B Tech Electrical Salybus

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Syllabus B.Tech.

(Electrical Engineering), 3rdsemester

B.Tech. (Electrical) 3rd Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Semiconductor Physics: Mobility and conductivity, charge densities in a 5
semiconductor, Fermi Dirac distribution, Fermi-Dirac statistics and Boltzmann
approximation to the Fermi-Dirac statistics, carrier concentrations and Fermi levels in
Generation and recombination of charges, diffusion and continuity equation, transport 3
equations, Mass action Law, Hall effect.
2 Junction Diodes: Formation of homogenous and hetrojuntion diodes and their energy 4
band diagrams, calculation of contact potential and depletion width, V-I
characteristics, Small signal models of diode, Diode as a circuit element, diode
parameters and load line concept, C-V characteristics and dopant profile.
Applications of diodes in rectifier, clipping, clamping circuits and voltage 4
multipliers.Transient behavior of PN diode.Breakdown diodes, Schottky diodes, and
Zener diode as voltage regulator.Construction, characteristics and operating principle
of UJT.
3 Transistors: Characteristics, Current Components, Current Gains: alpha and beta. 4
Variation of transistor parameter with temperature and current level, Operating point,
Hybrid model, DC model of transistor, h-parameter equivalent circuits.CE, CB and CC
DC and AC analysis of single stage CE, CC (Emitter follower) and CB amplifiers AC 4
& DC load line, Ebers-Moll model.Biasing & stabilization techniques.Thermal
runaway, Thermal stability.
JFET & MOSFET:Construction and operationofJFET & MOSFET, noise 4
4 performances of FET, parasitic of MOSFET, small signal models of JFET & MOSFET
Biasing of JFET's & MOSFET’s. Low frequency single stage CS and CD (source 4
follower) JFET amplifiers.FET as voltage variable resistor and active load.
5 Small Signal Amplifiers at Low Frequency: Analysis of BJT and FET multistage 4
amplifier, DC and RC coupled amplifiers. Frequency response of single and multistage
amplifier, mid-band gain, gains at low and high frequency.
Analysis of DC and differential amplifiers, Miller's Theorem, use of Miller and 4
bootstrap configuration.Cascade and cascade configuration of multistage amplifiers
(CE-CE, CE-CB, CS-CS and CS-CD), Darlington pair.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Millman Halkias, Integrated Electronics, TMH 2011

2 R. L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic devices & circuits theory, Pearson 2009

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 David Bell, Electronic Devices & Circuits, Oxford Publications 2009

2 Schultz, Grob’s, Basic Electronics, TMH 2007
3 Millman, Electronics Devices and Circuits, ed. 3, TMH 2006
4 Cathey, Electronics Devices and Circuits, ed. 3, TMH 2005
5 J. Millman and A. Grabel, Microelectronics, TMH, International 1999
6 B. G. Streetman, Solid State Electronic Devices, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 2002
7 A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Saunder's College,
Publishing 2014
8 Salivahnan, Electronics Devices and Circuits, ed. 3, TMH. 2011
B.Tech. (Electrical) 3 Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction: Introduction to circuit elements and their characteristics. Current 4
and voltage reference. Response of single element, double element and triple
element circuits. Resonance, selectivity & Q-factor in ac circuits.
Network Analysis: Network voltages. Mesh & node systems of network equations 4
and their comparison. Graph of network, tree, incidence matrix, fundamental
circuit functions, cut sets, f-circuits analysis and f-cut set analysis, node and node
pair analysis. Duality. Method of obtaining dual network.
2 Network Theorems:Thevenis’s, Norton's, Superposition, Reciprocity, 4
Compensation, Millman's theorem
Tellegen’s, Maximum power transfer and Miller`s theorems in DC & AC Circuits. 4
3 Polyphase Circuits: General Circuit Relations: Three Phase Star, Three Phase 5
Delta, Star and Delta Combination, Four Wire Star Connection.Balanced and
unbalanced Three Phase Voltages, currents and Impedances. Power and Reactive
Volt-Amperes in a 3-Phase System
Power Relations in AC Circuits: Instantaneous Power in AC Circuits, Power 3
Factor, Apparent Power, Reactive Power, Power Triangle, Complex Power.
4 Non-Sinusoidal Waves: Complex Periodic Waves and Their Analysis By Fourier 6
Series. Different Kinds of Symmetry, Determination of Co-Efficient. Average and
Effective Values of a Non-Sinusoidal Wave, Power in a Circuit of Non-Sinusoidal
Waves of Current and Voltage
Form Factor, Equivalent Sinusoidal Wave and Equivalent Power Factor. Response 2
of Linear Network to Non-Sinusoidal Periodic Waves.
5 Time Domain and Frequency Domain Analysis: Response of networks to step, 4
ramp, impulse, pulse and sinusoidal inputs. Time domain and frequency domain
analysis of circuits.
Shifting theorem, initial and final value theorems. Special signal waveforms with 4
Laplace transform & applications to circuit operations.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.
1 Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, PHI 2013
2 Hayt & Kemmerly, Engineeirng Circuit Analysis, 6/e (TMH) 2012

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 J. Edminster & M. Nahvi, Electric Circuits (SIE), 5/e, Scaum’s Out Line. 2013
2 Nagsarkar & Sukhija, Circuits & Networks, Oxford 2010
3 John Bird, Electric Circuit Theory & Technology, ELSEVIER 2007
4 D. Roy Chodhary, Network & Systems, New Age 2010
5 Ghosh & Chakrabarti, Network Analysis and Synthesis, (TMH) 2009
6 A. Chakarvorty, Circuit Theory, Publisher DhanpatRai& Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. 2013
B.Tech. (Electrical) 3rd Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Number Systems, Basic Logic Gates & Boolean Algebra: Binary Arithmetic & 4
Radix representation of different numbers. Sign & magnitude representation, Fixed
point representation, complement notation, various codes & arithmetic in different
codes & their inter conversion.
Features of logic algebra, postulates of Boolean algebra.Theorems of Boolean 4
algebra.Boolean function. Derived logic gates: Exclusive-OR, NAND, NOR gates,
their block diagrams and truth tables. Logic diagrams from Boolean expressions and
vica-versa. Converting logic diagrams to universal logic. Positive, negative and
mixed logic.Logic gate conversion.
2 Digital Logic Gate Characteristics: TTL logic gate characteristics: Theory & 4
operation of TTL NAND gate circuitry. Open collector TTL. Three state output
TTL subfamilies.MOS & CMOS logic families. Realization of logic gates in RTL, 4
DTL, ECL, C-MOS & MOSFET. Interfacing logic families to one another.
3 Minimization Techniques: Minterm, Maxterm, Karnaugh Map, K map upto 4 4
variables. Simplification of logic functions with K-map
Conversion of truth tables in POS and SOP form. Incomplete specified functions. 4
Variable mapping.Quinn-McKlusky minimization techniques.
4 Combinational Systems: Combinational logic circuit design, half and full adder, 4
subtractor. Binary serial and parallel adders.BCD adder.Binary multiplier. Decoder:
Binary to Graydecoder, BCD to decimal, BCD to 7-segment decoder.
Multiplexer, demultiplexer,encoder.Octal to binary, BCD to excess-3 encoder.Diode 4
switching matrix.Design of logic circuits by multiplexers, encoders, decoders and
5 Sequential Systems: Latches, flip-flops, R-S, D, J-K, Master Slave flip flops. 3
Conversions of flip-flops.
Counters: Synchronous & asynchronous ripple and decade counters, Modulus 5
counter, skipping state counter, counter design, state diagrams and state reduction
techniques. Ring counter. Counter applications. Registers: buffer register, shift

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Herbert Taub, Donald L. Schilling, Digital Integrated Electronics, TMH 2008

2 M. Morris Mano, Digital Logic and Computer Design, Pearson Edu. 2014

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Millman Taub, Pulse Switching and Network, TMH 2009

2 A. Anandkumar, Fundamentals of Digital circuits, PHI 2009
3 Floyd, Digital Funadamentals, Pearson 2008
4 S. Salivahanan, Sarivazhagan, Digital circuit design, Vikas publications 2009
5 Leach, Digital Principles and Applications, ed. 7, TMH 2008
6 Mandal, Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, TMH 2009
B.Tech. (Electrical) 3rd Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction: Review of structures in C, accessing members of structures using 5
structure variables, pointer to structures, passing structures to functions
Structures as user defined data types. 3
2 Introduction to Programming Paradigms: (Process oriented and Object oriented).
Concept of object, class, objects as variables of class data type, difference in
structures and class in terms of access to members, private and public Basics of C++:
Structure of C++ programs, introduction to defining member functions within and 4
outside a class, keyword using, declaring class, creating objects, constructors &
destructor functions, Initializing member values with and without use of
constructors, simple programs to access & manipulate data members, cin and cout
Dangers of returning reference to a private data member, constant objects and
members function, composition of classes, friend functions and classes, using this
pointer, creating and destroying objects dynamically using new and delete operators.
Static class members, container classes and iterators, proxy classes. Members of a
class, data & function members. Characteristics of OOP- Data hiding, Encapsulation,
data security.
3 Operator Overloading: Fundamentals, Restrictions, operator functions as class 4
members v/s as friend functions.
Overloading stream function, binary operators and unary operators.Converting 4
between types.
4 Inheritance: Base classes and derived classes, protected members, relationship
between base class and derived classes, constructors and destructors in derived 4
classes, public, private and protected inheritance
Relationship among objects in an inheritance hierarchy, abstract classes, virtual 4
functions and dynamic binding, virtual destructors.
5 Multiple inheritance, virtual base classes, pointers to classes and class members, 8
multiple class members. Templates, exception handling.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Dietel, How to Program C++, Pearson 2013

2 K. R. Venugopal, Mastering C++, TMH 1999

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Robert Lafore, Object Oriented Programming in C++, Pearson 2001

2 Rambaugh, Object Oriented Design & Modelling, Pearson 2004
B.Tech. (Electrical) 3 Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 (I )Magnetic circuits:Magnetic circuits, magneto motive force magnetic field 5
strength, permeability, reluctance, analogy between electric and magnetic-circuits, B-H
curve, hysteresis, series and parallel magnetic circuits, practical magnetic circuits,
permanent magnet and their applications.
(ii)Electromechanical energy conversion: Basic principles, conservation of energy, 3
physical phenomenon involved in conversion, energy balance, energy stored in
magnetic field.
2 DC Generators: Introduction, construction, types, emf equation, lap and wave 4
windings, armature reaction, commutation, methods of improving commutation,
equalizer rings
Demagnetizing and cross magnetizing ampere turns, various characteristics of shunt, 4
series and compound generators, voltage build up, losses and efficiency, condition for
maximum efficiency.
3 DC Motors: Introduction, principals, back-emf, torque of motor, types, characteristics 4
of shunt, series and compound motors, speed control (field and armature control
methods), basic idea of solid state devices in controlling of DC motors
Starting of DC motors, three point and four point starters, losses and efficiency, testing 4
(brake test and swimburnes test), electric braking of DC motors, Applications.
4 Transformer: Construction, Principal, Types, emf equation, no load and short circuit 6
test, equivalent circuits, back-to-back (Sumpner’s test), phasor diagram, Voltage
Efficiency, Condition for maximum efficiency, all day efficiency, parallel operation , 2
auto-transformer, basic idea of welding transformer, current and potential
transformer,separation of losses.
5 Polyphase Transformer: Construction,Various connections and groups, choice of 4
connections, open delta connection, Scott connection, three phase to two phase
conversion and vice-versa, Applications, Parallel operation and its conditions
Three to six phase conversion.Excitation phenomenon in transformers, magnetizing 4
harmonic currents and their effects,switching currents in transformers, inrush of
magnetizing current.Three winding transformer.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 A. E. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley Jr and Umans, Electric Machinery, 6th Edition McGraw 2002
Hill, International Student Edition.
2 Kothari & Nagrath, Electric Machines, 3/e, TMH 2004

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 M. G. Say, The Performance and Design of AC machines, Pit man & Sons. 2003
2 Guru, Electric Machinery, 3e, Oxford 2000
3 R. K. Srivastava, Electrical Machines, Cengage Learning. 2013
4 P. S. Bimbhra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Pub. 1995
5 Stephen J Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill 2001
6 Husain Ashfaq, Electrical Machines, DhanpatRai& Sons 2013
B.Tech. (Electrical) 3rdSemester Max. Marks: 80
3L Exam Hours: 3
1 Laplace Transform: Laplace transform with its simple properties, applications to 8
the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations having constant coefficients
with special reference to wave and diffusion equations, digital transforms.
2 Fourier Transform: Discrete Fourier transform, Fast Fourier transform, Complex 4
form of Fourier transform and its inverse applications
Fourier transform for the solution of partial differential equations having constant 4
coefficients with special reference to heat equation and wave equation.
3 Fourier Series: Expansion of simple functions in Fourier series, half range series, 5
change of interval, harmonic analysis.
Calculus of Variation: Functional, strong and weak variations, simple variation
problems, Euler’s equation
4 Complex Variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy–Riemann equations, Elementary 6
conformal mapping with simple applications
Line integral in complex domain, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula. 2
5 Complex Variables: Taylor’s series, Laurent’s series, poles, Residues. Evaluations 8
of simple definite real integrals using the theorem of residues.Simple contour
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 M. Ray, J. C. Chaturvedi & H.C. Sharma, Differential Equations, Students friends & 2011
2 Chandrika Prasad, Mathematics for Engineers, Prasad Mudralaya 2012

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Bird, Higher Engineering Mathematics, ELSEVIER. 2004

2 Jeffrey, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, ELSEVIER. 2001
3 Chandrika Prasad, Advanced Mathematics for Engineers, Prasad Mudralaya 2006
4 Ervin Kreyzig, Advanced Engineering Maths, Wiley. 2005

1. Study the following devices: (a) Analog & digital multimeters (b) Function/ Signal generators (c) Regulated
d. c. power supplies (constant voltage and constant current operations) (d) Study of analog CRO,
measurement of time period, amplitude, frequency & phase angle using Lissajous figures.
2. Plot V-I characteristic of P-N junction diode & calculate cut-in voltage, reverse saturation current and static
& dynamic resistances.
3. Plot V-I characteristic of zener diode and study of zener diode as voltage regulator. Observe the effect of
load changes and determine load limits of the voltage regulator.
4. Plot frequency response curve for single stage amplifier and to determine gain bandwidth product.
5. Plot drain current - drain voltage and drain current – gate bias characteristics of field effect transistor and
measure of Idss&Vp.
6. Application of Diode as clipper & clamper.
7. Plot gain- frequency characteristic of two stage RC coupled amplifier & calculate its bandwidth and
compare it with theoretical value.
8. Plot gain- frequency characteristic of emitter follower & find out its input and output resistances.
9. Plot input and output characteristics of BJT in CB, CC and CE configurations. Find their h-parameters.
10. Study half wave rectifier and effect of filters on wave. Also calculate theoretical & practical ripple factor.
11. Study bridge rectifier and measure the effect of filter network on DC voltage output and ripple factor.


