Electric Circuits Notes, Example Etc

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The document discusses the objectives, scope, prerequisites and syllabus for an electrical circuits course.

The objectives are to introduce basic circuit analysis concepts and lay emphasis on analysis of single phase circuits, magnetic circuits, theorems and transient analysis. The scope is to provide insights into electrical machines, transmission lines and modeling of systems.

The JNTU syllabus covers topics like circuit parameters, network reduction techniques, nodal/mesh analysis, phasor representation, resonance, locus diagrams and transformers.




7.4.1 Objectives and Relevance

7.4.2 Scope

7.4.3 Prerequisites

7.4.4 Syllabus


ii. GATE

iii. IES

7.4.5 Suggested Books

7.4.6 Websites

7.4.7 Experts’ Details

7.4.8 Journals

7.4.9 Findings and Developments

7.4.10 Session Plan

7.4.11 Question Bank


ii. GATE

iii. IES


This course introduces the basic concepts of circuit analysis which is the foundation for all subjects of the
electrical engineering discipline. The emphasis of this course is laid on the basic analysis of circuits which
includes single phase circuits, magnetic circuits, theorems, transient analysis and network topology.

7.4.2 SCOPE

The scope of this subject is to provide an insight into the working and applications of electrical machines,
transmission lines and modeling of various other systems. Also, it provides clear and concise exposure to
the principles and applications of electrical circuits to solve complex networks in the field of electrical


This subject recommends continuous practice of various networks. It needs requisite knowledge about
mathematical fundamentals and applications of advanced mathematics like Fourier transform, Laplace
transform, differential equations and vectors, complex analysis. Also circuit elements and basic electrical


• To know the basic electrical circuit parameters and their representation
• Volt-amp relationships for passive elements
• Knowledge of dependent and independent voltage and current sources
• To know the simple circuit reduction techniques having single source with series-parallel combinations
• To obtain source transformations
• Applications of star-delta transformation for network reduction and vice versa

Circuit concept, R-L-C parameters, voltage and current sources, independent and dependent sources, source
transformation, voltage, current relationship for passive elements.
Kirchoff's laws, network reduction techniques: series, parallel, series parallel, star-to-delta or delta-to-star
transformation. Nodal analysis, mesh analysis, super node and super mesh for D.C. excitations.

• The sinusoidal signal
• Phasor representation of sources and elements
• j-notation, its applications
• Phasor relationships of voltage and current in case of passive elements
• Definitions of impedance, admittance, and immittance
• Sinusoidal steady state analysis using phasor method
• Phasor diagrams
• Instantaneous power, average power, apparent power, real power, reactive power, complex power

R.M.S and average values and form factor for different periodic wave forms, steady state analysis of
R, L and C (in series, parallel and series parallel combinations) with sinusoidal excitation, concept
of reactance, impedance, susceptance and admittance, phase and phase difference, concept of power
factor, real and reactive powers, J-notation, complex and polar forms of representation, complex

• Locus diagrams with variation in source frequency, values of R, L, and C
• Parallel resonant circuit
Series resonant circuit
• Knowledge of quality factor, bandwidth and selectivity of resonant circuit
• Q - factor of other types of resonant forms
• Faraday's laws of induction, Lenz's law
• Orientation of coils for different coefficient of couplings
• Definition of mutual induction and relation to self inductances
• Analogy of magnetic circuits with electric equivalents
• Analysis of magnetic circuits
• Ideal transformer
• Equivalent circuits of transformer
• Practical transformer

Locus diagrams - series R-L, R-C, R-L-C and parallel combination with variation of various parameters
- Resonance - Series, parallel circuits, concept of band width and Q factor.
Magnetic circuits: Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, concept of self and mutual inductance,
dot convention, coefficient of coupling, composite magnetic circuit: analysis of series and parallel
magnetic circuits

• Basic definitions of graph, link, tree, and chord
• Definition of tie set
•Incident matrix, fundamental loop matrix, tie set analysis, formulation of matrices and their


• Definitions of cut set

 Cut set analysis, formulation of matrices and their solutions

• Duality

• Methods to find dual elements and dual network


Definitions: Graph, tree, basic cutset and basic tieset matrices for planar networks, loop and nodal
methods of analysis of networks with dependent and independent voltage and current sources,
duality and dual networks.

• Importance of application of theorems in circuit analysis
• Statement and application of superposition theorem, maximum power transfer theorem,
substitution theorem, reciprocity theorem, compensation theorem, Thevenin's theorem,
Norton's theorem, Millman's theorem, Tellegen's theorem
• Importance of application of theorems in circuit analysis
• Statement and application of superposition theorem, maximum power transfer theorem,
substitution theorem, reciprocity theorem, compensation theorem, Thevenin's theorem,
Norton's theorem, Millman's theorem, Tellegen's theorem

Tellegen's , Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenin's, Norton's, Maximum Power Transfer,
Millman's and Compensation theorems for D.C. excitations. GATE SYLLABUS

KCL, KVL, concept of ideal voltage and current sources.


Sinusoidal steady state analysis, resonance in electrical circuit.

Not applicable


Network theorems IES

Circuit elements, KVL and KCL

Resonance circuit

Not applicable

Network theorems and applications


T1 Engineering Circuit Analysis, William Hayt and Jack E. Kemmerly, McGraw Hill, 5 th Edition.
T2 Electric Circuits, A. Chakrabarthy, Dhanipat Rai & Sons.
T3 Network theory, Sudhakar and Shymmohan, TMH Publications.

R1 Network Analysis, Vanvalkenburg, PHI.
R2 Linear circuit analysis (time domain phasor, and Laplace transform approaches) Second edition, RAYMOND
A.DeCARLO and PEN-MIN-LIN, Oxford University Press, 2004.
R3 Electric Circuit theory, K. Rajeswaran, Pearson Education, 2004.
R4 Network Theory, N. Srinivasulu.
R5 NetworkTheory, N.C. Jagan and C.Lakshminarayana
R6 Electric Circuits J. Edminister and M. Nahvi, Schaum’s outlines, TMH, 1999.
R7 Network Theory, C.L. Wadhwa, New Age International Publishers.
R8 A text of Electrical Technology Vol.1, B.L. Thereja, S.Chand & Co.
R9 Network Analysis, C.K. Mithal, Khanna Publishers.
R10 "Circuits", Carlson, Thomson Publishers


Do not confine yourself to the list of websites mentioned here alone. Be cognizant and keep yourself
abreast of the others too. The given list is not exhaustive.

1. www.mit.edu
2. www.soe.stanford.edu
3. www.grad.gatech.edu
4. www.gsas.harward.edu
5. www.eng.ufl.edu
6. www.iitk.ac.in
7. www.iitd.ernet.in
8. www.iitb.ac.in
9. www.iitm.ac.in
10. www.iitr.ac.in
11. www.iitg.ernet.in
12. www.bits-pilani.ac.in
13. www.bitmesra.ac.in
14. www.psgtech.edu
15. www.iisc.ernet.in
16. www.circuit-magic.com
17. www.ieee.org


The Expert Details which have been mentioned below are only a few of the eminent ones known
Internationally, Nationally and Locally. There are a few others known as well.

1. Mr. Clayton R. Paul, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.,
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engg.
School of Engineering, Mercer University, Macon, Georgia - 31207, Ph.:(912) 301-2213
2. Mr. Joseph A. Edminister, Emeritus of Electrical Engineerings, Uni. of Akron, Akron, Ohio

1. Dr. D.Ganesh Rao - Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Telecommunication Engg., M.S. Ramayya Instt. of Tech.,
2. Prof. S.C. Dutta Roy, Deptt. of Electrical Engg., IIT, Delhi.
3. Mr. A.Nagoor Kani, 52, Seshachalam Street, Saidapet, Chennai.

1. Prof. N.S. Murthy, Dept. of ECE, NIT, Warangal.
2. Mr. K.V.Srinivasa Rao, HoD, Dept. of ECE, Aurora Engineering College, Bhongir, Nalgonda


1. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems
2. IEEE proceedings circuits, devices and systems
3. International journal of circuit theory and applications (Ireland)
4. IEEE transactions on electron devices
5. Circuits, systems and signal processing (USA)

1. Electrical India
2. Power engineering


1. M.J Gander and A.E Ruehli, “Optimized waveform relaxation methods for RC type
circuits” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and systems -I; vol.51,No.4 pp 755 -768 April

Waveform Relaxation has been widely used in circuit theory for the solution of large
systems of ordinary and partial differential equations. This paper proposes a near
optimized WR algorithm which greatly accelerates the convergence. Based on this WR
technique many circuit solvers were built.

2. Sigmond Singer, Shaul Ozeri, Doron Shmilovit z, “A pure realization of loss free resistor”
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and systems vol 51 no.8, pp 1639 -1647, Aug 2004.

Practically the input characteristic is not pure resistive due to the ripple and filtering
effects. A method which enables redu ction of the ripple to negligible values and the
eliminations of the input filter is presented, which facilitates realization of practical
circuits with nearly pure input resistive characteristic.

3. J.Paul, A. Vander Wagt, and C.L.Conrad, “ A layout str ucture for matching many
integrated resistors,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and systems -I, vol 51,No 1 pp186 -
190, jan 2004.

It proves that a mirrored shuffle layout pattern for an array of many resistors can cancel
systematic gradient errors in resist or value up to second order.

4. F. Filippetti and M. Artioli, “Ime : 4 -Term formula method for the symbolic analysis of
linear circuits,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and systems -I, vol 51,No.3, pp526 -538, march

Symbolic analysis is defined as a technique to generate closed form analytic expressions

with some or all parameters left lateral. This paper is intended to sho w a general method
called Inhibition method (IMe) which follo ws a hierarchical structuration that is h alfway
logical and halfway physical.

5. W.S.Lu, “A unified approach for the design of 2 -D digital filters via semidefinite
programming,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and systems -I vol 49, no.6,pp814 -826, june 2002.

This paper attempts to demonstrate that a modern optimization methodology know as

semidefinite programming can be served as the algorithmic care of a unified design tool
for a variety of two dimensional digital filters.


1. Jared Jones “Trusting integrated circuits in metering applications”, Electrical India sep 2003 vol.
43 no.12 pp 46-48.
Electricity meter manufacturers are revolutionizing the industry by designing electronic meters in
place of electromechanical meters. Many manufacturers (AD) are trusting ICs to prevent failures.

2. Tribhuvan kabra, “ Fire safe electrical wires” Electrical India Oct 2003 vol. 43 no.13 pp 36-38.
Electrical cables are the lifetime of electricity. The Indian electrical wire and cable industry is growing
by nearly 30% every year, and recently there were some new brilliant ideas brought in by them.

3. International copper promotional council(IPC) – “ Ensure electrical safety by proper housewiring”,

Electrical India Oct 2004 vol. 44 no.10 pp 56-59.
Unsafe house wiring could eventually lead to electrical failure, causing fire and destroying life and
costly equipments. This article presents some safety methods of housewiring.

4. Thoughts of Dr.A.P.J.Abdul kalam, “ Providing quality power to the nation”, Electrical India
Dec 2004 vol. 44 no.12 pp 38-43. It’s the focus article of the annual addition which gives the thoughts of
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam on power quality.


