Syllabus NSTP LTS

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Republic of the Philippines


Puerto Princesa City



Approval Sheet

Course Title: Literacy Training Service 1

Course Code/ Number: NSTP 1
Academic Term and School Year: First Semester, 2023 - 2024

Revision Level Effective Date Details of Origination/ Revision Author/ Subject Matter Expert
00 August 5, 2019 Compliance with OBE and QMS Requirements Amando A. Edradan Jr.
01 September 1, 2020 Modification of course contents, teaching-learning activities, and Amando A. Edradan Jr.
assessment tasks to ensure alignment with the most essential
learning outcomes in the context of teaching and learning amid
COVID-19 pandemic.
02 August 23, 2021 Modification of course contents, teaching-learning activities, and Amando A. Edradan Jr.
assessment tasks appropriate to flexible learning
03 August 7, 2023 Modification of course contents, teaching-learning activities, Jason L. Torio
assessment tasks , and resource materials appropriate to face-to-
face learning

Prepared by Recommending Approval Approved


Name and Signature of Faculty Member Name and Signature of NSTP Coordinator Name and Signature of Dean
Date: Date: Date:


PSU Vision An internationally recognized university that provides relevant and innovative education and research for lifelong learning and sustainable

PSU Mission The Palawan State University is committed to upgrade peoples’ quality of life by providing education opportunities through excellent
instruction, research and innovation, extension, production services, and transnational collaborations.

PSU Shared Values Excellence in service, Quality assurance, Unity in diversity, Advocacy for sustainable development, Leadership by example, Innovation,
Transparency, Youth empowerment

Institutional Outcomes The Palawan State University graduates are expected to be agents of change, creative and critical thinkers, effective communicators,
research-oriented learners, and value laden individuals.

College Goals and The BSED degree program aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers specializing in the content and pedagogy for secondary
Program Objectives education (CMO 75 s. 2017)
1. To meet the demand for competent professional teachers for basic education program in the Philippines and in other countries.
2. To develop teachers who have skills and competencies to teach, undertake research and provide community services across the different
areas in basic education.
Course Title Literacy Training Service 1

Course Code/ Number NSTP 1

Course Description This course upholds Section 13 of the Constitution, which provides that the State recognizes the vital role of youth in nation-building and
shall promote and protect their physical, moral, intellectual and social well-being. It aims to attain the objectives of Republic Act 9163, the
NSTP Law of 2001 which establishes a citizenship program in order to prepare them for their primordial tasks as nation builders and citizen
soldiers in response to the clarion call of the times.
Credit Units 3 units

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Course Prerequisites None

Link to Program
Outcomes Course Outcomes Program Outcomes
Demonstrate understanding of the objectives such as
introduction to NSTP, human person, self-awareness,
values development and concepts of leadership;
citizenship training, drug education, personality
development, team building, environmental protection, and
national security concerns using mother tongue, Filipio and
English to facilitate learning
Demonstrate comprehension of the supplemental modules
like suffrage and election, health, values development,
youth for sustainable development and gender development
by applying strategies that develop creative and critical
Demonstrate understanding of the different exercises;
develop knowledge, skills and values through the teaching
and learning exercises; and
Demonstrate the acquisition of the sense of volunteerism or
community service for community development.
Legend (for program outcomes):
I- Introduced concepts/ principle P- Practiced with supervision D- Demonstrated across different settings with minimal supervision
Program Outcomes A. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural historical, psychological, and political contexts;
B. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline;
C. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their
D. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners;
E. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities; and

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F. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through and field-based opportunities.
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the student-trainee are expected to:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the objectives such as introduction to NSTP, human person, self-awareness, values development and
concepts of leadership; citizenship training, drug education, personality development, team building, environmental protection, and
national security concerns using mother tongue, Filipio and English to facilitate learning.
2. Demonstrate comprehension of the supplemental modules like suffrage and election, health, values development, youth for
sustainable development and gender development by applying strategies that develop creative and critical thinking.
3. Demonstrate understanding of the different exercises; develop knowledge, skills and values through the teaching and learning
exercises; and
4. Demonstrate the acquisition of the sense of volunteerism or community service for community development.