1. Draw the circuit symbols.

2. Verify theorems for A. C. & D. C. circuits.
3. PSPICE Programs for Circuit Analysis:
a. DC: Analysis resistor networks to determine node voltages, components voltages, and component
b. DC: Analysis of resistor networks that have several voltage and current sources and variable load
c. Transient: Analysis of RC & RL circuits to produce tables of component voltage & current levels for
a given set of time instants & to produce graphs of voltages & currents versus time.
d. AC: Analysis of impedance networks to determine the magnitude & phase of node voltages,
components voltages and component currents.
4. Determine the magnitude & phase and component voltages and currents in resonant circuits & produce
voltage and current verses frequency graphs.
5. Programs for Circuit Analysis:
a. Calculate the resistance of a conductor, given its dimensions & resistivity or determine the change in
conductor resistance when the temp changes.
b. D.C.: Analysis of resistor networks to determine all junction voltages, component voltages, and
component currents.
c. Transient: Analysis RC & RL circuits to produce tables of component voltage & current levels for a
given set of time instants.
6. Convert Y-connected resistor networks to delta-connected circuits.


1. To verify the truth tables of basic logic gates: AND, OR, NOR, NAND, NOR. Also to verify the truth table
of Ex-OR, Ex-NOR (For 2, 3, & 4 inputs using gates with 2, 3, & 4 inputs).
2. To verify the truth table of OR, AND, NOR, Ex-OR, Ex-NOR realized using NAND & NOR gates.
3. To realize an SOP and POS expression
4. To realize Half adder/ Subtractor& Full Adder/ Subtractor using NAND & NOR gates and to verify their
truth tables.
5. To realize a 4-bit ripple adder/ Subtractor using basic Half adder/ Subtractor& basic Full Adder/ Subtractor.
6. To verify the truth table of 4-to-1 multiplexer and 1-to-4 demultiplexer. Realize the multiplexer using basic
gates only. Also to construct and 8-to-1 multiplexer and 1-to-8 demultiplexer using blocks of 4-to-1
multiplexer and 1-to-4 demultiplexer.
7. Design & Realize a combinational circuit that will accept a 2421 BCD code and drive a TIL -312 seven-
segment display.
8. Using basic logic gates, realize the R-S, J-K and D-flip flops with and without clock signal and verify their
truth table
9. Construct a divide by 2,4& 8 asynchronous counter. Construct a 4-bit binary counter and ring counter for a
particular output pattern using D flip flop.
10. Perform input/output operations on parallel in/Parallel out and Serial in/Serial out registers using clock. Also
exercise loading only one of multiple values into the register using multiplexer.
Note: As far as possible, the experiments shall be performed on bread board. However,
Experiment Nos. 1-4 are to be performed on bread board only.

3EE10A: C++ PROGRAMMING LAB (Common to EE, EX, CS and IT)

1. To write a simple program for understanding of C++ program structure without any CLASS declaration.
Program may be based on simple input output, understanding of keyword using.
2. Write a C++ program to demonstrate concept of declaration of class with public & private member,
constructors, object creation using constructors, access restrictions, defining member functions within and
outside a class. Scope resolution operators, accessing an object’s data members and functions through
different type of object handle name of object, reference to object, pointer to object, assigning class objects
to each other.
3. Program involving multiple classes (without inheritance) to accomplish a task. Demonstrate composition of
4. Demonstration Friend function friend classes and this pointer.
5. Demonstration dynamic memory management using new & delete & static class members.
6. Demonstration of restrictions an operator overloading, operator functions as member function and/ or friend
function, overloading stream insertion and stream extraction, operators, overloading operators etc.
7. Demonstrator use of protected members, public & private protected classes, multi-level inheritance etc.
8. Demonstrating multiple inheritance, virtual functions, virtual base classes, abstract classes


Unit 1
India: Brief history of Indian Constitution, farming features, fundamental rights, duties, directive principles of
state. History of Indian National Movement, socio economic growth after independence.
Unit 2
Society: Social groups- concept and types, socialization- concept and theory, social control: concept, social
problem in contemporary India, status and role.
Unit 3
The Fundamentals of Economics: meaning, definition and importance of economics, Logic of choice, central
economic problems, positive and normative approaches, economic systems-socialism and capitalism.
Unit 4
Microeconomics: Law of demand supply, utility approach, indifference curves, elasticity of demand and supply
and applications, consumer surplus, Law of returns to factors and returns to scale.
Unit 5
Macroeconomics: concepts relating to National product–National income and its measurement, Simple
Keynesian theory, simple multiplier, money and banking. Meaning, concept of international trade, determination
of exchange rate, Balance of payments.
Syllabus B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering), 4thsemester

B.Tech. (Electrical) 4th semester Max. Marks: 80

3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Feedback Amplifiers: Classification, Feedback concept, Feedback Topologies, 5
Transfer gain with feedback, General characteristics of negative feedback
Analysis of voltage-series, voltage-shunt, current-series and current-shunt feedback 3
amplifier. Stabilitycriterion. Compensation techniques, miller compensation.
2 Oscillators &Multivibrators: Classification. Criterion for oscillation.Tuned 5
collector, Hartley, Colpitts, RC Phase shift, Wien Bridge and crystal oscillators
Astable, monostable and bistablemultivibrators. Schmitt trigger. Blocking 3
3 High Frequency Amplifiers: Hybrid Pi model, conductances and capacitances of 4
hybrid Pi model, high frequency analysis of CE amplifier
Gain bandwidth product, unity gain frequency fT.Emitter follower at high 4
4 Tuned Amplifier: Band pass amplifier, Parallel resonant circuits, Band Width of 4
Parallel resonant circuit. Analysis of Single Tuned Amplifier, Primary &
Secondary Tuned Amplifier with BJT & FET
Double Tuned Transformer Coupled Amplifier. Stagger Tuned Amplifier. Pulse 4
Response of such Amplifier. Class C tuned amplifiers, Shunt Peaked Circuits for
Increased Bandwidth.
5 Power Amplifiers: Classification, Power transistors & power MOSFET (DMOS, 4
VMOS). Output power, power dissipation and efficiency analysis of Class A, class
B, class AB, class C, class D and class E amplifiers as output stages.
Pushpull amplifiers with and without transformers. Complementary symmetry & 4
quasi complimentary symmetry amplifiers
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.
1 Millman, Integrated Electronics, ed. 2, TMH. 2010
2 A. S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford university press. 2009

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 M. H. Rashid, Microelectronic Circuits Analysis and design, Cengage Learning. 2009

2 David A. BELL, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Oxford university press. 2009
3 Salivahnan, Electronics Devices and Circuits, ed. 3, TMH. 2011
B.Tech. (Electrical) 4 semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Impedance and Admittance Functions: The concept of complex frequency, 8
transform impedance and admittance,series and parallel combinations
2 Network Functions: Terminals and terminal pairs, driving point impedance 5
transfer functions, poles and zeros. Restrictions on pole and zero location in s-
Time domain behavior from pole and zero plot. Procedure for finding network 3
functions for general two terminal pair networks
3 Network Synthesis: Hurwitz polynomial, positive real functions, reactive 3
networks. Separation property for reactive networks. The four-reactance function
forms, specification for reactance function.
Foster form of reactance networks. Cauer form of reactance networks. Synthesis of 5
R-L and R-C networks in Foster and Cauer forms.
4 Two Port General Networks: Two port parameters (impedance, admittance, 2
hybrid, ABCD parameters) and their inter relations. Equivalence of two ports.
Transformer equivalent, inter connection of two port networks. The ladder 6
network, image impedance, image transfer function, application to L-C network,
attenuation and phase shift in symmetrical T and pi networks.
5 Two Port Reactive Network (Filters): Constant K filters. The m-derived filter. 5
Image impedance of m-derived half (or L) sections, composite filters.
Bands pass and band elimination filters. The problem of termination, lattice filters, 3
Barlett’s bisection theorem. Introduction to active filters.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 M. E. Van Valkenburg, An Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis, Wiley 2014

2 Nagsarkar & Sukhija, Circuits & Networks, Oxford 2011

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 M. E. Van Valkenburg, An Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis, Wiley 2008

2 Nagsarkar & Sukhija, Circuits & Networks, Oxford 2011
3 M. E. Van Valkenburg, An Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis, Wiley 2008
4 Nagsarkar & Sukhija, Circuits & Networks, Oxford 2011
5 M. E. Van Valkenburg, An Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis, Wiley 2008
B.Tech. (Electrical) 4th semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Measuring Instruments: Moving coil, moving iron, electrodynamic and induction 6
instruments-construction, operation, torque equation and errors. Applications of
instruments for measurement of current, voltage, single-phase power and single-
phase energy.
Errors in wattmeter and energy meter and their compensation and adjustment. 2
Testing and calibration of single-phase energy meter by phantom loading.
2 Polyphase Metering: Blondel's Theorem for n-phase, p-wire system. Measurement 5
of power and reactive kVA in 3-phase balanced and unbalanced systems: One-
wattmeter, two-wattmeter and three-wattmeter methods. 3-phase induction type
energy meter. Instrument Transformers: Construction and operation of current and
potential transformers.
Ratio and phase angle errors and their minimization. Effect of variation of power 3
factor, secondary burden and frequency on errors. Testing of CTs and PTs.
Applications of CTs and PTs for the measurement of current, voltage, power and
3 Potentiometers: Construction, operation and standardization of DC 4
potentiometers– slide wire and Crompton potentiometers. Use of potentiometer for
measurement of resistance and voltmeter and ammeter calibrations.
Volt ratio boxes. Construction, operation and standardization of AC potentiometer 4
– in-phase and quadrature potentiometers. Applications of AC potentiometers.
4 Measurement of Resistances: Classification of resistance. Measurement of 4
medium resistances – ammeter and voltmeter method, substitution method,
Wheatstone bridge method.
Measurement of low resistances – Potentiometer method and Kelvin's double 4
bridge method. Measurement of high resistance: Price's Guard-wire method.
Measurement of earth resistance.
5 AC Bridges: Generalized treatment of four-arm AC bridges. Sources and 4
detectors. Maxwell's bridge, Hay's bridge and Anderson bridge for self-inductance
measurement. Heaviside's bridge for mutual inductance measurement. De Sauty
Bridge for capacitance measurement.
Wien's bridge for capacitance and frequency measurements. Sources of error in 4
bridge measurements and precautions. Screening of bridge components. Wagner
earth device.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 H. S. Kalsi, Electronic Inst. & Measurement, TMH 2004

2 Morris, Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation, ELSEVIER 1997

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Bell, Electronic Instrumentation And Measurement, Oxford 1994

2 W. D. Cooper, Electronic Inst. & Measurement Techniques, Prentice Hall, India. 2004
3 A. K. Sawhney, Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Inst, DhanpatRai& Sons 2002
4 E. W. Golding & F. C. Widdis, Electrical Measurement & Measuring Instrument, 2004
A.W. Wheeler
5 Forest K. Harries, Electrical Measurement, Willey Eastern Pvt. Ltd. India. 2008

B.Tech. (Electrical) 6th semester Max. Marks: 80

3L Exam Hours: 3
1 Conventional Energy Generation Methods :(i) Thermal Power plants: Basic 5
schemes and working principle. (ii) Gas Power Plants: open cycle and closed cycle
gas turbine plants, combined gas & steam plants-basic schemes.
(iii) Hydro Power Plants: Classification of hydroelectric plants. Basic schemes of 3
hydroelectric and pumped storage plants. (iv) Nuclear Power Plants: Nuclear
fission and nuclear fusion. Fissile and fertile materials. Basic plant schemes with
boiling water reactor, heavy water reactor and fast breeder reactor. Efficiencies of
various power plants
2 New Energy Sources: Impact of thermal, gas, hydro and nuclear power stations on 5
environment. Green House Effect (Global Warming).Renewable and non-
renewable energy sources
Conservation of natural resources and sustainable energy systems. Indian energy 3
scene. Introduction to electric energy generation by wind, solar and tidal.
3 Loads and Load Curves: Types of load, chronological load curve, load duration 4
curve, energy load curve and mass curve. Maximum demand, demand factor, load
factor, diversity factor, capacity factor and utilization.
Power Factor Improvement: Causes and effects of low power factor and 4
advantages of power factor improvement. Power factor improvement using shunt
capacitors and synchronous condensers.
4 Power Plant Economics: (i) Capital cost of plants, annual fixed and operating 5
costs of plants, generation cost and depreciation. Effect of load factor on unit
energy cost. Role of load diversity in power system economics.
(ii) Calculation of most economic power factor when (a) kW demand is constant 3
and (b) kVA demand is constant. (iii) Energy cost reduction: off peak energy
utilization, co-generation, and energy conservation.
5 (i) Tariffs: Objectives of tariffs. General tariff form. Flat demand rate, straight 4
meter rate, block meter rate. Two part tariff, power factor dependent tariffs, three-
part tariff. Spot (time differentiated) pricing.
(ii) Selection of Power Plants: Comparative study of thermal, hydro, nuclear and 4
gas power plants. Base load and peak load plants. Size and types of generating
units, types of reserve and size of plant. Selection and location of power plants.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 B. R. Gupta. Generation of Electrical Energy (4/e), S. Chand Publication. 2013