S l. Topics i n JNT U Remar

Modules and S ub-modu les Lecture Suggested B ooks
No. Syl lab us ks
1 Circuit concept Main obj ectives of the s ubject L1 T 3-Ch1, R 1-C h1
Introduction to electrical circui ts R 3-C h1
C urrent - defini tion
Voltage - definition
P ower - definition
Energy – defini tion
R elation between parameters
Net work - defini tion
2 R-L-C para meters R , L and C definitions in L2 T 3-Ch1, R 4-C h1 IES
geometrical point of vie w R 3-C h1
C ircuit point of vi ew
Energy point of view
3 Vol tage and C urrent Definitions and examples L3 T 3-Ch1, R 1-C h1 GATE
sources R 3-C h1
4 Independent sources Independent sources L4 T 3-Ch1, R 1-C h1 GATE
C oncept and exa mples R 8-C h1
5 Dependent s ources Dependent source s L5 T 3-Ch1, R 1-C h1 GATE
C oncept and exa mples R 8-C h1
6 Source S ource t ransformat ion L6 T 3-Ch1, R 1-C h2 GATE
trans format ion Introduction and examples R 3-C h2
7 Vol tage - current R elationship for R and L – L7 T 3-Ch1, R 1-C h1
rela tionship for explanati on R 3-C h1
pas sive eleme nts R elationship for C - expl anati on L8 T 3-Ch1, R 1-C h1
P roblems solutions R 3-C h1
8 Kirchoff’s la ws KC L definition - explanation and L9 T 3-Ch1, R 1-C h1
example s R 3-C h2
KV L definition - explanation and
example s
P roblems on KC L and K VL L10 T 3-Ch1, R 1-C h1 GATE
R 3-C h2 IES

9 Network reduction Net work reduction techniques L11 T 3-Ch1, R 1-C h1
techniques - s erie s, S eries – examples R 3-C h2
parallel, s eries - P aral lel – examples
parallel S eries and parall el - examples
10 Star to delta or D elta Y- trans formation – explanation L12 T 3-Ch1, R 1-C h3
to s tar Method and exampl es R 3-C h2
trans format ion ?Y transformation – explanation L13
Method and exampl es
Numerical problems solut ion on L14
the related t opics from the JNTU/
GATE / IES ques tions

S l. Topics i n JNT U Remar

Modu les and Su b-module s Lecture Suggested Books
No. S yll abu s ks
11 Loop and Nodal Introduct ion L15 T3-Ch11,R3-Ch5 GATE
methods of anal ys is Loop anal ys is method T1-Ch2 IES
of networks with Examples
dependent and Introduct ion L16 T3-Ch11,R3-Ch5 GATE
i ndependent voltage Nodal anal ysi s method T1-Ch2 IES
and current s ources Examples
P roblems on Loop and Nodal L17 T3-Ch11,R3-Ch5 GATE
analysis T1-Ch2 IES
12 S ingle phas e AC Objecti ves L18 T3-Ch2, R3-Ch3
ci rcuits Introduct ion to s ingle pha se AC R 3-C h 2
circuits wit h examples
13 R MS and average P eriodic waveforms L19 T3-Ch2, R3-Ch3
values and form R MS val ue – definition and R 3-C h2
factor for different examples
periodi c wave forms Average value – defi niti on and
Form factor – defi nit ion and
14 S teady stat e a nalysi s St eady state analysis of Res istance L20 T3-Ch3, R8-Ch6 GATE
of R, L a nd C (in in series wi th s inusoidal exci tation R 3-C h3 IES
s eries, parall el and
combi nations) with P roblems
s inusoidal excitation Inductance i n series with sinus oidal L21 T3-Ch3, R8-Ch6 GATE
excitation and R 3-C h3 IES
P roblems
C apacit ance in series wi th L22 T3-Ch3, R8-Ch6 GATE
si nusoidal exci tation and R 3-C h3 IES
P roblems
R L in series with s inus oidal L23 T3-Ch3, R8-Ch6 GATE
excitation R 3-C h3 IES
R C in series wit h si nusoidal
P roblems

P arall el Combinations with L24 T3-Ch4, R8-Ch6 GATE
si nusoidal exci tation R 3-C h3 IES
P roblems
P roblems L25 T3-Ch4, R8-Ch6
R 3-C h3
Numeri cal probl ems s oluti on on L26
the re lated topics from the JNTU/
GATE / IES quest ions

S l. Topics in JNTU Remar

Modu les and Su b-modules Lecture Sugges ted Books
No. S yll abu s ks
15 Concept of Reactance – definition and L27 T3-Ch4, T2-Ch9 GATE
reactance, examples T1-Ch8 IES
i mpedance, Impedance – defi niti on and
s us ceptance and examples
admittance Susceptance – defini tion and
Admittance – definit ion and
16 P has e and phase P hase – definition a nd examples L28 R1-Ch4, T3-Ch2 GATE
differe nce P hase difference – definition and R8-Ch6 IES
17 Concept of power Introduct ion L29 T3-Ch4, T2-Ch9 GATE
factor, Real and P ower factor – definition and T1-Ch8 IES
reacti ve powers examples
Real power – defini tion and
Reactive power – defi niti on and
P roblems
Numeri cal probl ems L30 T3-Ch4, R1-Ch6
18 J -notation, comple x Introduct ion and explanation J L31 T3-Ch3, T3-Ch4 GATE
and polar forms of -notation wit h examples R3-Ch3,R9-Ch12 IES
representation, Complex and polar forms of
compl ex power repres ent ation with exa mples
Complex power with exampl es
19 Locus diagrams - Introduct ion to Locus di agram L32 T3-Ch5, R3-Ch3
s eries RL, RC, RLC Series RL Circuit - explanation and R8-Ch6
and parallel examples
combi nation with Series RC Circuit - explanati on and L33 T3-Ch5, R3-Ch3
variation of various examples R8-Ch6
parameters Series RLC Circui t - expl anati on L34 T3-Ch5, R3-Ch3
and example s R8-Ch6
P arall el combinati on with variati on L35 T3-Ch5, R3-Ch3
of various parameters and R8-Ch6
P arall el combinati on with variati on L36 T3-Ch5, R3-Ch3
of various parameters and R8-Ch6
examples Cont d..
20 Resonance – Introduct ion L37 T3-Ch5, R3-Ch3 GATE
S eri es, parallel Series res onance circuits with R8-Ch8 IES
ci rcuits examples
P arall el Resonance circuits wi th L38 T3-Ch6, R8-Ch8 GATE
examples R3-Ch3 IES
21 Concept of band Introduct ion L39 T3-Ch5, T3-Ch6
wi dt h and Q-factor Band width - definiti on and R3-Ch3,R9-Ch13
Q-factor - definition and examples

S l. Top ics in JNTU Remar

Modul es an d Sub -mod ules Lecture Sugges ted Books
No. Syllabu s ks
22 Magne tic circuit s - Objectives L40 T3-Ch1, T3-Ch1
F araday’s laws of Introduction to magneti c ci rcuits R8-Ch8
elect romagnetic Faraday’s la ws
induction Exa mples
23 Concept of sel f and Definition of s elf and mutual L41 R1-Ch10
mutual i nduc tance inductance T3-Ch14,R3-Ch1
Probl ems on self and mut ual
Probl ems on self and mut ual L42 R1-Ch10
inductance and Faradays l aws T3-Ch14,R3-Ch1
24 Dot convention Dot conventi on method - L43 T3-Ch14
Introduction R1-Ch10,R3-Ch1
Probl ems on dot convent ion
25 Co-efficient of Co-effi cient of coupling – L44 T3-Ch14
coupli ng defi niti on R1-Ch10,R3-Ch1
Probl ems on co-efficient of
26 Composite magnetic Compos ite ma gnetic circuits – L45 R1-Ch1, R3-Ch2
circuits – anal ys is of introduction T3-Ch1
s eri es and paral lel Series – magnetic circuits
magneti c ci rcuit Probl ems on series magneti c L46 R1-Ch1, R3-Ch2
circuits T3-Ch1
Parallel magnet ic circuits L47 R1-Ch1, R3-Ch2
Probl ems on parallel magnet ic L48 R1-Ch1, R3-Ch2
circuits T3-Ch12
Numerical problems L49
27 Net work topology Objectives L50 T3-Ch10,R3-Ch5
Introduction to net work topology R8-Ch4
28 Definitions - Graph, Definitions : L51 T3-Ch10,R3-Ch5 GATE
tree, basic cut-s et Graph, tre e, link, chord R8-Ch4 IES
and basi c t ie set Incident matrix, fundamental loop
matrices for planar matri x, problems
networks Bas ic tie set defi niti on and L52 T3-Ch10,R3-Ch5 GATE
examples, formul ation of R8-Ch4 IES
matrices , s oluti on met hods,
Bas ic cut se t definition and L53 T3-Ch10,R3-Ch5 GATE
examples, formul ation of R8-Ch4 IES
matrices , s oluti on met hods
29 Loop and Nodal Introduction L54 T3-Ch11,R3-Ch5 GATE
methods of analysi s Loop anal ysi s method T1-Ch2 IES
Exa mples

of networks with Introduction L55 T3-Ch11,R3-Ch5 GATE
dependent and Nodal analysis met hod T1-Ch2 IES
independent voltage Exa mples
and current sources Probl ems on Loop and Nodal L56 T3-Ch11,R3-Ch5 GATE
analys is T1-Ch2 IES

S l. Top ics in JNTU Re mar

Modul es an d Sub -mod ules Lecture Suggested Books
No. Syllabu s ks
30 Dualit y and dual Introduction L57 T3-Ch11, R3-Ch7
networks Duality definition and examples T1-Ch3
Dual net works defi niti on and
Exa mples
Probl ems on Dual ity and dual L58 T3-Ch11, R3-Ch7
networks T1-Ch3
Numerical problems s olution on L59
the rela ted topics from the J NTU
ques tions
31 Net work theorems - O bj ectives L60 T3-Ch12, R3-Ch6 GATE
s uper posit ion Introduction to net work theorems R5-Ch3 IES
theore m (DC) S uper posit ion theorem definition
and explanation
P roblems
32 Theve nins theore m Introduction L61 T3-Ch12, R3-Ch6 GATE
(DC) T hevenins theorem defi nit ion and R8-Ch3 IES
explanat ion
P roblems
33 Norton’s theore m Introduction L62 T3-Ch12, R3-Ch6 GATE
(DC) N orton’s t heorem defini tion and R8-Ch3 IES
explanat ion
P roblems
34 Maximum power Introduction L63 T3-Ch13, R3-Ch6 GATE
Transfer t heorem M aximum power Transfer theorem R8-Ch3 IES
(DC) definition and explanati on
P roblems
35 Tell egen’s theorem Introduction L64 T3-Ch13, R3-Ch6 GATE
(DC) T ellegen’s theorem definition and R8-Ch3 IES
explanat ion
P roblems
36 Reciprocity theorem Introduction L65 T3-Ch12, R3-Ch6 GATE
(DC) Reciprocit y theorem de finition and R8-Ch3 IES
explanat ion
P roblems
37 Mil lma n’s theore m Introduct ion L66 T3-Ch13, R3-Ch6 GATE
(DC) Mil lman’s theorem definiti on and R8-Ch3 IES
P roblems
38 Compensation Introduct ion L67 T3-Ch13, R3-Ch6 GATE
theore ms for DC Compens ation theore m definit ion R8-Ch3 IES
excitations and explanat ion
P roblems
N umerical problems L68

