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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data to Uses data from a variety Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive
through data provided by learn about individual of formal and informal measures to make knowledge of students to
the school and/or students. 9.20.18 sources to learn about adjustments to make ongoing
assessments. students and guide instruction and meet adjustments and
selection of instructional individual identified accommodations in
strategies to meet diverse learning needs. instruction.
Using knowledge of learning needs. 5.5.19
students to engage
them in learning Some students may Students engage in single Student engage in Students actively utilize a Students take ownership
engage in learning using lessons or sequence of learning through the use variety of instructional of their learning by
instructional strategies lessons that include some of adjustments in strategies and choosing from a wide
focused on the class as a adjustments based on instruction to meet their technologies in learning range of methods to
whole. assessments. needs. 9.20.18 that ensure equitable further their learning that
access to the curriculum. are responsive to their
learning needs.4.4.20
I gather information and Multiple days a week we I have begun creating When creating lessons
data from their student do small group centers lists throughout the days and activities I take into
records, if available. I also that provide lessons and noting down consideration student
talk to their preschool differentiated group the students that need interests, backgrounds,
teacher if they went to activities. Group activites more help in specific and academic levels in
the school to gain more of are geared towards areas, rather than relying order to create engaging
an understanding of the different learning styles on my memory. I pull learning experiences that
student and their such as games, art, them for one on one they can do
experience in the booklets, worksheets, learning later on. 10.3.19 independently and feel a
classroom. I also talk and a multitude of other sense of success or a
early on with the parents hands on activities. challenge where students
during Septemeber Centers are also geared push themselves to
conferences to hear out towards the different achieve higher order
Evidence the parent insight on academic levels, such as learning.
their child and how they approaching level, on
feel their child likes to level, and beyond. 9.20.18
learn, the topics that
interest them, and results
they see at home
academically. Specific
students whom need
more one on one
attention from me I pull
aside to guide in closer
instruction. 9.20.18
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered Uses school resources Integrates broad Develops and
prior knowledge, culture, information about and family contacts to knowledge of students systematically uses
backgrounds, life students’ prior expand understanding of and their communities to extensive information
experiences, and interests knowledge, cultural students’ prior inform instruction. regarding students’
represented among backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural cultural backgrounds,
students.9.20.18 experiences, and interest backgrounds, life prior knowledge, life
Connecting learning
to support student experiences, and interests experiences, and
to students’ prior
learning. to connect to student interests.
backgrounds, life
experiences, and
Some students connect Students participate in Students make Students are actively Students can articulate
learning activities to their single lessons or connections between engaged in curriculum, the relevance and impact
own lives. sequences of lessons curriculum, and their which relates their prior of lessons on their lives
related to their interests prior knowledge, knowledge, experiences, and society.4.4.20
and experiences. backgrounds, life and interests within and
experiences, and across learning activities.
interests. 9.20.18
In lessons specifically Students always raise With our IB program we I have worked diligently
Science and Math I am their hand, shout out, or have been able to create to create lessons that
able to draw out share with a friend the lessons that touch heavily appeal to students
connections to material connection or similar into student background background, and their
that students may already experience they have had. and knowledge of how we common knowledge for
know such as senses, Through buddy think- are all similar and better student
weather, and plants. Then pair-share they are often different in many way. engagement. We have
using those small bits able to share their They send me pictures of increased our reflection
through discussion, connection to lessons. We what they do over the period after lessons in
pictures, and videos, we do hands on experiments weekend and as I get to order to assess student
explain and develop the in the classroom that know them I am able to connection and learning,
information they do know build upon familiar topics make references and usually in a discussion or
Evidence and build upon it. 9.20.18 for them. 9.20.18 examples to their real activity form.
ives. 10.3.19
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections Integrates connections to Engages student in
during instruction as real-life connections to from subject matter to meaningful, real-life actively making
identified to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life contexts in planning connections to relevant,
lessons or sequence of contexts, including those subject matter meaningful, and real-life
lessons to support specific to students’ instruction and is contexts throughout
understanding. 9.24.18 family and community. responsive during subject matter
Connecting subject instruction to engage instruction.
matter to students in relating to
meaningful, real-life subject matter.
contexts Some students relate Students make use of Students utilize real-life Students routinely
subject matter to real-life. real-life connections connections regularly to Students actively engage integrate subject matter
provided in single lessons develop understandings in making and using real- into their own thinking
or sequence of lessons to of subject matter. 9.24.18 life connections to and make relevant
support understanding of subject matter to extend applications of subject
subject matter. their understanding. matter during learning
Reading literature to the Naturally many kinder With young ones, this
students to teach them students make any type of connection is
important lessons inside connection they can in their first tool when
and outside of the the classroom. Stories learning. I very naturally
classroom. Books on they identify with the have been able to adapt
kindness, blurting, rules characters and where my teaching to their level
on the playground, they have been, how they of building connections
tattling, etc. Students are are acting etc. building with their interests. Even
able to connect with their comprehension of a behaviorly I have been
these books by seeing story. Students go outside able to connect learning
what the consequences and reconnect ideas they expectations to things
are of those actions and learned in a science or they love by a simple
Evidence how it makes others feel. math lesson and share it phone call to their
Relating math problems with you out on a favorite book or cartoon
in a context that intrigues playground. Ex. Weather, character sharing the
them, using their name, students notice it’s great news of someone.
favorite toys, changing cooling down, leaves are 10.3.19
the words of a problem to turning more brown, they
engage them in what they connect with the seasons
can connect with. 9.24.18 and share that “it’s like
Fall!” 5.5.19

Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible use of
strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, strategies including integrates a broad range an extensive repertoire of
technologies as provided resources, and culturally responsive of strategies, resources, strategies, resources, and
by school and/or district. technologies in single pedagogy, resources, and and technologies into technologies to meet
lessons or sequence of technologies during instruction designed to students’ diverse learning
Using a variety of lessons to meet students’ ongoing instruction to meet students’ diverse needs.
instructional diverse learning meet students’ diverse learning needs.
strategies, resources, needs.9/25/18 learning needs.
and technologies to
meet students’ Some students Students participate in Students actively engage Students take
diverse learning participate in Students participate in instruction using in instruction and make responsibilities for using
needs instructional strategies, single lessons or strategies, resources, and use of a variety of a wide range of
using resources and sequence of lessons technologies matched to targeted strategies, strategies, resources, and
technologies provided. related to their interests their learning resources, and technologies that
and experiences. needs.9/25/18 technologies to meet successfully advance
their individual students their learning.
Within the classroom I Students engage in a When I notice my class is
use a variety of different variety of learning struggling with a lesson,
learning strategies such strategies. They have typically its math, I try to
as small group centers, individualized small finish up the lesson as
whole group lecture, and groups where they work best as possible, but note
modeling. Language arts with classmates at their it for the next day that
centers are leveled academic level. We role that strategy did not
according to their play different social work for them. From
reading and phonics. This studies situations in the there I find different
allows me to create classroom. Daily we read unique ways to teach that
specific instruction to chorally as a group to same objective but in a
help our students. When I practice our decodable way that would spark
Evidence teach whole group readers. Students also interest and help them
lessons I try to bring have a writing journal learn. Throughout the
students up to interact that they are able to use year we have noticed our
and lead in the discussion at any time to encourage students learn the best
so I can see if they have their creativity and when we break from the
an understanding of what writing in the classroom. book to create remedial
is being taught. 5.5.19 lessons for the objectives.

Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Asks questions that focus Includes questions in Guide students to think Supports students to Facilitates systematic
on factual knowledge and single lessons or a critically through use of initiate critical thinking opportunities for student
comprehension. sequence of lessons that questioning strategies, through independently to apply critical thinking
require students to recall, posing/solving problems, developing questions, by designing structured
interpret, and think and reflection on issues posing problems and inquiries into complex
critically. in content.9/25/18 reflecting on multiple problems.
Promoting critical
thinking though
inquiry, problem
Some students respond Students respond to Students respond to Students pose problems Students pose and
solving, and
to questions regarding varied questions or tasks questions and problems and construct questions answer a wide-range of
facts and comprehension. designed to promote posed by the teacher and of their own to support complex questions and
comprehension and begin to pose and solve inquiries into content. problems, reflect, and
critical thinking in single problems of their own communicate
lessons or a sequence of related to the understandings based on
lessons. content.9/25/18 in depth analysis of
content learning.
In kindergarten we are Promote critical thinking In kindergarten
working to build our daily in our class academically we often try
critical thinking skills meetings. Students are in to promote critical
each day. We use KWL charge of facilitating the thinking and problem
charts to help them conversation between solving to see how they
visually see these steps. I their peers. If they need naturally would try to
pose questions with the extra assistance then solve a problem, and we
lessons and asking them a teacher will step in to go on from there. A big
what they already know, help coach them through focus we also work on is
and what they want to the problem solving the problem solving skills
know. Then we will do a process. 5.5.19 when it comes to social
hands on experiment and behavior matters on
where they get to the playground. We have
investigate the topics and class meeting every day
come up with their own after lunch where one
conclusions. After then I student is in charge of
complete discussions and leading the class through
help them to put all of the problems they had
their observations out on the playground
together. As a class we and teaching them the
also have the students steps they should take
pick a goal that they want next time when in that
to work on each week. situation. 10.3.19
With these brag tags they
get assessed and earn a
new tag if they
accomplish their goals.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Implements lessons Seeks to clarify Makes ongoing Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
following curriculum instruction and learning adjustments to instruction based on the extend learning
guidelines. activities to support instruction based on ongoing monitoring of opportunities and
student understanding. observation of student individual student needs provide assistance to
engagement and regular for assistance, support, or students in mastering the
Monitoring student checks for challenge. concepts flexibly and
learning and understanding.9/25/18 effectively.
adjusting instruction
while teaching. Some students receive Students receive Students are able to Students monitor their
individual assistance assistance individually or Students successfully articulate their level of progress in learning and
during instruction. in small groups during participate and stay understanding and use provide information to
instruction. engaged in learning teacher guidance to meet teacher that informs
activities.9/25/18 their needs during adjustments in
instruction. instruction.
In the classroom we try to During a more difficult
make all lessons as lesson when I notice
engaging and interactive there is less participation
for all students. Math is I ask the students to rate
the subject that we how they feel about this
mostly use as whole activity. Could they help
group. During this teach a friend, they have
instruction I teach, then it but want more practice,
we practice it as a group, or I need help form the
then I have students teacher. This helps me
come up to demonstrate gauge where they are at
to their classmates how and if I need to keep
Evidence to do it. This allows me to working through the
gage who is grasping the objective or change my
concept and who needs direction with it. From
more practice. there I write down the
names of students that
need extra help and at a
later time in the week I
pull them for one on one
instruction and practice.

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