2 S. L. Uppal. Electrical Power (13/e), Khanna Publishers 2009

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 V. K. Mehta, Principles of Power system (3/e), S. Chand Publication 2005

2 Soni, Gupta and Bhatnagar, Generation of Electrical Power, Dhanpat Rai & Sons 1996
3 L. Elgerd Olle, Electric Energy Systems Theory, PHI 2013
4 C. A. Gross, Power System Analysis, TMH 1979

B.Tech. (Electrical) 6th semester Max. Marks: 80

3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 AC Machines Fundamentals: Introduction, emf equation, mmf of three phase AC 5
winding, production of rotating magnetic field, types of AC windings
Concentric, distributed and chorded windings, pitch factor, distribution factor, 3
effect of these factors on induced emf, effect of harmonics.
2 Polyphase Induction Motor: Introduction. Construction, cage and wound rotors, 5
principal, starting and running torque, condition for maximum torque, equivalent
circuits, no load and block rotor test.
Torque-slip characteristics, losses and efficiency, circle diagram, starting of cage 3
and wound motors, speed control, cogging and crawling, double cage rotor,
induction generator, application.
3 (i) Single Phase Induction Motor: Introduction, construction, principal, double 4
revolving field theory, equivalent circuit, performance calculations, starting
methods, and their types, torque slip characteristics of various types.
ii) Special Machines: Single phase synchronous motor, series motor, universal 4
motor, Stepper motors variable reluctance, permanent magnet and hybrid stepper
4 Synchronous Generators (Alternators): Introduction, Construction, advantages 5
of rotating field, types of rotors, emf equation, excitation systems, equivalent
circuit and their phasor diagrams, voltage regulation, synchronous impedance
method, mmf method.
Zero power factor method, two reaction theory of salient pole rotor, phasor 3
diagram, power developed and power angle characteristics of salient pole machine,
determination of Xd and Xq, synchronization, synchronizing power and torque,
parallel operation application.
5 Synchronous Motors: Introduction, construction, principal of operation, starting 4
of synchronous motor, equivalent circuit and phasor diagrams, power and torque,
performance calculation, speed torque characteristics, power factor control-effect
of change of excitation.
V curve and inverted V curve, synchronous condenser and reactors, synchronous 4
phase modifiers, hunting-causes and remedies, applications, synchronous induction
motor application.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.
1 A. E. Fitzgerald, C. KingsleyJr and Umans, Electric Machinery, 6th Edition McGraw 2002
Hill, International Student Edition.
2 Kothari & Nagrath, Electric Machines 3/e,TMH 2004

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 M. G. Say, The Performance and Design of AC machines, Pit man & Sons. 2002
2 Guru, Electric Machinery 3e, Oxford 2000
3 R. K. Srivastava, Electrical Machines, Cengage Learning. 2010
4 P. S. Bimbhra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Pub. 1995
5 Stephen J Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill 2001
6 Husain Ashfaq, Electrical Machines, DhanpatRai & Sons 2012
7 Irving L. Kosow, Electric Machine and Tranformers, Prentice Hall of India. 1992
B.Tech. (Electrical) 4th semester Max. Marks: 80
3L Exam Hours: 3
1 Numerical Analysis: Finite differences - Forward backward and central difference. 6
Newton’s forward and backward differences interpolation formulae. Sterling’s
formulae, Lagrange’s interpolation formula. Solution of non-linear equations in one
variable by Newton Raphson and Simultaneous algebraic equation by Gauss and
Regula Falsi method.
Solution of simultaneous equations by Gauss elimination and Gauss Seidel 2
methods. Fitting of curves (straight line and parabola of second degree) by method
of least squares.
2 Numerical Analysis: Numerical differentiation, numerical integration trapezoidal 5
rule, Simpson’s one-third and one eighth rule. Numerical Integration of ordinary
differential equations of first order
Picard’s method, Euler’s & modified Euler’s methods. Miline’s method and Runga 3
Kutta fourth order method. Simple linear difference equations with constant
3 Special Functions: Bessel’s function of first and second kind, simple recurrence 4
relations, orthogonal property of Bessel functions, Transformation, Generating
Legendre’s function of first kind, simple recurrence relations, orthogonal property, 4
Generating functions.
4 Statistics & Probability: Elementary theory of probability, Baye’s theorem with 4
simple applications, Expected value.
Theoretical probability distributions – Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions. 4
5 Statistics & Probability: Lines of regression, co-relation and rank correlation. 4
Transforms: Z-transforms, its inverse, simple properties and application to 4
difference equations.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Jeffrey, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, ELSEVIER 2006

2 Ervin Kreyzig, Advanced Engineering Maths, John Wiley 2010

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.
1 Bird, Higher Engineering Mathematics , ELSEVIER 2004
2 Chandrika Prasad, Advanced Mathematics for Engineers, Prasad Mudralaya 2002
3 Kaplan, W., Advanced Mathematics for Engineers, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. 2008
4 Brigham, E.O., The Fast Fourier Transform and its Applications, Prentice-Hall 1988
5 J. N. Kapur, Mathematical Statistics, S. Chand & company Ltd 2000
6 R. K. Jain & S. R. K. Iyenger, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Pub. 2002
7 E. Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons 2005

1. Plot gain-frequency characteristics of BJT amplifier with and without negative feedback in the emitter circuit
and determine bandwidths, gain bandwidth products and gains at 1kHz with and without negative feedback.
2. Study of series and shunt voltage regulators and measurement of line and load regulation and ripple factor.
3. Plot and study the characteristics of small signal amplifier using FET.
4. Study of push pull amplifier. Measure variation of output power & distortion with load.
5. Study Wein bridge oscillator and observe the effect of variation in R & C on oscillator frequency.
6. Study transistor phase shift oscillator and observe the effect of variation in R & C on oscillator frequency and
compare with theoretical value.
7. Study the following oscillators and observe the effect of variation of C on oscillator frequency: (a) Hartley (b)
8. Design Fabrication and Testing of k-derived filters (LP/HP).
9. Study of a Digital Storage CRO and store a transient on it.
10. To plot the characteristics of UJT and UJT as relaxation.
11. To plot the characteristics of MOSFET and CMOS.


1. Study working and applications of (i) C.R.O. (ii) Digital Storage C.R.O. & (ii) C.R.O. Probes.
2. Study working and applications of Meggar, Tong-tester, P.F. Meter and Phase Shifter.
3. Measure power and power factor in 3-phase load by (i) Two-wattmeter method and (ii) One-wattmeter
4. Calibrate an ammeter using DC slide wire potentiometer.
5. Calibrate a voltmeter using Crompton potentiometer.
6. Measure low resistance by Crompton potentiometer.
7. Measure Low resistance by Kelvin's double bridge.
8. Measure earth resistance using fall of potential method.
9. Calibrate a single-phase energy meter by phantom loading at different power factors.
10. Measure self-inductance using Anderson's bridge.
11. Measure capacitance using De Sauty Bridge


1. Generating station design: Design considerations and basic schemes of hydro, thermal, nuclear and gas power
plants. Electrical equipment for power stations.
2. Auxiliary power supply scheme for thermal power plant.
3. Distribution system Design: Design of feeders & distributors. Calculation of voltage drops in distributors.
Calculation of conductor size using Kelvin’s law.
4. Methods of short term, medium term and long term load forecasting.
5. Sending end and receiving end power circle diagrams.
6. Instrument Transformers: Design considerations of CTs & PTs for measurement and protection.
7. Substations: Types of substations, various bus–bar arrangements. Electricalequipment for substations.

1. Speed control of D.C. shunt motor by (a) Field current control method & plot the curve for speed verses field
current. (b) Armature voltage control method & plot the curve for speed verses armature voltage.
2. To perform O.C. and S.C. test on a 1-phase transformer and to determine the parameters of its equivalent
circuit its voltage regulation and efficiency.
3. To perform back-to-back test on two identical 1-phase transformers and find their efficiency & parameters of
the equivalent circuit.
4. To determine the efficiency and voltage regulation of a single-phase transformer by direct loading.
5. To plot the O.C.C. & S.C.C. of an alternator and to determine its Zs, Xd andregulation by synchronous impedance
6. To plot the V-curve for a synchronous motor for different values of loads.
7. To perform the heat run test on a delta/delta connected 3-phase transformer and determine the parameters for its
equivalent circuit.
8. To perform no load and blocked rotor test on a 3 phase induction motor and to determine the parameters of its
equivalent circuits. Draw the circle diagram and compute the following (i) Max. Torque (ii) Current (iii) slips (iv)
p.f. (v) Efficiency.
9. To Plot V-Curve and inverted V-Curve of synchronous motor.
10. To synchronize an alternator across the infinite bus (RSEB) and control load sharing.


1. Design of transformers: output of transformer, output equation- volt per turn, core area and weight of iron
&copper, optimum design–(i) minimum cost and (ii) minimum losses. Design of core and windings. Design a
3-phase transformer.
2. Design of rotating machines: General concepts. specific loading, output equations –dc machines and ac
machines, factor affecting size of rotating machines, choice of specific magnetic and electric loadings.
3. Design of 3-phase induction motors: output equation, choice of air gap flux density and ampere
conductors’parameter, main dimensions. Design of a 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor.
4. Design of single phase induction motors: output equation, main dimensions, relative size of single phase and
3-phase induction motors. Design of a single phase capacitor start induction motor.
5. Design of synchronous machines: output equation, choice of specific magnetic and electric loadings, main
dimensions, short circuit ratio. Design a 3-phase, 2-pole turbo alternator.
Syllabus B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering), 5thsemester
B.Tech. (Electrical) 5thSemester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Power Semiconductor Devices:Construction, Principle of operation, Characteristics 3
and applications of Power Transistor& Thyristor.
Characteristics of GTO, DIAC, MCT, TRIAC, Power MOSFET and IGBT; Two- 5
Transistor Model of Thyristor, Thyristor Commutation methods.
2 SCR: Construction and characteristics, specification and ratings, pulse transformer, 4
optical isolators, methods of turn on, triggering circuits for SCR: R, RC, UJT
relaxation oscillator.
Rating extension by series and parallel connections, string efficiency. Protection of 4
SCR-Protection against over voltage, over current, dv/dt, di/dt, Gate protection.
3 Converters-I: Single Phase half & full wave converters with RL & RLE load, Single 5
phase dual converters, Three phase half wave converters.
Three phase full converters with RL load, Three phase dual converters. 3
Converters-II: Single and three-phase semi converters with RL & RLE load. Power 6
4 factor improvement-Extinction angle control, symmetrical angle control, pulse width
modulation control and sinusoidal pulse width modulation control.
Inversion operation. Effect of load and source impedances. 2
5 DC-DC Converters: Step Up/Down Copper, Control strategies, Chopper 4
Configurations, Analysis of type A Chopper
Voltage, current and load commutated chopper. Multiphase Chopper 4
Text Books
S.No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of Pub.

1 M. D. Singh and K. B. Khanchandani: Power Electronics 2/e, MGH. 2008

2 M. H. Rashid: Power Electronics, Circuits Devices and Applications, Pearson. 2011

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of Pub.

1 V. R. Moorthi: Power Electronics-Devices, Circuits and Industrial Applications, 2005

2 Theodore Wildi: Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems, Pearson. 2007
3 Ned Mohan: Power Electronics, John Wiley. 2013
4 Krein P. T.: Elements of Power Electronics, Oxford. 1998
5 P. S. Bimbhra: Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers. 2012

B.Tech. (Electrical) 5thSemester Max. Marks: 80

3L Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction to 8085 Microprocessor Architecture: CPU, address bus, data bus 4
and control bus. Input/Output devices, buffers,encoders, latches and memories.
Internal Data Operations and Registers, Pins and Signals, Peripheral Devices and 4
Memory Organization, Interrupts.
2 8085 Microprocessor Instructions: Classification, Format and Timing. 4
Instruction Set: 8 Bit and 16 Bit Instructions, Programming and Debugging, 4
3 8085 Microprocessor Interfacing: 8259, 8257, 8255, 8253, 8155 chips and their 5
A/D conversion, memory, keyboard and display interface (8279). 3
4 8086 Microprocessor: Architecture: Architecture of INTEL 8086 (Bus Interface 6
Unit, Execution unit), register organization, memory addressing, memory
segmentation, Operating Modes
Instruction Set of 8086: Addressing Modes: Instruction format: Discussion on 2
instruction Set: Groups: data transfer, arithmetic, logic string, branch control
transfer, processor control. Interrupts: Hardware and software interrupts,
responses and types.
5 Basic Computer Architecture: Central Processing Unit, memory and input/output 4
interfacing. Memory Classification Volatile and non-volatile memory, Primary
and secondary memory, Static and Dynamic memory, Logical, Virtual and
Physical memory.
Types Of Memory: Magnetic core memory, binary cell, Rom architecture and 4
different types of ROM, RAM architecture, PROM, PAL, PLA, Flash and Cache
memory, SDRAM, RDRAM and DDRAM. Memory latency, memory bandwidth,
memory seek time.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Gaonkar, Ramesh S.: Microprocessor Architecture, programming and 2002

Applications with the 8085, Pen Ram International Publishing 5th Ed.

2 K. Udaykumar and B. S. Umashankar: The 8085 Microprocessor: 2008

Architecture, Programming and Interfacing, Pearson Publisher.

