Ge-Riph Melo Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines


Puerto Princesa City


Approval Sheet

Course Title: Readings in Philippine History

Course Code/ Number: GE-RIPH
Term and School Year: First Semester SY: 2020-2021

Revision Level Effective Date Details of Origination/ Revision Author/ Subject Matter Expert
00 5 August 2019 Compliance with OBE and QMS Requirements
01 1 September 2020 e.g. modification of course contents, teaching-learning activities,
and assessment tasks to ensure alignment with the most essential
learning outcomes in the context of teaching and learning amid
COVID-19 pandemic

Prepared by Recommending Approval Approved


Name and Signature of Faculty Member RANDY S. DE LA RAMA RESTIE ALLAN A. PUNO
Name and Signature of Department Chairperson Name and Signature of College Dean
Name and Signature of Faculty Member


Name and Signature of Faculty Member

Date: Date: Date:



PSU Vision An internationally recognized university that provides relevant and innovative education and research for lifelong learning and sustainable

PSU Mission The Palawan State University is committed to upgrade peoples’ quality of life by providing education opportunities through excellent
instruction, research and innovation, extension, production services, and transnational collaborations.

PSU Shared Values Excellence in service, Quality assurance, Unity in diversity, Advocacy for sustainable development, Leadership by example, Innovation,
Transparency, Youth empowerment

Institutional Outcomes The Palawan State University graduates are expected to be agents of change, creative and critical thinkers, effective communicators,
research-oriented learners, and value laden individuals.

College Goals and CAH: To be the center of excellence for continuous development of culture, arts, and humanities.
Program Objectives POL.SCIENCE: To develop ethical and competent policymakers, administrators, political analysts, and researchers to attain good
governance for social development.
Course Title Readings in Philippine History
Course Code/ Number GE-RIPH
Course Description The course analyzes Philippine History from multiple perspectives through the lens of selected primary sources coming from various
disciplines and of different genres. Students are given opportunities to analyze the authors’ background and main arguments in the primary
sources, compare different points of view, identify biases, and examine the evidences presented in the document.
The discussions will tackle traditional topics in history and other inter-disciplinary themes that will deepen and broaden their
understanding of Philippine political, economic, cultural, social, scientific and religion history. Priority is given to primary materials that could
help students develop their critical and analytical communicative skills both oral and written. The end goal is to develop the historical and
critical consciousness of the students so that they will become versatile, articulate, broad-minded, resilient, morally upright, and responsible
citizens of the country.
Credit Units 3.0
Course Prerequisites NONE

Link to Program
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Outcomes Course Outcomes Program Outcomes

a b c d e f
1. Critically analyze primary sources for their
credibility, authenticity, and provenance.
2. Demonstrate the ability to use primary and
secondary sources to argue for or against a P
particular issue.
3. Propose recommendations or solutions to present
day problems based on their understanding of
issues related to Agrarian, Taxation, the Moro
Conflict, and Constitutional Change.
4. Manifest concern in local history by promoting and
preserving the country’s national patrimony and P
cultural heritage.
Legend (for program outcomes):
I- Introduced concepts/ principle P- Practiced with supervision D- Demonstrated across different settings with minimal supervision

Program Outcomes:
a. Compare, contrast, and classify the major competencies in the discipline.
b. Recognize and define the distinctiveness of the discipline, its subfields, theories, and methods.
c. Design and execute research inquiries using appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods guided by theories or conceptual
d. Demonstrate written, visual, and oral presentation skills to produce and present analytical reports.
e. Critique, judge and respond to current issues and problems based on a substantive understanding of the historical and
contemporary developments in the national or global contexts.
f. Develop a predisposition towards ethical political involvement ad practice in various forms and on different levels of engagement.

