3rd Sem Syllabus

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Sl Code No. Subject No. of Duration of Session Exam
No Hr/week Exam al Mark
Theory Pract Theory Pract Marks s
1. 2K11M301 Engineering Mathematics - ɪɪɪ 4 - 3 - 25 100
2. 2K11EE311 Electric Circuits & Analysis 4 - 3 - 25 100
3. 2K11EC301 Analog Electronic Circuits 4 - 3 - 25 100
4. 2K11EC302 Digital Fundamentals 4 - 3 - 25 100
5. 2K11EC303 Signals & Systems 4 - 3 - 25 100
6. 2K11EC304 Fields & Waves 4 - 3 - 25 100
7. 2K11EE312 Electrical & Electronics - 3 - 3 25 100
8. 2K11EC305 Analog Electronics Lab - 3 - 3 25 100
200 800
TOTAL 1000

Pattern (Theory Subjects):

FOUR questions from Part A & FOUR questions from Part B to be set.
Students should answer FIVE questions selecting at least TWO from each part.

Additional Subject: ಕನ್ನಡ (ನ್ಮ್ಮ ಭಾಷೆ)

Manjunath R


1. Partial Differential Equations (P.D.E):

Formulation of P.D.E, solution of non-homogenous P.D.E by direct integration, Method of separation of
variables. (First & second order equations) Solution of Lagrange’s linear PDE of type Pp+Qq=R,
solution of standard types of non-linear partial differential equations - Charpit Method.

2. Fourier Series:
Periodic functions, Fourier expansions, half range Fourier expansions, Complex form of Fourier
Series. Practical harmonic analysis.

3. Fourier Transforms:
Finite & Infinite Fourier transform, Fourier Sine & Cosine transforms, properties, Inverse transforms.

4. Z-Transforms Basic definition:

Standard Z-transforms, Linearity property, damping rule, shifting rule, initial value & final value
theorems. Inverse Z-transform. Application of Z-transforms to solve difference equations.


5. Statistics & Probability:

Curve fitting, Fitting of a straight line, Fitting of curves of the form y=ab x , Fitting of a parabola,
correlation, Regression, basic concepts of probability, Addition theorem, conditional probability,
multiplication theorem, Baye’s theorem.

6. Random variables:
Discrete & continuous random variables PDF-CDF, Binomial, Poisson, Exponential & normal

7. Joint Probability & Markov Chains:

Joint probability distributions, concept of joint probability, joint distributions, discrete &
continuous, independent random variables, problems on expectations & variance.
Markov Chains: Probability vector, stochastic matrices, Fixed vectors & regular stochastic matrices,
higher transition probabilities, stationary distributions & absorbing states.

8. Calculus of Variations:
Variation of a function & a functional, External of a function, variational problems, Euler’s equation,
standard variational problems, including Geodesics, Minimal surface of revolution, hanging chain,
brahistochrone problems.


1. B.S. Grewal: Higher engineering Mathematics, Kanna publishers.

2. Ejvin Kreyzig: Advance engineering Mathematics, John Wiely & Sons


1. Basic concepts:
Basic two terminal elements & energy concepts. Different types of energy sources & their
representations. Properties of linear networks(Superposition & Homogeneity),Mutual inductance, Dot
convection, Concept of loop & node, Linearity independent KVL & KCL equations, Methods of analysis
of DC & AC networks. Networks reduction using star & delta transformations. Analysis of coupled

2. Network Theorem:
Superposition Theorem, Reciprocity Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem & Norton’s theorem, Maximum
power transfer Theorem, Miller’s theorem.

3. Resonant circuits:
Series & Parallel resonance ,frequency response of series & parallel circuits, Q-factor, Bandwidth.


4. Laplace transformation & its application:

Definition & properties of Laplace transforms, Inverse Laplace transform, partial fraction expansion,
Initial & final value theorem, Shifting theorem. Convolution integral, Step, Ramp & Impulse functions.
Delayed functions, Laplace transform of Periodic & non-periodic signals.

5. Transient behavior & initial conditions in networks:

Behavior of circuit element under switching condition & their representation. Evaluation of initial & final
conditions in RL, RC & RLC circuits for AC & DC excitations.

6. One & two port Network:

Open circuits impedance parameters, short circuit admittance parameters, transmission parameters, H-
parameters, Calculation of these parameters for two port networks, Driving point impedance & transfer
functions, Pole –Zero concepts of the network function.

7. Network topology:
Graph of a network, Concept of a tree & Links, Incidence matrix, tie-set & cut –set schedules,
solutions of networks, principles of duality & network transformation.

