Lit002 - Literature of The Philippines Books

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Tacloban, City

Control No.
Title of form: Course Syllabus Revision No.

Institutional Graduate
VISION Institutional Outcomes Program Educational Objectives Program Outcomes
1. Articulate the rootedness of 1. Demonstrate in-depth
A leading State University Demonstrate personal and 1. Excellent in one’s field of education in philosophical, socio- understanding of the
in Technological and collective adherence to high specialization thereby cultural, historical, psychological, diversity of learners in
professional Education standards and distinctive demonstrating a personal and political contexts. various learning areas
achievement. and collective adherence to 2. Demonstrate mastery of subject 2. Manifest meaningful and
MISSION high standards in all areas. matter/discipline. comprehensive pedagogical
Instill the value for lifelong 2. Visionary leaders guided 3. Facilitate learning using a wide content knowledge (PCK) of
Develop a strong learning among graduates with the highest practice of range of teaching methodologies the different subject areas.
technologically and who are guided with highest ethical and moral standards. and delivery modes appropriate to 3. Utilize appropriate
professionally competent practice of ethics, principles 3. Serving individuals towards specific learners and their assessment and evaluation
productive human resource and moral standards. a committed citizenry, driven environments. tools to measure learning
imbued with positive values by relevant cause for the 4. Develop innovative curricula, outcomes.
needed to propel Show commitment and common good instructional plans, teaching 4. Manifest skills in
sustainable development motivation to exist with 4. Unifying agent founded on approaches and resources for communication, higher order
relevance and significance in truth and respect of human diverse learners. thinking and use of tools and
CORE VALUES providing assistance to worth amidst diversity of 5. Apply skills in the development and technology to accelerate
clientele. beliefs and talents. utilization of ICT to promote quality, learning and teaching.
E – excellence relevant and sustainable 5. Demonstrate positive
V – Value-laden Create environment which educational practices. attributes of a model
S – Service-driven respect each other’s worth, 6. Demonstrate a variety of thinking teacher, both as an
U – Unity in Diversity beliefs and talents towards a skills in planning, monitoring, individual and as a
synergistic goal. assessing, and reporting learning professional.
processes and outcomes. 6. Manifest a desire to
Provide platforms for 7. Practice professional and ethical continuously pursue
technological competence standards sensitive to local, personal and professional
and skills development. national and global realities. development
8. Pursue lifelong learning for personal
and professional growth though
varied experiential and field-based

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Course Code LIT 002 Course Description
Course Title Literature of the Philippines This course introduces college students to the major genres of Philippine literature across
Credit Units 3 various regional/ethnic cultures from pre-colonial times to the present, through a sampling of
Lec/Lab Hours None pieces in English, Filipino, and Hiligaynon, Kinaray-a and Aklanon, as well as translations from
Class Schedule TTH- 8:00-9:30 AM, WF- 9:30-11:00 AM various regional languages. It employs reading strategies that will help students draw out insights
Prerequisite(s) None and values from literature and appreciate the relevance of studying literature and culture to their
lives and to the nation. This course gives primacy to literature by West Visayans to foster
Co-requisite appreciation for the contribution of the region to Philippine literature.

Week Course/Learning Outcomes Topics Resources and References Teaching-Learning Assessment Learning
No. Activities Evidence
At the end of the 1st week the
students will be able to:

Explain the Eastern Visayas State

University and the Technology • Vision, mission, goals of the Ppt and video recording Orientation and Oral recitation, Q&A Students’ pro-
Department’s vision, mission, goals University relevant to the University’s e-lecture/discussion, about the mission, active participation
and objectives • Vision, mission, goals of the VMGO, school policies, etc. brainstorming. vision of the in school activities.
1 Technology Department University.
Demonstrate understanding of the • Overview of the course and its
life and works of Jose Rizal. requirements University Code 2017
• Blended learning policies.
Critic the course description,
objectives, strategies, requirements
and grading system.