S l. T op ics in JNT U Re mar
Modul es an d Sub -mod ules Lecture Suggested Books
No. Syllabu s ks
39 Net work theorems - O bj ectives L69 T3-C h12, R 3-C h6 GATE
s uper posit ion Introduction to net work theorems R5-Ch3 IES
theore m (AC) S uper posit ion theorem definition
and explanation
P roblems
40 Theve nins theore m Introduction L70 T3-C h12, R 3-C h6 GATE
(AC ) T hevenins theorem defi nit ion and R8-Ch3 IES
explanat ion
P roblems
41 Norton’s theore m Introduction L71 T3-C h12, R 3-C h6 GATE
(AC ) N orton’s t heorem defini tion and R8-Ch3 IES
explanat ion
P roblems
42 Maximum power Introduction L72 T3-C h13, R 3-C h6 GATE
Transfer t heorem M aximum power Transfer theorem R8-Ch3 IES
(AC ) definition and explanati on
P roblems
43 Tell egen’s theorem Introduction L73 T3-C h13, R 3-C h6 GATE
(AC ) T ellegen’s theorem definition and R8-Ch3 IES
explanat ion
P roblems
44 R eciprocity theorem Introduction L74 T3-C h12, R 3-C h6 GATE
(AC ) R eciprocit y theorem de finition and R8-Ch3 IES
explanat ion
P roblems
45 Mil lma n’s theore m Introduct ion L75 T3-C h13, R 3-C h6 GATE
(AC ) Mil lman’s theorem definiti on and R8-Ch3 IES
P roblems
46 C ompensation Introduct ion L76 T3-C h13, R 3-C h6 GATE
theore ms for AC C ompens ation theore m definit ion R8-Ch3 IES
excitations and explanat ion
P roblems
N umerical problems L77


1. i Name three passive elements of eletrical circuits and deduce the relationship between voltage and current
fop each passive elements.
ii Distigush between ideal and practical voltage source and draw thrir V-I characterstic.
iii Determine the power being absobed by each of the circuit element shown in Figure.1. (Dec 12)

2. i Using Mesh analysis find the magnitude of the current dependent source and current through the 2
resistor as shown in Figure.2

ii Find the power loss in the resistors of the network for the Figure.3 shown using nodal analysis.(Dec 12)

3. i. Calculate the power absorbed by each component in the circuit shown in below Figure. (Dec 11)

ii. Consider the resistance shown below Figure (a). A voltage v(t) of waveform given in
Figure (b) is applied at its terminals. Obtain the waveform of current through it.

4. i. Calculate the power supplied or absorbed by each element as shown in below Figure. (Dec 11)

ii. A series RLC circuit with R= 4 ohms, L = 2mH and C = 500 micro-farads is carrying a current waveform
shown in below Figure.2. Find the voltage across each element and sketch each voltage to same time

5. i. Calculate the power absorbed by each component in the circuit shown in below Figure. (Dec 11)

ii. A series circuit with R= 2 ohms, L = 2 mH, and C = 500 micro-farads has a current which increases
linearly from zero to 10 A in the interval 0 < t < 1 ms, remains at 10 A for 1 ms < t < 2 ms, and decreases
linearly from 10 A at t = 2 ms to zero at t = ms. Sketch VR, V L, V c.

6. If the current waveform shown in below Figure. is applied to a 5 micro-farads capacitor, find the
capacitor voltage vc(t) and prepare a sketch showing this waveform. Assume that the initial capacitor
voltage is zero.

7. i. Write the volt-ampere relationship of R, L and C elements.
ii. Explain the independent and dependent sources.

8. i. Distinguish between ideal and practical sources and draw their characteristics.
ii. Calculate the value of ‘R’ in the circuit shown in below figure, if the power supplied by both the
sources is equal.

i. Compare active and passive elements and give examples for each.

ii. Explain the source transformation technique. (May 11)

9. i. Explain Active elements in detail.

ii. A 25 ohms resistor is connected across a voltage source V (t) = 150 Sin t. Find the current I (t) and
the instantaneous power P(t) and also the average power. Draw the relevant waveforms. (Nov 10)

10. Explain Passive elements in detail. (Nov 10)

11. A pure inductance of 3 mH carries a current of the wave form shown in figure. Sketch the
waveform of V(t) and P(t). Determine the average value of power.

(Nov 10, Sep 06)

12. i. Write short notes on source transformation.

ii. A pure inductance of 5 mH carries a current of the wave form shown in figure. Sketch the
waveform of V(t) and P(t). Determine the average value of power.

(Nov 10)

13. i. Explain voltage - current relationship for passive elements.

ii. A 20 ohms resistor is connected across a voltage source V (t) = 200 Sin t . Find the current I (t)
and the instantaneous power P(t) and also the average power. Draw the relevant waveforms.
(Nov 10)

14. What are passive and active elements? Explain the volt-current relationship of passive elements with
examples. (June 09)

15. i. Define the following (June 09)

a. Resistance

b. Inductance

c. Capacitance Also, Give the v - i relationship for the above elements.

ii. A capacitor of 1F is supplied with a voltage wave form shown in figure Obtain the current and energy
wave forms in the capacitor.

iii. A current i = 10 e-t is applied to a 2H inductor. What is the respective voltage across inductor?

16. i. Explain (June 09, May 06)

a. KCL

b. KVL

c. Practical current source

d. Practical voltage source.

ii. A 20V battery with an internal resistance of 5 ohms is connected to a resistor of x ohms. If an additional
resistance of 6 is connected across the battery, find the value of x, so that the external power supplied by
the battery remain the same.

17. i. What is the difference between an ideal source and a practical source? Draw the relevant characteristics
of the above sources.
ii. Explain the difference between active elements and passive elements with suitable examples.
iii. Determine the current through 6 resistor and the power supplied by the current source for the circuit
shown in figure.

18. i. Distinguish between (Feb 08)

a. Independent and dependent sources.

b. Ideal and practical sources.

ii. Determine the value of R in figure. so that the current supplied by the battery E 1 would be zero.

19. i. Explain Independent and dependent source in a detail. (Feb 08)
ii. A circuit containing a 25 A independent current source and a 5-V dependent current source as shown in
figure. Calculate V and R.
ii. A voltage given by, v = 6t volts is connected across a 25 ohms resistor. Determine the energy dissipated
by the resistor during the internal 0 < t < 5 sec.

20. i. Distinguish between (Feb 08)

a. Independent and dependent sources.
b. Ideal and practical sources.
ii. Determine the value of R in figure. so that the current supplied by the battery E 1 would be zero.

21. i. Find the value of current Ii in figure. (May 07)

ii. Find the value of E in the network shown in figure.

iii. Write short notes on dependent source.

22. i. For the circuit shown below, find the current through 20ohms resistor? (May 07, 06)

ii. Reduce the network shown below, to a single loop network by successive source transformation, to
obtain the current in the 12 ohm• resistor.

23. Explain volt-ampere relationship of R, L and c elements. (Sep 06)

24. Reduce the network of figure to a form with only one current source across terminals A and B

(Nov 03)

25. Find VAB for the circuit shown above using source transformation.

. (IES 02)

26. Determine the values of I and R in the circuit shown in the figure.

27Define the following for alternating quantity

a) RMS value, b) Average value c) Form factor, iv) Peak factor.

ii For the circuit shown in Figuer. 4, determine the total impedance, total current and phase angle.


1. i. Determine v 1 and v 2 in the circuit shown in below Figure. (Dec 11)

ii. Show by the application of Kirchhoff ’s law that, for the potential divider shown in below Figure.

2. Perform both node and mesh analysis for the circuit shown in below Figure to determine all the
branch voltages and currents. (Dec 11)

3. A network is arranged as shown in below Figure, and a battery having an e.m.f. of 10 V

and negligible internal resistance is connected across the terminals AC. Determine the
value and direction of the current in each branch of the circuit. (Dec 11)

4. Obtain the equivalent resistance Rab for the circuit shown in below Figure. Find the current i for the
input voltage of 140 V and calculate the current in all the elements of the circuit. (Dec 11)

5. Find the voltage to be applied across ‘A -B’ in order to drive a current of 10 A into the
circuit as sho wn in below figure using star -delta transformation.

(May 11)

6. i. Obtain the expressions for star -delta equivalence of resistive network.

ii. Calculate the current in the 5  resistor using kirchoff’s laws for the network shown in
below figure.

(May 11)

7. i. State and explain kirchoff’s laws.

ii. Determine the current in the 5  resistor for the circuit shown in below figure.

(May 11)

8. Determine the resistance between the terminals ‘A -B’ in the network shown in below

(May 11)

9. i. State and explain Kirchoff’s laws.

ii. Find the current supplied by 10 V battery by using Star – Delta transformation for the
following network.

(Nov 10)

10. i. Three resistances R a b , R b c and R c a are connected in delta connection, Derive the
expressions for equivalent star connection.

ii. By using nodal analysis find the current flo wing through 3 ohms resistor.

(Nov 10)

11. i. Write short notes on Star – Delta transformation.

ii. By taking any one example write do wn the procedure to obtain node voltages by using
nodal analysis.(Nov 10)

12. i. State and explain Kirchoff’s laws.

ii. By using loop analysis find the current flowing through 5 ohms resistor.

(Nov 10)

13. i. Find the current delivered by the source for the network shown in figure using network reductions
technique. (June 09)

ii. Find the value of applied d.c. voltage for the network, shown in figure.

14. i. A bridge network ABCD is arranged as follows: (June 09)

Resistance between terminals AB, BC, CD, DA and BD are 10 ohms, 30 ohms, 15 ohms, 20 ohms and 40
ohms respectively. A 4V battery is connected with negligible internal resistance is connected between
terminals A and C. Determine the current through each element in the network using network reduction

ii. Three equal resistances are available. Find

a. Two ration of the equivalent resistances when they are connected in parallel.

b. The ratio of the current through each elements when they are connected in parallel.

15. Find the power loss in 1 ohm resistance for the network as shown in figure. (June 09)

Three resistances are connected is parallel having the ration of 1:2:3 the total is 100 W when 10 V is
applied to the combinations, find the values of the resitances.

16. i. For the interconnected resistors as shown in figure, find the net resistance between the terminals 1 and 3.

ii. Draw the volt-current characteristic of practical voltage source? (June 09)

17. i. Two resistances when they are in series has an equivalent resistance of 9 ohms and when connected in
parallel has an equivalent resistance of 2 ohms. Find the resistances and the ratio of the voltage and current
sharing between these elements if supply voltage is 50V.
212 (May 08)
ii. Find the equivalent resistance between the terminals AB in the network as shown in figure, if each has a
resistance of R ohms and hence find the total current, current through each of the element if the total
voltage is 45V.