1. M.E. Van Valkenburg : Network Analysis, New Delhi, Prentice Hall
2. Joseph Edminister : Electric circuits : Schaum’s series, Mc-Graw Hill
3. Someshwar C Gupta : Circuit Analysis, New Delhi, W.E.L.
4. David Cheng : Linear Circuit Analysis
5. Hayt & Kemmerly : Engineering Circuit Analysis Mc –Graw Hill 1993

1. Fundamentals of CRO:
Functional description of CRT, Focusing with electric & magnetic fields. Deflection mechanism &
Synchronization, Block diagram of CRO & description (Qualitative treatment only).

2. Diode & Diode circuits & linear wave shaping:

Derivation of equations for PN junction current, Diode Junction capacitance-Ideal & Practical diodes,
equivalent circuits of a diode.
Diode circuits: FW bridge rectifier with C & LC filters-Design calculations-Voltage Multiplier-Diode
clippers & clampers.
Special purpose diodes: breakdown in PN junctions-Zener, varactor, Tunnel, Schottkey & Photo diodes
& characteristics & applications.
RC,RL & RLC circuits response to step pulse & ramp pulse & ramp inputs.

3. BJT Biasing & AC models:

Ebers- Moll model- Transistor rating, basic CE amplifier –load line, operating point-stabilization of
operating point-biasing circuits & analysis. AC models: Small signal LF & HF- Hybrid models &

4. BJT Amplifiers:
a) Voltage amplifiers- CE amplifier analysis- Cascaded stage- Types of Coupling-frequency response –
effect of coupling , bypass & devices capacitance.
b) Emitter Follower- CC amplifier, Darlington & Bootstrap circuits & Analysis.
Power amplifier(BJT)- Classification of large signal amplifiers, concept of AC load Line Analysis with
respect to Efficiency, Linearity & harmonic distortions of class A, class B & Class AB push- pull
amplifier- Complementary symmetry circuits.

5. FET amplifiers:
FET biasing, low frequency equivalent circuit. Analysis of common source & common drain Amplifiers.
Construction & Characteristics of Enhancement & Depletion type of MOSFETs.

6. Feedback Amplifiers using BJT only:

Types of feedback- their advantages & disadvantages. Effect of feedback on frequency response &
impedance. Qualitative ananlysis of voltage-series, voltage-shunt, current-series & current shunt
feedback amplifiers.

7. Tuned Amplifiers:
Introduction, Analysis & design of single tuned amplifiers, double tuned & stagger tuned amplifiers.
Analysis of class-C tuned amplifier, Q factor, Frequency translators & mixers.

8. DC & Difference amplifiers:

DC amplifier, Analysis of emitter coupled differential amplifiers, Different modes of operation, FET
differential amplifiers.

1. Number System:
Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, BCD & Excess-3 Numbers & their conversions to other numbers,
gray code. Multiplication, Division: Restoring & Non-restoring methods-1’s, 2’s, 9’s & 10’s complements.
BCD, Excess-3 & hexadecimal & their Arithmetic operations. Other 4 bit codes, Hamming code. Error
detection and correction for n bits, ASCII, EBCDIC code, Self Complementary codes.

2. Logic Families:
History of logic families HTL, RTL, DTL, EFL, TTL, ECL, MOS. Parameters & characteristics of each
family. Definition of logic flexibility, Speed of operation, Availability of Complex functions, Power
dissipation, Noise generation, Noise immunity, cost, temperature, Multiemitter transistor. Fan in, Fan
out, Totem pole output circuits. Input & output currents, Noise margin TTL .Low, Medium & high speed
TTL, Low power Schottky, Advanced Low power Schottky, Advanced Schottky TTL, open collector,
tristate Logic, wire-AND logic. MOS-CMOS Logic, NMOS logic, open drain and high impedance outputs.
Specifiacations and Standards, CMOS hazards, NMOS ECL: input & output characteristics. OR/NOR
gate. IIL: integrated Injection Logic gates & its circuits interfacing CMOS & ECL gates. ANSI/ IEEE
representation & symbols.

3. Digital ICs:
SSI,MSI,LSI,VLSI,GSI,USI circuits & specifications, Boolean Algebra theorems, laws & their properties.
Logic gates. Simplification of Boolean functions in terms of SOP & POS expressions (Min Terms & Max
Terms) canonical SOP & POS forms. Karnaugh map, Yubular method/Quine McKluskey’s method,
VEM & MEV Techniques for SOP & POS up to six variables. Functional decomposition of Switching
function decomposition by expansion, test for decomposability, SYSTEMS Decomposition charts.

