for proper processing and documentation.
NOTE: Dropping of course can be done on or before the schedule midterm examination.
Supplementary EBooks, Magazines and Internet
Consultation Period WEDNESDAY 8:00am-12:00nn
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