18. i. Voltage of 60V d.c. is applied across two capacitors of 100 µ F. Find the voltage sharing between them if
they are connected in series. What is the energy stored in each of the capacitors.
ii. Find the equivalent capacitance between the terminals A and B in the circuit shown in figure. (May 08)

19. i. Find the voltage to be applied across AB in order to drive a current of 5A into the circuit by using star-delta
transformation. Refer figure. (Feb 08, May 06)

ii. Using Kirchoff’s current law, find the values of the currents i 1 and i2 in the circuit shown in figure.

20. What is the value of R such that the power supply by both the sources are equal?

(May 04)

21. Determine the necessary values of V and I in the network shown in figure

(Nov 03)

22. Determine the equivalent resistance between XY in the circuit shown

i. Using star-delta transformation

ii. Without using star-delta transformation.

(BU Feb 97)

23. Determine the resistance between XY in the circuit shown in the Fig.

(BU Aug 96)

24. Find the voltage to be applied across AB in order to drive a current of 10A into the circuit. Use Star-Delta

(BU Feb 96)

25. Find the current in all branches of the network shown.

(BU Feb 96)

26. Find the equivalent resistance across terminal AB of the network shown in Fig. using Star-Delta
transformation. All values are in ohms.

(BU Feb 95)

27. Determine the current in the 10 ohm resistor in the network shown in Fig. using star-delta conversion.

(BU Aug 94)

28. In the resistive network shown in figure all resistor values are 1 Ohm. A current of 1A passes from
terminal a to terminal b. Calculate the voltage between terminals a and b, (Hint: You may exploit the
symmetry of the circuit)

(GATE 02)

29. Determine a non negative value of R such that the power consumed by the 2 Ohm resistor in the figure
shown is maximum.

(IES 02)

30. Find the input resistance of the infinite ladder n/w of Fig.

(IES 1999)


1. iDefine the band width and derive the expression for bandwidth of series resonating circuit and its relation
with q- factor.
ii Write the applications of locus diagrams for the circuits shown in Figure.5 plot the locus of current.

(MAY 12)

2. i. Determine the input impedance of the circuit shown in below Figure at  = 10 rad/s.(Dec

ii. Find current I in the circuit sho wn in below Figure.

3. i. Determine the input impedance of the circuit shown in below Figure at  = 50 rad/s.(Dec

ii. Find I in the circuit shown in below Figure.

4. i. A resultant current wave is made up of two components : a 5A D.C component and a AC

component of 50 Hz sinusoidal waveform which has a maximum value of 5A. (Dec 11)

a. Sketch the resultant wave

b. Write an analytical expression for the current wave and find a point where the AC
component is zero value and also find where di/dt is positive.

c. What is the average value of the resultant current over a cycle?

d. What is the effective value of the resultant current?

ii. In a RC series circuit, which element doesnot consumes power? and prove it.

5. i. Prove that if a D.C current of I a mp s is superposed in a conductor by an A.C current of

maximum value I amps, the r.m.s value of t he resultant is . (Dec 11)

ii. For the parallel circuit shown in belo w Figure has the parameter values as: R 1 = 100 ohms
( non inductive) ; coil R c = 40 ohms, L c = 0.52 H, R 2 = 120 ohms; and X c = 158 ohms (at
50 Hz).

a. Determine the branch currents and the total current

b. Draw the phasor diagram indicating the curerents and voltages across the coil and

c. If the A.C source is replaced by an equivalent D.C source, what current wound be drawn
by the circuit?

6. i. Define the following terms:

a. RMS value

b. Average value

c. Form factor

d. Peak factor

ii. Determine the average and effective values of saw -tooth waveform as sho wn in below

(May 11)

7. Define the following terms: (May 11, 09)

i. Impedance

ii. Reactance

iii. Phase deference

iv. Power factor

8. A circuit consists of a resistance of 15 , a capacitance of 200 F and inductor of 0.05H

all in series. If supply of 230V, 50Hz is applied to the ends of circuit. Calculate

i. Current in the coil

ii. Potential difference across each coil

iii. Frequency at which current would have unity power factor. (May 11)

9. i. Define the RMS value and obtain an expression for the RMS value of sinusoidal current.

ii. Determine the circuit current and p.f for the following network sho wn in figure.

(May 11)

10. i. Explain the significance of j -operator. What are the different forms of expressing the
sinusoidal quantity in complex form?

ii. Compute the RMS and average values of square wave form shown in belo w figure.
(May 11)

11. i. Derive the expression for RMS value of alternating current wave I = I m Sin t.

ii. A coil takes a current of 1 A at 0.6 lagging power factor from a 220 V, 60 Hz single phase
source. If the coil is modeled by a series RL circu it find

a. The complex power in the coil and

b. The values of R and L. (Nov 10)

12. i. Show that power dissipated by a pure capacitor exited by a sinusoidal voltage source V =
Vm Sin t is zero.

ii. A circuit consisting of three branches, Z 2 is in parallel with Z 3 the combination is in series
with Z 1 having the values Z 1 =10+j30, Z 2 = 5+j10and Z 3 = 4-j16 connected across single
phase, 100 V, 50 Hz supply. Find

a. I 1 , I 2 and I 3

b. V 1 and V 2 (Nov 10)

13. i. Find form factor of a non alternating periodic waveform shown in figure.

(Nov 10)

ii. A parallel circuit having two branches, first branch consisting of 3 ohms resistor is in
series with 12.7 mH inductor, second branch consisting of 1 ohm resistor in series with
3.18 mH is connected across 200 V, single phase, 50 Hz supply. Calculate:

a. Conductance and susceptance of each branch

b. The resultant admittance

c. The current in each branch

d. Total current input (Nov 10)

14 Find form factor of triangular waveform219

sho wn in the figure.
A series circuit consisting of a 10 ohms resistor, a 100 F capacitance and 10 mH
inductance is driven by a 50 Hz AC voltage source of maximum value 100 V. Calculate
the equivalent impedance, current in the circuit, the power factor and power dissipated in
the circuit.

(Nov 10)

15. Two coils A and B have resistance of 12 and 6 and inductances of 0.02 and 0.03H respectively. These
are connected in parallel and a voltage of 200V at 50Hz is applied to their combination. Find

i. Current in the each coil.

ii. The total current and the

iii. The power factor of the circuit.

iv. Power consumed by each coil and total power. (June 09)

16. A series -parallel circuit consists of three branches A, B and C in parallel and branch D in series with the
parallel combination. The parameters of various branches are given below: (June 09)

Branch A : R=2, L=0.0159H

Branch B : R=0.5, C=0.00318F

Branch C : R=1

Branch D : R=0.4 , L=2.546mH

The entire circuit is connected across a voltage of 200V,50Hz. Calculate

i. The impedance of the circuit and

ii. The power consumed in each branch.

17. i. Deduce the relationship between the phase and line voltages in a star connected circuit. (June 09)

ii. Three similar inductive coils, each having a resistance of 20 and reactance of 12.57 are connected in
star are fed from a 3-phase, 50Hz, 200V supply. Calculate the line current and the power absorbed.

18. i. Three identical impedances of (3+j4) are connected in delta. Find an equivalent star network such that the
line current is the same when connected to the same supply.

ii. Three impedances of (7+j4), (3+j2) and (9+j2) are connected between neutral and the R, Y and B
phases. The line voltage is 440V, calculate.

a. The line currents and

b. The current in the neutral wire.

c. Find the power consumed in each phase and the total power drawn by the circuit. (June 09)

19. A 2 ohm resistance, 0.125 F capacitance and 3 H inductance are connected in series across a voltage of v (t)
=12 sin (2t+300). Find (June 09)

i. Z, I, VL, VC, power factor and active power.

ii. Write time functions for i, vL and vC

iii. Draw the vector diagram.

20. i. An alternating voltage (80 + j60) v is applied to a circuit and current flowing is (-4 + j10) A. Find the

a. impedance of the circuit and b. the power factor.

ii. In a particular circuit a voltage of 10v at 25 Hz produces 100mA, while the same voltage at 75Hz produces
60mA. Draw the circuit diagram and insert the values of the constants. At what frequency will the value of
impedance be twice that at 25Hz. (June 09)

21. A supply of 400V, 50Hz is applied to a series R C circuit. Find the value of C if the power absorbed by the
resistor to be 500 w at 150v. What is the energy stored in a capacitor?

ii. Obtain the current expression in a R L series circuit when it is excited by v (t) =Vm sin wt. Also, draw the
waveform for power

iii. What should be the value of C such that the input power factor is unity for any frequency ‘f’ of the source?
Shown in figure.

22. Define form factor and peak factor of an alternating quantity. Calculate the average and rms value, the form
factor and peak factor of a periodic current having the following values for equal time intervals, changing
suddenly from one value to next: 0,40,60,80,100,80,60,40,0,-40,-60,-80 A. (May 08)

23. i. Derive an expression for the current, impedance, average power for a series RC circuit excited by a
sinusoidally alternating voltage and also find the221
power factor of the circuit. Draw the phasor diagram.
ii. A series R-L series circuit having a resistance of 4 ohms and 3 ohms inductive reactance is fed by 100V,
50Hz, 1-  supply. Find current, power drawn by the circuit and power factor. (May 08)

24. Why the rms values of an alternating quantity is more important than its average value. Find the rms value
of the resultant current in a conductor which carries simultaneously sinusoidal alternating current with a
maximum value of 15A and direct current of 15A, by deriving necessary expressions. (May 08)

25. i. The voltage of a circuit is v = 200 sin (wt + 300) and the current is i = 50 sin(wt + 600). Calculate

a. The average power, reactive volt-amperes and amparant power.

b. Find the circuit elements if w =100 rad /sec.

ii. Find the form factor of the following waveform shown in figure (Feb 08, May 07)

26. i. Define power factor? What is its importance in a.c circuits? (Feb 08)

ii. The impedances of a parallel circuit are Z1=(6 + j8)ohms and Z2 = (8 - j6) ohms. If the applied voltage is
120v, find.

a. current and p.f of each branch

b. overall current and p.f of the combination

c. power consumed by each impedance. Draw a phasor diagram.

27. i. A 230v, 50Hz voltage is applied to a coil L = 5H and R = 2 ohms in series with a capacitance C. What
value must c have in order that the p.d across the coil shall be 250v.

ii. A sinusoidal 50Hz voltage of 200v supplies the three parallel circuits as shown in figure. Find the current in
each circuit and the total current. Draw the vector diagram. (Feb 08)

28. i. What is Form factor of an alternating quantity? Explain its significance?

ii. In the circuit shown in figure. What 50Hz voltage is to be applied across A B terminals so that a current of
10Amps will flow in the capacitor.