Exemplify the importance of subject

and the new normal classroom rules.
At the end of the week the students 1. Overview: Philippine PPT Slides Synchronous Writing exercise Learning packets,
will be able to: Learning portfolio, student
2 Literature in English Laptop, android mobile Asynchronous via output given task
✓ Characterized the various types A. Role of Literature phone for Google Meet Task Based prompts
of Philippine literature in B. Essence and synchronous/asynchronous Blended Learning
class Modular Instructions Google Forms
relation to the particular Functions Synchronous
historical conditions that had
produced them; C. Main Divisions Deriada, Leoncio and Learning Activity Sheets
D. Literary Genres Isidoro m. Cruz. 1999. Baul, Asynchronous via
A Collection of Philippine Google Meet Learning Packets
✓ Analyzed sample
• Drama Literature for College Blended Learning
representative works by • Essay Readers. Iloilo City: Modular Instructions Literary Analysis
Filipinos from various regions in • Poetry Commission on Higher through Reading

Page 2 of 9
terms of their human, cultural, • Short story Education and Seguiban
and social significance; Press

✓ Presented original literary

compositions in traditional West
Visayan genres (composo,
paktakon, hurobaton,
binalaybay, etc.);

✓ Demonstrated the Augustinian

values of critical thinking,
pursuit of wisdom, social
consciousness/concern for the
common good, and creativity
through projects and class
At the end of the week the students UNIT I. Literature During the PPT Slides Synchronous Pop Quiz Learning packets,
will be able to: Learning portfolio, student
Early Period (1900-1930) Laptop, android mobile Asynchronous via Task Based output given task
✓ Characterized the various types A. Short Story phone for Google Meet prompts
3 of Philippine literature in • Footnote to Youth synchronous/asynchronous Blended Learning
relation to the particular class Modular Instructions Google Forms
historical conditions that had
by Jose Garcia Synchronous
produced them; Villa (NCR) Lumbera, Bienvenido and Learning Activity Sheets
• Sunset by Paz M. Cynthia N. Lumbera. 1997. Asynchronous via
Philippine Literature: A Google Meet Learning Packets
✓ Analyzed sample Latorena (Region History and Anthology. Blended Learning
representative works by IV-B) Pasig City: Anvil Publishing. Modular Instructions Literary Analysis
Filipinos from various regions in through Reading
terms of their human, cultural, Report
and social significance;

✓ Presented original literary

compositions in traditional West
Visayan genres (composo,
paktakon, hurobaton,
binalaybay, etc.);

✓ Demonstrated the Augustinian

values of critical thinking,
pursuit of wisdom, social
consciousness/concern for the
common good, and creativity

Page 3 of 9
through projects and class

At the end of the week the students B. Poetry PPT Slides Synchronous Task Based Learning packets,
will be able to: Learning portfolio, student
• Silent Trails by Laptop, android mobile Asynchronous via Rubrics on Literary output given task
✓ Characterized the various types Marcelo de Garcia phone for Google Meet Analysis prompts
4 of Philippine literature in Concepcion synchronous/asynchronous Blended Learning
relation to the particular class Modular Instructions Rubrics on Video Google Forms
historical conditions that had
(Region I) Synchronous Analysis
produced them; • To A Lost One Dones, M. (2010). Learning Activity Sheets
Angela Manalang- Philippine Literature. 61 Asynchronous via
Muralla Street, Google Meet Learning Packets
✓ Analyzed sample Gloria (Region III) Intramurous, Manila. Blended Learning
representative works by C. Essay Modular Instructions Literary Analysis
Filipinos from various regions in • What is an through Reading
terms of their human, cultural, Educated Filipino
and social significance;
by Francisco
✓ Presented original literary Benitez (Region
compositions in traditional West IV-B)
Visayan genres (composo,
• I Walked with
paktakon, hurobaton,
binalaybay, etc.); Heroes by Carlos
P. Romulo (Region
✓ Demonstrated the Augustinian I)
values of critical thinking,
pursuit of wisdom, social
consciousness/concern for the
common good, and creativity
through projects and class
At the end of the week the students UNIT II: Literature During the PPT Slides Synchronous Task Based Learning packets,
will be able to: Learning portfolio, student
Middle Period (1930-1960) Laptop, android mobile Asynchronous via Rubrics on Literary output given task
✓ Characterized the various types A. Short Story phone for Google Meet Analysis prompts
5-6 of Philippine literature in • Three Generations synchronous/asynchronous Blended Learning
relation to the particular class Modular Instructions Rubrics on Video Google Forms
historical conditions that had
by Nick Joaquin Synchronous Analysis
produced them; (NCR) Reyes, J. (2010). The Journa Learning Activity Sheets
• Rice by Manuel E. l of Contemporary of Philippin
e Literature. Likhaan. UP Inst
Asynchronous via
Google Meet Learning Packets
✓ Analyzed sample Arguilla (Region I) itute of Creative Writing. Blended Learning
representative works by Modular Instructions