4. Combinational circuits:
Half adder, full adder, Half & full Subtractor, Parallel adder, Parallel substractor, Design of adder/
subtractor, Excess-3 adder/ subtractor, BCD adder/subtractor, Serial adder ,Look ahead carry adder &
its Design. Design using 74182. Digital Comparator P=Q, P<Q, P>Q for 5 bits.
MULTIPLEXER: 4×1,8×1, 16×1, 32×1, MUX tree & its design. Design of Arithmetic & other
combinational circuits using decoder/Demux & MUX.
Encoders: Diode matrix encoder, Priority encoder, Key board encoder.

5. Code converters:
Design of Gray to Binary & Binary to Gary, BCD to Excess 3 & vice-versa, Decimal to BCD, Decimal to
Hexadecimal & vice versa with seven segment display. LED & LCD Display. Study of 7483, 74138,
74148, 74139, 74151, 74153, 74154, 74157, 74181 IC chips.

1. Floyd : Digital fundamentals ,
2. Thomas A.D : digital integrated circuits
3. John .F .wakerly : digital systems principles and practice :PHI
4. Samuel lee : Digital & logic design .
5. Ronald Tocci : Digital Systems, PHI

1. Introduction to signals & systems:
Continuous time & discrete signals. Energy & power signals, Deterministic and random signals.
Periodic & aperiodic signals, even & odd signals, simple manipulations of signals, signals of
importance, the unit impulse ,the unit step, the ramp, the sinusoidal and the complex exponential
Continuous & Discrete time systems: System properties: Linearity, Shift invariance,
Causality, Stability & reliability.
The sampling theorem & its applications, spectra of sampled signals, reconstruction, aliasing & its

2. Time domain properties of Linear time invariant system (LTI system):

Discrete time LTI systems, the convolution sum, Continuous time LTI systems, The convolution
integral, properties of LTI system, Causality & stability, systems with finite & infinite duration impulse
response, LTI systems described by differential and difference equations, interconnection of LTI

3. Fourier Series Representation of periodic signals:

Response of LTI systems to complex exponentials. Fourier series representation of continuous time
periodic signals & their properties. Fourier series representation of discrete time periodic signals & their


4. Fourier Transform:
Definition of discrete time fourier transform(DTFT) & its properties. Definition of Inverse time Fourier
transform (ITDFT). Frequency response of discrete time systems & its interpretation.
Definition of Inverse time fourier transform(DFT) & its properties. Definition of inverse Discrete
Transform.Relation between DFT & DTFT.
DFT algorithm: Fast fourier transforms: decimation in time & decimation in frequency.

5. Z-transforms:
Definition of Z-transform, Region of convergence & its properties. Definitions of Inverse Z-transform &
computation of inverse Z-transform by long division method, Partial fraction expansion and by the
method of residues. Definition of system functions, Poles & Zeroes of systems & analysis &
characterization of LTI systems. Relation between system function & frequency response.

6. Realization of Discrete time systems:

Solving difference equations using Z-transform. Realization of discrete time systems using Direct
forms, cascade & parallel forms.

1. Oppenhiem , willsky and nawab : signals and systems: printice hall
2. Haykins etal : signals and systems continuous and discrete .Mac millan publishing co.
4. Asok ambardar analog and digital signal processing :international thomson publishing co.
5. B.P.lathi : linear systems and signals : Oxford university press

1. Electric & magnetic fields electrostatics:
Fundamental Relation of electrostatic field Coloumb’s law- Electric field intensity, Electrostatic potential
due to point Charge, Line charge, Surface charge & volume charge distribution. Work done in moving a
point charge in electric field,Relation between E & V.

2. Electric Flux & Gauss Law:

Electric Flux & Flux density, Gauss law & its application, Divergence theorem & Gauss divergence

3. Capacitance:
Current, Current density & Capacitance, Conduction & Convection Current Density, Polarization,
Relative permittivity, Energy stored in a capacitor, boundary conditions, Boundary between two
dielectrics, boundary between a dielectric & a conductor. Energy stored in an electrostatic field.

4. Poisson & Laplace’s equation:

Solution of problems of one dimension.

5. Magnetostatics:
Biot-Savart’s law- Magnetic flux, Ampere’s law & its application.

6. Scalar & vector magnetic potentials:

Faraday’s laws of Electro-magnetic induction- Motional emf in a conductor, Moving conductor in a time
varying field. Self inductance-Energy stored in a magnetic field & energy density in a magnetic field.