(May 07)

29. i. Derive the expression for power in a1-A.c circuits.

ii. In the circuit shown in figure Calculate.

a. The total impedance

b. The total current

c. Power factor

d. The total S,P and Q

e. The total admittance. Also, draw vector diagram

(Sep, May 06)

30. i. Explain the concept of

a. Susceptance and

b. Admittance

ii. An inductive coil takes 10A and dissipates 1000 watts when connected to a supply of 250V, 25Hz.

a. the impedance

b. the effective resistance

c. reactance

d. the inductance

e. power factor. Also, Draw the vector diagram. (May 06)

31 Write the voltage equation for the following circuit in fig.

(May 04)

32. Find the value of R1 and X1 when a lagging current in the circuit gives a power of 2 KW

(Jun 04)

33. Determine the value of ’C' such that the power factor of the circuit is unity

(Nov 03)

34. In steady state analysis determine the circuit consists of a two element series circuit if the applied voltage
V=150 Sin (5000t+450) volts results in a current i=3 Sin (500t-150) amps. (Nov 03)

35 For a parallel N/W shown in fig determine the value of R at resonance.

(May 02)

36. A periodic current waveform starts abruptly at 10 amps and decrease linearly to zero and then repeats the
cycle. Find the R.M.S. value of the wave form. (May 02)

37. Find the reactive power drawn by the circuit shown in fig.

(Jan 02)

38 Find branch currents, total current and power supplied by the source. Draw the Phasor Diagram.

(Jan 02)

39. Determine the r.m.s. value of the saw tooth wave form shown below:

(May 01)

40. Consider the voltage waveform v, shown in figure find.

i. the dc component of v,

ii. The amplitude of the fundamental component of v, and

iii. The rms value of the AC part of v.

(GATE 01)

41. Determine the resonance frequency and the Q factor of the circuit shown below. R = 10 Ohms, C = 3 F, L1
= 40 mH, L2 = 10 mH, and M = 10 mH

(GATE 01)

42. A circuit consisting of a single resistor R and an inductor L in series is driven by a 25 V rms, 50 Hz
sinusoidal voltage source. A capacitor is to be placed in parallel with the source to improve the power
factor. Given that the average power dissipated in the R is 100 W and that the reactive power delivered to
the L is 75 VAR, what value of C will yield a 0.9 p.f. lagging as seen by the source? (GATE 98)

43. A 159.23 F capacitor is in parallel with a resistance R draws a current of 25 A from 300 V, 50 Hz mains.
Using phasor diagram, find the frequency f at which this combination draws the same current from a 360 V
mains. (GATE 94)

44. Find the rms value of the voltage vab(t) in the circuit of Figure if vs = (2402 sint + 702 cos 3t) volts

(GATE 94)

45. Determine the impedance seen by the source Vs = 240° in the network shown
(GATE 93)

46. For what value of R can one replace the circuit of Figure by a pure resistance at all frequencies?
(GATE 92)

47. In figure below calculate

i. The power delivered by each source

ii. The power dissipated in each resistor

(GATE 91)


1. i Define and illustrate the following with an example:

a) Branch b) Tree c) Cut-set d) Tie-set.
ii Figure 6 shown below represents resistive circuits. Determine the number of branches, number of nodes,
and number of links. Write down the incidence matrix for the given network. Also develop the network
equiliobrium equations. (Dec-2012)

2. In the circuit shown in below Figure R = 2 ohns, L = 1 mH, and C = 0.4 F. (Dec 11)

i. Find the resonant frequency and the half-power frequencies.

ii. Calculate the quality factor and band width.

ii. Determine the amplitude of the currents at resonant and half -po wer frequencies  0 ,  1 ,
and  2 .

3. i Is Norton theorem duel of thevenin’s therem? Justify your answer.

ii Find the current in the 10resistor as shown in below figure 7 using superposition theorem.

4. i State and explain the compensation theorem

ii Apply Thevenin’s therem and obtain the current passign thrugh 210 capacitor of Figure8. (Dec-12)

5. Derive an expression for the resonant frequency for a parallel circuit shown in below
Figure.(Dec 11)

Draw the locus diagram and obtain the value of RL in the circuit sho wn in below Figure
which results in resonance for the circuit.

6. i. For the parallel resonant circuit sho wn in below Figure with R s = . (Dec 11)

a. Determine resonant frequency ( fs), half power points.

b. Calculate the maximum impedance and the magnitude of the voltage VC at fm.

c. Determine the quality factor Qp.

d. Calculate the bandwidth.

ii. A non inductive resistance R, variable between 0 and 12 ohms, is connected in series with
a coil of resistance of 4 ohms and reactance of 5 ohms the circuit supplied from a 230 V
a,c supply. By means of a locus diagram, determine the current supplied to the circuit
when R is 0, 6 and 12 ohms.

7. A series-connected RLC circuit has R = 4 and L = 25 mH. (Dec 11)

i. Calculate the value of C that will produce a quality factor of 50.

ii. Find  1 , 2 , and B.

iii. Determine the average power dissipated at  =  0 ,  1 , 2 . Take V m = 100 V.

8 i. Explain the procedure to draw the locus diagram of R -L series circuit when L is varying.

ii. A series RLC circuit has to be designed so that it has a band width of 320 Hz and
inductance of the coil is 0.2H. It is has to resonate at 350Hz, determine the resistance of
coil and capacitance of condenser. If the applied voltage is 150V, determine the voltage
across capacitor and coil.

(May 11)

9. i. Derive the expression for band width of RLC series circuit.

ii. A series circuit consisting of R = 500 , L = 0.5 H and C = 15 F is connected to a

variable frequency supply of 120V. If the frequency is varied through 40 to 80 Hz, draw
the locus diagra m of current. Determine the current and p.f at 40 and 80 Hz frequency.
(May 11)

10. i. Explain the procedure to draw the locus diagram of R -C series circuit when ‘C’ is varying.

ii. An impedance coil having R = 20  and a 50Hz inductive reactance of 22  is connected to

110V, 60Hz source. A series circuit consisting of resistor, R = 10  and variable capacitor
is then connected in parallel with coil

a. For what value of ‘C’ will the circuit be in resonance?

b. Calculate two line currents at resonance (May 11)

11. i. Explain the procedure to draw the lows diagram of R -L-C series circuit when varying X L
and X C .

ii. A series resonant circuit has the follo wing parameters:

Resonance frequency = 3×10 6 Hz,

Band width = 10 5 Hz and R = 4.

Calculate L and C of the network, half power frequency and po wer quality (May 11)

12. i. Show that the resonant frequency  0 of an RLC series circuit is the geometric mean of 1
and  2 , the lower and upper half power frequencies respectively.

ii. A voltage V = 50 0 0 V is applied to a series circuit consisting of fixed inductive
reactance X L = 5 ohms and a variable resistance R. Sketch the admittance and current
locus diagrams.

(Nov 10)

13. i. Obtain the current locus of a series circuit having a fixed resistance a nd a variable

ii. Given a series RLC circuit with R = 100 ohms, L = 0.5 H and C = 40 F, Calculate the
resonant, lower and upper half – power frequencies. (Nov 10)

14. i. Show that Q 0 =  0 L/R = f 0 / BW for a series RLC circuit.

ii. A voltage o f V = 500 0 V is applied to a series circuit of fixed resistance R = 5. ohms and
a variable capacitance C. Sketch the admittance and current locus diagrams. (Nov 10)

15. i. Obtain the current locus of a fixed resistance and a variable capacitance.

ii. Given a series RLC circuit with R = 10 ohms, L = 1 mH and C = 1 F is connected across
a sinusoidal source of 20 V with variable frequency. Find

a. The resonant frequency

b. Q factor of the circuit at resonant frequency

c. Half power frequencies. (Nov 10)

16. Draw the current, impedance and admittance loci for an R L series circuit having fixed resistance but
variable reactance. (June 09, May 06)

17. i. Compare series and parallel resonant circuits.

ii. A series RLC circuit consists of resistor of 100 , an inductor of 0.318H and a capacitor of unknown value.
When this circuit is energised by a 230V, 50Hz ac supply, the current was found to be 23A. Find the value
of capacitor and the total power consumed. (June 09)

18. Obtain the rms value, average value, form factor and peak factor for a voltage of symmetrical square shape
whose amplitude is 10V and time period is 40secs. (May 08)

19. i. Explain the phenomenon of “Acceptor resonance” in electrical circuits.

ii. Proceeding analytically, sketch the resonance curves for a series resonant circuit with variable frequency
and constant R, L and C.
iii. A series circuit comprising R, L and C is supplied at 220v, 50Hz. At resonance, the voltage across the
capacitor is 550v. The current at resonance is 1A. Determine the circuit parameters R, L and C.(May 07)

20. i. Bring out the differences between series and parallel resonance?

ii. A series RLC circuit consists of resistance R = 20 ohm, inductance, L=0.01H and capacitance, C = 0.04uF.
Calculate the frequency at resonance. If a 10 Volts of frequency equal to the frequency of resonance is
applied to this circuit, calculate the values of VC and VL across C and L respectively. Find the frequencies at
which these voltages VC and VL are maximum? (May 06)

21. Figure shows below a series parallel circuit. Find

a. admittance of each branch

b. admittance between points b and g.

c. impedance between points b and g.

d. total circuit impedance

e. total current and power factor

f. currents in each branch. (May 06)

22. A series RLC circuit with Q=250 is resonant at 1.5Hz, find the frequency at half power points and also
band width. (92)

23. An impedance coil having resistance 28.8 Ohm and inductance 0.024H is connected in series with a 0.008
micro farad capacitance. Calculate :

i. Q of the circuit

ii. Bandwidth

iii. Resonant frequency

iv. Half power frequencies (BU Mar 98)

24. A series RLC circuit with an input voltage of 5 00V resonates at a frequency of 8400 Hz. The peak value
of current is 500 mA at resonance and the band-width is 120 Hz. Determine the values of R, L, C and cut-
off frequencies. (BU Oct 98)
25 An R-L-C series circuit of 8 Ohms resistance should be designed to have a bandwidth of 50Hz. Determine
the values of L and C, so that the system resonates at 250 Hz. Also determine the half-power frequencies.
(BU Aug 1997)

26. For the network shown in the figure, determine the value of X C at which it resonates when f = 100 Hz.

(BU Aug 97)

27 An impedance coil having a resistance of 30 Ohms and a 50 Hz inductive reactance of 33.3 Ohm is
connected to a 125V, 60 Hz source. A series circuit consisting of a 20 Ohm resistor and a variable capacitor
is then connected in parallel with the coil.

i. For what value of capacitance will the circuit be in resonance ?

ii. Calculate the two values of the line current for the condition of resonance. (BU Feb 97)

28. A series resonant circuit has a resistance of 5 Ohms and quality factor 2. If the resonant frequency is 100
Hz, Calculate

i. Other two elements

ii. Pass band and half power frequencies. Find the value of reactive element to be connected across this circuit
so that unity p.f. current of 1.2A flows, when the combination is connected to a 50 Hz source. Calculate the
source voltage. (BU Aug 96)

29. For the network shown in the figure, determine the value of C at which it resonates when f = 100 Hz.

(BU Feb 96)

30. An inductance coil having a resistance of 20 Ohms and inductance of 0.02 H is connected in series with
0.02 F capacitor. Calculate

i. Q of the coil

ii. Resonant frequency and

iii. The half-power frequencies. (BU Jul 89, Feb 96)

31. For a series resonant circuit with constant voltage and variable frequency, obtain the frequency at which
voltage across the inductor is maximum. Calculate this maximum voltage when R = 50 Ohm,
L = 0.05 H, C = 20F and V = 100 Volts. (BU Aug 95)

32. A coil with R = 10 ohm and L = 0.2H is in series with a capacitor of 20F. Determine resonant frequency,
Q factor and bandwidth.