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1. Douglas V. Hall: Microprocessors and Interfacing, Revised Second Edition (SIE), 2007

2. Ray. A. K. & Burchandi, K. M.: Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals, 2006

Architecture,Programming and Interfacing, MGH.
3. Lyla B. Das: The X 86 Microprocessors: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing 2010
(8086 to Pentium), Pearson Publisher.
4. Krishna Kant: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, PHI Learning. 2007
5. M. Rafiquzzaman: Microprocessors-Theory and applications, PHI. 1993
6. B. Ram: Advanced Microprocessor & Interfacing. MGH. 2000
5EE3A: CONTROLSYSTEMS (Common for EE and EX)
B.Tech. (Electrical) 5 Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction: Elements of control systems, concept of open loop and closed loop 5
systems, Examples and application of open loop and closed loop systems, brief idea
of multivariable control systems.
Mathematical Modeling of Physical Systems: Representation of physical 3
system (Electro Mechanical) by differential equations, Determination of transfer
function by block diagram reduction techniques and signal flow method, Laplace
transformation function, inverse Laplace transformation.
2 Time Response Analysis of First Order and Second Order System:Characteristic 4
equations, response to step, ramp and parabolic inputs.
Transient response analysis, steady state errors and error constants, Transient & 4
steady state analysis of LTI systems
3 Control System Components: Constructional and working concept of ac 5
servomotor, synchronous and stepper motor
Stability and Algebraic Criteria: concept of stability and necessary conditions, 3
Routh-Hurwitz criteria and limitations.Root Locus Technique: The root locus
concepts, construction of root loci.
4 Frequency Response Analysis: Frequency response, correlation between time and 5
frequency responses,polar and inverse polar plots, Bode plots
Stability in Frequency Domain: Nyquist stability criterion, assessment of relative 3
stability: gain margin and phase margin, M and N Loci, Nichols chart.
5 The design problem and preliminary considerations lead, lag and lead-lag networks, 4
design of closed loop systems using compensation techniques in time domain and
frequency domain.
Brief idea of proportional, derivative and integral controllers. 4

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Smarjit Ghosh, Control Systems: Theory and Applications, 2/e, Pearson Publisher. 2004
2 Dhannesh N. Manik: Control System, Cengage Learning. 2012

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal: Control Systems Engineering, 3rd Ed, New Age 2008
2 K. R. Varmah: Control Systems, MGH 2010
3 Anandnatrajan et. al.: Control Systems Engineering, 4 ed., Scitech Pub. 2013
4 K. Ogata: Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall of India. 2010
5 Norman S. Nise: Control System Engineering, John Wiley & Sons. 2011
6 Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop: Modern Control Systems, Prentice-Hall 2000
7 Robert H. Bishop: Modern Control Systems, Boyd and Fraser pub 2000
B.Tech. (Electrical) 5thSemester Max. Marks: 80
3L Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction, need, purpose and goals of DBMS. DBMS Architecture, Concept of 4
keys, Generalization and specialization,
Introduction to relational data model, ER modeling, concept of ER diagram 4
2 Database Design: Conceptual Data Base design. Theory of normalization, Primitive 3
and composite data types, concept of physical and logical databases,
Data abstraction and data independence, relational algebra and relational calculus. 5
3 SQL, DDL and DML. Constraints assertions, views database security. Application 5
Development using SQL: Host Language interface embedded SQL programming.
GL’s, Forms management and report writers. Stored procedures and triggers. 3
Dynamic SQL, JDBC.
4 Internal of RDBMS: Physical data organization in sequential, indexed, random and 8
hashed files. Inverted and multi-list structures
5 (i) Transaction Management: Transaction concept, transaction state, serializability, 4
conflict serializability, views serializability. (ii) Concurrency Control: Lock based
(iii) Deadlock Handling: Prevention detection, recovery. (iv) Recovery System: 4
Log based recovery.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Silverschatz Korth and Sudarshan: Database System Concepts, 6th ed., MGH. 2011
2 Raghu Rama Krishnan: Database Management Systems, 2nd ed., MGH. 2003

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 S. K Singh: Database System Concepts, Designs and Applications, Pearson Education 2011
2 Elmasari: Fundamentals of Data Base Systems, Pearson Education. 2003
3 G. K. Gupta: Database Management Systems, MGH. 2011
4 Date C. J.: An Introduction To Database System, Addition Wesley. 2003
5 Alex Berson & Stephen J. Smith: Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP, MGH. 2011
6 Mallach: Data Warehousing System, MGH. 2003
7 Majumdar & Bhattacharya: Database Management System, MGH. 2011
B.Tech. (Electrical) 5thSemester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Supply systems:Basic network of power system. Transmission and distribution 5
voltage, effect of system voltage on size of conductor and losses. Comparison of
DC 2- wire, DC 3-wire, 1-phase AC and 3-phase AC (3-wire and 4-wire) systems.
Distribution Systems: Primary and secondary distribution systems, feeder, distributor 3
and service mains. Radial and ring- main distribution systems. Kelvin’s law for
conductor size.
2 Mechanical Features of Overhead Lines:Conductor material and types of conductor. 4
Conductor arrangements and spacing.
Calculation of sag and tension, supports at different levels, effect of wind and 4
ice loading, stringing chart and sag template. Conductor vibrations and vibration
3 Parameters of Transmission Lines:Resistance inductance and capacitance of 4
overheadlines, effect of earth, line transposition. Geometric mean radius and distance.
Inductance and capacitance of line with symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing 4
Inductance and capacitance of double circuit lines. Skin and proximity
effects.Equivalent circuits and performance of short and medium transmission lines.
4 Generalized ABCD Line Constants:equivalent circuit and performance of long 6
transmission line. Ferranti effect. Interference with communication circuits. Power
flow through atransmission line
Corona:Electric stress between parallel conductors. Disruptive critical voltage and 2
visual critical voltage, Factors affecting corona. Corona power loss. Effects of
5 Insulators: Pin, shackle, suspension, post and strain insulators. Voltage distribution 4
acrossan insulator string, grading and methods of improving string efficiency.
Underground Cables: Conductor, insulator, sheathing and armoring materials. 4
Types of cables. Insulator resistance and capacitance calculation. Electrostatic stresses
and reduction of maximum stresses. Causes of breakdown. Thermal rating of cable.
Introduction to oil filled and gas filled cables.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 S. Sivanagaraju and S. Satyanarayana: Electric Power Transmission and Distribution, 2008

Pearson Publisher.
2 A. S. Pabla: Electric Power Distribution, MGH. 2012

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 B. R. Gupta: Power System Analysis & Design, S. Chand Publishers. 2008

2 Soni, Gupta and Bhatnagar: A Course in Electrical Power, Dhanpat Rai. 1987
3 C. L. Wadhwa: Electrical Power Systems, New Age. 2009
4 Nagrath Kothari: Modern Power System Analysis, MGH. 2011
5 J. J. Grainger & W. D. Stevenson: Power System Analysis, MGH. 2003
6 Kamaraju: Electrical Power Distribution Systems, MGH. 2009
B.Tech. (Electrical) 5thSemester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction: Engineering application of Optimization, Formulation of design 8
problems as mathematical programming problems, classification of optimization
2 Optimization Techniques: Classical optimization, multivariable with no constraints, 4
unconstrained minimization techniques,
Penalty function techniques, Lagrange multipliers and feasibility techniques. 4
3 Linear Programming: Graphical method, Simplex method, Duality in linear 5
programming (LP), Sensitivity analysis Applications in civil engineering.
4 Non Linear Programming Techniques/Method: Unconstrained optimization, 6
one dimensional minimization, golden section, elimination, quadratic and cubic,
Fibonacci, interpolation
Direct search, Descent, Constrained optimization, Direct and indirect, Optimization 2
with calculus, Khun‐Tucker conditions.
5 Constrained Optimization Techniques: Direct, complex, cutting plane, exterior 8
penalty function methods for structural engineering problems.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Rao S. S.: Engineering Optimization- Theory and Practice, New Age International. 2009
2 Hadley. G.: Linear programming, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. 2003

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Deb. K.: Optimization for Engineering Design‐ Algorithms and Examples, PHI. 2012
2 Bhavikatti S. S.: Structural Optimization Using Sequential Linear Programming, 2003
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
3 Spunt: Optimum Structural Design, Prentice Hall. 1971
4 Uri Krisch: Optimum Structural Design, MGH. 1981
B.Tech. (Electrical) 5thSemester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Noise Effects in Communication Systems: Resistor noise, Networks with reactive 2
elements, Noise temperature, Noise bandwidth, effective input noise
Noise figure. Noise figure & equivalent noise temperature in cascaded circuits. 6
2 Amplitude Modulation: Frequency translation, Recovery of base band signal, 4
Spectrum & power relations in AM systems.
Methods of generation & demodulation of AM-DSB, AMDSB/SC and AM-SSB 4
signals. Modulation & detector circuits for AM systems. AM transmitters &
3 Frequency Modulation: Phase & freq. modulation & their relationship, Spectrum & 5
bandwidth of a sinusoidally modulated FM signal, phasor diagram, Narrow
band & wide band FM. Generation & demodulation of FM signals.
FM transmitters & receivers, Comparison of AM, FM & PM. Pre emphasis & de- 3
emphasis. Threshold in FM, PLL demodulator.
4 Noise in AM and FM: Calculation of signal-to-noise ratio in SSB-SC, DSB- 6
SC, DSB with carrier, Noise calculation of square law demodulator & envelope
Calculation of S/N ratio in FM demodulators, Super-heterodyne receivers. 2
5 Pulse Modulation Systems: Sampling theorem, Generation and demodulation 8
methods of PAM, PWM, PPM.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 John G. Proakis, and Masoud Salehi: Fundamentals of Communication Systems, 2007

Pearson Publisher.
2 P. Ramakrishna Rao: Communication Systems, MGH. 2013

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 V. Chandra Sekar: Communication Systems, Oxford. 2006

2 Taub and Schilling: Principles of Communication Systems 3/e, MGH. 2008
3 B. P. Lathi: Modern Analog & Digital Communication System, 4 ed., Oxford. 2009
4 Simon Hykin: Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons. 2008
5 R. P. Singh and S. D. Sapre: Communication System Analog & Digital 2/e, MGH. 2008
6 G. Kennedy and B. Davis: Electronic Communication Systems, MGH. 1993
7 Roy Blake: Wireless Communication Technology, Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd. 2008
B.Tech. (Electrical) 5 semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction to MOS Technology: Basic MOS transistors, Enhancement Mode 8
transistoraction, Depletion Mode transistor action, NMOS and CMOS fabrication.
2 Basic Electrical Properties of MOS Circuits:Iୈୗ versus Vୈୗ relationship, Aspects of 4
threshold voltage, Transistor Trans conductance gm.
The NMOS inverter, Pull up to Pull-down ratio for a NMOS Inverter and CMOS 4
Inverter(B୬ /B୮ ), MOS transistor circuit Model, Noise Margin.
3 CMOS Logic Circuits:The inverter, Combinational Logic, NAND Gate NOR gate, 5
Compound Gates, 2 input CMOS Multiplexer, Memory latches and registers
Transmission Gate, Gate delays, CMOS-Gate Transistor sizing, Power dissipation 3
4 Basic Physical Design of Simple Gates and Layout Issues: Layout issues for 6
inverter, Layout for NAND and NOR Gates,
Complex Logic gates Layout, Layout optimization for performance. 2
5 Introduction to VHDL, Verilog & other design tools. VHDL Code for simple Logic 8
gates, flip-flops, shift-registers, Counters, Multiplexers, adders and subtractors.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 S. M. Sze: VLSI Technology, MGH. 2003

2 Debaprasad Das: VLSI Design, Oxford. 2011

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Angsuman Sarkaret. al.: VLSI Design and EDA Tools, Scitech Pub. 2011
2 S. M. Kang: CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits, MGH. 2003
3 Stephen A. Campbell: The Science & Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, 2001
4 James D. Plummer, Micheal Deal & Petter B. Griffin: Silicon VLSI Tech. 2000
Fundamental Practice & Modeling, Prentice Hall.

1 Study the comparison of following power electronics devices regarding ratings, performance
characteristics and applications: Power Diode, Power Transistor, Thyristor, Diac, Triac, GTO, MOSFET,
MCT and SIT.
2 Determine V-I characteristics of SCR and measure forward breakdown voltage, latching and holding
3 Find V-I characteristics of TRIAC and DIAC.
4 Find output characteristics of MOSFET and IGBT.
5 Find transfer characteristics of MOSFET and IGBT.
6 Find UJT static emitter characteristics and study the variation in peak point and valley point.
7 Study and test firing circuits for SCR-R, RC and UJT firing circuits.
8 Study and test 3-phase diode bridge rectifier with R and RL loads. Study the effect of filters.
9 Study and obtain waveforms of single-phase half wave controlled rectifier with and without filters. Study
the variation of output voltage with respect to firing angle.
10 Study and obtain waveforms of single-phase half controlled bridge rectifier with R and RL loads. Study
and show the effect of freewheeling diode.
11 Study and obtain waveforms of single-phase full controlled bridge converter with R and RL loads. Study
and show rectification and inversion operations with and without freewheeling diode.
12 Control the speed of a dc motor using single-phase half controlled bridge rectifier and full controlled
bridge rectifier. Plot armature voltage versus speed characteristics.
Reference/Suggested Books
1. O. P. Arora: Power Electronics Laboratory-Experiments and Organization, Narosa Pub.
2. P. B. Zbar: Industrial Electronics- A Text-Lab Manual, MGH.