Course Format Face-to-Face Learning / Asynchronous


Time Course Intended Learning Outcomes Course Content/ Subject Teaching and Resource Textbooks/
Assessment Tasks
Frame Outcomes Matter/ Topic Learning Activities Materials References

Week 1 1. Illustrate the PSU Vision, Introduction Each student will Essay on the Copies of PSU PSU Vision
and Mission discuss the relevance relevance of the Vision and and Mission,
A. Palawan State of the course to the course to the Mission, CMO No. 74
2. Discuss the relevance of University Vision and achievement of the achievement of the Shared series 2017
the subject (Ed 1) to the Mission PSU Vision and PSU Vision and Values, NSTP
PSU Vision and Mission. Mission. Mission and its Program Goals
B. NSTP Program Goals importance to and
and Objectives education students. Objectives,
3. Familiarize the course Study the course and Syllabus/
description, course description, course Outline
outcomes, course

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content, teaching and C. PSU Shared Values outcomes, course

learning activities, content, teaching and
assessment task and D. Course Syllabus learning activities,
other course assessment task and
requirements. other course

4. Discuss the importance

of the course to teacher
education students.

Chapter 1: National Interactive Discussion Short Essay PSU NSTP

Service Training where the teacher regarding the Manual
Program (NSTP) discusses the significance of RA
provisions of the 9163. NSTP Primer
1. Describe the significance Lesson 1. History/rationale NSTP law as well as Laptop
CO 1 of NSTP Act of 2001 or of National Service the components of the 10-item Objective
CO 2 Republic Act No. 9163. Training Program (NSTP) NSTP. test about the Copies of Self-
Week 2 CO 3 2. Discuss the Components history and Legal Learning
CO 4 of National Service Lesson 2: Legal basis of Basis of NSTP, Modules and
Training Program. NSTP (RA 9163), Revised Republic Act No. Manual
Implementing Rules and 9163, Revised
Regulations (IRR) IRRR, and program
components of

Week 3- CO 1 1. Describe the different Chapter 2: Self- Training-Workshop on Self-assessment on Laptop Ang,
4 CO 2 aspects of self to fully Awareness and Values self-awareness and Self-concept. (2013),
CO 3 understand individual’s Development values development. (Note: A Projector pages 33-47
CO 4 human behavior. questionnaire/instru
Lesson 1: Self-Awareness ment on self- PPT

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2. Evaluate one’s self using a. Different Aspects of Activity or exercise concept will be
self-awareness theory. Self: Physical, relating to self- provided). Evaluation
Emotional, awareness/concept. form
3. Express Commitment to Intellectual, & Reflection Paper:
uphold the Filipino core Spiritual. “Who am I and/or Questionnaire
values in supporting b. Self-Awareness How I Value on self-concept
NSTP activities and in Theory Myself”
performing their roles as Teacher-Made
individuals. Lesson 2: Values Individual task: Module (Self-
Development Reflective essay Awareness
a. Core Values: expressing and Values
Pagkamakadiyos, commitment to Development)
Pagkamakatao, uphold the Filipino
Pagkamakabayan, core values
& supporting NSTP
Pagkamakakalikas activities and in
an. their daily lives.
Week 5- CO 1 1. Determine the different Chapter 3: Application of Interactive discussion Reflection Laptop Ang,
6 CO 2 factors determining Good Citizenship in Daily on factors determining Exercises
(6 hours) CO 3 citizenship. Life citizenship through Guide Question: Projector
CO 4 training-workshop. What makes a
2. Describe how they fulfill Lesson 1: Factors good citizen? PPT
their responsibilities as Determining Citizenship Video presentation:
Filipino citizens. a. Parents are Citizens What it takes to be a Assessment task: Evaluation
b. Born Within a Good Citizen Individual Task: form
Country https://olc.worldbank.o Writing
c. Marriage to a Citizen rg/content/philippines- essay/poem/song/i Questionnaire
d. Naturalization what-it-takes-to-be- nfographics, etc. on on self-concept
good-citizen how they fulfill their
Lesson 2: Responsibilities responsibilities as Teacher-Made
of a Filipino Citizen Filipino citizens. Module