33. An R-L-C series circuit of 8 ohms resistance should be designed to have a band-width of 50 Hz. Determine
the values of L and C, so that the system resonates at 500 Hz. (BU Apr 91)

34. For the network shown in below Figure, find Zab and Io. (Dec 11)

35. Find current Io in the circuit shown in below Figure. (Dec 11)

36. i. Consider the circuit shown in below Figure. Determine the coupling coefficient. Calculate
the energy stored in the coupled inductors at time t = 1s if v = 60 cos(4t+30°)V.

ii. For the circuit shown in below Figure, calculate the input impedance and cu rrent I 1 .

Consider Z 1 =60 - j100, Z 2 =30+j40, and Z L = 80+j60

  
37. Define the coefficient of coupling and Calculate the power supplied to the 10 ohms
resistor in the ideal transformer circuit shown in the below Figure. (Dec 11)

38. i. Compare and contrast electric and magnetic circuit.

ii. Two coils having 500 and 1000 turns, respectively, are wound side by side on a closed
iron circuit of area of cross -section 100 cm 2 and mean length 800 cm. Calculate the
coefficients of self induction of th e two coils and the mutual induction between the two.
Neglect leakage. Take  r as 2000. If a current steadily grows from 0 to 1 A in 0.1 sec, in
the first coil, find emf induced in the other coil.

(May 11)

39. i. State and explain Faraday’s laws of elec tromagnetic induction.

ii. Self-inductance of two coupled coils are L 1 = 10×10 - 3 H and L 2 = 20×10 - 3 H. The
coefficient of coupling (K) being 0.75 in the air, find voltage in the second coil, and the
flux of first coil, provided the second coil has 500 turns and the circuit current is I 1 = 2
sin 314t A. (May 11)

40. i. Explain the importance of dot convention in coupled circuits.

ii. A mild steel ring has a mean circumference of 1000 mm and a uniform area of cross -
section of 600 mm 2 . Calculate the MMF required producing a flux of 500 nWb, assuming
permeability of mild steel as 1200. An air gap of 2 mm in length is now cut in the ring.
Determine the flux produced, if the MMF remains constant. (May 11)

41. i. Derive the relation between self inductance, mutual inductance and coefficient of

ii. A mild steel ring has a mean circumference of 600mm and a uniform cross -sectional area
of 350 mm 2 . Calculate the MMF required producing a flux of 600 Wb when an air gap of
1mm length is no w cut in ring. A lso determine the flux produced if MMF remains
constant. Given relative permeability of mild steel is 1200. (May 11)

42. i. Obtain the expression for co - efficient of coupling.

ii. A cast steel electromagnet has an air gap length of 3 mm and an iron pat h of length 40 cm.
Find the number of amphere turns necessary to produce a flux density of 0.7 Wb/m 2 in the
gap. Neglect the leakage and fringing. (Nov 10)
43. i. Define and explain self – inductance and mutual – inductance.

ii. Two coupled coils of L 1 = 0.8 H and L 2 = 0.2 H have a coupling coefficient k = 0.9. Find
the mutual inductance M.

iii. State and explain Faraday’s laws of electro magnetic induction. (Nov 10)

44. i. What is an electric circuit? What is a magnetic circuit? Make a comparison bet ween
electric circuit and magnetic circuit.

ii. Coil 1 of a pair of coupled coils has a continuous current of 5 A, and the corresponding
fluxes  1 1 and  1 2 are 0.2 and 0.4 mWb respectively. If the turns are N 1 =500 and N 2 =1500,
find L 1 ,L 2 , M and k.

(Nov 10)

45. i. State and explain Faraday’s laws of electro magnetic induction.

ii. An iron ring of mean circumference of 1 m is uniformly wound with 400 turns of wire.
When a current of 1.2 A is passed through the coil, a flux density of 1.15 Wb/m2 is
produced in the iron. Find the relative permeability of the iron under these circumstances.
(Nov 10)

46. An iron ring of cross sectional area 800 mm2 and of mean radius 170mm has two windings connected in
series, one of 500 turns and the other of 700 turns. If the relative permeability of iron is 1200 find,

i. The self inductance of each coil.

ii. The mutual inductance, assume that there is no leakage. Derive the formulae used. (June 09)

47. i. Derive an expression for the energy stored in an inductor and a capacitor. (June 09, May 08)

ii. Obtain an expression for Co-efficient of coupling.

48. Two long single layer solenoids have the same length and the same number of turns but are placed co-
axially one with in the other. The diameter of the inner coil is 8cm and that of the outer coil is 10cm.
Calculate the co-efficient of coupling. (June 09)

49. A non-magnetic ring having a mean diameter of 30cm and a cross-sectional area of 4cm2 is uniformly
wound with two coils A and B one over the other. A has 100 turns and B has 250 turns. Calculate the
mutual inductance between the coils. Also, calculate the emf induced in B when a current of 6A in A is
reversed in 0.02secs. Derive the formulae used. (June 09, May 08)

50. i. Write short notes on dot convention used in magnetically coupled coils. (June 09, May 06)

ii. In the network shown in figure, L1=1H, L2=2H, M=1.2H. Assuming the inductance coils to be ideal, find
the amount of energy stored after 0.1 see of the circuit connected to a d.c.source of 10V.

51. i. Derive the expression of equivalent inductance of two series connected coupled coils.(June 09, Sep 06)

ii. Two coupled coils have self-inductances L1=10mH and L2= 20mH. The coefficient of coupling is 0.75.
Find the voltage in the second coil and the flux of first coil provided the second coil has 500 turns and the
circuit current is given by i1 = 2 sin 314t Amperes.

iii. Write the voltage equation for the following figure showing coupled coil equivalent circuit.

52. i. Distinguish between statically induced e.m.f and dynamically induced e.m.f? (June 09)

ii. Derive the expressions for self inductance and mutual inductance interms of number of turns, flux and
current in a coupled circuit.

iii. A coil of 150 turns is linked with a flux of 0.01 wb when carrying a current of 10A, calculate the
inductance of the coil. If this current is uniformly reversed in 0.01 sec, calculate the induced e.m.f.

53. i. Explain the Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction?

ii. A cast steel ring has a circular cross section 3cm in diameter and a mean circumference of 80cm. The ring
is uniformly wound with 600 turns.

a. Estimate the current required to produce a flux of 0.5 mcob in the ring.

b. If a saw cut 2mm wide is made in the ring, find approximately the flux produced by the current found

c. Find the current value which will give the same flux as in (i). Assume the gap density to be the same as
in the iron and neglect fringing. (June 09, May 07)

54. The mean diameter of a steel ring is 40cm and flux density of 0.9 wb/m2 is produced by 3500 ampere turns
per metre. If the cross-section of the ring be 15 cm2 and the number of turns 440, calculate
i. The exciting current,

ii. The self inductance

iii. The exciting current and the inductance when an air gap of 2cm is cut in the ring, the flux density being the
same. Ignore leakage and fringing. (May 08)

55. The number of turns in a coil is 250. When a current of 2A flows in the coil, the flux in the coil is 0.3mwb.
When the current is reduced to zero in 2ms, the voltage induced in a coil lying in the vicinity of the coil is
63.75V. If the co-efficient of coupling between the coils is 0.75, find.

i. The self inductance of two coils.

ii. Mutual inductance.

iii. Number of turns in the second coil.

Derive the formulae used. (May 08)

56. i. Explain the following terms:- (Feb 08, May 06)

a. Magnetic circuit

b. Permeability

c. Magneto motive force

d. Reluctance.

ii. A cast steel structure is made of a rod of square section 2.5cm × 2.5cm as shown in figure. What is the
current that should be passed in a 500 turn coil on the left limb, so that a flux of 2.5mwb is made to pass in
the right limb. Assume permeability as 750 and neglect leakage.

57. i. Compare magnetic circuit with electric circuit in any six aspects. (Feb 08)

ii. Define

a. Magnetising force and

b. Flux density

iii. For the circuit shown in figure, find the input impedance. Assume load impedance to be Z L.

58. i. Explain the terms magnetic field strength, magnetic circuit, magnetic flux and magnetic flux density.
ii. What is coefficient of coupling? What is the range of variation of this quantity? In which type of circuits is
it minimum and in which type of circuits is it maximum?

iii. The combined inductance of two coils connected in series are 0.6H and 0.1H in series aiding and series
opposing connections. If the self inductance of each coil is 0.2H, find the coefficient of coupling?

(Feb 08)

59. i. What is magnetic coupling? What is its effect? How can you arrange two coils so that they donot have
magnetic coupling?

ii. Two coils having 30 and 600 turns are wound side by side on a closed iron circuit of 100 cm2 cross section
and mean length 150cm. Calculate

a. The self inductance of the two coils and mutual inductance if relative permeability of iron is 2000.
Assume no magnetic leakage.

b. Calculate from 0 to 10A steadily in 0.01sec.

iii. Define reluctance? Give its units. (May 07)

60. i. Solve for the currents I1 and I2 in the circuit shown in figure. Also, find the ratio of V 2/V1.

(May 07, Sep 06)

ii. What is magnetic circuit? Compare magnetic circuit with electric circuit in any four aspects.

61. i. Define the following:

a. Self inductance

b. Mutual Inductance

c. Static Induced e.m.f

d.. Dynamically induced e.m.f.

ii. Derive the relationship between the self, mutual inductances and coefficient of coupling.

iii. Two similar coils connected in series gave a total inductance of 600 mH and when one of the coil is
reversed, the total inductance is 300mH. Determine the mutual inductance between the coils and coefficient
of coupling? (May 07, 06)

62. i. Bring out an analogy between magnetic circuits and electric circuits.

ii. Define:
a. Permeability and

b. Magnetic flux.

iii. A ring shaped electromagnet has an air gap of 6mm and 20 cm2 in area, the mean length of the core being
50cm and its cross section is 10 cm2. Calculate the ampere-turns required to produce a flux density of 0.5
Wb/m2 in the gap. Assume the permeability of iron is 1800. (Sep 06)

63. i. Explain

a. Self inductance

b. Mutual Inductance.

ii. Two identical 1000 turns coils X and Y lie in parallel planes such that 60% of the magnetic flux produced
by one coil links the other. A current of 5A in X produces in it a flux of 0.05mwb. If the current in X
changes from +6A to –6A in 0.01sec what will be the magnitude of the e.m.f induced in Y? Also, Calculate
the self inductance of each coil and the mutual inductance?

iii. Define leakage factor and its effect in a magnetic circuit. (Sep 06)

64. i. Explain

a. Statically induced e.m.f and

b. Dynamically induced e.m.f

ii. Explain the terms

a. MMF

b. Reluctance. (May 06)

65. Two identical coils connected in series gave an inductance of 800mH,and when one of the coils is reversed
gave an inductance of 400mH.Determine self- inductance mutual inductance between the coils and the
coefficient of coupling. (May 06)

66. i. Explain the Dot Convention for mutually coupled coils.

ii. Derive the Expression for coefficient coupling between pair of magnetically coupled coils. (May 06)

67. i. Define magneto motive force, Magnetic flux, and Reluctance of a magnetic circuit. Specify the unit for the
above quantities, state the Relationship between the above quantities.

ii. Write down the Voltage equation for the following circuit, and determine the effective inductance.

