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CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has a foundational Examines concepts in Understands and explains Uses broad knowledge of Uses extensive knowledge
knowledge of subject subject matter and the relationship between inter-relationships of of subject matter
matter, related academic academic language to essential subject matter concepts, academic concepts, current issues,
3.1 Demonstrating
language, and academic identify connections concepts, academic content standards, and academic language, and
knowledge of subject
content standards. between academic language, and academic academic language in research to make relevant
matter academic
content standards and content standards. ways that ensure clear connections to standards
content standards
instruction.9.26.18 connections and during instruction and
relevance to students. extend student learning.

This year we have new Now that I have gone

curriculum for Math and through this years
Language Arts. I work to curriculum I am more
prepare myself with the confortable of the subject
material a week ahead of matter and learning
time with lesson plans objectives within each
and activities for the lesson. I do feel like I have
students that help to a good ways to go when it
support the content in the comes to the level of
lesson. Before lessons I mastery I expect for the
give them an overview students. Throughout the
and explain the year I was able to break
vocabulary that will be the lessons down for
explored. I often make them to build upon the
these into kinesthetic ideas and connections
activities for the students they already had. 5.7.19
for them to more easily
recall and remember the After a year of being in
meanings or significance. the same grade level I am
I believe after a year of much more in tune to the
working with this standards of our school
curriculum and having and the curriculum that
that experience, next year goes along with it. Where
I will be able to better I am still being challenged
prepare and decipher the is our newly adopted IB
elements that need to be program and switching
mastered. 9.26.18 around all of our
curriculum and lesson
pland to make it work in
our IB units. 11.3.19
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has basic knowledge of Expands knowledge of Adapts instruction in Integrates knowledge of Utilizes comprehensive
student stages of student development and response to knowledge of range of students knowledge of students to
development while implements learning student development and development into guide all students to
becoming aware of activities in single lessons proficiencies to meet instructional decisions to develop proficiencies,
differences in students’ or sequence of lessons students’ diverse learning ensure student understand subject
understanding of subject that addresses students’ needs. Ensures understanding of the matter including related
matter. proficiencies and support understanding of subject subject matter including academic language.
understanding of subject matter including related related academic
Teaches subject-specific matter including related academic language. language. Engages student at all
3.2 Applying vocabulary following academic language. levels of vocabulary,
knowledge of student curriculum guidelines. Provides explicit teaching Provides explicit teaching academic language, and
development and Provides explicit teaching of essential vocabulary, of specific academic proficiencies in self-
proficiencies to of essential content idioms, key words with language, text structures, directed goal setting,
ensure student vocabulary and multiple meanings, and grammatical, and stylistic monitoring, and
understanding of associated academic academic language in language features to improvement. Guides all
subject matter language in single lessons ways that engage ensure equitable access students in using analysis
or sequence of lessons. students in accessing to subject matter strategies that provides
Explains academic subject matter text or understanding for the equitable access and deep
language, formats, and learning activities. range of student language understanding of subject
vocabulary to support levels and abilities. matter.
student access to subject 11.3.19
matter when confusions
are identified. 9.26.18

I know that my They attention span of my I continue to make sure

kindergarten students are students has slowly been lessons are
only capable of sitting increasing over the year, developmentally
through a lesson no more where they are more appropriate for my five
than 15 minutes. All capable of sitting through and six year old students.
instructional lessons are direct instruction of The instruction needs to
revolved around a 5 vocabulary and examples, be simple and basic, while
minute or less lecture as well as whole group or the applying practice
time. Then we break into independent practice. I’ve needs to be hands on for
activities to help explore been able to plan more them to engage and have
the concepts, work with hands on activities with a deep understanding. I
partners, and whole many of our subjects now have a ESL student in my
group games. With that I have become more class this year so I have
vocabulary and language familiar with the been modeling out
in a lesson I do teach the curriculum. 5.7.19 instrctutions and
students and explain activities more then I
what it means, then usually would for my
students participate in classes, and it seems to be
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

discussion making their benefitting everyone in
own connections to the the class.
words or what they know
about it. With 1st grade
curriculum and these
young kids I do have to
often scaffold
introductions into topics
and build their
knowledge and
background through
stories, examples, role-
playing etc. 9.26.18