Course Outcomes 1. Critically analyze primary sources for their credibility, authenticity, and provenance.
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2. Demonstrate the ability to use primary and secondary sources to argue for or against a particular issue.
3. Propose recommendations or solutions to present day problems based on their understanding of issues related to Agrarian,
Taxation, the Moro Conflict, and Constitutional Change.
4. Manifest concern in local history by promoting and preserving the country’s national patrimony and cultural heritage.

Course Format Lecture discussion Group Reporting

Video Presentation

Time Learning Course Content/ Teaching and Learning Resource Textbooks/
Course Outcomes Assessment Tasks
Frame Outcomes Subject Matter/ Topic Activities Materials References

A. INTRODUCTION TO Louis Gottschalk.

CO1. Critically Define the HISTORY: Introductory Activity: Formative Test: Understanding
analyze primary meaning of DEFINITION, A. Share Intended At the end of the History (pp. 41-
sources for their history. ISSUES, SOURCES, Learning Outcomes lesson, students will Module, 61; 117-170)
Week credibility, AND B. Taxonomy of have to take a Videos, and
1-3 authenticity, and Examine METHODOLOGY Philippine History summative test. Reading Howell and
provenance. primary  Meaning and In this activity, the students The test will be Materials Prevenier. From
sources in relevance of will be asked to list down divided into two Reliable
terms of history; Historical various terms (a-z) that they parts: Sources. Pp. 17-
authenticity research/historiogr knew are related to history 1. Multiple Choice 68)
and credibility. aphy or Philippine History in Type of test
 Distinction of general. 2. Essay Robert Fox. The
primary and Tabon Caves
secondary Developmental Activity: Performance- (pp. 40-44; 109-
sources; A. Reading Task/and or based 119) (Human
 Repositories of Short-Video Assessment: remains and
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primary sources; Presentation artifacts)

and In this activity, the students Problem Set
 Different kinds of will be asked to read In this activity, the William Henry
primary sources materials about the topic students will conduct Scott. Pre-
 Understanding and will be supplemented an investigation of a Hispanic Source
History using by various videos explaining particular document Materials for the
primary and the importance of history. and determine its Study of
secondary authenticity and Philippine History
sources. Questions to Pose: provenance using (pp. 90-135)
1. What is history? the elements
2. Why is it said that discussed to be able
history impacts on all to generalize or
aspects of human life? formulate
Give reasons. conclusions.
3. Distinguish between
internal and external
4. Compare and contrast
primary and secondary
sources in criticizing
historical sources
5. Point out samples of
primary source; of
secondary source

B. Comparative Analysis
Of Primary And
Secondary Sources
In this activity, the students
will be asked to analyze
different text and determine
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if it is a primary or
secondary source. Their
ability to identify primary
and secondary sources
would be the result of the
first developmental activity.

Concluding Activity:
A. Metacognition
In this activity, the students
will be asked to look back at
their list (a-z list they made
as an introductory activity)
and categorize the three
terms they listed and define
it using the provided format
by the teacher.

Week 4 CO1. Critically B. HISTORIOGRAPHY Introductory Activity: Module, Selected Journal

analyze primary Discuss the  What is A. Share Intended Formative Test: Videos, and Articles from the
sources for their meaning of historiography? Learning Outcomes At the end of the Reading web
credibility, historiography.  Internal and B. Simulation lesson, students will Materials
authenticity, and external criticism In this activity, the students have to take a
provenance. Distinguish  Elements of will be asked to give summative test. Howell and
between external and criticisms on the response The test will be Prevenier. From
external and internal criticism of the PH government in divided into two Reliable
internal solving the impact of parts: Sources. Pp. 17-
criticism. COVID-19 pandemic in the 3. Multiple Choice 68)
country and other foreign Type of test
countries. 4. Essay Robert Fox. The
Tabon Caves
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Developmental Activity: Performance- (pp. 40-44; 109-

A. Group Dynamics based 119) (Human
Based on their simulation, Assessment: remains and
the students will be asked artifacts)
what are their basis in their Artifact
critiques towards PH Examination. William Henry
government and other In this activity, the Scott. Pre-
foreign countries. Which is students will be Hispanic Source
much easier? To give asked to select their Materials for the
internal criticism or external own historical object Study of
criticism? Their answers will or material and Philippine History
be discussed by their apply the elements (pp. 90-135)
selected representative. in both external and
internal criticism in
B. Reading Task identifying its
In this activity, the students authenticity/genuine
will be asked to read ness.
materials about the topic.