(May 06)

68. Write the Loop Equations for the Coupled circuit shown in Figure. (May 06)

69. i. Obtain the Equivalent ‘T’ for magnetically Coupled circuit shown in Figure.

ii. A coil of 500 turns is wound uniformly over a wooden ring having a mean circumference of 50cms and a
cross sectional area of 500mm2. If the current through the coil is 3Amps, Calculate

a. The magnetic strength

b. The flux density and
c. The total flux. (May 06)

70. i. State the principle of constant flux linkages.

ii. Why is that current through an inductance does not change suddenly?

iii. Enumerate the features and uses of inductances. (May 06)

71. A current of 5A is reduced to 2A in 0.05 Sec in a coil of inductance 1.0 H calculate the mean value of the
EMF induced in the coil. (May 06)

72. i. Explain how to obtain the B-H curve of a magnetic material. What does that curve indicate?

ii. A steel magnetic circuit has an uniform cross sectional area of 6 cm2 and length 60cm. A coil of 300 turns
is wound uniformly over the magnetic circuit. When the current in the coil is 1A, the total flux is .01 mwb
and when the current is 5 amp, the flux is 0.6 mwb. Calculate the magnetic field strength and relative
permeability in each case. (May 06)

73. i. Define the terms

a. Magnetic flux

b. Magnetic flux density

c. Magneto motive force

d. Reluctance.

ii. The air gap in a magnetic circuits is 1.5 mm long and 2500 mm2 in cross sectional area. Calculate
a. the reluctance of the air gap

b. the m.m.f required to set up a flux of 800 ×10 -6 wb in the air gap. (May 06)

74. i. What do you understand by the terms “Hysteresis loss” and derive an expression for the same in a
magnetic material.

ii. Calculate the value of hysteresis loss in watts occurring a magnetic material, when the flux density is 1.2
tesla, and the frequency of variations is 40 and the volume of the material is 400 cm3. Take steinmetz.
Coefficient as 1.6. (May 06)

75. i. Derive an expression for the energy stored in a magnetic field

ii. Two coils with self inductance L1 and L2 Henrys are connected in series aiding, and the net inductance is
found to be 6 henrys and in series opposition (differential) the net inductance is found to be 2 henrys. If the
coefficient of coupling between the two coils is 0.5, Calculate the self and mutual inductances.

(May 06)

76. i. An iron ring of mean diameter 20cm and a cross sectional area of 10sqcm is wound uniformly with 1000
turns of wire. If a current of 0.5A is passed through the coil, calculate the flux density in the ring assuming
permeability of iron to be 800.

ii. Explain the need for dot convention in coupled coils. With a neat diagram explain how dots are placed on
coils on the same magnetic material. (May 06)

77. i. Explain Dot convention for magnetically coupled coils. Determine the dotted ends for the magnetically
coupled coils as shown in the Figure.

ii. The magnetic circuit shown in Figure4 is designed to carry a flux of 1 milliweber in the air gap. Find the
current in the coil of 600 turns wound on the central limb. Assume no leakage. Dimensions are given in
cms. Describe permealibity of the material is 350.

(May 06)

78. i. A cast steal iron core has a square cross section of side 3cm. Assuming the permeability of steel to be 800,
Find the m.m.f required to produce a flux 0.2 mwb in the right limb as shown in the Figure.

(May 06)

ii. Define self and mutual inductances. Establish the polarity of two mutually coupled coils on a single
magnetic core.

iii. Find the equivalent inductance of the following circuit.

79. i. Explain the concept of self and mutual inductances

ii. Find the input impedance Z of the network as shown in the Figure.

80. Explain about Dot convection. (May 04)

81. A voltage of 100V at a frequency of 106/2 Hz is applied to the primary of the coupled circuit shown
below. Calculate the total resistance and reactance referred to the primary. Determine the secondary and
primary currents

(May 04)

82. A magnetic circuit comprises three parts in series each of uniform cross section area they are

part (a) : a length of 100mm and C.S.A 50mm2

part (b): a length of 80mm and C .S.A 100mm2

part (c) : an air group length of 0.4mm and C.S.A 150mm2

a coil of 200 turns is woonded on part (b) and the flux density in the air gap is 0.2 tesla. Assuming that all
the flux passes through the given circuit, and that the relative permeability of the magnet material is 1200,
find the coil current to produce such a flux density? (May 03)

83. A torroid is made of steel rod of 2cm diameter. The mean radius of torroid is 20cm relative permeability of
steel is 2000. compute the current required to produce l mwb of flux and 1000 turns in the torroid.
(Jan 03)

84. Two coupled coils with respective self inductances L1 = 0.8H and L2= 0.2H have a coupling coefficient of
0.6 coil has 500 turns. If the current is coil is I1(t) = 10sin 100t, determine the voltage at coils and the
maximum flux setup by the coil. (May 02)

85. A rectangular cone has a cross sectional area of 20 cm2. It is made from two materials can steel 50 cm long
and sheet steel 30 cm long. It is defined to encate a flux of 2mwb in the cone. The relative permeability
for cast steel is 1000 and that of sheet steel is 4000. The coil has 200 tunes. Find mmf and current in the
(May 02)

86. An iron ring of mean length 50cm has an air gap of 1mm and a coil winding of 200 turns. If the
permeability of iron 400 when a current of 1.25A flows through the coil. Find the flux density? (95)

87. State Faraday’s law of induction. (GATE 94)

88. For mutually coupled circuit shown in figure below show that the secondary current and voltage E2 will
have its largest value if the following relationship looks true.
1/WC2 = W ((R2/R1) L1 + L2) = WL2

(IES 99)


1. Draw a suitable tree and dual network. Use general loop analysis to find i 0 in the circuit
shown in below Figure. (Dec 11)

2. With the help of suitable example explain about the concept of super -node. For the circuit
shown in below Figure. Find V o in the circuit using node analysis. (Dec 11)

3. With the help of suitable example explain about the concept of super -mesh. Solve for Io in
the circuit as shown in below Figure using mesh analysis. (Dec 11)

4. Draw a suitable tree and dual network for the Figure.8 shown below. Find V 0 in the circuit
shown below. (Dec 11)

5. i. Explain the follo wing terms with respect to graph theory

a. Node

b. tree

c. link

d. sub-graph

ii. Find the branch currents as shown in following figure by using the concept of tie -set

(May 11)

6. i. Illustrate the super mode analysis with an example.

ii. For the network shown in figure determine all branch currents and the voltage across the
6- resistor by loop current analysis.

(May 11)

7. i. Explain the super mesh Analysis with an example.

ii. For the resistive network as shown in below figure, write a cut set schedule and
equilibrium equations on voltage basis. Hence obtain value of bran ch voltage and branch

(May 11)

8. i. Describe the procedure to construct the dual of a network with an example.

ii. Find the current and voltages across the registers of the network sho wn in below figure.

(May 11)

9. For the below netwo rk, draw

i. Graph

ii. Tree

iii. Dual network

(Nov 10)

10. Obtain the node voltages for the follo wing network shown in figure.

(Nov 10)

11. For the below network draw the graph and write down the procedure to obtain cut set

(Nov 10)

12. For the above network draw the graph, Select a tree and write tie set schedule for selected
tree, solve circuit.

(Nov 10)

13. i. For the n/w shown in figure, draw the oriented graph, select a tree and obtain a tie-set matrix. Write down
the KVL equations from the tie-set matrix. (June 09)

ii. For the graph shown in figure, find the tie-set and cut-set matrices.

14. i. Write the matrix loop equation for the given network and determine the loop currents, as shown in figure
and find the current through each element in the network. (June 09)

ii. For the given graph shown in figure write the tie-set schedule and obtain the relation between branch
currents and link currents.

15. For the given network find the tie-set matrix loop currents as shown in Figure. Hence find the current
through each element in the network. (June 09)

16. i. What is complete incidence matrix? How is reduced incident matrix obtained from it? Explain with suitable

ii. Explain network analysis using network topology based on KVL and KCL. (June 09)

17. i. Define the following and explain by taking an example. (June 09)

a. Branch

b. Node

c. Path

d. Sub graph

e. Tree

f. Degree of a node.

ii. Draw the oriented graph of the network shown in figure and write the cutset matrix.

18. i. Explain the procedure for obtaining fundamental tie-set matrix of a given network.

ii. Draw the oriented graph of the network shown in figure and write the incidense matrix.

(June 09, Feb 08, May 07, Sep 06)

19. i. Obtain the cut - set matrix for the network, as shown in figure. (May 08)

ii. For the network shown in figure. Determine the power dissipated in 9ohms resistor using Mesh analysis

20. i. For the network shown in figure draw the oriented graph and frame the cut-set matrix. (May 08)

ii. Compute node voltages for the circuit as shown in figure.

21. i. Write the tie - set schedule for the network shown in figure (May 08)

ii. Using mesh analysis, determine the voltage V which gives a voltage of 50V across 10 ohms resistor shown
in figure

22. i. For the circuit shown in figure, draw the graph and tree.

(Feb 08)

ii. Using the mash analysis, find the magnitude of the current dependent source and the current through the 2
ohms resistor. As shown in figure.

23. i. Draw the graph of the network shown in figure. (Feb 08, Aug 06)

ii. In the figure shown in figure, find the current trough 5 ohms resistor using mesh analysis.

24. i. Draw the Dual of the network shown in figure

(Feb 08, May 07)

ii. Find the current through Z2 in the network shown in figure using mesh analysis.

25. i. Draw the oriented graph of the network shown in figure

ii. Obtain the fundamental loop and fundamental cut-set matrices for the graph shown in figure

(May 07)

26. i. For the circuit shown in figure, draw the graph and write down the tie set matrix.

ii. Draw the incidense matrix of the following graph. as shown figure

(Sep 06)

27. i. For the circuit shown in figure, draw the graph and indicate tree.

a. Branch

b. Node

c. Degree of a node

d. Links.

ii. Using Nodal method, find the current through 5W resistor, in the following circuit. (Sep, May 06)

28. i Define the following and explain by taking an example.

a. Node, Branch, Path b. Tree
c. Sub graph d. Loop

e. Links f. Directed graph.

g. Degree of a node.

ii Find the fundamental tie-set and cut-set matrix for the graph and for the tree shown below

(May 06)

29. Draw the oriented graph of the network shown and write the cut set matrix. (May 06)

30. i. Explain clearly what you understand by a cutest, and a Tieset. Write down the basicTieset schedule for the
network shown in figure by taking 10 resistor branches as Tree branches.

ii. For the network shown the figure, determine the ratio of I 2 / I1. (Jun 05)

31. i. For the circuit shown below the figure, find the currents & voltages in all the branches of the circuit. Use
Node Voltage method.

(Jun 05)

ii. Draw the dual of the network shown below the figure. Explain the procedure employed. (Jun 05)

iii. Obtain the expression for characteristic impedance of a symmetrical T- network. (Jun 05)

32. i. Define basic cutset, Basic loop, spanning tree with suitable examples.

ii. Explain what are the dual elements with suitable examples.

iii. Draw the dual of the following network shown fig.