1 Study the hardware, functions, memory structure and operation of 8085-Microprocessor kit.
2 Program to perform integer division: (1) 8-bit by 8-bit (2) 16-bit by 8-bit.
3 Transfer of a block of data in memory to another place in memory
4 Transfer of black to another location in reverse order.
5 Searching a number in an array.
6 Sorting of array in: (1) Ascending order (2) Descending order.
7 Finding party of a 32-bit number.
8 Program to perform following conversion (1) BCD to ASCII (2) BCD to hexadecimal.
9 Program to multiply two 8–bit numbers
10 Program to generate and sum 15 Fibonacci numbers.
11 Program for rolling display of message “India”, “HELLO”.
12 To insert a number at correct place in a sorted array.
13 Reversing bits of an 8-bit number.
14 Fabrication of 8-bit LED interfaces for 8085 kit through 8155 and 8255.
15 Data transfer on output port 8155 & 8255 & implementation of disco light, running light, and sequential
lights on the above mentioned hardware.
16 Parallel data transfer between two DYNA-85 kit using 8253 ports.
17 Generation of different waveform on 8253/8254 programmable timer.


Basics of MATLAB matrices and vectors, matrix and array operations, Saving and loading data, plotting
simple graphs, scripts and functions, Script files, Function files, Global Variables, Loops, Branches,
Control flow, Advanced data objects, Multi-dimensional matrices, Structures, Applications in linear
algebra curve fitting and interpolation. Numerical integration, Ordinary differential equation. (All
contents is to be covered with tutorial sheets)
Simulink: Idea about simulink, problems based on simulink. (All contents is to be covered with tutorial
sheets)Write a program to generate Machine Op- code table using two pass Assembler.
Reference/Suggested Books
1. Almos Gilat: MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications, Wiley India Ltd., 2004.
2. Ram N. Patel et. al.: Programming in MATLAB, Pearson.
5EE10A: DBMS LAB (Common for EE and EX)

1 Designing database and constraints using DDL statements.

2 Experiments for practicing SQL query execution on designed database.
3 Database connectivity using JDBC/ODBC.
4 Features of embedded SQL.
5 Designing front end in HLL and accessing data from backend database.
6 Designing simple projects using front end-back end programming
7 Project for generating Electricity Bills
8 Project for managing student’s attendance/marks details.


1 Objectives: to help the students

• To appreciate the importance and values and ethics in implementing the technology and ensure
sustainable development, happiness and prosperity.
• To understand the co-existence with nature and to be aware of potential natural and manmade
2 Human Values: Effect of Technological Growth and Sustainable Development.
Profession and Human Values: Values crisis in contemporary society. Nature of values. Psychological
Values, Societal Values and Aesthetic Values. Moral and Ethical values.
3 Professional Ethics:
• Professional and Professionalism-Professional Accountability, Role of a professional, Ethic and
image of profession.
• Engineering Profession and Ethics-Technology and society, Ethical obligations of Engineering
professionals, Roles of Engineers in industry, society, nation and the world.
• Professional Responsibilities-Collegiality, Loyalty, Confidentially, Conflict of Interest, Whistle
4 Disaster Management: Understanding Disasters and Hazards and related issues social and
environmental. Risk and Vulnerability. Types of Disasters, their occurrence/ causes, impact and
preventive measures:
Natural Disasters- Hydro-meteorological Based Disasters like Flood, Flash Flood, Cloud Burst,
Drought, Cyclone, Forest Fires; Geological Based Disasters like Earthquake, Tsunami, Landslides,
Volcanic Eruptions.
5 Manmade Disasters: Chemical Industrial Hazards, Major Power Break Downs, Traffic Accidents, Fire
Hazards, Nuclear Accidents. Disaster profile of Indian continent. Case studies. Disaster Management
Cycle and its components.
In order to fulfill objectives of course,
(A) The institute shall be required to organize at least 3 expert lectures by eminent social
workers/professional leaders.
(B) Each student shall compulsorily be required to:
I. Visit a social institution/NGO for at least 7 days during the semester and submit a
Summary report.
II. Perform a case study of a disaster that has occurred in last decade and submit a
Summary report.
Reference/Suggested Books
1. R Subramanian: Professional Ethics, oxford publishers.
2. Engineering Ethics: Concepts and cases by Charles E. Harris, Jr., Michael S. Pritchard, MichaelJ. Rabins.
Cengage Learning, Delhi
3. Stephen H. Unger: Controlling Technology- Ethics and Responsible Engineers, John Willey and Sons.
4. Deborah Johnson: Ethical Issues in Engineering, Prentice Hall.
5. A. N. Tripathi: Human Values in the engineering Profession, Moniograph, Published by IIM Calcutta.
6. D. K. Sinha: Towards Basics of Natural Disaster Reduction, Researchco Book Center, Delhi.
7. Amita Sinvhal: Understanding Earthquake Disasters,MGH, New Delhi.
8. Selected Resources available on www.nidmindia.nic.in
Syllabus B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering), 6thsemester


B.Tech. (Electrical) 6th semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction: Concept of Linear vector space Linear Independence, Bases & 5
Representation, domain and range. Concept of Linearity, relaxedness, time
invariance, causality.
State Space Approach of Control System Analysis:Modern Vs conventional 3
control theory, concept of state, state variable state vector, state space, state
space equations, Writing statespace equations of mechanical, Electrical systems,
Analogous systems.
2 State Space Representation using physical and phase variables, comparison 5
form of system representation. Block diagram representation of state model. Signal
flow graph representation.
State space representation using canonical variables. Diagonal matrix. Jordan 3
canonical form, Derivation of transfer functions from state-model.
3 Solution of State Equations:Eigenvalues and Eigen vectors. Matrix.Exponential, 4
State transition matrix, Properties of state transition matrix.
Computation of State transition matrix concepts of controllability &observability, 4
Pole placement by state feedback.
4 Digital Control Systems: Introduction, sampled data control systems, signal 4
reconstruction, difference equations.
The z-transform, Z-Transfer Function. Block diagram analysis of sampled data 4
systems, z and s domain relationship.
5 Modeling of sample-hold circuit, steady state accuracy, stability in z-plane and Jury 4
stability criterion, bilinear transformation
Routh-Hurwitz criterion on s-planes,digital PID controllers, Introductionto adaptive 4
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal: Control Systems Engineering, 3rd Ed, New Age 2008
2 S. K. Bhattacharya: Control Systems Engineering, 3e, Pearson Publishers. 2009

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Dhannesh N. Manik: Control System, Cengage Learning. 2010

2 Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop: Modern Control Systems, Prentice-Hall. 2008
3 M. Gopal: Digital Control and State Variable Methods, MGH. 2012
4 B. C. Kuo: Digital Control System, Oxford. 1980
5 C. H. Houpis and G. B. Lamont, Digital Control Systems, MGH. 1992
6 Donald E. Kiv: Optimal Control Theory- An Introduction, Prentice Hall. 2009
7 D. Roy, Choudhary: Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall of India. 2005
8 C. T. Chen: System Theory &Design, Oxford University Press. 1999
B.Tech. (Electrical) 6 semester Max. Marks: 80
3L Exam Hours: 3
1 (i) Breakdown in Gases: Introduction to mechanism of breakdown in gases, 4
Townsend’s breakdown mechanism. Breakdown in electromagnetic gases,
Application of gases in power system.
(ii) Breakdown in Liquids: Introduction to mechanism of breakdown in liquids,
suspended solid particle mechanism and cavity breakdown. Application of oil in
power apparatus.
(iii) Breakdown in solids: Introduction to mechanism of breakdown in solids, 4
electromechanical breakdown, treeing & tracking breakdown and thermal breakdown
2 (i) High DC Voltage Generation: Generation of high dc voltage, basic voltage 5
multiplier circuit.
(ii) High AC Voltage Generation: Cascaded Transformers.
(iii) Impulse Voltage generation: Impulse voltage, basic impulse circuit, Mark’s 3
multistage impulse generator.
(iv) Measurement of High Voltage: Potential dividers - resistive, capacitive and
mixed potential dividers. Sphere gap- Construction and operation. Klydonorgraph.
3 Nondestructive Insulation Tests: (i) Measurement of resistively, dielectric constant 3
and loss factor. High Voltage Schering Bridge- measurement of capacitance and
dielectric loss.
(ii) Partial Discharges: Introduction to partial discharge, partial discharge 5
equivalent circuit. Basic wide-band and narrow band PD detection circuits.
4 (i) Over voltages: Causes of over voltages, introduction to lightning phenomena, 2
over voltages due to lighting.
(ii) Travelling Waves: Travelling waves on transmission lines-open end line, 6
short circuited line, line terminated through a resistance, line connected to a cable,
reflection and refraction at a T-junction and line terminated through a capacitance.
Attenuation of traveling waves.
5 (i) Over Voltage Protection: Basic construction and operation of ground wires- 5
protection angle and protective zone, ground rods, counterpoise, surge absorber, rod
gap and arcing horn, lighting arresters - expulsion type, non -linear gap type and
metal oxide gapless type.
(ii) Insulation Coordination:Volt-time curves, basic impulse insulation levels, 3
coordination of insulation levels

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Naidu: High Voltage Engineering 4/e, MGH. 2013

2 John Kuffel, E. Kuffel and W. S. Zaengl: High Voltage engineering, Elsevier. 2000

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 C. L.Wadhwa: High Voltage Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd. 2007

2 Subir Ray: An Introduction to High Voltage Engineering, Prentice Hall of India. 2013
B.Tech. (Electrical) 6th semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Static Relays:Introduction to static relays, merits and demerits. 6
Comparators:amplitude and phase comparators, duality between amplitude and
phase comparators. Introduction to (a) amplitude comparators-circulating current
type, phase splitting type and sampling type, (b) phase comparators-vector
product type and coincidence type.
Static Over Current Relays:Introduction to instantaneous, definite time, inverse 2
time and directional overcurrent relays.
2 Static Differential Relays: Brief description of static differential relay schemes- 5
single phase and three phase schemes. Introduction to static differential protection of
generator and transformer.
Static Distance Relays:Introduction to static impedance, reactance and mho relays. 3
3 Carrier Current Protection: Basic apparatus and scheme of power line carrier 4
system. Principle of operation of directional comparison and phase comparison
carrier protection and carrier assisted distance protection.
Distance Protection:Effect of power swings on the performance of distance 4
protection. Out of step tripping and blocking relays, mho relay with blinders.
Introduction to quadrilateral and elliptical relays.
4 Circuit Breakers-I:Electric arc and its characteristics, arc interruption-high 4
resistance interruption and current zero interruption. Arc interruption theories–
recovery rate theory and energy balance theory.
Restriking voltage and recovery voltage, develop expressions for restriking voltage 4
and RRRV. Resistance switching, current chopping and interruption of capacitive
current. Oil circuit breakers-bulk oil and minimum oil circuit breakers. Air circuit
breakers. Miniature Circuit breaker (MCB).
5 Circuit Breakers-II: Air blast, SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers. Selection of circuit 4
breakers, rating of circuit breakers.
Digital Protection:Introduction to digital protection. Brief description of block 4
diagram of digital relay. Introduction to digital overcurrent, transformer differential
and transmission line distance protection.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Bhavesh Bhalja, R. P. Maheshari and Nilesh G. Chothani: Protection and Switchgear, 2011
2 Bhuvanesh A. Oza and Nair: Power System Protection and Switchgear, MGH. 2010

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 B. Ravindranath and M. Chander: Power system Protection and Switchgear, Wiley. 1977
2 B. Ram and D. N. Vishwakarma: Power System Protection and Switchgear, MGH. 2001
3 Y. G. Paithankar and S. R. Bhide: Fundamentals of Power System Protection, PHI. 2010
4 T.S.M. Rao: Power System Protection- Static Relays with Microprocessor 1989
Applications, MGH.
5 A. R. Van C. Warringtaon: Protective Relays-Their Theory and Practice, Vol. I & II, 1978
Jhon Willey & Sons.
6 S. S. Rao: Switchgear and Protection, Khanna Publishers. 2008
B.Tech. (Electrical) 6th semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 AC Voltage Controllers: Principle of On-Off Control, Principle of Phase control, 5
SinglePhase Bi-directional Controllers with Resistive Loads, Single Phase
Controllers with Inductive Loads, Three Phase full wave AC controllers, AC Voltage
Controller with PWM Control.
2 Cyclo-converters: Basic principle of operation, single phase to single phase, 8
three-phase to three-phase and three-phase to single phase cyclo-converters. Output
equation, Control circuit.
3 Inverters:Principle of Operation, Single-phase bridge inverters. Three phase bridge 6
Inverters: 180 and 120 degree of conduction. VSI and CSI.
Voltage control of Single Phase and Three Phase Inverters, Harmonic 5
analysis,harmonic reduction techniques,Pulse width modulation techniques.
4 Resonant Pulse Inverter:Series resonant inverter with unidirectional switches, 8
parallel resonant inverter, class E resonant inverter, L-type and M-type ZCS resonant
converter, ZVS resonant converter.
5 Power Supplies: Switched Mode DC Power Supplies, fly-back converter, forward 4
converter, half and full bridge converter, resonant DC power supplies, bi-directional
power supplies.
Resonant AC power supplies, bidirectional AC power supplies. Multistage 4
conversions, Control Circuits: Voltage Mode Control, Current Mode Control

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 M. H. Rashid: Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices & Applications, Pearson 2004

2 Bimal Bose: Power Electronics & Motor Drives, Elsevier-2006. 2010

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 V. R. Moorthy: Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits and Industrial Applications, 2005