Questions to Raise:
1. What are the various
periods in the timeline of
Philippine history?
2. What is historiography?
Is it the same as
historical research?
Justify your answer.
3. What is internal
criticism? External
4. What are the elements
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in each of the
5. How do these two
criticisms in
historiography prove
authenticity and
provenance? Justify.

Concluding Activity:
A. Exit Ticket
In this activity the students
will be asked to fill-up an
“exit ticket”.
The questions in the exit
ticket include:
1. How well did you
understand the
2. Give 3 things that
your learned.
3. 2 things you found
4. 1 question you would
like to ask.

Week C. CONTENT AND Introductory Activity: Module, Antonio Pigafetta

5-7 CO1. Critically Analyze the CONTEXTUAL A. Share Intended Formative Test: Videos, and First Voyage
analyze primary context, ANALYSIS OF Learning Outcomes At the end of the Reading Around the
sources for their content, and SELECTED B. KWL CHART lesson, students will Materials World (pp. 23-
credibility, perspective of PRIMARY In this activity, the students have to take a 48) [Chronicles]
authenticity, and different kinds SOURCES IN will be asked to answer summative test.
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of primary questions such as: The test will be Juan de

sources; 1. What do you Know divided into two Plasencia
Determine how about the topic? parts: Customs of the
these had 2. What do you Want to 5. Multiple Choice Tagalogs (pp.
affected the know? Type of test 221-234) [Friar
history of the 3. What did you Learn? 6. Essay account]
 First Voyage
Filipinos a
Around the World
people Performance- Emilio Jacinto
by Magellan by
Developmental Activity: based Kartilla ng
Antonio Pigaffeta
A. Reading Task Assessment: Katipunan
 Kartilya ng
In this activity, the students (Richardson.201
Katipunan by
will be asked to read Reflection Paper. 3) (pp. 131-137)
Emilio Jacinto
materials about the topic. Analyze the context, [Declaration of
provenance.  Proclamation of
content, and Principles]
perspective of
 Political
different kinds of Emilio Aguinaldo
Caricatures of the
Concluding Activity: primary sources. Mga Gunita ng
American Era
A. Share your Expi! Determine how Himagsikan (pp.
In this activity, the students these had affected 78-82) 95-100;
 Revisiting
will complete the KWL chart the history of the 177-188; 212-
Corazon Aquino’s
and share his/her Filipinos a people 227)
Speech before
experience in doing the [Memoirs]
the U.S Congress


Week D. HISTORICAL Introductory Activity: Module, Readings in
9-11 CO2. Demonstrate Discuss the CONTROVERSIES A. Share Intended Formative Test: Videos, and Philippine History
the ability to use different  Cavite Mutiny Learning Outcomes At the end of the Reading By: Victoria O.
primary and versions of the  The Cry of lesson, students will Materials Ligan
Doc Ref. No.: PSU-SYL-_______ Revision Level:01 Effective Date: Page Number: __of _

secondary sources issue. Rebellion Developmental Activity: have to take a Lindsay c.