Follows organization of Examines organization of Uses knowledge of Integrates knowledge of Uses extensive knowledge
curriculum as provided curriculum and considers curriculum and student curriculum and resources of curriculum and related
by site and district to adjustments in single readiness to organize and to organize and adjust resources to flexibly and
support student lessons or sequence of adjust the curriculum to instruction within and effectively organize and
3.3 Organizing
understanding of the lessons to support ensure student across subject matter to adjust instruction.
curriculum to
subject matter. understanding of subject understanding. extend student
facilitate student
matter. 9.26.18 understanding. Ensures student
understanding of the
comprehension and
subject matter
facilitates student
articulation about what
they do and do not
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I personally at this stage My team and I did have to After being able to
of my career can identify rework our math organize last years
if material is appropriate curriculum this year as curriculum and our new
concepts taught we did not see the natural unit plans this year we
consecutively to build on progression of each unit are able to smoothly
previous skill. I work with naturally working for the implement them and add
a team of experienced students or our timeline. to them as we see what
kindergarten teachers so We were able to adjust works or what didn’t
they are much quicker to what we thought the work last year. We have
identify and modify students could handle been moving around our
instruction for the week. that their developmental math curriculum to be
Our math curriculum stage during the year and more developmentally
began with addition and progressively get more appropriate for our
subtraction word difficult. Now that we student at that time of the
problems week 1, when have completed the units year. We also mapped out
some of our students had we have time to cycle the timeline through the
never been introduced to back through the lessons end of the year and have
the concepts of addition that we feel the students added an introduction
and subtraction. We could use more practice week of supplemental
quickly modified our in and provide remedial activities to introduce all
plans and used groups. 5.7.19 the topics before the
supplemental materials standard is taught.
to focus on building that 11.3.19
basic skill before moving
back into the curriculum.
Uses instructional Gathers and uses Selects and adapts a Integrates instructional Uses an extensive
strategies that are additional instructional variety of instructional strategies appropriate to repertoire of instructional
provided in the strategies in single strategies to ensure subject matter to meet strategies to develop
3.4 Utilizing curriculum. lessons or sequence of student understanding of students’ diverse enthusiasm, meta-
instructional lessons to increase academic language learning, to ensure cognitive abilities, and
strategies that are student understanding of appropriate to subject student understanding of support and challenge the
appropriate to the academic language matter and that addresses academic language, and full range of student
subject matter appropriate to subject students’ diverse learning guide student in towards a deep
matter. needs. 9.26.18 understanding knowledge of subject
connections within and matter.
across subject matter.
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

With young students it is I felt very confident in my With another year of
necessary to use a abilities to choose experience in this grade
multitude of instructional instructional strategies level I am feeling more
strategies throughout that best fit my students confident with adapting
lessons. With all content and their developmental instructional strategies
we use songs, role-play, stages. Each Monday we that will be more
small-group, buddies, etc. start with their sounds of appropriate for my
in order to address the the week, applying hand students. With my
diversity of their learning motions, or other tricks, previous year of
needs. During a to remember the sounds. experience with this
vocabulary lesson we will For math we would find curriculum I can adapt
go over the 6 words and poster, and body the lessons ahead of time,
their meaning, then read movements, that would and modify during to
a story with the helps students remember meet the needs better for
vocabulary in it. Students steps for solving math my students depending
will listen for the words problems. 5.7.19 on what they are
as we read then when understanding. 11.3.19
they hear the word they
will preform an action.
Building their listening
skills. 9.26.18

3.5 Using and Uses available Explores additional Selects, adapts, and Integrates a wide range of Engages students in
adapting resources, instructional materials, instructional materials, utilizes appropriate adapted resources, identifying and adapting
technologies, and resources, and resources, and instructional materials, technologies, and resources, technologies,
standards-aligned technologies for specific technologies to make resources, and instructional materials to and standards-aligned
instructional lessons to make subject subject matter accessible technologies for concept meet identified student instructional materials to
materials including matter accessible to to students. and skill development in needs and make subject extend student
adopted materials, to students. subject matter. Resources matter accessible to understanding and
make subject matter Explores how to make reflect the diversity of the students. critical thinking about
accessible to all Identifies technological technological resources classroom and support subject matter.
students resource needs. available to all students. differentiated learning of Assists student with
9.26.18 subject matter. equitable access to Ensures those students
materials, resources, and are able to obtain
Guides students to use technologies. Seeks equitable access to a wide
available print, electronic, outside resources and range of technologies
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

and online subject matter support. through ongoing links to
resources based on outside resources and
individual needs. support.