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(Application of
Citizenship in
Daily Life)
Week 7- CO 1 1. Distinguish the different Chapter 4: Basic Basic Training- Situational analysis Laptop Ang,
8 CO 2 types of leadership in the Leadership Training Workshop on on handling (2013),
(6 hours) CO 3 generation Z. Leadership Styles for situations as a Gen Projector pages 67-75
CO 4 Lesson 1: Leadership the Generation Z Z leader. Students
2. Identify a leader in the styles for the Generation Z will be asked to put PPT
community who manifest Interview: The themselves as
leadership characteristics Lesson 2: Ledership students will interview leaders in a given Evaluation
which are worth Types, Principles, and a person in their situation. They will form
emulating. Attributes of Successful community who explain how they
Leaders. manifest the will apply the Interview
3. Devise a proposed action characteristics of a principles of Guide
plan on promoting good good leader (e.g. leadership and
leadership in the barangay official, SK what leadership Template for
community/barangay official, or other attribute(s) they the action plan
using leadership government and non- should manifest.
principles and attributes of government Teacher-Made
successful leaders. organizations). Module
Proposed action (Ledership
Guide Questions: plan on promoting Types,
1. What basic good leadership in Principles, and
principle do you the Attributes of
keep as a leader. community/baranga Successful
2. What leadership y. Leaders).
style do you think
you have? Please Note: A template
explain or for Action Plan will
elaborate. be provided.

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3. Can you please

relate the most
difficult situation
you got into as a
leader? How did
you get through it?
What traits did you
think you have that
helped you survive
that situation?
4. What does it take to
be a successful
leadership like you?
5. What is your
message to young
people like us to
encourage and
inspire us to be
good leaders?

Week 9 Midterm Examination

(3 hours)
Week 10 CO 1 1. Define literacy and Chapter 5: Literacy and Basic Training- Proposed localized Laptop Dela Cruz
(3 hours) numeracy. Numeracy Workshop on Literacy learning (2018)
CO 2 and Numeracy intervention Projector
2. Explain briefly the benefits Lesson 1: Effective program
CO 3 of literacy and numeracy. Literacy and Numeracy Assigned Group will PPT
and Dimension of Effective prepare the Note: A template
CO 4 3. Determine the students’ practice compilation of report will be provided. Evaluation
level of performance in on the conduct of the form

Doc Ref. No.: PSU-PCAT-NSTP1 Revision Level: 003 Effective Date: August 07, 2023 Page Number: __of _11

literacy and numeracy Lesson 2: Benefits of Reflection of the Template for

after the Pandemic. Literacy and Numeracy importance of the proposal
literacy and
4. Identify the government Lesson 3: Students’ Level numeracy in daily
and schools programs of Performance in Literacy life.
aimed at closing the and Numeracy after the
literacy and numeracy Pandemic.
Lesson 4: Government and
5. Designed a proposed schools programs in
localized learning addressing Literacy and
intervention program to Numeracy Gaps
address literacy ad
numeracy issues.
Week CO 1 1. Differentiate prohibited Chapter 6: Drug Abuse Interactive discussion Individual/Group Laptop https://www.y
11-12 from non-prohibited drugs. Prevention and Control on drug abuse Output from the
(6 hours) CO 2 prevention and control task given by the Projector watch?v=nz5
2. Describe the effects of Lesson 1: Kinds of Drugs through training- speaker. FtRRRJw4&f
CO 3 drug addiction to and its Effects workshop. PPT eature=share
individual, family, and A written
CO 4 community. Lesson 2: Republic Act Video Presentation: commitment to Downloaded https://www.y
9165 Comprehensive Drug avoid any forms of Videos
3. Determine the agencies Act, R.A. 9344 Republic Act 9165 drug addiction. watch?v=yD
for the implementation of Evaluation q2VdWjidA&f
R.A. 9165 and R.A. 9344. Lesson 3: Prevention of om/watch?v=nz5FtRR 15-item Multiple form eature=share
Drug Addiction RJw4&feature=share choice type of test
4. Cite the penalty for on Drug abuse
violation R.A. 9165 and Republic Act 9344 prevention and
R.A. 9344. control.