to argue for or  Rizal’s Retraction A. Group Reporting. summative test. Espino et al.
against a particular Determine Students will be divided into The test will be
issue. which version three groups for the divided into two Trinidad Pardo
of the issue is discussion of the three parts: de Tavera,
a historical fact selected historical 7. Multiple Choice Filipino version
based on your controversies. Type of test of the Cavite
evaluation of The following are the guide 8. Essay mutiny of 1872
the primary questions that the group (Zaide 1990 vol.
and secondary must be able to address in Performance- 7 pp. 274-280
sources. their discussion. based
At the end of their Assessment: Jose Montero y
presentation, they should Vidal Spanish
be able to make a Position Paper. In version of the
stand/position regarding the this activity, students Cavite mutiny of
issue. will be asked to write 1872 (Zaide
a position paper 1990 vo. 7 pp.
Cavite Mutiny expressing their 269-273)
Questions to raise: stand or position Rafael Izquierdo,
Recalling; regarding a given official Report on
1. During the Spanish historical the Cavite mutiny
period suggest one controversy. This (Zaide 1990 vol
economic imposition can be done by 7, pp 281-286
that led to the mutiny. partner.
2. How did the mutiny Leon Ma.
develop feelings of Guerrero. the
oneness between and First Filipino. A
among the indios? Biography of Dr.
3. How did the event Jose P. Rizal
develop social and
political consciousness Floro
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among the Indios? Quibuyen.A

Explain your answer Nation Aborted

Cry of Rebellion Ricardo P.

Question to raise: Garcia. The
A. What are the common Great Debate:
and different issues in The Rizal
the three versions of Retraction (pp.9-
Cry? 19;31-43)
B. What issues do you see
in the first Cry about the Ricardo R.
Filipinos? Pascual. Rizal
C. Which account do you Beyond The
believe? Why. Justify Grave ( pp.7-36)
your answer.
D. How reliable is the Pio Valenzuela,
version of Guillermo Cry of
Masangkay regarding Pugadlawin,
the issues? (Zaide 1990 vol.
8, pp 301-302.
Rizal’s Retraction
Question to raise Santiago ,
1. What are the different Alvarez, Cry of
issues that tend to Bahay Toro
denigrate the status of ( Zaide 1990) vol
Rizal’s retraction? 8 pp. 303-304
2. How did these issues
arise? Gregoria de
3. Articulate your own Jesus Version of
opinion regarding these the First Cry
issues ( Zaide 1990, vol
Doc Ref. No.: PSU-SYL-_______ Revision Level:01 Effective Date: Page Number: __of _

4. Was there indeed a 8 pp.305-306

retraction? Justify your
answer. Guillermo
Masangkay, Cry
Concluding Activity: of Balintawak
A. Peer Evaluation. ( Zaide 1990,
Students will be asked to vol.8 pp 307-309
evaluation their co-
members participation and Note: the
contribution to their group students will be
as well as evaluate the required to look
other group’s performance for primary
in presenting their topics sources on which
and positions regarding they will base
their assigned historical their narrative
controversies. and analysis of
the topic

Week E. SOCIAL, Module, Readings in

12-15 CO3. Propose Develop POLITICAL, Introductory Activity: Formative Test: Videos, and Philippine History
recommendations or critical and ECONOMIC, AND A. Share Intended At the end of the Reading By: Victoria O.
solutions to present analytical skills CULTURAL ISSUES Learning OUTCOMES lesson, students will Materials Ligan
day problems based in examining IN PHILIPPINE B. Explain this: Editorial have to take a Lindsay c.
on their various social, HISTORY Cartoon Display summative test. Espino et al.
understanding of political,  Agrarian Reform In this activity, the students The test will be
issues related to economic, and Policies will be shown series of divided into two
Agrarian, Taxation, cultural issues  Philippine editorial cartoons and will parts: Agrarian reform
the Moro Conflict, in Philippine Constitution be asked to explain what is 9. Multiple Choice “The Philippine
and Constitutional History.  Taxation the message that each Type of test Rice Share
Change.  Moro Conflict editorial cartoon wanted to 10. Essay Tenancy Act of
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Effectively (added topic) convey. 1933 (Act 4054)