7. Maxwell’s Equations:
Modification of static field equations for time varying fields - continuity equation. Maxwell’s equations
in differential, integral & word statement forms, condition at a boundary surface using Maxwell’s


8. Wave propagation:
Electric & magnetic equation, Uniform plane wave, Relation between E & H for a uniform plane wave-
equation for uniform plane wave.

9. Uniform Plane wave in a

1.Conducting medium, 2.low-loss dielectric, 3.perfect dielectric, intrinsic impedance of Dielectric &
conducting medium. Derivation of propagation constant. Attenuation constant-Phase velocity &
wavelength. Polarization of plane waves, linear, elliptical & circular polarization. Reflection of plane
waves at the surface of conductors & dielectrics- Brewster’s angle.

10. Poynting Vector & Power Flow:

Poynting theorem & application, Instantaneous, average & complex pointing vector.

11. Guided waves:

Waves between parallel planes- TE, TM & TEM waves & their characteristics. Velocity of propagation
and wave impedances.

12. Waveguides:
Solution of wave equation for T.E & T.M waves in rectangular waveguide, cut-off frequency, cut-off
Wavelength, guide wavelength, field pattern for dominant mode (T.E,1,0), phase & group velocity, other
T.E & T.M modes. Wave Impedeance, Cylindrical waveguides ( qualitative treatment only), Application &
comparison with rectangular waveguides.

13. Cavity Resonators:

Rectangular & cylindrical cavity resonators, Conditions for resonance, Expression for frequency,


(For Diploma Students only)

Pattern: Differential Calculus [3 Questions], Integral Calculus [2 Questions], Differential

Equations [2 Questions], Complex Numbers [1 Question] will be set. FIVE Questions have to be

1) Differential Calculus:
UNIT-I : Nth derivative of standard functions, Leibnitz's theorem (with proof) -problems.
UNIT-II : Polar curves-angle between the radius vector and the tangent-pedal equations.
UNIT-III :Partial differentiation, Euler's theorem, Total differentiation, differentiation of composite and
implicit functions- Jacobians.

2) Integral Calculus:
UNIT-IV : Reduction formulae, Reduction formulae for ∫sin x dx, ∫cos x dx, and ∫sin x cos x dx, multiple
integrals, evaluation of double and triple integrals with constant & variable limits.
UNIT-V : Gamma & Beta functions, Differentiation under the integral sign (constant limit only).

3) Differential Equations:
UNIT-VI : Solutions of ordinary differential equations of first order & degree- separation of variables,
homogeneous equations reducible to homogeneous equations, linear equations, Bernoulli's equations,
exact equations, reducible exact equations.
UNIT-VII : Second and higher order linear differntial equations with constant co-effiecients,
complementary functions, particular integrals(standard types).

4) Complex numbers:
UNIT-VIII : Algebra of complex numbers, geometrical representation and polar form of complex
numbers, exponential form, De Moivre's theorem (statement only), Nth roots of a complex number.

1. E Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition- New Age International.
2. B.S.Grewal : Higher Engineering Mathematics, 39th edition- Khanna publications.

1. Verification of Kirchoff’s law, Superposition, Thevennin’s, Reciprocal, Maximum power

transform theorem for DC circuits only.
2. Two-way & Three-way control of a lamp.
3. Measurement of power & PF of a fluorescent lamp with and without capacitor.
4. V-I characteristics of semiconductor diode & Zener diode.
5. V-I characteristics of SCR & UJT, BJT relevant parameters.
6. Drain characteristics of JFET & determination of rd, gm & µ.
7. OC & Sc test on single phase transformer-Determination of efficiency & regulation.
8. NO load & load characteristics of DC shunt generator.
9. Load test on Induction motor.
10. Load test on DC shunt Motor.
11. Synchronization of alternator with bus bar.
12. Synchronous motor characteristics.


1. Design & testing of rectifier circuits with filters(only Full wave rectifier C filter)
2. Design & testing of RC Coupled amplifier, Transformer coupled, Emitter follower.
3. Design & testing of Power amplifier-class B complementary symmetry.
4. Design & testing of Darlington pair & Bootstrap emitter follower, differential & Direct coupled
5. Integrator & Differentiator circuits.
6. Clipping & Clamping circuits.
7. Transfer characteristics of TTL, CMOS & Schmitt trigger.
8. Sinking & sourcing Characteristics of TTL.
9. Simplification of Boolean expressions & realization using Universal Gates (max 4
10. Realization of MUXes & DE-MUXes using NAND gate.


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