I use my online resources My kindergarten team

such as education and I took full advantage
websites, the curriculum of this this year as we are
website, TpT all to starting our first year in
provide additional the IB program. We were
material for my students given full range to modify
and to their expand their or supplement any
knowledge or better materials we felt
support a student in the necessary for better
classroom. I gather student learning and
materials that are leveled engagement. Many of our
for the students to help math lessons we took to
reinforce what they know creative pinterest ideas
and build confidence in where active learning
the material. Parents and occurred. We had a
students have online realization that this is
access to both math and how students need to be
language art curriculum learning at all time, not
websites. At parent night from a piece of paper.
I explained how they can 5.7.19
access this and what This year I am still
resources are available on continuing to work with
this website. 9.26.18 more hands on strategies
for engaging my students
in learning. With the
flexibility of our
schedules I have been
able to manage and
interactive week where
we actively learn and play
with the strategies of the
week then the following
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

week we dive into the
textbook and apply what
we have learned. So far
the students have been
receptive to this method
of delivery. 11.3.19

Is aware of students’ Seeks additional information Identifies language Integrates knowledge of Engages English learners in
primary language and describing elements of proficiencies and English English language assessment of their progress
English language culture and language learner strengths in the development, English in English language
proficiencies based on proficiencies in listening, study of language and learners’ strengths and development and in meeting
available assessment data. speaking, reading, and content. Differentiates assessed needs into English content standards. Supports
writing. Uses multiple instruction using one or language and content students to establish and
measures for assessing more components of English instruction. monitor language and
3.6 Addressing the English learners’ language development to content goals.
needs of English performance to identify gaps support English learners.
learners and student in English language
with special needs to Provides adapted materials development. Creates and implements Develops and adapts Is resourceful and flexible in
provide equitable to help English learners scaffolds to support instruction to provide a wide the design, adjustment, and
access to the content access content. 9.26.18 Attempts to scaffold content standards-based instruction range of scaffolded support elimination of scaffolds
using visuals, models, and using literacy strategies, for language and content for based on English learners’
graphic organizers. SDAIE, and content level the range of English proficiencies, knowledge,
English language learners. and skills in the content.
development in order for
students to improve
language proficiencies and
understand content.
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I am aware that I have 3 This was not much of a This year I have a student
students in my class that concern still throughout that came into my class
speak a different the year as my EL not knowing any English.
language at home. They students were some of my He has been in what is
are higher academically higher achieving considered full English
so I have not found the students. I did work hard emersion and it has been
need to provide different to aide my one student a challenge for both of us.
content for them. who did not know much He has done well with
However, during lessons I of English vocabulary and adapting to the
do work to describe and wanted to know what instructions. And I have
explain concepts for them many things were been challenge with
to grasp it more clearly. throughout a day. I would creating materials that
We practice a lot of be sure to fully explain a show more of the
speaking in the classroom new word or thing. instructions, picture
and providing them with Otherwise he would raise actions, and buddies to
sentence frames that his hand to ask what it help him. Over the past
their can build upon. was. I did not have to few months we have seen
9.26.18 modify any materials for his conversational speech
my EL students. 5.7.19 and academic speech
flourish, and he is so
proud. Now we are
working on his writing.
3.6 Addressing the Has an awareness of the full Seeks additional information Utilizes information on the Integrates accommodations, Guides and support the full
needs of English range of students identified on the full range of students full range of students adaptations, and extensions range of student with special
learners and student with special needs through identified with special needs identified with special needs to instruction for the full needs to actively engage in
with special needs to data provided by the school. to address challenges or to assess strengths and range of students with the assessment and monitor
supports in single lessons or competencies to provide special needs to ensure their own strengths, learning
provide equitable sequence of lessons. appropriate challenge and adequate support and needs, and achievement in
access to the content accommodations in challenge. accessing content.
Attends required meeting Cooperates with resource Communicates and Communicates and
with resource personnel and personnel, para-educators, Communicates regularly collaborates with colleagues, collaborates with resource
families. and families during meetings with resource personnel, support staff, and families to personnel, para-educators,
and activities in support of para-educators, and families ensure consistent families, leadership, and
learning plans and goals. to ensure that student instruction. Supports students in creating a
services are provided and families in positive coordinated program to
progress is made in engagement with school. optimize success of the full
accessing appropriate range of students with
content. Initiates and monitors special needs.
Learns about referral Seeks additional information referral processes and
processes for students with on struggling learners and Refers students as needed in follow-up meeting to ensure Takes leadership at the
special needs. advanced learners to a timely and appropriate that students receive site/district and collaborates
determine appropriateness manner supported with support and/or extended with resource personnel to
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

for referral. documented data over time, learning that is integrated ensure the smooth and
including interventions tried into the core curriculum. effective implementations of
previous to referral. referral processes.

I have not had much I have been working with

experience in this area the international teacher
due to the population and to get this student extra
my school and the high resources to help his
academic rigor. 9.26.18 language. He has been
5.7.19 responding well. 11.3.19

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