Doc Ref. No.: PSU-PCAT-NSTP1 Revision Level: 003 Effective Date: August 07, 2023 Page Number: __of _11

5. Express commitment to
avoid any forms of drug Class discussion
addiction. based on the videos
watched related to the

on drug prevention.

Week CO 1 1. Define personality Chapter 7: Personality Training-Workshop on Individual/Group Laptop De Chavez

13-15 development. Development Personality Output from the (2019)
(9 hours) CO 2 2. Identify the Reasons why Development task given by the Projector
personality development Lesson 1: Introduction to speaker. Dela Cruz
CO 3 is important for teachers. personality development PPT (2018)
Video Presentation Individual task:
CO 4 3. Identify the crucial role of Lesson 2: Crucial Role & Personality Downloaded https://www.y
teachers and the areas of Importance of personality The students will Improvement Plan: Video
teacher’s personality that development for teachers, watch a video about the students will watch?v=oE
must develop . and areas of teacher’s personality prepare a Evaluation e40_F8P-k
personality that must development skills in personality form
4. Cite the tips to develop develop improvement plan
aura or charm. om/watch?v=oEe40_F as a future teacher Template for
Lesson 3: Tips to Develop 8P-k and the efforts they the Personality
5. Recognize the ways how Aura and Charm, exert to achieve the Improvement
observe proper grooming Observing Proper plan. Plan
and the different teacher Grooming, and Different
personality. Teacher Personality. Teacher-Made
Lesson 4: Professional (Personality
Development Plan Development)

Doc Ref. No.: PSU-PCAT-NSTP1 Revision Level: 003 Effective Date: August 07, 2023 Page Number: __of _11

Week CO 1 1. Define group and team. Chapter 8: Team Training-Workshop on Individual/Group Laptop De Chavez
16-17 Building Team Building Output from the (2019)
(6 hours) CO 2 2. Differentiate the types of task given by the Projector
teams and stages in team Lesson 1: Team and Video Presentation: speaker. https://www.t
CO 3 building. Teamwork, Types, and TEAMWORK PPT
Benefits REIMAGINED by kevin_cahill_
CO 4 3. Identify the benefits of Kevin Cahill Journal Downloaded teamwork_re
teamwork. Lesson 2: Stages in Team The students will Video imagined
Building write a journal
4. Point out the guidelines alks/kevin_cahill_team about how she/he Evaluation
for effective team Lesson 3: Guidelines for work_reimagined can become a form
membership. Effective Team successful team
Membership and Dealing player (leader or
with conflict and Guiding member) in a Teacher-Made
5. Explain how to deal with
Principles in Managing faculty room Module (Team
conflict in a team.
Conflict someday. Building)
6. Identify the guiding Lesson 4: Steps in Building
principles in managing an Effective Team in a
conflict. workplace
7. Recognize the steps in
building an effective team
in workplace.
Week 18
Final Examination
1. Ang, M.J.C., (2013). NSTP-CWTS 1. Mutya Publishing House, Inc. Malabon City, Philippines.
2. De Chavez, R.G. (2019). National Service Training Program (NSTP) Literacy Training Service I. Books atbp Publishing Corp.
Course References 3. Dela Cruz, S.G., (2018). National Development Via National Service Training Program (NSTP) Literacy Training Srvice I .
Lorimar Publishing House
4. Esguerra, V.B., (2017). Environmental Education Manual for Teachers. Palawan State University, Puerto Princesa City.

Doc Ref. No.: PSU-PCAT-NSTP1 Revision Level: 003 Effective Date: August 07, 2023 Page Number: __of _11

5. Vidal, C.J.E., (2018). Towards Effective and Relevant NSTP Implementation. A Research-Based Practical Guide for
Implementers of the N0n-Military Program Components of the National Service Training Program. Technological University of the
Philippines. Ayala Boulevard, Ermita Manila. ISBN 978-971-821-164-9.
Grading System:

Mid-Term Exam (20%); Final Exam (30%); Long Exams (15%); Assignments & Quizzes (5%); Performance Test (10%); Projects (10%); and
Grading System Recitation/Class Participation (10%)

Transmutation table will be based in the OVPAA Memorandum 8 s. 2023.