2 P. C. Sen: Power Electronics, MGH. 1987
3 Ned Mohan, T. M. Undeland and W. P. Robbins: Power Electronics- Converters, 2007
Applications and Design, Wiley India Ltd, 2008.
4 R. Krishnan: electric motor drives- modeling, analysis and control, Pearson Edu. 2001
B.Tech. (Electrical) 6th semester Max. Marks: 80
3L Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction to Smart Grid: Evolution of Electric Grid, Concept, Definitions and 5
Need for Smart Grid, Smart grid drivers, functions, opportunities, challenges and
Difference between conventional & Smart Grid, Concept of Resilient &Self-Healing 3
Grid, Present development & International policies in Smart Grid, Diverse
perspectives from experts and global Smart Grid initiatives.
2 Smart Grid Technologies: Technology Drivers, Smart energy resources, Smart 5
substations, Substation Automation, Feeder Automation ,Transmission systems:
EMS, FACTS and HVDC, Wide area monitoring,
Protection and Control, Distribution Systems: DMS, Volt/Var control, Fault 3
Detection, Isolation and service restoration, Outage management, High-Efficiency
Distribution Transformers, Phase Shifting Transformers, Plug in Hybrid Electric
Vehicles (PHEV).
3 Smart Meters and Advanced Metering Infrastructure: Introduction to Smart 4
Meters, Advanced Metering infrastructure (AMI) drivers and benefits,AMIprotocols,
standards and initiatives,
AMI needs in the smart grid, Phasor Measurement, Unit (PMU), Intelligent 4
Electronic Devices (IED) & their application for monitoring & protection.
4 Power Quality Management in Smart Grid: Power Quality & EMC in Smart Grid, 5
Power Quality issues of Grid connected RenewableEnergy Sources,
Power Quality Conditioners for Smart Grid, Web based Power Qualitymonitoring, 3
Power Quality Audit.
5 High Performance Computing for Smart Grid Applications: Local Area Network 4
(LAN), House Area Network (HAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Broadbandover
Power line (BPL),
IP based Protocols, Basics of Web Service and CLOUD Computing tomake Smart 4
Grids smarter, Cyber Security for Smart Grid
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Vehbi C. Güngör, Dilan Sahin, Taskin Kocak, Salih Ergüt, Concettina Buccella, 2011
Carlo Cecati, and Gerhard P. Hancke: Smart Grid Technologies- Communication
Technologies and Standards IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 7, No.
4, November 2011.
2 Xi Fang, Satyajayant Misra, Guoliang Xue, and Dejun Yang: Smart Grid – The New 2011
and Improved Power Grid- A Survey, IEEE Transaction on Smart Grids,

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Stuart Borlase: Smart Grid-Infrastructure, Technology and Solutions, CRC Press 2012
B.Tech. (Electrical) 6th semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 8086 Microprocessor: Hardware specifications, architecture, address spaces, clock 8
generator, bus controller and arbiter, Minimum and maximum mode, System Bus
2 Software & Instruction Set: Assembly language programming: addressing mode 8
and instructions of 8086, linking and execution of programs, MACRO programming,
assembler directives and operators.
3 I/O Interfaces: Programmable peripheral interfacing (8255, 8155), Programmable 8
Timer interfacing (8253, 8254), Programmable interrupt controller (8259), Serial
4 Data & Memory Interfacing: A/D, D/A converter interfacing, Memory interfacing 8
and Decoding, DMA controller.
5 Multiprocessor Configurations: 8086 based Multiprocessor systems. 8087 Numeric 8
data processor. Introduction to 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 A. Nagoor Kani: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, 2nd ed., MGH. 2012

2 N. Senthil Kumar and Saravanan: Microprocessors and Interfacing, Oxford. 2012

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 John Freer: System design with Advance Microprocessors, A.H. Wheeler 1987
2 Ray & Bhurchandi: Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals 2/e (MGH) 2006
3 Lyla B. Das: The X 86 Microprocessors- Architecture, Programming and Interfacing 2010
(8086 to Pentium), Pearson Publisher.
4 Gibson: 16-Bit Microprocessor.
5 Brey: 16-Bit Microprocessor 2009
6 Ray, A. K. & Burchandi, K. M.: Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals- 2006
Architecture, Programming and Interfacing, MGH.
7 Brey, Barry B.: The INTEL Microprocessors, Pearson Education. 2011
8 Ayala: The 8051 Micro Controller, Cengage Learning. 2004
B.Tech. (Electrical) 6th semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Theory of Errors: Accuracy and precision, systematic and random errors, limits of 8
error, probable error and standard deviation. Gaussian error curves, combination of
2 Transducers: Construction & Operating Characteristics of active and digital 4
transducers, Measurement of temperature, pressure, displacement, acceleration, noise
Instrumentation for strain, displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, torque and 4
3 Signal Conditioning: Instrumentation amplifiers, isolation amplifiers, analog 5
multipliers, analog dividers, function generators, timers, sample and hold,
optical and magnetic isolators.
Frequency to voltage converters, temperature to current converters. Shielding and 3
4 Power System Instrumentation-I:Measurement of voltage, current, phase angle, 8
frequency, active power and reactive power in power plants. Energy meters and
multipart tariff meters. Basic idea of LT & HT panel’s.
5 Power System Instrumentation-II:Capacitive voltage transformers and their 8
transient behavior, Current Transformers for measurement and protection,composite
errors and transient response.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 R. H. Cerni and L. E. Foster: Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements, John 1962

Wiley and Sons.
2 Curtis and D. Hohnson: Process Control Instrumentation Technology, John Wiley 2013
and sons.

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 R. Morrison: Instrumentation Fundamentals and Applications, John Wiley and Sons. 1984
2 A. K. Sawhney: Advanced Measurements & Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 1994
3 E.O. Decblin: Measurement System– Application & design, MGH. 1975
4 W.D. Cooper and A.P. Beltried: Electronics Instrumentation and Measurement 1987
Techniques, Prentice Hall International.
5 A. S. Moris: Principles of Measurement & Instrumentation, Prentice Hall 1993
B.Tech. (Electrical) 6th semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 PCM & Delta Modulation Systems: PCM and delta modulation, quantization noise 4
in PCM and delta modulation. Signal-to-noise ratio in PCM and delta modulation,
T1 Carrier System, Comparison of PCM and DM. Adaptive delta Modulation. Bit, 4
word and frame synchronization, Matched filter detection.
2 Digital Modulation Techniques: Various techniques of phase shift, amplitude shift 8
and frequency shift keying. Minimum shift keying. Modulation & Demodulation.
3 Error Probability in Digital Modulation: Calculation of error probabilities for 8
PSK, ASK, FSK & MSK techniques.
4 Information Theory:Amount of Information, Average Information, Entropy, 4
Information rate, Increase in Average information per bit by coding, Shannon's
Theorem and Shannon's bound
Capacity of a Gaussian Channel, BW-S/N trade off, Orthogonal signal transmission. 4
5 Coding: Coding of Information, Hamming code, Single Parity-Bit Code, Linear 8
Block code, cyclic code &convolution code.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 R. N. Mutagi: Digital Communication, 2nd ed., Oxford. 2013

2 P. Ramakrishna Rao: Communication Systems, MGH. 2013

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 H. Taub & D.L. Schilling: Principles of Communication Systems, MGH. 2008

2 Simon Haykin: Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons. 2008
3 Proakis: Digital Communication, MGH. 2008
4 Sklar: Digital Communication, Pearson Education. 2009
5 P. Chakrabarti: Principles of Digital Communications, Danpatrai & Sons. 1999
6 K. Sam Shanmugam: Digital and Analog Communication System, John Wiley Sons. 2006
7 Lathi, B. P.: Modern Digital &Analog Communication System, Oxford Press. 2009
8 A.B. Carlson: Digital Communication Systems, MGH. 1988
6EE7A: CONTROL SYSTEM LAB (Common for EE and EX)

1 Introduction to MATLAB Computing Control Software.

2 Defining Systems in TF, ZPK form.
3 (a) Plot step response of a given TF and system in state-space. Take different values of damping ratio
and wn natural undamped frequency.
(b) Plot ramp response.
4 For a given 2ndorder system plot step response and obtain time response specification.
5 To design 1st order R-C circuits and observe its response with the following inputs and trace the curve.
(a) Step
(b) Ramp
(c) Impulse
6 To design 2nd order electrical network and study its transient response for step input and
following cases.
(a) Under damped system
(b) Over damped System.
(c) Critically damped system.
7 To Study the frequency response of following compensating Networks, plot the graph and final out
corner frequencies.
(a) Log Network
(b) Lead Network
(c) Log-lead Network.
8 To draw characteristics of ac servomotor
9 To perform experiment on Potentiometer error detector.
10 Check for the stability of a given closed loop system.
11 Plot bode plot for a 2ndorder system and find GM and PM.

6EE8A: POWER SYSTEM LAB (Common for EE and EX)

1 Study the burden effect on the performance of CT and measure ratio error.
2 Find out the sequence components of currents in three 1-Phase transformers and 3-Phase
transformer and compare their results.
3 (i) Study over current relay.
(ii) Draw the current-time characteristic of an over current relay for TMS=1 & 0.5 and
PSM=1.25 & 1.0.
4 (i) Study percentage bias differential relay.
(ii) Plot the characteristics of a percentage bias differential relay for 20%, 30% and 40% biasing.
5 Study gas actuated Buchholz relay.
6 Study under frequency relay and check it’s setting experimentally.
7 Design a HV transmission line.
8 Study a typical grid substation.
9 Study earthing of power station, substation and building


1 Study and test AC voltage regulators using triac, antiparallel thyristors and triac&diac.
2 Study and test single phase PWM inverter.
3 Study and test buck, boost and buck- boost regulators.
4 Study and test MOSFET chopper.
5 Study and test Zero voltage switching.
6 Study and test SCR DC circuit breaker.
7 Control speed of a dc motor using a chopper and plot armature voltage versus speed characteristic.
8 Control speed of a single-phase induction motor using single phase AC voltage regulator.
9 (i) Study single-phase dual converter.
(ii) Study speed control of dc motor using single-phase dual converter.
10 Study one, two and four quadrant choppers (DC-DC converters).
11 Study speed control of dc motor using one, two and four quadrant choppers.
12 Study single-phase cycloconverter.

1. Study different components of smart grid

2. To visit thermal/nuclear power plant
3. To design and simulate hybrid wind-solar power generation system using simulating software
4. Study Different terminology used in power quality assessment
5. Study and measure certain parameters of power quality in laboratory with and without power quality
improvement devices.


1 Definition of entrepreneur, qualities of a successful entrepreneur, Charms of being an entrepreneur,

achievement- motivation, leadership and entrepreneurial competencies.
2 Decision-making, procedures and formalities for starting own business, financial support system.
3 Identification and selection of business opportunities and market survey, business plan.
Implementation and customer satisfaction.
4 Business crises, problem-solving attitude, communication skill. Government policies for entrepreneurs.
5 Knowledge based enterprises, Scope of entrepreneur in present context, area of future
6 Marketing & Sales Promotion, Techno-Economic Feasibility Assessment by Preparation of Preliminary &
Detailed project report.
Syllabus B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering), 7thsemester
B. Tech. (Electrical) 7th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction of power planning, National and Regional Planning, structure of
P.S., planning tools
Electricity Regulation, Electrical Forecasting, forecasting techniques modeling. 4
2 Generation planning, Integrated power generation cogeneration/captive power,
Power pooling and power trading. Transmission and distribution planning.
Power system Economics. Power sector finance, financial planning, private
participation Rural Electrification investment, concept of Rational tariffs.
3 Power supply Reliability, Reliability planning. System operation planning, load
management, load prediction, reactive power balance
Online power flow studies, state estimation, computerized management, power
system simulator.
4 Computer aided planning, wheeling. Environmental effects, the greenhouse effect 4
Technological impacts. Insulation coordination. Reactive compensation. 4
5 Optimal power system expansion planning : Formulation of least cost
optimization problem incorporating the capital,
Operating and maintenance cost of candidate plants of different types (Thermal,
Hydro, Nuclear, Non-conventional etc.) and minimum assured reliability constraint – 5
optimization techniques for solution by programming.
Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 X. Wang, J. R. Mc Donald: Modern Power System Planning, MGH. 1994

2 A. S. Pabla: Electrical Power System Planning, Machmillan India Ltd. 2012

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 M. Tllic, F. Faliana and L. Fink: Power System Restructuring Engineering and 2010
Economics, Kulwar Academic Publisher.
2 L. L. Lie: Power System Restructuring and Deregulation, John Willey & Sons UK. 2001
B. Tech. (Electrical) 7th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Percent and per unit quantities. Single line diagram for a balanced 3-phase system 4
Admittance Model: Branch and node admittances Equivalent admittance network 4
and calculation of Y bus. Modification of an existing Y bus.
2 Impendence Model: Bus admittance and impedance matrices. Thevenin’s theorem 3
and Z bus. Direct determination of Z bus. Modification of an existing bus.
Symmetrical fault Analysis: Transient on a Transmission line, short circuit of a 5
synchronous machine on no load, short circuit of a loaded synchronous machine.
Equivalent circuits of synchronous machine under sub transient, transient and steady
state conditions. Selection of circuit breakers, Algorithm for short circuit studies.
Analysis of three-phase faults.
3 Symmetrical Components: Fortescue theorem, symmetrical component 4
transformation. Phase shift in star-delta transformers. Sequence Impedances of
transmission lines, Synchronous Machine and Transformers, zero sequence
network of transformers and transmission lines. Construction of sequence
networks of power system.
Fault Analysis: Analysis of single line to ground faults using symmetrical
components, connection of sequence networks under the fault condition.
4 Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis: (i) Analysis of line-to-line and double line to
ground faults using symmetrical components, connection of sequence networks 5
under fault conditions.
Analysis of unsymmetrical shunt faults using bus impedance matrix method. 3
5 Load Flow Analysis:Load flow problem, development of load flow equations, 4
bus classification
Gauss Seidel, Newton Raphosn, decoupled and fast decoupled methods for load flow 4
analysis. Comparison of load flow methods.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 J. J. Grainger, William, D. Stevenson Jr.: Power System Analysis, MGH. 2003

2 T. K. Nagsarkar & M. S. Sukhija: Power System Analysis, Oxford University Press. 2007

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 J. D. Glover, M. S. Sharma & T. J. Overbye: Power System Analysis and Design, 2007
Cengage Learning.
2 Nasser Tleis: Power System Modelling and Fault Analysis, Elsevier. 2007
3 Kothari & Nagrath: Modern Power System Analysis, MGH. 2011
4 Haadi Saadat: Power System Analysis. 2002