communicate “Agricultural
through a Developmental Activity: Performance- Tenancy Act of
video blog, A. Reading Task based the Philippines of
their historical In this activity, the students Assessment: 1954
analysis of the will be asked to read Video Blog.
given topic and materials that explain the Students will create Agricultural Land
recommend different social, political, a video blog (by Reform Code of
solutions to economic, and cultural group) of their 1963 (R.A. 3844)
address the issues in Philippine History. historical analysis of
issues related the given topic and P.D. 27 of the
to their topic. B. Tracer Map in conclusion will 1972
In this activity, the students recommend Comprehensive
will be asked to trace the solutions to address Agrarian Reform
evolution of the different the issues related to Program of 1986
policies related to agrarian, their topic. (R.A. 6657)
taxation, Moro conflict and
the changing of Philippine Comprehensive
Constitutions. Agrarian Reform
Concluding Activity: Extension with
A. Exit Ticket Reforms of 2009
In this activity the students (R.A. 9700)
will be asked to fill-up an
“exit ticket”. Philippine
The questions in the exit Constitutions:
ticket include: Malolos
1. How well did you Constitution of
understand the lesson? 1899
2. Give 3 things that your Commonwealth
learned. Constitution of
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3. 2 things you found 1935

interesting Martial law
4. 1 question you would Constitution of
like to ask. 1973
Constitution of
(currently used)

Artemio T.
Saguinsin (2009)
Taxation in the
Hector de Leon
and Hector de
Leon, Jr. The
Fundamentals of
Taxation in the


Week CO4. Manifest F. CRITICAL Independent Research Performance- Video Online

16-17 concern in local Select a EVALUATION AND based Documentation Materials/Refere
history by promoting component of PROMOTION OF Assessment: nces or Oral
and preserving the Philippine CULTURE interview
country’s national culture you  Local and Oral Travelogue.
patrimony and wish to History Students will create
cultural heritage. promote or  Museums and a travelogue
raise Historical Shrines narrating their
Doc Ref. No.: PSU-SYL-_______ Revision Level:01 Effective Date: Page Number: __of _

experience/ acquired
awareness.  Performances,
regarding their
chosen culture in
Create a Practices,
order to promote
travelogue Religious Rites
narrating your and Rituals
significance and
raise awareness.


Course References
1. Louis Gottschalk. Understanding History: A Primer on Historical Methods. A. A. Knopf Publishers. New York. 1969
2. Martha Howell and Walter Prevenier. From Reliable Sources: An Introduction to Historical Methods. Cornell University Press.
Ithaca. New York. 2001
3. William Henry Scott. Pre-Hispanic Source Materials for the Study of Philippine History. New Day Publishers, Inc. Quezon City.
Philippines. 1998
4. Santiago Alvarez The Katipunan and the Revolution: Memoirs of a General Ateneo de Manila University Press. 2003
(translated by Carolina Malay-Ocampo)
5. Jim Richardson. The Light of Liberty: Documents and Studies on the Katipunan, 1842-1897. Ateneo de Manila University
Press. Loyola Heights, Quezon City. Philippines. 2013 (Kartilla ng Katipunan)
6. National Historical Institute. “Documents on the Declaration of Philippine Independence of 1898, the Malolos Constitution and
the first Philippine Republic” (Proclamation)
7. Alfred McCoy Political Caricatures of the American Era (editorial cartoons)
8. Mauro Garcia. Readings in Philippine History. Filipiniana Book Guild. Manila. Philippines. 1979
9. Gregorio F. Zaide. Documentary Sources of Philippine History Volumes 2, 7 and 8. National Bookstore, Inc. Navotas.
Philippines. 1990
10. Teodoro Agoncillo. The Revolt of the Masses: The Story of Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan University of the Philippines
Press. Quezon City. Philippines. 2002
11. Santiago Alvarez. The Katipunan and the Revolution: Memoirs of a General. (original Pilipino version)
12. Ricardo P. Garcia The Great Debate: The Rizal Retraction
13. Jesus Ma. Cavanna Rizal’s Unfading Glory
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14. Ricardo R. Pascual Rizal Beyond the Grave