Additional Materials android/smartphone, tablet/laptop/ desk top, wifi, books, reading materials, multimedia resources and self-learning modules
Course Requirements 1. Accomplish all the activities and task in the teacher-made module
2. Submit the required individual/group outputs.
3. Reflection Papers/research output
4. Active participation for training-workshops and class discussions.
5. Compilation of Accomplishment Report of every group.
6. Midterm and Final Examination
Course Policies A. Participation in face-to-face discussion and Trainings
Students are encouraged to participate actively in the events/activities organized for this course. They are encouraged to participate in the
discussion forum (DF) and Training/Seminar.

B. Submission of activities and other requirements

Students are expected to submit their assignments and/or other requirements on time. Rubric will be used to rate every output. Students
are require to sign the releasing/receiving before submitting the accomplished activities to the instructor to ensure that they have submitted
on time.

C. Academic dishonesty
Students are required to observe academic honesty in all their outputs. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. They must always cite the source of
the reference material. Furthermore, students are prohibited from cheating their course requirements. Anyone caught cheating will receive
a failing score on that activity. It includes completely copying an activity from others or from the internet.

Doc Ref. No.: PSU-PCAT-NSTP1 Revision Level: 003 Effective Date: August 07, 2023 Page Number: __of _11

Visit these links on plagiarism:

Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism:
Avoiding Plagiarism:

D. Withdrawal of Subject
A student who decided to withdraw can drop the subject before the midterm examinations. Withdrawal after the midterm exam might mean
a grade of 5.0. Midterm examination is posted in the academic calendar.

E. Use of Technology
Cell phones and laptop will be mainly used for synchronous and asynchronous sessions.

F. Assignment
Students are expected to do their Assignments. The assignment being turned by the students is expected to be primarily their own.
Students may work with their classmates to complete the activity but must submit an individual or group output depending on the
requirement of the activity.

G. Discrimination and Harassment

Palawan State University- PCAT strives to maintain our campus as a place of work and study for faculty, staff, and students that is free of
all forms of prohibited discrimination and harassment based upon sex, (including sexual assault), gender identity, race, ethnicity,
pregnancy, color, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information. Any
students who has concerns about such behavior should contact his/her instructor or visit the Office of Students Affairs and Services.

H. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities are full and equal members of the student population, accorded the same rights, opportunities and responsibilities
as other students. Persons with disabilities will not be denied access based on anticipated physical or mental deterioration. Students with
disabilities should first register with Disability Resource Personnel at the OSAS Office by providing appropriate information so that
recommendation for reasonable accommodations and appropriate adaptations to assessment procedures and/ or instructional delivery for
students with disabilities. Students are admitted with an expectation that with reasonable accommodation they can meet the performance

Doc Ref. No.: PSU-PCAT-NSTP1 Revision Level: 003 Effective Date: August 07, 2023 Page Number: __of _11

standards of their course or program. Please also contact the instructor as early in the semester so that your learning needs may
appropriately be met. Personal care attendants are not provided by the University.

I. Minimum Health Protocols

Students are allowed to go to campus provided every student is assured that they are in good conditions and not sick.

J. Extra help
Students are encouraged to get extra help whenever they need it. Faculty are available for consultation on the scheduled date and time.
They may also inquire thru e-mail at [email protected] or at the messenger anytime, however, it must be noted that immediate
feedback might be given only from 10:00-12:00 in the morning and 3:30-5:18 in the afternoon during Mondays and Wednesday. They can
also reach the instructor at 0950-200-2474.

Supplementary Material/s Smartphone, tablet, laptop, stable internet connection, reading materials, modules and etc.
Consultation Period Th: 10:00-12:00/Wed: 3:30-5:18 | Faculty Room

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