(Jun 05)

33. i. For the given network graph shown below, write down the basic Tieset matrix, taking the tree consisting of
edges 2,4 and 5. Write down the KVL network equations from the matrix. (Jun 04)

ii. Find the voltage across the 5 resistance for the coupled network shown in figure.
(Jun 04)

34. i. In the network shown below find current I using nodal analysis.

ii. Obtain the basic Cutset matrix for the given oriented graph, taking. 1,2,3,4 as tree branches. (Jun 04)

Write down KCL network equations from the above matrix.

35. Find R1 & R2 using loop method

(Nov 03, 04)

36. i. What is duality? How to obtain dual of following network ?

ii. Construct incidence matrix for the graph shown below


37. Consider the Network shown in fig find the power delivered by 2V source by applying the method of nodal


38. Find V1 & V2 using nodal analysis



1. With suitable example explain Millman’s and Compensation theorems for DC exitations.
For the circuit in below Figure, use the superposition theorem to find i and power in all

(Dec 11)

2 With suitable example explain Tellegen’s theorem for DC networks. For the circuit shown
in below Figure, find the Norton’s equivalent circuit between terminals a and b.

(Dec 11)

3. State Millman’s and Compensation theorems for d.c excitations. Apply the superposition
principle to find v o in the circuit sho wn in below Figure. (Dec 11)

4. State Tellegen’s, Reciprocity theorems. For the circuit below Figure, find the Thevenin’s
equivalent between terminals a and b. (Dec 11)

5. Determine the load resistance to receive maximum power from the source, also find the
maximum power delivered to the load in the circuit shown in belo w figure.

(May 11)

6. i. State and explain superposition theorem.

ii. Find thevenin’s equivalent circuit for the circuit shown in belo w Figure.

(May 11)

7. Use Thevenin’s theorem to find the current through the 5 - resistor in figure.

(May 11)

8. Find the current in the 7 - resistor acro ss AB of the network shown in figure using
superposition theorem.

(May 11)

9. i. State and explain Tellegens theorem.

ii. When the load impedance R draws the maximum power? Find the maximum power
delivered to the load by using maximum power transfer t heorem for the given network.

(Nov 10)

10. i. State and explain reciprocity theorem.

ii. Using superposition theorem determine the current through 12  resistor (All resistances
are in ) as shown in figure.

(Nov 10)

11. i. State and explain Millman’s theorem.

ii. By using Thevenin’s theorem determine the current through 5  resistor (All resistances
are in ) as shown in figure.

(Nov 10)

12. i. State and explain Compensation theorem.

ii. By using Norton’s theorem determine the current thr ough 5 resistor (All resistances are
in ) as sho wn in figure.

(Nov 10)

13. i. Solve for current in 5 ohms resistor by principle of super position theorem shown in figure. (June 09)

ii. State and explain Millmann’s theorem.

14. i. Using Norton’s theorem, find the current through the load impedance ZL as shown in figure. (June 09)

ii. State and explain reciprocity theorem.

15. i. Determine the Thevenin’s equivalent across the terminals A and B as shown in figure.

(June 09)

ii. Verify reciprocity theorem for the voltage V and Current I in the network shown in figure.

16. i. State and Explain Norton’s theorem. (June 09)

ii. Find the current through load resistance RL and also find the voltage drop across load using Millman’s
theorem. as shown in figure

17. i. State and explain Thevenin’s theorem. (June 09)

ii. Estimate the power loss in the 8 resistor using Thevenin’s theorem. as shown in figure

18. i. State and explain the Millmann’s theorem.

ii. Find the current in the 6 resistor using Superposition theorem. as shown in figure

19. i. Find the value of RL so that maximum power is delivered to the load resistance RL as shown in figure, and
find the maximum power.

ii. State and explain Thevenin’s theorem. (May 08)

20. i. Obtain Norton’s equivalent across terminals A and B for network shown in figure.

ii. State and explain Maximum power transfer theorem. (May 08)

21. i. State and Explain Norton’s theorem.

ii. Find the current through load resistance RL and also find the voltage drop across load using Millman’s
theorem. as shown in figure. (Feb 08)

22. i. State and explain Reciprocity theorem.

ii. Find the current i in the circuit shown in figure using superposition theorem.

(May 07)

23. i. Explain the steps for solving a network problem using Thevenin’s theorem.

ii. Find the current I in the circuit shown in figure below,

(May 06)

24. Determine value of R for maximum power transfer?

(May 02)

25. i. State and explain maximum power transfer Theorem?

ii. Find maximum power received by 2L

(Sep 02)

26. Determine in current in 1 by superposition theorem ?

(Sep 02)
27. Calculate R for maximum power transfer


28. Find Thevenin’s equivalent circuit for the circuit


29. Use Millman’s theorem to find the current through the load and the current supplied by each source.

(BU Apr 98)

30. Find the components of VX caused by each source acting alone in the circuit shown. What is V x when all
the sources are active ?

(BU Apr 98)

31. For the circuit shown below find the current through the resistance. It connected between points a and b by
Thevenin’s theorem.

(GATE 95)

32. The network N, in Figures (a) and (b) is passive and contains only linear resistors. The branch currents in
figure (a) are as marked. Using these values and the principle of superposition and reciprocity, find I x in
Figure (b)

(GATE 94)

33. Prove that the load impedance which absorbs the maximum power from the source is the conjugate of the
impedance of the source. A loud speaker is connected across terminals A and B of the network shown in
figure what should be its impedance to obtain maximum dissipation in it. (IES 96)

34. By the iterated use of Thevenin’s Theorem, reduce the circuit shown below to a single emf acting in series
with a single resistor. Hence calculate the current in10 resistor XY.

(IES 95)

35. Determine the value of R shown in the Fig. such that the 6 ohm resistor consumes the maximum power.

(IES 02)

36. With suitable examples explain Tellegen’s, Superposition theorems for AC circuits. Find
the value of R L that will absorb the maximum average po wer (sho wn in Figure). Calculate
that power. (Dec 11)

37. With suitable example explain Reciprocity theorem for AC circuits. Find the Thevenin’s
equivalent circuit of the circuit shown in belo w Figure as seen from

i. terminals a-b

ii. terminals c-d

38. Obtain current I o inFigure shown below using Norton’s theorem. (Dec 11)

39. Using Thevenin’s theorem, find v o in the circuit shown in belo w Figure. (Dec 11)

40. Find the current through the capacitor and voltage across 4 - resistance of the AC
network shown in figure by using superposition theorem.

(May 11)

41. i. State and explain the maximum po wer transfer theorem.

ii. Determine the current I in the branch AB of circuit shown in figure by using Norton’s

(May 11)

42 i. State and explain compensation theorem.

ii. Using Millman’s theorem find the curre nt through RL in the circuit sho wn in figure.

(May 11)

43. For the network shown in figure, replace the circuit to the left of terminals ‘AB’ with a
Thevenin equivalent. The determine current in the (2 – j2)  impedance connected to the
equivalent cir cuit.

(May 11)

44. i. State and explain Milleman’s theorem for AC network by taking any one example.

ii. By using Norton’s theorem find the current flo wing through (5+j5) ohms impedance

(Nov 10)



1. i. Distinguish between ideal and practical sources and draw their characteristics.
ii. Calculate the value of ‘R’ in the circuit shown in below figure, if the power supplied by both the
sources is equal.

2. i. Explain Active elements in detail.

ii. A 25 ohms resistor is connected across a voltage source V (t) = 150 Sin t. Find the current I (t) and
the instantaneous power P(t) and also the average power. Draw the relevant waveforms. (Nov 10)

3. i. For the circuit shown below, find the current through 20ohms resistor? (May 07, 06)

ii. Obtain the expressions for star-delta equivalence of resistive network.

iii. Calculate the current in the 5 resistor using kirchoff ’s laws for the network shown in below figure.

4. Find the voltage to be applied across AB in order to drive a current of 10A into the circuit. Use Star-Delta

5. Find the equivalent resistance across terminal AB of the network shown in Fig. using Star-Delta
transformation. All values are in ohms.


1. i. Determine the input impedance of the circuit shown in below Figure at  = 50 rad/s. (Dec 11)

ii. Find I in the circuit shown in below Figure.

2. i. Derive the expression for power in a1-A.c circuits. ii.

In the circuit shown in figure Calculate.
a. The total impedance
b. The total current
c. Power factor
d. The total S,P and Q 269
e. The total admittance. Also, draw vector diagram

3. Find branch currents, total current and power supplied by the source. Draw the Phasor Diagram.

4. i. Determine the input impedance of the circuit shown in below Figure at  = 50 rad/s.

ii. Find I in the circuit shown in below Figure.


1. i. Explain the procedure to draw the locus diagram of R-L series circuit when L is varying.
ii. A series RLC circuit has to be designed so that it has a band width of 320 Hz and inductance of the
coil is 0.2H. It is has to resonate at 350Hz, determine the resistance of coil and capacitance of
condenser. If the applied voltage is 150V, determine the voltage across capacitor and coil.

2. i. Explain the procedure to draw the locus diagram of R-C series circuit when ‘C’ is varying.
ii. An impedance coil having R = 20 and a 50Hz inductive reactance of 22 is connected to 110V, 60Hz
source. A series circuit consisting of resistor, R = 10 and variable capacitor is then connected in
parallel with coil
a. For what value of ‘C’ will the circuit be in resonance?
b. Calculate two line currents at resonance

3 i. Compare series and parallel resonant circuits.

ii. A series RLC circuit consists of resistor of 100 , an inductor of 0.318H and a capacitor of
unknown value. When this circuit is energised by a 230V, 50Hz ac supply, the current was found to be
23A. Find the value of capacitor and the total power consumed

4 A series RLC circuit with Q=250 is resonant at 1.5Hz, find the frequency at half power points and also
band width

5. An impedance coil having resistance 28.8 Ohm and inductance 0.024H is connected in series with
0.008 micro farad capacitance. Calculate :
i. Q of the
ii. Bandwidth
iii. Resonant frequency
iv. Half power frequencies


1. Explain the following terms with respect to graph theory

a. Node b. tree c. link d. sub-graph

2. For the circuit shown in figure, draw the graph and indicate tree. a. Branch
b. Node
c. Degree of a node d. Links.

3. Explain clearly what you understand by a cutest, and a Tieset. Write down the basicTieset schedule for the
network shown in figure by taking 10 resistor branches as Tree branches.

4 For the given network graph shown below, write down the basic Tieset matrix, taking the tree consisting of
edges 2,4 and 5. Write down the KVL network equations from the matrix.

5 What is duality? How to obtain dual of following network ?


. 1. Use Thevenin’s theorem to find the current through the 5- resistor in figure

2. Solve for current in 5 ohms resistor by principle of super position theorem shown

3. i. Find the value of RL so that maximum power is delivered to the load resistance RL as shown in figure, and
find the maximum power.

ii. State and explain Thevenin’s theorem

4. Determine value of R for maximum power transfer?

5. i. Determine the Thevenin’s equivalent across the terminals A and B as shown in figure.

ii. Verify reciprocity theorem for the voltage V and Current I in the network shown in figure.


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