Excerpt From "The Genius of Birds" by Jennifer Ackerman.
Excerpt From "The Genius of Birds" by Jennifer Ackerman.
Excerpt From "The Genius of Birds" by Jennifer Ackerman.
had to be devoted only to instinctual behavior. The avian brain had no cortex like
ours, where all the smart stuff happens. Birds had minimal noggins for good
reason, we thought: to allow for airborne ways; to defy gravity; to hover, arabesque,
dive, soar for days on end, migrate thousands of miles, and maneuver in tight
spaces. For their mastery of air, it seemed, birds paid a heavy cognitive penalty.
A closer look has taught us otherwise. Birds do indeed have brains very different
from our ownand no wonder. Humans and birds have been evolving independently
for a very long time, since our last common ancestor more than 300 million years
ago. But some birds, in fact, have relatively large brains for their body size, just as
we do. Moreover, when it comes to brainpower, size seems to matter less than the
number of neurons, where theyre located, and how theyre connected. And some
bird brains, it turns out, pack very high numbers of neurons where it counts, with
densities akin to those found in primates, and links and connections much like ours.
This may go a long way toward explaining why certain birds have such sophisticated
cognitive abilities.
Like our brains, the brains of birds are lateralized; they have sides that process
different kinds of information. They also have the ability to replace old brain cells
with new ones just when theyre needed most. And although avian brains are
organize in an entirely different way from our brains, they share similar genes and
neural circuits, and are capable of feats of quite extraordinary mental power. To wit:
Magpies can recognize their own image in a mirror, a grasp of self once thought
limited to humans, great apes, elephants, and dolphins and linked to highly
developed social understanding. Western scrub jays use Machiavellian tactics to
hide their food from other jaysbut only if theyve stolen food themselves. These
birds seem to have a rudimentary ability to know what other birds are thinking
and, perhaps, to grasp their perspective. They can also remember what kind of food
they buried in a particular placeand whenso that they can retrieve the morsel
before it spoils. This ability to remember the what, when, and where of an event,
called episodic memory, suggests to some scientists the possibility that these jays
may be able to travel back in to the past in their own mindsa key component of
the kind of mental time travel once vaunted as uniquely human.
News has arrived that songbirds learn their songs the way we learn languages and
pass these tunes along in rich cultural traditions that began tens of millions of years
ago, when our primate ancestors were still scuttling about on all fours.
Some birds are born Euclideans, capable of using geometric clues and landmarks to
orient themselves in three-dimensional space, navigate through unknown territory,
and locate hidden treasures. Others are born accountants. In 2015 researchers
found that newborn chicks spatially map numbers from left to right, as most
humans do (left means less; right means more). This suggests that birds share with
us a left-to-right orientation systema cognitive strategy that underlies our human
capacity for higher mathematics. Baby birds can also understand proportion and
can learn to choose a target from an array of objects on the basis of its ordinal
position (third, eighth, ninth). They can do simple arithmetic, as well, such as
addition and subtraction.
Bird brains may be little, but its plain they punch well above their weight.