B. Tech. (Electrical) 7th Semester Max. Marks: 80

3L Exam Hours: 3
1 Artificial Intelligence: Introduction to AI and knowledge based Expert systems, 4
Introduction, Importance and Definition of AI, ES, ES building tools and shells. 4
2 Knowledge Representation: Concept of knowledge, Representation of knowledge 4
using logics rules, frames. Procedural versus. Declarative knowledge, forward versus
backward chaining
Control Strategies: Concept of heuristic search, search techniques depth first 4
search, Breath first search, Generate & test hill climbing, best first search.
3 Artificial Neural Network: Biological Neurons and synapses, characteristics 4
Artificial Neural Networks, types of activation functions.
Perceptions: Perception representation, limitations of perceptrons. Single layer and 4
multiplayer perceptrons. Perceptron learning algorithms.
4 Basic Concepts in Learning ANN: Supervised learning, Back propagation 8
algorithm, unsupervised learning, Kohonen’s top field network & Algorithm.
5 Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy logic concepts, Fuzzy relation and membership functions, 4
Defuzzification, Fuzzy controllers,
Genetic Algorithm: concepts, coding, reproduction, crossover, mutation, scaling and 4

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Saroj Kaushik: Artificial Intelligence, Cengage Learning. 2007

2 Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight: Artificial Intelligence 3/e, MGH 2004

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Padhy: Artificial Intelligence & Intelligent Systems, Oxford 2005

2 James Anderson: An introduction to Neural Networks. 1995
3 Dan. W Patterson: Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. 1990
4 Kumar Satish: Neural Networks, 2 ed., MGH. 2004
5 S. Rajsekaran & G. A. Vijayalakshmi Pai: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and 2003
Genetic Algorithm- Synthesis and Applications, Prentice Hall of India.
6 Siman Haykin: Neural Netowrks, Prentice Hall of India. 2004
B. Tech. (Electrical) 7th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction: World energy situation, conventional and non-conventional energy 4
sources, Indian energy scene.
Tidal Energy: Introduction to tidal power. Components of tidal power plants, double 4
basin arrangement. Power generation. Advantages and limitations of tidal power
generation. Prospects of tidal energy in India.
2 Solar Energy: Solar radiation, solar radiation geometry, solar radiation on tilted 4
surface. Solar energy collector. Flat- plate collector, concentrating collector -
parabolidal and heliostat.
Solar pond. Basic solar power plant. Solar cell, solar cell array, basic photo-voltaic 4
power generating system.
3 Wind Energy: Basic principle of wind energy conversion, efficiency of conversion, 4
site selection. Electric power generation-basic components, horizontal axis and
vertical axis wind turbines, towers, generators, control and monitoring components.
Basic electric generation schemes- constant speed constant frequency, variable speed
constant frequency and variable speed variable frequency schemes. Applications of
wind energy.
Geothermal Energy: Geothermal fields, estimates of geothermal power. Basic
geothermal steam power plant, binary fluid geothermal power plant and geothermal
preheat hybrid power plant. Advantages and disadvantages of geothermal energy.
Applications of geothermal energy. Geothermal energy in India.
4 Nuclear Fusion Energy: Introduction, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. 4
Requirements for nuclear fusion. Plasma confinement – magnetic confinement and
inertial confinement.
Basic Tokamak reactor, laser fusion reactor. Advantages of nuclear fusion. Fusion 4
hybridand cold fusion.
5 Biomass Energy: Introduction, biomass categories, bio-fuels. Introduction to 3
biomass conversion technologies.
Biogas generation, basic biogas plants-fixed dome type, floating gasholder type, 5
Deen Bandhu biogas plant, Pragati design biogas plant. Utilization of bio gas. Energy
plantation. Pyrolysis scheme. Alternative liquid fuels –ethanol and methanol. Ethanol

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 G. D. Rao: Renewable Energy 2010

2 B. H. Khan: Non-Conventional Energy Resources, MGH. 2006

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 A. N. Mathur: Non-Conventional Resources of Energy. 2010

2 Boyle: Renewable Energy, 3 ed Oxford. 2007
3 Bent Sorensen, 4 ed.: Renewable Energy, Elsevier. 2009
4 V. V. N. Kishore: Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology, TERI. 2006
5 Garg & Prakash: Solar Energy : Fundamentals and Applications, MGH 2000
6 David Boyles: Bio Energy, Elis Horwood Ltd., 1984
7 N.K. Bansal, M. Kleemann, M. Heliss: Renewable energy sources and conversion 1990
technology, MGH, 1990.


B. Tech.(Electrical) 7th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Economic Operation of Power Systems: Introduction, system constraints, optimal 3
operation of power systems. Input output, heat rate and incremental rate curves
of thermal generating units.
Economic distribution of load between generating units within a plant. 5
Economic distribution of load between power stations, transmission loss equation.
Introduction to unit commitment and dynamic programming.
2 Power System Stability-I: Power angle equations and power angle curves under 5
steady state and transient conditions. Rotor dynamics and swing equation (solution
of swing equation not included).
Synchronizing power coefficient. Introduction to steady state and dynamic stabilities, 3
steady state stability limit.
3 Power System Stability-II: Introduction to transient stability. Equal area criterion 4
and its application to transient stability studies under basic disturbances.
Critical clearing angle and critical clearing time. Factors affecting stability and 4
methods to improve stability.
4 Excitation Systems: Introduction of excitation systems of synchronous machines, 4
types of excitation systems, Elements of various excitation systems and their control
(functional block diagrams and their brief description)-DC excitation systems, AC
excitation systems, brushless excitation system.
Interconnected Power Systems: Introduction to isolated and interconnected 4
powers systems. Reserve capacity of power stations, spinning and maintenance
resaves. Advantages and problems of interconnected power systems. Power systems
inter connection in India.
5 Tap Changing transformer, phase angle control and phase shifting transformer. 5
Series compensation of transmission lines, location and protection of series
capacitors, advantages and problems
Introduction to power system security. Introduction to voltage stability. 3

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari: Power System Engineering 2/e, MGH. 2011
2 J. J. Grainger and W. D. Stevenson: Power System Analysis, MGH. 2003

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 B. R. Gupta: Power System Analysis and Design, Third Edition, S. Chand & Co. 2008
2 C. L. Wadhwa: Electrical Power Systems, New age international Ltd. Third Edition 2009
3 W. D. Stevenson: Element of Power System Analysis, MGH. 1955
4 B. R. Gupta: Generation of Electrical Energy, S. Chand Publication. 2009
B. Tech. (Electrical) 7th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Introduction: Vector Relation in rectangular, cylindrical, spherical and general 4
curvilinear coordinate system.
Concept and physical interpretation of gradient, Divergence and curl, Green’s 4
Stoke’s and Helmholz theorems
2 Electrostatics: Electric field vectors-electric field intensity, flux density & 4
polarization. Electric field due to various charge configurations. The potential
functions and displacement vector.
Gauss’s law, Poisson’s and Laplace’s equation and their solution. Uniqueness 4
theorem. Continuity equation. Capacitance and electrostatics energy. Field
determination by method of images. Boundary conditions. Field mappings and
concept of field cells.
3 Magnetostatics: Magnetic field vector: Magnetic field intensity, flux density & 4
magnetization, Bio-Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, Magnetic scalar and vector
potential, self & mutual inductance.
Energy stored in magnetic field, Boundary conditions, Analogy between electric and 4
magnetic field, Field mapping and concept of field cells.
4 Time Varying Fields: Faraday’s law, Displacement currents and equation of 4
Maxwell’s equations, Uniform plane wave in free space, dielectrics and conductors, 4
skin effect sinusoidal time variations, reflections, refraction & polarization of UPW,
standing wave ratio. Pointing vector and power considerations.
5 Transmission Lines: The high-frequency circuit. LCR ladder model. The 4
transmission Lin equation. Solution for loss-less lines.
Wave velocity and wave impedance. Reflection and Transmission coefficients at 4
junctions. VSWR.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Hayt: Engineering Electromagnetics, 7/e, (With CD), MGH 2012

2 Matthew N. O. Sadiku: Principles of Electromagnetics, 4 ed., Oxford 2009

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 G. S. N. Raju: Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines, Pearson. 2006

2 J. D. Kraus: Electromagnetic. 5th edition, MGH. 1999
3 S. Baskaran and K. Malathi: Electromagnetic Field and Waves, Scitech Pub. 2013
4 R. S. Kshetrimayum, Electromagnetic Field Theory, Cengage Learning. 2012
5 V.V. Sarwate: Electromagnetic Field and Waves, Willey Eastern Ltd. 1993
6 Bhag Guru: Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals, Cambridge Uni. Press. 2004
B. Tech. (Electrical) 7th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Basic Principles of Electrical Machine Design: Specifications, Factors affecting 4
the design, Limitations, main dimension, loadings, output equation, factor
affecting the size and rating,
Electrical Engineering Materials: conducting, magnetic and insulating materials. 4
Magnetic Circuit Calculation: Ohm’s law for magnetic circuit, mmf required for air
gap and iron parts, tapered teeth, real and apparent flux density, magnetizing current.
2 Heating and Cooling of Electrical Machines: heat dissipation and heat flow 4
equations, Newton’s law of cooling, equations for temperature rise,
Rating of Machines: Continuous, short and intermittent ratings, mean 4
temperature rise, hydrogen cooling of turbo alternators, quantity of cooling
3 Computer Aided Design of Transformers: Power and Distribution 8
Transformers, core and yoke cross sections, square and stepped core, output
equations, main dimensions, types & design of windings, optimization concepts.
4 Computer Aided Design of Synchronous Machines: Turbo and Hydro alternators, 8
choice of specific magnetic & electric loading, short circuit ratio and its effects
air gap length, output equation, main dimensions, flow charts for design of
synchronous machine, design of stator core & winding.
5 Computer Aided Design of Induction Machines: Output equation, main 8
dimensions, design criteria, flow charts for design of induction motor, air gap
length, design of stator core and winding, rotor design.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 A. K. Sawhney: A Course in Electrical Machine Design, Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 1984
2 B. Edikins: Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines. 1995

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Fitzegerald: Electrical Machinery, Kingsley. 2002

2 M. G. Say: The Performance and Design of AC Machines, Pitman & Sons. 1958
3 R. K. Agrawal: Electrical Machine Design 2009
B. Tech. (Electrical) 7th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Economics of Power Generation: Introduction, cost of electrical energy, expression 4
for cost of electrical energy, depreciation, power plant cost analysis, economics in
plant selection,
selection of types of generation and types of equipments, factors effecting 4
economic generations and distributions, generating cost, economics of different
types of generating plants
2 Economical Operations of Thermal Power Plants: Methods of loading turbo 4
generators, input, output and heat rate characteristics, incremental cost, two
generations units,
large no of units, sequence of adding units, effects of transmission losses, 4
economic scheduling considering transmission losses, coordination equations,
penalty factors
3 Hydro Thermal coordination: Advantages of combined operation, base load 4
peak load operation requirement, combined working of run-off river and steam
Reservoirs hydroplants and thermal plants (long term operational aspects), short term 4
hydro thermal coordination, coordination equations, scheduling methods and
4 Parallel Operations of Generators: Conditions, synchronizingcurrent and power, 4
two alternators in parallel (effect of change in excitation, load sharing, sharing
of load currents),
Infinite bus bars, active and reactive power control, synchronizing power, 4
torque, operating limits of alternators, operating characteristics of cylindrical
alternator rotor.
5 Economics for Electrical Engineers: Concepts of physical and financial 8
efficiencies of electrical goods and services, supply and demand, break even and
minimum cost analysis, linear and nonlinear break even, min cist analysis

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 J. Wood & B. F. Wollenburg: Power Generation, Operation and Control, John Wiley. 2013
2 D. P. Kothari & I. J. Nagrath: Modern Power System Analysis, MGH. 2003

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 O. I. Elgerd: Electric Energy System Theory, MGH. 1983

2 P. Kundur: Power System Stability and Control, MGH. 1994
3 Arthur R. Bergen and Vijay Vittal: Power System Analysis, Second Edition. PHI. 1999
4 C. L. Wadhwa: Electrical Power Systems, Newage International (P) Ltd. 2000
5 C. Gross, Power Systems Analysis, 2nd Edition. John Wiley &Sons. 1986

1. Status of National and Regional Planning, for power system

2. Write components of Structure of power system
3. Explain in detail various planning tools.
4. Write short note on Electricity Regulation
5. Modeling of Electrical Forecasting techniques
6. Transmission and distribution planning
7. concept of Rational tariffs
8. Rural Electrification


1. Simulate Swing Equation in Simulink (MATLAB)

2. Modeling of Synchronous Machine.
3. Modeling of Induction Machine.
4. Simulate simple circuits using Circuit Maker.
5. (a) Modeling of Synchronous Machine with PSS (b) Simulation of Synchronous Machine
with FACTS device.
6. (a) Modeling of Synchronous Machine with FACTS device (b) Simulation of Synchronous
Machine with FACTS devices.
7. FACTS Controller designs with FACT devices for SMIB system.