15. Pio Valenzuela Cry of Pugadlawin (Zaide, Vol 8 pp. 301-302)
16. Santiago Alvarez Cry of Bahay Toro (Zaide, Vol 8 pp. 303-304)
17. Gregoria de Jesus Version of the First Cry (Zaide, Vol 8 pp. 305-306)
18. Guillermo Masangkay Cry of Balintawak (Zaide,Vol 8 pp. 307-309)
19. Artemio T. Saguinsin Taxation in the Philippines 2009
20. Hector de Leon and Hector de Leon, Jr. The Fundamentals of Taxation in the Philippines National Bookstore, Inc.
Mandaluyong City. 2003
(Note: The list of the reference and instructional materials above are arranged according to how they are placed in the Learning
Plan of this syllabus.)

Additional Materials Art Materials

Course Requirements This course will require students to submit four (4) major requirements. These are:
1. Reflection Paper. In this requirement, the students will snalyze the context, content, and perspective of different kinds of
primary sources and then determine how these had affected the history of the Filipinos a people.
 MS Word (in short size)
 Font Size: 11, Font Style: Cambria
 Not less than 2, 000 words, reference not included.
 Proper APA citation is required. NO Citation equates to ZERO
*Rubric for Evaluation will be uploaded.
2. Position Paper. This paper will require students to write their stand or position regarding a given historical controversy.
This can be done by partner.
 MS Word (in short size)
 Font Size: 11, Font Style: Cambria
 Not less than 2, 000 words, reference not included.
 Proper APA citation is required. NO Citation equates to ZERO
*Rubric for Evaluation will be uploaded.
3. Video Blog. Students will create a video blog (by group) of their historical analysis of the given topic and in conclusion will
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recommend solutions to address the issues related to their topic.

*Rubric for Evaluation will be uploaded.
4. Travelogue. Students will create a travelogue narrating their experience/ acquired skills/learnings regarding their chosen
culture in order to promote historical significance and raise awareness.
*Rubric for Evaluation will be uploaded.

Grading System The course has the following major components:

 Midterm Exam (40%)
 Quizzes and Activities (25%)
 Papers and Projects (35%)


 Final Exam (40%)
 Quizzes and Activities (25%)
 Papers and Projects (35%)

 Midterm Grade (40%) + Tentative Final Grade (60%)


A. Civility and respect for classmates and the instructor are expected at all times.
B. Students should arrive to class on time; if they come to class beyond the official time, they are automatically deemed absent.

A. The following shall be the major requirements of this course subject:
a. Major exams [Midterm and Final]
b. Midterm and final papers/projects
c. Class participations/assigned work outputs both individual and groups

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B. During the examination day, students should never be late, but they are all entitled to a 15-minute grace period. Take note: the
exam will be taken on the schedule provided by the university thus all students under this subject should not be absent on the
day of the exam.
C. Dishonesty such as cheating and plagiarism are strictly prohibited in this class.
a. Once a student is caught cheating (of any sort), he/she shall immediately be given a failing mark on that exam/test or
b. Likewise, once a student has been found to have submitted a plagiarized work/output (intellectual property) of another in
any major paper shall automatically receive a failing mark on that output.
D. The final grade of the student shall either be: 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3.0, 5.0 and unofficially dropped (UD).
E. The student shall have all the rights to inquire of the ratings and grades given to him/her and the process on how such rating is
F. To those who are absent during quiz administration/ recitation/reporting/activities, we will implement the “no-make up policy”
which means the student will never be given a chance to have those activities once he/she missed them.
G. Only six absences (excused/unexcused) shall be allowed for the entire academic term.
H. Submission of papers is allowed ONLY until the deadline set by the professor; NO EXCUSES
I. Oral quizzes are often unannounced hence it is expected that students must always be ready for this every class session.
J. Assigned reporters or group report presenters are expected to report on the designated time and day of their report.

Supplementary Material/s Available Online Materials/ References

Consultation Period This will be provided by your course instructor.

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