Page 4 of 9
Filipinos from various regions in • Bread of Salt by Literary Analysis
terms of their human, cultural, through Reading
and social significance;
N.V.M Gonzales Report
(Region IV-B)
✓ Presented original literary • Of Cocks and
compositions in traditional West
Hens by Alejandro
Visayan genres (composo,
paktakon, hurobaton, R. Roces (NCR)
binalaybay, etc.); • Wedding Dance by
Amador T. Daguio
✓ Demonstrated the Augustinian
values of critical thinking, pursuit
(Region III)
of wisdom, social -
consciousness/concern for the
common good, and creativity
through projects and class
At the end of the week the students B. Poetry PPT Slides Synchronous Task Based Learning packets,
will be able to: Learning portfolio, student
• Like the Molave by Nadeau, K. (2008). The Asynchronous via Rubrics on Literary output given task
7-8 ✓ Characterized the various types R. Zulueta da Greenwood History of the Google Meet Analysis prompts
of Philippine literature in Costa Modern Nations. The History Blended Learning
relation to the particular Modular Instructions Rubrics on Video Google Forms
historical conditions that had
• You Ask Me How of the Philippines. Wesport,
Synchronous Analysis
Connecticut, London.
produced them; Much I Love You Learning Activity Sheets
by Benito F. Reyes Asynchronous via
Google Meet Learning Packets
✓ Analyzed sample • Four Sonnets by Blended Learning
representative works by Toribio Mano Modular Instructions Literary Analysis
through Reading
Filipinos from various regions in • Song of a City Report
terms of their human, cultural,
Dweller by N.V.M.
and social significance;
Gonzales (Region
✓ Presented original literary IV-B)
compositions in traditional West
Visayan genres (composo,
paktakon, hurobaton,
binalaybay, etc.);

✓ Demonstrated the Augustinian

values of critical thinking, pursuit
of wisdom, social
consciousness/concern for the
common good, and creativity

Page 5 of 9
through projects and class
At the end of the week the students PPT Slides Synchronous Task Based Learning packets,
will be able to: Learning portfolio, student
C. Essay Laptop, android mobile Asynchronous via Rubrics on Literary output given task
10 - 11 ✓ Characterized the various types • Sonia by Francisco phone for Google Meet Analysis prompts
of Philippine literature in Icasiano (Region synchronous/asynchronous Blended Learning
relation to the particular class Modular Instructions Rubrics on Video Google Forms
historical conditions that had
III) Synchronous Analysis
produced them; • Pliant Like the Reyes, J. (2010). The Journa Learning Activity Sheets
Bamboo by Ismael l of Contemporary of Philippin Asynchronous via
e Literature. Likhaan. UP Inst Google Meet Learning Packets
✓ Analyzed sample V. Mallari (Region itute of Creative Writing. Blended Learning
representative works by IV-A) Modular Instructions Literary Analysis
Filipinos from various regions in • Thanks My Lord by through Reading
terms of their human, cultural, Godofredo Rivera
and social significance;
(Region IV-A)
✓ Presented original literary
compositions in traditional West
Visayan genres (composo,
paktakon, hurobaton,
binalaybay, etc.);

✓ Demonstrated the Augustinian

values of critical thinking,
pursuit of wisdom, social
consciousness/concern for the
common good, and creativity
through projects and class

At the end of the week the students D. Novel PPT Slides Synchronous Task Based Learning packets,
will be able to: Learning portfolio, student
• The Flood: An Laptop, android mobile Asynchronous via Rubrics on Literary output given task
✓ Characterized the various types Excerpt by Esteban phone for Google Meet Analysis prompts
12 -13 of Philippine literature in Javellana (Region synchronous/asynchronous Blended Learning
relation to the particular class Modular Instructions Rubrics on Video Google Forms
historical conditions that had
IV-B) Synchronous Analysis
produced them; Nadeau, K. (2008). The Learning Activity Sheets
Greenwood History of the Asynchronous via
Modern Nations. The History Google Meet Learning Packets
Blended Learning

Page 6 of 9
✓ Analyzed sample of the Philippines. Wesport, Modular Instructions Literary Analysis
representative works by Connecticut, London. through Reading
Filipinos from various regions in Report
terms of their human, cultural,
and social significance;

✓ Presented original literary

compositions in traditional West
Visayan genres (composo,
paktakon, hurobaton,
binalaybay, etc.);

