CSTP 6 (Spring 24)
CSTP 6 (Spring 24)
CSTP 6 (Spring 24)
6.1 Reflecting on
teaching practice in
support of student
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Much of my second year I track the changes I In Year 3, I continue to
teaching these courses make to my lessons and build out a mini-unit on
has involved my making curriculum in a content “how to build a resume.”
positive changes to my updates spreadsheet that Each year, I have learned
content, in order to lists every unit, section, more about how best to
better support student and Slide deck. The help students manage a
learning. Over the results have been process that is highly
summer between the two encouraging. I discuss individualized, but also
years, I spent a lot of time most of these updates one with universal
talking with other with my mentor teacher standards and real-world
teachers and thinking to ensure alignment and application. This year, I
through and planning out that I am emphasizing the reflected on previous
the entire year, and now I correct things. daily year’s results and built a
am able to make more since 1/9/23 3.0 version of a Slide deck
micro-level adjustments that was circulated and
to my lessons and used in the school site,
assessments, in order to beyond just my classes.
support students. The October 2023
results have been
encouraging. daily since ISTE Standard: 2.6.c -
8/11/22 Create learning
opportunities that
challenge students to use
a design process and/or
computational thinking
to innovate and solve
6.6 Managing
responsibilities to
maintain motivation
and commitment to all
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
I’m teaching 5/5, with 3 This fall, I began hosting
Honors and 2 IB/CA a new educator lunch in
classes. I’m a Pre-Intern my classroom every other
coach, FBLA adviser, and Friday. My goal was
on the SIT team. I’m also chiefly to create
the adviser to two clubs community and provide
and the Soph. class. I am support to new teachers,
working on expanding especially those in their
the Business program at 1st and 2nd years, in
my school. Most of my order to help them get
time is spent developing traction on campus and
and refining my content, in the classroom. The
along with replying to meetings have been
emails, grading, writing positive and helpful for
LOR, and advising my all involved, and I am
students daily. Through it looking forward to
all, I am more aware of building them out into
the challenges students something a bit more
face, and I am always programmatic. biweekly
learning new ways to since 8/16/23
help ensure their
learning. daily since Through conversations
8/11/22 with more experienced
educators, I have come to
realize that one of the
best ways I can be a
high-performing teacher
for the long-term is to
focus my efforts in
certain key areas, as
opposed to seeking to
make a difference in
several areas. So, I have
streamlined my extra
duties in order to
maintain motivation,
energy, and teach well.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Per the Integrating
definition, I “integrate the
full range of professional
responsibilities into
advanced planning and
prepare for situations
that may be challenging.”
That is accurate! I
continue to do the things
listed above, and I have
learned that February -
mid-May is the busiest
season of the year, when
everything peaks. To
manage my professional
effectively, I have created
a personal annual
checklist that I review,
follow, and update
weekly. It is a work in
progress, but it has
already paid off this year.
daily since 1/9/23
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site policies, Maintains a high standard of personal integrity and
contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities.* commitment to student learning and the profession in
all circumstances.
* As follows:
● Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes. Contributes to building professional community and
● Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in which these holding peers accountable to norms of respectful
values and biases affect the teaching and learning of students. treatment and communication.
● Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of learners,
including English learners and students with special needs. Contributes to fostering a school culture with a high
● Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in the degree of resilience, professional integrity, and ethical
California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. conduct.
● Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws and district
guidelines for reporting cases of sexual harassment.
● Understands and implements school and district policies and state and federal
law in responding to inappropriate or violent student behavior.
● Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy, health,
6.7 Demonstrating and safety of students, families, and other school professionals.
professional ● Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the profession.
responsibility, integrity, ● Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
and ethical conduct ● Maintains professional conduct and integrity in the classroom and school
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
With my various responsibilities, I have developed
relationships with stakeholders across campus. They
generally know me to be upstanding and ethical, as
well as reliable. One recent instance is from a SIT
meeting, where I was able to provide confidential,
supportive feedback to a student who needed it (two
other teachers and a counselor were present, too). I
am able to keep those appropriate, professional
boundaries, while making a difference in the lives of
students and on my campus. 9/6/22