ES1 Course Description
ES1 Course Description
ES1 Course Description
: ELECTRICAL SCIENCE 1 (CIRCUIT THEORY AND ANALYSIS) : 3-1-0-2 : Core Course Monsoon Semester 2011
COURSE TOPICS INTRODUCTION Where circuits are located A top down approach from a system to circuit, Charge, Current, Voltage, Power, Source Voltage and current, Physical and mathematical representations.
ELECTRICAL LAWS Ohms Law, KCL, KVL, Loops and Nodes, Series and Parallel connections, Division rules Current and Voltage
CIRCUIT ANALYSIS Nodal analysis, Mesh analysis, super mesh and super node, principles of linearity, superposition, Source transformations, Thevenins and Norton theorems and circuits, maximum power transfer, delta-Wye conversion.
TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS Capacitor, Inductor and their Combinations, Principle of Duality, RL and RC Circuits Transient response (source free response), Introducing forcing functions Step, rectangular, Complete response Natural and Forced response, RLC circuit Natural response, cases of damping, complete response - forced and natural response.
SINUSOIDAL STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS Sinusoidal and Complex force functions and their characteristics, Forced response to sinusoidal functions.
FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS AND RESPONSE Phasor, Phasor diagrams, Impedance, Admittance, Circuit analysis techniques covered in chapter 3 in frequency domain, Resonance Parallel and series, Converting series to parallel resonance and vice versa, Scaling, Transfer function, poles and zeros, Bode plots.
TWO PORT NETWORKS Characterization of a four-terminal network based on its terminal voltages and currents, Two-port parameters Impedance and Admittance, Relation between Z and Y parameters. PREFERRED TEXT BOOKS 1. Engineering Circuit Analysis by Hayt, Kemmerly and Durbin, Tata McGraw-Hill, 6th ed. 2006. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Basic Electrical Engineering by A E Fitzgerald, McGraw-Hill Inc. 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by R K Jain and I R K Iyenger, Narosa Publishers 3. Electrical Technology by B L Theraja and A K Theraja, S Chand Publishers 4. Electric Circuits by M Nahvi and J A Edminister, McGraw-Hill Inc.
Course Policies 1. Class and Lab Assignments - 10% 2. Quiz and Tutorial assignments - 20% 3. Mid-term Exam - 30% 4. Final Exam 40%