✓ Demonstrated the Augustinian

values of critical thinking,
pursuit of wisdom, social
consciousness/concern for the
common good, and creativity
through projects and class
At the end of the week the students UNIT III: The Modern Period PPT Slides Synchronous Task Based Learning packets,
will be able to: Learning portfolio, student
(1960 to the Present) Laptop, android mobile Asynchronous via Rubrics on Literary output given task
14 – 16 ✓ Characterized the various types A. Short Story phone for Google Meet Analysis prompts
of Philippine literature in • The Eucharist by synchronous/asynchronous Blended Learning
relation to the particular class Modular Instructions Rubrics on Video Google Forms
historical conditions that had
Federico Licsi Synchronous Analysis
produced them; Espiono, Jr. (NCR) Deriada, Leoncio and Learning Activity Sheets
• Tell Me in Isidoro m. Cruz. 1999. Baul, Asynchronous via
A Collection of Philippine Google Meet Learning Packets
✓ Analyzed sample Darkness by Julian Literature for College Blended Learning
representative works by E. Dacanay, Jr. Readers. Iloilo City: Modular Instructions Literary Analysis
Filipinos from various regions in • Dog Eaters by Commission on Higher
Education and Seguiban
through Reading
terms of their human, cultural, Leoncio P. Deriada Press
and social significance;
(Region VI)
✓ Presented original literary • The Visitation of
compositions in traditional West Gods by Gilda
Visayan genres (composo,
paktakon, hurobaton,
binalaybay, etc.); (NCR)

✓ Demonstrated the Augustinian

values of critical thinking,

Page 7 of 9
pursuit of wisdom, social
consciousness/concern for the
common good, and creativity
through projects and class
activities.analysis in writing a
response paper

17-18 At the end of the week the students B. Poetry PPT Slides Synchronous Task Based Learning packets,
will be able to: Learning portfolio, student
• The Tree by G. Laptop, android mobile Asynchronous via Rubrics on Literary output given task
✓ Characterized the various types Burce Bunao phone for Google Meet Analysis prompts
of Philippine literature in • Letter to Pedro, synchronous/asynchronous
Blended Learning
Modular Instructions Rubrics on Video Google Forms
relation to the particular
historical conditions that had
U.S. Citizen, Also Synchronous Analysis
produced them; Called Pete by Deriada, Leoncio and Learning Activity Sheets
Rene Estrella Isidoro m. Cruz. 1999. Baul, Asynchronous via
A Collection of Philippine Google Meet Learning Packets
✓ Analyzed sample Amper (Region Literature for College Blended Learning
representative works by VII) Readers. Iloilo City: Modular Instructions Literary Analysis
Filipinos from various regions in • Order for Masks by Commission on Higher
Education and Seguiban
through Reading
terms of their human, cultural, Virginia R. Moreno Press
and social significance;
• Poro Point by
✓ Presented original literary Alejandro Hufana
compositions in traditional West • You Alone by
Visayan genres (composo,
paktakon, hurobaton,
Rolando A.
binalaybay, etc.); Carbonell

✓ Demonstrated the Augustinian

values of critical thinking,
pursuit of wisdom, social
consciousness/concern for the
common good, and creativity
through projects and class

Page 8 of 9
Culminating Activity
This activity aims students to develop knowledge of (fictional) books by methodical considerations on what literature is, how it links to history and society, and how we might interpret it.
1. Topic Reporting
2. Literary Analysis

Grading System Classroom Policies

Assessment Tasks, written exams 1. Be respectful. Don’t talk when it is not your turn. Switch off mic while listening to the lecture. Use the chat box when raising a point
and reports 60% or a question during the lecture series/class discussion
Performance Based Tasks 40% 2. Think before you click. Be aware of the strong language, all caps and exclamation points. Read everything out loud before you send
TOTAL 100% it.
3. The students need to engage in an appropriate online behavior and communicate only with the teacher regarding their school
assignments, course lessons.
4. Avoid posting or sharing negative and offensive comments, posts, messages, photos and inappropriate material.
INC: If there is missing any of the course
5. Active participation in all class activities is encouraged.
requirements listed, students are given 1
6. Students are expected to submit all the requirements for the subject. Students may submit via email, telegram, FB Page of via the
semester to comply.
EVSU-LGU academic kiosk or link.
7. Projects, assessments, culminating activities, etc. must be submitted as scheduled. For valid reasons, grace period shall be given.
8. If possible, all students must be members of the class Facebook group. For purposes of transparency and proper identification,
students must register using their real names and profile pictures. The use of fake names & photo in the student’s Facebook
account is strongly discouraged.
9. In compliance with Republic Act No. 10627 otherwise known as the “Anti-bullying Act of 2013, students are enjoined to constantly
refrain from making annoying, cruel and discriminating remarks on anyone while engaging in any class activity.

Effectivity and revision Information

Effectivity Date: Revision Date: Revision Number: Notes on revision
August 16, 2021 - -

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved:

Faculty Head, Education Department Campus Director Vice President for Academic Affairs

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