1 Money Banking and Trade: Functions of money, supply & demand for money, money price level &
inflation, black money, meaning, magnitude & consequences. Functions of Commercial banks,
banking system in India, shortcomings and improvements. Function of RBI, monetary policy-making,
objectives and features.
Sources of public revenue, principles of taxation, direct and indirect taxes, Theory of international
trade, balance of trade and payment, Foreign exchange control, devaluation New economic
policy: Liberalization, extending privatization, globalization.
2 Management Principles: Management functions, responsibilities of management to society,
development of management thought.
Nature of planning, decision making, management by objectives, Line and staff authority
relationships, decentralization and delegation of authority, span of management.
3 Production Management: Production planning and control, inventory control, quality control and
Total quality management. ISO standards Related to quality/Environment/safety etc.
Tools of Project Management: CPM, PERT, project information systems. Marketing functions,
management of sales and advertising marketing research.
4 Human Resource Management: Function, application of industrial psychology for selection,
training and recruitment.
Communication process, media channels and barriers to effective communication, theories of
motivation, leadership.
5 Finance and Account Management: Engineering Economics: Investment decision, present worth,
annual worth and rate of return methods. Payback time.
Need for good cost accounting system, cost control techniques of financial control, financial
statements, financial ratios, breakeven analysis, budgeting and budgetary control.
Syllabus B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering), 8thsemester


B. Tech. (Electrical) 8th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 EHV AC Transmission: Need of EHV transmission lines, power handling capacity 4
and surge impedance loading. Problems of EHV transmission,
Bundled Conductors: geometric mean radius of bundle, properties of bundle 4
conductors. Electrostatic fields of EHV lines and their effects, corona effects: Corona
loss, audio and radio noise.
2 Load Frequency Control: Introduction to control of active and reactive power flow, 4
turbine speed governing system. Speed governing characteristic of generating
unit and load sharing between parallel operating generators
Method of Load Frequency Control: Flat frequency, flat tie line and tie line 4
load bias control. Automatic generation control (description of block diagram
3 Voltage Control: No load receiving end voltage and reactive power 4
generation. Methods of voltage control. Synchronous phase modifier
Shunt capacitors and reactors, saturable reactors, Thyristorised static VAR 4
compensators- TCR, FC-TCR and TSC- TCR.
4 FACTS: Introduction to FACTS controllers, types of FACTS controllers, Brief 8
description of STATCOM, Thyristor controlled series capacitors and unified power
flow controller.
5 HVDC Transmission: Types of D.C. links, advantages and disadvantages of HVDC 4
transmission. Basic scheme and equipment of converter station. Ground return.
Basic principles of DC link control and basic converter control characteristics. 4
Application of HVDC transmission.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 E. W. Kimbark: Direct Current Transmission, Vol. 1, Wiley Interscience. 1971

2 K. R. Padiyar: HVDC Power Transmission System, Wiley Eastern Ltd. 1990

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 K. R. Padiyar: HVDC Power Transmission Systems. NEW AGE PUB 1992

2 J. Arrillaga: H.V.D.C Transmission, Peter Peregrines. 1983
3 J. Arrillaga HVDC et. al, : Computer Modelling of Electrical Power System. John 1993
B. Tech. (Electrical) 8th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Dynamics of Electric Drives: Fundamental torque equations, speed-torque 4
conventions and multi-quadrant operation,
Nature and classification of load torques, steady state stability, load equalization, 4
close loop configurations of drives.
2 DC Drives: Speed torque curves, torque and power limitation in armature 4
voltage and field control,
Starting, Braking: Regenerative Braking, dynamic braking and plugging. Speed 4
Control-Controlled Rectifier fed DC drives, Chopper Controlled DC drives.
3 Induction Motor Drives-I: Starting, Braking-Regenerative braking, plugging and 4
dynamic braking.
Speed Control: Stator voltage control, variable frequency control from voltage 4
source, Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) Control.
4 Induction Motor Drives-II: Variable frequency control from current source, 4
Current Source Inverter (CSI) Control,
Cycloconverter Control, Static rotor resistance control, Slip Power Recovery- Stator 4
Scherbius drive, Static Kramer drive.
5 Synchronous Motor Drive: Control of Synchronous Motor-Separately Controlled 4
and VSI fed Self-Controlled Synchronous Motor Drives.
Dynamic and Regenerative Braking of Synchronous Motor with VSI. Control of 4
Synchronous Motor Using Current Source Inverter (CSI).

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 G. K. Dubey: Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House, New 2002

2 B. K. Bose: Power Electronics and Motor Drives, Elsevier. 2010

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 V. Subrahmanyam: Electric Drives- Concepts and Applications, MGH. 2011

2 Theodore Wildi: Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems, Pearson 2007
3 S. K. Pillai: A First Course on Electrical Drives, Wiley Eastern limited, India. 1989
4 N. K. De and Prashant K. Sen: Electric Drives, Prentice Hall of India Ltd. 1999
B. Tech. (Electrical) 8th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Causes and consequences of dangerous currents: Faults, overloads and switching 4
over currents. Introduction to protection, trip circuit of a circuit breaker. Functional
characteristics of a relay, zone of protection, primary and backup protection.
CTs &PTs: Current transformer construction, measurement and protective CTs. 4
Type of potential transformers. Steady state ratio and phase angle errors in CTs and
PTs. Transient errors in CT and CVT (Capacitive Voltage Transformer).
2 Overcurrent Protection: HRC fuse and thermal relay. Overcurrent relays – 4
instantaneous, definite time, inverse time and inverse definite minimum time
overcurrent relays, time and current gradings.
Induction disc type relay. Directional overcurrent relay, 300, 600 and 900 connections. 4
Earth fault relay. Brief description of overcurrent protective schemes for a feeder,
parallel feeders and ring mains.
3 Generator Protection: Stator protection–differential and percentage differential 4
protection, protection against stator inter-turn faults, stator overheating protection.
Rotor protection-protection against excitation and prime mover failure, field 4
earth fault and unbalanced stator currents (negative sequence current protection).
4 Transformer Protection: Percentage differential protection, magnetizing inrush 4
current, percentage differential relay with harmonic restraint. Buchholz relay.
Differential protection of generator transfer unit.
Busbar Protection: Differential protection of busbars. Highimpedance relay 4
scheme, frame leakage protection
5 Transmission Line Protection: Introduction to distance protection. Construction, 4
operating principle and characteristics of an electromagnetic impedance relay. Effect
of arc resistance.Induction cup type reactance and mho relays. Comparison between
impedance, reactance and mho relays. Three stepped distance protection of
transmission line.
Induction Motor Protection: Introduction to various faults and abnormal operating 4
conditions, unbalance supply voltage and single phasing. Introduction to protection
of induction motors- HRC fuse and overcurrent, percentage differential, earth fault
and negative sequence voltage relays

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Badri Ram: Power System Protection and Switchgear, MGH. 2011

2 Ravindra Nath M. Chander: Power System Protection and Switch Gear, John Wiley 1977

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Sunil S. Rao.: Power System Protection and Switch Gear, Khanna Publishers. 1999
2 Oza: Power System Protection and Switchgear, MGH. 2010
3 T. S. Madhava Rao: Power System Protections (Static Relays), MGH. 1989
4 A. R. Van C Warrington: Protective Relays, Chapman and Hall London. 1968
5 S. K. Basu and S. Chaudhary: Power System Protection, Raju Primlan Oxford. 1983


B. Tech. (Electrical) 8th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Electric Heating: Different methods of electric heating. Principle of high frequency 4
induction and dielectric heating. Construction, operation, performance and
applications of arc furnace and induction furnace
Electric Welding: Welding process, welding transformer, Classification of Electric 4
Welding: arc welding, resistance welding, welding of various metals.
2 Illuminations: Definitions, laws of illuminations, polar curves, luminous efficiency, 4
photometer, incandescent lamps, filament materials,
Halogen lamp, electric discharge lamps, sodium vapour lamp, mercury vapour lamp 4
and fluorescent lamp. Light Calculations: commercial, industrial, street and flood
3 Electrolytic Process: Principles and applications of electrolysis, electro-deposition, 4
Manufactures of chemicals, anodizing, electro-polishing , electro-cleaning,
electroextraction, electro-refining, electro-stripping (parting) power supplies for
electrolytic process.
4 Electric Traction & Means of Supplying Power: Systems of Electric 4
Traction: DC & AC Systems, Power Supply for Electric Traction System:
Comparison and application of different systems. Sub-station equipment and layout,
conductor rail & pantograph.
5 Traction Methods: Types of services, speed time and speed distance curves, 4
estimation of power and energy requirements, Mechanics of train movement.
Co-efficient of adhesion, Adhesive weight, effective weight. Traction Motor 4
Controls: DC and AC traction motors, Series parallel starting. Methods of electric
braking of traction motors.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 C. L. Wadhwa: Utilization of Electric Traction Electric Power. 1989

2 H. Partab: Art and Science of Electrical Energy, Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 1975

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 H. Partab:Modern Electric Traction, Dhanpat Rai & Sons 1973

B. Tech. (Electrical) 8th Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Problems of AC transmission systems, power flow inparallel paths and meshed 4
system, factors limiting loading capability,
Stability consideration. Power flow control of an ac transmission line. Basic types of 4
facts controllers. Advantages of FACTS technology.
2 Voltage-Sourced Converters: Basic concept of voltage-sourced converters, single 4
and three phase bridge converters. Introduction to power factor control. Transformer
connections for 12-pulse, 24 pulse and 48 pulse operations.
Static Shunt Compensators: Mid-point and end point voltage regulation of 4
transmission line, and stability improvement. Basic operating principle of Static
Synchronous Compensators (STATCOM). Comparison between STATCOM and
3 Static Series Compensators: Concept of series capacitive compensation, voltage 4
and transient stabilities, power oscillation and sub synchronous oscillation damping.
Introduction to thyristors witched series capacitor (TSSC), thyristor controlled 4
series capacitor (TCSC), and static synchronous series compensator, - operation,
characteristics and applications.
4 Static Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators: Voltage and phase angle regulation. 4
Power flow control and improvement of stability by phase angle regulator.
Introduction to thyristor controlled voltage and phase angle regulators (TCVR and 4
TCPAR) (ii) Introduction to thyristor controlled braking resistor and thyristor
controlled voltage limiter.
5 UPFC: Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), basic operating principles, 4
conventional transmission control capabilities. Comparison of UPFC to series
compensators and phase angle regulator. Applications of UPFC.
IPFC: Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC), basic operating principles and 4
characteristics. Applications of IPFC.

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 K. R. Padiyar: Flexible AC Transmission Systems 2009

2 N. G. Hingorani, L. Gyugyi: Understanding FACTS: IEEE Press Book. 2000

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 Yong Hua Song, Allan T Johns : Flexible AC Transmission Systems FACTS 1999
2 Xiao Ping Zhang, Christian Rehtanz, Bikash Pal: Flexible AC Transmission Systems. 2006
3 R. Mohan & R. M. Mathur: Thyristor-based FACTS Controllers for Electrical 2002
Transmission Systems, John Wiley
B. Tech. (Electrical) 8 Semester Max. Marks: 80
3L+1T Exam Hours: 3
1 Wave terminology, Development of wave quotations, Terminal problems, 4
Lattice diagrams,
Origin and Nature of power system transients and surges, Surge parameters of 4
plants, Equivalent Circuit representations. Lumped and distributed circuit transients.
2 Line energisation and de-energisation transients-Earth and earthwire effects. Current 4
chopping in circuit breakers.
Short line fault condition and its relation to circuit breaker duty. Trapped charge 4
effects. Effect of source and source representation in short line fault studies.
3 Control of transients, Lightening phenomenon, influence of tower footing resistance 4
and earth resistance,
Traveling waves in distributed parameters multiconductor lines, parameters as a 4
function of frequency.
4 Mechanism of Lightning Discharge Types of Lightning strokes, Harmful effects of 8
lighting, protections against lightning, overhead Ground wires.
5 Lightening Arresters, Types of lightening arresters, Surge Absorber simulation 8
of surge diverters in transient analysis. Fourier integral and z transform methods in
power system transient

Text Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 C. S. Indulkar and D. P. Kothari: Power System Transients, NEW AGE. 2010

2 Lou Van der Sluis: Transients in Power Systems, John Wiley 2001

Reference Books
S. No. Name of authors’/books/publisher Year of pub.

1 N. R. Watson, J. Arrillaga: Power Systems Electromagnetic Transients, John Wiley 2001


1. Fault analysis (for 3 to 6 bus) and verify the results using MATLAB or any available software for
the cases: (i) LG Fault (ii) LLG Fault (iii) LL Fault and (iv) 3-Phase Fault
2. Load flow analysis for a given system (for 3 to 6 bus) using (i) Gauss Seidal (ii) Newton Raphson
(iii) Fast Decoupled Method and verify results using MATLAB or any available software
3. Study of voltage security analysis
4. Study of overload security analysis and obtain results for the given problem using MATLAB or
any software.
5. Study of economic load dispatch problem with different methods.
6. Study of transient stability analysis using MATLAB/ETAP Software.


1. Study and test the firing circuit of three phase half controlled bridge converter.
2. Study and obtain waveforms of 3 phase half controlled bridge converter with R and RL loads.
3. Study and test the firing circuit of 3-phase full controlled bridge converter.
4. Study and obtain waveforms of 3-phase full controlled bridge converter with R and RL loads.
5. Study and test 3-phase AC voltage regulator.
6. Control speed of dc motor using 3-phase half controlled bridge converter. Plot armature voltage
versus speed characteristic.
7. Control speed of dc motor using 3-phase full controlled bridge converter. Plot armature voltage
versus speed characteristic.
8. Control speed of a 3-phase induction motor in variable stator voltage mode using 3-phase AC
voltage regulator.
9. Control speed of a 3-phase BLDC motor.
10. Control speed of a 3-phase PMSM motor using frequency and voltage control
11. Control speed of universal motor using AC voltage regulator.
12. Study 3-phase dual converter.
13. Study speed control of dc motor using 3-phase dual converter.
14. Study three-phase cycloconverter and speed control of synchronous motor using cycloconverter.
15. Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor in variable frequency V/f constant mode using 3-phase


1. Study filtration and Treatment of transformer oil.

2. Determine dielectric strength of transformer oil.
3. Determine capacitance and dielectric loss of an insulating material using Schering bridge.
4. Study solid dielectrics used in power apparatus.
5. Study applications of insulating materials.
6. Study direct testing and indirect testing of circuit breakers.
7. Study high voltage testing of electrical equipment: line insulator, cable, bushing, power capacitor,
and power transformer.
8. Design an EHV transmission line.

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